Solidworks tutorial Design Boiler

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welcome back to CAD CAM tutorial today we are going to sketch this beautiful boiler boiler tank so let's see how to sketch in solid work this boiler tank so let's select let's start choose right plain sketch draw a center line horizontal center line exit draw a vertical line and choose create two lines and no assigned dimension 750 mm both side and from this way 500mm now select here Phillips again choose ellipse just below from this up to here the same as here next side now assign the mid gap 500mm okay now select the center point and this point wait same line vertical position here also assigned relation now you can assign this distance also half to 50 or 500 it's almost same choose from entities select these outer circles we want to keep this side only okay select remodel boss/base choose yes select this as axis select in feature and keep thickness 9.5 mm select okay inside Jews okay now see the boiler tank is ready almost now select up plane choose plane and we want to create one plane on top so just select here 600 mm okay now select this top plane is sketch normal and draw one circle here Hiep diameter under dama again choose one circle keep diameter 80mm now exit from the sketch now choose this outer line click extruded boss make a reverse side choose up up to next select okay No select a sketch to select here so now this time select this one only inside circle select extruded cut and we want to cut through all in up to inside okay now this is the hole in inside the boiler now you can hide this is okay now had the plane choose front plane plane and we want to create one more plane here and we will select 350 this almost 350 select okay now select this plane a sketch normal draw a one circle from origin point and keep the diameter little bigger than this 1010 mm okay select this line construction geometry choose a line drop draw from here to porridge in point and out exit select this line construction geometry this line also consumption geometry now assign angle between these two 22.5 the same as here 20 2.5 mm okay to stream entity and delete outer line now select extruded boss we want 200mm and thickness make see it is outside we want make inside rivers so it is reversed thickness keep 10mm select okay now the strip is ready this is the strip for base now we will make again choose front plane create one more plane plane and this time choose 385 mm okay now previous plane height now the threat this is the required plane a sketch normal now we will sketch one geometry here MZ though centerline select the centerline vertical this line also vertical so just make mirror this line clear mirror about this line choose okay now assign length 300mm distance from here to here 400m now select a line and connect one end to another end exit now we will do one thing just select this line choose convert entities select women titties delete cut outside way okay now we want to extrude it selected student boss choose 9.5 1 mmm okay this is what we required select okay No now we will create one more plane here to create this one more support so just click front plane plane choose your front plane and this time select the distance 515 mm okay now hide this previous plane select this plane a sketch normal now we will select this inside select this surface and directly click convert entities now it is converted select extruded boss make reverse direction 9.1 mm see it is reverse direction select okay now hide this plane now we will create one more plane right plane plane now this time we will create another pane select 300 mm select ok now select this plane a sketch normal and we will create one geometry here select corner rectangle and draw a rectangle from inside and coincide with this line and assign the length 200 mm select okay choose extruded boss and we want to make thickness inside so choose 9.1 mm inside select okay now see the valves are created now the again choose right plane plane and this time choose reverse direction okay now choose this plane sketch hide no exit we want this plane so first hide this plane plane number six sketch normal now again the same select corner rectangle and draw a rectangle and make sure the dimension 200 is already 200 okay select extruded boss make sure it should be inside 9.1 mm select okay now see this is created our base hide this plane so now the first side of our base is almost ready our boiler is ready now we will assign one more plane so just select top plane plane and assign reverse direction keep 610 mm it is parallel with this bottom surface select okay choose this plane the sketch select normal okay now select corner rectangle and draw one geometry here now assign the length and everything 830 mm 160mm and distance from origin point 500 30mm and distance from bang 85mm choose okay select extruded boss select merge result inside okay now hide this plane now we will make the reap now we will just try to mirror these all parts so just select front plane choose mirror now select this all part one by one these two on this vertical support this inside strip and this bottom part backside also remaining one now select okay now see it is better so this is our vessel ready I hope you enjoyed this tutorial this is the boiler boiler tank we will assign some metal color so it looks beautiful it is steel color it is Chrome just go to steal and find some okay we will assign this stainless steel color the shiny shiny color is a very shiny tank is not like that so let assign matt finish I hope you enjoyed tutorial thanks for watching
Views: 111,006
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Solidworks, tutorial, Design, Boiler
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 55sec (955 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 30 2016
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