Solidworks tutorial | sketch Steel Stair in Solidworks

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welcome back to calc and tutorial today we are going to study about weldments we will make a one steel.if structural is there in SolidWorks with the help of weldments this is a very beautiful example so let's see how to do in Mel SolidWorks with the help of weldments now here we are going to make these steel stay with the help of weldments so first right click here and choose weldments this is the weldments now select op plane is sketch and row here one first we will make our bed so choose Center rectangle okay now define it 2500 it means two point five meter and this is 0.8 meter 800 millimeter select line again choose line and opposite direction now let's define the gap from one end keep 800 millimeter the same here 800 millimeter now exit now this is the other frame structure same geometry now we will go to weldments select here weldments once you select the weldments we will enter into the weldment environment so let's choose here member select iso and we will choose see channel 80 by 8 select 1 2 3 4 select here meter and meter this looks nice and select this inside one and let's see the it is not going to select so here select group - now Stu's this one see select mirror profile okay that is known in mirror select group one choose mirror profile vertical see this type of profile we required this one no need millimeter merge this the the corner should be inside we we need it okay now see and choose here perspective image so it looks beautiful now select this face is sketch draw a center line horizontal center line make sure horizontal line connect this end to this end again choose a line escape here also we need two more lines now let's define it 45-degree here also the same 45 degree now 1400 millimeter and distance from one end 700 millimetre and let's make this length 4,000 millimeter it means 4 meter okay now simply exit now here Jules again in structural member ISO C channel 80 by 80 first select this steel now try 90 degree thus perfect select here locate profile and select this corner see it's inside select new group this time select this one try to make it also 90 degree okay that is perfect now locate profile and select this corner see here okay now these two members is finished now the rest this two so select new group select this to see it is a vertical with this C channel so let us make it 90 degree and we need to select Center Point so select your locate profile okay this is also selected now our structural member set okay now let us see now see we want to trim this inside phase so we will use it some trim and extend command choose here trim extend and here select first trim and and let us choose this one and this to this to body we want to trim unnecessary part select here bodies 1 2 and the 3 this now see we selected these three members as a we want to keep it and this outer face we want to keep an inner we want to remove so once you select this one it it will show you a member if you will select here keep it will they will keep it so just click and discard that means it will they will remove now the second also the same thing here also select discard okay now see it is discarded it is removed from this face now let's try to mirror choose front plane mirror and select here features to mirror let's strive body one two three four these are the bodies okay now see it's perfectly mirror now first geometry you can hide it second geometry also you can hide it if you like we can change the color dark yellow okay now let us prepare the ladder steps so select this face is sketch normal choose center rectangle and select this edge make two hundred by fifty millimeter select fill it keep radius ten millimeters select the rectangle okay now choose circle here duo two circles select both the circles equal now keep the center distance 25 millimeter and the distance from origin point let's keep 20 millimeter okay now do one thing select one point and center point horizontal relation okay smart dimension now define the distance from here vertical distance from upper line 600 millimeter now radius let's make 15 millimeter okay select okay now this geometry is fully defined so let us choose linear pattern select this line as axis select all the parts 462 millimeter and here let us make three number of parts we need let's make two 62 millimeter that is perfect or we forget to add this again try linear pattern here select those circles 262 millimeter and make three numbers okay now you can see here now select extruded boss extrude up to 20 millimeter and unmerge the result okay now see now let us try to mirror front plane mirror select these three bodies okay that's it now let us try to mirror in opposite direction so choose right plane mirror select one by one all the bodies now you can see here preview okay that's it now comes to another side select this face a sketch convert entity now this converted choose here line connect this end to this end escape select this phase convert identity line connect this end to this is select this line and this point merge okay make sure this line horizontal okay now the same way comes down select this phase convert entities line and create one line from one end to another end now let's do two stream entities and delete this all unnecessary lines now let's define it 15 millimeter here also let's define it 15 millimeter the last one 15 millimeter okay choose freemen titty power trim just a press mouse and drag okay this side finish again drag the mouse press and mouse drag okay now comes down this already we did it now it is time to extrude select extruded boss select here up to next let us see what happened now see if you put up to next it is going to attach here and merge result okay now this is the one side of ladder is ready let us try to mirror this ladders right plane mirror select this three ladders and you can see here preview unmod it is uncheck this box more solid okay now that's it now select this top phase is sketch now here select corner rectangle and draw a rectangle we want to make a upper plate for this structure okay select extruded boss now extrude up to 20 millimeter okay now these it is just take it and merge okay now this is the stand for steel structure now here we need to make a railing here steel pipe railing so first we will create a plane choose your front plane plane and choose the midpoint of this line okay now see here you can see here okay that is perfect now select this plane for a sketch better hide this plane sorry again select the sketch right now choose your line draw four lines use the script command to uncheck vertical select all line equal here choose the line command okay now let us define it 700 750 millimeter this one also make it 750 millimeter this one also try the same 750 millimeter let's define this dimension 375 millimeter okay now let us make length 600 millimeter okay choose your line and up to here exit select this line vertical again draw one line and connect it excitement now make these two lines parallel okay now here we will do some changes 700 millimetre 700 the middle one is only 6 750 and this one make it 700 lengths so we will get my better option sorry smart dimension and let us define the gap 350 millimeter forty five-degree now distance from here to bottom-line 600 millimeter now you can see it here choose here also line vertical 45 degree choose your line connect with this line select both the lines make parallel relation okay now let us define this gap from bottom line 600 millimeter now a smart dimension 500 length line drawn line up to here select smart dimension keep the distance 200 millimeter 400 millimeter okay now here also choose 500 millimeter select line make so vertical 200 millimeter and let's define the two 400 millimeter gap now our geometry is fully defined I think no need to anything else so let's simply exit go to weldment choose here structural member iso and here select pipe and let's choose a small size of pipe select first group this 1 2 3 4 5 you can see the preview if you like you can change ok that's also what we have to check whether it is sufficient or it will mesh ok that's perfect it is sufficient for this now select new group a new group select 1 2 & 3 again select new group and here mix 1 2 3 4 5 6 in one group you can't select all the geometry so that is why we did one by one let's say group 1 ok this corner meter and meter group 2 and meter ok now see this is steel structure and it is ready almost see this is the stair pipes or ek now here see this is the extra part of pipe we need to cut it so we will use the same command remain extend here select which body you want to trim one two three third bottom one and that's it now here select bodies this one steal two and the third one now oh sorry body here we did not select select last three delete here we have to select these three bodies one two three this body we want to keep and I will show you what you want to remove now select this pipe here you can see this window so select this discard this one discarded and this upper one keep the same one here also discard the third at the fourth one discard this one bottom one which one discard and here this is the bottom one this one we want to keep bottom one discard okay now comes to this they start this bottom line here also discard the last one discard okay now let's check see it is discarded see here see it is also discarded from the inside so let us hide this symmetry so now our railing is ready now let us try to mirror choose front plane mirror and here let's choose one by one all the bodies now here we selected all the bodies make sure unmod solid okay now you can see the ladder is almost ready now here we want to cut it so select this flat surface is sketch normal corner rectangle and select from this corner to overall extruded cut select through all okay now see we cut the corners here now let us make the flange bottom flange here and our ladder perfect we ready now select the back surface back face of this sketch normal now here we will make some flanges so let us start from here Center rectangle two hundred by eighty millimeter twenty two point five millimeter fifty six point 57-millimeter this is comes near near to the center circle select both the so-called equal fifteen millimeter 15 millimeter and diameter also 15 millimeter okay now select center point and center of both the circles keep relation horizontal now it is fully defined okay now comes here Center rectangle 150 millimeter 80 millimeter okay just drag this smart dimension twenty two point five millimeter and forty millimeter choose here circle select both the circles equal relation now select both the so-called center point and center point horizontal fifteen millimeter 15 millimeter and let's make the diameter also 15 millimeter now there is fully defined sketch okay so now we will mirror this centerline vertical and horizontal lines choose mirror select this all geometry and mirror against this vertical line okay now this all geometry we will mirror against this vertical line there are entities select this all lines who come down mirror about this vertical line okay now select extruded boss now just sit here how much thickness do you like 20 millimeter okay now see this is the flange so this is the our steel structural stair is ready he made with the help of weldments even if you like to change the pipe group1 if you want to make it small okay group 2 this also becomes small this also becomes small ok now see this we change the diameter also so I hope you liked it don't forget to share and subscribe share and like our video and please subscribe our channel for more video and more projects in SolidWorks thanks for watching you
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Keywords: Solidworks, tutorial, sketch, Steel, Stair, in, sketch Steel Stair in Solidworks
Id: enVmeljaaE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 11sec (2111 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 09 2017
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