SNS 279: Eutalloy Ultra Jet

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[Music] hey everybody welcome back to the 26-acre maker shop I came back down to my friend Lance bossy shop here and spend I'm gonna be spending a couple of days with him here working on a couple of projects Lance is not here at the moment he's uh you know attending some business and he'll be back later on in the morning but I'm gonna get some filming done this morning showing some of the projects that we're gonna be working on and talked about a couple of the reasons why I came down so really what prompted the visit was Lance had set up a visit with one of the eutectic representative actually the rep for Florida and he wanted to come in and talk about one of the talk about the util a torch and the powders and how they work and you know show a demonstration of them working so Lance had invited me down to you know join that conversation and see the demonstration and I definitely wanted to get in on that because the you delay torch which is another type of spray weld and you guys have seen my spray welding you delay is another type of system from eutectic instead of it being a spray welder that you know rotates it's more of a flat type of spray welder for build up processes on a flat plane so I've never actually had any training you know other than from my dad so I really wanted to get in on this and it was a great opportunity to come down here and actually talk to somebody from eutectic and learn from that it was a learning opportunity so that's what I did so that's what we did yesterday we we had the rep come in from eutectic and he you know we had a little bit of training with him it was awesome he spent a few hours here we went over some of the powders and you know showed lance and i some techniques on how to properly use the torch and how to use the powders and what the powders are used for so i've actually got some footage of lance and i you know doing that training and you you know the examples of how to use that over there in the welding area so i've got some of that footage to throw in there lance and i might set up and do some more practice cuts not practice cuts but practice welding with that and we'll you know if I got some more will will show that as well so that was one of the reasons why I wanted to come down was that there and we'll talk more about that but I also wanted to take the opportunity to bring down some of my parallels and use the surface grinders over here or Lance Lance will so we got his brown and sharp and of course he's got his Kent over there as well that he does his stones on but he's got his brown and sharp grinding herself right here that he's you know doing like parallels on and so I brought down all of my best parallels these are all my parallels right here including these guys these are something that I got from Andrea Alexander and not that we're gonna have time to grind all these in but my plan was to just bring down some of my favorite ones and if we have time to try to grind them in so these are some of my good ones right here my brown and sharp 9:20 parallels and then some of these in the box right here are my favorite everyday use parallels that I'm always using in the shop these are some of the shop made W Jones is the guy who made these parallels right here I've got a I got a set of you know six right here different sizes shop made parallels which Lance absolutely loves these parallels the way they were made and recommends that this is something that a bomb should make right here so I like that idea but anyway what I would like to do with these parallels Lance and I I'd like to actually take these guys and inspect them see how far out they are and if they're out we'll go ahead and hit them on the surface grinder here okay hit him on the surface grinder make sure they're good and straight and flat and then inspect them again and just see how flat and true they are in parallel to each side I've got these guys right here these are some very unique parallels these these look like i-beam but they're hardened and these were given to my dad by mr. John rosy key and for some of you guys that go way back on my channel to the beginnings you might remember the old jib crane at my old shop I showed it in a couple videos well mr. rosy key is the guy who built that jib crane I recall dad telling me about that and mr. rosy key had he did machining as well and he had tools and he actually give these parallels to my dad these were all his right here I think it's kind of funny property of John rosy key and I'll know the side it says stolen from John rosy key I think that's pretty cool so I don't know you know where this material originated from but it is hardened Eyebeam type material and none of them are matched they're off just a little bit from each other and then these are some longer ones of the same material here as well so I'd like to get those ground in got the big ones right there by the way this is something that Lance owns right here this is a solid piece of carbide it's very heavy all right and then so we got these parallels already talked about brought my stones back we might be able to hit those again and you know just in case so that's it's going to be the projects that I want to work on he has been adding to his arsenal so he's got this aioli grinding machine right here in the shop and he's been getting set up we've got a little project that we might be able to get get done on that we've got one little piece that we got to make on that and if we got time we're going to work on that he's also got this od grinder right here so he's really been you know building up his his arsenal of machines he's getting his grinding Department all set up over here where this was grinding machines he's moved the acrylate over and this is going to be the remember it was sitting right in this area here last time I filmed and he's getting it set up he was just wired in yesterday when I was here I don't know if he's got it finished but uh he was getting it wired in last video we were working on the G and E so he's been he's been tinkering it with it he's going to take the motor off tear the motor apart and check inspect that see if we've got any work to do on the shaft or the N bells needs to do some adjustment on the clutch as well but we had a lot of people that really seemed to enjoy watching that shape or footage alright so getting back to the eutectic conversation that I had so here is the torch right here this is the you deloitte ultra jet I ended up buying this from the from the rep that came and and talked with us and we ended up I didn't actually film him because we didn't really get any kind of permission from eutectic on doing an official video and we didn't want to kind of caused any problems so I just I just kind of left that we decided to leave that out of it you know we wouldn't want to cause any problems so anyway this is the torch and this is one that he had and he offered to sell it so I ended up buying this torch from him and again it is the ultra jet this is the powder that I already had because I've got one of these at the shop I showed it in an old video but it's the old style it was my dad's and and this is the powders that I have left over from that batch I used to have a lot more than this but over time these these bottles they start breaking and falling apart and and I just I couldn't save it all goes to the box and these things were busted and I've lost a lot of the powder so bought the new ultra jet and I got all three tips so basically you have a small medium and large tip for whatever size it's got a new catalog from eutectic there that's got all their products any kind of welding product is in this you know whether it be the electrodes welding wire brazing rods powders for both spray welding and you dilute outers all kinds of cool stuff in that catalog there including the equipment for spray welding so any you guys interested in spray welding this is who you contact eutectic castellane go to your welding supply they can sell that stuff to you err gas Westco or whoever your local welding supply is that's who the distributor is and then so we'll come over here this is some of the sample work that we are practicing on right here this is what we started with right here so this is some of the build up work that we were doing with the torch we started with this side right here doing our build up a couple of these spots right in here we were using our the harder powders I forget which one which one it was but there's a couple powders I have that get up to about a sixty Rockwell you know like hard facing really hard stuff one of them's got a carbide probably that one right there you can see it looks a little more grainy these get super hard and you can see some more build up that we did right there just this just a steel plate by the way alright and then this is a piece of cast iron that Lance had and what we were doing with this we we put the small tip in and we were practicing like a small edge build up with the torch right here and you can see along this edge and also this edge right there and this this type of work is what Lance was really interested in because what he wants to do is he's got this job right here he's got these gears that he's going to be trying to fix for a friend that goes to a very old machine and they want to try to salvage these gears and reuse them so he was originally going to braise these things up you know braise them and machine them and reuse them and he's been very intrigued with the you deloitte process and so he wanted to learn about it so he reached out to the company you deloitte and you know the rep decided he wanted to come by and have a conversation and that's what he did so he came by and shown us how to use the torch properly so that we could use it for jobs like this you know see his teeth you can use that small tip to build these gear teeth up instead of using a brazing rod and it works extremely effective and you have different types of powders that's going to be a lot better than just a standard brazing rod you have the chrome tech the powder that he recommends for a lot of what we're going to be doing is this right here this night Tech and it's machinable this is great powder for cast iron right here so you can use that or you uses Chrome tech right here and this right here is this right here is night tech as well just the newer bottle I just poured it out of that in this so Lance has actually gonna be buying one of these torches himself as long with a new jug of powder and he's gonna start getting his practice in on doing this type of work right here he wants to use the system to build these gears up and do the machining and get these things repaired so that's where we're at on that I'll show the footage of our practice sessions on that meaning I was probably going to play around with it and we do want to test out these two that were that hard I'd believe it was these three we're gonna put these on the Rockwell hardness tester and see actually where these tests out at on hardness and then we'll start getting into our our parallels as well yeah [Music] to wait to put this on wanted to play fourth grade as you go the white pony Oh whole engagement there you happy yeah I know it's wide open okay that's all yeah [Music] so full trigger just you're just yeah moving it with respect to how much coke that's right yeah you could see the collection the wedding of the material you can see the plane with the very bottom that is and it was mighty clean so it's not lifting and we got maybe about maybe then about yeah because right now I'm grinning - I'm spraying and fusing as I go you're doing it well till I guess I'm yeah I think all that does is regulate the amount Oh yep brought it coming through this angle the flame punch a little bit punch it lit a fuse punch it it we're running out of oxygen I can feel it see the angle yeah you don't want to angle it [Music] don't your heat go ahead again so just like crazy move on and then that your toward the a new angle let's just work even more the other way done come up over again punch punch ago okay so you're applying some more yeah more okay you're moving a little fashion I thought you were there yeah because you know why cuz you already got the pre-need onto it yeah then you're just on and off let's how you do it that's it that's it now you got a little over spray right there miletto no sir the tip distance yeah oh you're good you're good you're good that's good and this is looking good yeah I just want to make sure it's Q's on the other side see how excusing yeah Oh I'm just seeing how how hard to work if you wanted to lil something on the end like like that - yeah plants should be a little bit if you need more tank no see I'm doing yep very tiny tiny we care actually yeah what's or even on a Friday on a pocket yeah on a pocket night you just want to tip up you just gotta move it yeah I don't want to melt it down so let's see it said we're going up that - yeah I know I should know my my next-door neighbor which she's been renting for a year and a half she got laid our she actually owned her own clinic and I guess something happened she had a bad partner you're plenty hot just kind of pump it a little bit little bit pump it oh I see yeah can't really do that with brazing or even TIG you come a little closer there you go like that yeah yeah yeah I see it coming up now yeah ci coming up that's it and that's what you do with those T phrasing that's the Tiffany yep that's it knuckle oh my god you could do gulp sure work with it beautiful he gets too hot then it gets those little when it goes crystals yeah I can see him they say the carbon yeah I mean that's too hot so you just get off it there you go see how he sprang and and you're not having too much over for you notice that cuz you're you're melting that know what I told you about the angle oh yeah we got the wrong angle if you keep going down that whole phases thing just truck yeah yeah he's gonna make a gear to care for me yeah and if it gets too hot or car D oh my god you can do some seriously fine like look how thin that uh-huh yes you just give it a little a little bump and keep moving and then yeah okay look now compare wait compare the veterinarian to the experienced machinist almost keeping up [Laughter] this is a tungsten carbide nickel Chrome with tungsten carbide you got it see it's a different it wets differently what's a lot differently yeah it's more severe yeah but I'm gonna give you New York isn't what's better than everything but see what you're doing is you're melting those Carbide let's see what it does this is the its scratching it but you see it's not cutting it no it's polishing it yes it's just yeah so yeah so yeah a bit already let's see yeah this is the one that we did with the other powder that's too warm for me to hold okay that's that cuts it no problem that's cutting right there that one it just slides across yeah Lauren Thompson oh you're too took that off yeah well let's come back to that one and what I want to do Adam is let's spray like a dime sized bottle of it yeah and then hit on the hardest ester oh yeah really interesting to see okay that's that that's it yeah ultimate that is awesome what a great finish so this is our this is our sample piece where we were out there practicing with my you dilute or CH doing just some Weld samples here on this this is just a piece of steel it was probably just a hot roll plate that we just dressed off with the grinder so anyway we we practiced with three sample powders and these are powders that I already had these are some stuff that I've had in my possession for many years that originated from my dad and so I've got a mark here this one right here was I believe that the griddle oi and this is the bore otech so these two right here are the ones that get really hard at up to around 60 maybe six up to 64 Rockwell and and these are their these are just a build up and including this in here of the night Tech and the night tech is the good this would be the powder that we're going to be using if we're going to build enough cast iron such as like a gear a gear tooth alright so these are going to be the softer machinable powders these powders here are not machinable you would have to grind these but what I want to do is actually just test these for hardness and see actually where we can actually test these out for hardness right there okay the grit up the griddle over here actually has more carbide in the powder so that's why it looks more more coarse so this is like a good wear resistant surface right there just flipping it around this is the first end that we started on using the the night tech and you can see just how nice and smooth that bead is on that end really builds up excellent and then we switch to a smaller tip here on the corners to practice our our edge build up and so if we're trying to build up say a gear tooth or an edge if you're trying to build up a surface and you're trying to get to the edge you can use that small tip and you can see where I've been cutting it with a file right there and you can see that it that's perfectly machinable so just wanted to show you know in comparison to say like a braze using a brazing rod all right so we're using Lance's hardness tester here and we'll just go ahead and start with the griddle oi just pick a good spot the plate is not perfectly flat we'll say that just because we've had so much heat on it from our practice sessions here but this is us just playing in experimenting not anything important okay I think I'm doing everything right go ahead and release it all right so we're at 58 yeah 50 and I'd call that 58 on your dial there and this one is pretty pretty close to being correct yeah the Wilson sent next to it I doubt that's in the in the cameras view that high recently said that wrong I said love it's high it's running 10% of I because the weights are not correct somebody may need a week for the back of the Wilson so I had actually had company come in here okay all right so that's why we're gonna use this one over here so we're pretty close so yeah the bottles on that cell was a griddle oi I don't think this bottle actually tells you but in the book it does tells you what the rock well and it depends on your base metal too so if you start welding on a base metal it's going to change your your rock well okay so this for the bore otech which is going to be the next one says rockwell hardness 55 to 62 on that okay so let's so let's go ahead and we'll move it on down to the bore otech go ahead and rinse and repeat here and we're getting our preload here's move so much faster than my man that goes around real slow and you got to wait for it oh really yeah this like I told ya what are you getting fifty four yeah it's right in line what the what it's a 55 to 62 yeah but I don't have this one calibrate I mean we're kind of proving that the powder is kind of doing what it says it's going to do just for fun let's go ahead and check the we'll check one of the night tech beads right here it's going to be substantially softer matter of fact I think them in the book that actually shows the B scale on some of them oh yeah the harder it'll be a very low C yeah yeah I wanted to point something out when you get that lined up right under your thumb when you're when you're done there oh this year yeah are underneath the edge buildup all right let me get this preloaded here and we'll uh yeah what do you want to say if you look I don't know if the camera can pick it up you can see overspray on this that's textured that hasn't actually been flowed in mm-hmm one thing we talked about it's not an inexpensive process to do yeah you know and there's a fair amount of waste of powder mm-hmm and so I just thought that was an interesting you know you can see what we actually was wedded correctly but then below that rough texture is all stuck on but probably not appropriately bonded and I think some of the overspray that we got in some of the other areas will improve with with practice and experience also it's your it's your will with me twelve yeah so in twelve yeah that's not okay but there you go you see though it's it's machinable alright so there we go having some fun with our with our eutectic torch and another fun way to apply some metal in a much different way than a than a boring old brazing rod yeah it was a wonderful learning process I was talking to his mom or breakfast about understanding the cold vs. hot methods of you know these particular welding techniques I'm looking forward to getting my new torch and see how good it did there yeah look at that antastic I mean it went right up to that edge there I mean you can see we were we were roughing it right there with the overspray yeah but look at this in I mean I think it turned out beautiful that you know though this was multiple passes across that right you see how build it just for me and I was telling Adam I just like having a material that's more similar to the parent material and both in appearance you know as well as in you know structure like when I'm doing old machinery repairing when you're done you won't know if you do it well you won't hardly be able to tell exactly it's done it will almost look original a brazing rod is going to look like a piece of brass is in there exactly and then these are gonna blend in to look more like cast iron yeah and keep in mind if you if you get a catalog with from eutectic there's got to be 25 different powders in there for all different kinds of applications it's not a 1:1 powder fits all and they're changing the numbers on some frequency yes is different yeah some of these are very old yeah yeah all right well I think we're gonna go play with the planer now we're gonna go get it in the shop all right well we made it back to the shop and I wanted to kind of give you one one little overview of the you deloitte stuff right there and so I ended up buying the this ultra kit ultra jet kit from from the rep their eutectic the one that we were using in the video that this is one that he had and offered it was one of his for sale right there so I ended up buying it I'll show you that and and Lance did end up buying he ordered a brand new kit from you deloitte well as some powders there but I wanted to show you so this is my this is my original torch right here and this is one of the older styles right there you know they don't make this anymore but this is the one that I've always had for a very long time and and it still works fine there's nothing wrong with it's just the older one and once I used the ultra jet I really liked the the fit and feel of it I like the the guard and the rest for it so since it was for sale he gave me a really good deal on this used kit so I just picked it up alright so we've got that I wanted to show this is what the old-school and what the guard looks like all these are my powders that I've had that I bought with that kid a long time ago my my buddy Joe down at the welding shop what I ended up doing this was years ago probably more than 20 years ago that I was wanting to get into the spray welding and his dad David who was owned and run the shop at the time told me that he had his eutectic kit there as well as the roto tech which I used for spray weld and he had this and all the powders he made me a heck of a deal on everything because he wasn't using it anymore it was just one of those systems that seemed like everybody had just sat down and stopped using and he sold me the torch both torches and all the powders that he had for a hundred bucks and that was just a screaming deal and I was really getting into it so you know of course I bought it so that's where this torts come from and that's what I have left in the powders I've actually lost a lot of the powders simply because these bottles are getting so old that they they start to disintegrate and they crack and they fall apart so I had all these powders in a box and just all those years you know I go into the Box I open it up and these things are just falling apart and all the powders just laying everywhere so this is what I got leftover them right there and just you know a couple of the common ones that's always uses the the chrome tech so let's take a look at this ultra jet kit that I that I bought from the the rep there now this is this this does need a little bit of work done to it you can see that the glue has finally let go and this is the piece here that goes in the lid that holds some of your accessories such as your torch tips right there alright and then this is just a little fun protector it goes over so there we go it's a basic kit doesn't have every single thing that would have come with it originally but the main thing is that we've got our ultra jet torch that we need I really love this updated style over the over the old-school one you know the original model right here and with the guard that you can adjust there it serves as like a rest there as well so you can you know hang it there set it right there on your table when you're done using it or you can hang it up on the wall if you want to so and it's got the shutoff valve on it I like there as well so whenever you're whenever you're using the torch you leave this trigger all the way open that allows the gas and the oxygen to go through and if you want to shut it all quickly you just pull that and it just shuts everything off you want to reignite it open that trigger there and just light it again and you don't have to readjust your settings there so there's that that kid I wanted to show you that and we've got our three different size welding tips so these are the other two you have three sizes three general use sizes different different tip sizes there for doing real fine detail work medium work and and you know the course the heavier work if you got to really put down a lot of a lot of material or you've got a big heavy big heavy casting that you're working on comes with a striker and a tip cleaning kit right there so there we go there's the this is the ultra jet I want to show you this kit right here and go into just a little bit more quickly what some of the uses can be you know achieved with this torch kit right here so this kit here I bought used just like you see it right here I haven't ever used it I haven't used any of the powders out of it and it was in excellent shape then this lid actually slides off but I just went ahead and took it off so that you could you can see we've got some information on the back that I was going to show you one of the reasons I wanted this kid is because of all this information that come with this but nearly a complete kit that is missing the the hoses that would come with it and the other thing that was missing that I didn't think about whenever I bought it was the guard that goes on to the torch right here as you can see see my old ones got the guard this one's missing yeah kind of funny this has got a repair tag on it dated 1973 and I don't think it's been used since then he originally had tape over the trigger to hold that down tape over the nozzle right there for the powders tape over the welding tip so I think this thing was just put into a closet and never used again once it was prepared got the the tips there the torch chips these hook up to your regulator so that you can split off and I have say you know your your you dilute or CH hooked up to your tanks and you can have another welding torch hooked up to your your tanks here as well that's how a mine is set up so that you can always have two different torches set up at any time and I really like this kit come with these application logs which is really neat so these are like little flash cards that give you a bunch of examples of the different repairs that one can you know use this kit for there's all kind of applications in here for you know heavy industry so there'd be shaft repair there's you know say like this right here it's some kind of casting drawled i there was a machining air that needed to be welded back up you could use it for something like that this is a an engine block that come out of fresh out of it being cast and had some imperfections you go around that edge and build it up and on the back of these cards it actually gives you tells you what torch where to set the regulator at you know and what powder to use for for the build-up a motor block cast iron this would be one for heart facing so it looks like a pipe there and you would go on the inside and build it up with like the tongue tack or one of the other hard or where we're facing materials to help prevent the bore that being being worn a lot of applications one of the applications that a lot of guys might might get right off is for the heart facing is Bush all bush hog blades or lawn mower blades so you can take something like that boar otech or the tongue tech and run along the edge of your blades and it creates a hard face on there that's more wear resistant and you can go longer times without having to you know sharpen your blade and keeps from wearing out the soft steel so anyway I want to show you these these are really neat right there I want to bore you with all those but this is good information to have it comes with this kit right this little tag right here that tells you where to regulate your your regulators for your gas you know and this is one of the original books that's got all of the the information for all of the different products that you deloitte sold this was this this was the original paper that come in there as well so I hope without tearing it so that's what the kit looks like and it gives you all your application you know your different different powders and alloys that you use for the repairs so let's look at this real quick and this shows you the different types of applications that can be used you know so direct overlay direct cladding build up and filling sheet bonding and even joining so you can use this just like you would like if you was the you know silver soldering something you know hard facing that's what I was just talking about if you need a nice Hardware resistant face so you use it for tending there as well so this is what we would most commonly be using this repair kit for is build up and filling so there's a good example like what we talked about at Lance's building up a broken tooth off of a gear you know use that powder to build it up this shows you the the process that you use for doing that lots of interesting applications direct overlay right here this is they were you know covering the the gear teeth with material in the back of machine it so you have a you know a hard surface their direct cladding that's what we talked about in one of the examples and come down here tells you you know you use this chart to tell you what what material that you're going to use for what type of you know your powders what type of base metal that you're welding and the application so pretty neat I love having this kind of information right there since I don't have anybody around here you know teaching me this kind of stuff I'm kind of learning this as I go and this is good reference mature right there so anyway I'm real excited to have my new ultra jet and something that I do have a lot interest in and I want to get some more practice in and hopefully apply this to some actual you know real working jobs that we can show here on the channel alright [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Abom79
Views: 82,397
Rating: 4.9056883 out of 5
Keywords: abom79, eutalloy, eutally castolin, ultra jet, eutalloy ultra jet, welding, welding overlay, welding build up, oxy fuel, torch, welding torch, flame spray, spray welding
Id: 06s6j_Kv36M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 46sec (2626 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 26 2019
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