THERE IS NO MAGIC WAND | Pastor Paul Daugherty | (Series: This Year I Will)

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but I say this year I will now the problem is many of us live with an I will mindset when we feel like it this is not the year of I feel so I will this is the year of I will whether or not I feel right I will go to church whether I feel like it or not I will show up to work whether I feel like it or not I will do the right thing when I feel like it and when I don't feel like it everybody say I will even if I don't feel now I know we're into the feelings and often times church services praise and worship it can stir up excitement we're kind of like this guy that we see blowin in the wind getting all excited during worship yeah just let go soon and then when worship is over Monday morning we're like where's my worship service and we wait for the next church service in the next church service we did excited yes and then on Monday morning the excitement is over we get pumped up with little bursts of energy right we watch one Instagram preaching clip we hear one good worship song we get excited but then when it comes to putting in the work doing the things we know we're supposed to do it's kind of like what happened to my energy what happened to my enthusiasm what happened to my passion and I want to encourage you that this is a year instead of waiting on your feelings to give you in the enthusiasm to do the right thing that this year we would be fueled by a better source that we would be fueled by the empowerment of the Holy Spirit instead of waiting on our feelings to do the right thing somebody say this year I will if you waited till you felt like doing this stuff you know you're supposed to do you'd be waiting the rest of your life I heard a story about this king that wanted to teach all the people in his kingdom a lesson and he was he would do certain things to try to you know just teach them lessons that he thought were important for life he kept hearing people complain about problems in the nation and asking the king to fix everything and so he decided to try out a lesson on them he placed a mass stone in the middle of the road right in front of his palace and he hid behind the bushes to watch what people would do so the first guy comes by he's a farmer he's got his horses he's got his you know his stuff that he was carrying all of his vegetables all the stuff he was bringing it to the city he sees the big the big stone in the middle of the road and he starts getting mad who left this stone here somebody should move this stone this done what a terrible idea who put this there if the city would just fix things around here and he maneuvers around the stones shouting at the stone but not touching it the next guy was a soldier he was a valiant soldier had his sword at his side excited to show his bravery on the battlefield and as he was walking he tripped over the stone starts yelling at the stone who put this stone here somebody should move this stone when is somebody gonna do something about this stone if only the city if only the kingdom would fix the problems in this nation and he kept on walking not touching the stone every person that passed by did the same thing complained about the stone pointed at the stone somebody should fix this problem and finally later that night the king was watching as each person made excuses for why they wouldn't move the stone this young teenage girl who had just got done working at the mill she was walking down the path and she saw the massive stone and it was late at night and she didn't feel like doing any more work because she had worked all day but since when did this teenage girl wait on her feelings to do the right thing and she told herself no one else has moved it so I will move the stone because I don't want anyone else to trip over this stone in the darkness of the night so she started to push with all of her mind and she couldn't get it to go and she started giving everything she couldn't finally she got the rock to budge and it started rolling as she started pushing momentum started to gain in the speed of where she was pushing it and it rolled off the road and her surprise underneath the stone was a box she lifted it up and it was a heavy box the King was watching behind the bushes with delight as she opened the box it was full of gold and a little note on top of the gold that said this is the reward for whoever move the stone now when people in the town found out what had happened they went out there and started digging to find more boxes of God and the King walked over to the soldier and the farmer and everyone else and said disappointment is often the result of laziness who will move the stone this is a year to move the stones that are sitting on the road this is a year to take action on the things that you keep complaining about you keep playing the blame game about you keep having excuses and a pity party and if only my parents would have done this and if only my boss would do this I would if I could someday I'll get around to it no this is the year of I will this is the year to take action somebody say this year I will I want to give you a scripture that God opened up to me to show me that at the end of the day it is my choice whether or not I will live the life that he has called me to live listen God cannot choose for you the incredible best days of your life it is your choice God can't choose for you to have joy he gave you the gift of joy but it's your choice to open it up it's your choice to receive it on a daily basis he's given us the gift to walk in freedom over addictions but it is our choice to receive that freedom that deliverance that he has offered to us in 2nd Peter 1 verse 3 you could make some noise as you turn in your Bibles there and if you don't have your Bible no worries we're gonna put it on the screen but 2nd Peter 1 verse 3 says this everything we need by the divine empowerment of God talk about the right kind of power the right kind of source the divine empowerment of God has given us everything we need for living a godly life you have everything you need to move the stones that are sitting on the path of your life this year you have everything you need to break free of toxic thinking and toxic believing and toxic lives that you have bought into you have everything you need by the power of God we are not waiting on God to pour out his Holy Spirit he already has so when we sit around like oh god I just wish that you would fix all my problems God's going I gave you a brain I gave you two hands I poured out my Holy Spirit 2,000 years ago on Pentecost day with the disciples and he didn't leave and Jesus already died on the cross for your sins and he already died on the cross for your deliverance you've got to receive it and start believing it and start activating it and you might be here today and go man Paul you're putting it all on me no no I'm telling you that God has given you everything you need like it's there the power is there the freedom is there the choice is yours you are not predestined to make bad decisions in your life we are not predestined to make good or bad we get to choose every single day and Deuteronomy he said I've set before you life or death blessings or curses choose life so you might live now what you choose will determine what you experience so if you want to have your best year yet if you want to move the stones if you want to see the rewards that God has on the other side of your discipline your self-control this year the choice is yours and you might say well Paul I have the faith for it and faith is enough but James says in James 2 verse 17 faith without action is dead you tell me you have faith even the demons believe that there is a God but faith without action put some action behind your faith stop asking God to do everything for you and start putting some action behind the faith that's inside you if you want want to walk in victory this year what is that thing that you need to put some action behind and I want to preach this message to you today the title is there is no magic wand there is no magic wand turn to someone actually say there is no magic wand there is no magic pill there is no magic wand there is no fairy dust there is nothing that just waves over your life and says it's all fixed now you don't have to lift a finger you don't have to do a thing no the choice is yours to walk in victory this year and no one else is going to do it for you your wife can't fix it your husband can't fix it your parents can't fix it the choice is is yours second Kings chapter five verse one tells the story of a man named naman now naman was a wealthy man he was an influential man in verse one we see this it says that naman was recognized by the king of iran he was recognized as a valiant soldier he was recognized as an influential leader he had wealth he had power and then at the end of verse one it says but he had leprosy everybody say but everyone has a but everyone has a but something in their life get your minds out of the gutter everyone has a but something that bit like everything's going good but this one thing but this one area needs some improvement but this one part of your life could use some change how many could use some improvement in at least one area of your life most of us in the room haven't arrived there yet for the ones you have we love you god bless you you're amazing we want to be like you but for the right the rest of us that have some areas that we go and I could really use some improvement in my language I could really use some improvement in my thought life I could really use some improvement and and just waking up every day and being self disciplined self control I could really use some improvement and having patience with my co-workers with my family members with my classmates with my roommate whatever it is this was naimans problem he had leprosy leprosy is an internal disease that eventually becomes external it starts on the inside people can have leprosy for years and not know they have it and over time it begins to surface eventually what's happening on the inside of you will start to surface and this year the goal is progress not perfection the goal is progress how can you get better in the areas that God is calling you to get better in remember no one's gonna do it for you so you've got to make the decision how can you improve in areas this year that God's saying we need to work on that area in your life I want to help you become more fruitful this year but I can't do all the work for you let's put some action behind that faith right so named and had a desire he wanted to be cured of leprosy but he didn't know how and someone told him there's a prophet in the land named Elisha he's in the country right next to us called Israel all you have to do is go over there and ask him to cure you and he will so naman loads up his horses takes tons of money takes thousands of shekels of silver and gold he thinks he's gonna buy his miracle he thinks he's gonna buy his breakthrough he shows up to Israel and verse 8 he gets to the king he tells the King listen I'm looking for a prophet someone who can heal me and and so the king says I'm the wrong guy you need to go to Elisha the prophet so Elijah the Prophet says send him to me so he comes to Eli shoe the prophet and he lies she doesn't even come out of his house naman is sitting out there in his Escalade waiting for Elijah to come out right in his nice chariot his wealthy Old Testament Escalade right he's got the horse his fastest horses in the nation she's got the money he's got the nice robe he brought his whole wardrobe all his clothes any lie she won't even come out to meet him Eli she was a gangster he just didn't care what anyone else thought he's like I'm not trying to impress you I'm gonna beat me so he lies she sits in his house tells his serving says go and tell naman that he's gonna have to wash himself in the Jordan River seven times if he wants to see healing and his wife go tell him to go wash his self go wash yourself that's what he was saying and naman was like how dare you tell me the man of influence the man of wealth the man of authority to go wash in a dirty River seven times and that's how I'm gonna see my breakthrough naman was frustrated he was angry but what he lied she was trying to teach naming that Jesus was also teaching people in the New Testament is that every miracle is motion-activated see God has miracles for you but he's saying stretch out your hand go dip in the water take a step towards your miracle in our bathrooms here at the church if you were to walk up to the sink and expect the sink to start pouring out water it wouldn't until you put your hand right in front of the sensor because it's motion activated so you can scream at the sink what's wrong with this thing why won't it work and everybody will be watching you going stick your hand in front of the sensor it's motion activated it's motion activated that's like going to the gym and yelling at the weights why won't you make me stronger and the weights are screaming you got to lift us up you got to do some pushup you got to get on the machine and start running if you want to get in shape everybody say it's motion activated there is no magic wand in other words no one's going to fix all the problems in your life if you won't put some action behind your faith God is saying hey I love it when you sing all the songs and you get all the feelings and you're lifting your hands and shouting but I would love it even more if you started activating that same enthusiasm on Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday in your workplace at your school start showing up on time start studying for the test stop praying for me to give you an A+ when you won't even study for your test God Sam put some work towards the dreams in your heart god I wish that you would increased my business work on your business god I just wish that you would make me super successful this year put the things that God has already laid in Scripture to work and watch what God will do see God breathes on that step of faith that you tape we walk by faith and not by sight faith without works is dead so we're gonna put some action into it this year I want to give you five things to do this year five things to develop this year five areas in your life that could make an impact and by the way these are five areas that you have to make the decision no one else will make the decision so you have to but if you do it could change your year it could make your your fruitful it can make your your productive it can make your year happy it can make your year successful so number one this year I will develop a healthy inside I will develop a healthy inside what do I mean by that what I mean is that naimans disease started on the inside every addiction starts on the inside the addiction of pornography the addiction to drugs the addiction alcohol it starts with an identity problem something's not enough my dad left me when I was really little or this happened and it just hurt me so much and cope with the stress I've got to have a vise I've got to have this drug I've got to have this drink every addiction starts with a thought it starts with an identity issue every psychologist would tell you the same thing something on the inside has to change in order for the external to change you want to change your life you've got to change your mind that's scriptural that's not just psychology that is scriptural that's theology Romans 12 verse 2 says do not be conformed to the pattern of this world but be transformed in other words change your life by changing your mind because proverbs 23 says as a man thinketh in his heart so is he be careful how you think the good news translation says this be careful how you think because how you think will shape how you live your life is shaped by your thoughts this is why God doesn't spend a whole lot of time just talking so much about murder and genocide and he spends more time talking about anger and bitterness do not let a root of bitterness grow why because murder and genocide starts as a thought of anger bitterness starts as pride I'm better than them Hitler's Holocaust didn't start with Hitler putting Jews in the gas chambers it started when Hitler started thinking in his mind I'm better than certain people right it was a prideful thought that led to Hitler's and insane self-destructiveness and it's the same thing with saul saul spending the last part of his life as a king chasing a teenage boy named david it started as a thought of jealousy if you don't manage your mind your life is gonna end up in the wrong place and you will blame it on everyone else and God says I gave you the power to manage your thoughts god I just wish that you would manage my thoughts God saying no no no I gave you a brain you get to choose what thoughts you're gonna think on well the devil's in control the devil can't control your mind he wants to but he can't he will tempt you with fantasies and you might be thinking well it's just a thought it's just a little fantasy that fantasy will eventually become a fruit in your life what you think on you will event we act on this is why it's important to watch which you are thinking about and it is a battle on the inside how many you feel that battle on the inside of wanting to do the right thing and yet feeling the temptation of your flesh wanting to do the wrong thing right you're on the Daniel Fast right now or maybe you're you're giving up certain foods and you're driving down the road and your mind starts to wander towards daylight donuts you see Mazzio's rib crib then you get to Krispy Kreme and the light is flashing and your mind is like don't do it there's a war going on in the inside the good me that the me that's trying to be healthy to me that's trying to be disciplined this year saying don't do it Paul don't you can do it you can conquer it and the flesh is going come on come on let's do it let's have some fun you earned it you deserve it your strut you should just give if you have power to say no and you're no this year is so much even more important than your yes say no to the things that are hurting your destiny take control of your mind an unmanaged mind leads to chaos and tension a managed mind leads to tranquillity and peace an unmanaged mind leads to conflict but an a managed mine leads to confidence an unmanaged mind leads to jealousy and in the in comparison but a managed mind leads to being authentically embracing who God has made you to be and being able to celebrate others and their gifts and talents so to manage your mind this year you've got to feed your mind you've got to free your mind and you've got to focus your mind you've got to feed your mind the Word of God if I'm going to get stronger this year spiritually on the inside healthier I've got to feed my mind the right thoughts I've got to put time in and focus on God's Word I've got to free my mind of toxic addictive behaviors lies in my mind that says this is how it's always gonna be you can't get out I've got to stop listening to the devil so one of the things I do is I I will listen to Scripture I will listen to preachers just helping me renew my mind and this last week I sat down with our worship team Timmy Rhys I said let's make a track of some preaching from this series this year I will and let's put some music to it some original music and let's give people something they can listen to to get their minds focused so we released on Friday a new track just for you online free and if you want it in your car if you want a CD you can get it in the bookstore but I want to show you just a clip of that to get your mind focused this year to have an I will mindset check this out this year I will not I might not I should know this year I will be who God has made me to be no more excuses no more pity parties no more feeling sorry for myself no more buying the lie that I can't no more listening to the devil who says that I'm not good enough no this year I will be who God made me to be and I will do what God has called me to do I'm tired of sitting on the sidelines watching other people fulfill their dreams this is my gear my passion is my job my joy is my job I will not delegate the responsibility of showing up and putting in the hard work on someone else to motivate me this year [Music] [Music] this is not the year of I should this is not the year love I could no this is the [Music] real I can work when I don't like it this is not the year of random living this is not the year will be opened by chance I might end up in the right place this is the year of intentional food school I intend to do what God has called me to do I intend to be who God has made me to be that so I will work harder take responsibility for my behavior for my lifestyle for my language for my actions today starts now seize the day I can't change yesterday and I can't control tomorrow but today is a gift and that's why we call it from the present I'm going to open up this present and I will make the most of it I will carve a theme I will seize it starts right here and it starts right now if not me then too if not here then where if not now then when stop making excuses stop saying you can't stop listening to the lies of the devil who says that you don't have what it takes because with Christ you do with Christ inside you you can do anything he's called you to do nothing is impossible nothing is too hard nothing is too difficult you have the power of God inside you resurrection power gives you life this day don't wait for tomorrow don't hope for tomorrow don't say I'll get around to it tomorrow go start today start with the small stuff start beating faithful and the thing that he's giving you right here and right now this year I controlled by my feelings I am NOT a slave to my feelings no I am not mastered I feel I have self-control I am disciplined so this year I will take responsibility I receive and I would close this year to where God has called me to me this year I will take action I am a decisive worse this year I will choose a great attitude this year I will greet every day with a forgiving spear this year I will be and the small things [Music] you'll succeed God is with me for God is for by the Sun so the devil no other enemy can stop me and the enemy can't stop me this year I come on somebody say this year I will it starts between the ears you've got to win between the ears develop a healthy inside number to develop divine disciplines this year divine disciplines Elijah told name and you've got a dip seven times it's not gonna happen instantaneously it's not gonna happen the first time it's not gonna happen the second time I went to the gym I worked out twice I still haven't seen the muscles show up I've been on this fast for two days and I still haven't felt a breakthrough I've been I've been showing up to church two weeks now and I still haven't felt spiritual transformation listen you've got to keep doing it discipline is a process it requires intentional living intentional action I'm going to show up every week I'm gonna read my Bible so some divine disciplines that could change your life this year is reading your Bible we have equipped us as a church with a Bible reading plan that you could finish the Bible in a year on our victory app you can actually hit play and it will read the Bible to you you gotta listen to it now you could also read the Bible yourself you could read it on your phone you could read it in your paper Bible but I would encourage you that discipline right there could change your life this year when you get the Word of God inside you every single day Psalms proverbs the Gospels the Pauline epistles the Old Testament books right there's stories and their principles in there that could change your life prayer this year is a discipline that all of us should make in our life that every day I'm gonna pray not just when I'm in a crisis but before the crisis I'm going to develop a prayer life this year no one else can do it for you I can't build your prayer life but you can pray in the spirit pray in your known language pray even when you feel like I got nothing to pray for start developing that desire Lord I'm gonna pray on the way to work I'm gonna take a few minutes and I'm just gonna pray for my day I'm gonna pray for my future I'm gonna pray for my family members I'm gonna pray for my church I'm gonna pray for my president I'm gonna pray for our nation I'm gonna pray for our community I'm gonna pray that this year I will have wisdom that I will make the right decisions prayer can change your life every bus they develop disciplines it takes time Zechariah 4 verse 10 says don't despise the day of small beginnings start small start with praying a little bit start with reading your word start with getting the church every single week and when you're out of town when you're working out of town or on vacation tuning in on line there is no magic wand nothing just happens no one else is gonna do it for you you've got to make that discipline happen yourself number three develop divine experimentation now this is one I get excited about it's a little weird and quirky but I kept thinking this word about the word experiment and how the world society has made this word like a dark and dirty term like oh I experimented in college thank God I'm done with the experimenting phase you know I needed to get out of that experimental phase as if experimenting can only happen when you're doing something illegal or an unethical or wrong or dark but what what what if we started using that term reclaiming that term for a divine purpose if you've never taken a fast in your life if you've never given something up why don't you to experiment this year with a fast if you've never gone on a mission strip why'd you experiment going on a missions trip what's gonna happen that's kind of risky Paul getting out of my comfort zone going on a missions trip I don't know if that experiment is gonna have the best results my hypothesis is telling me I shouldn't do it why not try the Bible is full of people who experimented taking a risk doing God's will I love the story in first samuel 14:6 where Jonathan leans over to his armor-bearer he says if we stay here we're gonna die because we're surrounded by the enemies but perhaps God will act if we show up if we climb this mountain and see what's on top and attack the enemy who's to know that God might show up if we just take the risk ever say take a risk I believe there are risks that God is calling us to take this year even in our gifts and our abilities I remember when I took the risk to play the guitar I didn't own a guitar I had to borrow a guitar to learn it and I remember going to take lessons with a guy named Brian and Brian started teaching me to play the guitar and I learned one chord e he said just keep practicing just keep keep practicing and he said try some things out as you're practicing just see what other chords you could come up with so as I started learning I started trying out other chords he was teaching me and he said you know try experimenting singing with the guitar and at first was really hard cuz I couldn't figure it out I was like you know and and he said just experiment keep on trying keep on risking see what happened so I started singing the first song on the guitar I could sing of Your Love [Music] I can sing of Your love forever I could sing of Your Love [Music] and I said that's amazing I learned four chords that's as good as it gets he goes there's more as I say there's more I met someone this last week who's 75 years old in our church and she said I've always wanted to learn how to play the piano and I blamed it on my parents that they didn't pay for me to take lessons and she said I just have kept that excuse that I should have learned it when I was younger I'm too old to learn something new and then she said as I was listening to your message today I decided I have the money now to go pay for lessons I'm gonna go learn how to play the piano this year at the age of 75 because you're never too old to learn something new I had another person come to me who said Paul every time I go overseas I get frustrated because I only know one language and they said when I was younger when I was in school I didn't learn Spanish I didn't learn French I didn't learn any language I didn't go to one of those schools where they teach another language and they said I've been making the excuse every year that this is the language I'm stuck with and I'll never learn something new but they said because I've been listening to these messages that I actually have the power of choice and it is up to me whether I stay in the gifts and the talents that I have or if I develop them if I multiply them if I learn some new things so I've decided to learn Spanish this year come on this is a year to learn some new things this is a year to multiply your gift so I started playing with my guitar and seeing you know what other chords I can figure out and I thought maybe this morning I would experiment a little with y'all is that okay and I've been doing it the other services just kind of seeing what would happen what if we saying I could sing of Your love forever with some different chords what if the four chords we've always played it on aren't the only four chords that we could sing it to the world does this all the time they do remixes they do mashups and if the world can experiment with technology and entertainment and movies and music and genres why can't the church why can't the church be the forefront leaders of coming up with new ideas if Steve Jobs can experiment with stuff and Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates and if Carlos Santana can do all the cool stuff on the guitar and day Matthews right or John Mayer or Lynyrd Skynyrd or Van Halen or everyone why can't the church come up with some new ways to do some new music to come up with some new beats come on Eminem hasn't figured it all out I'm ready for NF to come up with some new stuff come on look Craig but I'm telling you right now there's gifts there's talents there's ideas that the church hasn't tapped into yet so I could sing of Your love forever you're like that's not how it goes come on we're just experiments what I'm saying is there's new ways to do stuff let's not get stuck in the same 4 chords and think that God stopped creating new god never did a miracle the same way with one guy he spit in his eyes with another guy he put mud on his eyes with one guy he said get up from your mouth with another guy he's casting listen there are new ways to do your job there are new things to learn there are new things to growing spiritually you are not born with caps you are not born with limitations you are born to take the limits off the same creative creator that made the universe made you in His image so I dare you this year to experiment to learn a new language to learn an instrument you're never too old to learn something new the oldest member in our church he's 101 she came up to me last week she said I've been trying to write a book for 80 years and she said I've been procrastinating I've been putting it off and this sermon has lit a fire this year I will write that book my first it's come out come on we're gonna sell the bookstore who knows what's on the other side of you stepping out taking a risk this year go on a missions trip take a faster this year learn an instrument learn a new language go back to school stop thinking that you've arrived at the best version of who God's made you to be there's more there's so much more potential there's so much more gifts and talents and ideas and number four develop divine focus develop divine focus now this could feel like an oxymoron to the previous point that's a big word in other words I said the experiment but now stay focused try out new things but now stay focused set boundaries so what I'm saying is try out new things in the areas that are most important for your destiny right try out new things in the area in your life that you are believing for more fruit more harvest so spiritually this year try out some new things if you've never read your Bible through but be focused this year and the new things that you're going to try out set boundaries in the Bible there were many people that lived a life without boundaries and it led to a lot of scatterbrained living and a lot of mistakes but then there were people that had boundaries they said no to certain things so that they could say yes to the best thing for their life proverbs 4 verse 27 says keep your eyes laser focused keep them straight ahead don't look to the left or to the right there was a guy in the Bible named Nehemiah who was tasked with helping Israel rebuild they had gone through a very difficult season and in the rebuilding process people came up to him and Nehemiah 6 and they said come down from the work stopped working for Israel stop trying to fix things around here let someone else did there's other things you should do and Nehemiah said in verse 3 I am doing a great work and I will not come down I am doing a great work this year and I will not come down I have some areas that I am focused on this year so if someone's like hey Paul you should come over here and you should you know focus on playing the drums I am NOT called to play the drums it would be a waste of my time my energy my talent my focus this year I am called to be a great father I'm called to be a great pastor I'm called to be a great husband I am called to be a great man of God and I'm called to develop some gifts that God has put on the inside me and I'm gonna try some new ways to do it but if you say yes to every opportunity yes to every event every activity you're saying no to someone in your life that needs you like if you keep saying yes to all the extra overtime hours and you say no to spending time with your kids with your spouse something's going to suffer I would rather be a private success and public failure than be a public success in a private failure which means that I'm going to have to set some boundaries and means I'm going to let some people down we need to develop the ministry of know hey would you come and do this I know you were gonna spend time with your kids but would you come and do this no no I'm committed to doing this with my family I've got to see fruit this year in this area come on Paul we really need you to just forsake your family and come and just get you know lay it all on the altar to minister to everyone else and don't minister to your kids no one else is gonna disciple my boys like I can't as their dad so by saying no I'm not being mean I'm choosing a focus this year and you should give up going to church you should just join our soccer club skip church every Sunday for six months just go back you know come back around at Christmastime no I'm doing a great work I'll play soccer on Monday nights but I'm doing a great work and I cannot I've got to get to church on Sunday hey you should give up spending time with your spouse someone in the office is flirting with you and you're a married man you should look at the picture of your wife in your wallet and if you don't have one get one in there pull it up on your phone put it on your desk point out it say I am doing a great work and I cannot come down this if a guy is flirting with you you're a married woman I am doing a great work and I cannot come down mister I am focused on the areas that God has called me to be fruitful in this year you will not be fruitful if you are not faithful so I've got to be faithful and focused areas where do you want to be fruitful this year choose your fruit choose the area that you want to see your greatest impact and focus on it get laser focused on that and try out new ways to do it do the love dare do something to get your marriage spicy again you know it's just not like it used to be well put some work in the grass is only greener on the other side cuz you stopped water in your yard you got to put some focus on it am i preaching too much truth today the Bible says you will know the truth and it will set you free and it might hurt you a little bit but it's gonna set you free I added that part because some people get offended by the truth some people just want candy sermons but we're on a Daniel fast I got to give you veggies today I got to give you broccoli I got to give you the kale green salad today some raisins some nuts some good stuff number five final point right here develop divine empowerment develop divine empowerment empowerment is a gift but it must be developed empowerment has been given the Bible says that we are equipped for every good work we are empowered by the Holy Spirit to do what God has called us to do but God won't do it for you you've got to move the rock but as you start to push the Holy Spirit's gonna breathe on your work the Holy Spirit and the Bible says work as if you were working unto the Lord Colossians 3:23 so if you will show up and just put in effort in the areas that you want to see victory in there was a guy who was addicted to cigarettes and he became addicted when he was 15 years old started smoking by the time he was 25 he was smoking three packs a day and he started doing that all the way into his 40s for 15 plus years three packs a day every single day never took a day off and he heard a sermon like this and he had been praying his family had been praying Oh Lord set him free from cigarette smoke and set him free from the addiction he'd been praying Oh God would you fix this problem would you set me free would you make the decision for me to stop smoking and finally it dawned on him I have the power to choose some healthy habits this year so he started every time he pulled out a cigarette pack he said I'm gonna put some action behind my faith I'm gonna stop asking God to do it all and I'm gonna start just putting some effort so he would pull three cigarettes out of the pack when he opened it up and he'd throw those three in the trashcan started doing that with every pack after two months he realized I don't miss those other three cigarettes I'm gonna double the dosage so he started pulling six out every time he pulled the pack out he'd pull out six throw them in the trash can he got to the point where he stopped buying that third pack now he was down to two then he got down to one today he has been free from smoking for eight years he has not smoked the cigarette and it was a process it was developing divine empowerment he said the more I chose what I knew I needed to choose the more the momentum showed up as you start to push the rock there's momentum there's a breath of the holy spirit as you just make the decision so to apply that in whatever area you're in there's a guy in this service right now a friend of mine Eric who showed up to church last year during the Saint Paul series he came on the Sunday when all the electricity went out it was his first time to church how many I'll remember that I was preaching on a megaphone we didn't have any sound system we were all holding up our phones as flashlights and he thought that's how church was every single week and he realized that we have electricity now normally and but he said something sparked on the inside of him said my dad had left me when I was three years old left left me and my mom and just over time developed unhealthy addictions you see when you're facing stress and hurts and wounds and you don't deal with it you start looking for vices to supplement those feelings of hurt and frustration why did he leave and and I understand that because I've been there before you start trying to find something to fill the void even though you know Christ you know Jesus you go to church and over time he developed an addiction to alcohol and and and over time and it just becomes so intense in his life he was losing everything around him everything was going downhill but that Sunday something sparked on the inside of him and this past year he broke free from the addiction to alcohol he has not gone back to it since July of 2018 he found the girl of his dreams at Victory they got married this late fall they're here in the church they're sitting there involved listen what I'm trying to tell you is there is power as you choose to develop the empowerment that God has given you so his name and started dipping in the river he started tapping into the power after three times after four times there was momentum building there was a source of building going on on the inside of by the seventh time he was tapping into the empowerment of the Holy Spirit his healing was coming the Bible says you will have resurrection power the same power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead lives in you so in 2019 there might be some things that come against you it may not be a perfect year but when you are connected to the source of power you keep getting back up nothing can stop you no one can break you know change your attitude you have a vein of fun this year I will keep getting back up this year I will keep showing up this year I will choose to take responsibility this year I'm breaking out of my capacity this year I'm developing every gift he put inside of me no a righteous man may fall seven times he will get back up this year come on stand your feet all over this place this is the year to develop divine empowerment to tap into the source this is the year to tap into consistent energy consistency brings the breakthrough showing up every week reading your Bible pray putting in the discipline putting in the effort it won't be easy there will be days where it is freezing cold there will be days where it is raining there will be days where you just want to binge on Netflix there will be days where you just want to hold on to the bitterness there will be days where you will want to choose laziness over self-control and yet the choice is yours no one can choose it for you but David in the Bible said I've made up my mind I've made up my mind I've decided I'm not going back to who I used to be I've decided I'm not looking back at Sodom and Gomorrah I've decided that I'm done with my past I've decided that I'm going to step into what God has called me to do I've decided to embrace victory for my life I've decided to stop playing the blame game I've decided to stop playing the victim I've decided to become a victor this year I've decided to become more than a conqueror this year I've decided to let greater is He Who is in me that and then he that is in the world become a reality in my life that that God is bigger than my problems God is greater than my desires God is greater than my addictions but I've got to choose every single day to open up that gift of empowerment and start moving those rocks that are in the way I'm gonna stop complaining about it I'm gonna stop making excuses I'm gonna stop waiting for someone else to fix my problems I'm gonna make the decision I opened up an envelope this week that was placed on my desk and everything inside of it was anonymous there were no names written down on the papers but it was prayer cards from children and victory children to church victory kids again there were no names so I don't know who it was I don't know their parents but the prayers broke my heart because kids were praying lord I just pray that mommy and daddy would stop fighting at home lord I just pray that my dad would treat my mom right lord I just wish that you take the protective order off my dad lord I just wish that my family would see the hard work that my moms put him in because she's exhausted lord I just wished it that my family would be free from depression when kids said my dad died this past year and our family's been so depressed there's nothing that not been any joy or laughter in our house each prayer from each kid was just more and more showing me the condition of our flock and then there was another envelope of anonymous cards of a class in our church that helps people break free of addictions and and again I don't know the names I don't know who it is but the condition of our flock I started reading these cards of what people are dealing with and so many of them are addicted to sexual sin and addicted to pornography are addicted to drugs are addicted to pills addicted to certain things and holding on to hurts and wounds and I started realizing how important it is to hear this message because there is no magic wand my friends and if you're waiting on God to do it all for you you'll be waiting the rest of your life no one else is coming he already came stop waiting on another savior the Savior already came he showed up 2,000 years ago he paid the price for your freedom he paid the price for your deliverance stop waiting on another Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit already showed up he's here he's waiting for you to tap into that power the choice is yours no one else can choose it for you but if you choose it it could change your family it could save your kids could save your future kids it could save a legacy that God has laid out for you hey I pray that message inspired you encouraged you and reminded you that you have been given the power of choice and today you can make a decision choose life choose self-control choose the empowerment of the Holy Spirit it's available to you right now I dare you to just pray this prayer on the other side of that screen just say Jesus be the Lord of my life Holy Spirit help me this year I am choosing that this year I will live the life that you've called me to live I will be but you've called me to be and I will do what you've called me to do in Jesus name Amen if you prayed that prayer if you watch this message it spoke to you leave a comment share this with a friend so many people need to be reminded that it is in their hands to make the decision this year of where God wants them to go let's get the word out there we're praying for you we love you if you want to help us at all continue to spread the message of Jesus and share the hope of the world with more people in our community and more people in the nations of the earth you can give today there's a link to do that right online to give our tithes our offering and hey listen anytime that you need some encouragement we're always continuing to upload more videos like this more sermons more encouraging words just to remind you of your purpose and God's plan for your life we love you so much your best days are right in front of you
Channel: Victory Tulsa
Views: 4,486
Rating: 4.9130435 out of 5
Keywords: victory tulsa, paul daugherty, tulsa oklahoma, church, sermon for men, sermon for women, how to end an addiction, dealing with addictions, sermon on breaking habbits, how to break bad habbits, sermon on jesus, how to get out of a habbit, break bad habbits, create habbits, how to change mindset, sermon on changing mindset, sermon on changing, how to change, hillsong, hope, magic, spirit, tulsa, oklahoma, preacher, sermons, new year, new you, motivation, inspiration, worship
Id: zmAjgim9P_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 28sec (2968 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 13 2019
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