The Joe Budden Podcast Episode 633 | Disturbing The Peace

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the thoughts views and opinions expressed by this podcast as well as its hosts offer entertainment purposes only I repeat it is not serious it is not real no one is exposing revealing indicting or telling you anything about themselves also we do not encourage you to try this at home we are trained professionals who do not have your best interests at heart or our own enjoy the show asking that again please no because he could then rip him off at will you know Hulk Hogan used to add a little slits absolutely put the slits in his shirt like okay yeah he does all right no I don't he's a wrestling fan bulk Hogan and if I did I wouldn't share that God yeah he does that a lot he'll Shield some [ __ ] that we wouldn't Shield ourselves who him he doesn't want you to [ __ ] oh I do that before I do how you doing man I feel good pretty good that [ __ ] is a myth that some hurt [ __ ] came up with Bros yeah it is no [Laughter] well I gotta be that I don't [ __ ] with that now good of a bro you gotta be to be the hoes the hoes will do some things sorry it's a dick before them no so it's holes before bros with you yes yes I think it's different breeds no I just make sure to have a little bit of Bros no it's a dash of bros yeah cause it is bros before hoes but not the rest of y'all I got like two girls so [Laughter] yeah but I still ain't got a ton of [ __ ] later on see with the hoes they be wrong you ain't gotta tell them nothing you just be with them nah I see where you understand what you're saying I see where you're coming from with that let's go upstairs thanks when I see what you're saying your friend your friend outside yet [ __ ] stupid yo do not change something that's been in our uh history a lot of women our sister and spirit is at home she's chilling you know I mean on her Pilates [ __ ] let's start there instead of the hoes before whatever you [ __ ] are talking about yeah let's shout out to our pod sister and spirits shout out to Mel Mel's home shout out to him we love you got that little off-dated ish like to get every other month I got that little off day some narrative Nancy In the Flesh you better believe it you ever heard of black bloom yeah we on G [ __ ] today we on gangster time today dawg Mel ain't here to save you melon here to save you today dog I haven't need no saving all right all right all right [ __ ] I saved myself go ahead and we boardless today huh somebody tell the good people what that means we boardless ain't nothing on the board Mel not here we boardless off the top pause now I was born boardless I didn't start this pod [ __ ] writing things on the board like that was a luxury that came later I mean Parks also was from that same cloth the three of y'all I mean TBD man let's see three of us what TBD ain't nothing to TBD that boy that boy came here after we moved here talk about it and I've done a show for three years with our notes ain't no TBD we started potting with no boys listen listen listen yeah dog ain't nobody listening to Joe man how are you guys how are how is everyone I'm well how are you how was your vacation yeah we saw you nor is stripping you down yeah talking about that that's weird but but we agree that's weird that's weird that's what I said when I saw it yo y'all come commenting on my content yeah I mean it reached I don't have no contract signed with you I could do that [Applause] [Music] enough for Daddy [Applause] what's happening foreign [Music] all right what episode is this 6 33 I believe welcome to episode 633 of the Joe Budden podcast I'm your humble gracious grateful and highly favored host Joe Budden here with a few of my nearest and dearest brother flip is on my right of me today this is a different body of mass than we're used to seeing next to me are sister and pod is home shout out to Mel salute salute salute uh big Library blessed us with his presence issues here brother ice is here Parks is here Corey is here my girl is here Ian is here keeb is here Erickson is here how is everyone the game whole lot of gang [ __ ] yeah well not really Rico people oh yeah not really not really definitely uh dictionary definition not uh we just a dream definition yeah a group yeah we're just a group yeah I only want to call it gang no more yeah like yeah everything's good you know no gosh but yes everything is good how was your how was your weekend fellas Oregon was great family spent time with family nice having fun working out in Miami you know what I'm saying working with the family and then working I went to Doc Hollywood yeah I just my uncle turned 80 years old oh wow oh so my mom went out there my whole family went out there and stuff like that I didn't want to miss this and I haven't seen them in a long time so that's what's up it was great to be around family I mean had fun that's what's up okay yeah all right if you said I am not going to say nothing you said don't talk about you I can't say nothing I have so much Haitian side ah Miami oh yeah yeah so you was protected I've always I'm always protected oh God he had to go to an 80 year old party yeah hey let me ask you a question yo stop all right forget it you tell me to go and then you tell me yeah I did I did it you know it was more like a reunion you don't care about my stop don't say you don't care about my family I'm gonna give you one chance I will shoot at you bro it was nice though fellas yeah my friend my uncle turned 80 man felt good to see him and you know his High Spirits happy birthday Uncle happy birthday Uncle Uncle flip thank you don't you wish oh I didn't do nothing building houses you know a little something I went out though I went to the little strip club oh yeah it's a strip club in a while a little Jersey joint well I think that'd be little to you call none of his brothers did he no you gotta take it I turned my phone off I'm avoiding even checking for a call yeah see Joe don't like New Jersey um something like don't save them tell us about your experience I know I'm saying I spent something like 500 no I'm about four uh ice don't go to strip clubs in the hood so I ain't call you guys what made you uh straddle along that area what made you oh no one of my [ __ ] hit me like yo what you doing I was like [ __ ] and then he was like breathless and I was like all right cool I'm with it I went out I had a good time too you look like I did a lot of talent in the room tons Smorgasbord I'm saying it's cool something nice to get out did you find any uh anybody you want to hire to come with us all right so how was your week that's invasive they close at four I probably left like three something three three yeah which something um was it is that the normal time that you go in the house no I haven't really been out in a while it's like pulling teeth trying to do you have something to tell us about it you know it's nothing spectacular happen all right we got it bro um my weekend was I was outside like way more than normal I didn't sit my ass down for a little bit uh Saturday I went down to The Roots picnic in Philly fire yeah yeah it was I love the roots there's a lot of [ __ ] people out there but yeah yes I'm not Festival man especially the ones with the multiple stages well that's the best one no it's not I don't be wanting to walk here and walk there no too lazy yeah very so um but I only went I only went to go shout The Lex Andre I only really went um on shorty was is a big Poor Man's fan oh she wanted to see them go to the podcast dish we went to the podcast did they still do the um the headphones when we did it they had like it was like a wireless headphone um silent DJ parties it was a stage off to the side you was able to hear perfectly so and they they did amazing out there do you watch any music sets at all I saw the Isley Brothers oh [ __ ] uh when I when I walked in state prop was performing oh [ __ ] which led to a question I had how many times can State Property reunite I'm here for it every time no I mean I love their shows but you keep saying this is the state property reunion and they have reunited for three years now it should just be state property at this point right because after they leave they you know that's all it's just it just they put all the [ __ ] aside when they get on stage when they get off stage that [ __ ] every time you get a bag every time you damn right they ain't doing no new music my number go up if I say reunion okay you got anything about the business side but yeah um you watch the uh Fuji's reunion now last last time they're gonna perform well first off they ran imaginary about it yeah okay um at least my second home you didn't have security with you no I'm in Philly no I need security for that's why he was home early no just in case and he didn't go to the Sunday show first off I want a hip-hop show or you didn't go nowhere [Laughter] oh man that's why you went to the Eisley it's all coming together now that [ __ ] ain't seen nothing with a hard drum but um a little area [ __ ] ready saxophone la la la la that's right out of here they said Lauryn Hill was um headlining and that told me okay this I could probably make it home before that she starts oh God and stay with the Lawrence well she was in her defense she was only 45 minutes late which is amazing not trying to be funny and she bought out walk for prize and they did like six Fuji records so that was fire yeah it was probably the last time they're gonna perform for ever potentially because the prices going up for potentially 20 years yeah so I was like I would have stayed foreign I did notice it was it was a clash of the hoes out there too kind of challenges that sounds good tell me more about that whoa the main stage headliner was Lauren Hill she brings a certain type of crowd of women to see her the second stage headliner was glorilla um brings a certain type of women to see her so it was really fun watching you could see who was here to see who you could just look at them oh you got afro and then I saw the other you know I knew what they were going to see that is real real Pam have you seen judgmental no it's it's acknowledging what you see in front of you so we're staying I'm not going to a festival I can't be judgmental I mean that's true you want to people watch there and see what I'm going to be judging oh I can't wait till I start my story to tell y'all judge you I was there that stage would have you went to had you have stayed till Oklahoma no doubt that's the real question no no gorilla I figured as much yeah yeah but no and then um and then Sunday I went over to Queens to uh Kevin Hart's final New York show how was that that was fire he did it at um where the US Open usually is okay Forest Hills right yeah Forest Hills yeah I've never been there before and they ain't want [ __ ] around there like that didn't know that they had that [ __ ] locked down rust press yeah that was that was a little interesting but um it's a ritzy neighborhood a little bit very even exiting hey if you live over here and you got a membership you can leave out any of these Gates you got a neighborhood membership the rest of y'all walk y'all asses down there and leave that way they were separating just on the exit it was it was different but no he killed it it's I've seen the show before yeah I was gonna say you saw him recently right yeah yeah same set sort of are you coming he's coming out every time frame right he's switching up a little bit took my shorty she's never seen him before she enjoyed herself yeah everywhere yeah that's what you're supposed to do got him how was your weekend Joe it was today on my weekend was good my week damn my weekend was pretty good you looked a little action-packed yourself listen man went golfing went golfing over there at Alpine with my good friend Angie my first time at a golf course like a real Golf Course how'd that go did you have a caddy yeah well no children no we didn't have a cat no we drove us to Andrew with my cat and oh [ __ ] you're doing ourselves is what I'm saying she wasn't your caddy she was driving the thing but no she ain't carry it she was getting my club for me I didn't know what the [ __ ] I was doing but man what an experience really beautiful really beautiful uh really expensive how many how many holes do you shoot pause oh nine okay it's calling me nine but nine because there were there was a crowded Saturday it was a nice day on Saturday so you got to be really really punctual with tea time because everybody's got a tea time so if we go out there at 3 20 and do behind us is kind of ill with it he'll end up right on us but there's that whole golfer courtesy etiquette thing that some people don't have that's always nice to see too call for education so he was on some hurry y'all trash ass up I mean when I looked over my shoulder I could see dude and his wife tapping his foot yeah I mean pulling one of these and I was going to be there for a second so whatever but I had a really good time uh I would go again good food we'll just shoot we'd be that way oh [ __ ] those we play basketball you know that right we play basketball we'd be that way if we were like if we knew what we was doing and happened to get behind some newbies if you tell you we'd be ignorant as hell like want me to come in for you we play basketball so it was me Angie her son whoever uh drove the best ball we played from there oh okay okay and Angie every time she got it there boy she's like Barry Bonds that [ __ ] would fly you should go then she was explaining to me the rules and all that all right so this is a par four you supposed to get this on four shots I say I'm supposed to get wait that flag all the way that flag there's a lake right there yeah headed over the lake all right well there's a sand block right dog you got four shots to hit it over there I'm like y'all crazy as hell a lot of overages I might have been a part 28 17. part 29 429 on them uh [ __ ] these [ __ ] talking about when I'm up there big Joseph quadruple bogey so bowling was fun right bowling golfing yeah I ain't like how they was looking at me too like I was poor and broke and a novice and just I didn't like that they was looking at me like I had never picked up a golf club before and I hadn't Did You Have a Cigar no where were you huh Alpine oh I don't know what that means does that reach over there probably top three richest cities in New Jersey for a while it was the most expensive um the richest uh ZIP code in the United States oh for a couple years so like little [ __ ] right I'd be wanting to know little [ __ ] I go in a little clothing store I buy me a shirt I buy me a little hat I I we in here and I buy the glove lady is kind enough to take the [ __ ] out the thing for me I take my glove I put it on I'm looking in the mirror here come the golfer dudes shouldn't have that on right now well why because you shouldn't pocket and let it hang I swear like nine of them said let it hang in unison like that's like a golfer if you don't let your glove hang out your back pocket you're not even what you're doing here you scum I like the uh elitism that comes with golfing I don't like being on the poverty side of it but I like the elitism I'm just picturing when you get to the other side I love it I'm waiting for you to finish your ensemble what I mean I wouldn't trust you went out on that green with them so late he's on no I didn't and you sent me a dress code to kind of follow and see what was going on I went out there looking like [ __ ] uh tiger wolf [ __ ] Woods I went out there looking like the most vigorous the [ __ ] sometimes you gotta tuck your [ __ ] away a little bit you do you don't say a little bit I don't call it cold switching [ __ ] sometimes my [ __ ] should just go it's true yeah God damn it anyway but that was fun right and then Sunday uh with Summer Jam but I didn't know it was Summer Jam I didn't know we didn't even cover something I didn't know what was that Saturday I was like yo you know what's crazy nobody knew that someone I didn't know that even reading the um the comments and [ __ ] people's like yo it was Summer Jam nobody knew because this year it wasn't the big to do that it has been in recent years right it's weird and scheduled the same weekend as Ruth's picnic is weird I don't know who's there first but was not weird now that I went and just peeked around and talked to some people and just felt the vibe in there it's not weird then it's weird because we're used to in New York we're used to Summer Jam being at the Meadowlands not just that Summer Jam was a thing it was the only tickets like in town it was the it was the only Festival yes back when you had to go and uh back when you had to go and work your records at radio and go to the store to buy albums it was the radio stations that held the big festivals that's true as time went on the big artists are big and they not coming to your little [ __ ] radio that's not we're doing playlisting now we're not popping up over there we're not thinking nothing about that there's a million festivals to go to yeah we just heard we just heard we want more money yeah and why would we and why would we pay that true I mean it was so very saying he makes a half a million at a festival day or whatever Roddy Rich exactly like hot 97. we because we've grown up in it know it as that but it's not I heart it's Ms it's you know this is a small conglomerate private that is throwing the throne concert right so but I wasn't sure that I was going to Summer Jam like I might have just chilled in the crib so I said [ __ ] it I'm gonna go over there but it's in Long Island right even that was different I'm used to being in Jersey this is the first one in New York I'm used to being in Jersey so I started getting dressed I started getting dressed for something I pop out on these [ __ ] right quick it's gonna be something over there and change outfits like three times and I stopped myself like dog what are you doing Summer's here you're not working this event you're not performing you're not media you're just going to be comfortable [ __ ] now I was like [ __ ] it it's too much I'm not going to sweats on and I'm out but then I said I'm going so I went and I go to the back they got tickets for me and I walk up to the back just me glasses on hat low and I'm looking at the other people around so holy [ __ ] I'm surrounded by people that listen to the [ __ ] radio oh my God I was gonna say that that's how we all know either [ __ ] yo this world is so divided I [ __ ] I ain't looked at y'all in so long whoa a doozy buddy but school I walk in with the radio listen to [ __ ] and we're in Long Island so this is a bunch that is happy to go to a we ain't we ain't seen no [ __ ] like this this is a new theater here new show in town we are excited to just be here it was like you could feel excitement in Jersey [ __ ] is cool car show [ __ ] and money is out girls is out just bottles parking lot pimping type [ __ ] but anyway get there the girl says are you a seat filler people trying to bombard the back this is their first time there I want to salute to the people that work there like they did a good job for their first time so she was she don't know then I used to famous people running around so I you have to teach people how treats you said no I am not a seat filler and she said all right so who are you with and then I said me and then she said no what I'm saying is what organization are you with and then I said man I don't think you understand what I'm saying to you I'm the organization please direct me to my [ __ ] dicks you are definitely I know you it went a little yeah yeah I know I know there's a lost place a wee bit different it's an older lady you want to be nice it went just like that but okay give me the mud so get the tickets we go in there beautiful theater right uh and let me just start with because I don't want to take too long on this them [ __ ] ain't paying me for this uh I loved it I absolutely loved it my plan was to go in there for 30 minutes and Boogie go eat in Long Island or some [ __ ] that was my plan but when I got there unlike in Jersey there was somewhere to go and stand and sit comfortably and see this show versus Jersey which this [ __ ] is huge you walking around backstage to take you an hour to get from here to over here than this you need dollies and carts and that staff it'd just be overwhelming but here you walk right in saw the show Lola Brooks is on stage okay dope Lola Brooks is not an act that right she's a newer act yeah so Lola Brooks is on stage but this place is packed Brooke I'm sorry uh and I love her love her energy she killed but uh the place is packed she going crazy backup dancers going crazy ah they busting the moon right and I'm just sitting there astonished at hip hop and weird's coming who's up there this young girl like the back up there is a [ __ ] is important now hip-hop is dancing um oh we owe now let's throw back it away I'll just get ready to say that everything everyone used to have back to back back that is true was back yeah in the day and [ __ ] yeah yeah no you're right so they killing that [ __ ] like them back up dances going crazy I might spend some money or nothing but later we find out Tiana Taylor is Tiana Taylor is doing choreo for everybody yes everybody that got the money to do it is her that that was uh she wouldn't help summer with her one night only show on June 1st like Tiana's moving and shaking that's what's up which then got me to thinking man a label ran uh artist ran label would be hard like if you're sending somebody to Tiana for this a r is Jeezy and that might be kind of flying but the artists make too much money for that to ever happen so that thought came and went fast so anyway Lola Brooks leaves the stage she goes crazy DJ set in between just like they do it at MetLife but it's all New York like it's no longer the catering to the other genres you might have had to play your Atlanta said this was New York focused next ACT that comes out is [ __ ] coily break another new new act Jersey big Jersey backup dancers they're going crazy I'm watching them uh on the stage and I'm like wow it feels good to watch them on this much smaller stage because now an artist can work this stage Summer Jam stage felt like it swallowed swallowed you there's nothing that and you could you're gonna kill yourself running around out there this stage for the newer acts was seemed easier to digest and they had the big screen up in the back but more the same backup dancers going crazy she kills that [ __ ] she leaves then Fabio comes out oh [ __ ] oh where's my bandana now oh wait I said I wasn't on some gang [ __ ] but [ __ ] oh New York though oh New York I think Flex was just on doing a pop smoke set just all New York and I'm standing there and I'm like this is fly it's focused this is focused on us and I think it's fly that these [ __ ] got artists to pull from the backyard and put on a stage and kind of help nurture and develop I was in the Avenue blast so I lose my mind for five years and why don't Fabio do that donda record um he does not he did not do that donda but five year old come out there bring 100 [ __ ] on the stage with him he also introduced he bring out the [ __ ] that got the song over the Law and Order beat I think like all of the people was bringing out no the Law and Order I'm serious that [ __ ] is it's on fire out there they sped up the Law and Order beat like the uh like the two Milli beat I never heard it because y'all are old [ __ ] but it's one of these young 17 year old [ __ ] or maybe French brought him out somebody bought them out but yeah you got to join but anyway they all kept bringing out a younger person that's got a little heat Buzz and I like that too that's fine that's fine I like that so five-year-old go crazy ah he leave here come ice spice great another New Yorker get your [ __ ] off her performance and Africa not for me she's just walking around back and forth she ain't rapping no records she she got back up dances but these are two girls from like Fordham or something these you could you could tell that these girls ain't sad with Tiana Taylor now they out there doing some lazy and just like dog but then ice spice brought out some girls and then I'm saying why the [ __ ] is ice spice coming out after these people that don't that don't sound right to me she's probably hotter right this second I just couldn't say the Swift record I'm arguing that if I'm on the bill I feel you and little TJ little TJ popped out a lot that night he did but okay so ice spice comes out you got a short skirt on it's just that she's doing a little yeah but shout out to DJ enough son this is where I'm almost in there about to shed a tear enough Sun works with her so I don't know if this was enough's first time seeing his son perform I don't know but he was real kind of sentimental I'm sure and I would send to mental because enough broke pump it up for me 20 years ago so I'm just watching it's like a chain and it's like I'm almost I'm tearing the [ __ ] up in here and then as you watch this [ __ ] and as I promise you Hot 97's not paying me for any of this nor do they have any idea what I would go in there and say but the difference is you could really see this time and feel a genuine love for New York that's really just the 50 years Flex going up there he ain't up there because he's getting paid a lot he ain't all all of what that wild [ __ ] he been doing for Mad years that [ __ ] just really loved this [ __ ] you know the same for Hebrew a lot of [ __ ] up there so Chad I want to shout out to them I had a good time uh then the locks came out oh come on who's the headliner oh wait no ice spice leaves Cartier's deadline ice spice leaves and the the card says glow real is coming out next I like glorilla and I want to see this so I'm trying to wait for her but then the baby comes running out the record he came running out all the jewelry in the universe skin glowing Flex walked them on stage they're starting to record bring it back I don't know I can dance and I'm looking around I said I get it I see it I got it now you got one you got it yeah you know you got us you got him yeah hey that [ __ ] is fire fire you got them they brought that [ __ ] back 90 [ __ ] times that [ __ ] ran from the stage into the audience over here then he ran over here shirt off talking that scared that [ __ ] that [ __ ] was like a movie and this was the only non-new York moment so it felt good then he did one of his other records he went crazy and then he left then the locks came out when I thought glow realistic came out and they went crazy and then they brought out Scarlett just more New York more New York you get the gist of what I'm saying just New York New York New York before uh cardi came I left okay wasn't getting me out there cardi bought Global out by the way so she and that was odd to me but I understand it I want to know if she did her own set they did the tomorrow what would your choice be if you had your own set versus a bigger more established act bringing you out for their set people always choose the ladder right Summer Jam usually is both like to do like to do nle Chopper he came out three I met that guy what a sweet guy they actually hit me to come up here I never heard his music before but but um yeah he went crazy up there he was on a festival stage he opened the main show and I believe it was French brought him out again like oh I was there for French French brought out some other people if you love New York it's a new left there feeling satisfied good and you know what and again all of them Long Island people couldn't have been happier they were really truly excited matter that this person got one song they're brand new hey you out here you rocking thank you we appreciate that felt good to see yo I'm dick riding I'm dick riding hey I'm about to tell you you kind of um I came and ready to [ __ ] on it I'm gonna be honest with you because it's not what Summer Jam was but the main complaint used to be hey dog this New York ain't no New York on here you always had the Atlanta rappers you always had the the Downs just whoever yeah it was never a New York and that's what I was coming in here to say like well we know someone GM the B wasn't this the people that now we're in the event 97. you could see the calm and nay face I watched most the show with Nessa relax I was also with Nessa and Colin last year and Ebro and you run around with a chicken without a head you could see the people actually relaxed and happy that they didn't have to sell 65 000 tickets yeah that [ __ ] was mad that is different and I was gonna ask you what the venue held 20 000 because she was it sold 20 down way more intimate than the other shits 20 000 a lot of people felt intimate everybody got on stage we don't have the pressure of MetLife and this venue and the security and the overage fees and it seemed like the weather today the weather it's indoors oh and it's indoors come on man I thought and it did start to rain a little bit and um because like I said the Kevin Hart [ __ ] was outdoors and we were sitting there like yo it's raining yeah let me hit the round of applause applause Round of Applause for them it seemed like it seemed like they bet one because looking at Summer Jam this year all I kept saying was they trying not to spend no money that's what it looked like the acts you got you didn't pay a lot from them you didn't have to pay no travel for most of these acts they are from right here thank God smart yes smaller venue you move it up even even moving it to to the venue in Long Island I was wondering why they did that I'm like why not take it to Barclay Prudential but then I think it looks like it looks like they stepped outside of the the Live Nation venues and they also have new owners right media code bought High 97 because you know I was trying to get a situation up there you know me and I in my mind I put it like the person that owns that is a guy from Queens you know I mean so I thought that he you know I remember when po was telling me they're trying to change a lot of stuff so and dial back so I think that you know yeah because I just had to double check and make sure that parent company WBLS yeah now let me ask you something Joe just and give it to me I was trying to dude I was trying to read to figure it out but I I couldn't get a direct answer give it to you so they had the celebration of the 50th anniversary of hip-hop featuring The Lox yeah the locks were doing that now what lodge brought out rocket I saw that that they bought out raccoon uh but them young people didn't want to hear the [ __ ] I guess they wasn't born they don't know but were they playing classic hip-hop records or they just did a locks set that was my question you know somebody else came out too they didn't play any classic they did they [ __ ] and they brought a few people out okay yeah the only thing I saw was where I came I'm like how is this the 50th anniversary celebration is I got to tell Rakim thank you it was honest that's on the move but yeah that's fine yeah yes do you think that because that you you know you're very uh Pro women of hip-hop that's why you enjoyed it so much I think that's one of the reasons but I'm Pro New York I'm Pro women in hip-hop I'm Pro Hot 97 I used to work there yeah I'm gonna throw a lot of [ __ ] about it the way you are describing it it's just it felt good it's a comfortable thing as opposed to the I got home to pay him not be going I'm about to tell you I got home from Long Island faster than I got home last year from Jersey [Applause] just organize it yeah the traffic traffic [ __ ] Ain't Got No Cars number one man don't worry I'm just saying no it's true though New Yorkers [Applause] take the train way less I don't know nothing like that I don't know like that come on but Hot 97 Summer Jam shout out to them shout out to them they lit my outfit up over there I was on the phone with ice like [ __ ] when the last time Drake performed that Cemetery was laughing you know they got you know they don't want to pay the big bucks but they were able to they trying to dial back you wouldn't pay the big bucks who you I would all right that's Act One Drake yeah send that send that a few tickets over and never say but but I get like what the [ __ ] is even wait let me just say this like we're not icing I don't even want to go to your investors and get this approved listen what I'm saying ice and I had a conversation and we were just talking about how great I asked ice what was the great summer jam that you remembered he said yo there was three that you remembered yeah he was telling me on the phone yeah because I was going to the very first ones I remember like Junior Mafia being there and [ __ ] like that but um one of my standout Summer Jam moments was the the Kanye and Swiss Beat battle which was damn near the first verses that they did they did a Beat battle live on stage and and that was like not beat Battle as in making beats but you know record versus record and that was probably my favorite a couple other ones but you know got you all right classic moments Michael Jackson Michael Jackson everybody say that that thing oh you ain't give a [ __ ] bro I'm just saying it was that was that was another one though just to see Mike there but okay shout out to them anyway salute great success sounds like a girl had a fun weekend man what about you I didn't do [ __ ] yeah I was in the studio mixing records down producing mixing records here you see it right yeah is there anything to this Drake Kendrick stuff I think so are you gonna keep we said that before though they're gonna keep doing this shooting back and forth a little light shots I'm sick of it though now it's like it's like rap beef blue balls isn't that what hip-hop is no it's been over 10 years yeah it's been over 10 years if we're not at the point now of a record a direct I don't stop because you but you was a fan of shooting I'm always a fan of shoes but if y'all not gonna do it you know then don't do it I don't like the [ __ ] the [ __ ] in school they used to act like they want to fight and then they shoulder just going let's fight [ __ ] is fight or not I get I get it I get it 10 years are just blah no nah and they gotta say something crazy somebody gotta jump out and I mean not for me I'm gonna be honest I didn't I didn't think I don't think it's gonna happen but I felt the same way about it Drake and Pusha T who just been jabbing all over the years I said this is never really gonna and then it did and that's just spill it all it takes is one all it takes is the right like that about Drake and Pusher because Pusher was there so there was always a chance for a just knockout whenever I get Aggie enough Kendrick is right there looking eye level with Drake the same way you ain't beating now Drake did me like [ __ ] Never Go studio for your bum ass Kendrick is look he can't they equal footing I think there's too much money involved for them to really get into a real go time I also don't think there's any real animosity or beef they're just both at the top of the top of the heat so that could be true all right I think it's that yeah but I like that though why does it have to really be in a monster dude for me to get at you it's hip-hop because I gotta do hey I like who you are I like who you are I like your kids your family I like what you're doing I like your songs but [ __ ] you is this such thing as friendly competition live no but Kendrick did it anybody with a name yeah what you got it man that ain't what he did that's not what he did he didn't do that he didn't do it and I hate y'all for that he didn't do that he he in a rap for him when rap [ __ ] start beefing they start getting personal and it starts saying [ __ ] you and all that yeah yeah he didn't do that he didn't do that he didn't do any of that on that right he said when I get on the record with y'all friend or not I am looking to obliterate you and then got an American dream with J Cole and Jeezy and did the exact opposite of that so I don't want to hear nothing about that he wasn't really on the record no he was on that record he wasn't really on there he was he could have did whatever he wanted to do on that record and he chose to do that so all of that [ __ ] I don't want to hear he's in that tear and Carlson I'm trying to take the rest of you to them here too to me he's in that tier I know to us he's in that tear so why that do not tell me that Kendrick feel like J Cole is in there too okay tell me what about J Cole now you're about to make us down a certain way but I'm asking real questions what from Kendrick it makes you all feel like he feels like that about J Cole that is a legit question we don't we can't speak for him you can't speak for him can I answer the Black Friday [ __ ] they did together tells me that I respect you enough to put you in that tear that you are one of them where they swap records in in everybody's been wanting a Kendrick Cole album they've teased and hinted at for years they never did it but you give me yourself well I never did it I have my reasons why I think so we don't know we don't know but again what's your reason y'all ain't gonna get me to think that question feels like that about J Cole and he clearly saying he don't feel like that about Drake but I'm not trying to talk about these three [ __ ] we ain't got to talk about them I'm just telling you that he's done something that says I respect you enough to put you up here let's let's let's let's wrap send me your record I'll send you my record put you up here that's all I'm saying [ __ ] out of here I know I know I know I know but he won't though he know who the firewriter who not that's my point oh please there's only one of them called The Boogeyman you are it's cool though how I agree with y'all no you don't yes I do but I know how rappers think and y'all don't never really think from that perspective I agree with y'all J Cole's right there there is no conversation but if I'm one of them no we have a conversation Sam so anyway so let me ask you this though in that brain do you think he thinks Drake is up there with him no okay that's awesome no hell no and that's why I think we getting these little dark you up here with me because you're up here with me yeah like he ain't stupid but you can't you can't [ __ ] what [ __ ] not up here stop no Kendrick I don't get that from him the other two I would I would make that argument about Drake but Drake has shown me enough to say oh no he really feels like this like he feels like well more than Kendrick he feels like he'll share space with some of you know anyway I don't know how the [ __ ] we got him I don't know I liked it though I like the dough whenever y'all get the Dosey doing I'll be right here from Joey Joey yeah I'm gonna get right to it don't think you're skipping my commentary I'm gonna get it we coming right now who are you leaning towards huh will you leaning towards [ __ ] who card ain't declining no he's not he's down here that's the boy chill okay Kendrick better leave drink alone I was just about to say when he started getting in here I Really Wanna lock down to sit in the house for a week but you gotta remember like we come from like when hip-hop beef was Ill [ __ ] was outside you know Fifth and [ __ ] we're controlling a lot of [ __ ] [ __ ] recording [ __ ] moms a whole bunch of [ __ ] [ __ ] that into rap it didn't really fall into anything but it was that's what hip-hop and then you know Beanie Siegel and that's where we come from [ __ ] are shooting at each other going up the HOT 97 [ __ ] who the [ __ ] wonder what like well now these [ __ ] is passive aggressive they're throwing little shots so a [ __ ] that rap and [ __ ] you see it look part of the reason why is because they had no other outlet but Hot 97 to go up to now these [ __ ] are cut their Instagram on just right on the black screen flips they let the drill [ __ ] worth a billion dollars I'm not nobody can eat radio stations shooting at anybody [ __ ] what was Jay when you win that Nas [ __ ] he won more for a billion what was he worth he's still him not that [ __ ] it they still hip-hop [ __ ] no it's not [ __ ] you think Drake is still hip-hop I don't know that Drake considers himself seriously all jokes aside do y'all think Drake is hip-hop like just I think Drake are surprised he's transcended he's a pop star I don't give a [ __ ] what y'all talking about over here in the hip-hop world all right Drake is hip-hop if you look at his watch in a new city where are we yeah man Bucharest and you [ __ ] about to get it but we missed that I'm turning a new Leaf Way I'ma just start blatantly dick Ryan because I support a lot of these people I do even in summer year I was looking around like yo I want the best for y'all yo I do but can you want the best for them and still not yeah and looking at them in person see is we don't be when I say we because maybe not us but when you see these people in person just like I talked about at the Roc Nation R B Showcase you see a young person vying for their opportunity and having to make people believe in them not just the fans but the labels too the radio station people the DJs that's all I see when I see these people so it makes me kind of empathetic it takes me off the couch yeah it makes sense it takes me off of looking at what your publicist and your lawyers sending out and just really humanizing y'all to be like God damn like these is our kids no the way you explained it with the Rock Nation [ __ ] when you was like yo this is their shot like it's everybody is here this is your shot to to impress these people and if you make a good impression this might send your career in a whole different yeah but if you [ __ ] up you know what I'm saying so you got to empathize with that somebody taking a shot it's like a movie I remember they pulled me in cab little corner office and was looking at the songs that was working at Radio at the time and I said it's fast we're looking at the songs that was working at the radio like we just just had pump it up like maybe not out but we had it or it was coming um and it was Cassidy Hotel and that [ __ ] said something like 300 million in audience that was the top of the top they was looking like see if we could do something like that but that leaves a young kid and this that's old school today I'm sure that metric is something different but it leaves a young kid to go home and say well how the [ __ ] you got work to do no wonder we want Cloud Chase over here we're gonna fake fight over here I need a gang over here I need that gang need to get with this gang over here I need some [ __ ] with some Street Clock cause we got to move around like God damn it's a setup this is a setup but good luck to everybody man some of y'all's real good I love seeing Scarlett yeah beautiful I love seeing them beautiful opposite but I respect well excuse me I said I'm the opposite I love that [ __ ] I don't I don't want you to package how much is all right can't get at me over that we're happy to see her yeah you're gonna be happy for somebody's success and not like it what's your reason now come on I'm gonna get that stop there's nothing to get at bro I just said I'm happy for the young lady's success but you said you feel the opposite what's the opposite I don't like it you don't like the record no I don't like none of that you know I feel like I don't have to like it what the [ __ ] stop the record is 10. you're not welcome anymore that's why you ain't go to that second day of the roots Hey listen I'm just listening to what's Scarlets I heard you that's all I know what else is important or unimportant I see they got Young Thug's brother the judges talking let me find a clip because that should stop me in my tracks I just read it guys should have stopped me in my tracks when I heard it they have the judge's brother I mean they have the young thug brother no no what the judge said to him is he violently probation six months after getting the deal part of the special condition was that you're not supposed to possess a gun and [Music] the state was very clear and and very clear which scared me it was pretty testified earlier about what the things that you were given in terms of reporting in States one and two oh and then miss uh goodacre came in and and specifically you signed acknowledgment of firearm in stage three and prohibition of possessing firearms or ammunition stage four and then I saw States six and seven which was the Glock 9 that was taken from the vehicle which three to four inches from me so I find that based upon the evidence presented in this case the state has proven by proponents to the evidence that you have violated your probation in the three means as set forth in paragraph four on the petition now and part of this in terms of the revocation revocation the attorney has asked me to ask me your lawyer said two years two years asked for um and she's a nice lady yeah and I certainly you got to try her and I certainly respect that you know you don't ask you don't know unless you ask closed mouth don't get fed but uh check this out the issue I find the thing here that I find aggravated you got arrested with a gun you pointed six months of you being placed on probation and I agree with the state that you're not a candidate for probation because all you had to do is just complete your probation and do what you're supposed to do instead you were riding around a car with a gun in violation of your probation what this court explicitly had conversations explicitly on the record and for that reason sir I'm going to revoke into a balance of nine years and six months fish and you will serve that in the department of corrections and that would be the sentence of the court now recess you can break a recess okay all right give me a sandwich give me a turkey turkey and cheese yo I saw that clip and stopped in my tracks yo oh man and for any of these young [ __ ] I need issues former uh Street self to tell me how anybody this way I'm stuck on this that right there clearly he needed the gun yeah he needed the gun so that's when the street [ __ ] say hey better to be caught with it than without it so I get that part he needed the gun but damn what's the damn point if you needed a gun there has to be a different way to have the gun definitely it has to be a different way for him to you have to pay go about his life yeah you got to do something but if you don't have the means to do it yeah we just said how they freeze it accounts and [ __ ] like that better you better get a friend who the judge didn't tell this message to yeah that don't have a record or you go get a crash of them Jack I might eat the two years you have to do anything with the probation you have to do something six months after and uh in the video when the judge got to talk in the night at nine year [ __ ] he looked over this lawyer like yo he was talking about hey whatever y'all was talking about the judge is on some other type of time yeah this is the same thing I was saying with that job I ran Adam Silver thing but we're gonna see after the uh we'll see how I play playoffs uh but this this was he clearly told him yo your lawyer's cool and she requested two years for you she requested two years for you I [ __ ] with your lawyer no oh wait here go another no these [ __ ] in court that's crazy I don't have it in me to be that I don't have nine years to give away I don't I don't I know it's some dudes out there that could take that type of time on the chin I couldn't for all these young [ __ ] dog did you hear the clip of Boosie they care let me tell you when they care I'm watching them little [ __ ] look they home you know who cares when you hear them [ __ ] that's locked up and they start saying yo dog I'm telling you little [ __ ] out there none of this [ __ ] is worth it and that's all good that's what that's when the [ __ ] care once once you get behind them walls and you can't get out but that's how it always happened always when you when you get into the fire you want things you want the heat to be turned down it always happens like that you know and a lot of these little [ __ ] don't listen to the people that's in there that that's doing the time I'm currently doing the time they don't listen because they know it all I agree we're watching these you just think you ain't gonna get caught yeah you watch these little [ __ ] man and [ __ ] down on camera by the corner store looking in the camera wow send them home Salem I guess okay it's a termination is send people home a lot yeah basically a lot of people want to have to judge for when it comes to sense in Florida rapidly Fair but just listen um and I was kind of like playing friend that was true so that's why I said I was grateful to have you guys as a judge why would you say that you were sentenced me 15 years well because there's no firearm and I'm not a creative felon or as Mr Pell you were found guilty by juries or peers for the charge of possession of our firing by a juvenile delinquent you are adjudicated guilty of that charge your sense at 12 years Florida state prison with 546 days credits you have 518 in court costs there is a a year and a half so you gotta do ten and a half years but you started off telling the judge yeah they call you send them home soon Sammy or whatever the [ __ ] he said you were never gonna tell the Judgment the thing about standing before a judge is the powerlessness that comes with it no it's it's knowing you don't have a choice and nothing that you about to hear I don't give a [ __ ] what's your lawyer said in the back I don't give a [ __ ] what your game plan was when you get in front of the judge and God forbid he sees something or hear something that get him in a different type of mood [ __ ] if he had an argument about his wife in the morning yeah if yeah if she ain't make the eggs right any of that you are at his Mercy [ __ ] you talking about yo dog [ __ ] before you even get to court when they put them cuffs on you yo you at their Mercy you could literally go in for a traffic stop and them cops could beat your ass to death and you can never see your family again anytime you get in the hands of the law dog you are no longer in control and they don't have to do a [ __ ] thing all that [ __ ] on TV y'all want my phone call yeah you okay Doug last time I went to jail they put the phone in the cell make whatever call you want all right have a number memorized in the first place I do too hey a phone call and it was free phone right next to you uh blood oh hi free and you can't call New Jersey though you can't call nothing but New York numbers just New York numbers off the Dome off the top of your head yeah have fun with that I know two numbers off the top of my head who knows numbers I only knew too when you got locked up you was cool with the lady so you no not this last time this is the other time use that podcast they give you the phone when I got locked up last time you ain't got no phone it has to be a New York Exchange and that's it when I turn myself in on document let me hold my phone Jersey was nice I had that well now they [ __ ] hot like yo my cousin got picked up and they hid the [ __ ] no phone call he's not in the system nowhere we was trying to find about that we riding around to different spots looking for him no he not here we don't have nobody by this name and then a week later he was like yo I was in Green Street the whole time that's the first place we went no phone call they just gonna they go yeah he said the cop told them Yo don't nobody know you're here and they gonna pressure you we're not gonna fight nobody will find you okay but think of the laws I would break it 42. I ain't got no law I want to break I want to run a couple lights jaywalk I don't want to do nothing nothing too crazy and you up [Applause] all right if they look at me like I'm down what do you think they will think of your ensemble in vehicle when you come up big stupid ass tires on the truck sir hop out with your son on the go we want to [ __ ] kid yo who is this [ __ ] you trying to get ah Queen split they will shoot you it would be man you down on that golf course not do that you will get you would get shot I wouldn't do that there though I wouldn't and would be lucky for the shot I wouldn't do that I just started looking around all those trees but they were doing so nice they were doing that's what happened no they were super nice we not we're going back there stop I don't want to hear y'all [ __ ] Joe that's how they are yo I've been trying to hang out with you [ __ ] dude that's my guy trip I tried y'all ruin Monopoly night you ruined [ __ ] taboo night you ruined strip club night you ruined [ __ ] hookah night there's nothing we can do you don't call us we don't do anything together for years I keep saying it you don't call so [ __ ] y'all now I'm moving to the [ __ ] that look at me like skunk yes wow I'm moving on I'm moving on from y'all hey what club I need get my seven iron let me get out here with the grass what I learned is none of them [ __ ] out out there had friends is a trick friends to No One friends is a trick I want to hear some more the dude with the tea time before us swaggy ass [ __ ] him and his girl both golfer down now friends got chopping Down Golf four days down to the head to the top hey behind me Asian lady and the husband who's like I'm running late one little ladies like we're fast golfer down her and her husband uh yeah everybody was out there with the husband or wife or the [ __ ] colleagues from we've been here for 70 years killing [ __ ] it's like [ __ ] all that friendship that friendship should overrated it's over for that for you no for them I'm watching them they they hang with them maybe they friends yeah you aspire to be that I would be friendly too if I just got 100 Mil with this [ __ ] now we chilling on a Sunday I know they got tennis clubs they got a pool over here they got a basketball court boy did I laugh yeah boy did I last oh Mike I don't want to see the basketball court at the Country Club I went over there to see the comp I pulled myself I swear to not be no [ __ ] over here I'll get out I'll get out cause now y'all playing with us now y'all playing with us the [ __ ] wrong with doing a basketball court beautiful [ __ ] trees I'm [ __ ] I did one of y'all white boys come out here Joe you [ __ ] around get the white Michael Porter Jr over there with a sweet jumper like feet up on the show anyways tough up the house [ __ ] no why because it's on air and it's for private information and I'm going back I'm going back we tried to hook it out I mean we tried to y'all mean I don't smoke Amazon or whatever you'd be asked hey you know you know stop doing that what it is that I'm around the same circles you're around and they invite you no you're not that's a fact it's a fact they're inviting me you know different stuff you're not you wouldn't have to go to a [ __ ] stupid ass hookah bar eat wings [ __ ] invite me to [ __ ] bowling all your big meetings where it's gonna count don't [ __ ] diminish me that some stupid yo let's go to Hookah smoke this morning [ __ ] I leash off myself huh at least with myself it's three of me and one [ __ ] is the professional it's the skit [ __ ] and it's the father you you can have any one of them it's three you have three some three years stop you're invite [ __ ] to Ill [ __ ] cat steak yo I was invited there by a friend I mean I told him about that but you still could take the initiative and say yo and you said you're gonna be here you always about five or ten minutes right man you're gonna let him get away with that guy get your [ __ ] off yeah get your [ __ ] off the diversion [ __ ] right and I always been about 10 minutes right behind her I like that [ __ ] anyway [ __ ] it it's not touching me yeah all right the golf course nobody was touching on each other like that are you gonna invite [ __ ] to the golf course never that all right you don't go I got a few tips most important beginner tip they gave me was would sound simple hardest thing in the world keep your arms straight keep behind the boy oh keep your eye on the ball keep your arm are you left-handed too yeah how many pedestrians out there no you're not I am I know yeah I buried with my right we're right-handed off you put it I said birdie I said what I said what I said though see I can't even bring you now [Laughter] stay over there that's kind of because that means that the person has that means that there's some sort of fear there in my opinion if that was the case yeah don't try to psychoanalyze me I don't think that I don't want that [ __ ] to sleep good at night [ __ ] him that's dip oh [ __ ] y'all [ __ ] is different yeah yeah y'all some different breed of [ __ ] we got from again what country club yo don't hit me with all these [ __ ] mythology I want to see that [ __ ] up no I don't say it but you think but when I see them [ __ ] I do an eye test see how the eyes look I then look at their skin you don't hear me come in and say [ __ ] look good that's because I did my check you look down at their feet skin look good their feet look good their appearance their teeth their gums their hair they could hear me they were coherent all of those things because you'll never really know pocket watching don't tell you nothing and [ __ ] can be broke and take the greatest kid itself in the world in fact when you see somebody and just see how they doing versus life or are they aligned with life like that [ __ ] saved me in my teenage years well late teenager like 18 19 like started seeing [ __ ] their eyes looking crazy my mom's beat me down to get a job and I'm outside with [ __ ] Grimes to the ground like all right I was looking a little yellow at 20. let me go get this job yeah I think it's not sick of sounds at 20. I'm good let me going over here bags and bags so some of them [ __ ] when you see them with the beds in bed whites in the eyes and haircut looking a little just out of the beard wrong mustache that's not that's not all the way she was looking crust in the face I see I know some they get in your face laundry yeah everything's really good that's not true work just got a promotion you're looking at them stop they looking they're bad they looking I see some bad cause every time you say that [ __ ] the Pod audience they start laughing too oh that's [ __ ] up shut up I see some bad looking [ __ ] pause that was up but you said he don't look bad he looked bad like I don't want to diss him he looked crazy but he don't like he plays a Rolo looking crazy he puts that Persona on to look is it great he's crazy but what I'm saying is that you can't say that when we personally know a [ __ ] that does that that is up that will look like he's not up I think what do you got on what are you doing but he's up me and you know him take good care of yourselves out there oh yeah yeah yeah yeah that's really just the bottom line okay everybody take good care of yourself get that massage man up but we happy though man that's cool yo Antoine for the audience out there are you gonna invite any of us on your new adventures um are you gonna fight any of us in your new adventures I keep saying no why are you doing no [ __ ] did you invite me to Miami oh he went to Uncle flip first I don't give up away he went did he invite me I love Miami and Uncle flip I hear you yeah enough of these one-sided relationships yo enough one shot in one man it's nothing enough leeching if I can't go to Miami with you then I can't go to Siam with you [Laughter] I miss Diane yo that was a nice little that was fun it was a mess it was a mess but it was fun oh you lived there I lived there diamics liquor out the trunk of the car they was going crazy over there that's my kind of [ __ ] right there yeah they're not when you lived there they didn't have enough police to man that crowd so you might get shot excited yeah and the crowd Just Dance over you that's my worst fear as I get shot and the crowd is jamming to their favorite song of the night I knew I shouldn't have been here you was immediately I got wild words for years ago you ever walked into a place and you immediately regret it yes I go out to regret it oh you live for the regret I go out to regret [ __ ] everywhere it Thrills me to get somewhere and be right around this is why I don't go out without face but you end up going outside exactly what happened to him yeah I am I heard ice talking earlier off Mike uh when is she was telling her telling a strip club story grounded Applause for me I ain't been here though I ain't been here a little ten thousand that I went and got uh whenever that was that was right heading into man still something sitting right in the room like at least five minutes yeah man clap that up you're retiring your strip club Jersey slow down just tap the brick a little bit yeah great job I ain't starting five no more hopefully gonna take a break taking a break get into some other things like my golfer friends don't be out there come on big ice huh you feel good about it you feel happy I'm at the Looting out here that's what you're doing evolution you know what they do though I'm getting out of here what never mind what do they do oh the robber crash it yeah not I just bring him to the spot yeah that's ill though that's my whole move though right now that's my old move yeah let's go [ __ ] him up one day no I'm honest with mine how about y'all honestly yeah yeah there you go and then take a step further no I'm just playing yeah what else we got what else we got what else um did y'all see the clip um DJ was playing uh but it was a 21 Savage record in in the club and Gunners verse came on the whole club's stopped it was like yeah it was just like the mannequin challenge [ __ ] like everybody was turned one second oh no we don't I didn't see that but they're not [ __ ] I mean at all and that record I can't live without it was like it was one of them it was a good dope ass record as soon as his first came on [ __ ] just came to a complete stop what if it comes out that he wasn't a rat like what like what if that comes out I don't think people care no more they put some [ __ ] together and made it look like some [ __ ] and he just wasn't what the hell come on saying how do people feel just go right back to I don't know um I think people chose they side and now I think that I think that if it would only take that yeah it would take Thug to say no he good yeah I'll tell you one thing they could do the mannequin challenge all they want that bread and butter [ __ ] is fire that [ __ ] ain't do nothing but getting hotter in my phone I thought I left my phone under the sun I tried to tell you as the days went on the seasoning started to settle in on that [ __ ] I seen somebody say nah it sound like he actually did the bid yeah sound like he came out with that record I can't speak for whatever else he got coming but that one got a hit in the car and they killed your brother and you're hanging with him spilling some tea and before y'all start firing to me I don't know who he talking about I have no idea but whoever it is I wouldn't let him say this about me I wouldn't let him saying about me to me I think I called him a rat off the Alfred please oh no I'm a red turtle I know I agreed to some [ __ ] at the end of something oh [ __ ] if you're a rat I'm a rat don't look at me sometimes you know what I'm talking about I'm talking about when you and your lawyers in the hallway [ __ ] stressed and the prosecutor comes out in the winter pull your lawyer to the side and come back and bring you a little something yo if you just say you did this this and this and this we'll get you the [ __ ] out of this guy for you and then you talk to your lawyer your lord be like nah that's cool go home right now but you said yo if you say you did this this this is how I went anytime I took a uh what's that [ __ ] to give everybody uh Mr disturb missed something in the public uh misdemeanors disturbing the piece one of them Mr me pissed somewhere I don't remember what it was but yeah they give you the [ __ ] but that's how it goes they spoke to you in the hallway right yeah yeah don't greet all this under your free will right you understand all of that dead ass a dead ass I do so so on the day of June 31st you was doing a disorder person I did that [ __ ] yeah hey and and one time I'll be honest with you one time I got it wrong right like I agreed to whatever it was but when the judge started reading it you hit him with him I didn't know if I agreed to that and and I was like you're on that and my lawyer hit me so hard under the table free so yeah I get it but to be called a rat off the Alfred please that's rough yo I don't know man as long as you can still make heat like that see that's where Takashi went wrong well he went wrong a few places but that was the most important place to eat no more I think it was the imagery behind it went over the Dr with all the star tenders started painting some walls I need more than that I don't buy that [ __ ] for one second tell that [ __ ] to another fool no no you got it you know I'm gonna take all of the Bergens no no what just know Perkins no but even if no it's gonna run dry it's going definitely run out if it ain't already ran out it might have if the country came out with him he they might have looked at him a little different that's my next game I want to play with y'all whenever you're ready to what's up uh I guess that too I'm gonna play I'm gonna play a song for um millisecond millisecond and a half let's see who can guess that too 25 on it it's a TV game 2500 to the winner seen the TV game Chicago the JB TV game 2500. I mean 24. of course you win I don't like when you all win ice ice was all my text that same day after you won that again send it well your rule was immediately paid upon into the game I ain't like ice and y'all [ __ ] up answers either yeah some of them answers was dead wrong it didn't matter it did it was a game it was real dope I liked it but just now you're talking about the money piece I'm just talking about the competition amongst men wait I'm a real [ __ ] right no I'm not a real [ __ ] you are but you cool yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah but this one is real out of pocket [ __ ] so no it was fun it's competition whenever y'all want to play that game I'm down they said we need to do it like once a month that was good it was good it was fun it was people entertained it was it was real good good job hit me and say yo you too competitive I was like okay me too You Knew Too Much answers nah I was just [ __ ] up hey but Joe had you gotta get the right answers you know no we got to do it a different way where everybody you gotta have the right answers yeah your answers wasn't right on some of them I'll get it together uh what are you doing right now you're good they caught my girl with the bricks oh oh she had the keys the keys the keys what do they call it my girl they caught my girl Rocky with the [ __ ] Rocky's my home girl well not my own girl but Rocky used to do a lot of reference records with Berg so I got a lot of heat with her in my phone wait the rah yeah Rocky yeah they thought it was some real birds two women were busted with over 200 pounds of coke during a traffic stop in Alabama I'm reading from say cheese oh I think I saw that police became suspicious after their vacation stories didn't match up police got a canine and found two million dollars worth of coke and the floorboards here and I saw that 200 pounds it's almost 100 Birds which was Rocky in Alabama rocket free damn free Rocky look I don't even know right damn Fam I'm a free rocket I'm hearing in Alabama if you get caught for something she's like the laws it's different like you face like 25 to life it's a lot of difference fact check that yourselves if you get caught with a hundred keys in any state in the United States you are looking at 25 to life no I'm telling you ain't got to be Alabama it could be worse trust me it could be any Bama [ __ ] that's a lot of drugs so what do you think 200 pounds of coke is how many keys you think almost 100 like like 90 something Keys bro in the the floorboards 90 something Birds if I got a hundred birds in my car [Music] no you're predicting this Mission yes yes are you [ __ ] me 90. it's 90 burgers or not no no she's getting out of this and she can still write the records that whole organization is going down what that plug better have moved if you think that she about to go in there and hold it down facing 25 Rocky yeah well she looked like she would never do such a thing she can get a rocker too yeah huh smoke her boots is that you guys's analysis after hearing this sweet Rocky yeah we're gonna see some bread a little GoFundMe yeah but if you're doing that I don't know why you wouldn't have your vacation store together with somebody word you got to have everything in check yeah and clearly this is not their first time making the run because who the hell is just trusting them with 90 90 joints like that they've made this run successfully before if I'm just guessing what made them get pulled over though I don't know racism in Alabama could be that's true could be I wonder what their cut was going to be from the two Mills there's more than that you know yes two mil worth not what they were guys 2.1 mil that's what it says go deliver that down there in the morning you know that but they do they usually have an operation like if you get caught there's usually some things in play yeah that's true like what that's a lot of [ __ ] like what number they called the number they knew what number to call when they got caught yeah I only just watch too many movies no it's true it's not true that's true not true we think it's natural so everybody got their phone number when you get to that level they're moving 90 Birds on one run that's a lot of [ __ ] that's that's high level [ __ ] that's not no play play they tied into something I drove there you think they got the number they got a number to call they got they got uh you know what you're saying like whatever doing it yo I'm gonna get them Yo take this one over here these [ __ ] is crazy sometimes no it's not what you're saying I don't I don't know though but I get what you're saying I've seen people make a call before I seen it and I don't know what happened the outcome but I've seen it I ain't never seen nobody make that call I'm just saying I know it's protocol is in place can you talk about everything you've seen me yeah since you're up here what you've seen can we talk about all the things you've seen like what pertain to the man no I mean I just go yeah I love podcaster [ __ ] why I just do you know I hate it bro not for real oh man my cat just want to come they got a number we are what I've seen from what I've seen yeah [ __ ] I wrote down you've seen quite a few things we won't talk about what like what like what [ __ ] put a bullet on it oh exactly y'all gotta be in trouble how you and you and ish me and ish I can't be in trouble I only try to get this in trouble not trouble trouble like that but y'all making me spend some money now oh you've been doing that no no girls don't want to fly up coach no more ah [ __ ] yo I heard the pie your girl Ben shouldn't have wanted to fly coach yo you yo we need to go such and such a little happy first class now like what the [ __ ] and I Blame You two [ __ ] for that exit Road was the [ __ ] but did you buy the tickets relax [Music] we got him why you want to be with your girl at the airport and not be in first class now y'all in the long goofy line they treating you different hey you ain't gonna hold you crazy what's crazy I've been trying to move some points around all weekend yo what do you mean first expand I'm going to first class while I was going on a trip I'm going to trip another [ __ ] tickets is different I'm like well you go on a trip where but out of the country but the tickets was crazy the [ __ ] was six grand one way yeah no [ __ ] yeah no no no the whole trip cost six grand yeah we can't go golfing what if they said that by the [ __ ] Pizza Oven I would never shut the [ __ ] up someone heard it Timothy and Chad would never hear me speaking with me oh man yeah know what they would say nothing because it ain't happening they say damn who's your boss oh yeah look and what would you say oh no this guy man it's a good guy because you've been Your Own Boss for a while so oh yeah how are you not doing well it works for somebody now and see people that come do the Pod they always get lost on the end and in addition to nobody hears that after the first sentence yeah wait what's he saying nobody hears the second sentence you only hear the first sentence you work for someone now yeah yeah that's what you're leading with and you work for yourself oh yeah and Joe are you your own boss no you got a bunch of them little LLC ships I got a few it takes 30 minutes to make one all right Caesar all right Caesar go ahead and keep playing man [ __ ] here's a Dodo yo what else is important oh man I can't speak for the rest of y'all but I had them like Christmas came for me this week a little apple event was uh Monday I did it for you oh yeah absolutely um for those who don't know it's called WWDC uh worldwide developers concert conference take it a step further on them real quick second step further and it happens every every uh first week of June for the most part and it's like I think in terms of sports so you know how you got um like kick off uh for the first week of the NFL season or NBA tip-off this is like WWDC is the first week of the Apple year they announce the iOS all of the operating system updates that's coming later on in the year so people tend to look forward to this they announced a bunch of [ __ ] um new Max new Mac Pros for the people that do all that graphic and movie making [ __ ] but that ain't what [ __ ] is waiting for they've been working on uh what people thought was just going to be a headset for about six years and they finally unveiled it and it sent just the tech World in a craze that should look trash no it didn't I ain't no techie and that [ __ ] was fire that's amazing that shit's amazing I just look goofy as hell nah you you talking about the outside yeah they said basically um cell phones are done that's the purpose of it that it is the purpose of it is to kill the the cell phone and what what you're gonna be walking around and just moving the apps and [ __ ] or with your hands from the from the the visor they're going to make them shits look a lot cooler before the cell phone's gone walk around think about it like scuba goggles on I hear you think about it like this first off look at they intentionally did not use the word headset at all it's not a headset it's it's a new device they're calling it a spatial computer that's one um if you look at all the headsets that's out yeah nothing looks like this everyone's been trying to rush like even meta announced a new one Thursday um PlayStation just dropped the VR headset everyone knew Apple was coming yeah so hurry up and let's get out even if it ain't ready let's just get the announcement out there that we hear Too nobody knew what this [ __ ] was going to look like this is the first one that you can wear it like how Joe got his glasses on you can still see somebody you can still see us and [ __ ] the other ones you keep you kind of in the real world this is not a VR thing everybody else was going towards VR which is virtual reality they lead more to us augmented reality which takes your your experience and puts it in the real world uh-huh this is going to be he's a game changer there's no other way to play game changer you know again I ain't no techy dude they show how you know how [ __ ] was falling through walls and [ __ ] doing the VR heads you don't do that so you good your son they showed a dude and the son kicked the ball to him and he had the the things on and he still catch the ball because he could see both worlds almost with the virtual reality you would just be in that world you couldn't see nothing else going on you got to take them off to see parks with these I could see parts and be on my emails like this with my hands you get what I'm saying so instead of looking at your phone some little ass print to to reply to an email I could reply to the email just standing straight up doing like this with my fingers that [ __ ] is crazy they say it's going to take away the need for a cell phone and not just that like people watching PornHub standing up in front of you shorty on your lap for real you ain't gotta be like this that [ __ ] is a long way from becoming what it's gonna be and that's where I think you're wrong you look at it I'm gonna tell you I'm gonna give you two examples okay that's usually interesting but Apple watch uh-huh first Apple watch was 20 I want to say 14 if I'm not mistaken [ __ ] was just an extension of the iPhone expensive didn't see him anywhere you can't go five minutes without seeing an Apple Watch today more people are relying on them they put health benefits in them the the world the real world implications with the watch now is night and day for when it first launched this is look at the iPhone when it first came out they didn't have no camera it was a butt couldn't copy and paste it was a bunch of [ __ ] you could not do Fast Forward 10 8 to 10 years later iPhones have replaced computers people don't even have a computer in the house I used to send people music yo how I do this like how I do this for my phone and it's it this is step one and it's already probably five years ahead of the closest piece of competitions from it's going to change it and look we'll look back at this in what's this 2023 we'll look back at this in 2027 and be like yo y'all remember that heavy piece of [ __ ] right look at Joe glasses I see them imagine if they can condense those into that well yeah because you know that's all they're doing is make [ __ ] smaller faster so if they could put no that is what tech could do yo but if they could take the headset and put it in the size of Joe's glasses and you could conduct your emails and your work [ __ ] from that by hand like this that [ __ ] is crazy that's where it'll be as the chips get smaller batteries get smaller they'll be able to fit more Tech in there like now it has a cord it's corded I ain't gonna have that [ __ ] in two years correct but a lot of people can't multitask really so you think you can but you can so you're gonna be looking at like you can't walk into it you have to be stationed but you wouldn't be able to walk and see something happen right there and then [ __ ] sending an email yeah I don't know you're gonna see people walking around with these anytime soon yeah I'm a pod with this [ __ ] on when it come out I'm gonna tell y'all right now the day it drops I'm gonna be sitting in here with one on just so we are clear and you see people walking around texting all day right and a lot of accident has happened but I'm just walking I'm talking about you see people you getting on the train if I see somebody's walking and texting and if I told you 10 years ago that somebody was gonna be able to walk and send text messages and do all of this you'd have been like what the [ __ ] you talking about like the [ __ ] you're doing you're not paying attention to what's going on that's the point and with these glasses you're supposed to see both right I can still see what's going on outside while I check my emails Metro [ __ ] want to drive with them shits he get an alert imagine all the [ __ ] gonna happen with this of course it happens when [ __ ] though this ain't different [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] live driving and crash a couple of a lot of times yeah what's the difference so so you so into the tech you [ __ ] human like [ __ ] it like the technique is going to keep evolving this is the next step absolutely I think what the iPhone hit out the park is it's convenient and cool to carry around and even the watch to a degree like does it interfere with your normal life these I think interfere with your normal life which is why I don't think until they become something like Joe's wearing that's when it'll be something these big ass goofy shits I don't see especially at 3 500 a pop this is not that's beaches yeah again this is a computer start saving now I'm good it's half a flight so just that fast you're off of this bandwagon I'm just saying when I watch the whole presentation on them that [ __ ] was dope or not [ __ ] I thought you was gonna get two pairs the way he was talking you were your girl they're a long way away they're a long way this is not again this is a pro device all of Apple's Pro device are not for the everyday User it's been that way the phones ain't marketed to the everyday user the laptops the iPads are not to the everyday user now people will get them as like a status symbol but then don't use all the features of it that that's going to happen there's going to be some people that just gonna run out and get it and not know what the [ __ ] they doing down the line when the regular air or whatever they want to call it it's going to be cheaper less features that's going to drop too I'm just telling you that this step right here is going you watch all your other companies watch what they do well I hope it has the future where you can see the [ __ ] that's running up on you from behind you can look yeah you can look at the glasses behind you open amount of delay with that there's a man there's a man right to your right you got a thing in his hand a thing move look like he's headed toward you now I do take it through it would be cool to watch games all to play video games on it so even though Max have typically not been greatest for gaming if they catch up in that aspect yeah I think that'll be cool but as far as the everyday person wearing them I don't see it happening with this and again Design This is not for the everyday person it's not even marketing to the everyday person the iPhone was sure yeah the watch was um okay that's big difference I'm just saying in terms of revolutionary technology I don't believe that either but the marketed maybe but the price point tell me who was for they have Apple watch I'm all I hear from anybody is how expensive it is in the beginning not now even an iPhone dog you gotta think about when the iPhone phone first came out that [ __ ] was expensive it was no it wasn't that expensive because you it was like the old how the full plans used to be you could pay you get 100 and you get it and then you pay it off like 400. you gotta lease the phone well you got to finance the phone it's expensive they created a plan to make it affordable my full cost of savings of flip phone back in the day as far as what it looked like on your bill it was no y'all can't come with me golfing I don't care what that thing costs give me the pre-order link that's all I'm waiting for I don't care what if you got the money to buy it I will buy it right now if it was available so you got money no I don't have money I just make bad decisions with the money I do have respect you got money we got them did you order yet it's not available yet when's it'll be available come out early next year the original plan was for them to drop it um fourth quarter this year and I've been hearing they've been running into some production issues and things like that so they pushed it back we can't imagine this will be one of the bigger flops that we've seen from Apple I think oh I think you'll be wrong okay for sure and you base all of that you're talking about this release when it comes yes not any evolution of it no the evolution I think once I like I said it was against something that looks cool and is unobtrusive to where I think it'll be a hit but as it stands right now it's big and Goofy and expensive which is what every other Apple product looked like when it first dropped it was not big and Goofy it comparables look at the old iPhone and look at this it was big and Goofy look at the first iPad look at this it was beginning the first iPhone was way smallerness I'm talking about thickness and width of the phone screen only the thickness thick thickness how many times another one it's pride month it is that's right I just get sassy over that apples everybody got that [ __ ] they like yeah that's my [ __ ] these hard questions yo I know how many beats per chord per all right bro you got it bro tearing shirts off no that where he from that's racist no he gets sassy from Queens that's right queen says yeah he gets sassy he'll let you know a quick week I see the Sass when somebody's trying to play his work he don't like that [ __ ] I don't like that oh yeah yeah tell me how to do my content bro stop yeah what I get sassy with everything right King said you obsessed with everything you do I don't give a [ __ ] neither I [ __ ] think you yo do you guys not know what I'm trying to do like [ __ ] shut up a thousand times don't do that don't do that that was your birthday no one sees what I'm trying to do he's not doing this T stuff with his head like this [ __ ] shut the [ __ ] up [ __ ] go to the bathroom who said that but you not this [ __ ] will harp on some [ __ ] that's somebody else that was just my mom everything no accountability yeah bro anyway that was crazy no but he said it like he had Unearthed her [ __ ] it was midship you don't even think it and then tell you something like that yo he said she's all right this sounds like I just feel it like yeah no no no it was new to what you would do you don't usually do that don't say that's why the [ __ ] pointed out don't say nothing bro listen I would finish this conversation but I want the audience to know this Snickers is the best candy bar [Music] I like them off myself stop oh you got a Snicker deal no and Skittles is gelatin free now put that down Muslim [ __ ] used to definitely say that too like yo you can't eat that [ __ ] it's pork can't eat Skittles there you go guys you're gonna throw a whole bottle of water on me my [ __ ] I spray this on you you're gonna throw a whole bottle of water on me bro stop expensive water too stop he'll never drink another water in here bring your little Deer Park dear life whatever that [ __ ] is you want [ __ ] before so bad [ __ ] why you keep saying that boy that's not true I just don't want you to come golfing okay though what we got uh all right all right what else are we doing like this I put it down come on what else we got what else we got what's your phone all the games Championship the game Championship is gone he came back man then he came back they swung back how was game two compared to games they might yo this game too good you better stand on what you stood on I think the Denver is the best team okay now I do think of them but that being said the heat has [ __ ] showed me wrong every turn in this playoffs so I do think they can make it more interesting I think the nuggets are way better team I think we see in the two best teams like I think that um oftentimes it's not necessarily like the the superstars will carry you to the to the chip with them it's a collective effort on both sides you know what I'm saying like and we don't really always see that anybody could get or be the leading scorer for either team you know what I'm saying like it could be Michael Porter it could be Joker it could be Murray on and conversely on uh the Heat Jimmy Butler don't always lead to miss Gorman very seldom you know what I'm saying like it just depends on whoever's hot that day they them they too good as teams and I told you that um in game one Miami just was missing shots they was getting great looks and they played a good game they just was missing shots and they kept it close they was in within 10 for the most part of all the game that's why I felt like they could beat Denver if they just hit a couple of those shots like me and Joe both came in like yo that game wasn't so lopsided you know what I'm saying that first game wasn't so lopsided even though Denver won you know had to lead the whole game Miami played like [ __ ] and still stuck around not played like [ __ ] but they just missed shots but they still stuck around and that showed in game two I'm just happy to get a good series it's a great time it's very good as much as I think Denver is better and should win this series uh decidedly I don't want to see that I want to see more basketball I do remember you saying if you're if you're Denver you're afraid of that because yeah they didn't play their best game and stayed in it and Denver will shoot like 60 from the field and still was only up nine or ten points for the most part whole game when you plan that good and you not putting them away putting them away that got to be some cause for concern true you know what I'm saying like in my opinion and I also want to take my hat off to the Joker again he's by far Corey he's by far the best player in NBA right now by far I think it's best player in the NBA yeah Steph is on his heels but Steph is understand Steph is on the hill that's it and then it's just him and stuff based off of his IQ correct uh just he's just a different type of dude okay because he plays slow but he is slow he's not he's not athletic but he plays smart that little touch pass to the uh uh dude I don't even remember who it was it was Gordon yeah you're right that [ __ ] was beautiful I haven't watched any of these finals and I don't think I will um but every highlight I see Joker is just he played it's almost like he play an old basketball yeah and it's like the only one playing it kind of they can't stop him it kind of reminds me of Tim Duncan back in the day a little bit yeah where it's like kind of boring quote unquote boring to watch because it's like fundamental basketball a little bit you go look at a stat line like what but he'd be killing yeah I see your smirky face because shut the [ __ ] up yeah shut the [ __ ] up with all this recency oh my God I love you all [ __ ] Jokers Joker you hate the Joker I don't but no I don't want to hear all this [ __ ] like this [ __ ] Will Chamberlain sit down stop I don't hear this [ __ ] like y'all haven't lived through seeing amazing [ __ ] he's doing amazing [ __ ] y'all seen it before now because the media and the marketing campaigned and revved up day in the finals now everybody I hear listening maybe just be the best million in the league [ __ ] knock it off we've never said that stop I don't hear y'all I know and them [ __ ] might go home but maybe he's doing amazing and them [ __ ] might go home well he was amazing got clipped at home game two first loss at home of the season now what amazing [ __ ] lose listen no I'm just saying what I'm saying to y'all there's no debate that just this man is amazing but that can't be where the conversation starts and ends no I think who cares that he's amazing them [ __ ] can get clipped them [ __ ] don't look like the toughest of teams like we already mentioned about game one me and you and listen to tougher team might be the team that's better than them and if they gonna go out there and do that and sleep on Miami like they did in game two and just not switch the switches and leave the three-point dudes like come on come on come on I don't want to have them I'm not it's too many people in New York specifically that I keep hearing speak about Denver like they one of the best teams in the universe and I don't see that when I see them they can be hats they can be had he could be the best one-man show in the world but they can be had oh as a team I think I think that this is what's happened with The Joker I think more people are talking about them now they play in Denver so you don't really see them play that often that's usually What's called the games be late as hell at night time now he's on the front stage and people have heard about him but they haven't seen him play oh please this is the Greek Freak play all over again I just everything that you just said is applicable to The Greek Freak before he won his chip everything East Coast Park everything no not at all wait huh that's the West Coast part no Greg freak plays in the Eastern Conference we see him and we see him play off stop oh my all right I've done tapping this toy the small Market team [ __ ] was not seeing him play often we're not talking about that we talking about when he plays East Coast games like he plays all the East Coast teams often so we see him they stuffed that [ __ ] off television until it was time to put him there is what I'm saying I don't understand but all right we we could we can move on what that boy is doing out there we haven't seen anybody do and we've been watching basketball for 30 years you haven't seen anybody do that I just seen Russell Westbrook average a true double for two seasons on my point guard spot all right forget it forget it never mind it's very different it is it is it's very different okay y'all seeing a big dude you've seen LeBron do that you've seen guards do that you've never seen a seven foot center average 10 assists a game with North fourth season Joe he's averaging a triple double in the playoffs that's a lot that's not to be just diminished like it's not to be diminished but don't scream at me because I don't value it like y'all no I'm not I'm not sure I'm not true I've heard it enough enough too much this guy but what I will say is it looks like we were wrong about the ratings did you look up they look up some friends last year yeah I mean it seems like it always comes up the little meme I saw like every year was up and up and up and up and up one of them years this [ __ ] was mad love one of the Milwaukee joints it was super low one of them joints it was low I would I don't know it's a really good series which is good the games are mad close both games are close true so that's dope as a fan you you sitting on the edge of your seat watching the game and it's dope it didn't disappoint I would like to see a long series I want Miami everyone but prediction Miami if I think it goes seven games I want Miami to win Denver can win but I want Miami to win like I want Miami doing Parks I'm brewing for Miami the underdog and I root for Miami teams a little bit so I'm room for Miami but I think Denver's a better team it will probably win in six now so you know the best players I think in the NBA I don't want to see him get his chip down again I kind of do but I always root for Underdog no it's the way I hype this [ __ ] so much it's nice because they've seen a lot of commercials no because I watch basketball and I know basketball I don't know what the children are not making no sense they've seen a lot of shows where the animals say he's the best player in the world that's why because before this playoffs you never heard one person say this is the best player in the world not one not one I stand in that not one I don't give [ __ ] what they talking about you ain't here one what does that mean it means what I just said that means upon further information and Gathering more information you come to a conclusion all right so this is new [ __ ] since April so you supported my client so this is new [ __ ] since April because before this it was Greek free it was Joanne I don't like LeBron James it was Steph Curry we've been around enough to hear the best player in the league conversations so y'all are now just concluding this since April I just want to highlight it even if even if that is the case so no I just want to be said oh there's nothing wrong with it but let's say it again so when I say there's like a recency bias don't look at me like I'm crazy April was just two months ago we see stat line April was two months ago we see statlines every every day when you cut on TV you see statlines if you play fantasy sports you see statlines when you see this big white slow [ __ ] out there doing [ __ ] magically with a basketball that is impressive so now that it's on our TV every other day for the last two months yeah some people are coming to say oh yo he ain't all hot he loses series will he be the best player in the world still he's the best player in the NBA right now can you answer my question so we can advance yeah I'll also say that he is playing better than he has previously so it's also kind of okay to say he's the best player right now because maybe he wasn't last year because Steph was better but he stepped his [ __ ] up they're in the finals and look good in the finals we're on record that if he loses which I don't know that he will even if he does [ __ ] so let me crazy as hell so now you if Jimmy Butler would have lost that last series to Boston all that [ __ ] they was talking about that best playoff player [ __ ] that was out the window you can't you can't lose a series that you're not supposed to lose the same way that killed LeBron when he lost uh the Mavericks you cannot lose to the eighth seed and be the best player in the world I'm not wrong but stop because y'all make y'all are framiness like I hate him I didn't say that at all I'm saying that every because if that's the case then the nobody's gonna say the best player in the NBA is on the heat nobody was saying it though listen to what I'm saying before you just argue nobody in the world will say the best basketball player in the NBA is on the heat which I don't know what that means I'm about to explain explain so that means that whoever is the best player in your brain your brain your brain your brain your brain is home so the the best player in the NBA had to have lost unless they are playing for the Heat under your guys of yo the best players gonna win the championship what else we got what movies came out I'm not doing this with you anybody no movies Spiderman Spiderman Spider versus Spiderman came across the spider verse came out flip saw it that she was fired you've been hyping it too that [ __ ] was fire so it's the best movie you've ever seen yeah in a long time I mean you know like I Googled it um what's those two people that Christian what are the names who is yeah yeah whatever whatever the company the company the company that's behind the [ __ ] stop the company let me find the company that's behind them [ __ ] is picking it up stop man let me talk that's supposed to help me I'm with you all right I'm in the movie theater yeah now I go to the 40x with the chairs move so that's that's I'm in there a lot and the movie was good the storyline how was put together was great the movie was so good that grown ass people at the end of the movie the way it ended was cursing and upset that it ended the way it did we was on our seat like [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is going on he's in the spider versus [ __ ] [ __ ] spoiler they're chasing them all type of ill [ __ ] we don't know if you're gonna get away then we find out you know especially as a minority despite it wasn't supposed to bite them all that [ __ ] was in play and I'm like this oh [ __ ] at the end the way it ended [ __ ] girl like what the [ __ ] her [ __ ] cursing their kids that's crying I was in Florida like this oh [ __ ] by myself it was fighter don't like black people that's racist he's a minority despite the one but that's what you got to watch it son that said fire well that's not the beat no more but whatever this [ __ ] is Hell let's go watch it I'm invite you to watch it I'm going to see I'm gonna go watch it it was on my ass because I'm going back to the 40x and then watch it was your [ __ ] it's not up to you that's all I just rushed I'm gonna watch it it's Marvel though right it's Marvel but it's not in that MCU storyline I just rushed to watch those movies like those are the ones I got to be their first day for why are you laughing I'm gonna watch them they've been on my ass I was like I can't even open this app right now why you ain't gonna go see Spider-Man [ __ ] cause I ain't gonna say what's so funny nothing all right you just neutralized me chair though don't neutralize me hype it on me you have to Spiderman fight I want you to go see it thank you for the recommendation would you take my recommendation and shove it down the toilet bless it in the trash huh who you went with by myself that was dollar do you take the kids no no how many tickets you bought one it was packed in there that's why you had an 11 30 movie I had to meet I had a meeting and then when I was driving Boston I saw a big ass 40x I'm like I'll be quiet I saw Spiderman so I'd be a lame I'm going there by myself too I walked in there I bought this [ __ ] with fires huh thank you salute that was a dope recap my [ __ ] it was one of the best I've ever been sarcastic no we give you your problems I mean they want to go see it and I'm gonna go see it I'm gonna go see it yeah because and I'm gonna let you know how it was thank you thank you invite the spiders spiders I would like you to see a two-ish I will die my [ __ ] jvp jvp where would you be without the GBP okay we're back and went by itself to see Spidey verse cuddly ass [ __ ] a little Miami vacay yeah I mean you know when you with new money coming together uh state of Hollywood yeah I stayed in Hollywood nice crib too I saw it yes big ass crib that's something that you know that I don't yeah that's your extra day of work coming soon no you said actually it's fine um what else what else what else what else what else is going on well Ross's car show went down it did over the weekend should look popping Ross Lynch yeah and Gucci performed crib at the crib still a little little push I mean everything there at the at the actual compound went down without incident yeah they said they said there was a Kroger about three miles away I'm like okay three miles I know a little bit of distance okay that's pretty far they were saying that the people that didn't get in to Ross's party or to his event had their own little shindig in the Croaker parking lot told [ __ ] so the town [ __ ] it's to me it just seemed like racism I'm keeping I'm Gonna Keep it a buck with you but so the town are blaming Ross because it was like cups and bottles and [ __ ] all over the parking lot and they're like yo he should have had that cleaned up like it seemed like they were just looking for it it's not his fault that's they didn't want him to have the event but I saw two or four because he had the event yeah but yeah but this ain't three miles away You're gonna say here but still you still you are the reason that these people are coming to the town prove it prove it prove that I'm the reason that they can't prove it if before he had his car show people wasn't going to the town so even before all right so they couldn't get in this particular spot right so now they go convene at the closest 7-Eleven and if you all see a group of [ __ ] at the 7-Eleven go break that [ __ ] up go send the authorities there that's a party without a permit y'all try to keep people getting permits I saw two people I saw um I think it was the sheriff and another um city official saying that it was a really really successful event saying that it was over 600 and something people came and the sheriff was like they pulled off every single thing without a hitch no problems no trouble no nothing this was the sheriff that seemed like a good old boy saying that you know what I'm saying so I don't want to I don't wanna I think we find any reason to dampen you know what I mean a successful event from the black duel oh now some [ __ ] happened at the Krogers because ain't nobody get shot or beat up or none of that [ __ ] we got to find something negative to try and stop it from happening next year that's kind of what I took from it you know you can't blame him for that I mean you can't put that on him it was Papa he had a concert [ __ ] child the Ross absolutely this is crazy as catch it let me hear joke y'all [ __ ] pardon me all along I disagree please elaborate on if you feel differently so y'all will be cool with somebody in the town attracting a crowd of 6 000 plus and leaving the town in a different standing than it normally isn't but they didn't say that uh I'm asking you all a question and then then we can move on yeah yeah what but then okay so you're saying if if somebody came to the event and they left my like let's say the whatever block Rick Ross lives on his neighbors had [ __ ] on a lawn and and you know what I mean like stuff like that didn't absolutely I would feel some sort of way but if three miles from the man's house at a convenience store people that couldn't get in his event merged on this particular place and that's that's a that's a job for the authorities and I'm pretty sure the convenience of made a lot of money okay that's what I'm saying the energy to do this with y'all the authorities depending on the day may have more people working than not right yeah so you think they'd have a good pulse on the amount of police they need to man the town on whatever day that is when you say that you mean the authorities or the promoters okay yeah so if there's a crowd now and on the way to one location there is a Kroger's like that one [ __ ] we all stop at when we go into Great Adventure the one that the store with the they got all that [ __ ] over there but it's one spot today by go to same thing there if this is the spot that's on the way and the people that can't get in are coming here to party these are people that wouldn't be in the town if not for this event the police are not staffed they're not they're undermand they do not have the uh manpower to keep people here at Kroger's to make sure y'all not well in order to deal with uh resistance from y'all when we try to debt it they didn't they clean up ain't plant the next day or this day like you got to be really in coordinates with the town when you do some of these things and I'm not talking about angry Neighbors I think he wasn't in in accordance with the town when he did this you okay 100 now at the same token if somebody show up speaking for me I would hate it hey look let me tell you I would hate it absolutely hate it hey if somebody can rob that Kroger I bet you the cops would have got there dog you can't party at the [ __ ] what are you doing I don't understand what you're saying because how was that Ross fault that's why I have my events Pennsylvania license plates that's why these are not people from the town we looking at y'all y'all standing on cars hula hooping we know the whole town okay the Starbucks this is definitely Bruce's fault 100 Ross's fault so he's like who the [ __ ] else are different no he's not gonna be liable liability and fault it's two different things two different things so so no he won't be liable but this is his fault so using your great adventures um comparison right so if something happened at the particular great adventures and there's some people that did it that's from Brooklyn and they on their way to Great Adventures then basically Great Adventures is the the culprit no yes and no yes their Great Adventures is the reason that these people are over here gotcha we have the corporate we're talking about a business I'm sure Great Adventure got insurance that it spans thousands of feet out in proximity of Russ we're talking about a residential neighborhood this is not quite the same I'm just talking about having that one store that is on the way one exit off the highway or just convenient on your way somewhere and that is clearly what this store sounds like and I will be tight about it I was tight about it when I threw the pool party and the [ __ ] leaving the pool party did all that [ __ ] exactly but three miles away from oh that's a good one so let's say go down below three three miles three miles away if you leave my old house and get to that first highway right there by the by the Home Depot by that Dunkin Donuts by the way that [ __ ] at that first store right by that little Planet Fitness or whatever that is that's about a couple miles that's three miles and if they [ __ ] it up that's my fault they don't even have a crowd over there at this time you ain't never seen a party getting thrown over there by Verano what is the name of that [ __ ] what's the name of that [ __ ] the [ __ ] are y'all you would not have it you would not have that [ __ ] in your neighborhood no you would not you would be peeved [ __ ] I get mad at the hotel when I'm on the balcony and they [ __ ] doing the uncle okay [ __ ] what are you doing pissing on the neighbors houses standing on top of cars [ __ ] got guns they playing bad music clear yeah I'm gonna go I'm with you I'm going golfing clear that [ __ ] out that's it you're right this is where the golfer leader should come from get this [ __ ] [ __ ] the [ __ ] out of here we can I mean it's not gonna cost very much to clear the parking lot he's not I just found a reason to complain about a successful event that's why that's all I took from that as you [ __ ] guy again if it was down a block I think they're doing this after what do you think the 6 000 plus crowd looks like next year and the year after they have to expect growth it was six thousand or six six hundred thousand there's more 600 what are y'all talking about okay all right forget it move on them [ __ ] gonna be at that little HOA meeting if they was at this one yeah it's gonna get it's gonna get thicker they're gonna get they're gonna get more support they're gonna get some more support for that yep bro yeah but so what then you have to do that exactly then you have to do that when I was having a boy I wouldn't drop a little bottle of wine in front of people doors whether it made a difference or not who knows what yeah you got to do that okay somebody you have to do that pay somebody that's all you ain't go down Bloomfield Avenue dropping off Juan no I know I went to my surrounding neighbors exactly that's what we're saying and that's that's that that's our point him right there stop it him right there this new [ __ ] stop it please only in Pride Landing y'all cool with 6 000 people coming to a town they never been in the [ __ ] it up no nobody's nobody no but it does bring the time Joe is definitely adding words to [ __ ] mouths I said easily on your block in your immediate neighborhood yes three miles away at a convenience store is not the most convenience store how about that yeah that's not my block it's not my block and on my block I'm pissed off at a local convenience store parking lot I'm not as pissed off it's the people in the town are gonna blame the person that brought this big ass person out to the town I know what they're arguing cool I don't understand it they're just saying that they don't feel wrong they feel like yeah I got that part but the people in the town they blaming them for these six thousand people going anywhere three miles around here you grew up in the town you [ __ ] no cars by heart you think [ __ ] don't know when six thousand what we got well off of the car show talk because you know that that's what started the whole Rawson um situation the NBA average car show his was in I think has happened before Ross I'm in Memphis right yeah okay Memphis but um you know that that escalated to uh to an Indian gun play back and forth yeah uh Gunplay has sent a cease and desist to envy about what really playing the phone calls it no no um just saying he's not allowed to speak on him uh any the family defamatory is that the world yeah yeah can't speak on them in a negative manner he said his wife is a lawyer and I'm gonna let her handle this from that one and I was so I wanted to ask y'all you know how y'all what your your YouTube in particular the way you look at the streets a certain way and people from the street what y'all thought about that well um I Heard uh an interview um With Envy in Charlemagne Envy addressed the situation on uh The Breakfast Club somebody sent it to me but um Envy said that what he was disappointed was that um they turned like a 12 15 minute conversation and Gunplay only released the clip of like 60 seconds of dialogue they said after they got past that him and Gunplay had a real dope man-to-man conversation they asked about each other's families kids etc etc so he thought it stopped right there you know what I'm saying like he apologized he said a bunch of times to um go and play and he thought that the conversation was over and then they released the clip with Gunplay saying he'll smack him and he said he was kind of disappointed in that but he said um the Gunplay said he wanted a public apology but it was a memorial day and envy was doing whatever DJ gigs he had booked up so he didn't come to the radio station until the following day he wasn't at the radio station and so that's why he never released a public apology so he said that you know we we kicked it and chopped it up you should have never put that out like if I apologize to you for something I did and me and Parks left it right there then it stays right it stays true that's what Envy said that you know what I'm saying he was like uh they stayed on the phone for like 10-15 minutes so I mean to send a cease and desist I guess that's they they prerogative if they want to do that I don't know if it would work if you're in the public eye right can you I don't know how that works yeah I'm not a legal guy anything you said that I don't um from the street perspective should Gunplay have sent him a season to assist you say you're asking I'm just y'all have different take on I mean you know for me use his wife as a as a as a person that he said she's gonna let take care of Italy a lot of times would I live by my wife with may not live by the same thing and on top of that if you decide to take it to the street like with this you end up going to jail you put your hands on him you slap them now it's public you might slap him you'll get arrested Envy will sue you or you may get arrested you know what I'm saying and he's a brand yeah he want to do that and don't want no negative press coming toward his brand he could do that but like like Park said uh I'm in the middle because not in the middle because I wouldn't send a season assist right matter of fact I'm lying I would have a season assistant to a person that is not from the streets okay right if I know that they have an advantage and they could use their their power and stuff against me or whatever and I know that if I slap him or get them slapped that I'm there's no indemnification Clause that I'm held liable I'm sending messages I'm gonna use whatever I'm gonna use their power against them okay I'm gonna play their game somebody that that like if it's a [ __ ] that you if I see him or we gonna bump into each other [ __ ] we're gonna talk about it I I'll hand it like that because now I said a [ __ ] like that a season this is the the the the outpour the outcry about it it looked bad on me like look at this [ __ ] he's looking for the streets and you talk about a lot of people now look you said in the season desist it looks a little bit different okay that's what I'll do it you said this is an army it's not true the more we keep having these conversations I think the alternative sound real stupid but I done said that about four times so I'm gonna mute up said what four times that some other alternative sounds stupid and it said that like four topics in a row different topics so he did I'm gonna shut up but this is another one of those for me if I live here and you live there and you keep talking about me and I want you to stop I could either send the season to desist through my attorney which you have to honor or these ramifications or I could tell you to drop your low and see you when I see you donate time and out of my life to catching you to beat you up to try to get you to stop talking even though you maybe can talk again you don't believe in dropping lows in there that's not just time right I don't oh okay so that's what he says you're stupid you don't drop loads and try to beat up with [ __ ] and [ __ ] no no if somebody asked me where I am I seen you drop below and I want no you told me Sam in New Jersey that's a very obvious law I mean you dropped a lot yo please I sent that [ __ ] to Walgreens you dropped the location I wasn't there and when I spoke to you [ __ ] he was huffing and puffing [ __ ] ready [ __ ] I wasn't in Pennsylvania though but you're told I wasn't in Pennsylvania okay but your tonality was completely different I heard in your voice I question you about four or five times you didn't want to tell me where you at it was on some real different Tom Cruise [ __ ] so don't come up here and but that stands all that you're saying stands I'm with the [ __ ] if we get the [ __ ] but if we just talking about somebody said some [ __ ] let me ask you a question the caveat let me ask you a question about this if somebody else that wasn't in that same realm or had realm or have that type of outlook on them did that to you you wouldn't handle it that way if a John says John from ESPN right okay wait which way if a John from ESPN went the same direction that this individual went yo drop your location you're not playing John from ESPN hopefully wouldn't even wouldn't if I said just say just say let's say he did that say that Joe if you want to speak what if you want to speak to me I'm willing to meet you anywhere face to face we could talk and you bring all that energy to me are you going to drop location like how you did or you're like man [ __ ] that I'm gonna handle it a different way uh I don't know didn't drop his location dropping your location is dropping low yo this where I'm at [ __ ] pull up what are we doing I can just ask the question but you didn't you didn't let the person but how Camden it's a classic classic classic Twitter story that happened the meet me in uh Temecula oh [ __ ] two [ __ ] on Twitter was arguing Christmas morning over Kobe Temecula and dude was the biggest stores yes I never heard the story so they going back and forth on Twitter I mean getting spicy he said you know what yo where you at I'm tired of you talking I'm pulling this is Christmas morning it's important I keep reiterating this so dude said all right meet me in Temecula gave him some location [ __ ] [ __ ] name was uh Mr I forgot I forgot anyway dude went left his family got in the car drove how far was that it was like three hours am I lying it was a hype taking pictures the whole [ __ ] yo my [ __ ] I'm here where you at it was like I'm not even in that state I'm home dumb [ __ ] yeah dumb [ __ ] idiot if you dumb enough to do you have to do that like an idiot I'm definitely going to give you the location somewhere way over there we just hope that some people you know be honorable like it was back in the days it's over when I was growing up in 2000 you'll meet me on Jamaica Avenue [ __ ] on the corner [ __ ] you go there my face never went like that if you go there a [ __ ] might not beat it here five minutes later best believe you've seen a bunch of cars pull up it was like that these [ __ ] that conform to the internet way of thinking it's weird to me you know when they gotta catch me some [ __ ] say catch me attractive yes true yes so you give an address me respecting you or think of that man I'm go oh [ __ ] this smoke I'm pulling up oh [ __ ] I mean that's what you say when you get there and you realize that yeah you're gonna feel stupid no let me ask you when it's the other kind of smoke when you pull up so you see a different type of smoke I'm lost and that smoke just keep coming out and the [ __ ] got a switch on that thing that's what that's what generation yeah like why we don't promote ways to live like even now you're talking to me sending Duke that um that address right like what is really that conversation rooted in true absolutely nothing I'm saying the bank that ain't even about nothing I get you I agree that's true so I wanna [ __ ] better promote positive ways to prioritize your time and when you're ready to get to the [ __ ] make sure that it's something that is that you feel strong I only bring this up because it forced to defend yourself you're going to defend yourself so I was trying to prove that you you participate but they don't need you to prove that to nobody because what you said don't prove it to me you just be asking for an address I'm going to send you you'll be part of 7.9 miles away all right so don't question our part don't question us doing things for the part because you say [ __ ] for the part when to me you did the total opposite that's it that was my point let's get it what else we got anything y'all will never go boring this again boys I'll tell you that one nothing happened in the world let me ask y'all a question sure yes it's it's a it's we in this social media world so it's a social media question okay you're cool with someone right or you don't have any issues with them you just you know it's whatever but you don't like their posts uh what do you do beautiful why because I don't see that [ __ ] one of them follow me I like them they might feel away I don't understand that really butt hurt over the foul all right let's follow I understand it like if in person I might not necessarily dislike you I like you in person but if you just keep posting a whole bunch of [ __ ] that I don't want to see or you have these dumbass stances on certain issues I don't want to see that come across my timeline right I could still like you as a person or I'ma just you know I can mute you I don't you know what I'm saying I probably but if I unfollow you that don't mean I don't like you as a person but a lot of people take it the other way that's true that's amazing that's the only reason why I really don't I don't mute anybody I view everybody I don't do like like if I if you posted some [ __ ] and I just I'm like Parks what the [ __ ] I'm tired of this [ __ ] all right unfollow don't mean nothing personally right you could walk in hell my [ __ ] what up what up like we talked to Mel man I don't follow none of us true it don't mean she don't [ __ ] with us it's just I don't follow you [ __ ] and I just was I just wanted to ask a bunch of people what they thought about that people get really butt hurt over that [ __ ] yeah that's I'm way parts but I can just mute you and get you out of my sight I think mutant is like being scary at that same I think that's regression I think mutant I think leaving your not having your red receipts on I think all that [ __ ] go together where I just don't want you to know what I'm I just don't I see you or I don't see you I don't want you to really know it though I want you to think one thing even though it's not that come on I got part of the show all right for somebody who is scamming and did not leave their real name or email I hate them that too that goes in there too it's another real good long one here pause but it says I'd love to hear from Melissa and she's not here so I'll say that man Joe I'm not going to lie I think the porn industry is trying to trick us so I'm on my favorite site and I go to my favorite category big tits so I fast forward to the good part reverse cowgirl but something was off that I didn't see at first she was riding him while jerking him at the same time two dicks Paws in my head I was thinking why is she turning up like this just jerking him I then threw my phone and stopped all action she wasn't jerking his dick she was jerking her dick she got me Jill SMH but I have noticed that in some of the trans categories on the thumbnails are real women in the industry but on a serious note the porn industry has a lot of power do you think do you think they can influence the younger generation to be sexually fluid I see why this was sent anonymously ah and I'm gonna answer yes I do think that media and porn sites have the power to influence how fluid someone is uh I mean if that was the case then everyone would be out here [ __ ] their stepsisters because that's the main category that yeah there's over left first I can't even watch Regular porn anymore just the part dude forgot to tell y'all on the porn site in the corner they say what you want to look for word if you seeing that you click that other button over there homie yeah that's true so he's trying to say the videos from a different category no I think homeboy is fronting yeah homeboy they ain't go to big tits no he was a big dicks I don't I don't necessarily know if I think it has the ability to um influence somebody's sexual fluidity because again like we said when you go on porn it's mad different sub genres and you pick whatever you want so if you don't have any interest in that you're not going to necessarily pick that you get what I'm saying like whatever I click on on porn sites it's some [ __ ] I'm Into You know what I'm saying or some [ __ ] that might turn me on you're saying that there cannot be a mistake that you go to a trans video I didn't say that at all I've never been to one and I watch porn so I've never clicked on no trans video or no video of sexual fluidity so I don't know how that mistake it could potentially be made he said he got all the way into the [ __ ] hey yo porn son hell there was some fetishes that they get a little crazy it does I had a I had a breast milk furniture at one time on that [ __ ] bro I was watching like 100 videos does everybody ever sleeping hold on why you have to move on from my fetish and you left it alone I tried to find mad new videos all right hopefully you all enjoyed this part as much as we enjoyed delivering it to you hopefully everybody has a real good week out there work-wise professionally personally oh on Friday on Friday 20th anniversary of my debut album if y'all thought if y'all thought that top three Joe Budden episode was like a Joe Budden episode oh y'all ain't seen nothing wait till Friday I might could take off for Friday huh I had that written down for you too he was going out yeah I had everything ready for me I know what time it is on Friday 20 years though gotta that's fine yeah you gotta yeah yeah I'm coming here to do it all right back I'm coming here to do it on Friday keep us in your prayers Lord knows we need to be there until the next time I bid you would do farewell adios cerebri hasta la vista arvoir so long goodbye remember life is a series of moments and moments past so let's make this one last is this if it's ads as if it's all we have and lastly the baddies are insecure the stagnant people want to travel in the closed-minded chicks want you to teach them things grab you a Tylenol you might need it also again I want to send a big up out there a big a big heartfelt hug to anybody out there that might need it I know it's a lot of people going through trying times going through some real [ __ ] in their life hopefully we'll be able to provide an escape and if not we'll keep you in our prayers and please do the same for us we going man busy week busy week ahead busy week ahead nice weather [ __ ] might be outside please be careful stay safe hate on a swivel at all times Daddy [Music]
Channel: Joe Budden TV
Views: 289,920
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JOE BUDDEN, JOE BUDDEN TV, Slaughterhouse, i'll name this podcast later, podcast, The Joe Budden Podcast, Joe Budden Podcast, state of the culture, revolt, revolt tv, pull up, JBP, joe budden network, joe budden 2023, humans, podcast joe budden, queenzflip, melyssa ford, joe budden humans, humans joe budden
Id: lD1KFg_A9IE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 148min 17sec (8897 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 08 2023
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