Fast, Medium or Slow Food Challenge (Bad Idea)

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all right game master network are you ready three two one go game master network this is the fast medium slow food challenge i have fast which means i have to drink this in 30 seconds i have medium which means i have to drink this coke in one minute and i have slow so i have to drink this in over two minutes i'm done come on back come on back i'm done all right maddie take your time and i have to almost there come on one more time oh my gosh come on ready maddie you're slow but you don't have to be that slow i have to hit the two minutes here we go network today we are doing the fast medium slow food challenge to keep daniel safe yeah daniel is missing but we received this box on the front doorstep which had this note inside that says this is the fast medium or slow food challenge if you fail to hit the time limit two times then daniel isn't safe from the entity and they gave us time limits if you get slow you have to eat your food or drink in two minutes if it's medium you have one minute and if it's fast you have to finish your item in less than 30 seconds so make sure right now you guys i need you to smash the thumbs up button to keep daniel safe and make sure you are subscribed with notifications on all right you guys it looks like the first item are ramen noodles let's do this fast one medium one slow oh no i got fast got medium i got slow remember you guys i got fast which means i have to eat this whole thing in under 30 seconds i have to do it in a minute i got over two minutes on your marks get set go um are you okay there ah oh it's so hot burning my mouth but i have to do it are you kidding me it sounds so terrible slow down this is my second time getting slow this is so easy good and tasty i know rebecca's eating for two like slow down a little bit i was eating for two hurry matt you still have to finish your time limit's one minute that was rough zambian done done maddie you've had two in a row this is so easy for you i know this is the best life i have like half more to go game master network you guys know that we have to keep daniel state there's something called the entity a ton of you guys commented on the matt rebecca video when we did last leave the bed there was someone in all white that dropped off that envelope of daniel do you think that the entity wears all white i'm done let's move on to the next food item you guys i am still at the water i am working my way through this area because rz twin said that i need to go check on these devices i don't know if you saw the last video but i was sent on a secret mission for artsy twin she told me that i need to give mr x's came back when i gave him his cane he tricked me and he didn't even bring the case with the button so now i have to go find these devices and make sure that they're not active because they are active and he has the button that means the whole city is still in danger we have the best meal right now we have mcdonald's cheeseburgers i'm gonna eat this thing so fast the best that's the worst i hate mcdonald's maddie kidding me does not like mcdonald's at all i'm loving this so much right now i know i'm gonna get fast no no no no i go fast wait what are you coming i got slow there's no way i can eat this thing slow well i got medium and to be honest after that last one that was pretty good will someone please take my burger from we can't maddie that's not the challenge now remember if we don't hit our time two times that means that daniel will be taking you guys so far we've all had our time we have to just stay on track so maddie you have 30 seconds or less to finish that you have to do it for daniel fine i'm doing it for daniel how am i supposed to take over two minutes to eat a cheeseburger from mcdonald's are you kidding me that's you you as soon as my mouth gets close to it it just it takes the mind of its own cool come on maddie you got this oh my gosh oh maddie oh come on maddie come on we can say daniel from the entertainment we're talking more eating this is not so bad one minute to eat a cheeseburger oh no max eating too fast no matt matt matt hasn't take two minutes he's eating slow mm-hmm matt's slow down you have to hit two minutes i'll be fine don't worry about me hurry um done under 30 seconds for daniel oh sick i'm gonna be sick i'm done that was so good over two minutes ago no no no you have to do it over two minutes yeah that's what i did that means we lost matt you finished before me i just shoved a hamburger down my throat and you just did that well technically it's a cheeseburger but that's okay we we can lose two so we lost one let's just stay calm and move on to the next round don't win another one matt whoever this entity is you can't know what we're up to because if they know that this button is out there who knows what they're going to try and do with it maybe that's why they're coming after us oh my gosh who is that somebody in white okay you guys now we have slurpees which is much better than the other items so far right debatable this can't be that hard it's a slurpee finally i got slow i got fast i got medium okay matt you better finish this under 30 seconds and not mess it up again as long as i don't get a brain freeze i got this well if you get a brain freeze you get a brain freeze save your best friend what wow maddie's right geez going savage on me right now i mean you did ruin the mcdonald's round i couldn't help my mouth here we go go slow and steady just have to hit two minutes but that's not hard it's super easy daniel hurry matt died i'm done i got it okay okay master an hour matt finished his i still have more time maddie you should be finishing soon though right i'm almost there john one minute let's go come on rebecca i can't go too fast you guys remember matt he went too fast and he didn't do it right oh you don't mess it up like max did i have a dog to help warm up my brain cause i got brain freezing i did it we did it i hit the two minute mark i'm done i wonder how many more foods we have i don't know let's get this next one now okay i just wonder where daniel is i hope he's safe if they didn't take daniel before do you think they're just like waiting for us to finish this challenge i hope not she's watching us do you think they're watching us okay let's just oh my gosh whoever this person is they are coming after me oh no okay let me stay in let me just who are these people why are they coming after me i need to find these devices quick i remember being around this same area when the fbi was questioning us i think that there was a name here now see i don't see that person behind me let me go find this device and see if it's still active okay you guys next up hot wings okay fast i'm medium i'm slow it's hot it's also bad when you're taking it slow and it burns feels like when it's on your it's like stays that was so fast matt does anyone lips feel kind of like tingly my whole mouth goes tingly it's a little bit tingly it's a little bit but my stomach is starting sooner you finish the sooner it can be done it hurts more like the longer you go how hot my lips aren't entangled even more i feel like my mouth is kind of on fire okay is it okay maddie you have two minutes oh i'm really glad i don't have two minutes oh my god i want to cry it's really hot i just wanted to stop i'm gonna have so much more my ring to go okay this burns this burns so badly can i like have some milk while i eat my wing no no oh come on okay i'm done done oh wow that was worse the longer you go the worse it is maybe maddie's isn't as easy as he does yeah i know it burns we've got this maddie you got this just hit the two minutes okay just take your time daddy my mouth doesn't burn anymore that's it that's it okay so he passed another round at gate master network which is great which means daniel is safe and the entity won't take them all right maddie about this next one what do you mean i hope those people that were behind me i don't know if they're still behind me i feel it's like oh my gosh there it is there it is there's one of the devices real quick hold on ice cream are you kidding me oh no this is not bad oh daddy well i have to finish the ice cream to save daniel okay don't really have a choice okay well let's just hope big sacrifice manny big sacrifice if she gets slow then it's not going to be as bad okay it's going to be longer everyone go dig in okay i got fast oh are you kidding me there's no good one for you maddie you need a nose plug okay medium i'm going slow i'm going to go slow okay i'm going to go okay i apologize in advance i didn't wake up this morning and think i was going to slow eat some ice cream to save my best friend daniel but that's what i have to do maddie you better hurry though because you have less than 30 seconds and if you don't then daniel is going to get taken once you eat it how long does it take i'm thinking about it [Applause] how does it happen so fast why there's a lot more to god you guys oh my gosh let's pull in the mouth and it hurts all around here [Applause] i'm done i'm done okay good job maddie i mean kind of good job you didn't let the brain for you stop me um done done medium is done oh maddie oh my gosh i think if i eat it faster it just like it it's even worse it just like compresses and then it okay doctor or something all you have to do matt is to get the two minute mark remember you can't finish early just go back oh okay okay come on matt done yes okay how many more items do we have just one more left one more okay you guys this is it and then we're gonna keep daniel safe right yeah i don't like this one i gotta turn this around very slowly i can't let this go off this is right near the water oh no okay master network do you hear that these devices are still active if these devices are still active and still on the water supply that means that mr x not only has his cane but he has the button and if he pushes that button then the whole city is in danger it can hypnotize the entire city this is really bad i got to get in touch with rc20 i gotta figure out what's going on because we have to find out where that case is last one last one okay last one unfortunately you guys maddie i'm so sorry these are pickles but it looks like they have like hot chili peppers these are hot pickles are you kidding me it's even worse than just normal pickles unless you like hot stuff i don't know if i can eat a pickle you have too maddie small ones in there maddie we can't get you out two out means that daniel will be taken okay everyone dig in last and final one to save daniel fast medium slow slow that's that's good maddie no that means i have to take over two minutes to eat a pickle two minutes okay maddie take your time and savor the flavor a little you don't have to have it in 30 seconds give me the flavor of a pickle yeah all right you guys on your marks this is it for daniel go um okay is there a word in there that you want to say what happened oh yeah there's a pickle hey guys yeah come on maddie do it and then daniel will be safe why are they so juicy oh sorry it's just ice cream oh my gosh i don't want to alarm you a little bit or anybody here but they're a little bit expired expired yeah yeah they're older oh first they're spicy you know they're expensive just stay focused okay i think i can eat this just plug your nose plug your nose it'll help it'll help all of it just put it all in put it all in that was a lot of juice okay just put the whole thing in you got it you got this you got this go whoa come on maddie chew it chew it chew it yes okay game master network so that means that daniel is safe we just need to figure out where he where is daniel i don't know can we try calling him yeah yeah let me get my phone okay matt go call daniel rebecca are you okay matt matt something's going on rebecca rebecca are you okay what's going on i don't know are you okay yeah no i'm good i'm good did daniel pick up i just went to voicemail we'll just have to hold off until tomorrow okay well i'm gonna go throw away these pickles okay yeah i'm sure we'll hear from daniel gay master network did you see that aussie twin just did twin telepathy with me it looks like she's gonna be coming here on wednesday but i can't tell the others so make sure to subscribe to the rebecca's melo channel because it looks like rz twin and i do a prank
Channel: Game Master Network
Views: 4,500,748
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fast, medium, slow, food, challenge, game, master, gm, game master network, matt and rebecca, Rebecca Zamolo, matt, rebecca, ben azelart, Lexi Rivera, Brent Rivera, Jeremy Hutchins, lexi hensler, pierson, andrew davila, dom brack, sofie dossi, kat hixson, amp, Logan Wodzynski, Morgz, MyLifeAsEva, MrBeast, Faze Rug, Alex Warren, Lizzy Capri, Carter Sharer, Dhar Mann, Alexa rivera, troom troom, 123go, royalty family, lankybox, sssniperwolf
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 50sec (770 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 10 2022
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