SolidWorks tutorial | Design And Assembly of Ball Bearing in SolidWorks | SolidWorks

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welcome back to calc and tutorial today we are going to assemble design and assemble a beautiful Bering Sea we will design separately inner outer ring this inside ball and this cage outside and we will fix this rivet also see this rivet from both side you sure you will enjoy so let's start the assembly and design of Sol bail ball bearing now we will sketch first part of ball bearing inner ring so let's start choose front plane sketch select centerline and draw on center line passing through origin now choose Center rectangle okay now we will assign dimension keep the length 31 mm and make this distance 53mm and this distance 65mm okay now select centerline and drawn centerline to origin make sure it is vertical now select center point are draw an arc inside the box now exit choose smart dimension select distance from here to this line aeternam and keep the radius to 11 okay now choose trim and trim inside inside okay now select this side line and this side line make equal equal relation okay now Rivaldo boss/base select this as axis okay select chamfer select 2.1 and select this face okay now inner outer ring is ready now save it new folder ball bearing right outer ring okay now we will make second part inner ring so choose front plane is sketch select center line and draw one centerline horizontal line okay now select center rectangle draw one rectangle like this okay now we will assign dimension assign 31 mm distance from here to this line 25 mm and outer line 37 mm okay now select Center Point R and draw an arc now exit select one centerline connect from origin point make sure it is vertical okay now again choose distance from this point to this line 8mm and radius skip to 11 okay choose trim entities and trim inside portion okay now select this outside line both both side make relation equal okay now choose charge schilit select 2.1 mm and select both and corners okay now our structure is fully defined so go to feature select revolve boss/base and choose this line as axis okay now this inner ring is ready now save it in early now go for next part now on is kiss third part of ball bearing ball so choose front plane a sketch selects a line and draw on line just go back and draw a half circle okay now exit from the line just select this center of the line shift key origin point and here choose make coincident now it is Center choose a smart dimension and keep the length tall mmm 12 mm okay I know P 24 mm okay now choose reward the boss/base select this okay now save it boy now this is the ball we saved now go for another panel we are going to sketch cage for ball bearing so choose front plane is sketch draw two circles from origin point not assign diameter outer 194 mm and inside 86 mm okay select extrude boss/base choose mid plane keep width to 16 mm okay now select this face sketch normal choose centerline and draw on centerline exit select the line and draw online go back and draw a half-circle exit from the line choose circle drawn circle to bid and assigned I Ament diameter 90mm and okay now select the center point of this line and select this diameter first select this for construction now center point and this line click here relation make coincident okay delete this relation now choose this point and this point may coincide now it is coincide with this okay now select revolved cut she is going to cut from inside select okay now choose fill it 2.1 mm and select both the corners okay now here show item and click temporary axis now see temporary axis are visible now choose circular pattern select this cutout and this choose this line as axis we want eight numbers 360 degree equal spacing okay now see the half portion is created now select she'll keep thickness 1.5 mm and select this outer face back face and inside face only three remaining this outside face 1.5 mm okay see now do one thing is sketch sketch select here show this looking select this portion now our circle is looking small so just select edit a sketch choose the smart dimension and select this radius keep this radius to 11 now exit okay now our sketch looking perfect select this face is sketch normal now choose a center line and draw a line from here to this circle exit choose circle and drawn circle here and assign diameter 2 mm okay now select now assign 360 by 16mm this is the our angle okay select extruded cut and choose through all is going to cut okay now select circular pattern choose this axis eight number extrude cut hole okay now select this geometry hide now the same as here temporary axis Auto hide now this is the cage for ball bearing now save it as a cage now we will start assembly for cage full power bearing now we are going to start assembly a ball bearing so let us start choose new assembly now select browse select these all parts ball bearing for path open ball cage inner and outer ring met plain white now first select this one met inside okay now to the advancement width select this side this side this side and this side choose okay okay now drag ball here right-click float the ball now we will do one thing ball ball front and in a ring front press control and slur front select met it is going to met okay now bring here ball right and in Irving right select okay okay I'll just drag up select ball choose met and select this inside select flip mat okay okay now see this one select fixed now this now make it float select this outside fix now see it is rotating inside now we will make circular component choose born select temporary axis and select here this axis and make eight number of balls okay now see it is rotating eight number of balls now bring this part here choose mat select this centerline this here very small looking here and select this Center choose okay drag it this side now select ball and this inside face see it is fixed with him here now we will make rivers so just go to back reverse okay now we want to make mirror for this so select mirror component select this face we want to make mirror on this face and choose this body okay now here one key select next now see it's showing your component going to a mirror this side choose okay now hide temporary axis now see it is rotating now your ball bearing is ready now only we have to fix some rivet so go to toolbox 9 choose pin pin in that choose rivet and here one rivet this 66 just drag it here now it is asking keep sighs - mmm and select six number choose okay cancel see now we will make mirror so again show temporary axis choose circular pattern and select this select this as access key eight numbers because there are eight number of holes select okay now hide now we will change the color forbearing go to reference geometry and select plain carbon steel all that's it now see this is the ball bearing now your ball bearing is ready this is very beautiful and pleasant ball bearing I hope you enjoyed this tutorial don't forget to share and like our videos in our channel and don't forget to subscribe our channel thanks for watching you
Views: 1,167,278
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Design, And, Assembly, of, Ball, Bearing, in, SolidWorks
Id: hCiu-NERMy4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 10sec (1150 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 17 2016
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