Blender 2.8 Mecha Sculpting In Dyntopo

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hey guys masters yeah once there's a one here in this video I'm gonna show you guys how I went through taking the basic sculpting layout and just went through dynamic topology and just sculpted a real quick helmet so without further ado let's go ahead and begin alright so getting started we're gonna go ahead and just select sculpting and for some reason blender has this red wax when you start terrible anyways let's kill the cursor up and for now I'm going to pull this bar out because I have to see what these brushes are as far as names the icons just don't do it for me yet and also let's undo and make sure we're looking at this from the front here we go no we can't just go tell so the idea was to do a video making a quick helmet I've been getting some practice in with the two-point-eight sculpting and just been able to have a real fun time with it and so I figured it'd be a nice change of pace from all the hard surface content and also to get back to the basics you know creating whole stuff so right here I'm just using a grab brush and of course my keystrokes would be displayed at the bottom at the beginning of this all address the obligatory are using a tablet of course I've always used a tablet started off with the bamboo and then moved up to the in to us which I have for a while and now I'm finally using a Cintiq which I've been actually getting calibrated to so right here I'm using the flat and brush with auto smooth set to max which makes this behave pretty much just like the polish used to in the 2.79 on Twitter I had tweeted about how I missed the Polish and turned out that polish been gone for a while so with all these helmets I like to just start out what they particular shape and just start working at it so with the pinch brush we're gonna go up the curve move this point down move this point up and then X to remove it I'm just used to moving it up to make sure it's selected and then deleting it and let's also set this to [Music] not bracket as a value set it to 1.5 so super pinches back you just use this to work any area to really refine it provided that we can operate our wrists in a straight line and so usually these sculpts I like to jump back and forth between crease flatten and pitch in order to just build these quick concept helmets that I just kind of missed doing you know it's been a bit of time doing a bit of a commercial work which really kind of takes to 3d out of you so I've been trying to get back to the classic robot add a robot a minute robot a now or a robot parts every minute classic mentality but so right here the crease is looking kind of bad let's undo that let's undo please don't do alright it's going and so it's looking a little rough let's turn on Dyna topo which wasn't even on insanity let's put this on subdivide edges sell out the gate on this tutorial I'm already doing kind of bad I should have started with these settings on but let's go ahead and just start working on a shape and so right after cutting a shape I like to come back with the Polish and just work one side of it which gives it this real nice surface my pan just there are some tips in there so we're just gonna go in here a little bit of polish let's go back to the crease now if you press shift s that should actually turn on lazy Mouse and blender to call it smooth stroke let's try that again we can do it smoother we can do it better there's a crucial cut or a crucial carve so we're doing terrible but that's fine we're still very rough on this but I just love carving in shapes and inches working them around another thing I like to do is take the crease make it real big just destroy some stuff you know like right here I'm just going to just draw a very large stroke oil on the front one of my favorite type of cuts to put in these helmets you know it's either a robot helmet or a human dressed as a robot in this case I'm going for a morph a helmet however I'm always inspired by halo Spartan Locke you know he had such a nice helmet in Halo 5 so using the flat we can really just create surfaces here and use them at the crease here we were able to really push it out so I know right now it's looking a little bit rough would come back with the patch and the pinch is just no holds barred single stroke killer single stroke killer speaking of single stroke killers got to give a shout out to Alexandria who released a tutorial yesterday was so kind as to hang out with me and watch it with me giving the directors commentary which gave me the idea that maybe we should use some sort of podcaster system like that in the future where we just maybe do live life tutorial refuse or son I don't know scoot off with ideas there it's always nice to think of it an optimistic sense but you know thinking about it could easily turn into some retsu pray but it was a fun time you know being able to discuss tips and workflow choices and stuff like that and and pause frame and you know just discuss things really got the creative juices flowing you know because you know I'm talking with him about the content and then I'm watching it and he's like yeah you know it's just an easy fun time you know over in 2.79 my dad should do a video overlay showing some sort of snippet from it so one thing that's always driven me crazy about Wacom is occasionally whenever I'm doing a stroke there will be like a phantom stroke that'll appear somewhere on the screen so I always have to figure out how to either quickly undo that or just work around it but those are net I swear I might switch to huion someday this right hewing on if you're out there send me an email I'm just kidding Wacom send me an email so I must also add that I am of course using the Rison thread repair PC that empty sent me this computer is just majestic and epic without you know I think I've actually had one blue screen and it was because of me talking a bunch of unplugging and re-plugging just crazy stuff but you know compared to my previous system the stability is just incredible you know I sometimes I just go to bed just walk away from the computer you know just I'll be back in the morning don't even shut it down just you know peace of mind now I mean I don't know maybe my personal flames but you know it's a slight cost a little bit of additional noise which if you're hurting in a background it's just it's just a cost you know the cost of having this uber powerful computer here you know actually don't even like to shake enough to zoom in and start working it so let's go back to clay strips and really clay strips wrong brush I'm to do come on all right whatever so you can see down down State House gonna say downstairs you can see downstairs in blender I have 171,000 verts you know so this is where things start to get a little bit choppier as these numbers go up you'll see you'll notice a little bit of you know lack of feedback however I do tend to kind of push these things to the limits like you know my goal is really to make blender crash make the computer crash just so I can see see what my limits are and I've worked so long with limits to be honest you know from being a 3d artist that I've you know just now finally I'm starting to realize I have more unlock to me to be able to do now you know with with Eevee with 2.8 you know technological improvements and coupled with better hardware over the years you know my oldest tutorials if you ever watch them I'm using a mac book that was slammed on the floor and that computer would actually turn itself off when I wrote start rendering so you know rendering was like you do I really want to render sort of thing and now we live in rendered state you know and that's a nice state to live in permanently rendering always ray tracing you know so just using the polish but really the pinch brush to really just bring shapes together this this shape is a finisher it's a dill closer I love to super pitch so when it comes to you know how this compares to ZBrush you know I always recommend that if you enjoy sculpting you should definitely use ZBrush because it's a program as well that's made for people that enjoy sculpting so you know that's undeniable however you know when it comes to using ZBrush sometimes I go in I'm just using the damn standard and some clay buildup and just some simple brushes and when it comes to blender it offers that same thing so sometimes it's really the best hold the job like you know there are times where I do want to go into ZBrush and play with panel loops and just have a good old time the ZBrush way but you know the ZBrush party is a less controlled party and then really the dill breaker for me is the fact that material groups just aren't respected so I mean that's kind of a way I deal with textures and materials in a concept II way so the fact that I lose that every time I go to ZBrush unless I make it a specific poly group or something and you know I think what poly Girish can't even keep multiple sets of poly versus just one set of poly groups per model so these sort of things kind of limit my workflow where I would build that I'm having to cater to a ZBrush workflow so in that case it's easier just working blender I mean ZBrush ended up coming around and adding dynamic topology anyway so ZBrush is looking a little more blender anyway so you stay so few doses helped but continuing on using this disk clay I mean a clay to crease with just a lazy stroke you can see I'm just in two cuts just just really working the surface every separation adds a degree of complexity and in my opinion a coldness factor so we're just going to keep working this form you know nothing is concrete at this point everything's just conceptual even though it's looking like it's approaching a fish day as you know the like if it's looking good it'll stay but if it's looking bad we'll hit that thing so hard with the the clay build up that it won't know what hit it so continuing on changing over to the flatten brush and the flatten is doing nothing here really gonna worked at surface from a different angle so you know when it comes to blender brushes there's a small degree of a psychology when it comes to these that I do recommend every everyone get in and play with and have some fun with because you know sometimes I just like zone out and conversations and meetings with people then I just start sculpting and finally they'll just stop talking they're like wow man that's a nice sculpted like you know it's not nice enough should be nicer you know because we're meetings talking about tools so I'm like thinking am i to myself how some sort of tool could enhance it and so I've even yeah press Q I started using the hard op stuff but it has a small role we lost our brush pop-up panel I think we'll have to be rethinking that or something but isn't a toolbar on the side is it so bad in fact we change this over to this and that's kind of classic you know like the old one really undo this please there we go sometimes undo it's just tough and let's take a look from the front and you know one of the things I do like to do is you know if you have hard office installed you can press Q bring up decimate mash and this thing works from sculpt mode so while it does take a moment because it's uh adding a decimation modifier applying it at point zero two similar to how you see me doing videos this thing jumped out from 500 thousand first to eighty-seven thousand Birds which means that if I grab the grab brush should I go and decide to do like an iterative reshaping pass now that I have a little bit of complexity in here you can see that it's a lot easier for me to just kind of jump this down to a simplified state also let me change subtract like trying to fight against Lincoln Park here now first I've thought of for radio I do like to uh listen music while I'm working helps me get into the zone so right here I'm going to take the crease you know the prettiest thing about using a pen display is you have your hand on the screen so I still keep my in to us nearby every now and then I pick it up because I think is very nice you know I do like my into us but I've always wanted one to use my girlfriend just had one for years so it was just it was time you know the final tablet but I can definitely tell you guys too even if you have a bamboo fund which is like $59.99 you can get in here and do some damage also that cursor is way too small so I know you guys didn't tune in just to watch me work a surface so simplistically using the same tools over and over so how about some other stuff you know so well I mean not some other stuff like I'm a tune out of this but let me show you another thing I've been messing with so I like taking the crease also I noticed that this plus or minus is up here that's actually pretty handy you know we'll take something like that and we will use the flatten and we'll make this side except what we just did to us like hey Matt I know we just did a large gaping cut on you man but it's cool man it's cool look see it's not so bad we opened a highway there we take the pinch pinch is healing you know that's the healing for this great divide that we added right but these little fly incense are insane so coming to a robot near you a serious robot right like not these concepts that I've just been working with lately you know 2.8 has had a lot of small changes to things that I found kind of important like you know in their topo video I was kind of trying to showcase how what the hidden wire and x-ray it's like that's weird workflow for retopo now you know I have went through all the things and messed with overlays but you know after talking with people about it's just strange I mean not like strange bad like it should be undone or something but you know just different like maybe it's time that we think about what we topology and blender should should look like you know which everyone tells me to use retopo flow which I'll do a video showing retopo flow I'm just so specific with the geometry that you know I'm specific on the vert level and that's something that I hold against all programs that don't have that sort of control like you know ZBrush is great and all but ZBrush ain't gonna let you touch a vert unless you touch an edge or a face it's kind of cold and when you touch it it's not I'm not even gonna get into better you get to a ZBrush rant in the middle of a sculpting a blender video but I do love some ZBrush it's my passion so you know you walked away from this with - anything is that you know you're switching over to blender don't don't leave your original program you know just give us a try we become your main program you know you go to maintain that knowledge you know like any time users are switching you know I preferred it you know they may be a bridge you know a bridge to help others across you know the water or places like I'm over blender what about your friends dude you go let your friends keep a Dilla what my friends don't let friends do that so continuing on here sorry I just went on a monologue hope it comes out in stereo you know I finally met up with one of the people commenting on the videos on my videos about the audio and talked to him for many many hours proper audio and what that means you know because a heart told me that I needed to interface in order to properly do YouTube videos and I was like an interface like a like an external sound card that's insanity I'm just a just a guy doing tutorials really I'm just a guy trying to do robots I'm just doing it tutorials because you know people always need to know how to use the tools and also the positive reception you know everyone's positive comments goes a long ways you know any comments you give us about requests or changes you know all this stuff is always sitting forwarded with the team and brought up in in meetings you know like hey this is a support issue let's put our heads together and figure out what's causing this and how to make it not happen again and if it's possible she should undo please all right I'm gonna press shift s and turn off lazy Mouse and this is another thing I've been talking randomly on these concept skulls just like drawing some lines I mean I'm no straight line master like my boy Alex Nick crea but I do my best but he did release a tutorial I don't know if I mentioned that earlier believe it's very cheap also several hours long meaning that he hung out with me for several hours which is way more hours than most people should be able to tolerate but it was a very interesting time so we might do the hard ops podcast idea I've kept a sticky note of it on this computer because I want to migrate content towards it where you know maybe it's me and everyone else that it's really using those tools getting together talked about improvements and live updates I mean I think it would be an interesting experience I mean that's what a Pete 3ds a little bit so continuing on here just like chipping in little Nick's and necks paddywhacks you know give a dog bone I have to throw that in there sorry terrible that's why I don't recommend my content to anyone under the age of 18 you know these jokes are just inappropriate should never be repeated you know I'm a fellow comedian you guys you can tell you know I'm over here sculpting not patched flat and that's what we want but who knows you know I might be able to leave the 3d game be on stage with Kevin Hart no kidding I wouldn't like me try getting to use some blender you know we were having a joke the other day had talking about what if we got Keanu Reeves to endorse blender so it's like my dream in life now to get a famous movie star to a support blender you know he had a foundation you know like yeah maybe not Kevin Spacey I did throw that out there I was like what Kevin Spacey but everyone threw out a resounding absolutely no that actually might be detrimental so not saying that endorsement so we'll just put a cut here and then everybody's been telling me I've been a little chinny lately with robot so been flattening out these chins and just working on some alternative ideas you know I'm like a like a PSO character creator you know just jump through some preset ideas like there's always a robot in the back of my mind or a character connected to a story so I mean if this guy got anywhere close to looking like the person I mentioned then you know we'd start talking about that but for now we were just messing with shapes and speaking of shapes let's do that and let's let's talk to that you know it's like hey we're sorry we did that to you let's uh make it up to you let's just flatten you out fight you out real nice and let's let's talk to your widow widow's peak and follow that up what'd they pinch pinch is just a healer everytime super patch 24 hours you know blenders got that soup you know the reason I'm also doing a videos when I was talking with Alex yesterday about his tutorial I was like you know you ought to get in blender and try some sculpting sometime you're telling me that he found a sculpting to be tough and and also that there weren't any hard surface brushes that just had to send out of my chair you know jump around the room it'd be like no bro you got it wrong there's totally hard surface sculpting and blender and it's easy and it's fine you know like when I when I hit these sculpts now just try to channel my my internal flawed claw Jerry you know because he's really killing it on the blender scene lately I spend a lot of time watching his work and studying him like sometimes I'll have one of his images up for a day or two just really analyzing it so you know here we are putting the cart before the horse just putting these big crucial cut lines in here also we're riding around 600 4000 verts felt like keemstar for a minute there so let's change this over to flattened let's just start seeing what we can pull out of this so flattens the killer you guys it's got to tell you like I hope you give this a try you know instead of just just watching just go in take a you know assuming you have a tablet do not try with the mouse one day I should just try doing this what the mouse just show you but yeah I use a mouse for the block and sometimes if I'm doing like a bust which a bust is definitely preferable to a helmet looking at this now I might actually expand it to a bus because it's just a helmet floating in space just isn't gonna be a very nice thumbnail you know and that's that's what matters you know which is something I also stress to people uh doing hard ops tutorials you don't get that nice thumbnail also that stroke did not work out and we're gonna need to flatten in here to make these surfaces work so there we go something like that you know absolutely a horn but we followed through with the pitch it's not so bad it's not so bad at all so right here we'll try another creased row can I have to look over my hand so I don't think I'm actually using this this display properly but the every day I play with it I get a little bit stronger at it and have a little bit more fun at it so continuing on and there's just something about the way these forms are built that I just do not like you know so let's look at it from here let's actually press Q hit it with the toggle not toggle brush sorry toggle brush will actually toggle these brushes between two favorite brush settings but we want to use decimate mesh so let's wait a minute and we're gonna watch that 639 thousand to something lower eventually eventually it will drop down I just one of our slowest buttons like you know we talk a lot about low level at high level operators and stuff like that and you know I'm like the king of inefficiently putting together functions I mean they all do the job that I need them to do but there's always a an opportunity for someone to come back behind me and actually make it working better it's like a running joke that um I will make it inefficient the first time so let's hit this part with the polish I can guarantee we can turn this into something nicer all right it just took me a brief moment to look away while being distracted by my girlfriend and then looking back at this too real and I said we're going about it all wrong so let's narrow down this flattened and really reworked us into a winner so every time I decimate you know I sacrifice a little bit but a little bit of sacrifice you know I'll come back and rework this as always I considered a concept sculpt however with 2.8 you can actually take these a little bit further I mean you could in the previous ones I've seen you know guys take these things all the way to the bank I can't think of their names off the top of my head Yanis Coast cut Beyonc John I think yonce should have wrote down a list of people I would have refer to over the course of this video before actually doing this video I'm terrible so continuing on there get a little more a little more cat-like but we want to take it into something a little more or decepticon so hit with the pants my next goal is to get a remote island where I'll be able to record content and isolation like I said being distracted distracts me I got I got to get better at it start recording videos in a car like dashboard blending you know hey guys masters you down here sitting in the Lamborghini just kidding do not have a Lamborghini so maybe something like that and then we'll take the crease real narrow real small dammit one of the nice things I do like about the decimate mash in the Q menu is that whenever it does what it does it sends you right back into died down at top of mode which you know I never noticed that but I find that to be quite important sometimes I go an object mode do some stuff and it'll just not work in fact I actually had a glitch where I'm you know I couldn't get the cumene you show up in a sculpting layout which required that I delete my configuration you know anyone who's had a support email chain with me knows about that had deleting config updating blender you know it's it's a meme now hey hey this guy has the Preferences there oh yeah well he needs to update blender because you know things are changing under a hood you know we're trying to keep up but we definitely have some high hopes you know like in gone should be in very soon hopefully and then we can work on our next conquest with the box cutter which will also be very exciting we're just gonna trough stroke here and come back around the smooth stroke is actually you know man's best friend move over Fido you know smooth stroke is just amazing I mean could you really imagine blender without it it would just be nuts all right so right here one more line voila and then we'll just come back with the flattened and just make it work out I don't know how we got caught up working on the front you know sometimes when I'm working I'm like thinking of like cars and the Front's of vehicles like kind of got like a grille face going on here also this shape here is a motif in this sense I mean a motif of my own she's got to stop doing this stuff you guys you know like I'm trying to uh you know 20 19 I got to put some new shapes here you know so having that shape you know it's like a red flag for me now however you guys can still borrow it so I've saved the back of the head for last because I wanted to just kind of show you guys how you can just throw in some just blobs polish it pinch it call it a day like a loaf of bread man like a loaf of bread I mean I don't know anything about bread or how it's made terrible got to stop using these bad metaphor show I mean play a little for bread to me so I mean just like that just real quick just I mean I can't count it those strokes like in like eight strokes you know now now up to like 14 but you guys get the idea and it's nothing to do with anything except just stroke direct like you know if anything you take away from it anything I've taken away from ZBrush is that stroke Direction is important you know I used to be a little bit more chaotic with my strokes but working strokes in a direction I noticed that you know even a blender the tools have a kind of behavioral reaction to directions and their amplification so you know if you're one of those chaotic strokers you know if it's working for you stick with it but definitely getting with the program and rubbing with the grain it's also nice so we come back with the flatten we're like hey we know there's been a large development recently in your area but it's cool right here just level it off the rest of the community will accept that but we see here that the ghetto of the mash right here will need a little bit of cleaning so you know we put it in Starbucks and more Mickey D's you know some RVs turn into a fast-food Lane just get just kidding sorry just know the tangents on these like I mean I need someone to have to hire someone to review my audio make sure not putting out any subliminal messages my subliminal messages is set the curve to a nipple use that nipple nipple sculpting that's what you walk away from this with is you know you turn your curve not on this one but you know we take we take pitch we look at that curve that's a nipple to me well maybe not even the nipple how no I actually don't know nipples either you know you guys are finding out more about me then I wanted to let on but we continue working here and we're just going to stroke stroke stroke like rowing a boat alright that joke has been redacted so continuing on we're just stroking Ormus gently just taking it for a ride like I am terrible at straight lines but I hang out with so many sketch artists that I just have to try to improve sketching and sculpting and designed because it's just a waste of life to be around such talented people and not utilize the resources at my disposal which is why I'm such a big proponent of collaboration and teamwork yeah such a divided world team works all that's left even if you're teaming up to a change in election teamwork so right here we have that Wacom glitch actually that's unacceptable I'm do please get that out of here oh geez edit redo edit redo edit redo oh are you serious so Wacom if you're out there to help man this has happened on every tablet ever just weird little visual glitches cheese man trying to do a tutorial here not talk about troubleshooting diagnosing your products anyways continuing on so right here I'm gonna draw a nice little stroke down a little bit bring it over and just drop it off at home and we're gonna make sure this stroke makes it over to its partner that's a happy little couple right there so we look at the friends helmet business in the front party in the back maybe not a party you know we could put a hole for flesh flavor you know I really wanted to be a party helmet just kidding I also been meaning to come come back and do a video talking about like my very first renders you know it's just like showing like my beginnings in 3d you know it's kind of giving someone a speech at it for a couple of hours and realized that I should have recorded you know I should just have cameras on me 24th at me advocating a surveillance state you know if I could be recorded if I could be recorded 24 hours a day and have my best moments put online no it's just kidding worse dystopian sci-fi idea ever that's going into a script you guys I've just been notified Truman Show just kidding but I do love that and show like I don't know if you guys ever seen that movie but there's this part where the bus driver just straight rax Abbas dude like right in the middle of you know he's like he's like an actor right so he's like supposed to drive off because Truman got on the bus and you know he's trying to maintain the facade of the illusion so he just literally just like grinds to gears to ease the Sykes artment bus won't work like every time I see the movie that part just kills me I just start screaming hysterically with laughter you know also let's let's figure out what we're gonna do right here oh well we're now going to do is put a big hole but we give it a little mass give a little mass flatten it out on top by flatten it out on top the sides are willing to negotiate and then with the pitch the pitch will put all of these meshes I mean all these vertices in line so maybe something like that maybe come back with the flat and and just work this part a little bit there we go so continuing on aren't our crease lines are just deep and big you know not not making a joke there but they are you know I just drew a line err a line literally has the bevel in the line which makes me think maybe we can mess with the curve and create a profile but just haven't been messing with the brushes like I used to because this panel doesn't work like it used to like it's just a little different now but I'm not not not taking away from sculpting at all because look at me I'm in it I'm loving it this is my sculptor now you know and has been for it for a long time you know so right here I'm just gonna turn off lazy mouse and just draw a box shape because old habits die hard boxes you guys and we're just going to work this in like so get out of here hourglass I don't know you that's my purse so we're going to draw stroke here and things are looking good we can polish it and now we can come back with the pinch and say hey how you doing you don't fine how's your kids they doing fine alright keep walking keep on walking I mean we want to come back and maybe work this part with a little flat because I see a little unruliness over here you know a lot of a lot of complaints happen a lot of internal grumblings so we will just real quietly put down that rebellion of the mesh so we look at what we have here and this is that just you know 42 minutes sheesh every time I look at the clock to lament on how long I've been what you guys it's always a long time you know those that's how I know it's a good video you know I get a lot of people telling me in private you know hey bass do shorter videos like I do but I just get on these tangents I mean it's part of my post-it notes on the computer ideas you know I do want to start at least cutting out clips or something so you know if there's someone out there in a crowd who's just interested in highlighting Jim's but via timestamps I mean you could just highlight timestamps in the comments of moments that would be good tutorials that could be a thing I mean we'd have to work out some sort of system of reward or something but you know because everyone deserves to be compensated for their efforts or at least rewarded so right here we're just going to sheesh that's a little T flood what's wrong with me do something like that but we'll flatten one side of it so I might experiment with the brush settings to see if there's a linear lift I can create that lifts it on one side of the stroke and not the other because you know as a as I use blender I always am thinking about ways it could be easier you know like that's part of our secret you know just testing testing heavy testing you know I wake up in the morning and I use box cutter before I even eat same with hard ops you know like the first thing I do is get to work terribly unhealthy I'll die young but the tools are all that matter and ensuring that they continue to live because it's like our motto right it's like tolls live and tolls die but you know we're gonna be one of the keyblade's in apocalypse you know speaking of that Kingdom Hearts coming out in January you guys looking forward to it I know I oh it's just working here you know and just while I'm working in here you know let's talk about some more obscure features made of brushes that I like to use like blob you know blob strange you do that you got a boil but you come back with the flatten and you're like hey bro hey hey hey hey look listen listen shout out Shawn wrinkling by the way so right here we're going to just get up close to it and that's a good thing about working in brush resolution I mean I've actually have stopped moving around between other modes of sculpting because I mean sometimes I use if I'm not gonna say I'm just not using them saying you guys should just stop using other moves but brush is just so great i mean i zoom in make my brush real small makes the mesh real small everybody's just real small and you get to work in shapes like that so listen let's suit a blob but let's do it in for blob let's you know because this is something I used to go and see brush for was like cutting in stuff like that and then using the clip curves to just you know basically cut to death not saying I could do a better blender but because of blenders limitations sometimes it actually affects my design in an interesting way you know sometimes people will say like hey you know this model is a different than the other wasn't like you know I didn't use certain tools this time or I excluded this brush or I had this roll on you know sometimes I'm like no one dudes I'll just work where I'm just like no one to use you know like a video game so we look at this after zooming out and that works but if we come back with the with the crease right we talk about the crease real small real quiet real fast crease while really got a straight line there come on blender soap on that uh input samples or something so let's try it again it's probably because of brush and being so souped and quite creighton like a hundred thousand verts in this one stroke but I'm optimistic it's closer to ten thousand maybe like a couple hundred per little notch but you know not looking at the numbers here I see them over until 1.2 million try territory thanks a lot to read Ripper you know never never it lets me know via our glasses that the computer is suffering I mean you guys might be here in a fan but I am working facing away from the computer I mean I've tried every solution in the book for the audio so I mean it's also become quite funny how people are just seeing me for audio all the time so I look at this guy to just sing in the hell out of me over this audio so I'm glad that I finally found a solution that you guys like and I hope that it works out and also i i've been listed in my videos and i like to wait at like the way they sound you know I was skeptical of uh you know Mike from like fifty years ago look at this oh my geez you know you zoned out you just start sculpting just not even just really paying attention and just awesome this happens like and that awesomeness causes you to come back and be like you know what cut that out flattened you know same patterns same routine this is the shape right here that I'm you know I might turn into some sort of thing you know because I really enjoy putting these sort of like plated divots via sculpting and I mean once I take it back to my work flow of integrating max and cloth and all that you know I'll be set by curved stretch is you know just one of those tools that I just really really need because it was part of my shaping process so having it absent is a really big gaping hole I've been used to it for so long you know I talked with creator today he gave us permission to borrow it so I'm hoping that that turns into us borrowing it turning into something useful for a moment until he gets the port complete so stay tuned for that but out there and beyond beyond the moonlight you know the armies are brewing you know the great bullying Wars of 2019 are about to commence and competition always spawns greatness you know I will stop sleeping at night in order to accomplish a goal I will stop eating I'll stop experiencing joy in order to acquire a goal like goal psychotic so we like we accept all challengers always because you have to be thinking quite a bit like me to get ahead of me you know because our ideas just jump so far ahead you know it's like man we want to do this but we have to do this this and this just even get to that point so I'm excited for this upcoming year so right here I'll just draw a stroke no lazy Mouse just lazy drawing really no it doesn't matter and toggle the mesh at some point so do you tell us won't be sacrifice so you know what it'd be real cool on this piece would be a like some sort of Silla noid shape but let some work on the mass a little bit so right here I used a crease and then I'll follow up on one side like you see me doing here with the clay build up and then I'll finish the job with the flatten and with the flatten the things that done dill you already know and if I have to get pinched involved man I don't want to be that mesh you know I used to I used to get pinched when I misbehave but like you know I should call this mother's pinched you know like you know you ever got pinched by your mother like in a grocery stores like you're like I want candy or yelling is like ketchup pinched it's like a cattle prod electrocution so we look at this and I see a winner you know this guy is a winner you know you gotta tell yourself that in the mirror you know this guy is a winner you know I actually forgot to tell myself that before this video so I'm gonna have to go to that after this video so anyways let's jump in the object modes real quick and just up the ante right so I'm just going to shift a add a plane and with this plane I'm just going to alt em merge it to the center and then extrude it down just basically I made a vert and we can even use the control tilde helper and just add a skin and you know one of the things I saw in Alex's tutorial was how he's using the skin modifier we talked about that for a minute like we're using this again so classic you know the geometry so equilateral but you know it was just like you know it just it's just easy you know like you know you might have a point there we have to try that out so here you see me just just use a little bit I mean I'm modeling on the keyboard at this point right click subdivide because ton W being missing I don't know if I'll ever get used to that I mean please put W back guys like it was this it's it's W weird to not have it guys so we look at the got like a longneck it's like like a woman so we bring it up a little bit it's like a snake at this point let's work this shape up and under my quick favorites I have nothing because I knew to blender earlier and also what happened to my shading I don't end up L I ended up in look dev there we go so now we're back in action and I'm going to now that this is converted to a mesh I'm just going to actually just hide this right because it's the only other mesh in the scene and just add a classic boolean modifier and put the mesh here and then we're gonna change it to Union I've actually been goofing off with this manually because of that glitch I was telling you about earlier in a video but applied a boolean modifiers are so bad at me especially if you have nothing else in the scene except one other object you know we're all about getting the most efficient keystrokes usage so right here we're just gonna look at this from the front and turn down a topo on dime Topol there we go we have it and if I move this with the snake hook it'll actually redraw the geometry as I do it and also it will get a little slow I forgot to smash is a seven hundred eighty-three thousand nine hundred eighty nine vert so thanks a lot AMT because of my seemingly unlimited ram cheese please undo please undo what you've done now let's go back to grab and I know we can I get this shaped without having to our Decimus decimate the mash immediately so lately getting back into sculpting I've just been just really just working things from the front and then going to the side and then working them for this I'll put a press Q and we're just going to decimate the match real quick just because we need a little bit of reaction here and you know I'm still used to those old limits right like if I get close to a million blender might start getting unstable so I start to dollop back but I should really just take off the weighted shoes and really dance with this PC and we're just waiting and just waiting just waiting for justice one small thing which is kind of big it's kind of a heavy thing to do but it has to be skeptical of sculpting and sculpting and dealing with modifiers at the same time you know because sculpting just seems to be so demanding so because the mesh is all unified just as stroking in here is going to get this looking looking right over see the message yeah we're just stroke and I mean literally less than 50 strokes to start laying some shapes in here building the forms let's do a little neck cutting you know haven't done any real negative cutting this video of course brush resolution is making it a little bit more slow than usual but that's me I know how to how to make a computer bleed you know one of the many reasons that I actually migrated over to this particular tablet is you know I have a surface book you know I was hoping I could sculpt on that I was like wow it should be sculpt you go weedy brush on to go man that's the hottest computer in the world that's so computers a little firecracker every time I use that computer it's just like wow I love this computer when a pier just starts getting super duper hot so it's just one of those things drives me nuts I think I'm yeah how was it messing with laptops because laptops were already getting so powerful they were just getting so hot so you know I might affected being of that mindset you know I don't want a MacBook because you know gets slammed on the ground and just shut off during renders you know which will put me right back where I started you know deja vu so let's undo that continue okay I'm actually pressing the wrong button because I'm still calibrated to a different setup I know we start just putting some shapes in here so I mean it starts off as lobs but you start bringing in like say mr. pitch mr. pinches you know he asked no questions his strength is at 1.5 so he's really not trying to find out what's wrong with you he's just trying to put you right you know mr. pitch doesn't have a name nut brush now there's gonna be mr. pitch you know hit that mr. pitch brush on these meshes and we see that these meshes have all sat down and started doing their homework immediately because mr. pinch has taken off its belt and just really just started working these meshes into some forms wow I just love cutting this particular shape and working it in I just I just can't help it you guys it's just addictive so you know this is me on my quest back to making a particular robot and then this is gay now I'm sure I've also mentioned in videos previously that you know we've been in the whole game for a moment and it would be nice to aim our efforts in another direction so that is something that we often discusses and how we should use these tools to actually create something else like a like a game or a movie or a short or something like that so you know we definitely want to improve as the social aspect I mean a social connection aspect of things to you know maybe even make like a collaborative toll that can make this sort of thing possible I mean I'm just rolling around ideas in my head but I mean this is stuff I think about it bad my girlfriend's telling me no so right here we're just oh I just realized rolling around rolling around let's just use grab we'll just move this over and this is turning into a slightly lefty video so you're still watching this on I'm thankful I mean if you sped it up and just skimmed your way through it that's also nice you know even you down voters you know I hope you down floaters take something away from this you know hopefully you guys get in there start cutting some killer trenches dude making some dope robots dude and then really put me in my place you know so let's continue sculpting and we're just polishing and you know everything's so abstract right now until we bring a mr. pitch I mean I have a lot of body here you know I've been meaning to get get back to a dreadlocks and actually work on him but I really need my stretch work flow for the next part that I had planned for help in the AMD robot because I wanted to do something really cold helm at the end but the transition over to 2.8 you know I was thinking about being a holdout by it just would not have worked out I would have looked like a an idiot so you know I was talking to Paul about it earlier you know it's like you know 2.79 was so stable so perfect so everything you know it's so hard to leave behind but she look at Evie it's like goodbye recycling Ben please understand all extra copies of that please right now you know like to the point where you know actively stopping other people from it I'm just a 2.8 fanatic now like I'll never be a holdout again you know I tried to hold out for 2.49 I was like 2.5 looks stupid you know they're gonna they're gonna come back to this they're never ever going to come back to that and with good reason you know if anything just make a theme that has the colors and that's a good enough homage right here you see my stroke show stead AB I'm just not a steady man so let's just draw a line thanks to lazy Mouse I can emulate I mean a lazy Mouse thanks to smooth stroke I can emulate stability and not being should being a shaky person so let's hit this with the flatten and smooth stroke is which shift ass case I didn't say that and so we got something here but it's real real big real intense we need to really marry it to its cousin so right here I'm just going to take a little area in here and we're just gonna work a triangle but we're gonna but wait - more so we're going to hit this part here and do our little flattened and distrait some interesting little divot and I feel like I just learned something myself over the course of doing this sculpt with you guys so I really hope you enjoyed the video you know I've put a significant amount of effort into this audio situation recently so I hope you also enjoyed that like I had to watch so many videos about audio devices and podcasting and stuff I mean that's I do a podcast out you know because I got to set up for podcasts you know that'd be the top cast you know or the box cast probably a box cast but you know it equal to maybe do something like that you know we would I would definitely keep it talking about workflows and tools so you know every guest would be like hey let's look at this piece of art here let's talk about some of your design decisions how you did it while you did it and then every every video would have to be a hit at that point you know but you know I think the biggest shock remit would be you know I'd want to talk to people of other software especially like people of the Moy and a fusion disciplines because you know that software is nothing to sleep on you know like people say Autodesk puts out nothing good I would love to agree but fusion isn't bad fusions not bad at all and neither is morning what is pretty crazy and there's also like $200 and with Fusion I'm able to give it at the educational license but and I'm not using a commercial work I just I'm just looking at it as an outsider because I've just always skeptical of what Autodesk's future schemes are so if I start setting up base there I just know that they're going to just absorb my base and take take that and end up turning it into something I'm having to pay to be a part of as far as year-to-year usage which is drives me nuts I hate subscription plans so hopefully we never never switch to one him because that would suck uh uh you know I've always wanted to keep hops as something that I personally would want to buy that stroke right there it's just kind of crazy but yeah we'll go ahead and just pause it there but you guys get the idea sculpting in blender 2.8 just a fun time to be had also like right here we could come over here to the side let's I just really just what about going to you yeah I can't just in this video I have a dread Ripper also want to do a video talking more in depth about the particular computer I'm using I do get a lot of questions that's about my system recommendations which you I'm not really a position to recommend I'm kind of out the loop on computers and also bit jaded and skeptical I mean I actually to be honest like the thread Ripper so much that I might try their graphics card next go like you know it's not a graphics card that works with Eevee and it's just marvelous and lovely I'll just rock that thing because with the Nvidia update drivers all the time and the drivers break all the time certain games don't work let's just I mean I know AMD probably gonna have its own share of problems you know growing pains but I'm starting to think they're worth the try yeah I saw just a post earlier saying that they've released a new Rison 7 that's like being the i-9 so you know can't be can't be sleeping on them because of a also redo actually accidentally undid a couple of my strokes there all right let's see what else was I gonna do oh yeah you know talk about motifs you guys let's put a triangle on its forehead let's just work this I have to hold my breath like I'm taking a sniper shot you guys when I'm doing a stroke that's my secret for straight lines or competent strokes is to just hold my breath I don't know if I ever told you these things I mean sometimes when I'm talking I'm just like stroking so bad I mean you know sometimes I try to figure out where my difference in tutorial versus practice comes from you know some time I'm just practicing and the result is just spectacular in that do tutorial of them just feel like I have to work it a little bit more you know trying to make this look like a organic triangle you know like I said trying to channel my inner flawed you know flawed is not afraid of the soft shape which is what makes this work so admire Bowl all right and you know I genuinely hate that wait maybe zoom out let's actually just just rub that out and also we're at a 700,000 again on that try counter I see that if I have my finger riding the dial it'll just keep registering brackets because I'm always thinking about that brush girl but that failure did not come with a slight bit of Education meaning that our surface has changed giving us something new for professor patch excuse me he's been promoted he's a professor with a doctorate of getting things done there's not miss words not mine sorry the pinch has also become sentient so you guys gotta watch out the pinches you know just don't be sleeping on the pinch you guys it's just amazing so I also think that uh yeah there we go I was like the semesters looked a little strange however I do want to press q and decimate the mash so I'll decimate the mash and decimate nimesh also is a nice time for me to be able to go in and use the grab brush to adjust things and really perfect how these surfaces look because they're there's always improvements to be had with the hoping for the love of God the sting is recording all of my audio because it'll be sad you know if I had to put this out with just music you know because there would definitely be things that I would be intending to say so and also I see that the King has has gathered so with that we can get this thing towards a resolution so we can start getting to work on tool time the new podcast from Team C sounds like a home improvement tool time was a part of home improvement just obscure references so we're just affecting his shape here just some final shape adjustments before we we call it a day all right and so there we go and so with that I will wrap up this video and I'll be seeing you guys next time if you like this sculpturing video let me know and I'll be coming back with more sculpting even if you don't like this video I'll be coming back with more sculpting because sculpting is just amazing in 2.8 you know maybe next time I'll get in and just block a full entire bust of a character and we'll just work our way through that instead of always keeping it down to the head and neck because I don't want you guys taking I'm incapable of doing a full body you know it's just my professional work I do tend to hack my way through it because there's no time to goof off finding shapes and whatnot you know you got to get to the result very quickly so in my personal work of crunching I do like to spend a little bit time experimenting with the model and just looking at the helmet because the helmet always tells me if the rest of its gonna be worth the effort you know like who's this character who's this guy going to be and you know looking at the face I love this guy so instead of I'm just gonna leave this video stare at this model for a bit and I'll see you guys next time
Channel: mx2
Views: 127,087
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, masterxeon1001, educational, awesomeness, rendering, modelling, texturing, uv unwrapping, modifier stack, timelapse, tutorial, 2.x, open-source, free
Id: a-Nsphndbj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 14sec (4574 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 05 2019
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