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well if you're taking notes you can just write this down on your notes that God is away maker he's away maker Isaiah the prophet during the time when Israel was in captivity at a time when Israel was really lost in their hope they were discouraged they were defeated they were deflated of their hope and in the middle of that it seemed like there would never be a way for Israel to have a comeback but when you're down to nothing God's up to something and your setback is really a setup for a comeback come on Jesus and in that moment Isaiah prophesied to Israel Isaiah said in chapter 40 he said do not remember the former things the former things were good in fact right before he says that he says God did amazing things he he parted the Red Sea he parted the Jordan River he brought down the walls of Jericho God led the Israelites out of the captivity from Egypt but Isaiah said that is not even comparable to what God is about to do what God is about to do no iousy no ear is heard isaiah began to prophesy that new things are about to happen new miracles it's time for this generation to have some new miracles it's time for today's generation to not just remember what God did in the 80s or the 90s or in the 1800s or the 1600s or the early church come on it's time for stuff on the the book of Acts to start happening right now in 2020 this is a year for the church to roar and Isaiah said behold new things are coming and then he said this he said our God is going to make a way where there seems to be no way he's going to create streams in the desert and what was he saying he was saying even though our natural eyes don't comprehend this even though with our natural sight it doesn't make sense it seems like there could be no way he was saying God is gonna make a way where there seems to be no way he's gonna bring water in places where there shouldn't be water he's going to bring the valleys up to the mountain top and bring the mountains down as if they were valleys God's about to reverse everything he's about to change everything and proverb says that Hope deferred makes the heart sick what we're seeing right now in the world is what's worse than the corona virus is the virus of hopelessness the virus of fear the virus that's spreading among so many people of I don't know if I'm gonna make it I don't know if I'm gonna get through this I don't know what's gonna happen to my future to my 401 K I don't know if I'm gonna have enough money to pay the bills next month I don't know how I'm gonna get groceries and there's this virus of hopelessness and what I've been sharing with pastors and with leaders and even talking to our government leaders I've said you've got to understand there is such a need in this hour for the world to know that our hope is not in a government our hope is not in what a president can pass or what a Congress passes the only way our hope is gonna make it is when we put our hope in the Word of God that's outlasted every president every leader every government every law every sickness every virus and tonight I don't want to tell you to have hope have hope because the Bible says that our God is a God of all hope and the God that we have is not a Wimpy God he's not a weak God he's not a god that's surprised by our problems he's a God that this is not his first rodeo this is not God's first virus this is not God's first problem that the world is facing right now and and and this is a time where people are making permanent decisions during the temporary Valley it's a temporary season this won't last forever God needs you to hold on to hope God needs the church to rise up with hope so many people are feeling discouraged and and thinking about throwing in the towel and I've been there before when my father passed I I felt so discouraged I felt so uncertain about the future I remember moments where some of the people that I thought would be there for me weren't and times where I just felt alone times where I just wasn't sure what the future would hold for our church and for the dreams that God had placed in my heart but it was in the middle of that that I discovered that my had to be in the Lord if my hope was not in the my life was not going to make it it was in that moment with tears that I came to our church when it was empty it's so funny that tonight that the building is empty but the point with people who've come to hear the message of Jesus Christ [Music] online all over the world and I want to speak to someone who feels hopeless right now there was a moment where I stood on a bridge and I could just hear the enemy whispering in my ear just end it just in the pain in the misery and in that moment I felt like I was in a basement of depression I felt like I wasn't just one floor below but I felt like I was five or six floors below where I should have been mentally and emotionally and I remember that night it was like raindrops started to hit my head it was like these scriptures that my parents had raised me with begins I just hit my mind and my heart and I started remembering those words that greater is He that's in me than he that's in the world I'm more than a conqueror what can separate us from the love of God if God is for us who could be against us I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me my God shall provide all of my needs according to his riches and glory and then I began to remember the stories in the Bible the story of Daniel in the lion's den the story of Moses and and and leading the Israelites through the wilderness and Joshua into the Promised Land an ester I started remembering the stories of David versus Goliath I started remembering the stories of Peter and the disciples and all the miracles and I remember pointing on that bridge in the darkness and I said not today say I refuse to jump I refuse to throw in the towel I choose to live I choose to live I choose to live I'm getting out of this depression I'm getting out of this basement I'm getting out of this despair I choose to live and I want to speak to someone who's watching here and someone who's out in the parking lot God needs you to live God needs you to live God needs you not just to live God needs you to rise above your fear and your depression and your discouragement God needs you for such a time as this to be a witness and just for a moment if we can't just turn all the lights off in the parking lot I don't know if we could get the parking lots lot lights off and turn the car lights off you know when we sing that song that he's away maker he's a promise keeper then we get to that one line he's he's a light in the darkness in order for him to be a light in the darkness it's got to be dark and if you could just turn your lights off all across this parking cuz tonight I I wanted to just show you that God sees you in the dark God sees you right there in your car he's alight in the darkness he sees what you're going through and he says you're not alone sir you're not alone ma'am you're not alone in your discouragement whatever it is that you're afraid of about the future God sees you and he says I'm gonna light up your path now right in front of me we've got one of our volunteers down here I want to just light up this path if you could just walk as I moved the light I want you to just walk y'all can't see this but I can see this isn't that like God he sees a different vantage point than you he he's not looking at what you're looking at he's showing you the path and everywhere the light moves look she's just following the light you can't see this but as I'm moving the light she's following the light he's a light in the darkness he's saying when you don't know what to do I'm gonna lead you Paul when everyone else is closing down I'm gonna show you creative ways when everyone else is afraid of the future I'm gonna open up doors that you never thought would open I'm gonna lead you in paths of righteousness he's a way maker he's a promise keeper he's a light in the darkness that is who you are he's away my miracle work promised keeper light in the darkness my god that is who you are we make miracle work promise keeper light in the darkness my god that is who you are even when I don't see it you're working even when I don't feel it you're working you never stop you never stop working he never stops he never stops just because a world feels like it's closed down doesn't mean that heaven is closed there we have a great cloud of witnesses all over heaven and you know I think about the story in the Bible us as the lights are still turned off tonight I think about this story in the Bible when there is elijah and he was with his servant it was elijah elijah was with his servant and they woke up in the middle of the night and they realized they were surrounded by enemy armies and they thought how in the world are we gonna get out of here and these enemy armies had surrounded the area that they had camped in specifically because they wanted to kill Elijah cuz he lied she was being used by God and the enemy didn't like it any time you start rising up with faith the enemy paints a bigger target on your back if you've been feeling attacked it's probably because you're doing something right it's probably because you're lifting up Jesus it's probably because you're following after God it's probably because the devil doesn't like you living with faith he wants you to live in discouragement yeah and so he'll I she was being attacked on every side and the servant said what are we gonna do we don't know how we're gonna get through this it's dark all over here he said don't you see there's enemy armies all around us we're not gonna make it we're not gonna make it that's what the enemy always whispers you're not gonna make it you're not gonna get through this but I love how he likes to change the moment he changes the confession he changes the narrative and he said not only are we gonna make it but let me tell you you see these enemy armies but what you don't see is the god of Angel armies I want you to turn your lights on god of Angel armies in the parking lots and I come on camera can you just spin out there look at that look at that come on look there are more with us than those who are against us there are more on heavens army then there are coming again come on get along tonight appraise you got more angels with you than you realize you got more angels with you than you realize you gotta morrow and you realize you got more favor than you realize you got more light and you realize you're gonna make it you're gonna get through this you're gonna get through this because God is with you God is for you David when he didn't know if he was gonna make it he wrote in Psalm 31 he said my times are in your hands o God my times are in your hands can I tell you the devil can't stop what God already has started in your life the devil doesn't own the due dates on your promises and on your miracles the devil doesn't own the calender of your life when you surrender to Jesus Jesus took over your calendar when you surrender to Jesus he already has set times of favor in your future he has set times of breakthroughs and miracles he says if you only knew what I've got right in front of you you wouldn't be throwing in the towel right now you'd be getting excited cuz I got something circled in April I got something for you in May I got something circle for you this summer in June come on we have a God who has said times of miracles in our future Acts chapter 17 verse 26 acts 17:26 says there are set times there are Kairos moments where God intends to do something miraculous in our lives I would never have imagined when I was going to college over there and I felt like I wasn't gonna get through it I didn't know how I was gonna pay for college I didn't know how I was gonna be able to even have a job my senior year the economic crash that hit our nation the housing market collapse 2007-2008 there was hardly any jobs in America and I remember during that time just fear discouragement all of my friends were telling me we're not gonna get hired we're not gonna get a job so many of my friends that year they were saying man we came here to get married and we didn't meet the person we were supposed to get married and I was thinking the same thing my senior year I didn't have a girlfriend wasn't in a relationship and I was thinking Lord did I miss it did you miss it what's gonna happen in my future little did I know that within 18 months God had already lined up the girl I was supposed to marry Ashlee Hope McAuliffe who became Ashlee Doherty little did I know little did I know that even though the enemy thought he was going to take our family out where my father passed God had already set up the next season for our church he already had a plan what the enemy means for harm God turns around for good in the midst of crisis in the midst of death in the midst of pain God's got something great on the other side of this valley for you but what you've got to do is you've got to hold on to hope you've got to hold on to faith you got to hold on to Jesus you got to hold on to the promises of God and say I refuse to die I refuse to throw in the towel I refuse to lose hope I refuse to quit trusting in Jesus I refuse to walk in fear I choose faith I choose hope hebrews chapter 6 verse 12 says our ancestors inherited the promises of God because of faith and patience faith is believing in something you haven't seen faith and fear both ask you the same question to believe in something that hasn't happened yet fear wants you to believe that the worst-case scenario is going to happen in your life fear wants you to believe that everything bad that's happening to everyone else is gonna happen to you and even worse fear always rides on this negative narrative but faith asked you to believe something positive something hope-filled faith is believing that God is going to show up God is gonna provide you don't know how you can't see it in the natural but God is the waymaker he's the light in the darkness and by faith our ancestors walked towards the promises but then secondly it's sent by patience now patience is not my favorite word and the vocabulary in the dictionary it's not my favorite word I like going from one place to the next quickly I like a and I like Z I'm not a huge fan of LMNOP I don't like the waiting game I don't like the middle but oftentimes it's the patience it's the persevering it's the waiting and the trusting that brings us to a close deeper relationship with Jesus patients not only gives you the promises of God but it causes you to realize he was with you even during the valley even during the LMNOP season the time where you were waiting that God was still meeting your needs as you were waiting for the big thing that you were praying for whether it's waiting to get a job waiting to get hired again waiting for a promotion waiting for a spouse waiting for a promise waiting for a miracle it's in that waiting season that God's preparing you for the promise God's preparing your character I remember talking to my friend Chad who moved here from Oregon he came here and went to oru when he graduated there was no one hiring and so he just started volunteering in the church you never go wrong when you serve someone else's vision while you're waiting for your vision to come to pass and as he was serving as he was helping out the parking lot as he was volunteering as an usher God introduced him to another guy in our church who just so happened to need someone to work at his company they had just had a transition someone moved to another city and he said Chad you said you need a job right he said yeah he said well we got a job for you he said is $40,000 enough Chad's mouth just dropped he said are you kidding me that's more than enough for teeth out what they paid Chad forty thousand he said after that all of a sudden it was like God just started to accelerate the dreams as he started working there he found favor they promoted him within three months then within six months then he was doubling his pay within a year he was making twice what he made when he started then he met a girl who was serving in the church he had always dreamed of marrying a good Christian girl who had graduated from another Christian University and he met her while he was serving in the church and God brought them together today they have a beautiful baby they're working together and making a huge impact they've been able to pay off all of their debt as of last year they are dead free in their early 30s God has done a miracle but can I tell you that Chad almost threw in the towel Chad came to me and he said I'm discouraged I'm older than all of my friends I don't have a spouse all of my friends are married they're all having kids I don't have a job he almost threw in the towel right before his breakthrough you don't know what tomorrow holds but you know who holds tomorrow and he has your best interest at heart he's a waymaker he's a Promise Keeper he's a light in the darkness I think about the story of Joseph in the Bible when Joseph was betrayed by his brothers thrown into a pit looked like it was all over it was dark he was forgotten he was betrayed by his family then he was sold as a slave but God turned what the enemy meant for evil for good what the enemy tried to do to destroy Joseph's dreams to destroy Joseph's hope God used the very place Joseph was sold to become the launching pad for his leadership the very crisis you're in is a launching pad for what God wants to do in your life in the midst of crisis lies great opportunity for those who will hold on to hope and believe in the promises of God do not waver in faith keep your eyes on Jesus trust that he's got you he's the waymaker come on if you believe it give a Hall tonight people are asking me Paul when do you think this virus is gonna end when do you think this problem is going to be over when do you think you know we'll be opening up restaurants again when do you think this is going to happen and my answer to people is soon it's going to happen soon it's gonna happen soon it's gonna happen soon and they say but how do you know I just know I just know I just know listen God is on the move and if we will keep our hope alive and if we will not allow a temporary situation to become a permanent vision in our mind some people have already accepted oh we're gonna be like this for the next 10 years No we're not no we're not change your confession this thing is turning around soon it's turning around soon people people always want to jump on the negative narrative but I want to encourage you stay filled with hope stay filled with hope I was talking with some of my friends who had been trying for many years to get pregnant and people would ask them what are you guys gonna have kids and that was their answer they'd say soon soon and people would say yeah but when I said soon is is on the way one of my friends who builds websites he uses this terminology he says it's in beta it's in beta in other words it's almost there you can't see it yet but the web developer can see it he can see that it's almost done it's in beta it's always soon it's soon and sure enough the couple who was told that they would never get pregnant that it was impossible scientifically medically impossible not only did they get pregnant with their own biological children God's given them the ability to adopt children come on Jesus is away maker he's a Promise Keeper he's alive in the darkness you're gonna get through this you're gonna make it get filled with hope soon soon the miracle will happen soon and tonight I want us just to close our eyes all over this parking lot at your house if you would God has called us to put our hope in him to put our faith not in this stock market but in God and His Word and his promises and his love for us with heads bowed and eyes closed I want you to just know that God in heaven he's singing a song over you right now like a good father last night when Ashley and I were laying our kids down I just began to sing over our third son Mac who's almost two this month he turns 2 and I I just begin to sing yes jesus loves you yes jesus loves you yes jesus loves you the Bible tells you so yeah jesus loves you yes jesus loves you yes jesus loves you the Bible tells me so [Music] just know that God's singing over you tonight any saying I love you with an everlasting love I'm not mad at you I'm not punishing you I'm not angry with you I want to help you get through this we have a father in heaven who wants to help us he wants to give us strength for marriages out there there's an attack on homes in the midst of this crisis this virus not only wants to shut down businesses it wants to shut down marriages wants to shut down families but tonight I'm speaking hope over every family over every mother every father every husband every wife you're gonna get through this and your marriage is gonna get stronger your family's gonna get stronger in fact we're gonna do an online marriage and family conference in the middle of this we're going we're gonna pull in other speakers other pastors we're just gonna go online and strengthen the home unit we're gonna strengthen marriages and families in the middle of this crisis but tonight tonight I want to pray with you if you're here right now and if you would just turn your lights off if you're here tonight and you need you need Jesus you need that hope if that's you I want you to just turn your hazard lights on right now all over this parking lot yeah from the front to the back all in the middle just turn on those hazard lights you're saying man this message was for me I need to get my eyes back on Jesus I need to get my heart filled with hope again I've been listening to negative news and I need to get fixed back on the fact that I'm gonna make it God is with me God is for me yeah all over this parking lot keep those blinkers on I don't know if you can see that online but tonight this parking lot is full of people who are saying Jesus I surrender to you and right there online just raise your hand you can click a hand raised right there let's just pray this together say Jesus I'm all yours and I receive your hope I believe in you you are the Saviour the Lord you died on the cross you rose from the dead tonight I repent of my sins and I receive your forgiveness and I put my hope in you I'm all yours God I choose to live I choose to live and I choose to live with hope in Jesus name Amen and amen come on if you if you prayed that prayer give a haunt tonight across this parking lot [Music] Church I'm never gonna forget this I'm never gonna forget these nights that we've had this is our fourth drive-in service and every night I just look out there and I look at people online and I just think these are the days that we're gonna talk about years from now with our kids and our grandkids these are the days church these are the days that we're gonna share what God was up to in this time and I love you so much and so tonight I'm gonna ask well I guess it's just me right now I'll tell you what to do if you need groceries if you came tonight you're in desperate need I believe there is if one of our team members can shout up here at me there's a number you could text or you can drew do they text a number do they go okay you're gonna drive that way to the back of the building right over here on the back side of the building if you're in desperate need of help tonight we're gonna give you groceries we love you so much that's because of the generosity of members in this church that are helping bless you tonight so if that's you just drive to my right your left over there to the back side of the building we're gonna bless you tonight Church God is on the move he's doing great digs we love you we're gonna finish tonight with the song the praise god bless you thanks for tuning in tonight we love you so much god bless you [Music] call us in the south Erica work promised keep right in the darkness my god that is who you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] miracle keep light in the darkness my god that is who miracle-worker promise keep hide in the darkness my god you
Channel: Victory Tulsa
Views: 3,774
Rating: 4.9720278 out of 5
Id: vetcihpqziQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 44sec (1844 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 03 2020
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