Sneakers in Blender 2.8x - PART I - Modelling [ Beginners ]

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[Music] hello I'm Shannon and before we get into the tutorial let us take a look at the outline of this video the tutorial is divided into three parts in this part we will deal with the modeling part - for shading and texturing in part 3 we will work on the animation and final rendering the modeling process has been divided into four phases you can download the model after each phase if you are watching this on youtube you can find the link to these files in the description below in this video we start with the reference images and then we work our way up from the sole of the shoe till the laces then to finish off the video we work on mirroring and sculpting [Music] open up a new blender file press n on the keyboard click on view and here we'll change the focal length 200 select the camera and the Q and MA and the cube and then deleted with X the first step will be to add reference images and to align them properly with each octo graphic view so let's go to the top view by the way I'm using the accent graph button on the keyboard to access all these views so let's go to the top view press shift a match reference I have them under here you can find a link to this reference images in the YouTube description and this belongs to so I don't own any rights rotate it with our press 9 0 on the keyboard to rotate 90 degrees going to the object data properties select side to be front and uncheck the split perspective checkbox so yeah now we will do the same with all the other views left front [Music] you can see that this front image is not scaled up properly you can match it up with the lines of the other images then the button rotate it this time - 9 0 0 0 minus 90 degrees so now we have the reference images lined up properly so that's how you set up reference images in blender and now let's move on let's go to the bottom of view add a plane with shift a mesh plane tab to go into the edit mode you can select with left click with shift click you can select multiple vertices are to rotate G to translate and s to scale you can use all of these transformations and lock them to certain axis like you can isolate the movement press s and then bridge the isolation axis like X they'd only scales along X or you can press G and then you can press Y to move along that axis you can also add edge loops using ctrl R you can add more using the scroll on your mouse to confirm left click twice now we will kind of align the plane using these techniques to the shape of the sole as in the reference match we will try to keep it close but not exactly because this image is not completely orthographic click on the modify properties and add a subdivision surface modifier set the subdivisions to 3 now you can edit it further I think I'll go with this one for now let's compare it with the other reference image so I will go to the top view as you can see doesn't really seem right so you are just [Music] I'm happy with the shape of the soul and we should now start working towards the other parts in the viewport you can use the accent grip button and use the view selected option to pivot around an object is the same as using del you can also use alt middle-click dissolve do the same functions just alt middle-click does not zoom into the object as the other ones in the edit mode you can change to vertex select ed select or face select it's inconvenient to use all these icons all the time so you can use one two and three on the keyboard you can use them in combination with shift then you can select multiple of those and by the way these one two and three are on the keyboard right above the letters not on the numpad let's go into the left view press G along the z-axis ring down then into the wireframe mode using Z make sure you have x-ray on here all Z is the hotkey [Music] now we will just try to align it [Music] select the whole thing with a going to the left view press e on the keyboard to extrude then we need to match up as much as possible [Music] now we will add in an edge loop along the middle of the mesh and then scale it off [Music] we're going to the edit mode and you can double click on an edge to select the edge loop you can see all the faces are also selected so we don't want that deselect with all day for us to on the keyboard to change to ed select and then you can select the edge loops properly press shift key to add grease same goes for the outer edge select right click shade smooth maybe the crease on the upper loop is way too much perfect going to edit mode select this face space select mode by pressing 3 or clicking here shift D to duplicate press B on the keyboard separate by selection tab into the option mode this is a new object going to edit mode and now you can shape it let us take a look at the show cap and we'll try to align it with the top view try to make it as close while also maintaining the shape of our origin of base model [Music] so now let's add some depth to this I will use the solidify modifier for that and it's always a good idea to use a modifier instead of actually extruding the geometry because you can always go back and tweak the modifiers now we will add a soil if I modify the thickness parameter here defines how thick it would be and we don't want too much depth because it will be hidden anyways [Music] select the soul press tab double click on the edge to select the edge loops we will deselect the unnecessary vertices shift D to duplicate then hit B on the keyboard to separate it by selection now just scale it in a little bit with s along the sides with s then isolating it around the x-axis press X now we want to bring this vertex here also keeping it on the surface so to do that use snap tools click here and to be enabled and in this drop down you can select face then it will snap to this face pressing G on the keyboard and it just snaps the keyboard binding is shift tap now extrude the whole thing along the z-axis pull it up we will go into the left turn on x-ray and just like previously we will align it make sure selecting the front and the back vertices we will add a solid define modifier quick here moves it up and the modifier stack it adds the solidify modifier and then it's a new mesh so the subdivision modifier is applied after the fact so the other way you will have some unzip divided jump trick let's move on and make adjustments you let's add bling now let's get done with the modifiers beforehand adding the modifier solidify then the subdivision surface modifier make sure the thickness is all right subdivisions level three [Music] before we start working on the shoelace since it is a little bit complicated let us first get done with all the minor little things like the Baader along the shoe and all those little stuff let's get them done and out of the way then we can focus solely on the shoelace let's add that little bit of relief in the front [Music] so press e while you have them selected move it just so--but if you switch to object mode you will see there's a very slight bit of relief in there but it's not very prominent so what we need to do is we just need to add grease here switch to edge select mode select these edges and apply decrease of one in it and the same thing for these you can add in another edges up here I'm happy with this i spended wife and mode density does get a little bit higher along these when it does not hamper the topology that much so let's keep it that way same thing from the back here [Music] [Music] finally there's another relief kind of thing on the quarter of the shoe so for this one we will have a slightly different approach over here on the modifier stack you can see we have solidify modifier so we do not need to extrude essentially even if we do extrude it really takes away volume from the inside so that doesn't work out for our example so instead what we are going to do is this time we'll actually duplicate it press shift D to duplicate press Y to isolate the movement to the y-axis and then move it slightly above so that it looks like it's still attached to the quarter press ctrl shift Z on your keyboard and it will toggle the overlays is the same as using this button up here to move it around while having a very clear view of what is going on [Music] now we will add in the bottle kind of thing along this line firstly I'll show you how to use curves shift a curve lazier if you adapt to go into the edit mode you can see that you have the handles here you can rotate and scale individual handles you can select the ends of each handle so now let's add in the curve press shift a curve measure going to the edit mode with tab now we will increase the resolution add some depth to it just a little bit now delete the curve while in edit mode press X vertices click on this draw button you can also access it with shift spacebar draw or pressing T on the keyboard once you have this press n on the keyboard and you have these two settings the relevant features for this task will be projection depth set it to surface and that's pretty much it what this does is if you draw over a surface it adds in a curve kind of like a shrink-wrapped curve but it all happens automatically that's a huge time-saver now you can use your mouse pointer to draw but I'll be using a graphic tablet just to be a little bit precise [Music] now switch to select box now we just need to do some cleaning up you can select the ends of two segments and press F to join them [Music] so now let's do the other curve down below now I had a similar idea to use a curve for this one but it turns out you can do it much easier in a different way now could you have done that same thing for this curve maybe but did not really work that well when I try it because you have two separate objects here and it has to be at the intersection so I think curve is the best way to go for that one but for this one let's try this new technique so it's very easy and straightforward just go into the edit mode we need this edge loop so double click deselect the vertices that you do not need for that I'm using C and then D selecting using the middle click [Music] now all you need to do is just to duplicate it press B on the keyboard selection so you get a different object edit mode select all the edges pull it down a bit that's where it is in the reference image extrude z-axis pull it up now you have something to work with so select it we will add a solidify modifier for this and it should be before the subdivision modifier had just the thickness now you can hide the ends select the last edge and press key to extrude and then we will just put it in [Music] we will like to add in more cuts I'm doing this with ctrl R we want two cuts here but not all the way so we will just use a knife tool instead of using edge loops so press K and you see the mouth changes to a knife to keep clicking on the edges where you want a new vertex to appear press the spacebar and it confronts it it will repeat the same as you can see sharp angles here so let us adjust that the next step is to add vertical cuts press K again this time vertical cuts changed your face select select all these faces press X to delete them faces and now you have this holes here and the topology hasn't been disrupted that much now we can manually go in and edit them to make the most circular and to make the more consistent you [Music] now we will add just the tongue of the shoe so that it does not obstruct any of the holes [Music] now we will repeat the same for the other side and we have two more volts here [Music] select go into edit mode select this ring and then press shift s cursor to selected I'm going to object mode press shift a mesh Taurus let's get it down shades mode add one level of subdivision using control one [Music] you can use the trackball rotation by pressing the R key twice and then you can move it much more freely [Music] [Music] you [Music] shift right click shift a mesh lane I will hide the 3d cursor click on this drop-down disable 3d cursor now we have a bit of a look of this to select the plane and we will first add a solid if I modifier and then we will add a subdivision surface modifier viewport and render subdivisions to tree adjust the thickness right click shape smooth so now we are ready you go to the top view tab to go into the edit mode press 2 to go into the head select mode press G position it right above eyelids bring it down just above the quarter now will extrude with E along the z axis x axis I'm keeping it very rough right now so don't worry about that will be adjusting it adding a subdivision in the middle I think we should go for a level 4 subdivision because it was looking a little bit Jagger we will repeat this process for the other parts of laces so we will be following a crisscross kind of tank pattern that's what we are going for [Music] [Music] [Music] so we are finally done with the shoe but what we don't have is another shoe because sneakers come in pairs surprise so so I'll show you a quick and easy way to make a mirror image of this old shoe even when you have separate objects because if you select all of the objects press ctrl M on the keyboard or mirroring along x does not work things fall out of place and it doesn't really work because separate objects have the origins at separate places so it does not really work that way you can also use the mirror modifier but that would be weird because these are all separate objects and using the mirror modifier for each one of them will map those objects to different places again according to their origins so it does not really work either so what we are going to use is a very simple method follow along with me just select all the objects duplicate first shift D press X and move along the x-axis so we can give it better it does not mix with origin of a mesh scale it with s and type in minus 1 on the keyboard yes it loses its orientation but it actually mirrors the correct way scaling along each axis by minus one that creates mathematically a mirror image since it is scaling along all access it does work and things do not fall out of places what you only need to do now is press R to rotate along the x axis press X and type in 180 degrees so one eight zero and you have a perfect mirror image of the other shoe [Music] let's make this scene look a little bit visually appealing so let's click on this drop-down click on madcap select a madcap I like this one add some cavity shadows yeah I like this right now both the shoes look perfectly the mirror image of each other in the real world it must have some slight differences so click on the sculpting layout here once you're in the scope mode just randomly draw a few strokes here and there shift F to increase the strength you have to manipulate the radius you can use control to actually push the surface inside now you need to go back to layout select this one come back to sculpting repeat the same make sure you have the mirror turned off so now we can see we are done with the modeling you [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Blue Inversion
Views: 99,752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender3d, tutorial, cg art
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 4sec (1684 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 21 2019
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