How I Won The London Mayor Election

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👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/bckskahsjele 📅︎︎ Jun 05 2021 🗫︎ replies
londoners will head to the polls to elect our next mayor it's going to be quite a contest with the prize the most important job in london nico amalana is the youngest standing to be mayor youtube star nico youngest candidate independent candidate nico omillano should people be putting their vote to a youtuber who's 23 and maybe hasn't got as much experience of life as others this is a big big job in british politics a person who is elected will be managing a budget of more than 17 billion pounds a year what do you think about nicole milan is trying to become london mayor not got a chance what does he know about politics making politics a game realistically you're not going to win it is just grace that you're running for doesn't it just a bit of a joke this sort of [Music] so how about you go ahead and introduce yourself my name's nicole milana known internet troll and supreme leader of the nico defense league [Applause] [Music] the ndl is the nico defense league uh basically a few years ago i trolled a racist group called the english defense league you really are a schmuck i think and they took your teeth as well yeah they did which ended up getting me countless death words and one of their members told me that i'd never be as big as their group so we went ahead and made the neko defense league i've started the nico defense league join now and blew them out of the water and now me and the nbl just ran for london mayor i'm running for mayor of london you're looking at the future mayor of london vote for nico thank you for mayo [Music] so why are you running because young people aren't represented in politics why they're not voting is not feeling represented by politicians younger people don't turn out to vote young people are actually engaged with issues that they know about but politicians currently aren't engaging them i wanted to show that we can really make waves and shape things up in the political space and at the very least show the young people will go out and vote when they're really behind something and hopefully persuade these major parties to try harder to represent young people in future otherwise they're just proving that they're so who did you actually run against well there was a lot of people this was a record-breaking year more people ran this year for london mayor than ever before but let's start there's the top four parties let's call them the untouchables that's labour conservatives green party lib dems they all have huge funding and they've been established for many many years then i'd say there's the villains there's lawrence fox a man who had five million pounds in budget for his whole campaign and he's all around a questionable person there's brian rose who had billboards across london for months he couldn't go anywhere without seeing his face and he also drank his own urine and peter gammons the man who ran for the ukip party who have heavy links to racism within their ranks so a good bunch and anyone else well i've been ran and another youtuber as well and obviously me nicole milana did anybody think i could win no did anybody think i could make any waves at all definitely not history will have to be our guide here on whether any big breakthrough is likely back in 2016 the top five candidates the candidates from the top five parties got nearly 94 of the vote this is a really hard mould to crack there were 20 candidates in total and i was joint bottom favorite to win i think my odds were at like 500 to one so they really gave us no chance of getting anywhere and it became personal with me because little did they know we've been planning this for a very long time i didn't want to ever say it because i didn't know if he was going to say it but i actually knew he was going to run for mayor back then nico actually told us that he was going to run for prime minister no it was it was always met when did he tell us that because he's doing it now we were in miami it was a year ago obviously if i was going to do this i had to be myself and the best way to do that was launching the whole campaign in the most stupid way possible and the idea which i actually came up with was walking out in my announcement video in a suit jacket tech police bottoms an united shirt football boots and children's glasses while simultaneously saying i'm taking it extremely seriously yeah i know it's the best way but i had no idea how much it was going to take off no clue and after this social media went wild everyone was talking about it and the people were supporting me but somehow with all this attention we were getting on social media everyone tweeted out some of the biggest names in the uk no media were reaching out at all so we needed to figure out a way of getting that so i took advantage of the power the ndl have on social media and directed it directly towards the bbc um demanding an interview and i i did not leave i know i was there with you yeah we did we did not leave until we got it from one bbc to another make the right choice and interview me and surprise surprise we got the interview we bullied the bbc into interviewing us and we used that as an opportunity to launch the first point in our manifesto helen boris johnson shush we then got a london bus and turned it into a restaurant where we promoted the forefront project who helped steer young people away from christ we found my whole doppelganger and used them to prank the media and help launch our full manifesto which included deporting the edl shutting down any mcdonald's of a broken mcflurry machine and turning it into low rent housing freezing the river thames so people could ice skate over it and bring in the price of the freddo back down to 5p and now although the manifesto was a massive joke what we tried to do was have good heart behind the message of the manifesto solely standing up for issues that actually do need to be solved as well now as popular as the manifesto was on social media there were some people who actually ended up having issues with it freezing over the thames i think will it actually happen how do you have sort of superpowers no no i don't have superpowers but luckily some of my friends do so i am actually good friends with elsa from um frozen and she will freeze this attention how can voters take you seriously with those sorts of um claims realistically you're not going to win isn't it all just a bit of a joke no what would you say are the characteristics that make up an ndl member world domination hitler has similar ideas okay no the had issues with it and we made them crumble but i wanted this manifesto to be everywhere social media wasn't enough i wanted it to be on billboards now that just sounds like a stupid idea but somehow we managed to make it happen this is a big moment george first time on a billboard we gotta look out for it there it is right in front of us oh no way oh my gosh make transport free for under 18s and over 69s uni students included let's go nico for maya that's me and it was on billboard to billboard to billboard to billboard to billboard to billboard i don't even know how many billboards there were but um yeah and it was nuts i remember going to leicester square when i was just a kid and trying to be like all the youtubers at the time just trying to be like them basically trying to replicate their videos so it was nuts going to actual leicester square and being on a billboard just up there it was definitely like a life moment oh add a second eye to the london eye so it becomes the london eyes inspirational sound of the underground my friends on a billboard but we we took advantage of being there and we were trying to use that as a campaigning opportunity and speaking to the people i had a second eye to the london eye you're gonna vote for me are you on there right yeah yeah i've got your vote thank you oh yes oh gosh me i'm 39 39 yeah no it's it's the face scream i use thank you thank you thank you the billboards were sick but what really ended up blowing me away was all the people who went down to see them like the ndl came out in their masses like it was the first opportunity which i really gave the public to support the campaign and show their support um so seeing everyone sending in their videos it really was insane but we needed bigger and better ways to campaign to reach more people so how did you even do that well i never thought in my youtube career we'd be renting a boat is this our boat oh that's our vote we got a boat [Music] this campaign is ridiculous man this is dumb we did all of our campaigning to that point on the ground so it was only right to take it to the water and on the boat we had threados for 5p on the side so anyone seen it would have just been like what the hell is going on but yeah i know we got mariachi band as well just playing [Music] youtube channel theme which has been with me since i first started youtube we passed famous landmarks like parliament big ben big ben is currently being constructed into big ben clock a real bbc they're already making my changes happen this is what i like the london eye crazy to think when i'm there there's going to be two of these the london eye will become the london eyes so london has more vision and george was literally running around the whole city like like a madman out of breath trying to catch up with us we had people watching us on the bridges just looking at this huge boat let's go nico defense league that's what i'm saying pick up we're catching the people's eyes and i'll tell you why because we're giving them a message which they can connect to fredo prices are too expensive it's robbery daylight robbery how they've gone up so much and that's why we have to fix it and our final movement was uh going past city hall the place which i'd actually be crowned as mayor that's where the like results end up happening [Music] tonight it's the final furlong just four hours till londoners go to the polls the mayoral candidates make their final push for votes the more we campaigned in the the longer the election went on the more ridiculous things got like two guys turned up at the house with a whole painting of me like a mural i was thinking what the hell is this and if that's not crazy enough someone turned up with a customized car oh my gosh what is going on outside what and we weren't living real life man it was nice at this point heads were turning my odds went 10 times lower in the bookies and people were seeing me as a legitimate candidate which got us the opportunity to speak to itv news now obviously i was skeptical because i didn't know how they were going to portray me but at the same time it's itv you've almost got to talk to them so i had no choice but to double down nikola milana supreme leader of the nico defense league i'm gonna make you pay at 23 nico omalana is the youngest standing to be mayor i feel like someone had to stand up and tell the big man boris shush someone needs to do that and also someone needs to employ more police put him straight into the houses of parliament because that's where all the real criminals are should people be putting their vote to a youtuber who's 23 and maybe hasn't got as much experience of life as others yes because i'm the only honest one of the lot the one thing i needed itv to realize was i was the most serious candidate and i think i did that in two words two days left of campaigning can they get their message into two words creating equality restoring hope independent voice for vibes bang right there was my whole campaign marketing done those two words held so much power and that one face became a meaning at one point my whole twitter timeline changed their profile picture to my face instagram twitter youtube tick tock live mania was here but the campaign was coming to an end um the election day was coming so i took advantage of all that social media hype and used it as one final push to get the people to come out and vote for me my friends the election is upon us make sure you vote me nikomalana as your first choice option for london mayor tomorrow if you want good vibes in the city then i am the only person who can make it happen at 7 00 am tomorrow the polls will open in local elections across london and the home county polling stations have been open since seven o'clock this morning to choose the next mayor of london voting booze if you want to still go along will be open until 10 o'clock tonight see every other candidate definitely thought that because it was election day campaigning was over but no not us we were only just getting started [Music] we hired a whole chauffeur and brought out the ndl car some bright yellow vehicle we needed to be seen by as many people as possible they got my guy the people of london my people they want me as mayor you see that oh i love this game all right we're about to arrive polling station there it is it's time to go vote this is just doing my bit using the beauty that is democracy and voting for myself once i'm there we won't do it like this i'll just stay mayor forever it's called dictatorship george it's not every day you turn up to an election and you can vote for yourself and obviously i checked that box and made my vote count but during this whole campaign there was definitely an audience which i hadn't reached out to and this was my opportunity to capitalize on that what i plan on doing is turning london once a year into london and turning all the power off once a year in london oh you've lost me my that is the most idiotic thing it's not idiotic man no no it's not fantasyland wait wait okay one more one more point one more point give me one more chance i plan on building another london eye so it becomes the london me you've eyes me good luck serious man thank you rule number one of being a politician not everyone's gonna like you but when people don't want to listen all you have to do is talk louder vote nico please vote nico i love this game we had like a speaker attached to the outside of the vehicle and i just used that to scream our message through the streets of london last minute campaigning hey couple i'm talking to you i stand for builders you on the phone please vote nico today to be your london mayor that's right bye this is not real life a literal mayor candidate is going around campaigning in a bright yellow van screaming vote for a megaphone we then called up some old friends to really bring our message home stand for the national anthem please boys [Music] but this time i joined them bye-bye there we go we walked through leicester square and just 48 hours before this i was on a billboard there and now i was marching with my mexican brothers [Music] i love this song we were campaigning for the people for the public and all you have to do is talk to them to understand how little they actually feel represented by the political space london needs a new mayor to change things and work for the poor people as well as the people that's got money that's for the people not for himself exactly these gentlemen didn't you yeah nothing the gentleman seems like the right thank you man election day campaigning was sick but then i checked my phone and i was blown away so many different people from so many different backgrounds were all going out there voting for me leaving their houses to vote for me it's a whole different thing and yeah i just want to thank the youtube community the ndl and literally everyone who backed me who wanted me up there representing them yeah i'm i was just in shock i'm still in shock now oh yeah the whole thing was nuts [Music] everyone i looked there and everyone was taking pictures of me and stuff yeah i just felt vanica and then they're like showing them their phone is your name is crosstalk that's a loot it's actually nuts everyone's just flipping crosstalk no today it's been surreal man so sorry you're seeing everyone posting and stuff like that it's crazy the polls have now closed in the london mayoral election counting will begin in the morning but it could take days for the final result because of covert precautions voting stopped no more campaigning no more publicity stunts just to count [Music] polls of course closed at 10 p.m yesterday evening and the count for the london mayoral and assembly elections started at 7 this morning the results were expected over the weekend so they were trying to say that our votes were just being counted up and we'd have nothing to say about it we needed to go down there and that's exactly what we did yeah voting is done but we're now heading in to the polling stations where they're counting all of the votes let's head in and find out what's going on hello thank you thank you appreciate it how's the labour party and we're in we're in the halls all the votes are going on here they're all counting them up hopefully i'm taking an early lead here so many people were there counting votes you don't realize how much effort actually goes into these things until you actually run it was wild but also very boring so it was difficult to find a way to keep ourselves entertained i can see myself oh wow it's on vote nico big up we're going to win the whole election my friend you're not wearing a mask no i don't see a mask i can just see your mouth you're not wearing a mask oh wait i think i see the strings oh wait no it's just camouflage it's just the camouflage because it's splendid in did you get it because you're not wearing a mask it's camouflage there we go nice to meet you my friend okay thank you all these votes would be encountered but there was a screen at the front which was a live count of all of the votes and it had us beating peter gammons which was supposedly impossible it had us beating brian rose which was supposedly impossible but we were drawing with lawrence fox and from that moment the battle for fifth began now getting fifth place became my obsession because from the start breaking into the top five was marked impossible unheard of it couldn't be done back in 2016 the top five candidates the candidates from the top five parties got nearly 94 percent of the vote this is a really hard mold to crack and here we are battling for fifth place with a man who had five million pounds in backing how much money you got in the bank not you personally the party uh five million quid lawrence fox was easily the most controversial candidate of this whole mayoral election and something tells me he wouldn't want to lose to a youtuber wearing children's glasses especially as he doesn't actually think being a youtuber is a real job 6 p.m tonight where are your glasses tune in tonight i don't think i will because i've got an actual job but the more results that came in the closer it got at one point i was beating him nico omilana and seventy 4678 lawrence fox 1948 and then he was beating me lawrence fox five four six one vote nico milano two thousand four and it continued like that until the live count froze at 90 the election poll has been frozen with only a few constituencies left to announce and as it currently stands sadiq khan has won the london mayoral election this is the final update until the results are announced [Music] now the main story is in the capital and londoners are still waiting to find out who the city's mail will be the latest from officials here is that a winner will be announced tonight sometime after 8 30. okay it's election day it all ends here my friends it's time this is the thing which everything has been building up towards its results time baby everything we've been working towards was all for this and i was just proud of what we'd achieved together as young people like no matter what the ndl has taken over london in my eyes whatever the result was was just the icing on the cakes [Music] [Music] but the election was upon us i finally got to meet my fellow candidates started off proper nice the other candidates were showing me love and i even got to see big lad peter gammons from uk he'll take the picture we'll just celebrate your hell right here well you do it you're too great i do i'm much better than you my friend no much better but it was time for me to head into city hall have you met him before massive success no first time first time i'm about to play my victory as man yeah i found it great great experience loved it and lawrence fox was stood right there my competitor the guy who we were battling for fifth place with are you accepting defeat from the city to me i don't know have i been agreed but in reality i had no idea i was just going for blind confidence we then walked into the big city hall it was a lot bigger than i expected and the walk there took about three years we gave brian rose a good old bottle of tea which he seemed very happy with and in a room full of 20 candidates who'd been running against each other for the last few months you'd think there'd be tension but it was actually the opposite it was good vibes apart from one random lady who wasn't even running who went out of her way to attack me how can i take you seriously when you're wearing glasses like that and a face mask i feel like you don't really have the vibes very worrying what you're doing to young people what you do on social media you are not a figurehead for young people at all you are dangerous to young people and it is a disgrace that you're running for when there are serious candidate questions go off it's always nice to see a karen and she really thought she did something but i then chatted to peter gammons people like races my kids are mixed race and most of my friends but that's like oh my but that's like saying i'm not racist i've got black friends i've had a really intellectual conversation with sean bailey from the conservative party i race showed you on twitter what i race showed you on twitter yeah and discovered that the lib dem candidate louisa porritt actually voted for me [Music] [Laughter] what a world man yeah i'll see you maybe second preference yeah thank you very much but none of them had my respect more than one being i just want to say to you it's been nice seeing someone who we can actually take seriously in this election and like i like bikes yes yeah i know it is the ndl yeah yeah the ngl i mean it sounds quite scary yeah no it is i am a supreme leader after all i i wanted to say i thought you did a great campaign congratulations yeah same with you my friend one thing was for sure though loza fox did not like me welcome back what about my friend i think he likes me he likes me he's just probably thinking if he picks me his game over this game is burning it's burning i took that personally it made me start thinking ah you want to walk past and ignore me lawrence but i'm going to reduce your legacy to losing to a youtuber in children's glasses it gave me that extra motivation to win we have one more constituency to go city east everything was waiting on east london we needed a master class from them to take us to fifth place literally all we're waiting on now is one constituency we're naught point one percent behind lawrence fox the last constituency that we're waiting on is city and east so all i can do is hope that they bring it home take us to fifth please pressure's on we need fifth place and then the result came in they took us through the building where they were gonna announce the results i don't know what's gonna happen here i'm just waiting on the results man oh my gosh guys we've smashed the targets i can't believe it man isn't that we've shown that we can do it man you show what we can do when we team up the ndl is the greatest movement in the world vibes for life i won't lie i was nervous we put so much work into this whole campaign and it was all going to end right there in that room [Music] so i am now able to declare the results of the election of the mayor of london peter john gammons ukip 14 393 count bin face 24 775 brian benedict rose london real party 311. lawrence fox the reclaim party 47 634 nico omilana independent 49 hundred and twenty eight and we did it we did we came fifth place i was over the moon still i still am over the moon but uh yeah i was just doing stupid dances celebrating our victory east london was the final constituency and they did not let me down they got me 7 920 votes we came forth in the whole constituency beating a major party believe them in total 49 628 people went out there and voted for me as their first choice not even second choice almost 50 000 people that's crazy man honestly i'm so grateful to everyone who went out to vote and everyone who supported but yeah then the winner was announced i therefore declare sadiq amman khan elected as the mayor of london [Applause] obviously i'm not a sore loser even though i blatantly deserve to win and everyone could see it but congrats to sadiq khan for winning the mayoral election but poor lawrence fox was burning because he lost to me that poor man unlucky my friend congratulations to you thank you fifth place is mine well done my campaign please let's go let's go being real i didn't even know how to react but then i went outside and so many people were out there celebrating and the only reason this was even able to happen was because of everyone who got behind me we're all a team and this w belongs to every single person who supported our campaign in any way it belongs to us all absolutely crazy bro you're a youtuber and you come out on top five fam well done congratulations you're i'm just shocked flipping hell my guy listen we did it for the vibes that's all i want to say we did it for the vibe and we've engaged young people we show the young people who need to be represented let's go thank you my friend we came fifth people had millions of in budget in their campaigns and we beat all of them with the biggest independent party in london thank you everyone big up oh i'm on top of the moon man for an independent party to come out of nowhere and come fifth in a major election is unheard of but we did that we made it happen and i'm nothing without the people's support but together we've made a dent in politics and that's what we ran for there were 20 people in this election and we came fifth millions millions went into people's campaigns and we beat all of them the only people we didn't beat were the major parties that's nuts all i can say is thank you it's crazy man all i can say is thank you big up the ndl big up young people just in general and big up the vibes it was a big story a youtuber coming out of nowhere and coming fifth place many people wanted to be my first interview the bbc who originally refused to interview me in person had now hit me up and i just went full circle and refused to be interviewed by them we eventually chose itv who definitely embraced our campaign throughout so i trusted them to bring our final message home okay now the election's done we're now having an interview with itv to round everything up what an experience finally they were never expected to win the mayoral race but they caught the public's imagination and attention over the last few weeks youtube star nico omilana finished in fifth place the candidate who got the fifth highest number of votes is this man youtuber nico he earned nearly 50 000 votes making nico the most successful independent candidate what do you think that says about the state of politics in london at the moment i feel like that says that a lot of people don't feel represented and they felt like they could get behind my campaign because they feel just that that they aren't represented i ended the day the only four people we lost to were the four biggest parties in the country i hope that this changes the way that these major parties engage with young people in the future nico's political career has stalled before it's really begun with this bombshell announcement today it's time for me to retire goodbye thank you itv his dramatic exit only slightly shorter than his political career don't let her thanks appreciate itb sam holder itv news needed his coat i had to retire because believe it or not i'm not a politician but we always said we were running for young people which is why we made a platform where we could pass the baton on to the young leaders of tomorrow who are doing big things right now which was the best way we could end this whole thing when i looked back at this election obviously i was taking the mick out of the political system and yes i was trolling people but what really matters is so many people have connected with them [Music] [Applause] no matter how much people try no one can deny the impact which we've made when the ndl first started three years ago i never ever ever imagined we could be anywhere near this big from a prank video on a racist organization all the way to being the biggest independent party in london i can't even put it into words in an election where so many people ran the candidate who made the biggest impact is someone who ran for vibes and young people i don't care what anyone says that's so elite and i'm so happy to leave the political world with that as my legacy [Music] well what a journey and i'm so excited for what's next so make sure you guys subscribe to join the nbl and look what i'm wearing right now the brand new ndl hoodies and if you think this is good wait till you see the back we've taken over london so yeah that's coming very soon make sure you follow my social medias for that one and i hope you guys enjoy big up peace out honestly i'm living my dream
Channel: Niko Omilana
Views: 6,328,140
Rating: 4.9495816 out of 5
Keywords: Niko For Mayor, NDL, London Mayor, I Ran For Mayor, Documentary, Niko Documentary, Niko Omilana, Niko
Id: w6OJl42Ntko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 41sec (2081 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 02 2021
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