Sneaking Into A Giant CANDY STORE for 24 Hours - Rebecca Zamolo

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zambia we are sneaking into a giant candy store right now look the store owner is coming out right now get down remember we have to get in before the door closes the door's closing go go go whoa this place is giant zapiem we did it we just snuck into a giant candy store that we get to spend the next 24 hours in this giant candy store is so cool and sweet this is my dream come true since we just snuck into a giant candy store what's the first thing that we should do get candy okay you guys one minute to get whatever candy you want are you guys ready wait what is that it's a pillowcase i mean this isn't my first rodeo if i'm collecting giant candy i gotta fill it up just like halloween time starts now [Music] yogurt covered oreo i cannot believe we get to spend 24 hours in the candy shop this is awesome white chocolate breakup pop rocks ew airheads i'll get this for maddie perfect candy for her reese's pieces oh my gosh zamfam we can get all the candy we want we have the whole place to ourselves blue raspberry grape orange are your favorite blue watermelon there's so much candy safe him look at all of this this is my favorite sour belts oh my gosh it's a whole table full of them you know what all of these are gonna fit inside my hoodie if you haven't gotten a hoodie from you probably should just in case you're gonna be inside of a candy store for 24 hours let's get as much as we can how could i forget a giant skittles oh man i gotta keep going go go go go the only time i'm okay with being a giant nerd so glad i brought this pillowcase i am so happy right now mini races no way giant reese's for sure i mean uh this one's more giant gummy bear pop rock candy candy necklace might wear that later harry potter yes i've always wanted to try one of these look at this three two one okay what candy did everyone get look guys i think i got the most candies i got a whole handful no i got way more look at all these gummy bears oh i got everything in this hand puts everything inside of this say that's a lot of candy i won obviously oh except this whoa look at all the stuff i got i might have went a little bit overboard but you guys we have this giant candy store to ourselves for the next 24 hours damn you guys know the game master gave us a cassette tape with coordinates to this location which is it's sugar now we need to find a cassette player to play the tape what's the cassette player maddie it's a giant rectangular thing that you know what you'll know when you see it but we need to find it okay matt yeah we need to find it but we have 24 hours in a giant candy store i mean we might as well have fun and take advantage of it right damn fam no rebecca this is serious we gotta find that cassette tape player yes of course we'll find that cassette tape but first i have an idea you guys want to win some candy rebecca what is that okay just come down here so i thought we would start with a card game to win candy great what are we playing fight card hold him what's the stakes blackjack rummy what's the buy-in maybe solitaire uh actually i was just thinking highest card went okay so basically war yes so the way this works is we'll flip our card highest card wins and gets to pick a candy from the lowest cards ready three two one one right back up i get more candy oh matt these look pretty good i mean you've been eating them the whole time i think i'll get these i am drawing this time so someone doesn't cheat what i didn't cheat i already have enough candy i don't need to take your guys's butt i'm kind of glad i got meds highest card wins three two one joker joker won and that means that i lost i have the lowest card get that candy get that i'm gonna have to go there [Music] no way no way that that's not even your candy that's mine i know i know i just got super excited so okay one more round and then we need to have some food i'm kind of hungry why does maddy get the deal again because i don't cheat ready three two one time i know what i'm taking girls through what taking back my giant recess two candies for me i'll take the airhead fatty i picked those for you on purpose i knew you'd take those anyways now that we have some candy i thought that it would be good to have a meal here so we each get to go and pick our favorite meal here in this giant candy store it could be a candy breakfast a candy lunch a candy dinner whatever you want for your meal i also have a big surprise for you guys at the end of this after we're done with the 24 hour challenge in this candy store we get to do a gift exchange where we get to pick out a gift for everyone else here anything you want do you promise yeah i promise you guys just trust me just stick around time starts now get your candy zam fam my favorite meal is obviously breakfast i'm gonna go with some cereal now do i want some sour worms do i want some gummy bear you guys marshmallow mania you guys know lucky charm this is everything but the unlucky part it's only the marshmallows this is the best breakfast ever look at all these international snacks japanese snack pack look they have a candy taco i get to have candy for dinner this is a dream come true i could do a giant shork i could do a watermelon which is delicious or i could go with the gummy slices do an audible burger does everyone have their meal hamburger man i feel pretty good about it too it was more of a taco tuesday for me traditional japanese noodles and sushi well i went with some cereal and then i found they had some nesquik which is perfect again i needed some milk for my marshmallow cereal this is just the marshmallow there's no like cheerio thing my mom would kill me if she watched this video so uh hopefully mom you're not watching are you saying that your mom's the imposter mom is the impossible she definitely did not let me have this much sweets growing up i'll tell you that so we are about to do a food challenge but first you guys are voting who has the best meal is it matt is it me is it maddie or is it rick noah comment below if you could have your dream meal in a candy store what would it be okay are you guys ready yes i'll be quiet so we can listen to this asmr of this yeah oh okay [Applause] oh my god i'll be honest it just made me not hungry that was a big bite of marshmallows weirdly satisfying though so we are doing the candy food challenge the way this works is you have 30 seconds eat as much of your meal as you can and the winner of the challenge will get to pick what we do next in this giant candy store why are you talking so fast it's like you ate a bunch of sugar already what on your marks get how did you eat that giant burger you ate that in like 10 seconds when you give me a challenge i'm gonna accept and i'm gonna win okay well i guess since matt was the winner he gets to decide what we do next i'm gonna do the one thing that nobody expects me to do what fashion show we get three minutes right now to stretch before we start let's do it stretch before a fashion show i don't understand i don't know but i feel a little bit sick i ate a lot of marshmallows that was a lot of sugar rebecca by the way have you heard from paige no have you maybe we can check calling her right now calling paige i mean we haven't really talked to her since the tent when we de-hypnotized her i hope she's pleased with your message wait it just went to voicemail well maybe she's busy you know what we'll call her later okay matt we're ready so you guys probably haven't seen it but i have seen a couple youtubers sneak into a candy store i saw unspeakable my friend chloe couture and alexis rivera but she did a fashion show i have no idea you probably haven't seen it have you no i haven't seen that video at all rebecca okay then i'm not gonna say anything at all let's just say that you did a fashion show and i'm curious to see what you'll do so what do you want to do for your fashion show for this fashion show now that we're all stressed out whoever finds the most unique and awesome costume wins what happens if you lose you have to go outside and show it to everybody so you have to wear your outfit in public yeah that'll be the worst all right all right why don't you get a head start really quickly yeah i'm gonna look around a little bit you guys i saw alexa rivera's video and the guy that lost were a bikini and he had to go out in public i say we try to rig it so matt ends up wearing that bikini just cover any items so he can't get him just get him to the back corner i saw the bikini by the nerd okay okay okay zamfam i am definitely winning this fashion show with candy necklaces but matt is going to lose we are going to prank him and he is going to lose and have to go out in public but while we're getting our outfits for the fashion show we obviously still need to be looking for that cassette tape player where in this candy store do you think it is these i can wrap around me like a sash you guys this is perfect for the fashion show hey mac no i'm using these you can't use my stuff get out of here i really hope he puts on that tv okay same thing while i'm finding my accessories to use for the fashion show we're supposed to be looking for the cassette player but what does that even look like i mean is it no it can't be that box maybe it's like in the water bottle i don't know comment down below if you know what a cassette player looks like wait a beanie i can work with this okay sour patch eddie this looks like some good socks i think your area might actually be right back there with the sour patch socks it's an accessory like fan myself off look at these socks right here these are gonna look so good on you i already picked those those are mine this is the last section of the whole candy store it's the only place they haven't taken over how's it going now with the fashion show yeah i'll be honest it's not going great i'm looking for the right outfit and i can't find anything matt look at this i saw someone wear this in another video and they want their fashion show so you might have a good chance of winning if you do they might not beat me but might help your chances wait they won in the other video he's changing in the backseat i hope it worked all right sam fam i have the most amazing outfit this is a sure shot winner if i wear this i'm going to win this fashion show and there's no stopping me whoa looks like the same outfits that the candy store owner wore i shouldn't wear those give me a thumbs up if you think that i'm going to win this welcome to the it's sugar candy shop fashion show 2021 [Music] oops sorry about that damn fam for my outfit today for this fashion show i thought that it would obviously accessorize with a giant lollipop i have a candy necklace because you know you get hungry when you're at a fashion show you can eat while you're doing a fashion show and then look at this skirt i'm in hawaii at a luau but i'm in a candy store and most importantly this is the new limited edition valentine's day zamfam shirt right here so if you guys want it link is in the description you guys but this definitely means that i should win this fashion show [Music] all right so for my outfit i have a sour patch beanie an oreo bag and for a little bit of bling a ring pop oh and how can i forget i'm in my limited edition zamfam valentine's day t-shirt aren't these so cute i would have to say they're really cute look we're twinning yeah we're definitely winning this fashion show [Music] oh no cover up for my outfit zamfam i went with the reese's 2021 leisure collection in both argyle and striped socks along with the traditional all green rick noah material but let's not forget on those hot days you want to fan off you've got this this is my backup if it's a really hot day damn comment below if you saw that big fail i mean it wasn't a fail it was a fail i look good though right daddy no damn family do you think matt is actually going to be wearing the outfit that i picked for him hopefully i convinced him and he thinks that he's actually going gonna win the fashion show with this outfit then he's gonna have to go in public cause we're all gonna vote for him too loose matt are you ready yeah are you ready yeah we're ready here we go the reason why i chose this outfit is because little birdie might have told me that you could win every single contest if you wear one of these also if you ever get trapped somewhere for 24 hours this outfit is completely edible let's just say you're gonna have a sweet day well now that we have done our fashion show in this candy store i think we should start with voting for the loser right good idea let's just get that out of the way and don't forget guys the loser has to go out in public in their outfit we can't forget we definitely won't forget all right it's gonna be the worst for you guys if you vote maddie as the word raise your hand zero if you vote rick noah's outfit as the loser raise your hand oh yeah i'm just saying man it's terrible it's a terrible outfit you don't even have anything off if you vote me as the worst outfit nobody i guess last but not least if you vote matt has we don't need the worst we don't need to do this three two one matt is going out in public in your elbow oh yeah man you're gonna make all the ladies out there spoon over here whatever that word that's what i'm worried about they should all know i'm married they're gonna be all over you with that candy swimsuit on i know rebecca you probably should not watch this okay i'll let them know i'll be like i'm marrying okay guys walk away oh no i'm uh definitely filming this no wait no no no you don't need to film it yeah i'll be back in flight okay i'll be back no no i need my phone wait wait matt before you go outside we have to do a quick tick tock or the vip app okay just a fashion show for them i look great by the way [Music] okay vips make sure to go to the app and watch that tick tock it's pretty cringy okay how long do i have to be out there for as long as it takes for you to get embarrassed remember you have to interact with at least three people in public so three awkward situations fine i got this all right get your mask on and i'm definitely recording this on my instagram stories little do you guys know i actually wanted to do this did you no i did not want to do this i mean are you kidding me the only reason why i'm doing this is so that we can do the gift exchange at the end okay well we have to do that and to find the cassette tape player but yeah we'll do the gift exchange after this just go and have an awkward situation matt matt matt max [Applause] this is gonna be the most cringy thing ever can't wait to film it seconds zamfam matt just went outside in a swimsuit and i'm recording all of this and putting it on my instagram stories i can't believe you fell for that it was so easy he definitely was going to lose that fashion show you guys comment below if matt came up and talked to you wearing that what would you say or what would your parents say it's pretty empty right now he's getting into it he's definitely dancing right now you guys give him the l put the l up hey matt i love you too rebecca i love you too wait he thought it meant love you guys comment below if you know what this means it's definitely not love not love at all guess everybody peace and love peace and love the storyline is coming back it's still stupid that's coming in that's coming in i don't know still owners come here come here [Music] what's going on the store owner is coming back here no i don't see it are you sure here she comes nice guys the event is this saturday and you want me to supply all the candy yeah let me write down the address event happening this saturday and they want candy it's kingpin's event do you think that's the same one it's gotta be she's writing down the address at the register you guys we need to sneak and get closer okay i have the address but you want mostly flower candy a little sweet mostly sour candy a little sweet i have to have my team here in an hour to get everything ready on time an hour that means we don't have the candy store for 24 hours and we still have to find the tape player yes we'll have your favorite candy you can taste the explosion taste the explosion what does that mean it sounds pretty familiar though i've heard that before zafam comment below if you know what kind of tasty explosion candy is i've never heard of it she's walking back okay you guys everyone's fashion outfits off we need to search for that cassette tape now we have less than an hour before they come back but rebecca you promised the kids exchanged and i wore this swimsuit in public yeah you did promise we will do a gift exchange but during the gift exchange you guys we also have to be searching for the cassette tape player you guys i mean we're running out of time obviously i'm getting gifts but first you guys i am taking a picture of this location this is the location where kingpin is having the ceremony we're gonna need to get there harry potter rick noah loves harry potter i will get him a frog rebecca loves reese's so she's gonna love this giant racism wait what is this thing zamfam wouldn't it be so funny if i gave rick noah a gift that isn't even candy it'd be like a giant prank no i'll i'll be nice and get him something that's actually candy maddie loves chocolate just like me she's gonna love this gift rick newest said that he loves japanese snack packs so i'll get this instead oh swedish fish this is matt's favorite food he had no idea this was here zamfam do you like swedish fish this is a gift exchange but we need to move fast we still have to find the cassette player this is where they have all the best candies i didn't even see this before comment down below who you think i'm getting this for so did anyone find the tape player no i did not at all let's make this exchange very fast so i guess i'll go first for this gift exchange rick noah i got you a frog yes i love these you remembered i know you love frogs probably because they're green and you love harry potter this is the best right maddie sure rivet and for maddie i know how much you love chocolate so i got you a giant hershey's bar that's really nice this is my dream come true okay and finally matt you didn't see this before this is something that you love so much you had no idea ta-da this is a giant swedish fish river yeah thank you you must have missed it i love you i love you that's awkward on camera i know sorry sorry okay so who wants to go next we need to hurry you guys so that we can search for the cassette tape player i'll go next starting off with rebecca i heard you mentioned earlier you like nerds so i got you a pack of nerds i do love nerds i i meant more like nerdy boys like nerd no offense oh come on i'm a nerdy guy i'm at the candy i love nerds too though and then matt yours is super special some would say it's the largest gummy worm no way i used to have one of these but we had to eat it for a video and last but not least how could i ever forget maddie maddie i got you something really special something you'll never forget gummy pickle really you know i hate pickles really tastes like a pickle too but it's a gummy pickle gummy pickle regular pickle they're all the same let me scrabby i will be back matt how about you go rebecca i'll start with you this is your favorite candy it's reese's pieces it's one of my favorite candies i kind of love all reese's but thank you matt you're very very thoughtful ricknow is really gonna give me a pickle then i am going to prank him rick noah i know how much you love sour stuff and this had a bunch of green on the top so i just got it for you okay sour patch fights i love these matt thanks you're welcome oh maddie welcome back guess what i saved the best for last that's for last i'm your wife i know i know but the most like interesting gift i guess maddie i know how you're kind of boy crazy and you're taking a break from it a little bit and you've had a really bad string of redheads so i got you a blonde look it's a boyfriend that's never going to leave yet you can even keep him in your pocket so he doesn't run away during valentine's day i'm just saying it's kind of nice not okay well that was really mean and speaking at all um i have a present for you then since you're always so mean and angry here's some krabby patties oh that's really rude krabby patties i'll eat them still but i mean i think there's some meaning behind this that i don't quite get i think it's pretty obvious but it's also spongebob and you actually watch i love spongebob and for rebecca i know how much you love reese's so i got you a giant reese's oh it's so heavy just kidding i can eat this in 24 hours no way you can eat that in 24 hours we could right now but we need to get going okay listen an hour now come on okay and finally the best for last you're gonna love this rick noah oh my gosh maddie i had my eye on this it's a japanese snack pack it's got all my favorite snacks that's not it prank whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa you did it i did what this is the cassette player we've been looking for this this is what we have been searching this is the cassette tape player did you know that no i thought i was just pranking with noah wait so you're doing that to be mean yeah it's not candy maddie what's gotten into you you're being like super rude all the time okay you know what you guys who has the tape we can listen to the tape from the game master you're here okay you guys we have to plug it in wait it's not wireless no patty it's a cassette date player try the other way oh yes okay zamfam you guys know that when we opened the game masters lock box there was this tape inside with these coordinates and now we're gonna play the tape finally to hear what it says okay it must be something to do with the game master right how does it oh maybe this way okay let's play now daddy can you be going to candy store no there's no time for fun you need to study and train but eight sugar has my favorite candy and you can taste the explosive you'll never be as good as your brothers and you cannot be young and beautiful forever now get to work damn that tape sounded like the voice of a little girl yeah and she had two brothers comment below who you think that little girl was wait taste the explosion that's the same thing that the owner said when she was on the phone well it's obviously a clue it must be a candy that's here the game master had us listen to that tape obviously we need to figure out what that candy is you guys comment below what you think the candy is the only clue we have is taste the explosion and they're gonna be back really soon and we need to get out of this candy store so start searching something about explosion wait same thing look soda can fizzy candy do you think this is the candy they're talking about you know does it explode taste the explosion maybe it's cookie pop oreos you guys because this could be an explosion and who do you think was on that tape you guys hopefully you guys have commented below and we can read the comments i'm saying fam it could be sour patch kids i mean every time that i put these in my mouth it feels like an explosion of awesomeness doesn't make any sense and i don't see any clue here at all see him do you see anything on the bottom of this world's smallest blaster me no this is a laser blast but wait what was that phrase again tasty explosion pop rocks maybe it's something somewhere in here it's got to be somewhere in here oh guys guys guys come here come here come here tc explosion pop rocks and look what i found behind it what what is that guys okay you guys we're trapped in this candy store there's no way we can get out in the front that's where they are we're gonna have to sneak out the back what about the event we have to stop whatever kingpin's doing this saturday wait i have an idea we were doing the fashion show i saw two outfits that look just like that store owner if we take the candy using your bag rebecca okay we could be the caterers for the event so go in disguise to kingpin's event as the candy company exactly grab the tape recorder i'll grab my pillowcase i'll get as much candy as we can and hopefully you're right with the disguises in the back we can sneak out and grab them on our way out there's a door wait hold on hold on coast is clear let's see what this paper says dancing antidote for elixir of life what does that mean i don't know but there's all these different candy ingredients damn fam comment below what you think this is for and who was the voice on that tape recorder elixir of life that's why kingpin called the blood at the mini mansion yeah but this is the antidote for it which means that it it takes it away it's got to be the reverse okay you guys let's get out of this candy store before we get caught
Channel: Rebecca Zamolo
Views: 13,509,244
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sneaking, into, candy, store, shop, 24 hours, rebecca zamolo, matt and rebecca, zamfam, unspeakable, overnight, royalty family, opposite, preston, 100 layers, vs, 123 go, problems, diy, faze rug, last to, troom troom, wengie, challenge, movies, familia diamond, 24 hour challenge, ben azelart, lucas and marcus, brent rivera, maddie, vlog, rebecca, norris nuts, sofie dossi, giant, best friend, fresh, azzyland, jelly, crafty panda, crush, the royalty family, 2021
Id: BDKchNvW3b8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 5sec (1385 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 03 2021
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