I ARRESTED My Best Friend

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meet george my best friend and partner in crime he's the cameraman and editor of the nicole milano channel but this video is all about him because we're going to be buying him his favorite car an audi a5 and i've been recording our conversations about the car in secret wait so what card you want i'm looking at certain a5 models the a5 is near 30. so it's kind of like it's a bit of a stretch um i love the look like just the style of it every time i used to release the game for that young guy which is pretty audience but today it will finally be his but we don't do anything simple on this channel he's gonna have to go through hell to reach the light at the end of the tunnel because george is getting arrested and not just a simple police arrest you usually see on youtube george will be arrested they're taken to a real police station to get interrogated how have i done this well i hired an abandoned police station and gathered a whole set designing team to completely refurbish it and hired actors to prank him as well this is the george prank but before we get into it please smash the like button and subscribe if you haven't already this is the most expensive video i've ever made today and a like really makes me know that you guys are enjoying the videos so please like it thank you see george thinks it's just a normal day of filming it's checking the microphone i don't know yeah you hear me on the mic george is a [ __ ] yeah okay um and because this prank was going to go wrong i needed something that meant i wouldn't be able to be identified by our fake police but george would be so i decided on a mask to cover my face but i told george i needed it for a disguise so we need to get vegan mints and as you can imagine it is a giant burger which means we need a lot of mints however i cannot go to tesco as myself as i am a famous superstar so what i need is a disguise well i'm a famous superstar they don't see me when they see you there's the people so i put the mask on and we headed into tesco see he thinks we're going to be filming prank content where i say something inappropriate and then say something else and blame it on my face mask no problem no clock to me what's the crazy but he didn't know it was going to go very very wrong see if george was going to believe that the prank had actually gone wrong and needed someone to completely overreact so effectively i needed a carrot and that's exactly who i found an actor who was going to freak out so much that george would think she'd gone to tell security sorry questioning what did you say i said uh why is that to me commencement [Music] talking to our two fake on patrol police officers and they all seem to take the job very seriously because even though george was inside they were still talking about what happened like it actually happened he was a white person was he yeah white person tall wearing sunglasses you have to write how seriously they're taking it but george ended up getting so paranoid in store which led to the perfect opportunity for me to take off my mask you see if she's standing up she didn't yeah it's right to vote what we're gonna do then i took my mask off so that when we saw the police outside karen could identify george but she wouldn't be able to identify me because i'm not a bald man with glasses which meant in george's eyes the police only cared about him and i bust case because i took off a stupid mask excuse me sir you might come with us over here please sir come to please help you sir sorry what's the problem are you with this chap yeah he's my he's my friend we've had an incident a young lady is reporting you're taking pictures in there or people harassing them he does no no no no harassing anybody no we've had a report we've got a lady here he's been with me so why is there a report the lady just pointed you out she's now going down to the police station to give a full report fantastic okay right now you've been arresting and taking pictures of people and uh someone else in there with a ball head who's asking them to give them a kiss what i'm going to ask you to do now is i'll come down the station with me no no you've got no obligations either excuse me sir no he's with me you can you thought yeah are you willing to come down to the fish house he doesn't have to right you know i'm going to officially arrest you if you do not officially suspicion of harassment you don't say anything but it may they harm your defense anything you do so you may be using everything wait wait wait wait wait wait stop stop sir take this off what's the reason can you take this person away please and if you want to be arrested as well i suggest you move do not struggle because these cups will hurt you i'm not struggling i'm not struggling i'm not a resistance that's like what's your name what's your name sergeant philippe taylor is a council guys literally you're getting him confused with someone else i'm not doing anything aggressive i feel like i should generally go this is generally a joke all right this is actually seriously sorry i'm i'm really confused how does this make sense you can't talk to me can you i don't understand can you can you not over thought to me like actually explain what's happening because i don't really understand why i've been arrested because a woman said i did something when you have no sort of she called the police she called the police and said what though about harassed her you were filming her and trying to kiss her no i don't have an idea on me by the way i've got the wallet we will see all that at the station sir my risk for hurting well then you should have come to me quite interesting you're on camera on all the cameras that's fine anything you do say we use the evidence against you so i suggest you say no more you put your seatbelt on constable yeah yes can you put your seatbelt on for you please as if george's day wasn't bad enough as it is all he wanted was a quick trip to the police station but instead the police lady then struggled to put the belt on him for a whole minute when we get to the station we'll book you in there yeah and then we'll take a full statement there i don't think i can yeah so i can't even build it up fantastic so my wrists are killing me the tighter towel and i can't move but i can't even have a belt on the back of the car what is this so you should have come quietly to the station i asked you to i didn't resist at all i was so i was so compliant with you what's your name please i'll just wait till we get there my name is george george george what george george just george wise while george was having the worst time of his life in the car i was already halfway to the station loving life that was incredible but george right now he's bugging out it's so ridiculous he thinks it's a joke but i'm telling you as you can probably see he's terrifying was that the person who was with you in the in a supermarket he was with you in the supermarket was he doing harassing people was he we were buying mints then i went into the station and got set up in a specific room because i was gonna hear and see everything george said and did through the three cctv cameras which we had ready standing at the other line we had adoptees sir okay yeah that's fine okay thank you see you tomorrow morning thank you goodbye we've had one george wise right does the lady come in to uh give her a report not as yet no i'm going to take the cuffs off you now please sorry so do you have any any anything with you at all any id no i've got nothing right now nothing at all any keys i've got notes here okay if you could put those into that bag please okay i'll take the phone as well they then collected george's details then escorted him through into the interrogation room where they took his picture so ladies and gentlemen this is big george's mug shot this right here is my favorite picture ever george my friend i'm never gonna let you live this down and if you look very closely you can see me living rent-free in george's head for the rest of time he's just staring at a whole piece gone he's got he's gone he's gone sorry keep yourself right the young lady is here she has given a statement against you one second yeah you're gonna speak with somebody else i prefer oh you can't speak to another officer couldn't why why would you want to speak to another officer i don't understand why you've been aggressive sir i asked you if you want to come quietly and you didn't want to come yeah i didn't i asked you all right right you're going to be recorded i'm going to be recording when i press this play here yeah okay officers present constable gears and sergeant keely interviewing george wise george weiss he's been arrested for harassment in a supermarket taking photographs and asking people to kiss them is this true no i didn't ask anyone to kiss me or apparently a young lady i've just looked i just did see her statement what she's given so far i'm saying this ain't working properly [Music] have you ever been known by any other names [ __ ] what's the address lisa that's my location he's terrified george i just want to say i'm sorry i'm sorry for putting you through this you have to go through it with that being said let's up the stakes a little bit harassment is a serious serious offense right harassment it's a serious offense in united kingdom we treat this very very seriously that's fine he's terrified i'm going to go and speak to the lady in christian now and we're backing about well as long as it takes the toilet now this was actually a complete lie because this was an abandoned police station george wasn't allowed to go to the toilet as it would ruin the whole prank so george you're just gonna have to sit there desperately holding it in whilst also terrified oh my god now now i'm convinced this isn't tight so if it is a prank um [Music] you're nuts this isn't this a prank i can't live comfortably ever again because i have no idea what's really what's faith my perception of reality is gone what you need to do is you need to start asking about the person with the mask so if you lie i don't know who that man is say what we've seen in the footage and we have prison to believe that it's me oh my gosh you think you can put your hood up in my house i was never gonna let that run tell him to take his honey down you can't hide from me george sorry sir can you take your hood off please yeah yeah we have problems with the heating at the moment [Music] if you're looking at the camera footage apparently we're looking for someone with a glasses and bald head which he was filming yeah is that the person who was outside this yeah yeah that was him was it yeah he stitched on me arrest him my so-called friend who i've grown up with built a career with has stitched on me at the first opportunity what have i ever done wrong to you george i've only been nice to you that car's getting smashed up you can forget about that now what is his name his name his name's nicholas oh and my name as well i might as well just murder your family next that'll teach you not to snitch all right that's the person now look this is a serious offense yeah it was that person the lady has said the tall person with glasses and bald head yeah it doesn't seem like it was him to me so was he in some sort of disguise um yeah ah again this was a prank to show your loyalty now i'm gonna spit on your grave you're no friend of mine george wise let's see how you get yourself out of this because you know he's going to be under arrest when he gets here but what for for what charles though he's going to be harassment these ladies made a statement against him but what's what i don't think that's harassment oh now you're just trying to back me this is the brother i've always known i never doubted you for a second george keep defending me for no reason because it's all a prank lol so he'll be arrested he'll be arrested yes for but you have no no sort of proof of it we have all the proof on the camera sir all right so his first name is wait hold on so can you not i can just just call him he doesn't tell me that's my guy even though he's already done it he doesn't realize his stuff i'll get the phone i'll get the phone he can think you're calling the archers and say yeah he said he's gonna come down to the station all right is this your phone sir i do not wish you to call him the phone and give us his phone number so i can go and call him you've got his phone number sir nicholas right we're going to give this person a call now all right come on leave that's a little bit let's find this person right here please you think he'll come down uh yeah if he doesn't what happens we're going to keep you under arrest you are on the rest for suspicion at the moment you just said that it's not me i know sir but you're the only person we've got in the statement at the moment we've taken the picture so hopefully he's going to come down and release you don't make me tell you again so can you put your hood down please sir i'm not telling you again okay i'm just cold i know real cold sir on camera you can't wear a hood say i'm coming down to the station once i arrive at the station he'll be free to leave so then give him that contract once he signs the contract he signs his life away from me and the car is hit right now we spoke to um nikki he's coming here now we will need to sign your statement that you've named him in a minute i just said you took his name but i just told you what you told him okay so you've told us he's a suspect thank you very much sir well done easy job and you can go home you would have arrested me on no ground so that's a fine service right so we didn't want to arrest you yo this policeman's just making up the rules if he goes along please ladies and gentlemen take a moment to appreciate george's pain he spent an hour in a police station for something he didn't even do for a police officer to say thank you very much for dobbing his friend in when he didn't even do that poor george it's only gonna get worse now because in this contract it says in small writing that he is signing his life away to me in exchange for his audi a5 let's see if george will read a very important police document this is the big finale people this time george fills in the form we bring your belongings the camera's evidence will be keeping the camera but i need to i need to check this check this form which i filled in you're going to sign it nico is now in the building he's been arrested now you're going free all right what i need you to do what does that mean the sign under here okay what does that mean to him all right he's getting arrested so there's nothing to do with you now are you inside here do you want to take all your stuff listen sir you'll find out in a minute sign this piece sir oh poor george is trying to save me she's trying to save i can't be saved because i've created this whole thing it's all a prank it's not real can't be saved from something that's not real am i signing all right just please sign this information this is your information you've given us about you yeah this correctly something is wrong this whole prank could be over if george uses his eyes surely he's going to read a police legal document surely just please sign and sign underneath my signature look at the contract he didn't even look so he just signed something didn't check it out otherwise he would have seen he would have seen that i own him now this is your stuff here obviously we're keeping the camera for now it is used as evidence so i'm going to come and take you to the door to me now it's time for the big finale i'm going to come in after all that he's done sorry george he wants to say something to you before you leave you're allowing him speaking we are alone speak to your fully i think i've got a nicholas here that's how you're arresting me it wasn't even us it was literally so we've already got this we all got coming forward so what happens now what you're unloading i'm no i'm not this this man is as uh named as the the culprit i gave his name i said [Music] [Music] we've got your full name and phone number you usually even give us a picture of seeing the phone on the phone what what you're all these pictures on the phone i've seen it you showed me the pictures on his phone and your phone you've been playing that completely you've gone through the camera you've already you've been through it all you just said but japanese is in disguise i didn't know it was him you named him i said no i mean you saw the guy in the car park and you said with me so we're getting down here how could you take could you two please take you out of here oh look at this great acting give me an oscar but it was time to finally put george out of his misery and give him his nice coffee okay all right um just look under your chair this is a joke look under your chest yeah this is a joke face yeah no your eyes are joking now you're joking this is actually i'm not [Music] there's no way i can't do this i can't do this anymore [Music] i'm [Applause] you were horrible to me for no reason did i not play my part well very convincing was it let me introduce you to andreina hi martin and chris we then introduced him to the set designers set design wait this isn't fully police station and then introduced him to the rest of the team what have you been doing how have you done all this what the hell is it all the prank big george yeah the audi is not real either i just the fact that i'm now out of this situation is making me happy wait is that actually you wanna go outside not joking you're actually joking outside yeah let's go let's go that's the real prank oh my god you're you're actually no you're not no there's no way you can't no i'm serious no you can't be serious man is that a joke i don't know what to say man i actually know what to say are you is this sir is this real serious it's real oh my life is what i don't get it i don't get it i don't get it i don't get it i'm sorry i'm giving like the most dead reaction here but i just can't process what's actually happening it's actually mine this is yours [Music] [Laughter] i can't give round the pizza delivery to everybody and not give you your oh my god it's actually beautiful it's everything it's literally perfect the whole that that oh my god man thank you man i i would not be in the position which we're in right now without you so i just want to say big ups for you and you deserve this 100 you're actually nuts you're nuts [Music] you
Channel: Niko Omilana
Views: 2,294,998
Rating: 4.9880981 out of 5
Keywords: prank, best friend prank, niko omilana, niko, surprising with a car, NDL
Id: f5pLvhrBBwQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 59sec (1259 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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