SO MUCH MORE | Pastor Paul Daugherty

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I believe that God has so much more he wants to do in this church through this church in your life personally through your life there's so much more that God has in store for you and for me God wants to do exceedingly abundantly above anything we ask hope dream or imagine the question is do you want more how many want more out of life how many would like to see more happiness more joy more peace more faith more healing in your family more love between you and your spouse somebody just say yeah how many would like to lose some more weight [Applause] how many like to get some more money come on don't lie you'd like to get some more money so you can have the the funds you need to pay for the things that are in your heart God has so much more we serve a God of more we don't serve a God of less we don't sort of serve a God of decrease we serve a God of more he's a more kind of God he's a so much more kind of God when you look in the Bible God never takes people through a in this backwards movement there's none of this like it's not like God says may not I just want my people to to just go through the worst things and the worst things because the in destination is going to be the worst thing that they've ever dreamed of and and at the end of their life it's going to be the worst worst worst God's a God that says I want things to get better I want people to get better I want their life I want the nation to get better I want people's marriages to get better I want people to experience more of my love and more of my power I grew up in a house where we we really did believe this my parents they taught me to believe that God is a God of more and that God wants to answer the dreams and the desires that are in our heart that are in accordance to his will and that's important right there and if you have a Bible I want you to go to mark 11:22 yeah we get loud and excited about the Word of God ten of you got excited mark 11:22 Jesus replying to the people said have faith in God now I love the amplified version it says have faith in God constantly look at that we're constantly right there constantly in other words don't just have faith in God on Christmas Day on Easter don't just have faith in God one time in your life at an altar call have faith in God constantly it doesn't say have faith in your president it doesn't say have faith in your government it doesn't say have faith in your employer it doesn't say have faith in your parents why because everyone and everything outside of God is shaky ground at some point the president that you love is gonna let you down at some point the president that you don't love is going to make you happy at some point the parents that have been everything for you they're going to disappoint you your children ever your employer there's going to be people that let you down but there is a God in heaven who will never let you down he is good he is good so good I love that song we sing you're never gonna that you're never gonna let me down I love that because that's God's plan for our life so it says have faith in God constantly and then it says in verse 23 truly I tell you whoever everybody say whoever whoever now in other words there's not like a big varsity God and the junior varsity God there's not like well the adults get to believe God for big things but the little kids don't we serve a God who answers prayers of four-year-olds and answers prayers of 94 year olds we serve a God who says hey whether you got saved just now or you've been saved for 40 years I can do a miracle in your life we serve a God who does miracles even an atheist life we serve a God who just surprises people who don't even deserve it because he says whoever whoever says to this mountain be lifted up and thrown into the sea and does not doubt at all in his heart but believes that what he says will take place it will be done for him whoever says why do we say the confession my best days are right in front of me because there's power in our words you will have what you say you will have what you say you might you might disagree with me and say Paul I can say whatever I want nothing's gonna happen well you can waste your time saying negative words but I'm gonna waste my time saying positive words cuz I've seen that as I declare my best days are right in front of me I start walking in my best days yet as I declare things that God put in my heart that these things are gonna come to pass we spend so much energy on the negative things and so little energy on the positive things that God has for us and if you would use it takes the same amount of energy to exercise faith as it does to exercise fear it requires the same amount of energy to come up with fear-filled words as it does to come up with faith filled words some people are just walking around go man you know the world's going down things are getting worse we gotta buy guns we got a bunker down we gotta be Preppers we gotta live underground everything's gonna be there you know Capuchin is just gonna be bad and we got it and they're raising kids in fear they're raising the next generation with this paranoid mindset like bombs are gonna fall on us any second and I just don't want to raise my family that way it takes the same amount of energy to raise a family with faith as it does to raise a family with fear it takes the same amount of energy to live a life of faith as it does to live a life of fear and paranoia and panic it takes the same amount of energy to believe God that you're the head and not the tail you're the lender and not the borrower but you're the overcomer and you're not defeated as it does to come over here and go I'm just gonna have to borrow from the bank every single time I need buy something cuz I can't afford it God just wants me to suffer and live under and always be defeated no he doesn't God wants so much more for your life this building wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for people who believed that God has so much more for this city God has so much more for 7700 South Luis the buildings across the street Oral Roberts University it would not exist today if that that boy oral when he was 17 years old having tuberculosis wondering if he was gonna live or die wondering if God had a plan for his life if he would have just said I I think God doesn't have much more for me this is it this is the end of the road I'm gonna die here this is my last final chapter but what did oral do he exercised his faith God if you'll save me I'll give my life for you I believe you have so much more to do in my life there's a reason you're still here today something you shouldn't even be here you should have died in a car accident years ago you should have died from that sickness and yet you're still here it's because God has so much more for you he has so much more watch what the amplified version goes on to say in verse 24 for this reason I am Telling You whatever you ask everybody say whatever you ask that means big or small whatever you ask for in prayer believe trust and be confident that it is granted to you and you will get it do you believe that God can do the impossible in your life what kind of prayers are we praying in Luke chapter 18 verse 8 it says when Jesus returns will he find faith on the earth if he was to return in 1988 there could have been a lot of faith back then in the 80s if he was to return in 1999 right before y2k there could have been a lot of faith in the late 90s if he was to return in 2007 right when this Worship Center was built there would have been a lot of faith happening in Tulsa but what about right now in 2018 where are the Oral Roberts of today where is the lesser summer all's the Billy Graham's the Billy Joe's where are the doctor young each owes where are the been Sunita houses where where are the guys where's that where's the next Steve Jobs where's the guys that are dreaming of ideas and I know that's a business you know not a Christian person right there but where's the guys where's the Wright brothers of 2018 where's the people that are gone I wonder what hasn't been invented yet where's the Thomas Edison's in the George Washington Carver's of today where's the joshua's who wanted to take Jericho of today Moses's that wanted to deliver a million Jews out of Egypt where are those people today that are exercising their faiths and maybe God has more for my life than just to make some money just to have a nice little life just to sit in the pews just to sing songs I wonder if God has more that he wants to do in me and through me in Luke 18 that same chapter in verse 41 Jesus encountered a blind man that was crying out and he was saying son of David son of David have mercy on me and so Jesus comes up to him and says what do you want what do you want me to do for you that was the question what do you want me to do for you my question for you today is what do you want God to do for you not that he's a genie in a bottle because he's not going to give you whatever you want and he's not going to give you however you want it whenever you want it but God is the kind of God that says bring to me your prayers and requests and watch what I can do right God wants us to believe that there's more for our life I think some of us are asking too small of things for God in 2nd Kings chapter 2 Elijah was getting ready to be taken there was only two men in the Bible that didn't die they were taken up to heaven one was Enoch the other one was Elijah they were taken up and in like a chariot of fire angels take them up to heaven God had an assignment for them well on the day that he lied she was about to be taken there was this young man named Elijah that was a mentee of Elijah he was following Elijah they're walking together Elijah in chapter 2 says you can leave here because I'm about to go so just stay right there I'm leaving but the guy wouldn't leave him Daniel you just step up here I want you to I want you to see a visual of this so so he'll I just trying to tell Eli should hey just stop stop right there I gotta go but he lasts she just kept following hey just just stop I've got to go but Eli she just kept following any lie just said hey listen you can stop this literally happens five times in Scripture Elijah's just just stop like I've got to go you gotta stay what Eli she was like a shadow he would not stop following Elijah why did he keep on following Elijah because he wanted more for his life he knew there was a blessing connected to Elijah he knew that as Elijah left there was a mantle that was going to fall that that that Elijah was leaving but the legacy was stained he wanted to carry on the legacy he wanted the baton he wanted more for his life Eli was grown up in a business home he he understood the idea of multiplication stewardship he knew that Elijah had done some great things but there was more that God wanted to do through the Ministry of Elijah and he was looking for someone else to carry it on so he lied to kept tell him to stay finally Elijah turns around and he says this in verse 9 of 2nd Kings chapter to throw the scripture there finally Elijah turns and says what can I do for you what can I do for you before I'm taken away what is it that you want and Elijah asked him a bold audacious question he said I want double portion I want double I want double the impact double the power double the I want double I want a double portion of the mantle that was on you Elijah now Elijah could have gotten threatened he could have gotten upset punched him in the face out there you asked to do more than I did but he wasn't that kind of person Elijah said back to him in verse 10 you have asked a hard thing you've asked a hard thing are you asking God for the hard things are you asking God for things you could do in your own strength this morning I was praying over this message and God knows that I've been asking him for some things that I'm believing for personally and for our church and God said Paul stop asking me for stuff that you can do because I was like I was asking God I was like God you know I would love to just continue to grow and reach our city as a church I'd love to see all of our services continue to grow and reach all the people back here in the apartment complexes I love to see you know more people who are unchurched who are right with God coming in I'd love to see like you know at least two three four hundred more people coming to our 9:00 a.m. service and God said stop asking me for hundreds start asking me for thousands I was like God what I said you could do you could you could reach a hundred you can reach 200 300 you just you know go door to door put out the Flyers but thousands would be a god thing imagine imagine whatever it is you've been asking God for and triple it and you might go no no no Paul we're not supposed to live in excess we're not supposed to have more than enough we're literally just supposed to survive and barely make it into heaven and just you know have just a little bit to tip the waitress 5% you know we don't want to bless or too much we don't wanna give her like 20% at the restaurant you know and we just we don't want to give our kids too much when we die we just want to barely give them something no God wants you to have more than enough so that every time you go eat you bless that waitress you give that waiter a tip so that you give your kids a legacy to carry on for your children's children show that you are an heir of Abraham you have the same promises he said you've asked a difficult thing nevertheless if you see me look at verse 10 Eli just said nevertheless you've asked for a difficult thing but if you see me if you see me when I'm taken from you it will be if you see it will be if you see it you can be it if you see it in here you can do it out there it starts in the mind give Daniel big hand if you see it on the inside it can happen on the outside Hebrews 11 verse 1 says now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not yet seen you know what faith is faith is believing that the current is not permanent faith is believing that the current is not permanent I've got a picture with me this weekend that I found in my dad's office and it's from 30-plus years ago and if you look closely at this picture you see the maybe Center this is 7700 South Lewes this is the street we're on right now here's the maybe Center here's the dormitories the prayer tower there's the Arkansas River cow pastures cow pastures cow pastures cow pastures where's the Marriott Hotel cow pastures where Starbucks cow pastures where's McDonald's cow pastures imagine if the person who took this picture and the people who were here during this time said boy that's a good picture that's as good as it gets man what an awesome city we have this is it this is the final product God is so happy with what we've done with Tulsa doesn't get better than that that's it no more don't expect to see anything no more development you know God's not into development you be content that's all there that's all there is to see imagine if they settled for the picture in that season and said this is permanent we serve a God who never says the picture is permanent in your marriage and your family and your finances and your job and your business in your church and your ministry and your dreams he doesn't say hey get comfortable with that picture cuz that's as good as it gets he says I want you to believe me four more imagine if my dad would a driven by here and said that's a good piece of property but that's reserved for the cows and wheat you know we're supposed to just make sure the cows have enough pasture and we're not gonna try to invade their territory he looked over there and said that's a good spot for a church that's a good spot to reach this part of Tulsa that's a good spot to start a hub that changes the world let's build a church right there let's build a Christian school kindergarten through 12th grade let's buy some more acres over here in case we moved from a one a school to a to a school to a three a school let's get four more acres in 2018 in case God wants us to be a six a school someday and really reach thousands of boys and girls with the gospel of Jesus Christ hey you know let's build the youth building over here and let's put a missions training center and build some Bible College housing so we can train up tomorrow's youth pastors and church leaders and missionaries that invade Cambodia and invade Burma and invade Africa and invade Europe and Russia and st. Petersburg let's not just get comfortable with the current picture cuz God has so much more God has more for you he has more for you this is what he likes you realized Elijah you did some great miracles you called fire down from heaven you got rid of all the false prophets you turned the rain off and you turned it back on you were fed by Ravens you were taking care in crazy ways you multiplied for the widow you did great things but he lashes said I think God has more I think God has more when my father passed away I was discouraged I was defeated I remember driving up to this church building just overwhelmed feeling like the best days were behind us in fact I was saying that out of my mouth the best days are behind us I was discouraged I was defeated I was overwhelmed with a sense of defeat and I heard God say change the narrative changed the narrative and I found a napkin in my car and a pen and God said write this down and with tears in my eyes I started writing down on this napkin words that I didn't believe yet but words I wanted to see happen I was changing the picture and I wrote down I'm here on purpose because I have a purpose I didn't feel that way because I felt like my purpose was lost you never realize how much your purpose is connected to a person until that person's taken from you anyone who's who's lost a family member that was really close in their life your spouse you never realize or your dad or mom never realize how much your life was connected to serving that person and that's where you found your purpose and then that person's gone and you're like what what do I do I'm here on purpose because I have a purpose my heart is open my mind is ready to receive because God is not finished with me I stopped right there because I thought no I don't know I just feel like he is I feel like he's finished with the Daugherty's I feel like he's done some of you feel this way right now you've settled for the current picture you've said this is it he's done there's no there's no more to do here he's done developing me he's done developing us there's no more for our business this is as good as it gets God wants to raise your thinking he wants to break the the ceiling that you've put over your life he's wanting it's a glass ceiling he's given you a hammer saying just go ahead and break that ceiling I got so much more for you if you're single and you want to get married God says I got the right spouse for you it's gonna be the most amazing marriage the picture is not finished don't get comfortable with your current picture if you're barren right now don't think that God doesn't have a plan for your children one day God shows up to Abraham and Sarah and says I know you're in your late 90s but I got children for you I'm gonna go count the stars if you can Abraham I'm gonna make you the father of many nations you're gonna have so many kids you your kids will outnumber the stars in the sky and you know what Abraham said he just had a vision for one my God if you just give me one kid guys like one I'm gonna give you like a billion kids you're getting one it's like me saying God just grow our 9:00 a.m. service just a little bit God says stop asking me for the smalls I'm about to blow your mind I'm in Ephesians 3:20 exceedingly abundantly above anything you hope ask dream or a mat stop limiting the unlimited God stop limiting the limitless power of Jesus Christ we don't serve a Savior that stayed in the tomb he rose from the dead stop believing that your prodigal son is gonna be prodigal the rest of his life he's coming back home so he shows up to Abraham and Sarah and says pictures not permanent you're gonna have kids Abraham and Sarah get frustrated because it's not happening on their timeline and so Sarah says Abraham this is in the Bible in case you're wondering what story this is Sarah the wife of Abraham who's in his 90s she's in her 90s she says Abraham it's not happening go sleep with my maid Hagar Abraham says I'm a team player I'll do it so he goes does what she says in the Bible don't judge me it's in the Bible Abraham does it they end up having a child outside of God's will named Ishmael the rest of their life there's just rebellion on that side of the family just rebellion sometimes we get frustrated with our current picture and we try to take matters into our own hands we try to just do it our way if we will just trust God and believe in God and wait on God and recognize that God's plan God's Way God's time is so much better than our time our plan our way I'm thankful God didn't answer some of my prayers as a teenager I'll join Garth Brooks sometimes I thank God for unanswered prayers they were think there were jobs that I wanted in high school in college I'm so glad God didn't make it happen that way but what I've realized is that God wants me to bring every desire to him and then let him determine the desires that are from his heart that are best for my life God wants me to bring every small and listen you might think things are outside of like well I don't know if God cares about that I remember when I was six years old and I was learning to exercise my faith and we were on our way out to camp victory out to Manford Oklahoma we were in my mom's big blue van and we're driving out there and my dad turns around to the van and says okay each of you kids pray a prayer today so Sara prays her prayer Ruthie prays her prayer my brother John prays his prayer then he gets to me and I said lord I pray that you will help me catch a lizard today in Jesus name Amen my dad laughed he was like I don't know if that's God's will I was like dad it's not unbiblical I may not have used that big of a word I was like dad God's not against it he created lizards and I was like reasoning with my dad and the fan he's like okay alright well we'll see what happens don't you know God's still real even if you don't catch a legend I know but I believe I'm gonna catch a lizard so we get out to camp victory and we're walking around my parents this was before we had any closed in buildings there was just pavilions out there open-air pavilion so my parents were doing a prayer meeting underneath one of the pavilions worshiping praying hundreds of people out there and I was with all the kids and teenagers we were near the forest over there and sure enough I saw this lizard and he was changing colors he was turning blue and green right here in Oklahoma who would have thought we got these kind of lizards and I knew God put that lizard right there for me so I went walking over there and I put my hand down and he was whistling through the leaves wiggling around and I pulled my hand up and I caught the lizard and I was so excited I was like you're real God I knew you were but I was so my faith was growing my faith was growing and I couldn't wait to go show my mom and dad so I go running you know back to the pavilion dad God's real faith words faith works you know during the middle of their prayer meeting my mom's praying for this woman mommy mommy mommy mommy pulling her dress and she won't listen to me listen to me listen to me now I see where my kids get it mommy mommy mommy she won't listen she's praying so finally just put my lizard on her and it starts crawling up her leg no joke I can't seem hot Daniel Grothe was next to me my brother John and this lizard crawled out my mom goes oh and the woman thought the Holy Spirit was coming on so the woman starts going Hey hi hi hi you know under shout in this dream I was like an exorcism was good I mean it was so funny my mom was like what is happiness if mom faith works I caught the lizard but the lizard was just the beginning for me as I got older I started exercising my faith for things and listen this is not about like you know God some genie in a bottle you ask him for stuff he gives it that's not how he works but what God wants to see is he wants to see us operate and stretch our faith to believe for more so that we can be a blessing in other people's lives the lizard is a funny story but as I got older I started believing God for things that I could use to be a blessing for other people I remember when I was 12 and I heard this you know announcement that our church was taking a missions trip to war as Mexico and it was gonna be $500 to go and I didn't want to borrow money from my parents I didn't want to ask them to pay for it all and so I went out and I started working but I started praying I wrote it down on prayer offering envelopes I said Lord I'm believing God that I could get the money to go to war Eze and I remember all the money came in and then I remember when I turned 16 and I really wanted an SUV I wanted a car but I didn't want just any car wanted an SUV and I really liked Broncos I loved like Explorer Ford Explorers Broncos just you know something and I wanted Lightning stripes on the side like I had this I had this dream I know you think I'm ridiculous I had this dream I thought you know I would love to drive a Ford Explorer with lightning stripes on the side and I had been mowing lawns with my brother John and AJ and and God started blessing us with more lawns and more opportunities and I started writing down in my journal and on my prayer envelopes every time I would give whether it was five dollars or ten dollars I say Lord I believe that I'm gonna have a vehicle and that it's not going to be just some vehicle that barely gets behind but it's gonna be a Ford Explorer and I was looking through Autotrader the magazine that was in the newspaper and I came across a 1993 Ford Explorer with light stripes and I remember walking into the store that day and I paid cash four thousand dollars as a 16 year old didn't have to borrow any money from my parents money that I had worked for money that God had blessed me with and I bought that car I didn't know of penny on that car after that day and I drove that car around like it was like the nicest car in the world I I gave people rides but it was a blessing that I was able to pay for that and not have to keep on paying it off year after year and I think sometimes in our lives we settle for a lifestyle that I don't believe that God's called us to live in our whole life we think you know God just wants the churches just to borrow from banks the rest of their life and and always be in debt and God wants Christians just to barely get by and and constantly be the borrower and never be the lender and God wants us just to suffer all through our life and never have enough money to help fund future missionary work or ministries and and I just truly believe God wants people to prosper God wants you read Ephesians 3:20 it says now to him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above anything we ask hope dream or imagine I remember when I went to Oral Roberts University as a student and I was 18 19 years old and some of my classmates they started really bashing this this idea that God wants you to prosper I mean they were just so against it they said that's wrong God wants us to be poor he wants us to be poor poor poor you're not supposed to prosper and Christians shouldn't you know have a nice car Christian shouldn't own their own house and it was like this intense it felt almost like a demonic attack that was coming from like Christian friends and honestly I started to listen I started to believe a little bit and I stopped stretching my faith and I stopped believing for more and then I as I was sitting in our church services here at Victory and every time I'd walk through the doors of victory I just kept hearing God's saying I've called you to live in victory I've not called you to be a victim I've called you to be a victor I've called you to walk in victory live in victory not just spiritually but financially academically relationally I don't believe when you read the scriptures God didn't say Abraham Abraham I want you to be the most poor man in the world and I want you to pass on poverty to your children and your children's children so that all the future generations will be poor through you that's not the Bible the Bible says Abraham I'm going to bless you and in blessing you I'm going to cause your children to prosper and your children's children and you will be a blessing to the nations of the earth do you see the Bible I read doesn't say that we're called to constantly live defeated discouraging victim mentality lives so all of a sudden I started exercising my faith in the midst of all of that criticism cynicism against this message I started exercising my faith I started asking God Lord would you give me extra opportunities to give because I truly believe it's the motive it's the heart behind prosperity that's where it really lies if you want to prosper just for yourself you're missing out on the real reason that God's called you to prosper the happiest people are the most generous people the happiest people aren't the richest people the happiest people are the most generous it's the people who have the mentality and the attitude and the heart that I'm blessed to be a blessing to the nations of the earth so I started asking God for opportunities I started mowing more lawns working as a summer fun counselor started working as a janitor at oru and then I started getting into real estate I didn't have a real estate license I think it was illegal I didn't know it was illegal until after I got out of the job but I was doing it for two years I started flipping houses with guys and you know we started painting it and fixed it up stuff and I remember when I was 19 and a half years old my dad got up on this stage not this stage at the maybe center this wasn't built yet this didn't exist and he said we're building a church auditorium we're building a children's area and we're asking you to so today directly into the kids area I didn't have any kids but I heard God say I want you to give a big sacrificial seed and I remember hearing God speak a number to me and it was all that I had in my savings I've been saving up from flipping houses from doing stuff and God said trust me in this watch what I'll do proverbs 1124 says the world of the generous gets larger and larger the world of the stingy gets smaller and smaller so I heard God said trust me in this so I gave and it was one of the greatest feelings as a 19 and a half year old because very few other college students were able to give like I gave that day I gave $7,000 I got a call that week from my grand grand cuz she worked in the accounting and she said Paul I see an offering envelope are you sure that you have this money is this gonna bounce this is a check is this good is this really going to are you sure you were supposed to do this I said grand grant God God spoke to me I'm supposed to so she goes you're one of the biggest givers in the church how cool was it to be a 19 year old and be one of the biggest givers in the church I believe there's some 19 year old millionaires that are sitting out here in this room that God's called you to be the biggest givers in your family the biggest givers in this community that you can eradicate poverty in this city come on we are not called to just survive as a church as Christians to make zero impact on the economy of our city on the economy of our nation we're not just here to make a spiritual impact we're here to make an impact on every part of society this is why we get involved with the arts because we don't want to just impact inside the church we want to impact culture we want to impact what's happening out there and I remember sowing that seed within a year God had more than tripled what I had given that day as a 20 year old I was able to when asked when I got married I was able to pay for everything with cash that we started out with from just jobs odd jobs and opportunities and random stuff that was totally disconnected from the church that God had blessed I believe God wants to bless you so much so much more than you realize oftentimes we're waiting on God to do all the work for us James chapter 2 says faith without works is dead oftentimes I love watching football how many y'all watch the oh you football game last night come on that was a close one but we got it we got it right and III was watching how the quarterback he threw a couple interceptions there in the beginning but the her back and the receivers they have to be in sync the receiver has to know what the route is and then he has to follow through with the route if he doesn't follow through the quarterback could throw a ball to a place where he's supposed to be and if he's not there then it goes to nobody it's just sitting out there and oftentimes God speaking us he's saying listen I've got everything you need and I have the routes for you to run but you got to get off the line of scrimmage or else you're gonna miss out on the provision that I've got lined up for you let me explain it to you just for a sec so Josh Josh works in our youth ministry does a great job don't take the ball from me but Josh what I want you to do is we didn't practice this so this could go south really bad we'll have to edit it out on TV but this is what you get for a live experience right here at church I want you to line up over there now the receiver knows when the quarterback says down set hut he's supposed to do his route if he stays where he's at and he doesn't do his route what happens is the ball goes someone catch it back there don't get hurt come on I was a third string quarterback for our school I started when guys got injured come on not that I was praying that they would get injured but all right here you go come on somebody but uh I think oftentimes God saying come on the provisions waiting for you the promises are waiting for it but oftentimes we're expecting God to just run the ball to the end zone for us like God you score all my touchdowns you make it happen grow my business make my marriage better Lord fix what's going on between me and my kids and God's saying we'll get off the couch and stop binging on Netflix get off the line of scrimmage lord I pray that you just solve the problems in my marriage and yet we won't even make a move and God's saying I've got all the healing for your marriage but you got to get off the couch hey lord I just wish that you would just fix my you know what's wrong with my prodigal son but I'm not gonna call him he's got to call me and apologize because I don't want to humble myself god-sent get off the line of scrimmage I've got it all lined up lord I wish that you'd multiply my business Lord make my I want to be debt-free and yet we continue to rack up all the credit card God said if you would just run the route I've got the provision that are you ready Josh you ready all right here we go down set hut here we go here we go let's see what happens Oh picked off the side he gets the provision come on if you will run your routes God's got everything you need lined up for you God's got the provision he's got the direction he's got the promises and oftentimes we're waiting for him to move in God's saying I'm waiting for you to move I'm waiting for you to move how do we move I believe the promises of God are motion activated when you move some of us are standing in front of a closed door we're like 15 feet out and God says if you would just take five steps more those doors are going to open those doors are motion activated doors they will not open up until you get right in front but as you start moving the provisions coming the opportunity I have so much more God has so much more for you so much more a few years ago God dropped it in my heart that one day we would move our Bible College on this side of the street one day we'd move our youth group on this side of the street I started seeing this idea of a building Daniel will you pass me that paper over there little did I know I didn't even know this but I was in my dad's office and I found blueprints that were never completed and [Applause] [Music] the picture is not finished the picture is not finished long story short I submitted this dream to God said God if you want us to have all that over here then you're gonna make it happen well just in the last year God accelerated the dream and a generous donor connected with Oral Roberts University reached out to us and said what do you think about us buying the 81st in Delaware Victor Bible College building for a pretty good amazing offer that was appraised that that offer it was appraised that that offer which we were amazed that it was appraised at that offer and they said and with that that would give you because this these people they knew that God had been stirring in my heart a vision a dream that through this oru would get what they need because they're believing God for increased growth God's growing oru amazing they're right now they're like in their best days ever as a university they're just continue to growth and so I shared it with the board the offer and the board said let's do it with that that allows us to get started on the dreams that these blueprints have been laid out for years and years and years we're getting ready to expand as a church our Bible College our youth our children's church our school of worship our School of Media School of Creative Arts in fact I want Chris who leads our sound and oversees all of our AV Chris Trowbridge and Chrissy they have an awesome testimony of seeing God prosper their finances because they got involved in there giving give them a big hand real quick sir well last the summer of last year the Lord put on our heart for our daughter to go to Victory Christian school and as a k5 student and at that time you know we single-income home we have three little ones that I'm running around chasing and it was an awesome thing that we wanted to do and we felt the Lord to say to do it but we're like okay how do i how do we do this and so we had enough money to put her in but not enough to get her all the way through so about midway through the year we had enough to pay for one more payment of toward her tuition and so we're like okay we're gonna pay this and you know I'm not sure what's gonna happen I just felt the Lord stir me and say what I call you to put her in there and not finish her tuition what I would I call you to put her in and then have you take her out and so I felt in my heart too so that money that he that would be for a tuition and the payment was due in about a week time and so it was a week we had a week deadline and so I'm like okay Lorna this is you you're gonna speak to my husband a lot of the same thing and sure enough he walks in the door and he said hey the Lord told me we need to sow that seed into the church and he'll take care of us and so I'm like okay and you know we've been tithers but giving over and above it's been out of convenience versus out of faith and you know convenience it doesn't move the heart of God but faith does and so this was a faith move for us to sow this see that could be another month of her school so anyway within that same week we get a check for three times the amount that we sowed into the church with a note and this person knew nothing of what was going on and the note said I know the plans I have for Ariela to give her a future in the hope and is this is for her tuition and we didn't tell anybody what was going on and so it just showed us God sees us and he was a challenge of we need to exercise those faith muscles not just praying things to happen and praying things in but putting seed in the ground for things to grow because 0 times nothing is 0 but God will multiply what you put in the ground so so he paid for that that whole last year of last sorry of her kindergarten year so she's the start of this year she'd be in first grade again Lord we don't know how we're gonna do this but we have the desire to put her in and he told us to put her in and about the week right before school started we get a check to cover her whole entire year of tuition advocate Christian school so she's in and now it's in our hearts to be able to do that for another student or many other students and and even to give to this vision for the kids it's so exciting to be able to see when God meets it it's like it's addicting you're like I'm gonna do it again because God you're gonna meet over and above I just took all the time but go back yeah I think really that the baton has been passed to feel like from one generation to the next where we have written on the stories of faith of those who've gone before us we stand you know we're in the buildings and we we see all of these stories we hear these incredible things and I believe God is raising up this generation and challenging us to give boldly to give extravagantly from a place of even if it hurts you know God will bless you his prosperity and wealth Kingdom wealth will come upon you and I just ya know that's awesome Chris and what I hear him saying is there's some of us in this room that we have counted on the stories of the past or ridden off of that and God wants to give you a story a story of miracle story in your life hey I pray that message encouraged you just refresh you and reminded you that God has so much more for your life no matter what you're walking through just know this God has the power to change any circumstance nothing is too difficult nothing is impossible for him we're here for you we want to pray for you leave a comment on this video if the message spoke to you if there's a prayer in your heart something that you'd like for us to also pray for and get an agreement with you we want to do that for you we believe the best days are right in front of you we want to be here for you as a church so make sure you tune in online every week make sure you come back to our youtube channel hit subscribe turn on your notification so you can see every time we're uploading fresh encouraging messages just for you and please continue to join us for the rest of this series so much more hey never forget your best days are right in front of you
Channel: Victory Tulsa
Views: 4,524
Rating: 4.9672132 out of 5
Keywords: sermon on wealth, victory tulsa, paul daugherty, sermon for men, sermon for women, sermon on giving, what is tithing, how to get rich, sermon on getting rich, sermon about blessings, how to get blessed, how to get more money, how to get a raise, how to get a scholarship, how to save, learn to save money, good way of spending money, how to handle money, young adults, college, debt free, debt, tbn, hillsong, daystar, victory, tulsa, hope, faith, prosper, faith message, moms, bloggers
Id: z3ZDVKS56Bc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 23sec (2663 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 04 2018
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