They buffed 6 Umbral so I tried Yorick's Carry Augment again. It's insane now.

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unified Resistance 2 price fighter and caretaker's favor guys we are going to roll this into venerable piggy bank like a freaking boss gg gg ah what about big gains yon guys big gains yon a lot of Health on yon Titans freaking just try it big gain freak it all right freak it big gains Yi big gains Yi GG big gains brother man all right this is good early game winnable winnable we have an insane early game because he prints items for us with the Treasure Chest we are on the support item envil thingy yeah we're actually back we're actually back come on big gains big gains bro big gains ult ult ult the freak is he doing man big gains bro come on y lift some weights brother man what the freak are you doing we have exalted early game though it's not that bad it didn't buy it ah me sces and me SC see guys the freak man I didn't see it man I saw it too late randu diff was there even a randuins bro I even what the freak is that guy talking about think I would have everything rather than Rands bro what's the exalted pattern it's trash it's like all the low costs we're not playing it late game but we can play it early mid game for some bonus economy all right watch this guys isn't big gains the worst arugment of all time yes but I'm a YouTuber so I have to pick the trash augments and make them work otherwise we're playing uh the same comp every game that's pretty freaking boring right okay so how does it work did Yuni get a takedown like he got the assist right for that guy dying no did uni just get a takedown did he get bonus Health 10 bonus Health every two takedowns offers you a treasure Armory that can re be rerolled up to three times this is the worst encounter in the game it's full RNG nice a second unit I mean Hand of Justice is great don't I just take this I mean I just take this this is great I'm not rerolling this I you're lucky forget the past it only clouds so are we playing uh like what are we playing man so like what are we playing guys the freak are we playing man are we playing um wait what what what am I asking oh yeah yeah are we playing Heavenly or are we playing omro guys does anyone know do you play Heavenly or umbrell now like what do you do umbrell but who gets morel then hey who gets last whisper then who gets last whisper then umbrella are you guys sure man is umbrella actually good guys should I listen to this twitch chat is umbrella actually good there's no way it's actually good um so who gets last whisper then man yeah I mean yeah set but where's my set guys I'm rolling for three stars at level seven where's my set how am I finding a set nice try guys nice try brother man I mean I'm taking sword right I'm taking sword for either shujin or blood thirster king gets last last whisper true true true I just go last on Kane the only three with umbrell is minus one 1.1 Delta his best trait okay sure you you got me man you you talk about the the statistics you got me so is it two Reaper then is it two Reaper on him then we go two Reaper or what [Music] C I'm missing one XP one [Music] um this this the thing is guys if we don't have an umbrell emblem it's beyond garbage no like it's beyond unplayable like beyond beyond unplayable or no I mean yeah it is it is bro it is I need a set if I don't find a set I'm dead straight up GG I mean we'll get an emblem we'll get an emblem no worries guys you know what the problem is man I took big gains I didn't kill a single unit but did you see that guy's team is it even my fault do you see that guy's team did you just witness what we were looking at like is it actually my fault no it's not it's not my fault it's sad but it's not okay I mean now what I mean it's okay bro we're chilling we're chilling guys Morel and Alon all right sure I mean I'm hard forcing it like why am I not already going Morel like freak it man who cares it's a it's a force gg gg guys we [Music] won boom I'm going to find him at level seven freaking I'm a genius guys I'm fighting me at level seven so who who is our tank him and then we just don't play drad we could play Kindred instead and play drad I want to fight it's not even that bad I'm getting some big gains value I'm going to get I'm I'm going to get a tanky boy CLE I'm going to get tanky as freak boy yeah I mean yeah has to be or or it could be any it could be any any lowkey tankier I mean the tank is the tank is flexible the tank is flexible tank is very flexible okay okay like give me the worst items ever that's okay no like it's not okay though man like you can't just give me these items bro what do we do man I could go sterox but only if I get another life steel Ogman and then I have a hodge for Kane that's not bad like if but I need another life steel I I I can't just go only Hodge on y right that's not enough but sterox is good right the bonus Health with with big gains all right freak it I'm committing I'm committing freak it freak it GG I'm committing guys like a freaking idiot I'm committing it's a force guys like a freaking idiot you know what's crazy where's my two star uni man I mean it's not that crazy but I could have one you know if we get if we were if I was lucky I could have one right now but I'm not lucky that's the problem wait bro is she really going to win hey man ult her bro oh freak low key it's a win oh my God we take those all right freak this guy sell one healing orbs too healthy no oh freak we're back wait we're actually back the great I mean this is great this is great this is actually [Music] great is actually great no cap genuinely great I roll for three star yuck we're back not bad we're all at six or seven here that's the question right I'm pretty sure it's six I think Yori is more [Music] important uh I dropped to 33% I don't know I don't know I I I think it's just slow roll and keep exalted for now until I hit something I probably roll on seven man thinking I probably roll on seven man like I can find yor 3 seven because no one plays y Yuri right but that means I'm staying the entire game at level seven right the entire game I'm level seven bro the entire game I'm level seven so I'm playing four four umbrell probably I'm probably playing for umbrell is it time to ditch exalted one more turn then I have to ditch exalted because I have a much better team set up here like the entire game I'm level seven man I need three star Alon three star yon three star Yori I just need a lucky set on Carousel or something or an emblem on Carousel I'm probably first pick here who gets the freaking garbage Treasure Chest though who gets the garbage freaking Treasure Chest I don't know the Redemption is great right his best items are Bramble Redemption dragonclaw those are the best urick carry arment items I have four Yurick two yones one aloon I mean it's winnable or at least it's uh top fourble and it's big gains it's big gains Yori guys he scales with health it's not even bad K gg gg three unit loss not bad now we're on even interval again because being at 5 XP does nothing right it's like 4 XP adds a completed item okay I mean don't mind if I do bro like like I have to take this this is a freaking like this item is perfectly fine on yorck this item is perfectly fine and I get a spat GG it's a forc well deserved by the way guys well deserved well deserved so now we can stay all game level seven and just play this team or now obviously we want to play or because we want Theo so we just play this exact team entire game level seven GG level seven entire game so now I get rid of [Music] exalted play Four umbrell this on him this on him this on freaking him just let him die instantly right freak this guy Morel on her last per Hodge still need Kane still need Kane of course since we have items for him level seven roll the entire game level seven simple game plan now simple game plan now it's just up to RNG whether we win or not just up to RNG if we hit three star all three of them two star Kane two star Silas I think I can win the game at level seven because big Gams is going to keep scaling me up man we're going to have infinite health on everybody steast hard is good steast hard is perfectly fine and then just dragonclaw holy freak I'm skilled guys so freaking skilled at this game man I'm a big deal guys don't you forget that I'm a big freaking deal I'm a big deal I'm a big freaking deal guys we go Kane with the emblem right I'm a big freaking deal guys everything I'm buying the toost to thin out the pool all right so I mean we're chilling GG it's a force GG brother man I still have a onear unit that's a little bit cringe I still have a onear unit nice dragonclaw I mean dragonclaw is good but against him I would have rather had a bramble best brother man you smell me look at this Kane look at this Kane I just obliterated kaisa with trick shot thingy and yes I know it's kaisa one but it's also stage three guys he's level seven stage three kaisa Gallo both right and has the trick shot augment and we obliterated him good sign very good sign it means we have potential my destination once we two star all of these mother truckers once we two star all of these mother truckers we're back we're going to be so strong cool GG bye-bye guys we [Music] won you need glove for emblem y I know their f sealed by my hand I go Sunfire no I can't I [Music] can't I have to roll a little bit here now I need my two star uni bro like I need two star un I need to roll until that yeah cringe though that it t took so long no extremely cringe guys so I'm trying to get seven garbage right I just need Silas I can't go edge of Knight on Kane I can't go edge of Knight on Kane he needs to be umbrell he needs the execution man ah so this is going to be Shen on her so like I don't want to go Sunfire yeah I'm not going Sunfire bro all right cool cool we're doing fine augment umbrell emblem freak it just make it easy give me two umbrell emblems freak it these are Giga trash so far oh haresis is great GG I mean it's for sure haresis right it's for sure harm assist my items are so bad bro unfortunately uh lucky gloves gives you the gloves yeah but then I have lucky gloves guys I have lucky gloves and one like hello I have lucky gloves on what I have lucky gloves when I have full items almost and this guy this guy has Treasure Chest who is getting Treasure Chest then the freak am I going to do with lucky [Music] gloves guys we're going to end the game at level seven I'm not going to win by taking lucky gloves for an umbrell emblem I'm going to win by getting the umbrell emblem and getting harist you know otherwise I can't win anyway like might as well just pack it up if I take lucky glovs there might as well just pack it up bro guys I'm level seven with freaking 40 gold and four yuric when I'm playing and three yis when I'm playing roll yin and yorrick all right please something good man please something good nice that's good that's good for me that's good for me that gives me time to scale nice there's a [Music] dude I mean next turn I have to roll down a little bit I need to get uh I need to get one uh one Silas this guy has Silas only one this guy has nothing this guy has nothing no he has one silus so two silus are out is that it please be it no three four cuses four silus are out okay we have to still roll down we got a hit hopefully there's a silus and Carousel with a crit glove I mean even if there is someone might take it right I need to hope for the crlo to be on a low cost unit this guy got all the random emblems right and they're all trash for him now he's playing Kar roll didn't get a single Mythic emblem from call to chaos four random emblems oh you can ult bro you can ult nice good job y man I don't know why so I mean I'm third pick I don't know if I can get this there's no Silas there's no set nice we got it okay so we got the emblem now we just need to find Silas I have to roll here no I have to roll here a little bit but I don't I don't know how much I roll man I want to see everything forget the past it only clouds the future I can't go I I can't roll more than that [Music] man I mean am I not dead last guys like I didn't find anything I like I literally just rolled I found one y in 20 gold 20 gold one Yol he got a Raiden last whisper that is a very strong item so we definitely lose this fight unfortunately radiant last I didn't kill a single unit he's level eight he found he found the Z instantly I mean there's nothing we can do right the game is RNG so if you have bad RNG there's really nothing you can do like bro five yorx man five yorx still really no no one plays this unit still have five Yu really bro really bro nothing you can do lowy I have to go Bramble this this set this uh game there's a lot of physical damage but there's also a decent amount of magic damage but these kaisa players are just so freaking busted man mean honestly it is a magic magic Lobby though but if I get a bramble vest I have to pop the Bramble vest on him it is what it is he have like zero gold so he roll everything brother if you roll 50 gold and you find a Zia the legendary that you need at level eight that is finding a zah instantly because you're rolling that 50 gold that you prepared the entire game at stage 4 to if you find aah that is finding it instantly you understand me man what do you want Man level eight roll roll once four three kisas and one Z in one shop and then as Silas in the Gallo sure yeah I mean if if you can get that great I got a cane but I really need Silas guys okay I feel like we're dead right because let's be real with this much money we're not three starring anything we have only 34 Health left the enemies are all extremely strong they're all extremely strong there's really almost no way to survive right I mean this guy is probably dead L he's also holding so many nios which makes it easier for me to find the dude okay I got Dragon claw forget the past it only clouds the future okay that's big that's big that's big that is big that is big that is big as freak that is big question is what are we going for now for our item here probably just sterox silos right sterox silus the problem is I don't think I'm actually that strong guys I'll give it a stack look yeah yeah yeah I'm not strong I'm not strong I'm not strong at all nope nope oh oh yes yes so close man let's go okay huge guys I'll keep it a stack I would rather have Yori 3 I think I have to keep rolling because the other guy with all the Nikos is still alive right and having so many Nikos on bench get the past it only clouds the future don't I have to just donkey roll okay this guy doesn't matter right oh nice I think I just locked this I need you I need the guy three I need the guy three I need the guy three I think I just locked this bro we're back we're back I'm just going to go sterox it's weird but like it's better than nothing it's really weird though on Silas of course but it's better than nothing all right that's huge we just three starred everything basically I did not expect that well not everything we need two more units but that is easy to get right because that guy is uncontested like completely uncontested that's usually easy I got obliterated this fight he has golden egg and he didn't even pop it yet that is actually unbelievable that I got obliterated this fight cuz I feel like I'm pretty strong the grave is your this guy is still holding strong yeah he has all these Nikos okay so I need to position better right I need to position better somehow I'm not sure how though not sure how I can position better I don't want them to get focused I think I but I think I have to put them I just have to put them always opposite of the enemy carries like this is good this is great this guy dies instantly so his uh so the thing we get the items right and then we have the carries on the left side the problem is they're getting focused Man by the syndra okay big gains is going to scale three star yon is not going to die man with big gains and sterox three star yon is not going to die anymore bro I feel like all this is good this is good this is good okay two people died that's insane Crown guard on Silas and it's a Yoni wow okay that is quiet amazing guys that is quite amazing and then we go level eight and we play either Bruiser or we play um invoker uh whichever but don't don't I just dony roll here your Jour or die in mine I think I do right like don't I just duny roll also I think I want him next to him so that way when the when the treasure CH pops it gives to him I think it gives to the closest uh units okay here I think what I have to do is just this put them like this because the the carries are on the left and on the right so I have to just not get focused so this is pretty good I think positioning is fine okay I hope it's fine I get third item for aloon as well soon hopefully but I had to take the Y right I couldn't go for a Lun item there I think Y is y is three star is super important here with big gains all game all right come on man please please I got so many lucky things happening this game no I got har assist I got the yorri carry Orban I got an umbrell emblem spatula from Carousel I think I have to just duny roll you like it's just good because one Yi equals uh save five like we're on two Health points right right we have two Health points right now but it's very easy to just [Music] die okay there's still enemies on the left as well I think positioning is fine like this man just pray okay this guy is not that strong and he has a lot of magic damage and I think I'm good against magic damage you know with my with my dragon clock I think like this guy has a burst unit the kale but like the the the the yorri can't get bursted right that's what I'm thinking also the jewel Gauntlet I keep getting from the treasure chest is very nice bro holy freak she just kills everything jeel Gauntlet diff deserve all right come on man I'm very happy with a top three because the game looked really bad mid game right I mean we just just send it to zero again man like we just send it to zero again um what I need here is a rexi or azir rexi is Bruiser and drad air is invoker and [Music] drad all right come on man a third aloon item rabadons would be the best or archangel be great as well by my Heavens bless me nice can I level no oh these items are trash you think ginus is better no way right no way need to position well position is fine is it blue buff Silas ever like bro I I feel like I would rather get the treasure chest item on her I feel I feel like blue buff Silas can pop off a little bit it's not it's not bad it's not bad at all this guy is really stupendously strong right guys it's a it's a two star uder man if we lose this it makes sense yeah makes sense if we lose this bro sad though very sad honestly pretty sad okay I mean can we level no we can't even level um we could level if we sell or which we probably should right our Wills alive we get ghostly it's not even that bad this going to mess up the treasure chest though no it's not it gives to three units right she's always going to get it plus they will die before him anyway oh she got Archangel she got freaking Archangel I think we can win this one come on surely we win this one nice let's go all right huge top three top three two people die please no this guy's winning against Ghost he's fighting ghost you go lucky ah we're probably four here maybe we can we can squeeze a top three we need to get a lucky enemy nice we're against him I think this guy's beatable man this guy is very beatable this guy's very beatable some call me evil shall I prove them right we are made by our Cho that's pretty good that's pretty good honestly I think behof is way better than Bruiser right here okay positioning is fine again he has one star or man I'm not losing to this right oh but he has golden golden egg Cash Out ah I might lose guys I got rabbit on though that's pretty good my Y is going crazy he's going to ult on to her right okay nice nice nice nice winnable nice let's go and boom easy okay top three or what okay nice nice uh what do I want there there's a set R emblem does nothing there's a set I mean a set is pretty good though a set is really freaking good instead of the worthless Darius that's pretty good instead of worthless freaking Darius put the treasure chest on on Shen no prison can hold me I put the treasure chest on Shen put this stuff on Darius on on set he's going to get only one item anyway I just need to survive this fight and I win if he if he moved to the left I'm dead he didn't I think this girl does more single Target than this so I move to the left here they're focusing the guy the udir is super far for my carry I don't know if it's winnable my treasure chest is still not Dead come on I mean it took so long to kill the treasure chest like what the freak was that okay I mean we can't beat this guy right we couldn't beat this guy but top three is pretty good this is the guy that found Z at at two two seconds into the game right top three is pretty freaking good both people playing kaisa guys uh yeah a classic right classic classic game of TFT man the same comps win but it's okay I think we did uh we we got extremely lucky because we played something that is not super meta and we uh got insanely lucky right getting the yor augment getting the umbrell emblem but uh yeah we got a top three out of it I'll take you guys subscribe rication Bell if you enjoy these TFT videos also make sure to leave an algorithmic comment and an algorithmic like down below to support this video into algorithm so I can get some more views and I'll see you next next time peace
Channel: shurkou TFT
Views: 45,351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gD8TEbzMpB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 29sec (2069 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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