Soaking | Carol Arnott | January 10th 2020

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thank you jesus well today it is great to be with you i'm excited because we're in a new season this is great god is on the move we were just talking to someone in ron and teddy saka in japan and they're seeing all kinds of great miracles just over the internet as they're speaking and ron is saying it just seems like the anointing is increasing and increasing and so even though we feel like nothing's changed we're still in lockdown the holy spirit is not in lockdown come on ah so lift your spirit say come on spirit let us worship the lord let us believe him and today i want to encourage you this is a month of being anchored deeper in god and you can be anchored in so many ways but i want to talk to you about a very simple way today a way that we have learned about for years but you know it's like everything else a friend of mine has been praying a half an hour in tongues every single day and you know i just thought gosh i pray in tongues but i don't specifically set a time aside to pray in tongues and i thought you know what i need to start doing that and you know it's like everything else we need to be encouraged to pick up the things that through busyness through other things we have let go and so i want to introduce you to a friend of mine today and my friend's name is mr sponge and he's going to help us today now he looks pretty you know he's pretty tough he's pretty stiff he's pretty scared looking he's pretty discouraged looking catherine was saying this morning you know are there those of you out there that are discouraged well you might be feeling like mr sponge you might be feeling like there's no hope but we are going to let mr sponge just permeate marinate saturate soak in the presence of the holy spirit while we're talking today and we're going to see what happens when he gets finished soaking at the end of our little talk and so mr sponge we're going to put you over here we have a i don't want to put the microphone in the water this is just ordinary water oh it's even warm thank you trevor anyway lord we just pray an anointing of the holy spirit over this water will you come and saturate it as mr sponge soaks in your presence in this water today lord would you fill him and change him and encourage him and anoint him in jesus mighty name so mr sponge have fun be soaked be permeated be filled with more of god so while mr sponge is speaking i can better get dry hands here um i want to talk to you about this thing i call soaking psalm 46 10 says be still and know that i am god you know i've always loved to worship i've always loved to pray but listening i didn't know that i could hear the lord and i didn't know that i could listen and he would speak to me and so that's really what soaking's all about is taking an amount of time just to dedicate it totally to him to rest before him to permeate as i said to be marinated well when you marinate a steak that marinade just sulks right in and as we spend time with god with the holy spirit he comes and he fills us and marinates us as we love him as we worship him as we adore him and then we want to listen for what he might be saying to us or seeing what he might be showing us in other words we want to experience god ah did you know god can be experienced i mean that is so cool as a little girl growing up i didn't know that you could actually feel him actually experience him it's just a phenomenal wonderful thing that i've learned along the way that god is with us present he's tangible you can feel him you can hear him you can experience him and you know people sometimes will say oh well the holy spirit and the moving of the spirit stopped with the acts of the apostles or oh you're just you know you know you people catch the fire all you do is lie on the floor and you know don't get around to doing anything well that is not true through soaking the reality the presence powerful intimate and life-changing presence of the lord will come and permeate your being when i learned about soaking i was totally transformed just absolutely transformed and as we're talking about being anchored being anchored in the lord means a transformation being steady steadfast solid when a ship is anchored it is not going to crash against the rocks it is not going to smash it is not going to be discouraged it is going to float it is going no matter what the storm and the bible says if jesus you know the disciples woke him up because there was a huge storm in the then the boat was filling with water but when they woke jesus up he said oh god little faith you know and he just spoke to the wind and the rain and the weather and the waves they stopped you see if we are anchored and jesus is in our boat is in our heart those outward storms we can tell them to stop in jesus name to be gone now in 1994 most of you know that the holy spirit fell on us in tremendous power i mean we were to say the least overwhelmed that's a kind of an understatement we were just away out of our depths but we saw this incredible fruit that was happening in the people and it was just incredible transformation as people immersed themselves in the presence of god you know before that time i'd been to meetings to a katherine coleman meeting to benny hinn meetings and seeing the power of the holy spirit move and lives totally transformed that gave me a hunger and a desire to want more you know growing up in in a denominational church it was all about god the father and god the son and god the holy ghost you know and as a kid i knew what a ghost was but i didn't know what a holy one was and nobody told me and so when katherine coleman came out on that platform that day i was at her meeting she said that the holy spirit was more real to her than any human being i mean that just went into my heart i mean it was just life-changing i thought you mean i can get to know the holy spirit i mean really i can get to know him as a person and he will be that real to me more than any person but how do i do that well if you're like me you get busy i don't know i thought being locked down you wouldn't be busy but i don't know about you but it seems that we've been busy which is kind of crazy but it's true you get zoom calls and meeting calls and you have the children home your you're homeschooling now on and on and on life is busy your husband's now working from home or you're working from home so it's not that you're just kind of going okay what am i gonna do you know busy well when i learned to soak i was a pastor's wife actually a pastor's wife in this church which is really cool to be here this morning and you know if you'd have asked me if i was in love with jesus and you know spending time with him and you know i would have said yes of course i love him but you know what i did but i had really lost that first love that passion for him and throughout life we get tested along the way with things that will take our attention that will cause us to be depressed that will maybe sickness maybe the lockdown with now having to home school it just everything changes and the enemy wants us not to be focused on him and his love through that first period of time when i was really working hard for jesus and i thought that i you know my love affair was up but when actually i wasn't spending a lot of intimate time yes i was reading yes i was praying yes i was spending some time but i wasn't pressing in like i had been and the lord spoke to me and he said carol i have many servants but i have few lovers and you know that just went into my heart and i thought god i i don't want to just serve you i want to be in love i want to be a bride that is ready for you i want to be passionate and so when we started this church i was really shy i was really intimidated i mean john gave me six months to get a message for mother's day and i absolutely freaked out i mean i uh was just horrible i lucked through the scriptures couldn't find anything to speak on i finally found something and and i wrote it all out and and took me six months to get a message together and and then the night before i was up the whole night and the day of the message i think i just i think i stood here like this and and read the whole message i was so scared oh my gosh it was just incredible but we had a man come to jubilee and his name was mark dupont and we had a leaders meeting in our basement and mark came up to me and he said carol i see you speaking to hundreds and hundreds of leaders and thousands and thousands of people and i laughed out loud and in my heart i said some prophet you are i've gone back and apologized to him since but my goodness how soaking has changed all that and i really believe that not only your own relationship with jesus will become so intimate and so sweet and so precious but your life your ministry to your children to your husband to your neighbors will change now some of you are super soakers at jubilee i know that but it's like speaking in tongues you know we we get busy with other things and let something slide and i really feel in this season that the lord is calling us back to just press in to be that bride that has eyes for only him that gets in to that heart that deep centered heart of god it was talking to a friend of mine a missionary you would know her if i told you who she was credible things that she deals with every day and and is in war and death and but through that people are coming to christ but she says herself she was incredible things that she deals with every day and and is in war and death and but through that people are coming to christ but she says herself she just absolutely says she cannot go one day or even a half a day without just soaking marinating spending time with jesus because he is her strength he is her all so what do i mean by soaking you might be asking you might be saying why how do i soak i don't even know what you're talking about and why do i soak they're all really good questions soaking is positioning yourself before god to love him to worship him to adore him the bible says he is looking for those that will worship him in spirit and truth he is just searching for those ones that will take time to be with him and so we soak to love him to adore him to worship him to just spend time with him and then we also spend time listening to what he might want to say to us did you know god wants to talk to you he does psalm 149 says that god has more to say to you than all the grains and every beach and sand on the earth i mean that is a lot of words he really wants communication he really wants to talk to you to communicate with you to have a relationship with you yes you he wants to do that it's listening it's learning how to listen to that still small voice they said that then catherine was announcing charmaine is going to be teaching i so encourage you do not miss that it transformed our lives when mark werkler taught us how to hear the voice of god and you too can listen for that still small voice and begin to have one-to-one direct communication with the lord then it's being immersed in the tangible presence of the lord oh there's excuse me nothing like feeling his presence experiencing that close having that peace oh just rest upon you there's nothing like having your heart and your body your mind at peace it is a wonderful gift of the holy spirit this is not a time for prayerless this is not a time for petitions for intercession those are all extremely important but this is a time of intimacy experiencing god in reality knowing him getting to know him this is really the first commandment matthew 22 37 says love the lord your god with all your heart love him with all your heart with all your soul and then with all your mind you know we've been taught for years as i was growing up to love the lord your god with all your mind never mind experiencing i mean forget that love the lord your god with all your heart what does that look like well if you watch two young people in love oh my goodness they only have eyes for each other they're on and they're oh and they're talking and they're holding hands and they're they're just in love with each other and that's what a relationship is with the lord looking at him face to face hearing his words of love and affirmation changing how we see ourselves it is such a wonderful thing most of us start off with soaking as a hard thing to do because we've been taught all of our lives to be busy to do do do to get things done to stop daydreaming just get it together you know memorize your scriptures do your homework what you do in life is what is your um crown is your goal is your success succession you know you succeed in life by doing but you know succeeding in life is knowing god is really knowing him you may have all the money in the world you may have all the position in the world but in the light of eternity if you do not know jesus as your personal lord and savior you are a complete failure in life and soaking will help now it will take a little bit of time because our me our brain our mind wants to take control not our spirit and we need to let our spirit man take control psalm 45 again 10 says be still and know that i am god do we know how to be do we know how to be still do you know how to be still ooh it's already beginning to feel a little uncomfortable why do we need to be still because there's so much clatter when we're noise noise noise noise noise noise we can't hear that still small voice and so quieting our spirit being still facilitates us hearing the voice of god knowing him see we've been taught always to be on duty to actually perform to actually strive to be a success in something not walk in that kind of peace during the outpouring of the holy spirit which is still going on around the world even on the internet which is super exciting so ha be filled start to drink of his presence holy spirit as they're watching and listening let your presence begin to permeate each home that's watching lord wow you want to begin to marinate in his presence right now you know we would pray for people all over the world and they would be for the most part out under the power of god lying on the carpet but some of them would stay for like one or two minutes or five minutes max and then pop up again and i would say oh don't do that and they'd say yeah but i don't you know i'm i said well i'm not getting anything i said have you asked the lord are you is he got more for you do you do you want to you know ask him whether you should be getting up and a lot of times i'll just go and pray for them again and they get deeper into him the lord begins to speak to them the lord begins to show them things and if they get up too quickly they've missed the whole point it's not in the falling down it's the connecting with god it's experiencing him that is really the important thing he wants more than a five-minute fling he wants a deepening intimate relationship with you i'm going to ask you a question how much do you really value the presence of god is it something that you really value let's look at mary and martha luke 10 38-42 you know the story jesus comes in he knows mary and marth martha lazarus the whole family he knows them all so he comes into their house now can you imagine at least 13 probably more because there was usually more following comes in to their house you know and it's like i bet martha was a really good cook and so the guys are you know guys being guys are always hungry so you know kind of nudges martha on the way in hey martha what's for dinner you know and then the next one comes along and yeah martha you got something good cooking i'm really starving and so martha goes into the doer mode and she's in the kitchen and she's got the pots flying in the and cooking in the stove lid and she's just cooking up a storm here and all of a sudden she's thinking where's barry i need some help and so she looks and can't find mary and here's mary in with the guys and whoever else is in the living room and mary's at his feet just listening to jesus just taking in every single word every single thing that he is saying and martha goes mary mary mary mary and there's mary and finally martha gets so ticked off so that she's just like she marches in hmm into frontages jesus will you tell my sister to get out here in the kitchen and help me and jesus said this martha martha you are worried and troubled about so many things but mary has chosen the best and it will not be taken away from her choose the best choose spending time in his presence i don't think for a second that martha was late or mary was lazy but she chose the best she chose jesus and his presence so what does it look like physically what how do you position yourself what do you do well when i soak i put on worship music worship music that draws my heart like that one song you're saying this morning jesus there's something about that name jesus jesus that draws my heart to love him you want songs that that draw your heart helps me turn my my brain off because your brain wants to take charge a lot of times i'll say brain i thank you for all that you do for me but right now i just want you to step down and i want my spirit to come forth to be in charge to connect with the holy spirit and our minds will take some doing so it might take you a week or two to get your mind and to make sure that the devil isn't putting stuff in your mind because he loves to do that he'll say oh you forgot to phone this when you need to do this you you promised so and so this and it's just a flood of stuff and they could be all right things to do but we just at first what i did was i just got a piece of paper and i wrote down and eventually he gave up he didn't bother my mind anymore so i get comfortable either on the floor on a bed on a couch but i get comfortable turn off the phones turn you know put a little note in my door do not disturb for one hour or whatever time i've set aside to soak just get quiet but maybe you're saying to me but carol i read my bible every day i pray every day yes i know let's look at why it's so important to soak the bible is a book of law of prophecy of history of poetry and of teaching but guess what it all comes out of the experiences of its leading characters god wants to give you an experience with him that's called relationship that's called intimacy that's called connecting heart to heart soaking is experiencing his presence and it opens up our heart and soul wow um to divine romance and to intimacy with god oh doesn't that sound fantastic you can have a divine romance with the king of kings you're going to be with him in eternity forever if you know him you know we need to begin to be the bride of christ now to have that intimacy now you're not going to start once you get there because he's looking for those that really love him each time you spend with him might be different sometimes it's just you absolutely adoring him and then you'll adore him and then you'll say oh lord i've just been taking all the time lord what do you want to say to me what's on your heart and then he'll begin to speak words to your heart now the next thing you need to do is believe what he says you know we had a guy come to the church and i taught on soaking and he i think it was a couple of months he went home and he did what he what i had taught him to do but he was from the states and he came all the way back up to toronto and he came up to me in a conference and he said you know i'm really frustrated and i said oh sir what happened and he said i did exactly what you said for months every day every day every day and he said the lord keeps saying the same thing to me doesn't the lord have more vocabulary than a couple of words he said i am totally frustrated i said oh my goodness sir well let's you just lie down i'll sit down beside you and and we'll ask the lord and so he asked the lord i said lord this man is really frustrated and you've just been saying a few words to him lord what is he missing in those words what is he not getting and so we just listened to the worship and soaked for a few minutes and all of a sudden the guy floods of tears and he sits up and he said do you know what the lord just said to me he said i'm going to keep telling you i love you my son until it goes from here to here you see the man was saying oh yeah the lord can't love me because i'm this i'm that i've done this i've done that and he just wouldn't receive it but the lord wanted him to know in his heart of hearts that he was his son and so we need to believe what god says to us so have a journal trevor i have my soaking book in the journal in that little bag i forgot to bring it up but i destiny image was bugging me they were so insistent that i write this little book on soaking and a journal to go with it to help you to really you know be able to press in so when god says something to you like i love you my son begin to just um look it over so this is this is the little book that'll help you it's little not very big and so you can read a chapter and it has an activation in it so that will help you get started and then this is the journal that you can write down in the things that god would say to you and it's got little helps along the way as well to be able to increase your time with the lord you don't have to have those but they are helpful god does so so many things before i didn't ever know that i could hear god's voice i didn't know that he wanted to speak to me that he wanted to really let me into his heart and he i mean can you imagine the god of the universe has time for you and me i mean that's powerful we need to get a handle on that it's not just when you're lying on the floor it's when you're walking down the street once you connect and you begin to hear his voice you can just soak or step back into his presence say oh lord i just want to tell you i love you will you come grocery shopping with me today and he comes with you or for the guys that could be go to the hardware store or go to the fishing shop or wherever go skadooing whatever it is it's a relationship but as we cultivate that relationship it becomes sweeter and sweeter and easier to access no matter where you are you can soak for five minutes at a stoplight just say lord i'm just gonna love you i'm just gonna ask you is there anything you want me to do who do you want me to call anything you want me to say to someone begin to ask him for encouraging words ask him who needs prayer for healing for depression for whatever soaking has also given me a holy boldness a boldness that i do not have in the natural sure there's been many times in many stories we'll tell you some other times of stories where people would try to put me down when i was ministering so pray for me and sort of get me out of the way and because i couldn't stand in the anointing i mean it was mark dupont again that would say because i would be always on the floor in the in the early days of the revival the holy spirit would come and boom i'm down under the power of god and mark said carol how are you going to lead a revival if you're always on the floor and i said well mark i don't know but i can't stand it was about two weeks later he came and he's got this he's got a huge hand if you know mark dupont his hand is huge and he put this big huge hand on the top of my head and girls don't like to have big hands on the top of their head guys heads up don't mess with the hair anyway it was just anyway he put his hand on the top of my head and he said thus saith the lord don't do that ah whoa the lord says you can stand in the anointing or you can yield to his presence wow and from that moment on i had the ability to either minister and function upright or i could yield to the holy spirit it was just an amazing learning time it's funny how we we learn all different things during the course of of growing with the lord but it's always fun and it's always interesting and it's always exciting and so the anointing of god soaking marinating in his presence made room for little old me for shy me for timid me for someone that didn't think she was all that smart or whatever and had really no abilities or talents god made room for me and he has a plan and a destiny for each and every one of you and it will blow your minds what he has in store for each and every one of you and i know i absolutely know without a shadow of a doubt that if the holy spirit ever took his hand off of me i would go back to that fearful shy intimidated person again because i know it's him i am his care the carrier of his presence and so are you and as we get permeated with more of him the more of him will carry because it's him flowing out through us and the holy spirit you know he likes to be in control now mind you he really works well with us you know one time john was in a meeting and and a guy came up to him because john would go down the line and say fill him lord free him lord you know bless him lord whatever he'd say but he was sort of commanding the holy spirit right and so this guy came up to him after he said i've been watching you minister and he said it seems to me that you are telling the holy spirit what to do and john just kind of like oh dear and so he went home and he kind of pondered it and and you know said holy spirit have i done anything to offend you or you know have i prayed wrongly and the holy spirit said no you're speaking what i'm putting in you you're you're pouring out we are a team but the holy spirit and jesus and god the father are still the ones that are in charge we're just the vessels that go through and he has given jesus said i've given you all authority ah so let the holy spirit move through you and fill you but be like little children with him because he loves it when you know how your little boy or girl comes up to you and and says mommy mommy look i can do this look what happened you know this is really great and and we you know i can i can jump off this this platform or i can do this and and you're just proud of them because they're they're they're trying but you know that you need to be there as their safety as their protection and the holy spirit is right with us he's in us he's through us he's our comforter he's our teacher he's our helper he is so precious as kathryn kuhlman said get to know the holy spirit as well and let him become your best friend in your walk with the lord what is the price of soaking well in the days where we could all meet together which i am hoping we'll soon have again the the price was vulnerability and humility you know we had a lot of people say oh i like the anointing that you have i want what you have but i don't want to do what you're doing i'm not gonna lie on the floor i'm not gonna shake i'm not gonna cry i'm not gonna whatever what's that pride and vulnerability i mean it's vulnerable to lie on the floor it's vulnerable people looking at you going hmm i wonder what she's doing that looks a little odd looks a little weird haven't seen that before well who cares who cares what they think you know a lot of people have missed it because of the manifestations now you don't have to have a manifestation but if you do a lot of people stumble over that john's often said you know bless you if you don't want it that's great i'll have your portion i'll have your share right but i want all that we can get and you know how you can tell it's by the fruit what is the fruit of their lives as you're getting through now soaking does not mean you're not going to accomplish anything for god because you will accomplish more for god in that time that you spend with the lord in a relationship than you would if you didn't i've just found everything goes easier people get healed people get set free people get filled with the holy spirit you can walk up to somebody and you know i do that all the time in the grocery store and say i just feel the lord would like me to pray for you would that be all right it's a little more difficult in covid but before that i would do it in airports whatever whenever the lord would tell me and they would get healed they would get freed their family would get touched and because they think that christians are going to go home on their knees and pray they don't think you're going to do it right there and god moves and he will move through each and every one of you you see soaking will change your life it will connect you with the intimate powerful presence of god sarah edwards the wife of jonathan edwards ah the great awakening 1740 summed it up so well she didn't call it soaking but that's what it was in her famous statement she says it all i am overwhelmed by his nearness to me and my dearness to him wow lord that is my prayer for each and every one today that you will be overwhelmed by his nearness to you and your dearness to him now we are going to soak for a little time and but first let's see how mr sponge is doing you know mr sponge has been having a wonderful soak probably 45 minutes soak so he's gonna be really saturated oh he's much softer mr sponge you're so heavy with the anointing oh my goodness oh oh you look much better mr sponge oh you are dripping whoa with the power of god oh you want to be happy like mr sponge you want to be dripping in the anointing with mr sponge wow let's have a soaking time i want you to get positioned you can lie on your chairs you can lie on the floor you can lie and get comfortable just get comfortable do we have some soaking music yes we do ah thank you michael and i think there's a chat line is that right trevor and a zoom so if when we're finished we're going to soak 10 minutes but we want to teach you how to just position yourself and if you get something from the lord i want you to text in chat on the chat line phone in zoom in we want to hear from you because testimonies encourage others so let's just position ourselves get get comfortable first ah just pray with me holy spirit i want to position myself today to connect with god i want to hear what you're saying to me i want to see what you're showing me and i want to tell you how much i love you and lord i just tell my mind to be still [Music] and i say to my spirit spirit rise up and connect with the holy spirit [Music] wow i want you to take a big deep breath breathe in the holy spirit and breathe out all the frustrations the discouragements the depression the busyness the what-ifs and we just lay all of that at the foot of jesus and jesus i invite you to come father i invite you to come and be with me and talk to me lord i just choose [Music] to love you right now lord i'm so grateful so grateful that you jesus have found me that i'm your [Music] child you came and rescued me jesus and i love you this this morning and i worship you just begin to tell him your heart [Music] [Music] [Music] some of you were beginning to feel just a blanket of peace flooding over your body [Music] that's jesus he's the prince of peace begin to welcome him [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] lord you are my shepherd i shall not want [Music] you make me lie down in green pastures you lead me beside the still waters [Music] lord i drink in of you right now lord you want me to be still you want me to be beside the still waters you want me to be in the green pastures to restore my soul [Music] thank you lord [Music] as you're tuning in to him just begin to ask him if he wants to say something to you or wants to show you something remember psalm 139 says that he has [Music] so much to say to you [Music] more than the grains of the sea and the sand how precious are your thoughts to me o lord how great is the sum of them [Music] if i should count they would be more than the number of the sand [Music] [Music] thank you lord if your mind wanders away just bring it back and focus back on the lord [Music] [Music] where thank you lord [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] if he begins to show you a picture it might be just a quick fleeting picture just grab a hold of that picture [Music] say lord what are you saying to me in this speak to me about what you're showing me [Music] thank you lord [Music] jesus [Music] thank you lord [Music] as you're soaking god is even coming to heal you there's healing in his presence [Music] there's restoration for your mind [Music] fear anxiety must leave because of your presence lord [Music] so i ask you to lift off the heaviness and the fear of your beloveds [Music] [Music] jesus we love your presence lord would you increase holy spirit would you increase your tangible presence with each person that is soaking right now would you let that glory soak them permeate them [Music] fill them refresh them [Music] love them beyond anything they've ever known before [Music] [Music] [Music] if you've had the lord come say something to you or show you something speak to you i want you to get on the chat line get on the zoom call in because you see it encourages testimonies encourage one another [Music] thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord lord i pray that as we talk today that you will just immerse each one psalm 37 7 says rest in the lord and wait patiently for him do not fret because of him who prospers in his way because of the man who brings wicked schemes to pass [Music] lord we just calm ourselves in you and you know if you get stressed during the week if you get anxious [Music] just take five minutes [Music] and just bring yourself to peace with him say lord i just want to love you [Music] another good way is online you can get a 10 minute timer that you can you can it's longer than 10 minutes it can be an hour timer but you can set for 10 minutes or you can use your phone set it on repeat for every 10 minutes if you're struggling put your phone on for 10 minutes and every time the timer goes off just raise your hands and worship him and wait for his presence i used to do that for years i had a season where i was in and it was a over a three year season where i could not feel his presence on a day-to-day basis mind you when i went to minister he was still there but i was so frustrated talk about in the wilderness and i did everything i knew to do and a friend from germany told me about doing these timers mine was a little ten minute time and i clipped on my on my belt and it would go off every 10 minutes and it was just amazing because i would in those days i lived in toronto and people would cut you off in traffic all the time and you'd be ready to maybe kind of and the timer would go off and you thought oh you can't say something bad and worship the lord at the same time and it was just an amazing way to stay in his presence to stay focused in his love wow it's just a wonderful thing i don't know whether we have any testimonies [Music] okay yeah i think maybe we do don't be don't be hesitant to you know share what um what god spoke to you in that quiet time because it's precious and it does encourage and those of you that that got something it could be as simple as i really love you or you are my precious one i encourage you to put it on a little piece of paper and stick it on your mirror and look at your eyes and read that to yourself and get it from here to into your heart because you see it's the way god really sees you you are his precious beloved is he going to leave you the way you are of course not but he takes us little by little step by step along the way to being healed and restored
Channel: Jubilee Stratford
Views: 4,455
Rating: 4.8431373 out of 5
Id: TDoFwR_ZuDo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 47sec (4307 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 14 2021
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