End Bell and Impeller Repair

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hey guys what's up welcome back got some jobs out here getting ready to start on that I got to jump on and get done and wanted to show you this is some of the more typical things that that always comes into my shop that I have to work on I haven't showed in me on video so I thought I'd go ahead and throw these in there but what I got is this is an EM bill off an electric motor it's a this is for a 208 bearing and the bores you know they get wallet out they get worn so I have to bore these out and install sleeve bring them back to size a very common job just uh usually every time you get an EM bill its shaped a little bit different and you got to figure out how you're going to chuck it and this one here is going to be kind of hard to to grab on here because of this large radius around the outside of the corner what I might um having to do is make me a little jig plate that will bolt on right here out of some piece of rounds I've got some rounds down there I think I can use and you know just drill it where you can bolt the bolt the plate on there I don't know yet well I figure house I go this right here is another job chrome this is an impeller and I've already repeated it once where the you know the key was wallet out but I believe what they're doing is they're putting its on a different motor because I thought when they first brought it at this wallet out but it's not it's actually a fifteen sixteenths board and they want it for a seven eight four so they're I think he did say he's getting a new motor so that's probably what it is that the new motor has got seven eight shaft so what I got to do with this is bore this out and this is how I usually fix these I'll pour these out and I won't go all the way through there I'll go and leave a solder in the back and what I'm going to do is machine a bushing that will install in there and then board and keep the size so that's what I got to do there I found this piece of bronze here I made up using that for the bushing for that in there this this sleeve it's going to be for this I'll have to find a piece of stock and make one but I did check this and I use my chart it's a it's almost a thousand so Versailles this is one of my charts that I made up from no this one's from sfk bearings there's all your your 6200 bearing sizes for your shaft bits and your bearing housing fits this is your 6300 which is all the dimensions are typically the same thing but I go off of the start I've got a few of these charts like this that I'm that I made up and that's what I used to check the fits on shaft and housing fits so I got those two to do and I got another little job here that I got to try to jump in also it's for this carburetor and Buddy John eternal performance he brings me stuff that I have to work on and this little piece right here this is just some o-rings that I that I stuck only those don't really go on there but see there's another one here and this one went right here and this thing has gotten really hard and dry and cracked and will stay on there so he asked me could I make something like this and somehow fit it on here so that's my next challenge is making something like this and fitting on here there was there was a groove in this thing and I found a little tiny o-ring and slipped it on so I'm going to attempt to allow that oh ring to do the ceiling on the part that I make and possibly have to little tiny set screws that might go in there and tighten up on that in this little boss here so we'll see so that's another little job I got to do right there I don't know if it'll be all included in this or not but I'm just this is what I got to work on thought I just throw it all together for you to see so I'm uh I got to get started here now I'll show you what I'm doing along with some of these prepares alright I just giving you a quick update I can't fit this in my truck over in the monarch just too much radius there to check it my I took it off won't open up big enough without hitting away so also the jig plate most it ain't going to work because the holes here so close to the before the bosses need to get in the way so what I'm going to do this is a machine here and this would be machine true with the rest of it on the inside there we've got a nice machine board here so what I'm going to do is make a kiddy found a little piece of stock here I took this up and I'm going to machine this to sit against this machine face here it's going to have a boss that's going to register here on this board and then I'm going to have it drilled in tap so that I can just once this machine I can stick the in belt on here and I just got a you know I got some bolts I'll use a bolt and I'll have the tap and all sticks and washers in there and run the bolt through and pull it up against that and the ball shouldn't interfere with my boring because I'll use my handlebar to get in there anyway so that's uh that's how I'm go ahead and get this thing set up just test fitting the end oh and this little jig that I made I haven't got a drill to tap yeah that's the piece I've got it spun on there it's pretty snug and I both will pull it up nice and flat right now just sitting on there I think that's going to work pretty good for me she's getting ready to tap this hole I wanted to show you because this is what I was talking about in just my last video last night but there's my spring-loaded Center I got my grandes tap wrench and got me a nice fresh 1/2 13 Greenville tap and I'm going to go ahead and tap this hole using the spring Center here express it or keep that thing straight for me watch these both hands to pull the tap rims here all right that's it just wanted to show that off since I was just talking about it all right get her up on here a couple washing dygraf nice and solid because on the governing further it's starting to bend the washer here but hey it ain't going to be very heavy cutting on there so it's whatever something like that it will work fine life is running pretty true I can see the face probably got about five thousand run out on the face but I think that's going to be close enough s I'm not going to worry about it it's in line with all that machine work that was not the back rooms already got my tool dip set and made a light pass through there and bout to make another one I can't take a lot out of this thing because as Bowl holes are so close still got a little meat there and I'm gonna take another 50 you I got a board to the size that that I want I'm real close to the ball home I'm not taking more out I just got touched off into 150,000 side of the total so now I got to go over here and rough me on a sleeve found this piece of bronze I'm going to use to make this sleeve just getting the roughed in now all right got the sleeve made there it is there and I usually give it three four thousand clearance and see it goes in there nice and what I do because I made it a slip fit this is how I lock them in there he's a lock tight 680 and you always coat this real good you know you're both pieces cut them both really well and that stuff will hold it's not going to come loose boy that stuff breaks is that the you uh you take a torch and you burn it out of there don't have to use primer on the bronze because it's a considered an active metal put me a lot in there just code it real good make sure you get all the all the surfaces coated with Loctite now I'm gonna do the same thing to the sleeve here make sure you use clean hands to always clean my hands up before I start doing this Loctite you just don't want like oil and grease getting on everything I'm just making sure that this coated really well got a good layer all the way around it now give it a little bit of a twist when you go in toting the way it will it'll roll around and cut itself real good but it locks really fast I can't even move it now it's already locked in there but I'm going to give this a few minutes to to lock in there good and you know once it does it will be locked getting up work I can finish the machine work here all right about 15 thousands away from being sighs I'm just trying to sneak up on it the my size that I'm trying to hit it's three inches point one four nine and six tenths all right class cut like I got real lucky on now 1:49 and 7/10 that's right there in the tolerance that I mean that's one forty nine and six tens 149 and 6/10 is the minimum and the maximum is 3 inches 150 and 3/10 so I'm within that range there now I'm just going to always double check with them got a couple times difference there I'm showing uh showing 6/10 that time what I'll probably do is just I'm just going to hit it really quick in life with my gray scotch-brite and that'll be it I got a camper this edge and I'll be done with yeah that's it I hit it with my Scots project just to kind of stuff it just a bit tip another tent out of there so I'm comfortable with that reading I'm take it out put it on the bench there it is all right I'm getting ready to start on this one here got the in Bell doing what I'm going to do while I'm showing you real quick this is an expensive mandrel that I have stuck in here this is one of many that I have there's like another one here down to three big so what I'm going to do first is I'm going to set this up in the picture and I'm going to turn me a really light turn true spot right there the way I have an area on this OD that I can indicate that's true with that bore in there it's going to be a little bit tricky to chuck it up and try to indicate that bore I got two key ways in there you got a little bit of where and you've got a good machine face to bump it through here and I just need something right here to indicate the OD so that's that's what I'm going to do first alright I had to kind of Jane change game plans here it didn't it wasn't working out the way I wanted to on that expanding mandrel stuck it in here and spun it indicated and the the manual itself has got a little bit of a run out in the center which I don't like so I decided to just use my three jaw and chuck it back here you know on the seal ring area it's still a nice machine spot right there that the Chuck jaw is grabbing and just bump this face true I've got it within a thousandth of an inch and it's it's running nice now I feel more comfortable with that so I'm just going to go ahead and board right here and the victor in the street ah so what I've done I use my death mic and I figured out what this stick out is here I got it wrote down so when I'll bore this and then whenever I installed my bushing you know I'll have it sticking out and I'll face it so that it's the same is this this here all right there it is bored out I got too bored out the inch-and-a-half there's a piece of bronze I'm going to use here I'm going to go there to the morrow tuck this up and get this roughed in and we'll bring it back over here install it all right same deals before there's the bushing got a got a little bit of a slip fit and use my 680 Loctite get in there good and then I'm going to put some on the on the pushing here on that'll set up pretty quick it's already it's already hard enough I can't even move it now but I'm going to give that a few minutes to set and I'll finish the machine work here and you might be wondering if I'm just going to rely on that 680 to hold it it would probably hold it fine but usually what I do in cases like this you know something that's going to be spinning and that Loctite having to hold it when I'm finished I'll go to the mill and I'll actually drilling tap it right on the center line and put me a set screw which what what we call is a Dutchman so I'll have a set screw too to make sure that bush and never spins or pulls out of there I'm getting ready to board its thing out I had to change board bars go to a half inch there to fit in that hole also go to point out my dad came down to see me he diner hanging out you're gonna watch me finish this job all right you ready to take my friends pass here 12,000 come out of all right I got it bored there's a 7/8 dumont brooch plug fits good and it's actually got a board 875 and last night I do is face this off I got my death Mike's and just takes measurements here with my death Mike's and get this register here to protrusion the the right length I measured it before I started cutting you should be it where it was that United folks just 360p way that are kind of lined up where I want off to the old team very good make sure you can see Oh Oh Oh our purpose but I put a shim and make no more quick all right should be it I'm getting ready to set up and drill at a pit for the setscrew and what I've got to do I got to set up in parallel let me use my center point here is it's a one inch I'm just going to use that to line up hold Center and just light the plant this thing down shouldn't take a whole lot all right that should be about center that's inch and a half so what I'm going to do is I'm going to crank it over three quarters of an inch out of putting on the split line there 750 put me on the split line first thing I'm gonna do is use an end mill and just create me a flat spot there so that I'm level and then I'll do my drilling tapping alright there's a flat spot alright I'm gonna get this thing drilled in tap he's using my BB Hanson tap handle and the fostex teens tap my spring-loaded senator just showed you guys look that was a plug cat that used air I'm just going back in with bottom tap a little bit further that was no sound too good it's a little dull yeah work right there Oh all right I'm just about doing all right I finally got these two jobs done these were some these are some more rush jobs that I had to do and had to had to get a knocked out today today's actually Sunday and I've been spending most stay here getting this stuff done and hanging out with dad a little bit he came down to see me hope you guys enjoyed finally get to see a little clip of him he I think he's a little bit camera shy don't want to really get him want to get on there yet but he did say hello and I'm sure I'll have more opportunities for him to get there on the camera and maybe say a couple words to you but anyway I got this stuff done so this was a you know the in bill that I had the board sleeve this is something that I get all the time I just finally decide to go ahead and show you one of them and they they come in all different shapes and sizes so sometimes you can easily just chuck them in the forge all and indicate them and sometimes you got to make it some kind of jig plate to build swingman laid and then this is the impeller that I had to modify and this is something that I see quite often a lot of times what they'll do they'll bring these to us because the the bore get swallowed out the key gets wallet out and I have to I have to do that just to fix the board but I believe in this case is what it what it was I know that was a fifteen sixteenths four and you know he wanted a 7/8 board and noopy in there so board it out made a bushing installed it and and it's ready to go and that's a that's a common fix right there done done them quite a bit so there's two more jobs done and I was I was happy to share them with you now if you enjoyed watching me work and maybe give you a few tips here and there guys out there trying to get some stuff done so again thank you for watching the videos I hope you enjoyed them again I always like making them how phone with them and I got more stuff coming so just stay tuned alright see you guys around later
Channel: Abom79
Views: 158,110
Rating: 4.9683342 out of 5
Keywords: machine shop, lathe, lathe work, milling machine, mill work, drill and tap, spring loaded center, embell repair, electric motor embell repair, empeller, empeller repair, bore and sleeve embell, bore and sleeve empeller, abom79
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 8sec (2168 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 19 2013
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