SNS 254: 8 Inch Reed Vise Tear Down & Begin Cleaning

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[Music] all about tires seeing all this ugly pink paint on this Reed vice and ready to get it cleaned off there so I'm kind of I'm in between some jobs right now and I wanted to delegate a little bit of time to try to at least get this thing apart get it at least get it completely cleaned up and down to bare metal so that it looks half way presentable so that's what I'm going to start on this afternoon go ahead and get this I want to break it completely down get it apart and we're gonna start wire brushing it and getting it cleaned up there's also welts battered in different places on here so I'm going to do some cleaning with some flat wheels to to knock those down and smooth it out a little bit as there as well so I'll show you a little footage along the way on getting this thing cleaned up there's one of my new alligator wrenches that I bought there at the floor to fly wheelers these right there are perfect tool or these are perfect tool to use on these square headed bolts right there so let's see we're gonna go that way they're actually designed for square headed bolts but you can use them on other bolts as well work really good fitting any size square headed bolt that you need I wanted to ask you guys about these gloves here probably about five years ago I had one of my viewers give me these pair of gloves right there and I all I remember I remember who it was but I do remember the he was from Idaho and he says these were made in Idaho their true leather work laws I believe they were considered ranchers gloves and I'm just curious if anybody can help me source where I can buy these I would like to buy some more for around here because these have been my favorite work gloves ever he's uh he's leather well it's here so just need to get some more these are getting pretty worn out I'm just going to put this on my big role in tables so I'm gonna do all the dirty work outside you see that the top on the table is still not rusted it's still coated down with that SP 400 that first layer that I've sprayed on there still feels tacky so that's stuff where it's good it leaves a waxy film on there protects it from the moisture pretty heavy there's a heavy vise you know we never did weigh it I was gonna weigh this thing I might try to get a weight before I take it apart all right we're hooked up to my sure line product scale right here this is a 5000 pound weight scale it just works off of a little hydraulic cylinder in there and the waste off of it it's hard to determine with this amount of weight what it actually weighs though and you see it's in the zero range right there now if you is to go up let's see so each line should actually be 200 like say 200 pounds I'm sorry 100 pounds so that's that line there has to be five six seven eight nine so every line should be a hundred pounds trying to keep the suit sticking around there so looks like it's just over that's just I'm gonna call it a little over 200 pounds it's hard to determine exactly I guess I need to get an actual scale out here for things like this that I can set it on but right there it's looking like 200 but I was thinking that Andrew had weighed this and it was around 250 pounds got it clamped a little differently now on the end of the table I've got the C clamp over on this side just to hold it all the base I'm hopefully gonna unscrew this and be able to pick it up move it over there alright there it is see some pipe wrench marks on that thing or if somebody's been in debt before so there's the oiling hole which is it's on the bottom but it's actually on the top when its flipped up right so there's a hole on the side that says oil and that's where you squirt a little oil in there and it comes in there and greases the screw and the bearing there's something that I just took notice of that inspecting this piece here that's the nut that we just unscrewed and I want you to look at this now first time going into this I don't know if that's supposed to be I guess it is supposed to be broken like that maybe that's the only way to get it in there I don't know yet in almost it to me it looks like it's broken it may be intentional it may be intentional I don't know yet I got to find out but I'm just doing some initial inspections there to me it looks like it's broke but that that might be machined in there solid so if so that's they got to have some way to get to get this collar in there pull this pin out here and then you can get the main nut out of it settle yep I just slide right on out of there now nicely looking made peace right there holy machine looks like probably been heat-treated [Applause] [Music] wherever this thing was used people were doing welding around it and they were evidently you know they were striking the arcs over here on the Vice probably trying to tip the flux off the rods and you know getting strike marks all over it [Music] I hear working on the main body again in the sunlight now finally got most of it cleaned off I'm gonna I gotta go inside and clean the inside so I'm gonna fire up the air compressor just use a wire brush on the air grinder to clean this out I need to clean it first and get the grease and the oil out of it I'm just gonna use this stuff right here the CRC cleaner and spray that in there and clean it out good but I've got the outside of the casting cleaned up the way I want so there was a lot of there was a lot of spatter on this thing and an arc marks that I've been kind of dressing off and some of these little spots down in here is from where it wilt spatter popped up on there and actually you know welded itself to the body there so I'm knocked those knocked those off and a couple little places that I've just kind of dressed real lightly I'm not I'm not dressing it down past what the factory did I want to kind of leave the original grinding that the factory workers did whenever they built this thing you know so like right here there's a little imperfection in the cast right there from the actual casting but that's part of the device I don't want to remove that so I'm not looking to smooth out all the edges and corners there's one make it look at nice this area here of the jaw pretty well mangled up so I dressed that with the grinder to slip that off there hopefully it's not glaring too bad on you but you know whoever was using this they did a bunch of arcing back here and I don't understand why somebody would do that it was like they were you know chipping the flux off the end of their electrodes or something but there was a bunch of areas back here where they weld it even up here at the top so I've kind of smooth that down and there's a lot of pitting and holes on this area and right up here that I'd actually want to fill in so I ordered some Loctite metal putty and that should be in Monday so I'll go pick that up and I'm gonna fill this in with that metal putty and let it cure and then sand it down smooth to kind of make this area look nice and smooth this side of the vice you can tell there are right-handers because they didn't do much on the left side but so this side of the Vice is pretty good there was only a couple little bee bees in here matter of fact I missed one right there I still gotta get so I need to knock that out but very clean on this side right there and some of that original grinding and casting marks automat is like right here you see that's original ground grind marks from the factory right in here that's original so you know they weren't trying to make a showpiece out of this thing they were just trying to slick out the the the casting lines out of it but I'm gonna leave that just like that we just moved that area so anyway that's enough with that I just need to I want to get it cleaned we're gonna clean the inside of it out so I'm gonna use this stuff right here that a floor free degreaser works pretty good I'm just going to wipe it out all right the other parts are degrees than clean now so we're gonna I'm gonna do the same we're gonna get the wire will start wire brushing all this thing and get it down to bare metal got the got the main nut cleaned out pretty good that's a fully machine part right there and as far as the handle and the screw I'm almost certain that what I want to do here is cut one of the we're going to come down here to the end and cut one of the balls off so that I can remove the handle because I want to do a proper polish on this thing and get it really blinged up good and I want to build a good and laid with this and polish up the Acme thread and all the pipe draw marks that's been put on here by somebody else I don't understand why that why those were put in there like that but I want to clean those up make them look good and give the threads a nice polish a lot of cleaning to do on this face right here this is some more that weld spatter where somebody was you know welding all over the front of it so we're going to smooth all that out clean it up good [Music] [Music] that's the more of the bad arcing that somebody did dragon electrode across there what I've also noticed is that we have some initials right here that say W e and then there's also the 479 number that stamped here I found on the body what I what I think is going to be a serial number of 479 and then this one right there also says 479 pretty neat so this nicely machined area that's this doesn't get painted that's where it slides through the body of the vise there's got a lot of dings on there where it's been hit over the years and I'm just trying to get this completely flat again so this is a good time where I've been using my precision ground stones that Lance Balti give me and you can take I'm going to use the coarse side there and you can just lightly rub it and you can tell that it's not flat there so I got ridges all along there where it's been hit on the top and it's rolled that edge over but you can use this to kind of highlight it even up here there's some areas up there where where it's kind of in the working area of where the night the vise usually is right in here it's pretty flat alright but that's going to highlight the areas and now I'm gonna take a mil smooth file here and we're just going to work it back and forth so just very easily and lightly dress those high spots down this is draw filing by the way when you just be working it forward and backwards side to side motion there with the file and get it with the stone again and it really polishes that area that I've just filed and you can see where you're still high so you just keep doing that until you get this whole surface flat again and I think we got both the sides feeling pretty good still a little bit right in there where those letters are but I'm not worried about it because this isn't completely flat it's actually touching more on each side there but that's good we got the the high beams out of it the rolled over edges feels real good right there I'm gonna go back later and actually hand scotch-brite this to kind of brighten it all up make it look really good I want this area to kind of pop so I've already hit the bottom and it looks good it just had a couple little dings right there that I believe the stones are actually getting out themselves and it feels good all the way across the bottom of that thing once we're through with these things we'll go in there we'll we'll use wd-40 to kind of hone them well rub them together with some w4t that'll clean them out let's try it on this top and see what it does feel a lot of a lot of high spots I could see it marking them in there I'm gonna use my Norton blaze will on the top of that just to polish it out really when I was doing the draw filing somewhere in here somewhere in this area here one of these spots feels like a hard spot from like weld spatter and I don't want to ruin my file so we're just going to use the abrasive wheel to kind of clean it so this will kind of deburr it flatten out any high spots and brighten it up make it look at the same time I want to start getting the handle cleaned up so I'm gonna cut one of the balls off one end of this right there so I can remove it from the main screw and then to put it back together what we'll do is we'll thread both pieces we'll do some drilling and tapping or some threading the way I can put them back together but I want to get this polished up for a while so we'll use our metal devil saw here to make this cut it's got its nice set of V blocks in there that'll keep tubing and rod things like that perfectly square with the blade [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm going to use the lathe here to clean up the rest of this screw and I'll show you that the the thread itself the threaded rod is not true with the end of the the end of the handle this area here so apparently this was a two-piece deal that they installed the the thread into this in and you can see this is running out just a little bit from from this rod right there so I'm just going to be using some files and just kind of filing up the the edge right there and clean it up and then I'll flip it around and chuck it I'll chuck it right here and just turn it very slowly I'm going to use the wire wheel to clean this up here [Music] [Music] [Music] this end of it cleaned up really nice with the wire will that looks really good I'm happy with that so I'm gonna flip it around and have to chuck on the end of the screw here and the very end of the shaft and just really easily try to get the rest of those threads [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Abom79
Views: 160,578
Rating: 4.951807 out of 5
Keywords: abom79, reed, reed vise, reed 108, reed 109 vise, vise restoration, vise rebuilding, vise reconditioning, old tools, antique tools, vise, bench vise, machinist vise, old vise, big vise, blacksmith tools, anvil, machine shop, wire brush, tool restoration, precision ground flat stone
Id: cRq4Z3K0w4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 33sec (1953 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2019
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