Super Propane World

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ladies and gentlemen I did it I finally did it I made of my very own Mario maker level it's called mad props and it's about the propeller box I think it's pretty cool okay so we start out with a little part about jumping on some bullet bills and then in front of everybody I get hit by the first obstacle in my own level basically the whole idea around this level is that you get the three charges and I just kind of wanted to play around with it I've been through some secrets or at least I tried to they're kind of hard to access but it's optional so hope we've got that going for us well I felt like I should turn the comments on and look at that there's truly some gold in here got green Mario we've got a good old Joker drawing right there and I'm the Joker baby up there I'm not smelly that's not true so one really cool trick is that you actually don't need him at all if you time your propellers just right it's a little pro tip for you utilize that let's see if I can get the secret okay stay low toad yeah there we go it's just a little secret area you get a 1-up but you're out here no muss no fuss if you can't get it and I really like that you can see it on your way through so you're like you know that it's there so there's a really interesting thing if you use your jumps and then get caught in here it resets it the whole idea right is the stuck gang that's that comment so beautifully pointed out I put some falling ice at the top just so like it wasn't too easy and that's why the coins are there - I wanted to guide you like hey go low you don't want to be too high because of the ice it definitely requires some patience but it's not just waiting like you're active I kind of enjoy that aspect to it I lack the gamer point required to play good you and me both friend you and me both so yeah the whole level is just about timing those propellers and using them to your advantage No and you know sometimes you touch the spikes and you die that's just part of life I believe Thomas Edison said that see that's not good you don't want to lose the suit right there because that is definitely death but on the bright side it's up to you how you go out GameStop power to the players since this is the final leg of the challenge I wanted it to really ramp up in difficulty a little bit right here I hope I didn't overdo it but I'm pretty happy with how it turned out the idea is not to wall Jim that's why the different spikes are here you're not supposed to be able to wall jump up it you can but it's not optimal for the part that comes after it's kind of just about timing your jumps and landing right when you need to is crucial and then you just go all the way up yeah bomb that drops down here and you just shove them into the wall and this is why you need the propeller box so you can just tank that hit and bada-bing bada-boom and if you really want to get to the top you can even though I did not oh my god a Power Move it's the legend himself choke god infinity I remember him thank you brother but yeah I mean that's my level give it a try and let me know down in the comments what you guys think and I'll try to improve as I go I was gonna get this certain sweater then I found out you had to do like a thousand levels and endless easy to get it instead of that I've stumbled upon super propane world I hope that's not literal let me tell you my brothers it does not matter what world I live in new were old I can't escape the world 1-1 okay so that's just the the way he names them no I've got a Yoshi I'm beginning to think that maybe super propane world isn't gonna be the most complex set of levels that I've ever come across but I mean when you're getting world records who cares about all that I'm just a little bit curious about this level hidden behind the 1up thing one hit trip alright just gonna hit the propane once you know don't want to get lost in the sauce after all wait what happened I just wanted to commit vehicular manslaughter on some goombahs this is my revenge you Goomba fools for all the times you've killed me oh boy sometimes I forget just how relaxing this game can be they can take my world records away but nobody can take the first clear away never forget that lads I'm very bad at guessing I usually pick wrong I guess yellow would you look at that I guessed wrong interesting choice green greener green I think I think I'll go green Oh Green was a big mistake screw the planet screw the ecosystem the real guessing game was the mad lad that we killed along the way don't try to look over that for any hidden meeting I just think that murder is the answer to the problem Larry's lift Castle we're just gonna run into like a super jack to Larry at the end of this castle because he's been lifting I mean that was literally unavoidable so nobody can blame me and I feel like that woman was equally unavoidable or perhaps I suck did you ever think of that one I know you already did it's Larry boys it's Larry and he's been lifting he swallows heck but what you didn't know is that toad has been lifting since day one bro and you never stood a chance cuz the main day that toad didn't skip was bulbous head day I'd like to taste that [Music] that's right toads a little dog I think we all know that me a future man named Sasuke needs to play rock leaf world this could be one of the most exciting arcs in all of Mario maker shouldn't have came at me bro all right that was just the prologue to the arc now we're gonna really get into the meat each unk's of this narrative did I say meaty chunks of the narrative because what I meant was the filler arc oh he pranked me good wait a minute can I just wait down here though and then my gigantic brain can't even be contained inside this bulbous head I'm just gonna assume that that door is superfluous and not go in it because pretty much every door and pipe that I've come across thus far in super rock leaf world has been superfluous oh and would you look at that it was superfluous also doubled nice stop don't come any closer I've got a bulbous head and my vest is open and I will be grooving on you if you get up in my personal space oh the gems you can find while that's scrolling through hand in super worlds it'll never ceased to amuse me God get your shimmy on you beautiful beautiful bulbous bastard I don't care care about any of this all I care about is my big money although I do care about that fire flower though Larry you dipped me into the lava Larry how could you livin like Larry dear God toad will never be the same after witnessing that it's been real Rock leaf that was a truly interesting arc in the toad anime but now he's got to move on to greener pastures I definitely would partake in Pheonix chicken world if it wasn't so gargantuan the question mark and the fact that this world only housed one world and one level really got me interested is it just gonna be some silly level or is it gonna be really difficult the fact that I have 99 lives for one level makes me think it's the latter I am a tank I get it I don't really feel all that safe despite my super rad mole companion and the fact that I'm in a literal tank to be fair though we are absolutely eradicating everything in our path oh god it's Boozer I do feel pretty invincible on second thought not even the mighty Bowser himself stands a chance against my fortress power oh no my companion there's always gonna be casualties in war with Bowser ferociously murdered by a tank toad emerges victorious as the destroyer of worlds oh god nothing can stop him now you boy Jared world I wonder who made it probably your boy Jared toad in the clouds he do be grooving though I wonder what he do be grooving to this time [Music] oh geez I need to go this is not the best time for comments to be instructing my field of view yeah you see that is why I was worried about the comments obstructing my view it's not that hard just time to the jump and be successful no not like this I needed the bread of the gamers so much money so much money and blades okay listen up super it's your boy Jared if that is your real name this does not please the bulbous head this actually makes me quite angry only because I feel like I should have already been able to do this lesson to all of you is never give up otherwise you can't become Hokage no not again it took me long enough to do the first one already saws in my brain which I'm not a doctor but I I don't think you want that okay great now I have two sons out there that's twice the freaking child support I'm doomed Oh sick you don't even have to play all those other levels I'm a little bit curious though so I'll try just one of them I pray that my son is not named Tanner I'm disappointed in you Tanner you know better than that by now for some reason I don't believe that oh my son made a little Timmy level god I disappointed in all my children so I'm starting to begin to see why he put the pipe that skips all these levels in they're not very good watch this one just be the one that's really super difficult I was completely 100% wrong about that statement fair enough though I feel like that could apply to all the previous levels as well I'm very very happy that I found this world man I swear super worlds really are the gift that just keeps on givin isn't that the same name as the other one my son is a little Timmy connoisseur all these are little Timmy levels they're not trapped in here with me I'm trapped in here with them maybe the disappointed dad scout times a thousand this is in truth a boss battle by definition nobody can say that it wasn't oh yeah yo dude I'd like to quit but in all honesty I'm just in too deep at this point I'm invested I must see it through to the end whatever it takes the struggle of society - oh my god this took a turn for the worst this is just a stack - enemy little Timmy level who's letting this man get away with this look at this mix up you got the two 1up houses just in case you need them and then pipe two pipe what is the purpose of this pipe you literally just warp right there doted in the desert he do be thirsting for some water though oh good now I get to see how it really started struggles the society man trying to balance on a stack of moles and you fall in between the cracks that almost hits too close to home the further I get in the more disappointed I become and why are they all little Timmy levels dude little Timmy I just noticed they're almost all airship levels - if not all of them some points for consistency I guess but I feel like it's wrong to give out any points yes indeed it is the course isn't it aren't they all God man why am i continuing to play all of them I figured it'd be something like that that is hard Cree you know I should have spend jumped and I didn't I pray that the next world be the last four more stages to get through and then we're done zou I'm sorry five I can't count something about tojust not looking at the cameras very amusing for me he's just saw like hey didn't see you there no it's not even about society now it's about the struggle of a Keith good to see we're still in an airship some things never change do they oh you got the classic pipe - pipe completely pointless 100% funny though can't forget about the second struggle it's almost as important as the first one and would you look at that we're on an airship fighting stacks of enemies if only it were my son if only it were oh my god and it's just an airship level again this man is truly dedicated to the cause he needs to be respected for it - like you can't hate on him man he knows what kind of level he likes okay and in all honesty I think I'm starting to like it - men call it Stockholm Syndrome call it bias whatever you want I'm a little bit into it and to finish it all off we have the struggle three truly a compelling trilogy and yet again we have an airship level jam-packed with what seems like random enemies across a really straight line never change son never change what a perfect way to end this series this world I went from being intrigued - disappointed - mega disappointed all the way - somehow some twisted way being a little bit proud of my son's determination good job boy [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Desbug
Views: 983,552
Rating: 4.9610443 out of 5
Keywords: Comedy, Gaming, Entertainment, Super Mario Maker, Super Mario Maker 2, Mario Maker, Mario Maker 2, Super Mario Bros., Mario Bros., Super Mario, Nintendo Switch, Desbug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 12sec (852 seconds)
Published: Thu May 07 2020
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