Snowy Cabin STEP by STEP Acrylic Painting (ColorByFeliks)

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hey everyone welcome back thank you for tuning in always an awesome time being here with you guys today and I really do hope these tutorials and videos that I'm making are helpful and you guys are learning a lot from them or taking something from them it makes me happy so thank you guys for your encouragement and support and I really want to thank my patrons because I wouldn't continue this without their help they are the ones that you know keep keep these videos going so thank you guys so much for your support so as a way to give back to them I would like to do a giveaway and I do this often with them so if you want to check out and be a part of it check out the patreon page down below but here's the giveaway I have a basket full of names wonderful names up here and there's a bunch of lovely names and I don't I'm not looking so I don't know which name it will be but the winner is the winner is this person right here Karen thank you so much for support Karen congratulations you get to choose the price out of the options that are on my patreon page so congratulations again and thank you for your support now we are about to begin for the brushes we need these artist's loft brushes they come in a pack and I'll show you as we go and paint I'll show you which one I'm using these blending brush set right here this lovely fluffy fluffy ones we need of course a detailed brown double detail brush and any half an inch brush will do I have a flat number 8 brush right here if you want to link to these materials and brushes check it out down below I put it up so it could be easier for you guys let's go over the paint we need titanium white ultramarine blue cadmium yellow natural red light and carbon black we are using primary colors and black and white one today and then also if you have some paper towels right here to dry out your brushes you know after you dab them in the water jar dry them out like this and then of course any water jar to put your brushes in when you're not using it so they won't dry out because acrylics you know they dry fast as you know of course you need a palette knife and then palette of some sort and I think that's about it so let's start with what I do is I don't sketch out I just kind of place it where I want to be so I'm gonna probably have the cabin to be off centered a bit right here and then we want to start with the furthest distance that's how I always work and which is this guy so we're gonna get the sky and then we're gonna make this guy very simple and then we're gonna add the trees and then the cabin and then the snow and whatever is you know bushy stuff whatever is up close okay so let's grab our palette knife and what I've got here is a little bit of ultramarine blue and titanium white and then less ultramarine blue and then more titanium white so we want two shades and this will be our sky color so we're gonna mix our first one right about there and then our second one should be a bit lighter right about there so that will be our sky color doesn't have to be exactly the same but you know there you go we're gonna grab our number two fluffy brush right here and dab it in the water about halfway halfway there you go and then squeeze it out a little bit and we are ready to use this brush and so we're gonna start with the let's go with the lightest color let's grab our lightest color just put it all over your brush and then we're gonna have the sky be right about here remember how we did the sailboat we we're gonna have it covered most of this is gonna be covered with trees so would you say it'll end right here this guy so just cover this up putting our first layers right about there and as you get up you see my breast is starting to get a little you know it's starting to kind of it's a little harder to blend so what I do is I dab it lightly in the water again halfway lightly with my brush and continue on and it makes it run smoothly on the canvas so and then I had a question before figures on my last video tutorial people asked me if I spray on to my palate with water or anything to keep it from drying I I don't do that I mean I know some people do that actually and it works so you can try it out but I don't do that I just I just dab my brush into water and and it works nicely for me so you could try it either way see what works best for you so now I'm putting the second color right here and I'm starting from the top and carrying it downwards take all of it and land everything nicely from the top there you go and then this is the part where I will grab my bigger fluffy brush and blend everything nicely so that dick there could be a nice smooth transition here we are yeah damnit lightly not gonna go half weight but just slightly just a little bit just on the tip and then squeeze most of it out sometimes what helps is cuz you don't want too much water on your brush dry it out if you have to with a paper towel just so it could be a little damp you know we're gonna start blending from the bottom and carrying it upwards slightly pressing okay lightly pressing and swirling it and that blends very nicely easy and nice as you could see here we are this guy is pretty much done so now I'm gonna use a hair blow dryer to dry it out real quick there you go and the reason why I use the hair blow dryer to dry it out because it's actually easier to add more layers and adding layers without the background blending in with your new layer you know it does that and if you work that way and it works good for you awesome but I I I tried and I like it to have you know do one part let it dry and add more layers on top and then let it dry and then add more more it's easier to work with for me that way with acrylics oh and by the way this is a 16 by 20 inch canvas you can use any size can ways you'd like but that's what I'm using today alright so now let's add some tall trees snowy trees okay and what I got here is just carbon black but you know maybe two thumbnails and then a little bit of yellow and white and we're gonna mix that and they're still gonna be pretty dark but not pure black right there we're gonna use that as base as the base of the trees we're gonna go ahead and start drawing out where we want the trees to be first and here you can use any half an inch brush but I have this number 8 flat brush it's almost the same thing and I'm gonna dab it in the water and I dab dead in the water and what I do is then I grab the mix it with this black this I mean color right here that we mixed and then I'm going to add some trees so before I'm going to add the tree lines I'm gonna show you guys real quick where the cabin will be so I'm gonna have the cabin around probably about right here and I'm just drawing you to show you guys why it's gonna be okay not right there we're gonna change maybe the size and all that but don't worry about that now so now we're gonna add the trees okay and what I'd like to do is first I add doesn't have to be perfect and I'm gonna bring you down all the way maybe up to here okay and then my second will probably be right and below it like this Debbie my brush in the water so it can run smoothly and then this one I'm gonna make it oh it to the top bring you down and make it a bit thicker about right there and then just add as much trees as you'd like and this one is gonna be a bit right next to it right behind this cabin and then we're gonna have another tall one right here right there and just a few little ones in the back right there you can even have some in the back and now we're gonna use we're gonna add some branches and we're not gonna focus on the details we're just laying out the sketch first okay and so now we're gonna grab our detail brush and dab it in the water so could run smoothly on the canvas use the same color and we're gonna draw just really quickly where we want these branches to stick out okay just really quickly draw a little mustaches okay like that and they don't have to be even and as you obviously as you get you go down you want to make them bigger and longer okay right there and this is gonna be covered in snow here so a lot of its gonna be covered here so around there it doesn't have to be perfect and then the same thing here really quickly just so you can get an idea this is just a sketch real quick sketch I'm just constantly every time I move my brush I'm dabbing it in the water jar and mixing it with this color here and lightly pressing I'm not I'm barely touching the canvas so my brush runs lightly so it wouldn't because if you press too hard then it's gonna make thicker you know lines around right there and then this one and I know you guys are probably thinking wow where's she taking us with this this is very easy I can do this without a lesson but that's what you need to do sometimes to get to because it's all about layering right and you need to do this to get to a little you know the more details you add and you get to the final piece that's what it takes sometimes is what I'm trying to say right there Debbie my brush in the water you have this one behind really quick I'm gonna make these trees super fluffy so we're gonna do this a few times actually they just drawn really quick that there doesn't have to be perfect and you see what I'm doing I'm like you know how the branch is they there's a thicker one and then it goes in smaller and smaller and smaller you can do all that details but that's towards the end okay right now we're just adding a few details a few just quick sketches and then we'll add more tours as we get closer but this is almost like our base okay all right so now what we're gonna do is we're gonna add a bar we're gonna grab our this is like a half an inch artists loft brush it's rough here and any rough brush you have it doesn't have to be an artist's loft brush but I like these because they give an awesome like bushy effect you will see and I'm not gonna dab this brush in the water I'm just gonna go ahead and grab and work dry and what I'm doing is I'm dabbing my brush and I'm not grabbing a lot of this color that we mixed using the same color I'm just dabbing it like this and then lightly start from the tip and work your way down and this is where you add a little more detail and you just dab it you see how it like it makes blobs like this you almost want to minimize that so make sure it's kind of giving you like you see you can test it out right here on your pallet you you kind of want that you know where there's some texture going on and then just follow your branches a lot of this is going to be covered with snow as well since we're going to add snow but for now let's just work with one color at a time and just follow your branches maybe add some in the middle because some branches might fit it stick out at you so you want to add some in the middle and then maybe it makes some more extras and as you get down you could see this kind of white background helps to see how it would look if there was snow on on the trees so that's why it's kind of nice leaving your white but it's also a good idea to add some sort of base in a background right here but you know everyone works differently and bring it out and fade it out and as you get lower here maybe there's some fluffy ones right about here and we're gonna feed it out about here make it this darker that right there okay and basically do the same thing on all the trees yeah just you know do the same thing stir from the top and then just add your dab it and I'm dabbing it lightly we're gonna make these trees fluffy so the reason why I drew it like this it gives me an idea of where I should add the branches and that's why I like to kind of quickly sketch it out basically so yeah so then do the same thing you know add I'm gonna speed up this process real quick but it's the same technique same idea and so I'm gonna do that real quick you know I'm gonna grab my number two fluffy brush got the sketch down of the trees and I just rent I didn't rinse it out I just like squeeze the water out and so it's pretty wet and then I'm gonna grab lightly if a little bit of this black color or this color here and you could see I'm gonna work transparent and then I'm gonna just just blend you know up until this point right here okay maybe you can go a little bit higher right there just blend this lightly said dab it in the water so you won't blended or put in too much of the color because you want to work transparent some lightly pressing just want some of it's almost like acts like a base or something so I'm dabbing my brush in the water and going oh and then right you know I'm not going blending everywhere but just where I think it needs a little shade or shadows this area don't worry about you know getting into this house cuz we're gonna make it nicer keep doing that I would say about up to here since this is a bigger tree so I'm gonna grab a little bit and then since this is the bottom I'm gonna create like a little darker yeah you're right here and it's gonna go down same thing here just grab working transparent you move it up here how about like that don't worry about making it perfect this is just our base just our base guys I make this doctor here my brush in the water and then what I'm gonna do is I'm just kind of outlining where I want the snowy areas to be really quick okay so I'm outlining really quickly just the shadows so this will be the shadows and maybe some bushy areas will be here so I'm gonna add this color right here just working transparent about there and we're gonna obviously add more shape stuff on here but let's continue working on the trees okay lightly just with water cover this area you know perfect and stuff okay so now let's continue working on adding more details on our trees okay so what I got here is just pure titanium white and then a little bit of less to tenean white and altering blue and mix mix this one right here and we will go ahead and start adding our snow and these are two shades there's still snow but some are gonna be you know have the reflection of the sky or a shade darker you know how the snow is you could see a little bit of the blue in it okay right there so now we're gonna grab it let's grab an inch artists flat brush flat brush right here also the same brand you know rough right here but we're gonna use this brush and we're gonna start with adding and I'm not gonna I'm not gonna make my brush wet this light blue color that we have here and we're gonna start off by adding right on the top right here start off and what I'm not gonna cover everything but you know how the snow is it's uh and I'm lightly dabbing it okay I might be dabbing it and I'm adding on top of the some of these black areas okay instead of the the sky showing through and that's no this light of blue color again and some could be covering the front like this could be a little bigger you know and we're gonna add more details and as you could see I am working very gently here I don't want to cover a lot of this black so I'm just layering it okay so just lightly and this is the fun part because you can add this know where you want yours to be so here before I continue I'm gonna fill in this guy right here so I'm gonna dab it right there to lightly on top you know had some snow on this guy right here I don't want to leave that tree all hanging by itself without snow since that tree is more further back I'm going to you know draw in the snow first on the ones that are further back and then I'll continue with these closer trees so do the same thing using the same color and and and this is our first layers we're gonna go over in detail again but let's gently dab and you want to go with the snow you want to go further out you know you know we added the black you want to go a little further out you could see I'm gonna make your trees look fluffy and like they have a lot of snow maybe some areas maybe right here I'm gonna you know add more snow right right here and then it covers this and I believe some of the area's empty maybe maybe it doesn't cover everything maybe some of the snow fell off this tree but lately pressing and I will fade it out right there right about there right okay on to our next tree you see what I'm doing I'm almost using the corner of my brush and when I start from the tip and as I get lower I add I use more of the bigger side the the middle and the reason why is you know the branches on top are a little smaller and as you get closer and more to the bottom they become bigger you you so now I'm going to do the same thing but just go over with white just pure white you don't need to clean your brush but just um I want you know just add it on some areas maybe on the top you know on the top make it a little more fluffier if you want and just add it maybe on the edges and some in the middle right here just balance it out with the white we're gonna dry it out to create some depth here I'm gonna fade out these two trees just the ones that are in the back so these four trees and these two trees the ones that up close I'm going to leave them be that color but I'm gonna just grab my brushes damp and I'm just gonna work transparent kind of what I did here with what just white and some water and I'm just gonna fade it out fade this one out and don't worry about blending in all the way to the sky it's just white color so and you don't have to cover everything maybe some parts are gonna be pretty you know dark but I would try to fade it out right there just with white maybe even bring it up towards this carpet it's okay just white and water just bland this area Hey and then do the same thing on these trees so it's just slightly here this one's a bit closer so maybe you don't want to cover everything giving my brush in the water and grabbing more white and landing this guy yeah maybe just bringing it up towards the sky just feed it out so this is where you have the details and I'm gonna grab my half an inch or two soft brush right here and do the same thing with the white and just on the tip I start from the top and I just add just on some areas more detail to my tree and I'm drawing kind of like almost like a circular circular shape but not everywhere you don't want it to look everything similar you know what I mean make sure some are going down some snow branches go down and some go up and this is where you can add as much detail as you want just play around have fun once you're happy with your trees and then you might want to do that same idea but with a darker with a this darker color that we made for the first layer when we add it you might want to go over some of the areas if you'd like more like attention or you know on one part of the area of the tree so I'll call it good right there and let's go ahead and move to these guys just lightly add the snow see what I'm doing here I'm not covering everything I'm not covering the blacks I'm just putting it on top and you don't want it perfect you know some some can be sticking out a bit you know and then others could be a little more Messier I guess and as you get down you want them to be a little bigger okay like this is good right here right there okay so now you know you add as much why does you want on the trees and now do the same thing just on some areas create with this color that we made create just some more of the lines here maybe bigger down here shadows give me the ones here are little bigger darker as it gets up it fades away I'm not going to touch the background just the ones up here close I'm just gonna add a few more highlights here all right so now I'm gonna go over with my detail brush and dab it in the water and I'm gonna constantly do that and mix just with this black right here and we're gonna work transparent so I'm grabbing some more water and swirling it on my brush and then I'm what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go over some of these areas just outline them lightly I'm barely pressing it and just I don't mind some of these create some shapes you don't make your snow look more interesting and then you can also clean it out with your finger like fade it out drag it out that way it'll really smooth out and pop out nicely and as you could see I'm creating these awesome like highlights and it makes the I'm only gonna do it double the ones that are up close here okay so just keep that in mind [Music] and what I'm doing is I'm outlining the ones like just going over the top of the white and outlining the shape and following where it leads me okay that's what I'm doing see this one kind of goes down okay is just doing this night it separates from the ones further back and it makes it more like detailed and up-close you know as things gets closer you see more details and that's what we're doing just with a few of these trees the ones that are up close yeah there you go and then if I add it too much to no use white and transparently go over some of these so that they won't like pop out too much and look like unreal so just take it out with titanium white just a few of them but you could still see see and there you have it we will move on with the trees we are done and I think we're gonna continue and now add the snow in the background and then add the cabin all right so first of all we're gonna mix one shape ultramarine blue a little bit of that and white and mix that color and maybe grab a little bit of carbon black just a little bit just to touch on your palate knife so could still be a shade of blue but it has that touch up it almost looks gray that's the color we want and pure tooth anyway start off with adding just white and let's add the white let's make a bushy area right about here we're gonna create like like there's Bush and a lot of snow has been covering yet so we're gonna do just dab it on and right about there and then here we're gonna feed it out right there so we've got some snow here and then it's no going in there okay and then as we get closer here we're gonna use this blue you're just gonna add it right here it's like a almost like a shadow right about here remember we added this shadow here well we're gonna use that so water and this shade that we mixed and just blend it in about there Dan grab a little bit of black and just add it on here you feed it out there what we're gonna do is add a little bit of more here and man maybe add remember this area right here had this that we mixed I'm working with water transparent it out it's like almost like a hill in here and when I work transparent and we're gonna have the same idea these bushes are gonna be here so just add it by dabbing that randomly make and then you can fit it out here and now here I'm gonna grab my H brush because this is just pure white and we're just gonna have pure white and grab some water and white land everything in here up until the cabbage okay cover the empty areas with white and water right about there and now we can use our number eight - fluffy brush squeeze the water out and have use the paper towel if you need to drive it a little bit yeah we can just blend and I'm dabbing it and blending these colors in and I'm just blending everything yet right here just blend it all blend it with the white don't be afraid just planned it all and doesn't have to be perfect because we're gonna add some grass and stuff on there so and you'll see what I'm talking about something here blend this blue and carry it out up until the edge right here right about there in this part you know you can carried out let's just maybe black and a little bit of blue right here this parts gonna be dark you'll see and I'm working with water and lightly pressing not that hard okay right about there okay and now we're gonna add some bushes and stuff here real quick just with the black we're gonna grab water in black and draw some of the bushes here well maybe some bushes sticking out like this and just draw them where you want to be and I always am dabbing my brush in the water you lately dry out maybe somewhere sticking out like this and I'm randomly adding these little bushes here maybe there's one that goes all the way up maybe sticks dried out sticks okay that's what they are now I'm gonna grab my artists left brush half an inch and grab some of the black just pure black and on the bottom here just pull it upwards and on some of the areas where you have the branches you can actually even draw some of the lines kind of going down like little highlights or something and just add it randomly as a bush you know like right here and here just randomly like with black just pure bellick and right on the bottom where you're headed the branches just pull it upwards okay and once you have that we are we're able to add more layers again you can bring you down if you want create cool little Hills or whatever you want to call it all right and I'm working transparent so just to keep that in mind and maybe bring it down to this point right here and then draw lightly go into the cabin like this maybe there's some rocks and grass sticking out from some of these areas so just pull it upwards super easy you feed it out with your finger but let's call it good right here and then just do the same thing on the other side and do the same thing not everything but do the same thing with white cuz that's adding snow and use the detail brush and just go over on one side of the branches and outline them right next to it you know go all the way down use water and white and draw in your details on the branches snow I mean we're adding snow on these branches and have fun water and white it'll run smoothly on the canvas if you do that okay alright so now I'm gonna add my some of my bushes here and cover some of this some of them are a little too much so I'm gonna cover some up until this point just make it you know balance it out maybe add some snow fluff here maybe some here maybe something going in like this maybe some peer and feed it out let it come out here and and just blend everything yeah here like that alright cabin time let's get the cabin put in here and then we'll finish the details later so what I got here is black red yellow and blue and same thing here but I ended white and it's pretty much the same but this is gonna be a dark it's gonna be our almost like a base color okay right about there and then we're mixing our second color it should be pretty much the same but just lighter about right there I'm gonna add a little more yellow and white to this I want it to be a little more brighter than this one all right here we are and let's craps our number eight or a half an inch brush and let's grab our darkest color here and let's first draw out the shape it's gonna be very simple guys so we're gonna go straight down like this all the way up until this point and you could use masking tape if you want it perfectly straight you know what I mean and up to until this point I'm just eyeballing it right now about there sorry for the excessive noise guys the trash guys below us picking up trash right now but anyway yeah so I'm gonna draw out the shape all the way up until this right here and then here I'm gonna go in a little bit out and I'm gonna go in that way a little bit like this okay and come out a little bit okay and then here I'm going to drop down so I made it a little bigger as you could see mad about there okay we're gonna have a white cabin here and draw this down and I'm going to bring this down the way up until this point right here so like this and now I'm gonna have you know our window right about right here so I'm gonna just quickly draw it out so you guys can have an idea um window is gonna be right in here and then we're gonna continue on and then about this about right there a little more than halfway I'm gonna cut it up and draw it down and we're gonna have this door okay this door and then this is gonna continue on and there will be a little door here going in hitting there I'm gonna draw out of the lights first so about right there the shadows so I'm gonna draw and my darkest color drop everything yeah yeah everything yeah we're gonna cover it as our base okay this will be as our base and there will be a little window on top as well we're gonna add that later well let's cover first up until this point like this okay then as we get down we're gonna grab our lighter color because the light is shining on and it's a little brighter here that's why we mixed our lighter color right there maybe even going on going like that and just covered it around the window bring you down here okay same thing we're gonna use our lighter color and draw it right in here just cover everything with the lighter color first and don't worry about the bottom because we're gonna add branches and snow so it's gonna be mean mostly covered okay and so now that I've got my base down I'm gonna grab my number 8 fluffy brush and we'll clean it out and still damp I just like to blend it all in so you won't see the brushstrokes that much so it won't be too obvious you know like I'm barely I'm barely pressing I'm just trying to take away some of the brushstrokes okay but I like some of the texture that it gave me so I'm not gonna blend everything in okay right there so we got our base I'm gonna dry it out real quick now let's add the detail so I grab some yellow and white and just a touch of red and I'm gonna grab some of this leftover right here and mix it with it I just want a lighter shade that's all so we're gonna use this color right here the reason why I'm adding the red is because I wanted to look kind of a brownish color if I just add the yellow look kind of green which is fine but I want my cabin to look you know brownish so now I'm gonna add details okay so let's go grab our now half an inch clean it out and grab our lighter color and start adding the details so I'm gonna go ahead and add straight down you grab some water if you have to my trim of the window there and then maybe some wood Crossing like that while we were transparent you know cabin is rough the wood is rough so that's why it's important to work I'm barely pressing and some working transparent I'm going to add another wood here going down using the same color and remember this highlight right here we added drama continue drawing some wood here and draw a log until this point going down and another straight line down maybe a little interesting highlights there okay so this area you can see it's the shadows and then we're going to do the same thing here and add a straight line first here you see mine lines are not perfect but you know this is a sketch so that's okay and and highlight they're maybe going in like that and in here same thing and we're gonna draw little highlights right there it's like the wood is going in you know what I mean okay so now we're going to do the same thing here lightly faded out I'm dabbing my brush in the water and what can transparent and I'm gonna fade it out right there so now I'm gonna draw a little window here we always want a window on top doesn't have to be perfect because we're gonna go over with our detail brush okay so then you can go over and add a few more highlights on this side but I'm gonna draw this out a little longer make it more interesting same thing here all righty then and let's fill in this with just pure black it's filling up into about their water and black same thing here and with black I'm going to just go over some of these on top lightly some of these areas like this part up you can fade it out because the light is so dark here hitting this side that actually even add black right here we're gonna make this dark like the shadow is really you know covering this area and maybe add some lines here so my cover this black you know and draw out some minds and just go over and draw do the same thing but with black just go over and draw some lines get out it just makes your cabin pop out more so now with my detail brush I'm gonna go over and now that I have the base down that layout I'm gonna go over and like the did details on my word and with a lighter color so water and this lighter color and just add the details now the highlights just with white pure white we're gonna add some windows so let's add straight down right there okay and then one worried about there and then we're gonna just go across one there and let's put this one in the middle right there and we're gonna do the same thing on top just with water because you already have some white and a little window here there and we're gonna create a highlight so just add white on one side fade it out like this because we want this to be pretty you know pretty dark just like this leave it the way it is and then here we're gonna create some highlights right in here just pure white and then white will go down right in here too we want that window seal to stand out and maybe some you know go over and add some highlights the would again just with white and water just in some areas that'll really make your house come to life maybe right in here now we're gonna add more details and grab water and just black and let's attach this one up up until this point right here same thing here and cross it like that and same thing here and here that'll give it a 3d look and cover some of these areas where you added a little too much white maybe even what you can do is I like to do this is grab my afternoon charter soft brush and with a black just and cover some of the light areas right here so that the light is like hitting part of the window you know what I mean so right there same thing here cover this a bit just like that so that we can have a little bit of light shown as you can see I'm gonna add water and transparent like black just black and add it right here on the bottom and make this a little darker right here seating in here just cover it all myself with the darter because we want this side to be completely dark right right they're like you almost can't see the details at all that's right about there there's Yukon I think and maybe some blacks on the bottom this transparent black there you go and to finalize our cabin I'm gonna grab water and just pure yellow and we're transparent and then add just on some areas right here the light shining on our cabin you could see it starting to come to life the light is hitting it and it feels good for the cabin and just go over some of these may be too much they're just cleaning it out with your finger and we are good with the cabin we're gonna add some snow on top of our cabin okay it's not just gonna be plain so what I'm gonna do next is just with me Argentinean white we're going to add some snow so this part goes like this and then grab our half an inch brush and just on top right here make it as thick as you want just pure white and just maybe bring it down all the way up until this point want to make it pretty thick so I would say about right there have it come down you just lightly cover everything with no same thing here bring you down up to here and then I'm gonna also drag this out and actually bring the snow all the way down like it's on the side of the wall or something here okay and then just cover it up but just white and we're gonna add a little something special here so really easy describe any color maybe this dark color right here and we're gonna add a little chimney how about that like right about here and just bring it down up there and we're going to add snow on it so clean it up you can use the same brush and just add some snow on top like that there you go with my detail brush I'm gonna grab trend work transparent with water and a little bit of black and just add little like little lines here onto your snow actually space them out evenly because you wanted to see I did it too much here one here one here here just spacing out evenly your brush out and grab white and just fade it I fade it out so I could look faded right about there okay we'll be done with our cabin now let's finish adding a few more details in we'll call this painting good all right so now let's add using this dark color that we have mixed already let's add a little like full or something right about you know right here probably up until this point so how about like this little wooden pool here chilling by himself just draw it in maybe draw some grass or something next to it right there and then of course you want to add snow so clean your brush snow next to it so just pure white and adds on top like this and then maybe a little bit going down doesn't have to be perfect like that and then maybe it's there so snow here you just feed it out right there and now for our final touches what we're gonna do is we're gonna draw something so like continue on with this idea and we're gonna draw using this color with water grab our number half an inch or you could use a detail brush whatever you prefer and we're just gonna create some big bigger branches here okay maybe some branches here that are super big covering a little bit of the cabin okay we don't want our comment to be plain so make sure you have these interesting but she's here yeah maybe some go like this others go like that play around add as much as you want and since we're adding more here I'm just gonna dim some of this area with darker color but first let's just finish adding a few more right there and to make some of this dark round when I use the same right here same color and just just on some of these areas on the bottom here work transparent you know bring it upwards and I'm just gonna grab just white doesn't have to be perfect and add some fluffiness cover some of this cabin with some bushes or something just dab it maybe little rocks or something you know not everywhere just done some areas and once we have that we can add some white and we are almost done just white and same brush number eight flat brush with water and white and we're just gonna finalize it by adding some snow and maybe go over this guy again right there make sure your brush is thin and go over some of your do the same thing but with white okay go first go over maybe some of them and add as much as you want don't forget this guy and this guy make em look interesting and for the final touch I'm gonna had just add a fun little wire here maybe connecting me and here and it's going in and around right there we'll add another one how about that and we will add snow and we'll call it good I have to use our detail brush and just go over and add the snow just plain white snow just water and snow and white and that will go in here they'll be still here that should be good right there there you go alright guys I'll call it good for this painting you can add as much detail and go over as much as you want you know correcting it adding snow adding whatever you want on here and having fun with it I hope this was helpful please let me know down below what you thought and if this was helpful please be sure to subscribe and like and share and yes you guys next week for next week's tutorial and take care god bless
Channel: ColorByFeliks
Views: 248,935
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: STEP by STEP Snowy Cabin Acrylic Painting (ColorbyFeliks), ColorbyFeliks, art tutorial, art video, painting video, step by step, painting tutorial, painting for beginners, acrylic painting tutorial, snowy cabin, snow, cabin painting, how to paint a cabin, how to paint snow, acrylic painting techniques, art tips and tricks, step by step painting tutorial, how to paint with acrylics, easy art tutorials, easy painting
Id: wHEQ7Xba-C0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 7sec (6307 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 09 2018
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