Soda Thief BANNED from McDonalds

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this lady was recently banned from the McDonald's  for stealing hundreds of cups worth of soda she   would come in on a daily basis with an old  soda cup and get free refills she even had a   confrontation with the manager about this and they  forbid her from ever coming into the store again   now I'm calling from McDonald's corporate to tell  her that she's being billed for all of that stolen   soda her son requested this prank and gave me a  ton of useful info enjoy the insanity hello yeah   hi there this is the soda thief Joanne correct  how you doing today ma'am fine excellent my name   is Russell I'm calling from McDonald's customer  relations we actually do be required to give you   a call back regarding an internal investigation  we had recently what are you talking about it   appears that you've been illegally refilling  your sodas at McDonald's and using an old soda   cup to repeatedly come back into the store  and then there's there's numerous amounts of   you know closed-captioned television recording  CCTV footage no I would throw it up with water   if you would look at the tape I would get and  rinse it out and fill it up with ice cold water   you know when we actually zoomed in an enhanced  it showed that you know you've been filling in   just carbonated beverages into your cup no I come  everyday to McDonald's for a large coke yeah and   it seems like you were taking that same large coke  and refilling it on other days where you wouldn't   have paid for it and you know it might seem menial  or petty but this this McDonald's franchise owner   was extremely upset by it and they took the time  to submit their you know their HD color footage   even showed that you drive a white 2012 Acura TL  correct yeah from their estimates they're saying   that you probably stole about you know 200 to  250 dollars of sold over the past three months   so no that's that's ridiculous it's a free refill  there was an instance where I guess one of the   associates did advise you to cease this activity  correct she said something about it and I said   okay that's fine they're trying to pursue legal  action and I'm trying to figure out like would you   prefer to just settle the case and pay you know  a closing fee of $150 what they were saying was   $200 in soda you know I come on now that's that's  ridiculous I mean that that's honestly bad I know   but they they were gonna submit this story and  they wanted to actually runner up with the news   just about showing like how people can be petty  sometimes and steal from our web app but there's   no way that I did that I know but ma'am would you  really want a compilation of video footage of you   wobbling from the parking lot back inside to the  the franchise filling up you know what that's no   there's there's no way that I I did that many time  I would say maybe 20 times well let's figure out a   solution here because you know they didn't want  to submit a court order to your house over at   11:00 Drive I do have the franchisee owner on the  phone that I can connect them at least you could   talk to them about they've been going out just  the happy medium or a discount resolution maybe   only 50 bucks they will be 100 those numbers that  you gave me are totally outrageous okay all right   one moment let me just see what the franchisee  owners willing to compromise on he seems like a   reasonable guy from from when I spoke to him so  yes hello mr. pun Jeet I have the woman on the   line miss Joann as we spoke earlier this morning  happening sir I haven't been in your restaurant   to get a coke and a long time after the lady  said you know I wasn't allowed to get my free   refill and he's telling me that you know it's  I mean maybe yeah 15 but know that the cost of   the specialist I had to hire like just to kind of  browse through all the security footage and make   a compilation ID background music in like you  know transitions in like well you didn't have   to do all that you could have just said like the  girl told me hey you're not allowed to get away   so what don't stay here okay well if you basically  what we can do and then not have any fear is like   we know somebody that makes a lot of custom signs  here for KU's we can make a small sign that just   says like I am a soda teef and we should not do  that kind of thing and if you can just kind of   help raise awareness by holding it for two three  four or five hours one day we can call it even   right and then we won't have any more bills and  then we couldn't close it out okay which day is   good for you well it would have to be a Saturday  or Sunday okay and do you have like a thick neck   or the skinny neck like which one do you have it  like I want to make sure I get the sizing right   do you know what kind of dress shortywood we're  like what number of centimeters an extra-large   okey dokey baking a cookie and do you know how  to dance or anything like that like just to get   some more attention like do you know how to do  any type of like sign flipping like something   like that yeah I can find I think we're going  to get like dress you up like a chicken nugget   from waist from neck down and then you your face  will be now I'm not wearing a suit I'm not I'm not   wearing a suit I were fine that's fine no no but  a good attention if you're not wearing the suit   thank you you have to go to the suit no I'm not  oh oh where the sign I'm sure they'll see that   okay look the suit it's okay but you can just  pay $200 like which one do you want to do it I   just want to understand like which one is better  for you right you know what I'll agree to pay   $50 because I believe that that might be how many  times I came in but that let's be honest how many   times you story right about 50 not about that  for God's honest truth that I feel you know we   have another teeth coming in in a hamburger suit  and I thought you could both stand next to each   other right like a hot dog and hamburger it'll  be good promotion for that no I don't listen I   have a bad back so that's gonna be hard enough for  me to have a sign I don't want to put on a suit I   know but I have it is like a leggings almost  like the bottom has like a legging this very   comfortable right it's just like let's talk about  the money okey I say 50 I say 50 times if you want   to go 75 okay we actually have the guy who outfit  he's actually in my office right now because he   was stealing from us he took 50 pounds of meat  you're making it seem like I took a lot where I would come is on the weekend a big problem you  know like it's not good I went to jail before   it's not now you know anything guys as a bed is  not comfortable you know I know I'm willing to pay   either 50 or 75 dollars for the soda that I feel  that I got refilled ma'am you know I'm sorry to   butt in here but you can also understand you know  I understand that you're trying to pay the retail   value of what you essentially stole over time and  and that may seem like how to make this right in   your perspective but this has been something  that's been bothering the franchise owner for   a very long time now they have to go out of their  way to like spend their own mental resources and   stamina and hire a private investigator have  them sift through all the footage pay them   hourly you can see why it's not a matter of  just hey here's 50 bucks for the 50 sodas I   stole more so you know how do we make this right  and then just sweep this under the rug and never   have to think about it again exactly honestly I  couldn't have said that better myself whoa whoa   whoa so good well I think restitution that would  be to another guy but okay you said something   about a fine then you changed it said something  else I think what he was trying to do ma'am is   just make you feel more at ease about the whole  costume thing just to know that you wouldn't be   the only one in costume you know the hamburger  outfit you know between you and I is a lot more   ridiculous there's chicken nuggets a little bit  deformed and misshapen but it's a comfortable I   wore it a few weeks ago for a promotional event  here at corporate it's not that bad there's also   a little fan inside as well and get a little  battery-powered fans to kind of keep the lower   half to cool and dry this is all that I need to  do yeah yeah just I think it'd be three to four   it seems like it's three to four three to four  hours right mr. punchy yeah that's it like you   can just come stand in the front and then we  will do like a dance you in the hamburger game   just I'm not doing a dance I can't you know and if  it's a suit that's heavy I can't wear the suit is   so light like the suit is so light like something  easy shake right like what need to what can we do   how about like a Macarena very easy like we can  just say no I don't I don't dance I can't dance   too much moving you know moves ahead you know just  for five six hours with me that's eat uh he said   two to three hours is that okay mr. Ponzi let's  just try to figure out sometime a happy meeting   here you okay with three okay I can do three  but you have to dance okay like a little bit   like this like a little dancing okay and where  do I go you can just coming to the drive-thru   and then you can say hey I am this Hoda teefin  and they'll come outside with the costume right   well I might not be able to do it this weekend  time to pry Benito do you have time to practice   you can use the two of you can advance if you  want I can come in you can come into my house   my wire we come practice a little bit just to make  sure we can do a good together I having a lot of   so that my place you can coming over for police  I'll just kind of just show up on the spot and   figure it out there or would you prefer to meet up  with this individual beforehand um he can call me   back tomorrow morning if possible gotcha one last  thing I need to let you notice before we just to   make a note of this you know we did have somebody  submit the hidden-camera footage do you want to   know who was provided with you may be familiar  with the individual I don't yeah that's fine it   was provided by by our detective Justin prank  your son submitted this very elaborate prank   and luckily none of it's actually true but it was  submitted by her son Justin and I wanted to just   apologize I wanted to let you know before you got  off the phone and expected a callback about this   tomorrow but nobody actually wants you to get  into a chicken nugget suit and dance with the   sign on like it's not actually it isn't it's not  actually gonna happen thankfully all right call me   back tomorrow bye she's like giggling oh my god  hey Joanne how you doing today this is Russell   I spoke with you last week I wanted just to  follow up and make sure that everything was   okay between you and your son after he helped to  pull off a very elaborate prank on you I wanted to   thank you for your time and I know we got off the  phone kind of abruptly the last time we spoke so   I also just wanted to reach out and apologize for  forgetting you like worked up or worried about it   did chat with Justin and well if there's anything  I can do to help you get him back I would love to   be of assistance but I know he knows you know my  voice pretty well I really hope she learned her   lesson she almost had to dance for four hours  inside of a chicken nugget suit I can't believe   she ended up being down for it but yeah this is  why you should never steal if you enjoyed the   creative concept drop a like on this and remember  to share the laughs around with your homies   click Subscribe with notifications to catch our  future videos and we'll see you again next week
Channel: Ownage Pranks
Views: 971,076
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ownagepranks, prank call, ownage pranks, voice acting, phone pranks, cell phone prank, prank calls, prank phone call, prank phone calls, ownage pranks prank call, funny prank call, ownage pranks youtube, mcdonalds, soda thief, rakesh, juan, juanito, russell, soda, stolen soda
Id: K47baNMZlBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 1sec (841 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 02 2019
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