A Game That Lets You Destroy The Worlds Economy - Victoria 2

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an insatiable urge to get the world's economy in the palm of your hand and crush it into a tiny old pieces you're not subscribed to my second channel you might not know what this game is or you might know what this game is the demographic for this channel is very art essentially it is the 19th century and you get to pick a nation two players and have your fun on a global scale and because this is the terrible idea show it's gonna be a fun one thing you know of course speaking of our second channels make sure you hit the sub bunks we're not that far from 100k now we need to take down that that damn guy who keeps stealing my identity right bit of law it's the 19th century somebody somewhere is a complete idiot and they put me in charge and most importantly I'm a maniac and I have nobody's best interests in mind not even my own cuz they in my past life I even played cool math games so my first act of decree is to get rid of the current government the wick party and replace them with the high Tories much like the actual Tory bar-8 but these ones absolutely blades a bit of backstory in 1836 Britain was the leading industrial power fueling the entire worlds of car oops I just I just I think I just deleted the entire world's economy feel slightly bastard delete in the world's industrial base so you know I'll rebuild it stronger than ever in Ireland the good old famous industrial revolution that took place in the the land of Guinness beer or whoever would've never happens in Ireland they're too busy getting drunk shooting the fresh Oh God I've got quite a few employees people in my country that's fine nothing's on fire ya know I'm not accountant but I'm pretty sure that big number with a minus in front of it that's not too good is it I was gonna be an extra meme and start promoting more of my population to be unemployed craftsmen but unfortunately even the games tried to be like a cave buddy you've had enough to drink go home so next for my dastardly plan is just to start manipulating the world market which um this is it by the way welcome to the world market it looks like this in real life too there's a bunch of sweaty business stockbrokers somewhere in the world the sprite of a fish Oh God so I'm actually still making money which is very surprising considering like 90% of the workforce is currently on the streets I just completely forgot all the small South African nation down here but I'm just gonna let the win you know you guys got me this time there's no way I could have possibly won this I mean my economy is in shambles I can mediate belgians independence which is actually pretty funny considering their economy is actually bigger than mine right now I got this like massive Navy just all over the world and you know it's just sitting there when we could be using it to build factories in Ireland so I'm going to go ahead and delete it's not like the bridge should ever need it a navy right yeah guys go go melt them down go help them wasn't ships they're currently I'm trying to explode the world's economy by stockpiling useful goods people need to build an industry like steel iron and tea that one might might just be for me though and also probably can't destroy the tea market I can destroy the iron and steel market although I would love - you destroyed the tea market it's just unfortunate that the Boston Harbor is no longer in my possession they technically I have already sabotage the world's economy because I was the only producer of machine parts and there's no machine pants on the market right now so nothing's getting built in my land and also going to continue increasing the demand for things like steel by just simply constantly building forts and railroads when there's currently no steel on the market because I deleted my steel mills of course a still will come back into the market later on but we can't we got things that can fix that don't worry so yeah machine tools are clearly back around because my first factory over here in Ireland has been complete and it is my steel mill which is starting a hefty profit I like how the ascension of Queen Victoria means someone has to go into her Majesty's throne chamber and explain to her why we deleted the economy and moved it to Ireland probably also need to explain to why we've turned the entirety of the UK into a giant fort yes you never know and though that the Welsh might invade oh god this game actually expects me to do some fighting I'm busy being an international economic mastermind I'll go since I leave for India the Whig party somehow managed to sneak back into Parliament I guess the high Tories might have just you know not a bit too much then fell asleep right finally back to collapsing my empire the demand for steel is at an all-time high so would sort of all-time high invest like fidget spinners buying fidget spinners today good investment I say got the dough whoo-hoo the demand for only a market so more things that require steel I think here you see all that building right there that's essentially stuffing most of a nation's from building anything there's also this button down here that are you never supposed to press because it allows you to sell your stock file to your population which apparently duplicates the good and crashes the world's ropes I accidentally press there okay I don't even know what's going on my stockpile right now the numbers aren't really making much sense yeah doing that for a couple seconds there's no with the price of steel from six to five and I just did that for five seconds or so wait a second the Irish nationalists have risen up if they break free Terra Cotta be oh I never financial collapse is about to happen in Ireland breaking free I'm now going to war with China its 400,000 Irish people in Belfast right now scratch that they they just got bored and left 400 thousand people to disappeared in Belfast that's a bit phishing oh yeah Scott Hall we've China right now the economy is back in our hands and not in the hands of the Irish people we're gonna go ahead and just keep expanding our factories and just doing what we've been doing so far right it seems to be working right next if I want to find a good that's not really trade it that much but it's pretty damn useful and then I want to start stockpiling it to try and create some artificial scarcity I also found that the leash traded thing on the market which happened to be fertilizer finally people don't really use fertilizer at the moment so I'm gonna create the biggest fertilizer factory in the entire world ended up Wall of China and now I just have this giant tumor growing out of India would you pretend that doesn't exist so militancy is capped at 10 in this game and six is a it's way too high so where exactly have people angry uh I built the fertilizer factory in England because that's where the majority of our unemployed people are and I'm gonna make this thing absolutely huge and it will never turn a profit because nobody needs that much fertilizer so I ended up war with someone a peer cut [ __ ] and funny name funny business at completely because I thought I could just bring this army over here and just go March Frey up the X level and connecting it but I completely forgot that the Himalayas exist and obviously I just can't walk through that can I so being the tactical mastermind I decided I'm just gonna go into Clare war in Afghanistan and walk through there are some George Bush levels a mastermind here God Columbia didn't want to join my war great Irish Famine is going on which is a bit unfortunate concerning the entirety my industries in Ireland and all the workers are Irish but we must not interfere in the markets because I've yet to do that so far it I will never do it I just love the idea that the straight in the middle of London right next to Big Ben it's a giant fertilizer factory the biggest garden center and plant factory in the world Oh two positions here I could repeal the Corn Laws and save island or build a new palace boys yes I currently my entire workforce from Ireland is is leaving you can't tell from all these arrows that tells me where the populations going and guys I kind of need you in Ireland right now and funnily enough some of them are actually moving to London which is where the giant Oh suddenly I'm just losing - 23,000 a tick right so the world's economy does get caught up with me now so they're all starting producing your own stuff so what I've done is I've created a giant economy I'm rebuilding all these factories for stuff that doesn't get used by population so all my population is like cloves tea chairs furniture stuff like that but at the bottom down here is all the stuff they don't really need although apparently 0.2% of the population needs an artillery piece we should probably get that guy on a list but yeah if we over produce all of these goods at the bottom here we can actually over produce them and lower the Oh Rule cost for those products on the market and if they get lowered enough the AI will actually close their factories in it and if they close their factories while they're at war that means the goods can be cut off because they'll only be produced by me who's subsidizing the factories I hope you understand what I mean it's kind of complicated but at the same time it requires so much effort it's not worth it but that's the whole point in the video we also need to get a bunch of the population to actually downgrade that might sound a bit weird but basically we have the middle class here and all the population types there can be here and if we lower their need and raise their taxes all the way they'll actually become craftsmen again who are down here which is what we want we want as many works as we can in the factories so here's an example fertilizer was not wanted at all now that I've been over infusing it it's now worth absolutely nothing which means the AI won't build it because it's not turning out a profit which is great which means I'm the only producer of fertilizer which means I can cut it on enough whenever I please oh yeah sure let's just steal the tea from the Chinese why not yeah surprisingly my population not that happy about me just finagling the economy but I'm not gonna worry about that I'm just gonna let them revolt all the time and God forbid I ever make child labor illegal I need my small children to work in the factory my government just got taken over by the Liberals and the inalco liberals that's not what I need right now yep just a state of constant revolt at the moment which is fine I'm just gonna let them revolt and maybe one day no they'll get bored oh the rebels actually turned me into a republic which isn't really a big deal other than the fact I think that probably means we just chopped Queen Victoria's head off I love reading the newspaper because every time I do I see the absolute chaos I've been unleashing upon the market god India's revolting against me I've actually got a good idea though what we're gonna do is we're gonna go and build how many can we build here we're gonna build just 60 canons 69 canons I think the rebels might be broken cuz they've already made me a republic and every time they win now they just turn me back into a republic even though I'm already a republic yeah a lot they won again and they just turned me back into a republic there like that I already was was not a good enough Republic so now we're a republic Republic you know I've messed up the world winner the USA is the first one to embrace socialism hi a second can we make this a republic Republic Republic only five hundred sixty nine thousand people in London protesting because we were not a republic I don't think anyone's told that they also put the exact same political party in charge I feel like this what's the point of this damn revolution we're angry okay were you angry about there were not a republic but we are a republic we want a new political party in charge ok which one the exact same one oh it was to shoot myself but wait a second we got ourselves a new contestant first after the Socialists just got in charge because they revolted before the communists but now the Socialists are getting taken out power because the Communists have risen and it's all just a bit confusing all right well I'm communist now which means I have even more of a reason to just blow up the economy great they said that a world war started over Albania angrily looks like the Germans are doing all the hard work which means I could just profiteer off everyone buying my guns they felt like I'm profiting oh she's got a decision to invest in the Irish which is pretty concerning considering I built my entire industry on them foes refer I did also let them all die of starvation so well it's now that I'm communist people actually have a reason from before to actually revolt against me alright so economy over look so far we're doing pretty good at just making everything a bit of a mess but what I've noticed that the iron productions actually caught up to the demand for the most part and the steel productions actually also caught up to the demand mostly because of Germany and I have the C stopped build me a long time ago so I think we need to start over producing steel that's a bit awkward I think Germany might have heard me say that I was gonna overdo steel and just everybody declared war on me so I I'm gonna have to unleash my secret weapon you see I kept my greatest power my greatest strength over the economy very secret this entire time I hope the power to fan oh snap this entire thing Oh wags that there won't be half of the economy gone it'll be all of it you see would happen if I just opened up the console command right here typed in a command that gives me nine hundred thousand of every single good and then Unleashed it upon the market hmm oh we could double down and just immediately sell my stockpile to this population - okay we're gonna unpause and we're gonna see how many red arrows everything can be read oh god everything is literally crashing right now the prices they all just cut in half immediately my economy and for some reason I'm losing money I don't know how that works specifically but it's not looking too good right now he goes out a bit more fuel onto the fire so if we just switch countries right now and look at everyone else's factories and their economy I just I just fan oh snap the entirety of Germany's economy right there right so we're gonna leave it off there for today I couldn't Ruth still in constant revolt and the economy has collapsed and so as my empires I just gave Germany all they wanted because I care I just blew up the economy what else would I want and if you enjoyed this video make sure to leave a like at the subscriber and down below and let me know if any more terrible ideas you want to see on this channel but don't worry I have plenty more but all I want to leave you with is the fact that silk right now or fabric is currently cheaper than fish
Channel: ISP
Views: 406,760
Rating: 4.9153452 out of 5
Keywords: isp, simulation games, family friendly, kid friendly, world simulator, city simulator, city sim, victoria 2, world games, political games, the game thats lets you, isorrow, strategy games, strategy genre
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 40sec (880 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2019
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