Confronting PURE CHAOS in Satisfactory

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hello everyone i'm kimbits and welcome to a new satisfactory video today we're checking out some fan factories from people in my private discord so if you support me either on twitch or on patreon you can join my discord i asked the people there hey can i check out some of your worlds and a bunch of people submitted some which we'll be checking out today so if you enjoy this type of stuff remember to subscribe and leave a like but anyway getting started here we have a world from discord user accrazel and let's see roads dude i love roads i man in our let's play world we gotta make some road systems they look so good and they're so fun oh and got like little infrastructure tunnels but look at this we got little farm houses type looking things got a nice blue design train tracks out the wazoo as you'd kind of expect and their main storage room it's like a hanger interesting why is there like the x there how did he do that oh just a sign nowadays okay parts oh p oh it's the parts per minute so these he's not actually automated oh that's a smart idea that's a real okay this is already a fantastic idea checking out other people's factories i am absolutely doing this in future builds this will make my life a lot easier check out what else he's got going on shoe where are you off to got it what it's like a city another factory here probably dealing with quartz products if i had to assume and a suspension bridge okay i have seen a few suspension bridges over on twitter and stuff and they scare me so much they look like so much work like look at all the beams look at the little detail down here too just to hold up the track oh that oh that's clever it's a metal pillar there on the bottom that's pretty cool that's that's quite cool and like the little lights on top here too oh they're not even lights they're signs all you can use science is lights hmm well they have the same effect got some modern looking towers rocking and rolling here that's quartz for sure color coded well done color coding so handy especially if you've seen some of my let's play videos and you know about the trick of like setting a swatch dude so good as we get into the forest here we have some more organic builds some kind of experimental type designs oh yeah look at all the colors and shapes oh a nice little one by one kind of bridge wait for oil over here oh i forgot they added a new oil node on a train roundabout i've actually seen a bunch of your guys's comments suggesting i should just make train roundabouts i don't know they look too spooky okay and from there it's just tracks going all over the world picking up stuff here and there awesome but let's move on to the next one i have a lot of factories i want to go check out today so let's keep it groovin what is going on here this factory is by dell821 oh my god oh my god oh my god um hello what is going on oh my gosh oh my god it's the whole bible the spaghett what you know what i'm convinced people that can make factories like this and understand what's going on actually have amazing memories like the reason i'm so organized with most of my factories is not because i just prefer the look it's also because i have the worst memory like where does this drone go i'd forget every other day or what is this even doing where are these batteries coming from what are the rates it's i just lose it there's a lot going on too look at this map oh my god so this world has over a thousand hours played so there must be a lot going on here oh let's continue through things so we got some random power being set up here packaging plastic belts everywhere oh that's packaged nitrogen what is he doing alumina aluminum what this is an experience what is all of this stuff i did it's kind of like seeing a jigsaw puzzle i i want to like solve it but this is too much this this is too much it's awesome but oh man let's check out what else is around here just following the horrific multitude of train tracks oh we got another roundabout that's nice there's one in the air a bunch on the ground water and pipes all over more true okay we got train track on top here and oh my god he built a nuclear power plant this is a huge one too sheesh wait a second how much power is this guy making 317 wait yeah 317 000 megawatts whoa there bud that's a setup and he has some random oil stuff going on here must be to make the nuclear fuel rods and this is his whole factory and of course all the nuclear power plants this looks to be like this is like a hundred looks like around a hundred probably a little more how did he deal with the oh that that's that's how he went about the water that's amazing oh my gosh this looks like it took a minute a minute and a half and you know i love the look it's beautiful it's just it's like industrial gore that's yeah that's a good phrase for industrial gore oh and he's doing the whole plutonium thing here too right wait actually i'm trying to follow this around a little bit and what is going on he has these nuclear things going into cubes what he oh i didn't even realize this was a recipe he's making plutonium fuel rods with the pressure conversion cubes yeah that's really cool i never actually looked into that recipe a heck of a lot so it's probably better what than what i'm doing and he must be making a lot of these then eh probably and they all go into the items uh sink yep seven million points per minute oh bud that is us nuclear build man oh man and on top of that is this fuel power dude he's going for the whole nine yards what kind of power is this just fuel or is this turbo fuel it's just fuel yeah so what i did in my world is i went for fuel power first then i switched over to nuclear you know just trying to power up the nuclear power plant it looks like they did the same here that's what i'm just gonna guess this is this is nuts yeah definitely gotta respect the time and effort put into all this just a very different play style now doing a full 180. uh now there's no more mess no more mess at all this is a world by light hawk and it is the most organized place i've ever seen in my life you go through a door and every system is perfectly organized it's beautiful you know the green almost reminds me of an excel sheet it's just that perfect there's this layer kind of like an attic layer where all of the items are dispersed amongst the machines then there's a machine there where you get to see everything happening and you can mess around with machines and then everything goes underneath to other places i guess and then the whole world really looks like an excel sheet it's like perfectly organized even like this is extreme even to my standards oh look at this and he even has little areas ready to go for expansion slots bruh and looking around a little bit more of course there's some water going down there maybe for fuel who knows ah that's what i was about to ask i wonder how he's doing for power yep there's a couple megawatts going on here that there's a couple megawatts going on here oh it's so perfectly organized buffers everywhere i got to do this more in my builds is add in more buffers it's such a good idea let's see here really 33 000 megawatts max production with all of this something seems off about that this this seems like a little bit more than 33 000 megawatts but all things considered without power shards i suppose things take up a lot more space such organized space though next world here is by gg ganderson and it looks like a re-imagined version of my season three world interesting things going on here some item spines up and down item elevator what's in the middle of course the storage room moving up moving around things get pretty crazy up at the roof of course drones everywhere the full fleet and a lot of interesting concepts and designs this world i gotta say has a lot of character you know like you don't really understand everything that's going on but you can see the method to the madness that is until you get outside of the base and everything becomes what is going on madness madness does he have the fuel generator set up oh you better believe he does all the water extractors hidden underneath hidden from view and then all of the fuel generators rocked and rolling over this way making a good old amount of power there well done brother and then over this way i saw is that a suspension bridge i i know why a lot of people like to build them because they're so cool it's just man i consider myself a relatively patient person but doing this kind of thing looks like it would take forever some crazy tracks too built along these cliffs that's that's really neat looking okay looking over here we have some crater lake stuff what would he be doing here more plastic oil looks like it screws in a production line right oh heavy modular frames of course interesting alternate using rubber and screws yeah that's another one i really never use that's what i really love about satisfactory you get to see what alternates people use and how they go about like solving the same problems it's a lot of fun and speaking of interesting ways to go about things there is an oil power plant in this world oh and it's turbo fuel i haven't seen a turbo fuel power plant in a hot minute this world is by tw stout and i don't understand why someone would build a fuel power plant over in the desert here like this area of the map doesn't have any oil or at least a lot of it like there's a lot of oil here tiny bit of oil there where's the oil coming from christmas pipes gotta love them ah a fluid train over in their main base let's see their storage room oh look at the lights i should have done this with my christmas lights that's a good idea dang what about inside it's looking trippy brother looking pretty wild of course auto refilling bins i'm sure that's why there are the belts everywhere go upstairs factories upon factories everywhere and yeah every so often there's just these cubes dotted around with these little roofs and they have the nice big sign saying hey this is what's going on brother like a bunch of hardware packaged neatly into a box got the lights going organized hyper tubes beautiful absolutely gorgeous like on the squirrels base here look at the unique shape it looks like an engine or something why is there like the giant wind tunnel though what's in the center tower oh it's a circle it's like half circle clearly unfinished i wonder what's going to end up being here of course shenanigans what else parking lot for the employees of course and a bunch of garages oh man but prepare yourself for this one so this is in this weirdly named dude's world and this is a normal refinery and then this is the refineries they built so they recreated them on like a massive scale is that like 10x the scale and then build four of them like just this would be so painstaking are they functional wait there are materials going inside them are they actually factories oh my gosh they are dude dude what how do you even go about this what a nightmare there's even travel yeah there's methods to travel in here hyper tubes jeez this is in every single one all right that is amazing is that a crystal oscillator hmm i wonder what's being built here okay giant crystal oscillator and what they also made a massive scale nuclear power plant how how how do you get the level of detail in here like what what is this part oh they're pipes are you kidding me it's all pipes this must have taken forever forever now the world has been played for like a thousand hours so i i guess that's where all the time went and of course it seems to be a little spicy and go figure that's because it is actually a functioning nuclear power plant the interior looks incredible it's so organized and building in a circle is not easy look at what they've done have this amazing center column that gets a little crazy but it's working it has all the nuclear fuel rods and stuff in every layer more nuclear power plants and this takes up a lot of water where did they where did they get all the water from how much power is this 70 000 nice but yeah where is that water coming from it's going over this way that way she's getting a little lag here up over here what from this little pond are you serious how that is a near miracle to get that much water out of this pond this must have been painstaking to get them all to fit this way and they're not even overclocked the mad lad yo props to you bud you did it that's nuts okay though i think that's enough maps for today so thank you for all of your submissions everyone and also for all the inspiration but anyway again that's gonna be all so hope you guys enjoyed and thank you for watching but have a fantastic rest of your day and bye bye
Channel: ImKibitz
Views: 272,614
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Satisfactory, satisfactory update 4, satisfactory drones, satisfactory plutonium, satisfactory gameplay, satisfactory nuclear, satisfactory new update, satisfactory update, satisfactory tips, satisfactory experimental, kibitz, satisfactory game, satisfactory update 5, satisfactory world tour, satisfactory factory tour, satisfactory tour
Id: gxCrMlIIJ10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 24sec (984 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 29 2022
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