So today we did a expensive raid... to find only this! (minecraft factions)

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alright guys so today I was gonna get treated to a rage by a Jason hommes and I admit Jimmy just asked him you know it's just kind of gonna work he presses the fire button and the freaking whole thing blows up and but if we can break into this base there's pretty much an exploit that will let us get all the way up to it and basically mindless boners and get some easy f top value but I am I don't know if that's gonna be happening better guys welcome today's episode of Minecraft packages if you enjoy this episode go down below smash that like would it be greatly appreciated and sorry for no face can't play it's not really working I don't know it's so buggy it's my it's my webcam software I always thought it was like camera there's my webcam software it's so bad but today's episode will most likely be attempting to get into like a four wall base but I don't think we I don't think we have to worry for too long because our boy hapless is on and he's our cannon hablas can you please do me a favor Jason I'm sorry did you get the truck I didn't get blown up or I showed it I literally was just about it's not recording it was just like oh we we definitely gonna gain this place yeah [Laughter] three times the power how are we in EFT our faction how is that possible alright so our cat nur is basically he's going to do the caning from now on so fingers crossed this works for walls gonna go through and then we can break into this base now guys to give you an update on the eff top and where we're at right now I'm so excited it's the first time I've ever been like actually on F tub I've been on F tub before but then I always lose it because I met my faction is like never active enough but like this seasons be amazing so blur are speeding up like we're we're trying to catch up as much we can but blur our speeding up there were 470 million but we are actually at 213 million right now I like I guess really a huge thing has to be said to like metrics and his crew because like they're raiding when we're asleep so like we're literally covering like all time zones right now it's amazing but yeah I'm just grateful that was still the richest faction I told we would have lost it already but we're we're keeping it what time like why is my faction doing like somebody help laws I guess Clause doesn't really need any help all right faction of an implausible entertain all right because you know I mean far from mad beggar you know I mean it is gave me an interval and I have an opening yet so gather around you know the clear clear middle air it clear this air gap around in a nice circle gamourai do something it's gonna leave because I'm bringing bad luck I couldn't even rate a better than one sticker oh no don't worry don't worry like these are basically guaranteed rewards so if if I get the random kid scroll mmm I'll be happy horse similar you know I guess I'll be happy I just never get kills of it so I'll have to get someone else to activate it for me so that everyone doesn't targets but anyway let's do this gather around come on I need a proper circle come on what does a void here come on I'm getting a breeze metrical man symmetrical great boom okay boom perfect alright I'm gonna stand back here right good now as this is going on as this thing is opening I need all your luck I need so basically to summon more look everyone needs to shift up and down except me son lazy and my pink here it's alright here we go all right immune up alright guys if you don't know the end of all November is out it's on the store it's $20 usually is $25 I've got one that's frickin open this thing and also why not come down below in the next episode or yeah in the next episode or one day or choose this episode I'll pick a winner for it so coming your agenda down below and why you love cheese so much just comment anything I don't really mind I'm just being nice alright here we go 3 2 1 let's pop this open right let's see what we get from this we got one additional set home I really wish it was two but one is better than none two unknown that Shobo in Chapman's okay fine I'll take that and Nana's secret recipe that's just an Abba night mama Sufi we got the title I don't Teil slow what and we got one treasure law pick not two but one is good one is good fly particle cloud oh okay that's gonna be really nice so I don't have flight Oh at once low soul pouch is gonna be basic or extreme or what and divine leggings all right so no kids girl no nothing like that we weren't lucky enough but these will be come in handy for building a second god set so I will take that okay right so straightaway we're gonna go shop and we were going to redeem this extra set home because this is definitely something I need I need more homes okay that's an extra home we got Nana's secret recipe like that's just NAB that it literally is nothing but I guess the main thing which vaults are good for is definitely lock place because a lot of pics are quite rare in the game not gonna lie but they're meant to because they hold their value then so it's really handy getting one of these places you can get one too - I really wish I got two of them oh we okay right so we got a deluxe soul pouch which I am gonna be probably working on another God set soon because I never realized how good god sets actually are but this God set in in a Thursday's episode really saved my life like I take a lot less damage it's amazing and I really want to build an over God set with this thing on it where is it Valley in five take less damage in war zone I want jogging or two and this thing and hopefully an IG mass that would be amazing but quickly why not let's redeem our slow tile I can't believe the servers insulted me okay exclusive tiles is in there yeah I'm gonna put it on because I actually kind of like it I'm not gonna lie and also we got a hashtag November we got the fly cloud particle yes please and we're going to open up our deluxe saw pouch so currently right now we're at 17,000 Souls which I need to spend them a little bit I guess but here we go three two one boom let's open this up and we got 12,000 souls so that's basically an extreme book if not more why don't you slip out so that brings us up to 30 K Souls key freaking cheap all right so we also got a lockpick now if we can open extreme churches treasure chest and get like 2 million this would be amazing but the thing is we have to open this and see what our chances are what we're dealing with please say it's like 80 or above 3 2 1 boom it is 50% chance a lock now I've had a 20% key work so 50% I will take fine we are going to put this in our HS we will need to fish out I'm actually gonna try to get my own extreme trailer chest so it's cheaper I get a faction to go as a big crew because I don't want to buy it off anyone I want to fish out myself so I make the most amount of cash from it and then the last thing I like how we're doing this while which is waiting from the cannon and then the last thing we got the unknown enchantments which these are basically they're just like cosmetics and you can get some pretty cool ones like / lightning which I really want spite one show pure hatred to your enemies okay sounds kind of cool I'm gonna keep I just don't know what most bees even look like yet and boom and we got spite one again alright and who likes to use a bow I think Benny definitely does hey Benny you like bows don't you love bows alright here you go I got two of them so I have no idea what it does but enjoy it find out right right my community good job it's only two walls left yeah look that's better than the M firework 100% I have this one as well do you have a spare like just I don't have like a swag up Oh cuz I'm in need of a punch though because I don't real I never realized how good they are at getting away from enemies I'll give you my spare one I'm out of water you smell that's a real one you sure yeah trying to lose it I'll give you 6 3k for it no no it's okay it's okay right you sure I will die with it yeah I'm sure it's like it'll help me escape enemy so that'd be all right you know what you can give him a little bit of friendship yeah okay all right so I got divine boat so there we go thank you very much Betty I appreciate it let's actually stick this thing on how do I apply oh wait I already have something Oh already had something quite simple giving me stuff but every guy's eye yes that's all I can really do to entertain you for now I will be back to you once we are broke once we have broken inside that base that's the main ting all right guys we are breaking into this base I love plans like he's so freakin do it like he build a cannon just like that and now it's working I think we have literally one more wall but pretty much this space it's not amazingly rich they're worth two million dollars in spawn of value and that's basically what we're going for but the thing is like we wouldn't normally raid this base but the thing is there's basically water coming down from the top of their base to bum allowing us to essentially just swim up it and raid them that easy all right boys and girls we are in to the base let's do this no wait did they get patched oh no like not working anymore oh all this to online I think they found us should we get some invisibility pots yeah let's do it let's do it they're gonna fry us we might as well if it's easy do they have a reverse there or no like to have a lair way I'm gonna quickly have it no I don't think they have spotters they just patched it by later this or and patched it that's all I'm gonna shop and buy some invisibility okay so just to bring you a bit of a back story there was water up there all the way down here a but that's been patched since we've been canning so even a source and patched it but the spoilers are still up so we doubt it or they just saw him patched it and just realized at that time but yeah we're just seeing if it's possible now to work our way up there because if we that's like an easy two million dollars like you know I mean we might spend a bit of money going for it but it's a bit of fun as well I think Mikey's going to attempt to levitate like yous levitating creepers to get all the way up there which is like gonna be pretty hard all right nice one okay right we need to get some Flint and Steel's going here g-sharp they're doing it they're doing it okay and I've got three levitating creepers on me it's all I've got there we go there we go yes I did all right can someone cannot see someone reach up there to ask the question oh yeah pearl that was really good baby now you know you can push up that fat bunch of that let me take people which died no no push it push start just push attire how did you pin I like what does it mean you see that I'm bowing wait wait wait if you were someone else bow if you know I think it's over there it went I'm gonna say good job good job Oh what you see yeah okay you're dumb there's a I'm gonna die my god say if I do I got it no here we go this is gonna be really hard are they up there because they're definitely gonna spas but we'll go for anyway I already I'm gonna go for again see if that works now see if you can just now jump for it Mikey and then just do I did oh thank god they have war right there blasting you wouldn't be to do that without the war so we need to let you need the war here sorry but keeps up oh yeah so we have more like this is definitely pot oh maybe no yes because it keeps leaving a little rich on the side this is definitely possible boys it's just that how much money you will spend for too many we might by the spoilers that they have yeah which was messy like look we can get your base you don't just give us a spawn as will give you better hey thank you for calling oh right yeah I thought you meant like go up along yeah I wasn't thinking to that okay yeah you're right and am I gonna die that side there we go get it I'm a probe okay so we're slowly making your way up there and Mikey's idea is actually ten times better than mine and so what you know you want to pull over to the other side the wall back and forth back and forth back and forth or or should we go from side to the wall like to the two corners technically because they're closer yeah yeah yeah yeah okay now I'll go for the the old you got this I missed it Oh Joe got to save your life you look good did I get it it's too strong alright I'm gonna go for yeah I can get someone to eat that did that work yeah just yeah that work who's that pop boom nice one okay okay he's quite high Oh someone say I'm off good who's Archie up next I've got some home oh yeah yeah someone got off did you do like a bunch of pigeons let's give me space one eternity later all right so we're literally I think one level off getting inside this base like we've actually climbed all the way up we'd spent a decent amount of money maybe more money than we're to get but oh well it's all a bit of fun okay so they haven't done their rev layers right so all we gotta do is just kind of hit this corner over and over again and we're through we just have to get through that little layer right there oh wait wait there we go alright one more hit Marin just literally just everyone stand back because they have the creep brakes get pushed around back come back from your side of the walls at least everyone come down and let him do that anymore also mop if it gets in oh yeah come down come down any nice he's gonna drown yeah you won't be to knock him out the right way hand and go up from I don't got pots he's gonna drown yeah no they don't really go down something to do alright just basically what you need to do right let plop him here and just knock him up to the corner that's what I was doing that's why I was working every time but everyone needs to stand like everyone go back down again no because you push them out the way no you know I think you need a little bit of distance yeah yeah Oh oh my god we've had a lever take you back oh sorry all right here I'm gonna stand here so hopefully I'll keep the levitating creeper in the middle everyone's down see if that keeps levitating creeper there push off try one more just push them over because they do work I think they do bounce are people so knock them over this way yeah yes there we go oh my god try again try again try again cuz I'm on it I'll knock him up if you can do it I'm John yeah oh my no nope okay go for again try one time no place on a creeper go for it go for it everyone is you have to knock him from the side yes and then push it oh yeah hold on I think I can yeah that actually wanted that work that work to the other we have more space you all we go do is get sake somewhere yeah perfect there we go yeah and we are finally in but wait boys yeah you need more snakes was like okay I mean oh okay I think we can okay fire ball on the way out of it fire ball your way out or does that even have any more snakes come on okay [Music] [Music] everything they could be put inside a chest they could be in a chest they could potentially be inside a chance if we're lucky yeah what we'll have to do is we'll have to stay if like stay invisible way from to come back online hope they don't see your hole and they put that in back yeah exactly maybe just checked so we knew exactly what was going on yeah it does happen what can we do at least we didn't like we already wasted sex like I had a few stock piled up anyway so like I needed to well I didn't need to get rid of him but I'm glad I kind of used him a bit yeah and I guess it's good practice you know I mean you know you never know what we might need to do it again and then faster so like it is good practice I guess I'm just gonna make some sort of positive out of this oh my god maybe we should maybe yeah you know and you know what Jason said I'm gonna leave cuz I'm bad luck he left and we still gonna get this bonus okay is this literally everything he just meant so much to me saying why mine you ate a dog please there was so many him fights a god is just it is the owner no a mod message me saying oh so they actually knew we were aiding them they actually knew fair enough when I asked him to come put this bonus back down alright guys so basically yeah they actually stores Radin they didn't actually like we kind of thought we're getting away of it because they didn't show themselves I didn't try to come kill us so yeah and that's a raid gone wrong I guess that's the rade this map that went horribly wrong but nonetheless that was super enjoyable to do so I guess not much of a raid but the raid is now over alright guys so instead after a failed ray we'll plan on doing some warzone event see if we can make some money I guess ok right so let's make a goal right our main thing is we're jumping down to warzone not to really kill people I guess you know I mean we're gonna kill people we're gonna be friendly to the people in iron and stuff because like they don't deserve to get killed but like we're gonna try do the wars of events and get some money to make up for what we just done yeah I'm jumping down by myself if you guys are already in a second I feel a bit more calm I don't know why yeah I spent 6 mil on zombie Pigman just start like oh man okay he's going that way is he with the Viking guy he looks like you will no thank you oh whoa whoa whoa this guy could have fished like all friendly and stuff but never mind he wants to attack us okay so right now we're just waiting to see if any Wars or events happen or just if anything happens right now em and we're just literally we're planning to come to the lake and just protect the lake from people but that is nothing okay okay okay okay I've everyone people here right now liking or duplicating me there we go she literally Vikings are like duplicating like mad okay I guess the fight starts now he pulled in for David she's just way in a start to begin who's this boiled oh he's on me ouch oh he's going low at times just keep him on the patan and we should get him Oh sir Camille had some good stuff does he like an inch on us or something something in chat no no I just know the player he's got like alright well that's good even might as well stay on him he's going back to the middle of spawn going up the mountain touch it towards warzone make should I leave this guy it's up to you if you guys go stuff like he's going low at times he pearled I have no idea where he just pro2 though he tried your trick no we did what I don't know oh there is cheeky bugger oh he seems like he's baiting me I'm not gonna lie yeah don't follow me no no cuz he came kind of came back I'm not gonna follow him out of war zone well maybe yeah you don't want to lose your head oh you're always helmets gone well he's got a spare helmet PTC's is leading me into a trap I'm not gonna follow her syndicates okay I'm on this guy right now I'm sickened to him I don't think he's in the gods there anything no anything special but I might as well keep chasing him most people that you build traps outside a war zone though yeah this seems a bit bait am I gonna like cuz like he's slowly like he came back when he pearled away like which if he was trying to escape I'm not we kill them all of them if he's he's helmet just pop so he's like my pop over lucky pearls straight up oh nice yeah that's way up did you see it stay there say house down here we got boom there is good left oh he's got damn he's got def enchants ready he did logged out did he yeah oh that's good away from that's right he just locked out okay this guy just logged out and what Mike spend a few minutes just wait around from see what happens and hope he said he hasn't called so little room yeah yeah no I wouldn't be surprised this way he's like that like he has their boots and everything on them just wait just wait just wait just wait stay on to the war here this is way like that all day long okay right so a fight broke out again that that guy got away from us and we were waiting around see what he logged back in but he didn't and I actually don't think he could the server was full of the time so that's probably why I've got to boil people on me have we lost all our members I'm still on the stool no but like if we got enough people to fight these we should do he just okay there's more people incoming where you are and maybe get to the volcano so stop what we're doing and try to get some allies outpost cuz we're definitely getting outnumbered here yeah yeah but if he has for him on him we're definitely outnumbered go for the volcano go for the volcano okay oh yeah you have a few on you yeah same but Mikey has a few of them as well then we're definitely outnumbered here I just want to repair my gear a little bit and guess how you go okay no no it's gone I'm grabbing some more parts if we get over and getting repairing my gear Nami goodness me Mikey need help beeping he's running go go go Mikey go cuz he's gonna he's running away to do became self I love how I say that he's using the duplicate book on himself oh we got dripping boiled over the board members okay we come here to save that guy the drip guy and in in his diary time flies attacking us all right bear it up whatever you rude okay oh my god I'm getting one more combo come on can I pick up the pace right oh it's cuz I'm not fed that's why I keep forgetting myself and then when you don't you lose so much this guy's running Cringer with awesome me no no no one available to t be too yep there you go gonna punch bombs off alright he like back yeah alright so we're trying to stay in a group the best we can and just pick up some kills here yeah just about to say this guy's about to duplicate and there he is duplicate again okay boom he just pulled over here all this ball was amazing man where's he gone there is he's he's really running I think this guy this guy I'm chasing down run towards a trap definitely definitely is big yeah yeah definitely running towards the trap he's bkbk slow down so that your run towards a trap right now this guy's dropping quite quick he's in prot three or is it just both of our God's or doesn't know what you know I've got so bad shot five oh my god Benny what kind of axe do you have holy smokes that definitely wasn't me maybe it was I happen to love I like it's let me a sharp five that's all I have oh yes my item box did he have prop 4 no we didn't did it really yep look for wow that's the fastest I've seen someone dropping like absolute ages holy smokes I have a god I so sharp sticks on it so yeah that's sick he's so sorry did he need heat wrap it off can you I am my sword in chat and in FCAT Benny or that axe that X enough chat yeah is that actually like Hyperion's like sword actually what did you name it to that no six my lightning strike I don't want that's insane yeah that's really good that's really good my six on shop six it's really good for no yeah no that's that's amazing yeah that's really good he dropped like I saw I literally thought he was in for three all right sit back to the middle good guess how I got a I think Alex had killed off some head foot wow 650k oh my god no way Wow okay I'm right I think too late' and his gang are all hanging around by the lake if you want to go interrupt him for sure well might as well they attacked us there so yep a key role which is attacked us right a second ago yeah they're up there top at the top of the mountain in yeah okay might be to get the drop on this guy is he okay no I can't be can be huh me there we go there we go he's an axe oh jeez he dropped he's gone into water oh where do just go who's that oh okay the duplicate here we go oh no it's not them is that Vikings okay they're friendly only does anyone chase him down I lost him another one Oh fisherman here you guys are just attacking us a second ago yeah friendly sign now he's running but straight back to the middle of spawn in that direction okay ITP to my key making this up okay oh I see a frickin Jimmy I literally just need be the right time grab his stuff get whatever you need just might as well grab the prop for well just play Prosser and make sure I'm like need help really with this work underwater oh I'm dropping this guy super fast oh I popped it okay yeah yeah and I think I'm gonna leave it stuff I don't want it as p3o there this guy is going low Fisher man you are destroying him hmm I guess container webs must come in handy cuz I do know it's um slower sometimes oh oh there we go there we go god Hinnom Benny before we both him at the same time that he definitely would have dropped he's talking the tree keep minute Cayman is dead geez Wow me and you together like insanely strong that's insane all right this guy come on Benny Ganim user axe where's gone open a tree did he go I think you went up in a tree or went straight no Northwest thing you want yeah yeah because it got nice good stuff right Benny yeah I didn't even have a strength claw didn't do you know that was insane boiler here as well oh I got a slowness part I can I've got enemies on the back of me as all good okay I've got multiple fighting members behind me like a ton of them they're all on me right now there's a lot there's a lot yes oh my okay okay okay okay okay we need to move like somewhere safe like get out of here where's our trap go to our trap Benny I'm gonna be K can you lead us to the trap quickly quickly I need like otherwise I'm gonna get some too focused someone needs to lead to the trap right now okay I'm heading off heading off everyone head north to straight north literally we're all outnumbered we definitely do not have enough members on at the moment for that that is like a horde and a half oh thank you so much as punch for a bow like it's really saving my life right now no like I'm like that's why you're basically alright so Norv is where our trap is somewhere yeah we might be able to get one of them stuck down there so if someone ready is someone can get there okay so we basically just got absolutely ganked on right there they just duplicate nowhere and there's only about five bucks pee you peeing right now there's no way we can deal with a horde like that not yet anyway and there's more people log online but I think we have a trap simmer over here so I'm basically trying to see because maybe we might be to trap one of them okay the main thing why I really did want to get out there is because I did actually want to make sure that this set doesn't break because like it's the only thing really keeping me alive right now other than my team members really being a massive help as well oh we got two enchanted fish it's not like that's 20k right or 10k 10k why not easy 10k right there alright guys so I guess that is all for the episode we can't really continue with the PvP in warzone because we're outnumbered at the moment we were winning a second ago now we're outnumbered you just have to know when to leave pretty much I know you guys I'm going to end this episode off here this episode is it being a pretty big fail episode but with a sprinkle of PvP at the end anyway guys thank you for watching I will see you guys in the next episode [Music]
Channel: RyanNotBrian
Views: 34,223
Rating: 4.8976641 out of 5
Keywords: mine minecraft, craft minecraft, mine craft, minecraft video, kid friendly, minecraft youtuber, minecraft modded, mcpe, minecraft, survival, minecraft lets play, creepersedge, minecraft server, minecraft raiding
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 25sec (1945 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 24 2018
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