Making Friends in Competitive Mario Maker

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all right i see where this is going the controller has been put down oh my god he threw me he threw me i didn't see where that was going yeah whatever i'm big and you're tiny so see ya i'm way behind i'm all the way behind guys wait guys you gotta wait i don't know where you are but you gotta wait uh oh i got hurt i should have been patient but we know that's not my thing where am i there's a chain truck wait wait did i pick the wrong one i don't know i picked the right one gimme the game up points give me them all i'll take them to go it pays to not follow that being said follow me on twitter gotcha i feel a song coming on oh god for a second of focus i hate being in space did you know that oh i'm not winning this one i feel not victorious come on toad you don't have to be afraid to put your dreams in action tomorrow you'll be the main attraction that's not how the song goes uh-oh people are going through pipes no apple for me i'm not giving you an apple that's for damn sure sand in caves just like wyoming i don't know if that's true i've never been to wyoming put me down put me down you she she toad things took a surprisingly less funny turn i guess i don't get to play the game i literally can't they killed the spring and then they all jumped on my head this is the worst loss in history like there's you can't lose more than this at least i'm the best at sucking i didn't get anything they all got something i'm the only one who didn't get a thing oh my god the mad lads are coming for me they're literally flying to come get me please stop stop stop stop this stop this stop this stop s stop this stop this just dude stop quit it quit it i hate you i hate you so much i get no power ups and this is how you treat me your dirty little fig newton bro tamild f you f you and f your dog have your mom too while we're at it dude i don't even care stupid pee you dumb big fat s o b little dummy tell me something i don't know nintendo tell me why my dad left my mom [Music] hey look at that hello rocket league what are we gonna bust out the soccer balls i'll bust out my balls sure i mean i'll carry you dude here we go that's right man have fun with this don't worry i'm coming back to be with you that was an accident i need to show you that that was a mistake [Music] oh [Music] oh my god does it get any more perfect than that all right i think he wants me to win so [Music] no tell me i didn't just watch that happen to him he was a good person he didn't deserve it my brother my brother got ran over by a turtle dude i'm gonna make a tweet about that right now he didn't deserve that i'll miss you brother you were one of the real ones you're gonna throw me at that aren't you i kind of abused my position of power great now we got the freaking ninja she's over here practicing the kage suit and i'm just like bro in about two seconds your boy's about to be named sasuke and i'm gonna be throwing a mad amounts of fire at you in case you didn't know at 500k i will be renaming myself to the greatest ninja of all time [Music] in real life you can be a part of history just like me and this guy when kids see a picture of epic in the history books this is what they'll see mario has an emotional breakdown live in 4k well second isn't bad except in cases where you only get points for first then second is just the first one to lose but i'm always the first one to lose so i've come to terms with this i hope you can as well remember a little bit ago when high dez bug 9 got brutally uh vehicular bodied by a turtle these are the things that stick with you over the years you know oh my god it's a car in the race i didn't know i was supposed to jump man hey i said the guy have a mario box come on dude that's not cool just let me pull out a box stop it god ah i gotta fight for my freaking life here can you no no no no no [Music] why did we do it to him i mean i didn't it was mostly them but still they tell you that racing cars is going to be all about family and heists they being they being characters from the fast and furious franchise i don't know why i don't know why i made myself laugh at that anyway they tell you that that it's all going to be heists and games and fun but what they don't really prepare you for is that it's really hammers and betrayal tam hold time to take my revenge i haven't forgotten what you've done to me didn't forget the time you licked my whole body up and just spat me out like i was utter garbage competitive mario maker but we break the level i think i could probably break that right if i like tried hard enough tamild why are you such a murderer what happens when red mario comes to take his revenge upon you for being a murderer get in my arms get in my arms get in my arms you're beneath human get up get him get him throw that son of a bee right into the l as in the lava he just killed again he can't keep getting away with this that's it that's the stuff there we go sweet vengeance upon tamil you thought you could defeat us but we're the mario brothers oh hey toad why don't you dare don't you dare don't you do it don't you do it to him or me [Music] oh he lived no luigi you bastard you killed my own family right in front of me no no he did it again oh he got me too i couldn't avenge anything i was too weak i came to him and i didn't even have the mangekyo i should have seen it coming i can't get my hands on you you greasy little bulbous one you're slipperier than an eel covered in oil on a slip and slide on a hot summer sidewalk don't how many times are you gonna kill my brother in front of my eyeballs you s you did not get me i got myself ow it's my whole face i won't ever let you hurt him again [Music] you're dead it's a bulbous eat mario world out here ah that one might have been my fault a little bit i apologize i got a little excited oh my god yes we got them and we got revenge so casually i thought it would be a bigger uh to do nope nope nope nope you can't get him i won't watch my brother die again we can do this in seven seconds we failed to do it in like 240 but seven totally possible and here we go well that's it i can't beat super dude i better retire now back to my suck island and enjoy a nice long nap in my i'm gonna lose badly hammock what a freaking lad give me that key give it to give it to me you bastard i want it oh surprise surprise we needed to use the key you fat elf idiot i gotta handle this with with with with gusto gotta handle this with gusto oh my god that's true we do have this us three boys the boys if you will i think we should have probably looked in the tree before we jumped yo that hurts it hurts to lose to the fan it hurts but it's part for the course it's happened before pogger420 is that my alt account watch this trick my plan has worked perfectly i knew i could get on top of them i just jumped at the right moment free okay i'll go first i got scared i got scared you go first here we go oh i feel like probably more than half of my wins or just people taking pity on me because they know how bad i am at this game don't get me wrong i'm not complaining i'll take those i'm just crouching jumping everywhere what are we doing man you know what we're having fun that's what we're doing playing a little bit of leapfrog you know just good vibes that's what it's all about really why can't you play the game like this looks so funny i think he was holding down and just immediately went back into the pipe oh oh oh [Music] whoops ah good to see who's waiting for me goomba he just slides up so funny [Music] why do i suck so badly here we go oh what does he think of me right now no i accidentally killed him i gotta go back i gotta go back i gotta go back i gotta go back i have to go back i have to go back i would never abandon you oh my god we're running out of time don't do it i can't believe you just murdered my brother i can't believe you did this to me i've been traumatized do you want it do you want it okay but only because he wants me to have it otherwise i i'd want him to have it i swear to goofy goober jesus if we play again you're taking the w i must do everything in my power to make sure this man wins come on luigi let's get the money you and me but mostly you just a few more and he'll win jump jump grab the 50. yes yes yes he won oh my god that was so satisfying i knew i could get him the w no don't apologize what are you apologizing for that's exactly what i wanted to happen probably regret asking this but how do you get the fireworks oh you have to live it's okay i want you to make this look at that he waited for me he's a real one the same turtle hit us tea bag or ceremonial tea bag we have one in every game you know go to the left go to the right fight fight fight oh man he really screwed that up right at the last second i have nowhere to go unfortunately speaking does multiplayer break this level oh my god multiplayer breaks this level doesn't it it does i did nothing wrong right there i messed up not at all and i still died i'm not even getting a chance to show my stuff what a bummer would you wait luigi no am i alive still what is happening [Music] that seems fair there's nowhere to go there's nowhere to go oh i didn't have to go anywhere obviously did i do it oh i did it my god that was tough but like not because it was tough just because it wasn't easy you know what i mean i made perfect sense right there here's something that also makes perfect sense grammatically speaking putting pudding in buffalo in buffalo fighting a tea ring tower of plants fighting lots of plants and fighting the plants and then i just got hurt so i'm gonna run by all the plants now i'm in front of the plants that i'm fighting and i'm kind of scared because i'm dying i don't want to die all right killed some plants fought other plants won lots of video games and not to mansplain and bring a thing from earlier but putting pudding in buffalo in buffalo pudding with teas putting with these in buffalo the animal in buffalo the place if that was confusing for you you're just not as much of a gamer as i am and you should also subscribe because i'll explain it in a ted talk or on twitter i won't do either of those things subscribe anyways though [Music] my [Music] is
Channel: Desbug
Views: 157,586
Rating: 4.9791951 out of 5
Keywords: Comedy, Gaming, Entertainment, Super Mario Maker, Super Mario Maker 2, Mario Maker, Mario Maker 2, Super Mario Bros., Mario Bros., Super Mario, Nintendo Switch, Mario, Desbug, Toad, Toadette, Luigi, Super World, Endless Easy, Competitive Mario Maker
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 17sec (857 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 03 2021
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