Solidworks tutorial | Sketch Heat Exchanger in Solidworks

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welcome back to camp tutorial today we will sketch heat exchanger see we will exchange heat heat exchanger in SolidWorks we will sketch each and every part shell tubes then head cover then she'll cover then bottom and flag everything we will sketch and assemble in SolidWorks so let us see how to do in SolidWorks let's go you let's make the first part of heat exchanger shell shell tube so select front plane is sketch and here we will draw a two circles as origin point as a center point okay and let's make the dimension keep outer diameter for 4260 point zero seven mm and inside 4211 point 157 mm that's it okay and let extrude it and extrude up to twelve thousand one hundred mm that's it okay choose perspective select top plane choose plane we want to create a plane here select three thousand mm see select okay now select this plane sketch normal and we want to create some hole here not exactly hole we want to exit some body let us assign T dimension 600 9.6 mm and keep the distance 3000 mm and this circle also cancel it 3000 mm the gap okay select this circle circle and this circle and make relation equal okay now select the origin point and both the center point whole center point and make relation vertical select ok and select extruded boss select here up to surface and select this shell as a surface see here choose okay now select this top phase sketch normal and draw a circle here just find out the origin point or center point the same as draw a circle here also and keep the diameter 574 0.8 mm okay now select this inside circle and select the second circle also and make relation equal now both equal now select extruded cut now here we want to create a hole not through all we want to just penetrate this shell so keep 800 mm it is all so far thousand mm see here just outside inside the shell okay that said now we want to do some modification in this plane this direction is too high so we want to reduce it 2830 point zero two three five now it is reduced okay now it is reduced now select this phase sketch select circle and draw one bigger circle then outer circle select this outer circle and click convert entities and now keep the outside diameter forty five hundred twenty four point zero two four two seven oh sorry zero four seven okay now select extruded boss and see here select reverse direction and keep only inside 73 mm not more than okay now select this face sketch normal first draw a circle and select here for construction okay now select a one more circle and here in Centrepointe draw a circle now assign the diameter 44 mm this is the hole for bolting and keep the bigger diameter two thousand one hundred ninety six point zero two three five into two times okay okay now select the center point and click here circular pattern now select this circle and here we want to create 30 number of holes see the total 30 number of holes we want keep 360-degree equally spacing okay now let us extrude cut choose up to next see the holes going to create okay now the same things we have to do select this face sketch and select the previous sketch ah not previous this is sketch and select convert entities now see the things are converted now select extruded boss keep 73 mm inside okay now select this face sketch and again we will take the help from previous step select stress sketch 5 for this hole click here convert entities now you can see it is converted here now select extruded cut and select here up to next okay now see the holes created so this is the or shell one is Inlet and outlet water inlet and outlet in during assembly we will fix the flanges here just hide this plane and let us assign material polished steel chrome also there is one option it is very we will keep a satin finish stainless steel this is better okay let us keep the real look now save as go to desktop create a folder heat exchanger now open this and save this one as a part one shell save now let us go for the next part tubing inside the there are we are using the heat exchanger tube so let us make the heat exchanger tubes you now we will sketch second part heat exchanger tubes select front plane sketch draw one circle and keep the diameter 4200 11.15 7mm now select centerline connect with origin and another end exit now select is circle and draw one circle here and keep the diameter 168 point 3mm select okay now choose linear pattern select this circle you keep distance 190 or little more 200 we will make little more gap 240 mm and increase the number of holes make 250 and make eight numbers because the last one going out of the body and in y direction also make 250 mm we cannot go for nine it should be eight and at the ends choose instances to skip whatever holes going out just select it because we don't want these holes this circle also going out and this is now that's it okay now select these all circles mirror okay now again choose this all circles and select mirror entities choose mirror entity select this all circle there are about this line okay now see the hope all are converted here now let us extrude it and select thickness 48.8 91 mm now see the plates created the holes created for tubes now we will create six number of planes so let's start choose front plane plane keep length 200 mm flip direction okay now select plane one plane again flip side mm mm okay now the same select plane - and choose plane flip direction keep mm and make two three four five six number of actual we want six number so select here for now for plane in mm direction okay now that's it's explained created now we will we want to just mirror this to every plane and we will make it now we will first make it baffles the partition in shell or tubing so select first plane is sketch now select our previous sketch and here select convert entities now is going to convert now see is converted now choose line select normal now select this point to this line exit now select this line and click horizontal ok now choose trim entities delete all this circles or choose powertrim you can see see here the bottom phase released select okay now select extruded boss and same width forty eight point eight nine okay now see the body created now select plain to a sketch now select previous sketch convert entities now select this all geometry you choose normal and do one thing just select all and here one option move entities drop down this menu and select rotate entities now all are selected select the point select origin point as a Center Point C and here select degree 180 now it is rotate okay see it is rotate now choose extruded boss now keep the 48.8 9mm merge okay okay now it is easy for us to make select plane three is sketch and for plane three we want to kanessa convert plane one plane one sketch convert entities it is converted extruded boss and the same 48.8 9mm okay now choose plane for a sketch now for plane for we need this downward fables convert entities now it is converted here also extruded boss and extrude up to the same 48.8 9mm 891 okay now the select v one sketch 4/5 one select this first sketch to convert entities now it is converted select extra red boss and keep the thickness forty eight point eight nine one mmm see here okay and the last one select this is plane six sketch and select sketch one convert entities it will take time see it is converted the full circle extruded boss the thickness same 48.8 91 mm okay that's it now hide all the planes just select all six planes right click and here select hide now this tubing tube heat exchanger tubes partition created this all are the partitions now we will create tubes it will take it is time taking process actually now heat exchanger tube partitions are created in last body we want to do some edit feature we want to edit something the extrude thickness should be reversed direction so just select reverse see here outside okay now select this inside face sketch select this sketch one select here I think no need or select show now select some holes we want to convert it so press be carefully select we want to select only quarter circle not full because it is too much we will just do two or three times with the help of mirror command so select only quarter circle and convert it select convert entities now few more circles are balanced now select convert entities now the quarter circle selected convert entities now let us extrude it and extrude up to surface and select this inside as a surface and here choose twin feature thickness we want to keep 5mm inside so key previous Direction okay take patient because this is a big calculation so it will take time three second to come in normal because the sub time it will hang because it's a calculation is high level c-loc am i okay just do one thing edit feature and select here unmerge result so it is easy to mirror okay now we will use mirror command and copy this all choose top plane bearer and select the extruded thin okay now it will take few seconds to calculate so be patient still calculating that is why the window is not you okay see the bottom pipe also created now again we want to select right plane mirror and this time select mirror and extrude select here geometry pattern select okay just select our previous mirror edit and we want to do some modification if any merge result dis unmerged okay so now select right plane mirror and select our previous thin feature to geometry pattern okay now again it is going to calculate so keep patient okay now the only quarter face balance now for last quarter it is difficult to extrude so we will do one thing select this sketch first sketch and select extruded pose now here this hue balance circle we will only we will select to extrude it will take few seconds because the geometry is bigger and it it will take time to calculate so be patient now here's a open selected contour clear this box and select here one by one the circles okay here a few more circles okay now all these circles are Kiryat selected now make reverse direction now here all the holes are selected now we will assign thickness key 5mm and reverse direction in because thickness we want to inside and select here up to surface and select this end surface okay now select okay it will take few few seconds to calculate now our heat exchanger is ready this is the heat exchanger body and we will assign some let assign brass to whole body select okay so this is the brass for heat exchanger for our heat exchanger project now save as T for heat exchanger let us go for a next part you now we will make the shell cover for heat exchanger so select write plain is sketch select centerline and draw one horizontal and vertical centerline just pass through origin that's it now choose spline and connect from one end to this end exit select a line and draw one vertical line exit now select origin point and this point and select horizontal this is the relation actually now we will assign some dimension 2080 1.13 okay and the vertical distance 1040 4.41 that's it and this horizontal vertical length also seven hundred forty four point eleven point five eleven five okay now select this spline select this point and make relation horizontal that's it this one keep as it is okay now choose offset entity forty eight point eighty nine select spline and select this line also okay now choose again a line and connect with this line okay select the line as define this distance 132 mm and the height keep 73 mm okay choose tremenda T's and trim this inside line okay now select line and close this end exit okay this ends are closed now just select revolve oh boss base and choose this centerline see okay now select this face is sketch normal and here we want to create a hole for bolting so select circle draw one circle and make this length here twenty-one ninety six point zero two three five mmm here and select for construction okay now again choose circle and draw one circle and keep the diameter 44 mm okay now select the center point select your circular pattern now select this small circle 360 degree equal spacing and we want thirty number of holes so select 30 see the holes created select ok and select extruded cut and choose here select here up to next we'll plane up to next select okay now you can see the holes are created so this is the shell cover let assign the material brushed bronze it looks better that is why we are going to give this material now save as part number three she'll cover save in our heat exchanger say okay let us go for a next part you now here we will sketch head cover so select right plain sketch now first select centerline and draw one horizontal and vertical centerline and just pass through the origin now select spline first connect the vertical line and up to here now select origin line and this end point and make relation horizontal okay now select line downward direction now let us assign the dimension 1040 4.41 an origin point to this point 2080 1.1 3mm and let assign this length 1740 four point one one five select okay now select this spline and select this point and select horizontal select okay now choose offset entity select forty four point eighty nine select this spline and this line also okay now choose a line and extend from here to choose trim entities delete inside now we will assign the length 132 mm and the vertical length 73 mm okay select line and close one end exit now our geometry is fully defined select revolve ooh boss/base and select this construction line okay now choose front plane plane and we want to create a plane for actually we want to create a plane for inlet and exhaust manifold to seven five seven select okay now select this plane sketch normal and let us make draw a circle here exit it we want to do some little modification maybe we forget edit this sketch again choose normal and select this point an origin point make a relation horizontal okay horizontal perfect now select this plane sketch normal now draw one circle just below the origin point and assign the diameter 600 9.6 mm and the distance from bottom-line 900 8.5 mm okay and make sure the origin point and the center point of hole is in vertical line okay now select extruded boss and choose here up to surface and select this surface okay now select front plane select here mirror and we want to select this extruded body we want to mirror in opposite direction select okay now see here now again choose this face is sketch and we want to create a hole here so draw a circle and keep the diameter five hundred seventy four point eight mmm okay now let us extrude it extrude cut and select through all through all means it should be end from next and ok now see the through all whole created now select this face is sketch normal and we want to create a hole here for locking bolt so first create a circle and here select the length to one ninety six point zero to 3 mm 3 5 mm and select for construction ok now again choose a line circle and draw one circle here and keep the diameter 44 mm okay now select the center point and select your circular sketch pattern now select this circle and we want 30 number of circles see the circles is going to create select okay now select extruded cut we want to cut these holes so choose up to next is going to cut up to next okay now see the holes created here now or you just hide this plane now this is the head cover this is Inlet and outlet for oil or water now we will assign raw material brushed bronze see it looks nice now let us save as part number for head cover okay okay let's move for next part you let us make the flange for heat exchanger so select the same front plane choose centerline and drawn vertical line select the line and make relation vertical now choose a line connected now exit from the line now we will make some relations select the vertical line 150 mm and distance from here two hundred eighty seven point four mm and this end 445 mm assigned this vertical length 72 mm this length seventeen point four mm okay now delete this line select one more line draw little downward then connect exit now assign this length 20 mm and keep the angle 128 degree and assign this gap five mm keep the angle 135 degree that's it and we can assign this length also 82.6 mm and let assign this by default okay and this both angle okay this also by default select corner rectangle choose radius 12mm okay now this is the over geometry now let us revolve it revolve a boss base this center line as I axis selected choose okay now select this face is sketch normal and here we want to create some holes so first draw a circle and make the length diameter 409 mm and select here for construction geometry okay now again do circle and keep the diameter 44 mm okay now select the origin point as a center point and choose circular sketch pattern and select circle now here we want to create 20 number of holes so just select 20 equal spacing 20 number of hole equalising okay now select extruded cut and we want to cut and choose up to next okay now see now assign bronze brushed bronze so this is the flange for Inlet and outlet unit save as part number five flange you now we will make the last part saddle so choose front plane sketch it is a kind of support first select center line and draw on vertical center line select one horizontal line select origin point and select this line and make the relation midpoint okay now let us make one circle now select line and connect from one end to this circle and let us make the dimension make angle 84 degree okay choose mirror entity select this line and just mirror against the center line choose tremenda tease and trim this half circle okay now let us assign the dimension 3950 6.25 5mm okay again choose and define this point to this point length twenty four hundred five fifty eight point seven five mm now this is going to be perfect now let us assign the radius twenty-one ninety six point zero two three five mmm select okay now our geometry is fully defined okay and let's extrude it and select here mid plane and extrude up to 255 mm okay and we will assign the material brush brushed brass okay this is the base save as part number seven saddles you you now we will start the Assembly of heat exchanger so select new choose assembly ok now browse our first part shell ok now we will set our window image quality also we will set I prefer high quality image okay now browse another part - for heat exchanger okay now select Matt select this inside circle and select this outside circle now here select Co centric now select this outer face and this wall make collinear okay now tubes are fixed inside the shell now we will insert our another components head cover now we will rotate the component okay select this outer face and this outer phase relation cosine trick okay select this wall and select this face okay you now here we will do one thing select this hole and there is one more hole opposite direction now it is cosine trick okay now it is in line okay now insert our next component shell cover now just rotate this cover she'll cover okay now choose mat select outer face and this outer face cosine tree now select this face and select this outer face coincident okay now select this one hole and select one hole opposite direction cosine trick okay now the body heat exchanger t-wave fixed now we will insert our next component flanges now make this outer face and this face and make relation cosine tree now select this face and this face sorry cancel it choose a bit and select this face and this face reverse direction select okay now press ctrl click and copy one more copy and make one more copy now just drag it here choose matte select both the faces select off top faces and this face coincident okay now drag this to here select this up okay now select this face okay now go for the last one select inside and this space okay this height component and drag this part out now again click and show component now select met select this face and this face reverse okay now all the flanges are fixed now our heat exchanger is ready so this is the heat exchanger for our project sorry the saddles are balanced so just fix saddles also now select met this face and this inside make relation Co centric and we will do one make one more relation coincident select this face and this face and make gap 3000 okay now click drag and drop now select with this face okay now select this outer face and this face and make the gap 3000 okay now our saddles also fixed so this is your heat exchanger we will make some more relation this face and this face make relation parallel select right plane choose bet and select this race select parallel ok now see now our heat exchanger is ready now save the assembly save as assembly or select this top face sketch we want to do some corner layout we want to make some cutouts select here extruded cut not roll we just want to show some section view that much enough okay now that's it so this is your heat exchanger body I hope you enjoyed please subscribe our channel for more video and more projects in SolidWorks thanks for watching
Views: 100,436
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Solidworks, tutorial, Sketch, Heat, Exchanger, in
Id: ajMSXSohw9Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 4sec (4024 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 24 2016
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