So You Want To Play Teutons

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hey what's going on guys and welcome back to another video but today we're back with a so you want to play episode and today we were gonna be running the Teutons yeah so two is a sieve that recently got changed and so probably a lot of people want to know how to play it now where it stands how good it is all those kind of burning questions that we just simply don't have the answers at the moment so I'm gonna be going ahead and showing us the theoretical side of things by analyzing the tech tree then I'm gonna doing a short question answer with twitch chat while we find the game and then when we get a game I'm gonna see how the practical you know side of things have the actual gameplay plays out in comparison with the theory that we talked about beforehand so that's the format format of the video today we're rockin Teutons remember guys in YouTube you have to vote in the comments below what's if you guys want to see next week and I got tunes from my Inca video where everyone in or most people in the view YouTube comments wanted to see two wins next so here we are with the two twins make sure to vote on YouTube and let's just hop right into the texture here though oh that's the Japanese let's hover chickens just so we don't forget okay boom alright so let's go into the tech tree and see what they're all about though the turbines recently got changed and I'll highlight the changes here but basically Tuan's is an infantry civilization their bonuses are as follows monks healing range times - something that's not very impactful but can help out in certain situations powers garrison times two units and this is why they're notorious you get a towel rushing they also get murder holes for free and herbal medicine for free you have to be in the cast stitch to get these texts but you don't need anything for them so soon you get the castle aged you don't even need a university Myrtle's comes in right away Barmes costs - 40 % wood so that's gonna be I think a total of saving of 24 wood performs your farms cost 36 wood instead of 60 quite a nice eco bonus the town center Garrison's +10 ok I'm not too bad and then their barracks and stable units have +1 armor in Castle age and post on armor in the Imperial age for a total of +2 on the barracks and stable units this is the new change that I think made toons a lot stronger and honestly I'm not gonna say overpowered but I'm gonna say a very strong in certain situations most notably in Amelia vs. me leaf situations ok the unit is the Teutonic Knights which recently got a buff to speed from 0.8 movement speed to 0 point sorry from 0.7 0.8 movement speed text is ironclad giving the siege weapons extra meaning Armour so again it's a lot of armor on their units crenellations it's indeed NPO tech giving castles plus three range and garrison infantry fire arrows Everson infantry fire arrows I didn't know that but I'm gonna pretend like I knew that to keep the credibility and on so yeah they're garrison infantry also makes their castles fire more arrows and their infantry gang and the tower start as well and their team bonus is a really good one I think that units resisted conversion and I say this every time this does apply for one - once you count as your own team so this is really good at whatever ones and team games alright so let's take a look at the tech tree now and see what they have as options so their archery range is rather weak missing thumb ring means that the crossbow line isn't gonna be great they're missing our blessed and so and we'll get to later they're missing bracer as well so no our blessed no thumb ring box was not the best it could be decent in the castle age and early castle age but nothing else rooms are fine howitzers are terrible you're missing so many up goods there and then hand cannons probably the only usable unit from the archery range a long-term their barracks is quite nice though they've got champions and help adhere with Squires so fully fully attacked barracks only missing the Eagle warrior which is obviously normal obviously keep in mind that they're also benefiting from melee armor their barrack units so that's really good they're a stable is quite empty they have fully upgraded paladin's and missing only the husbandry but they only have the Scout cavalry so they don't have a good late-game raining units in one to one this is a big setback for the sieve because missing husbandry and missing white cap means that you don't really have fast every you have heavy cavalry with their knights and dependents with a lot of armor we don't have anything I can just run in kill drills and run out that's cost-efficient Scout cavalry doesn't really do that as well as light cavalry or hearse are especially with the lack of husband it's a big setback to the city Lucy just quite good though they have calf Ram missing seed round that's okay each Audigier with ironclad keeping my the unique tech gives them more armor heavy scorpions and bomber towers and of course the notorious siege tower so the receipt workshop units are great no complaints there the blacksmith is pretty teched-out as well only missing bracer which is a very important upgrade but you know we don't we're not gonna go with bracer as their arrangement and late-game you might go for something like auditors and make use of their siege instead okay so bracer losing it this pretty big deal but it's not the end of the world their ships are pretty bad I mean they have fast fire ships and galleon but missing bracers not that good and then they're missing drydock and ship right so early game they're fine on water they actually a good economy but this game they just really can't compete the university is pretty fine I'll just quickly go through this one I mean they have keeps and bomber towers and everything architecture they have everything else Teutonic Knights let's go ahead and talk about the talk knife a little bit more velocity Amim units however it has very high armor and it has very high attack but it moves really slowly and that's why it's not very viable in a real game it thrives versus melee units tonight disgracing us Millions a cavalry or infantry the spine verse both but it will lose against most major nets and it dies to mass siege as well okay so it didn't get buffed it has more speed now but it's still a bit too expensive and a bit too situational however it does have a situation so it's not the worst unit ever okay they got everything in the castle monastery fully upgraded monastery that's a big plus to the two ins in my opinion they will win most monk fights as well because they resist conversions themselves this is actually quite a nice plus divisive comes up a lot in arena as well and then their eco pretty solid late-game missing only this know now that we know how they look like in theory let's go ahead and see what kind of maps do you know they can replay us and we'll see what we want to play them in theory so as a good overview I can classify tunes as like a very slow but very powerful sieve and they have a lot of strong options it's just a matter they're lacking a little bit of mobility also their water play isn't great so I'm gonna try to avoid water maps and very open maps if possible or at least like maps where you're forced to run back and forth a lot ok so right away Arabia probably not tunes best map but I'm gonna keep it open because I think there's better band's first Islands this is one you have to banish to your own students Juggalo Lawson Islands long-term arena probably one of tunes best maps it's a good boom sieve and then there's not a lot of space on the map so a good slow pushing save like Teutons and actually be very powerful nomads humans are bad on water and they don't have any bonuses for nomads when a band that one hill fort before it's one of those naps where you're gonna need to be very mobile you can have to fight for the outside control and for that reason I have to bend this one as well and I always been dragged around I'm sorry I have too bad that one as well so I'm left with Arabia Serengeti golden swamp at four legs I have to say go this one before lakes not the best - in maps but it's just better to play those than the other ones alright I have to say that okay so we have Serengeti arena Arabia golden swamp in four lakes let's go ahead and find a match alright guys and twitch chat now I shouldn't answer anything you want to know about two minutes I will answer now you guys can rapid-fire the questions and I'll answer them as best as I can and I guess I'll keep it in the camp camp scene for him even the arranging it meta how much impact does the middle armor really have on nights they lack husband juju the way I see it is that humans now got a a bonus like a plus on what they were kind of already good at but it didn't make them a lot stronger Bruce Miller units that being said their weaknesses which was CAV archers and range units they're still equally weak against that so yes they still have that strong weakness that's it have you stopped the SF most ironclad force monk push very difficult SOI earn cloud+ monks and maybe some houses mixed in there I'd say the best bet is probably like some sort of our Blessed bombard Canon and try to push fast before they really able to get to that combination because bomber canons do really well against honors bunks I can't be really tricky though so I'd say like us are heavy cap archers or who star our blessed bomber Canon something like that that's the best way to beat students in late in burn arena same thing I just mentioned probably something along those lines you can also go monks I know they resist conversions but you can still go monks to convert their siege it still works so I'd say mostly these pattern as well where's the strongest to match up now it means counter a lot of Miele sibs and I think they're actually pretty good against a six and Incas now like it's most mezzo steps his master sips kind of lack options dealing with siege and late-game I mean they have monks but they're not in bomber cans and about to introduce conversions so pretty good matchup what is liam braiding alternative i think you still go with scouts if you really want to or you just don't rate as much you just wall up decides to go for a push on one side you try to close the map as much as possible alex waiting is fine like it's okay and cavalier reading would be good if you have to go for it it's great entire nights every part of your game plan of students bearing situationally but yes it could be let's count to that slow push each students I already answered that Bombur canons really works well early try to pressure them fast and try to open up the map first and as much as possible anything these characters aren't sure how it works really well what tunes heartis counter probably something like mumbles and like they have characters they have manga die which counter their siege as well so Mongo's is probably the biggest counter at the moment that's it however they lose the most archer steps if I'm being built here how do you go s on Arabia it can be really difficult sometimes you just can't do it I recommend going armatures and then going helps to complement that and kind of forget about s o until you're in a commanding position openings fortuyn's Scouts works really well many ARMs are really good as well if you pretty much do anything in futile age because they have a really good economy behind it with the farms you can also go for the tower rush because they have the towers that get some more you know more units so towel racks can be really good as well it's time Mexican units its situationally decent but it's usually bad to talk I possess Oh push it's really expensive and probably helps will accomplish the same thing as its attack night's dinner nights only defend versus champions there but yeah it's it's really expensive but really solid as I thought worth the investment for beef farmer cans alone hmm yeah if you're up against Minnesota yeah what's the two in that ball park nets and see janitors probably let's take matchups are favorable for 2 mins anything for submissives I'd say they gentlemen do well humans will be weak until they get brace your husband G do you agree I think that yeah but I don't think they were ever get those tax yeah they're always have the weaknesses because of those they came any options fortuyn's already answered this scout too refined cavalier okay and I would say that tried to wall up to avoid ratings as much as possible it's like you're almost saying Opie and FTO at the same time I kind of am this is what I talked about before it feels like now in certain situations to ins can be really strong but then in other situations that can be really terrible so I feel like they're kind of like goth in a sense that they're kind of a one-trick in what they can do not that if they can only do one unit but they can only do one style which is the slow push sure they have paladin's but even the paladin's is lacking husbandry so there are still gonna be down mobility versus mobile sips okay but in tight maps of Kareena that kind of slow push can actually make or break the game as well in that case make it to future not nice which Tiger Warriors to win I believe the Jaguar words will win that's alone 100% sure the idea of composition I think the realistic composition you want to go for is like Hobbs and auditors in most cases have auditors or paladin how - few murder holes and her mo medicine effect play Popo medicine can be good for healing your units in buildings like in their castles because remember their infantry garrison that makes their castles fire arrows if you get crenellations so that could help heal your units at the same time as well so it's a nice neat thing for late-game every murder horse helps you in Castle age when you made a bunch of towers in feudal age where the host prevents your point from clearing those towers of this villagers basically aren't expose useless against night in de no no that's not sure at all I supposed to do really well against animals at them how can - counter posted toons probably approved arches and eagles and try to raid spread them out a lot if it's in a tight area than - and ruin what kind of strats hurt you in the most or what kind of start hurts doing the most for example forward gold or lack of wood etc I think I don't think they have any specific weakness I think that you'd want a really easy to warm up yeah the more open your map is the worse it is for 2 mins I don't think like they're still hurt by for gold but just as much as other sips opening circuit the students already answered this but many ARMs are fine scouts to fine archers are okay you can do pretty much anything foolish yeah but ran for students castles yes you can because well ramps can still tank the arrow fire so you can still kind of take them out although if you are getting wrap bush and your students all you have to do is make a few to attack knights and kill the ramps and then you have mirror holes to kill any other unit that's at your base okay don't playing against Arabia or against Arabia we're playing on Arabia here and let the chat will go away let me just ask you one question here would you rather fight to it's exclusively or quick AOE - good question Oracle I would rather quit a b2 most likely I would get really bored of tunes okay so that's the last question end that off we got Arabia here and we're gonna be trying to ins and I'm gonna be showing you guys how I would play them and how the you know the theory side of things compares to the practical side of things in a game don't forget a good opponents let's hop right into this one okay so Arabia's not the best map and we're playing is Mayans here looka a very hard matchup because again Mayans have a lot of good mobility but we can see what we can do with toons I'm not worried about the late game alright I'm not worried about the late game at all I'm really just worried about the fur the imp and yeah early imp and the early game that's gonna be the hardest point so let's see what I can do the first thing I'm gonna try and think of is how I'm gonna wall my map and what kind of combination of units I will go for something in late-game like champions and honors can be a really good combination to counter Mayans obviously Teutonic Knights an honor just can be really good as well so we'll see I might meme it up a little bit show how the time guys can actually fare up in a real game I have a few options ahead of me have a few options okay let's see this one all right oh they're perfect so mmm and that looks pretty good it looks like I could easily wall I have a back goals which is a very nice side berries which is also not too bad let's get that guy out here perfect okay let's take a lumber camp let's take this one here to start any back would be fun would be fine there throw it in the front it can be problematic so I have to keep an eye up to that by the way someone earlier was asking what if I lose it's very possible that I lose this game it's this series is not meant to like win every game it's just meant to show off how I would play this if in practice and it's not it's not something that will you know prove to be me winning every game I think I have won every game the series no flex so far but it doesn't mean that I'll continue to win all right I've been playing pretty good subs in series so far and this is a tough matchup so okay and now it sounds like now it sounds like I'm just lining up excuses alright so I'm gonna open men arms and the redundant open men arms just because I have a safe back gold and I'm playing these medicines okay semester steps I really like the meta arm opening after the matter arms I might even transition to one range archers just to followed up with something in the feudal age remember when I said that tunes can do anything in feudal age because they have a good economy and well they have bloodlines as well so they can pretty much play anything they want and so therefore don't be afraid to like go into archers even though long term archers aren't good the tunes for feudal age 100 cent fine my resources cool let's bring in this guy and then continue scouting all right let's do that cool Oh like this could be really good walling back here could be really good as well just look at my map here analyzing record wall and stuff that would go to various I'll keep that bore under there for a little bit as well oh don't run away don't you run away you're gonna wait to the Sheep finishes it's a little bit greedy for me but something that you could do somewhere huh okay cool take that for all right let's go for the middle right there this is a bit of an awkward Millie I feel like I feel like somewhere someone is not happy about that milk I'm sorry about that this is if this bill doesn't satisfy OCD you guys this is a pretty bad one but I tried I tried all right so I have a good visibility my maps I know I have a back gold and two coats on the side so this time map you see me really important I also know that this is one of his gold so he's probably round that side the board I'm just using a pretty standard builder if you guys want to know you know how I do my builds and where you guys can find them they're available in my discord or subs to my twist streams so those guys on YouTube coming over to the fish stream you can get gifted a sub if you can't afford it yourself but make sure to join the discord and join the stream you go to access all my builders in there and there something that works at all levels as well for beginners and for expert players as well or more advanced players ash this with your house then at barracks and I are perfect that for bills there's two for girls on wood that tells me he wants to go for some sort of infantry as well well I got this bill would be interesting them and I just hope he doesn't hit it basically I should wallet it yeah that's wallet and he goes coming just in case and she's just waiting around and he's also doing embarrass it looks like you might be doing men-at-arms himself over 22 pop my arms pretty standard builder I didn't really have any information as Maplin I do know his main goal does I haven't found his wood I know I did a lying and this barriers on the front okay berries is the target for me uh-oh tries to attack the berries it's the closest thing to the front and it's something I think would be an easy targets look up here perfect builder of course you know what's gonna work alright that should be good all right so that cured our militia now in attacking the berries use one up I'm pretty sure he's doing minute arms we can check actually a good trick is to highlight around here yeah it's red I can't build here meaning he has a building meeting that's a mining camp so he's gonna go for men arms firmed if I get my second lumber camp down as well now let's go second let me camp why should i catch him before he walls in the case where yeah that's only did three militia in the case where I can't do damage I'll just go back into that his men arms but don't try to get the aggressive the front foot yet so I'm gonna try to be on the aggressive here just because I have faced a quick wall if if needed he attacks me as well alright so this is running out let's make a few farms two farms are cheaper this is quite nice too only a few going to go to two months too many here be is fine for is okay as well okay let's attack him once he's fully walled okay nice my bow I'll continue attacking here where I can it looks like he's gonna count to attack me so this is gonna count to attack me I'm gonna prepare a range right away the reason this is fine for me is that I have a really good map to defend with a few walls my berries are the only thing that's exposed but I don't mind if he attacks me I'm in fact I welcome it my wit upgrade in my archery range and you know what let's get one house here and actually it's got one wall there and then a house here and I'll prevent him from attacking on this side and one wall here from being on that side let's try to break in no further minute arms I'm gonna do archers defending or defensively to defend his men arms all right that should be good yeah put the gold he's doing the same thing but it looked at things so pretty similar openings here and looks like he's coming in from this side so there's just wall up this side as well I'm not really taking any damage so if I can break in here it can be amazing alright that's fine five on gold is enough here and his defense has been pretty good as well so none of us take major damage here that's the thing so only five of gold's a sixth uh mistake right here yeah I think one off would as well you don't need that much good your choons Jeff cheaper farm so you can probably sacrifice one on would but the generic said I go ten I'm gonna go for only nine here a small thing but it could actually make the difference let's get a blacksmith's two for WordPress watching it needed and I do think it will be needed let's just hit and run there and men arms having that much but getting more farms down and I'm still not sure what I wanted to do long-term as well maybe nights it there may be nicer scrims and castle it can be pretty good for some C's defense notice how he didn't get the men arm upgrade you know so he actually is ahead of us in that regard okay let's attack him now I have flexion coming with the pressure you might try to be really greedy and not get fletching and so that's the case I want to be attacking them as much as possible another side I'm gonna be walling up know I'm while I got my Gold's which is not ideal but it's kind of something I have to do so well I'll live with it alright thanks well on the gold I'll get my robe arrow I might break in here I might break in just give you problematic friend yeah he has no punching she's like it's really greedy here and I'm punishing it quite heavily I think as well albey did a really nice counter back here I get him out there nice right in on the side just fight this off of those all right let's go back I don't want to waste too many units there a lot going on here at the moment so let's just go back with those guys is it that's a really nice count to talk about him with the militia at the set all right clean that up all right so let's just check my idols I got none of those that's good bull here and then I do a house there I need to put the pressure let's try the wall a little bit further out now because those walls you made a darkish to protect myself it's militia but now wait to protect myself as crossbows potentially add some stake for him a few favorable trades here well it's pillows as well okay he's just gonna go through some screams it's fine hmm and you're wallowing as well back here it's evil okay he made a few streams that's actually good because if he's forced to make screams he will have a delayed cast of time I'm just wondering do I add a second range here or do I just go with a siege workshop the castle age that's the decision I have to make I'm thinking of maybe switching tonight siege something that's more of a two in combination yeah I think I want to switch the night siege all right sighs kills its ego awesome I'm gonna wall up and now I'm not gonna I'm gonna message a few more archers I'll continue making arches in feudal age better my transition to something that tunes are more good at like I said in feudal age don't be afraid to do whatever you want archers Scouts everything goes men arms no problem but in Castle age let's start to think of something that could actually scale into the late game and something like siege and something like auditors or something like auditors and Knights would do just that okay so it looks maybe get a fourth siege workshop it as well might just do it at home though you'll have two options there like a jumbles my words a little a little bit too much there hope hope it was clear all right so I move my archers I want to trade with his archers as fast as possible by the way because I don't wanna be sticking on archers I want to be doing a stable transition I'll do it back home you can't see it and I probably don't trade rich Gurman stuff that's not good my trade with his archers is possible but he's a smart player he will know that and he will hide his archers from me I am fully walled now or at least put my balls on the sides I left the front open because it's pretty secure what should I do as far as the siege workshop goes I might just do what one at home yeah one at home should be okay and I'll try to pressure the wood line that's my plan but I'm gonna also get to TCC's first I think yeah let's get to TCC's one here and maybe one of the gold here yeah let's do that they should have a good economy before moving out oh I'll make a few nights might have to go for with a really fast seed workshop though though now so let's actually get the siege workshop down here as well I'm okay defending until I get my coop and then I'll start attacking with whatever siege in there to have my archers are kind of useless and you know what I'm also getting a town watch there's his archers got any great against so this is really bad for me now my seat shop can be denied yeah this is really problematic let's see I'll try to get it up alright perfect some getting some good trades my archers here remember those arches are kind of worthless for me stuff any trade I can get with them is amazing this is great news for me absolutely great news and I got my seat shop up which is what I needed it's okay to be really restless with these guys I'm just gonna go in I don't mind I never do this effect could upgrade the crossroads but since I can't upgrade them or I won't upgrade them then there's no point and now I finally made it to night and see do you guys see how that works it's that's called a clean and smooth transition into what unit you want to make going forward okay and this is in my opinion virtue and shine this is the part of game where I can actually come back I have a great economy with my cheaper farms this is the time where I want to be you know pushing and fighting because I have it about solid nights and I have you know perfectly fine seeds with the manga knows yes its continued booming here let's try to find any holes in his economy of my nights if not I'll bring the siege forward I'm gonna pressure this wood line and this gold as well if possible I also know that he has a gold out here which is nice we're not gonna hit that yet I don't want to know them an attack there ya know what I think I need to start taking don't bow okay all right so he's there get more nights and more siege and I stopped taking the stone in the front already I can take that stone is cuz I have pressure I'm moving out of them we're gonna fight myself let's hit that wood but he can make egos to try and sniper Megan oh but I have post on armor on my Knights plus one plus one extra me the armored supposed to do there but the Knights would do really well against the Eagles if he goes for them let's try and break it yeah he is making a few videos which is image exactly I thought you would okay I hit your own unit Sarah that's good oh he has ballistics this is really bad I can't tell actually and you only post you anyway here let's get a second stable and go for a lot of cast agents now yeah that's exactly how he wants to use the Eagle I don't I don't have bloodline Zionist bloodlines that's not cool but plus two is more important I need to tank the archer hits yeah I still think I'm in a fine position here not amazing but fine I did buy some units dildo absent in what would a cap a little bit so I have my upgrades that I need bloodlines plus two and then I can move out again I need to come to a point where I can actually engage this crossbows and I will need like ten nights for that and nights with full of grids not attack seems juicy as well it's been nice to be careful here and I'm resistant tonight - sorry - marks I'm not too worried about those guys [Music] let's go okay maybe consider engaging here nice more nights yeah let's get a monastery on this hill pick up the relic I'm worried about him going in pure legend now as well I don't think you can afford it just yet but it's something he will be thinking about in the near future that would be really important how's any get those earlier I do go for a prediction I can fight this one here I got a nice shot and now I'm hitting his cross versus my Knights it's pretty good but I'll run away cuz he's got the conversions coming in I wasn't fine trade I think that's overall good for him though yeah I wasn't the best for me it's get one we're hanging up he's playing well he's playing well this is exactly the situation I wanted to in so it's not a bad idea not a bad trade Paul will be when he's able to go to imp and go for how video shoot however you switch that's going to be almost impossible to stop I think let's let him go inside a little bit deeper there I think yeah looks like I'm going inside he doesn't want to rough that relic yeah thank you some sort of pincer movement going yeah that's amazing that's exactly I needed yeah my nursing for taking the relic yoicks plaits bottom that's why I can't do the same movements every time and that's that's what we needed and now we can look to get him using the markets remember the cheaper farms name does save a lot of wood and that's why it would pick up and actually he's calling the GG directly to ins with the solid eco actually managing to pull a win versus mines and castle age not too bad I mean Luke I was playing well but he just did one slip-up there with his army and went too far forward but I swear this is kind of weird to enshrine Castle age it's kind of where they shine right 3tc boom if you can afford so many farms I can afford three stable Knights and my manga Nell's and the monastery I just have so many options I ain't into bad trades I don't think I played this perfectly in fact I think I play far from perfectly but I think it's just like surviving the other game or not surviving but you know doing whatever you need to do admit arms archers survived got to Castle age I have really good eco because I have cheap farms and then I went into a transition to my Knights siege and nice get post when armor so pikemen Eagles the general counters of you know tonight's they're gonna be slightly weaker pikemen will still win but you know a slightly weaker is good and if they try to go for monks which is the other counter tonight's well Teutons resist conversions and so he's pretty much stuck on Expo which I can easily switch to Megiddo and make some angles to counter and I promise you most players don't have as good micros Luka did so if you guys have manga nose and knights you will be able to steamroll your opponents most you know most of the time with two wins and if I was gonna go to late-game I might open Cavalier and then I might transition into oranges and champions something like that but I you know my recommendation is to make the game best in Castle age play very aggressively because you do have the solid eco to back it all up alright so GG that's a nice one let's take a look at the stats here all right Katie heavily in favor of us because at the end he had large army but it off you know came crashing down eco more food for me I probably had way more farmers he has some more wood but it needed much wood because I have cheaper farmers and then golden stone is about even you know same up times I can keep up with my eco and you're looking which is really really nice and then morville hi but it was very close to it really just came down to me taking benefice and castle age and if it was going to going to go into imperial age I think mines win early amp but humans should be fine later and so GG well played maybe a little bit with premature resign from Luka but overall wasn't a bad game at all and I think it really showcased too and strength and castle age alright so thank you guys for watching this episode of so you want to play we take it we took a look at two wins today make sure to vote in the comments on YouTube what you guys you know what see if you guys don't see next week I just take what you guys give me and so the highest voted comments of the sit that you want to see what we play it for next week hopefully the series is educational hopefully it's informative and hopefully it's entertaining as well because let's be honest having fun is what a divine prize is all about thank you guys for watching and I'll see you guys the next video peace
Channel: Hera - Age of Empires 2
Views: 66,922
Rating: 4.9132261 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, aoe2, hera, guide, best, civ overview, how to, daut, aoe2 DE, age, empires, tierlist, age of empires, tatoh, theviper, Definitive Edition, t90official, build order, spirit of the law
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 1sec (2161 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
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