SNEAKING Into Jake Paul Vs AnEsonGib FIGHT

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[Music] so what's your name I'm Nicole mallanna and I snuck into the can side the local pool fight twice which now has me banned wait how do you do this well I got an email youtuber nikola mono has been officially blacklisted from the Jake hall and Easton get by you to bring certain eagle mulana took to Twitter to announce he's been blacklisted from the Jake Palmer's give by Andy just figure something else out fitness event if you remember he did this at the Logan asi championship match are we supply that because van made the superior that idiots to work fly all that way to try get an event it's bad form I just want to know how board this company see mushroom got my name blacklisted from every single event during the fight so I needed to work out a way to get myself back on that guestlist I mean I'm good friends with Gabe I'm actually the only YouTube who's knocked him to the ground however he couldn't help me but luckily a mysterious YouTube but it doesn't use their real name online got me on that list under the name rain Syed it's a great name genius if I'm being honest there was no real reason for me to go to the fight the risk was far too high and it cost a lot of money for me to go to Miami it wouldn't make sense unless I was being paid or something branded country plugs we've only gone and secured a brand deal for our flights to Miami hadrian flux have sponsored this video and they're an insurance company that insure thousands of young and learner drivers all over the UK Adrian flux can ensure you on your own car or your parents car you don't discriminate and we're giving away some brand-new airports and a couple of NDL hoodies more information at the link in the description now now to prevent any risk we decided not to go to any of the events during the week because we were saving ourselves for fight night but it's fine though because the NBL still made our presence known so after a couple days off the grid the night before fight night came around it's the night before fight night and there's big news Joella has just sent me this voice [Music] you know so mad about that the fact they associate me with Joella they must have been looking at the intercom and on our YouTube channel and watching every single one of the videos cuz I made a video of Joe like two videos ago there's not a lot we can get from that one voice note I feel like maybe we've got a bit more information closely are you free for a 5-10 minute conversation all right so Josephine you can break down what happened last night there's no chance you're getting in probably like 15 blokes all just basically saying that Nick oh that suckin dick oh I just feel like there no this one they're gonna just beat this day you reckon I couldn't even get in the venue no these people are going to hurt you it's not even a joke anymore like they said that guy he's willing to snap his legs they said they said they all know your face they're all looking for you every single one of the security guards to aver if they know my face I guess I'm just gonna have to change my facebook so Joe confirmed it for me ringside is dead but smash the like button guys and subscribe every like and subscription is ten years of good luck in loving memory of ringside so I needed to let the public know it was over and to do that I made my first public appearance of the week it's fight day the end Yeller in the building Nikko how you doing mate nice to see you can we expect to see some out next tonight no antics will be happening tonight ringside is dead match room have banned me there is no way for room after you watch it from my hotel room it's impossible no one can pull it off literally I've been told if security you see me is amaz I'm sorry to the NDL watching right now ringside is dead I'm sorry despite a heavy doubt from members of the NBL it is with great regret that I do have to confirm the ringside is dead to ring Sayid they're live everywhere however we needed to make him an actual figure I want to look like a Saudi prince yes can you make that good look like no ringside Prince aid beside Saudi Arabia someone what's his name ringside he Prince of Saudi rim I'm a new man the Prince of the rain is born and they call him Sayid why would security lay a finger on me I could buy them ten times over looking like this no no no you've got budge me picture this man is security and guess what he can't even get close I'm fast a man you can't catch let's get on with this and speak into this match I needed to take my final form and disguise my face to full effect we go all out around here [Music] and we are done ringside I'm here oh my god you are muffin I'm a different man doesn't it come on is going he's no longer here Rick site is dead rings I eat okay so we're on route to the hotel to pick up the tickets now they are under the name rain Sayid unfortunately we have to throw away that max ID card so I'm literally gonna have to improvise and just get them to give me the ticket through awful oh my gosh pressure if this goes wrong it was all for nothing hello I was told my tickets for our event tonight yeah ring are Eng no no for the fight tonight are you going to watch I wish he's a [ __ ] and then don't say exactly I love that I love them have a nice day great day I can't believe that word oh my gosh what a VIP wristband and we've got our route into the location it's a beautiful day unfortunately though George won't be able to make it George gonna have to be in the event you and I'm gonna try and get you in during the fight work out what to do I was all set and ready to go somehow I got my clothes on the full VIP experience after being bad this is going to be my night and nothing will stop me no person on this earth that I fear no one who I might have had an encounter with in the previous histories what happened okay so I just found out something big Shannon Briggs is going to the event I can't shy away from it if I see it I will have to go up to it obviously Shannon has sent me a lot of serious threats it would make me feel phenomenal to break his jaw break his rage make him feel pain never felt but will go for it man you live by the sword you die by the sword I'm not gonna push you out of it now we're saying you're gonna back me up Shannon Briggs starts by George goodbye my friend good luck see you inside inside I man ringing sighs I really need this thought man I've got serious problems joining us News so he looked at the FA's yes excellent to the venue the people here high security to take master Security's in my life now George wasn't actually banned from the event but those voids of risk the security would be aware of his face but luckily he managed to Vanessa's way through well done George you rapped congratulations a ring Syed I hope you are doing your job your boy George made it in so I see you in here as well okay this is where we begin [Music] you just check in on you right Brinkley okay you're getting for less I was in the venue in front of all the security and they couldn't tell it was me but this was not enough I needed to get into the actual VIP section to prove the rank Sayid was worthy of his paper nurturing box we're on the upper level now what is the so you guys people excellent did I make it [Music] we made it in and everyone was gas [Music] yes I mean nice is your have would you look at that the greatest UK youtuber of all time a Titan amongst men a music genius the one and only rank Syed had bonded with this little kid ksi look am he's so inspired the only issue was it was clear I made myself into a spectacle because why would a Saudi prince be hanging around with a bunch of UK youtubers I had baited myself out this was the beginning of the end of mr. ring Saeed at this point I was waiting for the inevitable secure you taking me away listen operon esoterica there's no time for Shannon right now I have other things to deal with you another belladonna brother got it he goes out of the heroes we love you be gone sir I continue to film we see what happened got a whole crew here you boys after this on Wednesday he's number one I need all these credentials I need an ID from him you know and I need a photo of the ID if he doesn't have an ID I want to lock up because he's over 21 and you should have an ID on I don't have an ID it became clear that this was no light-hearted joke they wanted me arrested if I played to the zone security though that obviously very solid and they did treat me with respect not this guy no I wish I could say the same for him why would I think my glasses that's right you've been banned during the setting on your Instagram you don't you know now you're in violation now you get what do you mean Oh round of applause this security guy just committed theft which is an actual crime he took my phone and listened to this stupid excuse he bugged out you're not gonna use as I stood my ground for 10 minutes until they gave me my phone back they even brought the police and this was the end of rank Syed all right crazy stuff okay all right great I called up George and agreed to meet up with him to give him an update on what was going on you know is there nothing wrong he's just filming me what's up man you good imagine George gets kicked out as well [Applause] we parted ways and unfortunately the police would not leave me alone so I was forced to give them my identity so I could finally be free this is not a joke guys you can't mess around with the actual American police sir what that's it I've been kicked out and officially banned the night was over for me but at least George could enjoy the rest of the event in peace when I see them on the coastal fits the face-to-face [Applause] let's go tap George you say to me you said you'd back the babes what do you mean I'm function to run the clip back Wham you're gonna back your sack George I guess I'm gonna have to face mr. Briggs on my own thanks for a tune-up floods for sponsoring check them out in the description
Channel: Niko Omilana
Views: 11,602,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jake paul vs anesongib, jake paul, anesongib, ksi vs logan paul, ksi vs logan paul 2, ksi vs logan paul rematch, ksi, logan paul, ksi vs logan paul boxing, KSI Logan, KSI Logan Paul, Niko Omilana, Omilana, Keemstar, NDL, Sneaking, Sneaking In Niko
Id: S6o8ki0dsPg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 22sec (922 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 07 2020
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