[Solo Leveling: Arise] - (outdated) Most COMPREHENSIVE ARTIFACT guide for Jinwoo!

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what's going on ladies and gentlemen welcome back to another solo leveling arise video okay guys we got a special one for you this is something that has been requested almost on every live stream and I promise you guys I deliver so I apologize it took so long but I want to do this a little different I want to make this as extensive of a guide as I possibly can to give you guys the best possible information out there now we're going to be talking about the best artifacts and accessories for our boy Sun Jin wo okay so I will do a hunter one later on but I will also talk about hunters a little bit in this and how they benefit him as a player uh and yourself as obviously the person who controls that player so Sun Jin Wu and artifacts this is going to be extremely extensive so please guys Buckle in I'm going to talk about the best to the worst and why and I'm going to show you some gameplay for some of these as well to so you guys get a general understanding of how these work I'm going to probably cover the best ones in the game play but not really focus on the worst ones in the gameplay I'll just explain the worst ones so you guys understand logically how they function and what when they're going to be used and why they're going to be used okay so buckle in it's going to be a long one so bear with me so first yourself artifacts okay artifacts are gear gear and accessories those are the two main things you need to know so let's start off at the top of the artifact list and I'm going to explain this as as candidly as I can with as much information as possible so again I'll do my best to keep it as slow as possible I know I speak very quickly uh for the most part so first off the thing to note is I am a crit build unit okay or player so my crit build is going to be different than yours if you don't plan to be crit build some of these rankings May differ slightly but overall this is probably the meta in terms of damage and I and obviously I've proved that I think in the dragon fight and other things right where I've got first place by like 9 million or more so let's talk about how this works now if you look at my stats right I've got 95.6 9% Precision I can get to 100 easily by just equipping another weapon that's not a problem so Vulcan rage is just there I'll explain this shortly uh my crit is 4.99 remember the ceiling is 50% you want to aim for that so for example if I were just to replace this as an easy example here and I go back to my stats you're going to notice a pretty big difference 99% right there but you can see here the crit itself does not go up one thing I want to point out this is very very important okay guys your artifact passives do not get reflected in your stats okay so for example if you equip the crit toughness outfit right this one over here with the crit at 8% you will not see this reflected and I'll just show you guys real quick what I'm talking about let's just equip this for fun one there and let's change artifact here we put the crit one on here as well let's put that one on for example right so you guys can see here I've got 8% crit now as a bonus before we start the actual guide sorry I keep getting out there too fast um you guys can see here it is not reflected at all okay as a matter of fact my crit went down right so the passive is not reflected keep that in mind your passives are going to be something you add on top of your your ceiling so if you're a 50% crit cap for stats anything else that gets added from equipment uh artifacts Etc is just extra that you see from the back back end you won't see it on the front end of your actual statistics keep that in mind so all your passives will not be showing any of that so that's one thing I want to point out before we get on now let's talk about the best to the worst actual artifact so let's go back to what I was wearing earlier okay um this one here so sunen wo's my opinion best artifact in the game and this also applies to every Hunter is going to be this specific set okay and that is going to be the Destroyer set for me personally this works best okay the set the best set in terms of artifacts with this set specifically is the Beast necklace set called the expert set okay so what this set does the Destroyer set and I'll show you guys in game is you g you gain a 20% bonus to your power gauge acquisition Now power gauge acquisition if you don't know is your Ultimate Bar how fast you build it you build it 20% faster if you get the four piece set which is extremely critical that you do you start the battle with 50% power gauge increase already so you're at 50% right away and additionally every player in the party also gets 20% now if you give every single hunter in your team this set you will also benefit from this set on sun Jin Wu okay but that's only for battles I believe and I have to keep testing on this one but I believe it's only battles like the dragon battles where they're all in it not as support units but they're actually in the fight themselves you will gain those benefits so having your everybody wear this outfit is Bonkers now if you go with that outfit option okay or or if you go with that option for all your Hunters instead of using this for him what you want to do instead is you want to switch it to another artifact you want to actually switch it over to the one hit kill artifact okay which is right here why this is important of a switch is because now you're getting enough power acquisition from your from your Hunters instead you're increasing your ultimate skill damage by 25% because you're casting it that much more often and then secondly you're also decreasing the ultimate skill cool down by 40% which means it's up more often often as well so you don't have to wait for it to come up every single time and watch that countdown while it's full right it's 40% less boom you're in it so number one power acquisition for for sun Jin Wu okay and this is important guys remember because getting these these power acquisition Destroyer sets for everybody is going to take a long time they draw from cerus they draw from uh the the giant arachnid and those are not easy fights right so start with this as your main one now this is the advanced version this is the number one set in my opinion the second set that I would go for is going to be the uh the one hit kill set okay and again that's the caveat of the fact that you have all everyone else wear the the uh Destroyer set and give you power gug so those are one and two and again I'll show you some of these in gameplay okay number three set here and this is totally up to you on this one is going to be the crit set okay the tough the toughness set now this toughness set is really good because it gives you an extra 8% crit on top of the ceiling that you have at 50% if youve built that way and then if you get the four piece at which is a is a must by the way don't don't skimp on this you get an extra a 32% crit damage bonus now if I go back here okay uh let's just unequip all of this uh let's unequip unequip unequip unselect all uh 61k that's too much let's you know what okay you know we we'll do that let's un let's un uh no no you know what forget it let me just unequip this out one at a time so if I change artifacts here right this 32% extra crit bonus uh let's just put in this just for fun again again I'm spending gold on your behalf guys so I hope you appreciate this uh here we go and then so now if you look here for a second if I go if I check his stats out right so if I go back to skills or Basics sorry and I check his stats his crit damage is 89% right if I go back to artifacts again uh change artifact here and put in the rest of these gloves so yes confirm uh change artifact confirm if you're building a crit uh sunin Wu this set is incredible okay so this is probably the third best set for him now if I go back to basics and I check see not here the stats you guys can see here I'm a 97.93% okay now the reason why that went up I believe this had crit crit damage there you go that's the only reason why that went up a few of these things had crit hit damage on it only only the one actually right there so that was enough to drive that up but you guys can see here that 32% is not reflective again that's why I'm trying to show you this is not reflective in the stats if it was 32% reflective in the stats you would have seen 86% plus 32% right so consider 97% plus an extra 32% on top of that 39% with an additional 8% on top of that so this set here is you're going to be your number three set especially if you build him crit set okay very very important to note that now the next one the fourth best set for him is going to be pretty straightforward guys this one is an easy one it's going to be the attack set so that's going to be uh this set over here there we go the arm set okay this increases your user attack by 5% again not shown in the stats and when you get to the four piece set which again is extremely important you ignore defense by 15% which is huge and you also gain an extra 15% of attack as well too so gaining a 20% attack bonus on top of that this is this is going to be set number four that you want to use okay so that's going to cover that one there um the fifth set here at this point you're kind of going through scraps now okay and but I'm still going to cover it because I think it's important and we're going to jump to accessories next the fifth set here is very very very and this is extremely important to note um kind of dependent on your weapon attack speed and that's going to be the dra dragon Knight's helmet here it increases the basic attack damage by 18% so if you're using a fast weapon this can actually dish out quite a bit of damage and then it also increases core attack damage by 18% and when when the attack hits it charges the core Gauge by 60 okay these are all things that are very important to note um but this is actually meant for units like dongu instead not for sunanin Wu so this is I would still say this is probably the fifth best set for him uh with the Cav that you have a very fast weapon okay so that keep that in mind the break set I'd say is number six could also be number five really depending on how you want to build him uh but this is also really really built I'd say more for your Hunters okay so this is number six so when damage dealt to enemies in break State increases by 15% so whenever someone's broken you do more damage which is great obviously when attacking weakness attribute you increase the break effect by 30% so this can actually break bosses very very quickly so great for things like the spider boss when he's trying to run way uh Etc so these are very situational but also very good but these are more meant for your Hunters who are more tanks and have the break abilities to make them break a little bit uh harder and also make them hit a little harder during the break State itself okay so this will be number six number seven and I think this pretty much oh no this actually doesn't cover it number seven is going to be believe it or not the palace guard helmet so the shield effect increased by 30% now this is going to be very useful when you have any weapon that provides you a shield okay whether it's a demon long sword rage it doesn't matter whatever provides you with Shield you're going to increase that Shield by 30% this is a survivability uh method okay but also remember the four pie set does give you something when a team member including the player activates a shield it increases damage dealt by 10% for 10 seconds so if you constantly have two shielded weapons up so the long sword and vulcan's rage prime example of two weapons you can have this pretty much up at all times so 10% increase flat damage for 10 seconds at all times okay because the cool down of each one of those is about 15 seconds to Caster spell to get yourself a shield this will pretty much stay up at all times but again it's a very good survivability one you really need good stats and substats to make this worthwhile and it is extremely extremely Niche for only Shield weapons anything without Shield weapons is useless so if you have some Hunters that can cast shield on you then you're good because you'll take advantage of it but it won't be as consistent okay so keep that in mind now I believe there's only one set left if I make sure I've covered all the sets the last set here is going to be the HP set which is the worst set by far for S jinu uh and it's going to provide the following it gives him an HP increase of 8% and the 4p set actually reduces his attack by 8% but increases the team members attack by 8% that's never going to fly never going to fly so this is a set you definitely do not want to use on him whatsoever okay so with that being said let's take some of this into let's talk about accessories real quick and then I'm going to take take it into the gameplay mode and we're going to actually check out the my favorite set personally and I'll show you guys why I love it so much okay I'll do maybe the one set only and then we'll we'll try that out the one hit kill set I've done it in a couple videos uh but when I fully build my entire Hunter team uh with the power set I will then go back and show you guys a Showcase of the one hit kill set okay so in terms of accessories this one's very important for Sanju okay if you build him with crit then the Beast necklace set or the Beast set called the expert set is the only set you want to go with it's the best one out there and the reason why is the two-piece when Landing a critical hit which will happen very often has a 25% chance to increase your attack by 0.8 and this Stacks up to 1 100 times guys yeah the cool down is only 1 second so you're going to keep stacking it non-stop if you get the four piece set what happens instead is that 25% becomes 50% in activ activation of this buff and the actual attack goes up by double so 1.6% up to 100 times so you can do an infinite amount of damage guys with this set so make sure if you plan to build crit this is the only set you want to go for now the other set that's actually pretty worthwhile is going to be the skeleton NE set called the Berserker set this one here is when the user has 50% HP or less you increase your damage permanently by 15% okay now the four P pie side is even better if your HP condition has changed to 70% so now instead of 50% you need 70% or less the damage delal increases effect by 30% so you do 30% flat damage all across the board so this is the better set for faster fights right you take a little bit of damage you come back and you do Insane amounts of damage right away versus building up with the with the with the expert set so the Berserker set these are one in one I would say two of the best sets for him hands down but they're both situational so the permanent one is expert this is the better of the two the Berserker one is for quick fights that you need to end and fast right so depending on the fight you go with these are the two best accessories you want to absolutely choose now let's go for the next one um it's going to be the Behemoth necklace or the Executioner set so when attacking enemies with 40% or less HP you increase your damage dealt by 8% HP conditions to 70% you increase your damage by 20 so this is a very good one so if you're good at surviving and taking a lot of hits or not taking a lot of hits if you're good at dodging and you don't really lose much health this is your better option to go with yes the damage is lower by 20% but your survivability increases right so if you're one of those really good players at dodging health is not an issue for you you can maintain 80% or above you know Etc then this here is the set you want to go with instead if you're not building a crit build set so this is set number three that's going to work well now the one after that is champion on the field increases attack by 5% for 4 seconds when you land a critical hit okay now this is the problem with this one is it's only one time but if you get the four piece set the attack increase effect Stacks maximum to four instances so you can get 20% attack increase by Landing this crit okay this can actually build much faster than the be set for crit so if you're doing again another fast fight and you're looking for more critical hit then this is going to help but remember it's critical hit not critical hit damage okay so this is just going to help you increase your critical hit opportunities but it doesn't actually increase the critical hit damage themselves so you're going to need to look for that in the stats up there so this is number four uh number five we're going to look at this one over here The varid Descent necklace which is concentration of Firepower increases skill MP consumption rate by 20% but you increase all your damage dealt by 5% and decrease the basic skill cooldowns by 5% remember basic skill cooldowns those are the skills you equip on sun Jen Wu not your ultimate not your qtes those not get touched it's just the basic skills so this four piece set though was actually really good increases damage increased to 18% right and cool down reduction effect to 18% so instead of 5% you get a massive 13% boost on both of those so this four piece set is actually not bad to have if you are using more skills than anything else so that right there would be number five I believe I think that's number five uh and then number six is going to be six is going to be the the aquam Marine for sun jimu it's kind of useless for him uh because this is when you tag in and out he really doesn't tag in and out so it becomes uses this is more for your Hunters to help you boost your attack now I believe that covers all the sets guys I'm pretty sure I covered everything now the place to get all of these sets of course is going to be in your instances right there for the for the artifacts and The Encore for your for your gear so if you look here these are all the gears right there we tal we talked about toughness talked about Guardian talked about noble noble sacrifice one hit kill armed uh solid foundation and where is the last one and Destroyer okay we've talked all about these sets so I think we've covered every set in the game for you guys so just a quick summary breakdown so number one set and I will show you guys the gameplay real quick okay uh number one set for him Sun jinu is going to be the Destroyer set so let's go back here put it back on Destroyer set here number two set is going to be the one hit kill set number three depending on your build is going to be uh either just one hit kill or the toughness set which is your crit Set uh number four is going to be the arm set which is your attack set number five is going to be your Shield set number six oh sorry your Brak set number six is going to be your Shield set number seven is going to be the noble sacrifice set okay those are your overall um top sorry I got to increase this I don't know why this is so low uh those are overall your top gears and uh for S Jin Wu now in regards to sorry guys one sec let me just find my stuff here there we go this is the HP one hold on this is not it where's the other one sorry guys one sec let me just find my find my gear before I lose it and don't come back to it by accident uh no that's not it why do I have this on anyways accessories so accessories is going to be Beast um let's go through it again so Beast for sure number one number two skeleton number or or number number three number two will be executioner depending on which one you want to go with then number three is going to be uh so number four I guess in this case is going to be the uh we said no X is fine where is that uh oh here we go concentrate uh champion on the field number five will be the the concentration of Firepower and then number six of course will be your outstanding connection which you don't ever want to use all right guys so there you guys have it let's now jump into the gameplay mode and try this out I'm going to switch this for some reason I don't have a did I unequip it and put it on the wrong unit I don't understand where this where this legs of mine went let me just see do I do I not have it on or did I just never have the proper one in the first place I might have never had it okay I might have had HP looking for the proper set form him so you know what we got a new one so let's uh let's go Ahad and put defense penetration in here and uh throw in some some love to it and hope we get something good here um I'll skip this part here guys I'll level it up and then I'm going to jump in and I'll show you guys gameplay I'll be right back all right guys we're back at it again so we're going to do tier seven over here of igis for the accessories and we're going to see if we can get ourselves a couple legendary so we're going to jump in here and I'm going to go ahead and equip my weapons I'm going to use the plume Sword and the Scythe now I've got the Destroyer set on just so you guys are aware of what I'm wearing uh skill-wise we're going to just swap it up a little bit here and make it a little different we're going to go ahead actually I think you know what we have everything we need on here that's proper got death dance on and I think we have this on as well too perfect actually we're we're actually set for this fight actually no we're not I lied I lied we got to we got to switch this up uh here we go uh perfect there we go equip that and now we're golden uh and we're going to go ahead and keep on the attack blessing Stone so we can increase our attack so you guys can see I'm sitting at 179k uh there's our units we're going to switch those guys up as well too because we're going to want our dark units in here just to do a little bit more damage so let's go ahead and equip you know what actually let's go ahead and put in we'll put in uh Bak here just for a little bit more of a break part okay so again 175k uh let's jump in I'm going to show you guys how the set works so the first thing to notice about The Destroyer set is the fact and artifacts you can notice that as well is the fact that you can see see down there I'm already starting a 50% ultimate power right if you look at The Ultimate Bar down there you can see that already happening now the beauty of this of course is the fact that I will be able to cast My ultimate a lot quicker and that will cause a ton of damage on our boy uh when it's ready to pop off here okay so here let's just go ahead and show you guys how this works I'm not going to take too much damage in this fight look at that break so fast um and then we're going to go ahead and just kick his ass now look how fast My ultimate just built up right we're already almost there at that point where you want to dodge this go in with a hit you guys can see I have no Shadows even just cuz I'm all out cuz I'm a scrub um you want to dodge this as well and then go ahead and cast your ultimate right look at this he's up in the air boom ultimate already like what 30 seconds into the fight if that look how much health he's already lost now this is how this is going to work every pretty much every single time you do this um so here we go you guys can see he's going to do his attacks here yeah we're going to get hit by that I knew that was going to happen Okay we're going to try to break him again okay he's almost already broken so let's see if we can there's a break right there that we're talking about now go in and do some some damage with your scythe and again look how fast we're building our ultimate right it's already coming back super super fast and how much health he's already lost from this whole this whole ordeal there we go Dodge that come in here attack make sure you avoid this you could probably have dodged that perfectly but whatever it is what it is sometimes we we don't Dodge perfectly it's okay it's okay to it's okay to be human that's going to hurt and so you guys can kind of see how fast this is all happening right everything's just going down super super fast healthwise for him uh and we've almost almost got our ultimate up already so couple more hits and we're going to be ready for that again so we're I might actually die I might actually die I usually don't die in this fight well there you guys go anyways I want to that was a really bad example uh I usually don't die in this fight whatsoever um but I want to show you how this how that work you guys saw how fast I got my ultimate I could have casted my ultimate twice there uh versus only casting it once if you have a different set plus the damage is pretty insane as it is with the proper stats so destroy your set guys when you guys are ready for it is going to be my opinion your best Set uh so don't sleep on it it's going to it's going to make your gameplay so much faster and easier to go through guys and I'm telling you like bosses melt melt with that much damage when you guys do it properly right I wish I had my Shadows that would have actually ended this fight so much faster uh anyways this is pain guys I'm going to go ahead and finish this up this time and not lose like a scrub like I did last time and uh we'll move on from there all right guys enjoy the rest of your uh Holidays happy Easter I will see you guys in the next video um enjoy have fun with your families and remember uh keep watching I'll see you guys later take care yes guys I did finish it this time I just wanted to show show you what I ended up getting okay that was the second fight that I just ended ended with but uh there you guys go and we got some accessories look at that check it out check it out so there we go we got couple legendaries there so that build is insanely powerful so make sure guys you take a look at it play around with it substats matter stats matter those are the most important things to look at as well too uh and remember this all these things can also apply to Hunters and I will do a hunter artifact set after the fact all right guys take care I'll see you guys later have a good one
Channel: Payneblade
Views: 71,407
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: solo leveling, solo leveling anime, solo leveling arise, solo leveling arise release date, solo leveling trailer, solo leveling arise global, solo leveling arise gameplay, solo leveling game, solo leveling gameplay, solo leveling mobile game, solo leveling arise update, solo leveling arise release, solo leveling game trailer, solo leveling reaction, solo leveling amv, solo leveling arise game, solo leveling manhwa, solo leveling arise global release, solo leveling manga
Id: FQ987FBkmyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 43sec (1363 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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