The Anointing - John Arnott (2018)

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anything wrong with me that's okay it's good for you anyway it's kind of like the Fountain of Youth you know just rub it on in John 6:63 we have a key a key verse that I just want to read over a saul john 6:63 says this it is the spirit who gives life the flesh profits nothing the words that I speak to you are spirit and they are life turn to someone says the spirit that gives life it's not all the works of the flesh and all that stuff all the good intentions and self effort and all that there's not a lot of life in that but there is life in the spirit and so we want to think about that in terms of you and I now getting launched into ministry very often I talk about the three journeys that we are on and it's important to know that you're on three not just one but three first is in Word and then upward and then outward and some people say well I'm I'm called just to the upward journey and their whole life is a life of prayer and I would say your call to all three some would say well I'm just called to the inward journey for now my whole assignment is to get me healed up so that I can be a better Christian and everything yes but you need to get on the other two as well so you can be a more balanced holistic Christian and then there's others that are all on the outward journey you know you're on evangelism and you're on this and you're on that and you're all serving others but you never take care of business on in your own heart or you know you may be your prayer life is not what it needs to be or your worship life it's not what it needs to be we're called to be on all three of these journeys how many believe me what does it look like when someone is off on the Great Commission but they've never got the Great Commandment down yet which is love the Lord with all your heart soul strength in mind and ii like it love your neighbor as yourself and you know what you need to start loving yourself because if you don't love yourself you'll struggle to love other people as well and you'll struggle to love god consequently as well and you know when you come to peace with who you are and who God made you to be and wants you to be you be you're more content than trying to be someone else it's just the way it works turn to somebody to say I'm choosing to really like myself right now warts-and-all with all my imperfections I like myself that's not some kind of a false pride that's just you know listen if how do you know God loves you wave at me that God loves me all right so if you're good enough for God maybe you're good enough but here's the here's the caveat to that he loves you just the way you are but he loves you too much to leave you the way you are so you're going to go on growing from going from glory to glory so three journeys we want to focus on how the anointing is going to impact all three of those journeys and in particular the outward journey empowering you to bring that kingdom of heaven to earth and so we have this encounter called impartation and you may have noticed when we lay hands on people there something goes into them and something comes upon them very often and they just lose the power to stand out you know Randy Clark asked a guy one time is that he said he said to him or no so let me get it right someone asked Randy one time why are all these people falling down and Randy thought for a minute and then he said it's because they can't stand up see when you lose your strength and your legs go like rubber or whatever they just go out from under you you said well why would God do that I don't have a complete answer but in part he's dealing with two things in the human heart one is fear one is pride because people are like who wouldn't want to fall down in front of everybody or whatever that's fear hey why not if there's a blessing on the floor go for it someone else would be like well I want God but on my terms okay I'm not doing that yeah you just may miss it then see we need to we need to surrender to his ways he likes to deal with fear and pride in your heart turn to someone near you is there any of that in you well this whole thing about impartation is something that we want to focus on because what we're talking about there is when the anointing flows in through someone else or directly but have you noticed God most often uses other people to bring the blessing sometimes he does it himself but it's rare more rare than him just coming and using someone else to be a part of that process and so we see importation in Scripture we see Moses praying for the 70 leaders and God took some of the anointing on Moses and gave it to the 70 others and they picked up that anointing and they began to function at a whole new level in God because of it and there was two guys that missed the meeting you remember that ell dad and me dad they missed a meeting do you know what happened there the Holy Spirit fell on them anyway because they were they were supposed to be there but they got held up and so Joshua was all upset about that Moses there's two men Eldad me dead they're prophesying away in the camp stop them for a bit then Moses said nothing doing Joshua I wish that all the Lord's people would prophesy I want the whole bunch of you to get an impartation and to get under the anointing and to get the river flowing in your heart and life so that was Moses and there's others Samuel he was praying for people can you think of anyone he prayed for two young men one was Saul and another was David and as he prayed for them he poured oil on them you know took oil poured it over them what happened the Spirit of God came on them and they were given new hearts and changed into another person amazing let me ask you who's anointing would you like Saul's or David's how many wants all's anointing hands up how many want David's anointing heads up see everybody wants David's anointing listen carefully they are identical same man of God Samuel poured the same holy anointing oil over two young guys the Holy Spirit came on both of them what's the difference the difference is what you do with it see we're called to be responsible and keepers really of the anointing guardians of the anointing and let the anointing draw you into a life of integrity and holiness and in righteousness and don't just go after the power but go after the integrity of God and the motive of the Holy Spirit and let it produce good fruit in you over a long term and of course David had his problems too didn't it you sure you want David's anointing the guy that got another man's wife pregnant and then had the guy killed would you buy his book [Laughter] well you did didn't you and you read it all the time Lord we loved your anointing Elijah passed it on to Elijah and this this was that this was a neat one because he Elijah kept trying to brush him off you know it was a test really and see God wants to know do you and I really want this or are you just getting on the bandwagon and so you know I should knew something was up and so Elijah said stay here in Bethel while I go on to the next place and he was like as the Lord lives and your soul lives I will not leave you and so he's like okay I don't think he'd ever said no to him before but he's stuck with him this happened two or three times stay and Jericho will I go on to the Jordan as the Lord lives in your soul and I will not leave you then all the others came all the Bible school students you know the sons of the prophets they don't you know that the Lord is going to take your master away from you today and he said shut up I know of course I know so they went on together he like took his robe smacked it on the Jordan River the river spread apart and they walked over on dry ground imagine and they got on the other side he says okay what do you want he says I want a double portion of your spirit well you've asked a hard thing why is it a hard thing because he can't give what you don't have I mean it would have been enough them to say I want what you have people say that to me sometime I want what you had I don't know how to answer them I said well are you sure because maybe you get it this by going through the same things I went through Carroll was speaking on Joseph this morning how many want Joseph's anointing hmm you got quiet on me I'm gonna spend 13 years in prison falsely accused sold by your family into slavery all that stuff you come out the other end in victory you just might well be anointed for something and so we're we're talking about that the presence of God coming upon you and I and yeah we want to focus in today on honor as in honoring him versus dishonouring him now there's there's things that we can say in terms of law and grace for example faith is a grace enhancer fear is a grace blocker humility is a grace enhancer the Lord loves humility but pride is a grace blocker that will hinder you I could go down the list generosity versus stingy forgiveness versus unforgiveness maybe one of the most powerful ones I know if if you are harboring unforgiveness I mean it's all justifiable I know that but the enemy uses it to block your blessing I've seen it thousands of times and Carol and I will help a person that we pray for them and their pain is like two thirds gone or whatever and we just cannot get the rest dislodged and we'll say what happened to you that had this pain they'll tell us did you ever forgive that person who is who caused it no no no no I never ever thought about well why don't we do it just for fun all right they choose to forgive food the river flows and the healing comes I mean we've seen it hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of times forgiveness opens the way for the river of grace to flow then there's obedience versus compromise or disobedience there's you know we could we could summarize and say love versus legalism or in the spirit versus in the flesh but we're talking about honoring the anointing now versus dishonouring and I love to say from time to time the Holy Spirit's the leader here and we we handed all this over to Steve and Steve and his team with John and Patricia and all of them but they know as I do that the Holy Spirit is the leader here we want to keep it that way and see I don't ever want to be embarrassed by him or what he does now there's there was a tendency at first to try to look have-we tone it down because the media's coming tonight you know and we noticed that whenever the TV showed up whether it was CBC or CTV or Time magazine and whoever it was the Holy Spirit would go all out to kind of put a show on for those guys it was amazing to remember you yeah I mean just Lord what's going on anyway I remember back in about summer of 95 we were invited to New Zealand so we went over there - how many Kiwis in the room anybody all right maybe you guys were there but then in 95 we went to Victory Church in Auckland New Zealand with max leg pastor and you know what they packed that place out and the church at that time held about five or six thousand and then they had another two or so across the bay that went through closed circuit over to them and it was like we weren't really used to big meetings in those days and this was pretty early and we had just gotten this place so this was the biggest we had and so we went over there and I was like god this this is overwhelmingly what do we do and in my heart I was saying Holy Spirit can you sort of I don't know behave yourself tonight because you know we want them to like us we want them to get in on it you know nothing doing the worship team got up there and he the first team got right just into the song just hitting the first line or two of the song and the worship leader falls out under the power and everybody gasped you know back then they're like what happened did he just die or baby what so no put another guy up there so they put another guy up so he starts in where we go and he got about as far and suddenly him and that and the bass player and the drummer if I recall all fell out under the power and so they put a third guy up and he didn't laughs he had he only had half a band by then and it was just and everybody's wondering what's going on and I'm sitting at the front going god you're killing me the pastor got up and and and max got up and he's like well something's going on yeah and yeah and the next thing you know he's down and the assistant got up he's down and one of the elders says to me John you go up there and and and I'm like okay and then he says to me and don't forget the offering because they were you know they were extended for this and so I walk up there and and I'm saying God what are you doing because I I'm hoping he'll explain himself to me he says because you are honoring me I am honoring you with my presence and it was oh I got a smacked on the head I recognized instantly what an honor it is to have the presence of the Holy Spirit in a meeting that were involved in don't you agree and I promised the Lord last night never again will I ever be ashamed of his presence no matter how wild it gets so long as it's him I'm good to go and there's a lot of people have made a wrong turn there where they've been somewhat embarrassed by the Holy Spirit let's keep this thing tidied up let's this and that and it has the effect of trying to keep the Holy Spirit imagine keep them locked up in the Attic like a crazed relative you know crazy Uncle Joe up in the attic we don't tell anybody about him hey buddy we only let him out when close family who understand her around you know no way he's the boss we don't try to put him in the basement or in the attic or any of that we want him front and center moving and touching and healing and blessing and that is honoring the anointing now in mark chapter 6 verse 4 Jesus made the statement when he went to Nazareth that a prophet is not without honor except in his own hometown with his own family and among his own people now I want you to be thinking about why that is a prophet an anointed person has honor when they get on an airplane and fly somewhere but when they come back home it's not the same because I am well that's just John and Carol that's just Ben and Sarah or that's just Steven sander or whoever it is we know that see familiarity if we're not careful can breed contempt how many have heard that and we don't want that to happen at all during with the anointing now listen God is going to anoint imperfect people such as David such as Sampson such as any one of them do you know any perfect people in the Bible I don't they all had a few warts here in there a few problems here in there but see God used them as they were because I think they had a commitment to head toward holiness but meanwhile they're not waiting for that perfect day to arrive they're just getting out and going for a prophet is not without honor except in his own hometown above among his own people in his old family and here's why because we look at them after the flesh and not after the spirit see the people in Nazareth they knew Jesus growing up hey what does he think he is this is Joseph's kid right and they will do that to you but never mind just let the river flow anyway now let's go over to Luke chapter 4 will read our main passage together Jesus is quoting from Isaiah 61 and in verse 14 it says this maybe you can put the scripture up guys if you have it handy Luke chapter 4 verse 14 to 24 Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit say that the power of the Spirit he's not the same Jesus now it is but there's something unique something different here the anointing that came upon him at his baptism has put a whole different take on now his his life and his purpose and what he's gonna do he's not just running over to get water from the well for his mother anymore he comes back victorious in the anointing he came to Galilee the news of him spread throughout all the surrounding region why well he's teaching this synagogues and being glorified by all and he came to Nazareth where he had been brought up and as his custom was he went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day interested up to read by the way that's a very good custom I hope your customed to go into meetings in church on the Sabbath day or sabbath of the first day whatever day and hang out because you need one another you grow better in community tell the person next to you about that you'll you grow better in community don't think I will I get it all from watching John and Carol on TV or bill Johnson or any of us no well as it turned out they handed him the book or the role of Isiah at the Prophet and when he found he'd opened the book and found the place where it was written this is what he he read the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor he has sent me to heal the brokenhearted proclaim Liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind and to set at liberty those who are oppressed and to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord then he closed the book and gave it back to the attendant and sat down and the eyes of all who were in the synagogue were fixed on him everybody staring at him and then he began to say to them today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing so everybody's going wow they bore witness to him and marveled at the gracious words which proceeded out of his mouth but then they said now here's my paraphrase hang on a minute isn't this Joseph's son we know this kid who's he think he is and he said to them you will surely say this proverb to me physician heal yourself whatever we have heard done in Capernaum do also hear in your country and he said assuredly I say to you no prophet is accepted in his own country but I tell you truly many widows were in Israel in the days of Elijah when the heaven was shut up three years six months and there was a great famine throughout all the land none of them was Elijah sent except to Zarephath in the region of Sidon to a woman who was a widow and many lepers were in Israel in the time of Elisha the prophet and none of them was cleansed say none of them except Naaman the Syrian so all those in the synagogue when they heard these things that were filled with wrath and they rose up and thrust him out of the city led him to the brow of the hill on which their city was built that they might throw him over the cliff but then he passed through the midst of them the winters way he got away so I want to ask you what made them so angry so you got to put yourself in the story you got to imagine that you're this prejudiced legalistic Jewish person and for him to say hey there were there were many widows in Israel in Elijah's time many many wonderful I'm sure Jewish widows but he wasn't sent to any of them he was sent to a Gentile widow over there and xerath death and there were many lepers in Israel in Elijah's time and he wasn't sent to any of them but to naman the enemy the Syrian and they're like what are you saying God prefers the Gentiles over us this is blasphemous they grabbed him and their own hometown boy they try to throw him off a cliff now it was a sad day for Nazareth right there scripture says he could not do many mighty works there because of their unbelief what are they doing they are dishonouring the anointing on one of their hometown sons why because they're looking to him after the flesh and not after the spirit so that we know we know this kid this is Joseph's plate wait wait wait though there's something different about him I heard that he got baptized in the river by John over there and God spoke from heaven and the Holy Spirit came down and rest of him there they this is not the same boy now he's anointed something's come on him hold on everybody we need to honor what has happened to him but they couldn't make this shift because they were looking to him after the flesh and that's a human error we have a a guy that comes to our church his name is George and him and I went to high school together and so you know at the end of the meeting I was back there and and he's just laughing and cracking up because he's thinking and I said hey how you doing he's like ah man he says like I just can't get over you says you of all people going around the world telling everybody about Jesus and God use in you and the Holy Spirit this is just the funniest thing ha ha ha so wasn't so we had a good laugh over but what's what's he's remembering how I was in high school he's remembering the flesh in high school believe me it was the flesh he doesn't know well he does know but he you know he wasn't at that moment allowing for the fact that that John is long gone there's something happened to me the anointing of the Holy Spirit I got born again I got filled with the Holy Spirit you know it's it's not the same me anymore right so it's a shock to people who knew you then and now they see you now isn't it we could tell the story of Elijah because it's it's so illustrates the point Jesus is getting up and honoring the anointing on his life and saying the Spirit of the Lord is on me hello because he's anointed me to preach the good news to the poor he is he sent me to heal the brokenhearted and set the captives free well we see Elijah doing the same thing because the story this is a beautiful story and I'll just highlight it for you from whereas at second Kings Chapter five named in the Syrian he's a Syrian general a very powerful wise commander of us of the Syrian army and they had raided Israel and he had captured a little girl and brought her home to be a slave for his household and his wife just a cute little girl but but I love this little girl because she managed in spite of all of that to keep her heart right and and so she says well I wish my master could somehow meet the prophet of God that's in Israel because he would cure him of his leprosy how many know if you are great general having leprosy can dampen your career nobody wants to hang out with you particularly but you're so successful in the battlefield we'll okay and this was his predicament he's gone every word done everything and she speaks up and says if you could meet the prophet in Israel let me let me tell you what desperate people will do they will they will they will go to any length any extreme to try to find that anointing that will break the yoke for that this guy went to his king and said write a letter for me make introductions he took a whole bunch of money you know several million dollars in gold and silver and everything and he headed out to Israel and he goes to the king of Israel as with a peace entourage and the king of Israel thinks they're trying to pick a fight he's like what who my God that I can cure this man of his leprosy and the word gets out the King is torn is closed and Elisha heard about it they lived in the same city of Samaria and Elisha says you know why have you torn your clothes send him to me and he'll find out that there is a but in Israel that is to say there is an anointed man of God in this nation and so naman goes off to Elijah's house knocks on the door and I'm sure he was about to answer and say oh how are ya I heard you were coming and God bless you but the Lord checked him and said no no there's still a missing piece here don't you go send one of your boys so he says what should him again sorry Solomon yeah Solomon go into the door for me and tell the great general out there to go take a bath seven times in the Jordan and his flesh will be restored okay so he goes and does it opens the door oh hello my master says go wash in the Jordan seven times and you'll be healed okay bye shut the door well naman is in a rage he's furious feels insulted what I've come all this way just to be brushed off by this kid see pride can deflect the healing that God has for you he almost missed it by dishonouring the anointed word he didn't recognize it as an anointed word he thought it was a brush-off and so he's going away in a rage I thought at least he would come out wave his hand over the place with the leprosy wasn't he stomping on but his friends around him thank God for friends who care they're like my master my master calm down a minute listen if he'd asked you to do some difficult hard thing you would have done it something like what well hey walk around the mountain several times climb up to the top sacrifice seven bulls and seven Rams and sign this treaty that you will never attack Israel again and we'll pray for you and you will receive your healing he would have been happy to sign something like that I bet cuz he was desperate but just to go take a bath in the Jordan are you kidding me there's much cleaner rivers back home in Syria the Far par and whatever the other one was you can go and wash in that if I wanted to wash and be clean you know one thing lepers hate to hear is go take a bath and be clean because they hear it all the time unclean unclean unclean they talk sense to him and said how much more this simple thing just go take a bath what's the cost now to him to do the simple thing pride gets laid down so he's like you think yeah you come all this way you might as well what have you got to lose at this point so he then goes you got to picture this how many been to the Jordan River it's not very big it's like from here to the cross wide if that depending on where you are and muddy the banks and the river and the Sun it's a little full of silt and stuff and he's got to take off his generals clothes and his fin is his men go huh gosh I didn't know he had it that bad he's full of leprosy yikes say okay everybody knows now he goes down in the water and he goes under and he comes back up and he looks no change what's the devil saying to him you stupid idiot you came all this way to make but just to make a fool of yourself in front of the enemies in Israel and in front of all your men and he's got to choose now I'm gonna I've come this far I'm gonna go all seven so he goes twice three times four times five times six times still no change and I'm sure he felt like you know I'm going home but no no no once more and he he honored the anointing by going one more time under that water and as he came up his flesh became like the flesh of a little child and he went back to Elijah and thanked him profusely and Elijah said here's the second miracle in the story Elijah would not accept the money I will not let you give in the offering when's the last time here to Pastor turn the offering down that's a joke come on he's like no God wants you to know that this this was a freebie for you just because you're important to him and he said well then at least let me take a couple of mule loads of Earth back so I'll have some Israeli ground to stand on that I can worship God and he got a waiver of worshipping in a pagan temple with his king but it's not where his heart was anymore because now I know there is no God anywhere in all the world that is able to do these kinds of things it's amazing what happened and Jesus now references that and says there were many lepers in in the time of Elijah but none of them were cleansed you gotta say why not you see even the lepers that lived in Samaria got to looking at Elijah after the flesh you know if you moved next door to some great man of God you'll find out a few things about them my gosh he had a brow with his wife last night the whole neighborhood could hear them I know you never do that Carol and I hardly ever do that has happened or you had a big fight over where the fence ought to go and there's a big thing over that and that it I don't think he's such a man of God see and you start looking at the flaws and after the flesh and you miss the blessing now how many how many people are here today and you're in full-time ministry raise your head all right stand up just for a minute so we can honor you can we honor these people just give them a big applause god bless you all of you for giving your life to the kingdom and laying it down a keep standing keep standing a moment now how many of us including those that are still standing have ever dishonored men and women of God you know in your lifetime besides me isn't it funny when you're young and know it all you know what they shouldn't shouldn't be doing and should and shouldn't be saying and all that kind of stuff we've dishonored them because we were looking after the flesh instead of after the spirit how many have done that if that's you stand up and join these that are already standing and we want to meet the people that stay seated okay that gets pretty much all of us we've honored you know the people who've come from afar but we struggle to honor the pastor that lives next door or the pastor of our church because you know he's not all that anointed and he's edited and so on and so on and we say these kinds of things that is exactly what caused Nazareth to miss the blessing you know Jesus may have set up his headquarters in Nazareth rather than Capernaum talked about a blown opportunity my goodness if you've dishonored leaders and men and women of God in your past righter rightly or wrongly just hold up your hand say Lord I'm sorry I am so sorry for dishonouring the anointing will you please forgive me pull that out of my heart because I want to be pure and righteous people I want to be one who honors again and again the big the little the young the old whoever they are I want to honor them all okay now listen carefully there's one more person that you have failed to honor the anointing in them can you guess who that is that would be you because you see we say well Peter is anointed and Ian's anointed and Carol is anointed and Curtis anoint but you know what I'm just a housewife or I'm just a student him I've never been to Bible School what can I do I'm just a little nobody listen you were baptized in the Holy Spirit and fire the Spirit of God came mightily upon you and he's anointed cue if I said if you're a Christian hold up your hand for heaven to see who's in and who's out okay what does the word mean and we say anointed okay but break it down it means little Anointed One that's you he is the Anointed One you are a little anointed one that Dominion to form in the Greek you're a little Anointed One a little anoint Li that's who you are but you're mighty in God aren't you and see you need to step into it you know when when you're called into ministry you you're awkward at first you're like oh I don't know what to do don't know what to say I mean I'm just me I can't fake this I mean oh god oh god you know all that's going on you need to do it and do it and do it till you tend to get up to speed a little bit but meanwhile you are anointed and I want you to put your confidence in your faith in the anointing because the Spirit of the sovereign Lord is upon you now guys can you put those two verses up on the screen for me Luke 4:18 and 19 this is what Jesus said he's quoting Isaiah 60:1 because it was written of him but see when he read that he didn't read it like a great four reader he didn't stumble through it and why it shocked the people was because he obviously was applying it to himself and he was reading it like this the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor he has sent me to proclaim Liberty to the captives and a recovering of sight to the blind he sent me to set at liberty those who are oppressed and to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor and they're like he's reading the scripture like it's pointing to here and MOSI think he is but you know what you and I can read the scripture that scripture the very same way which we're going to do right now and we're gonna make a proclamation over ourselves that we are the anointed ones and we're being sent out into the world just like the early church was and we're gonna bring the kingdom of God in power and in love how many are in are you ready let's do this together read it the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor he has sent me to proclaim Liberty to the captives and recovering of the sight to the blind to set at liberty those who are oppressed and to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor give him a big shot of it [Applause] now embrace it embrace it how many would like to do that one more time all right just nudge your friends I'm gonna really believe it this time here we go come on up here Carol join me within this join hands with your spouse if you're there or your friend just come into agreement you're gonna make a proclamation over your own heart and you're agreeing this is true this is this is the Spirit of God putting an anointing on you to make a difference in a fallen world here we go the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor he has sent me to proclaim Liberty to the captives recovering of sight to the blind to set at liberty those who are oppressed to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor the Spirit of the Lord is upon you friends by faith [Applause]
Channel: Catch The Fire Toronto
Views: 22,422
Rating: 4.888545 out of 5
Keywords: Catch The Fire, Toronto, John Arnott, The Anointing, God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Faith, Church
Id: SUCE7dafPo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 2sec (2942 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2018
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