SMZ3 | Combo Randomizer | Hard Logic | SM is hard video game

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okay the one glozell did it's like 70 degrees here today it's fantastic my phone actually says 63 in the haiwa city so who is getting chilly and hot O'Lantern let's do it three two one go I can't believe it's been thirty nine months only one more until 48 ladies a thirty nine months goodness gracious no it goes impossible it's turn a mess Jason's hope you doing all the lit up water bird miss piece they okay water bird fishing the sea before the weekly Oh the weeklies in an hour isn't it no just doing this season I'm gonna play some Link's Awakening I've been meaning to start my hero mode playthrough Link's Awakening for one a weekly zko off today my co-op partner is mi a reset to free [Music] smokey there's a lot of things in escape [Applause] six things in a map you can see me I think twitches semi broke if you can see me the Navy I will uh refresh my my car ball nice I love the vanilla too one pulls my favorite pub leaders Elliott does look at gamers I uh yeah I was watching I was watching rocket League just fine before I went live I don't know what happened [Music] Firefox work though that was Prohm yo sighs holy moly which is broken but still dropping a fine bomb goodness gracious you very much sighs I pretty sure a lot of you got a gift sub you're a big ol thank you we got web tomato the Mentos cast a matrix I got a glove and more that what happened cube solver and rampant revenants well because the dreama's welcome well the foots [Music] so over the I'm gonna be doing some more we get and power bombs now - you are you doing some more swordless stuff in the near future there's a new route that I did not one for speed run sessions that uses some very precise cook pushes and swamp Alice to skip having to do all the hyrule castle eg she aims all we're missing the bottom of the tracker that's fine it's an easy fix [Music] needs money here's the Sulis Meridian blue and pearl on shake tool I'm a boy shape tool Duke do them with two months or prime and here must eat this sucks meat money do them thanks the two months brandy and Eddie sad with the four months of crime thinking both very much who [ __ ] he South Shore Scoob will come back to the way you should be able to give bits and mobile first thing Vince on mobile is more expensive because of in-app purchasing fees in this jump I swear he didn't get his first try or it takes me never never like somewhere to do Wow which won't let you guys cheer this [Music] no that's bad let me go hey you can also donate or you can subscribe there are lots of ways you can also support stream my following the champ you don't oh I don't know buddy missiles dude [Music] [Music] this is a good way to support the channel kappa yeah um real w thanks the twitch prime semi need to appreciate a lot welcome right mark let me enjoy those emotes thank you and then me double-oh-seven gold the five months actually contains porn I'm actually gonna go to the shift real quick get my power mom's back that's me parts for co-op today Ivan's uh is he getting ready for a Hawaii trip [Music] I've been having a job and a lady friend now he's a very busy he's a busy boy it's okay cuz he had Marvin the third thinks the nine months crime she want I really just need a Miss back so what's happening here it's giving me everything but a missile bhakti-yoga Kia this is weird [Music] [Music] [Music] ding ding ding ding ding ding finally all is right in the world okay oopsies I was looking for a CEO Hey and look next time I do what what a ridiculous meme and it's all whose alts [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so really good start so far I haven't dark world access already mirrors really nice to have early [Music] [Music] [Music] we're just gonna go check to missile and we're gonna reverse for inspire one mrs. D rolling baby I don't know if that opens this door or not it does that's actually really good to know please me yes the US annexed a thirteen months and row I didn't go off right in here there it is what the hell 13 months on October 13th spooky RV ghost what is happening why did I place it down in ding ding ding ding ding ding ding my best time is like a 2:17 I think [Music] and with the Rexall kind of want easy if you are subscribing it with excellently you should probably cancel your payment and then make it again they won't even use Excel anymore you know things are working well never too many misses for this scrap will kill these guys [Music] still weird to me that damage transfers over on these guys if you hit one once and then hit the next one once it dies no they have to go super booster no I don't know where the platforms are anyone else have any issues with wish yes they don't really need that many our bombs here Oh God Oh God let's go this way I don't know what this room looks like I need did I hate that issue from there nice at least favorite issue millions of times subs go unused only you can be the difference and more than one beyond serving at a time for the one what energy and miss the miss what that was in reference to you need speed booster stop I think bourbon in the mug why would I hide you give your twist friend sub to someone else now um I kind of want that in taint is that shaft supers kind of [Music] okay I'll go in faster reset may be hard to tell I usually just throw my primer around to different channels I kind of want to go get that water way you think this is like the first time I've ever had speed early it can water way into green hills up red tower or even downward tower I can just just go to uh [Music] just go to norfair Oh create [Music] kamikaze Phoenix thank you very much for the twitch prime sub my dude thank you thank you welcome to the pug farm hope you enjoy those emotes oh did they tweet it oh [ __ ] hold on hold on guys I was told to look the look at Twitter today crowd control we're out to find the chosen streamer to finally us lead us into the depths of Hyrule who do you think it should be tag them below crowd control cross odes heat alright guys if you want me to be the first person to do an OT cloud control live on Twitch I want you to tweet my Twitter at this tweet okay that's all that's all you need to do you want to heck me up it's an ocarina of time that's what if you want to be the first I mean you'll just look like a dick if you tweet your own Twitter no this actually might be worth logging I appreciate it really helps me out man I was so pumped about making this early waterway decision we're just called crowd control yeah and just link I linked the tweets that you need to respond to this impossible dude [Music] [Music] yo duck walk thanks the four months in the in hooky welcome to the stream do you over here to have an a great day oh god please I just want high jump boots switch broken for everyone probably yeah it's been on and off broken for for everyone pretty much I've lost my tracker and my notes can't believe Andy's losing no one's tweeting but the head guys I thought you loved me so crazy that I only have 20 missiles I have 25 supers 20 power bombs bing bang bong bong-bong-bong burden Dhin Dhin Dhin Dhin look at all these indie lasses and their replies this time talking barely snuck that one in who appreciate you guess my telling my viewers to go vote no why would I do that mone don't accuse me of such things are we even voting on I need to know what we're voting on for me to tell my shadow I don't know what you're talking about money nini how's it going money which is breaking again you heard him here first don't refresh cuz twitch is breaking again oh my god the hookshot getting that hooks up God control ot Walker is duded coming out soon and crowd control needs your help to figure out who should lead the worlds in to Hyrule dude I can see program axes sub partner and mod icons and how they were all gone fantastic everything is right in the world I okay no I'm still recovering from Charlotte and Atlanta secret sessions I'm being honest [Music] hmm this fortnight do this diet Hecate for life dude yes only a true hero and be the first to play ot crowd control you'd even twitches like sub alerts are delayed like I just got an alert for wrasse subscribing for 26 months I haven't seen it on Twitch in the twitch chat yet that notification hasn't gone off which is all sorts of work right now and thanks pcs [Music] at least you can see my screen that's the important part it's true there's nothing more important I only had to load the stream ten times for it what do you mean bro what do you mean do my rocket League still is not loading let's look at the dark roll okay so we got Turtle Rock is a good crystal we got Ice Palace green pendant we got Yves town Meyer so there's one good crystal you know like they've live two million viewers in this gracious and it's Hara yeah we bout to beat that [ __ ] [Music] [Music] I think if you loaded the stream early enough then you're fine but like if you're trying to load things now [Music] [Music] [Music] can't believe this loud dude [Music] [Music] yes you can literally beat mold on without a fire source if you came if the big keys in the basement and you don't have a fire source you can beat the dungeon you would just have to skip one chest in the big chest it's super overpowered that's why I had to like I had to learn it because it's allowed I just can't believe that it's actually allowed [Music] [Music] it is just a bomb jumble you're flipping into something that's normally not clippable in like you can clip into railings accidentally all the time you cannot clip into those pots x10 I don't know I don't know man I don't like cheese now you need cooks out for it yes it's literally impossible go away [Music] [Music] of any minute haven't gone to South Shore yet I really just want the flu I have a bottle at Lisa's the e-tank lamp better sword a lamp sword let's do suffer possible to do an NN g when would you ever do it in nmg [Music] mm pearls on the big test 19 yeah there's no way to do it to make it faster than mg which is I guess why it's I don't know effect like so my only issue is like a lot of the other minor glitches in dungeons aside from dark rooms don't actually skip our lock required items right like even if you do mimic clips or potion clips for the mimics and pod you always need the bow right beat dungeon where clips certain item layout that's legitimately skipping a hard water fire right assuming it's a crisp anyways I guess you could argue that like plenty of revival does the same [ __ ] with moon pearl in ice palace but that never even gets done so airpot is definitely much more viable am I going for new world record and what will it be I'm gonna be taking the soilless world record in the next couple months [Music] FSG ain't she who is on my stun drop Oh magic that's really good um I guess Miniclip in GT as well this game though but also that is much less viable in terms of like it being in being used ever especially now is progressive bows [Music] [Music] um it's both a flip reverse some stuff hopefully probably flick that I'd be here [Music] I already know what this is why am i coming over here I can regularly and oh [Music] it's up secret-agent man glad to be back I think my only issue with the with the Racing Council is that like most of the people on the Racing Council or like and energy players those are really like actually changing that much when like the races were the race rules were just like nmv in the first place [Music] I don't know it's it's it's just like a weird situation where like change could be good but it could also be bad and so no major things are probably gonna get changed just what I think is gonna happen yet which is a little broken at the moment my NH TV 20/20 I am I will be running a Link to the Past ground control randomizer which is pretty exciting I'm excited to get absolutely destroyed for three and a half hours [Music] [Music] yeah it'd be fun to like I don't know oh yeah I'm optimistic that it's gonna go well I'm curious to see how many people are actually gonna tune in how many people like I'd like to see the stats efforts like how many individual people participated how many and like how much like it got specifically you know what's crowd control crowd control is where my game is connected to the Internet and you from the chant get to use money to live affect my game from home so you can do things like kill me you can help me you can invert my buttons you can invert my d-pad you can swap the d-pad in the button so I got to move with the face buttons and then you do things with the d-pad a lot of really cool things you can do with it nice meeting you at a speedy boy sessions when is this happening at ages you 2020 the schedule comes out in like a week maybe a week and a half so uh if you watch my stream enough you'll find out it's all it'll it'll definitely be talked about on my stream once the schedule comes out and I'll definitely have a command in the chat board as well what do they want to make $1,000,000 need I'd be super down just like get rail for three and a half hours and make a million bucks [Music] we got a temperance or the other seats free screw [Music] x-ray a screw and book okay I'm also curious as to what are they gonna be that made a joke like they should make me the finale and just not let me leave until I finish but I think would be really funny but I would be super down to be though listen Elliot would you wait that won't have you never seen them do it on TV yes because they've never done it it was done at ESA his past this past summer tgh did one but uh like ESA is you know the European speedrun marathon event but it is nowhere close to the same size as HD SMG use it all we typically closes gtq it's generally an RPG generally [Music] RPGs usually have a lot of stuff to donate for where's the end and like having a game at the end that has a lot of like incentives throughout the run like whether you're like getting a character in the middle of the game and you can donate to name it stuff like that are good for closers because it's the last one you need something to donate for besides just donating to get a goal sometimes I throw like bonus incentive their bonus incentives or like an extra game to get added on the end they did that when Mario RPG was an ally they added a mario 64 70 star race incentive it's like the finale finale if work school has done a lot of marathon closing runs I think it was Mario I ought to see this past year like one of the very first years it wasn't an RPG [Music] firstly if believer Booga people dooby doo boo boo boo boo yeah that's a huge ape there's just list a lot of down time to read donations and stuff and like know if you want to if you want to get your donation read you know during a a run with lots of down time is usually your best bet they do sick people I was hearing I don't remember [Music] it yeah gdq only uh if you are a runner a backup runner or a volunteer you don't have to pay for your registration which is like you know it's whatever I don't mind it too much cuz it's not like it's not like we're you know it's not like I submitted I had the choice to not submit anything or I had the choice to not go it's not like they're reaching out to runners and being like hey you're doing this for our marathon day like if they were doing that I would I would you know probably want to get paid my trail but the fact that it's like my choice to do anything is you think I'm spending 1.3 K for the trip you crazy alleys I can drive I can drive to Orlando on one tank of gas not even [Music] my travel expenses are like they're gonna be like a hundred bucks of gas [Music] yeah it's also like you know there's a vacation like if you're not doing anything for the marathon this is just a vacation getting to spend time with your friends at an event or you know [Music] like the more expensive part is gonna be people that want to go to Disney while they're there and like this nice really cool Kelsey and I both win like less than a year ago the Star Wars if the Star Wars exhibit was you know not brand new we probably go as well but I'm okay skipping out on Disney especially when you live close enough but it really doesn't matter isn't he Disney's expensive though [Music] [Music] [Music] ow [Music] yeah like I said it's still it's still the runners choice to submit stuff in the you know just go the charity then [Music] and like if you think about it like how are they gonna pay for like that you have to be much more restrictive on who they accept and they'd have to be like way more based on people's locations then like the runs they actually accept you know which would be super shape it's like you know they're not gonna want to fly like if they chose to fly runners they're not gonna want to fly you know a dozen people from Europe right because that's way more expensive [Music] when is gdqs posts when the west coast isn't like a million times more expensive [Music] [Music] like gdq like you know not knowing anything about back-end numbers at gdq prefer gdq like the charities you know put up money first you need you to put on the event and like you know pay staff and stuff like that so like that is heavily that heavily determines where unique you can even beat [Music] and like you could you know you could have GQ raise their attendance prices help fun stuff but like you know that only does so much [Music] I missed the wave beam alright this was a this was a solid used town dip I got Kanis Mario which is required wave beam which is awesome a graves next the 11 months of sub in I appreciate on XCore with the 20 months of Southern [Music] so alright what's my next course of action I mean I'm gonna dip into Skull woods I could dip in a pond I haven't been the eastern area at all [Music] we're gonna finish off this like North Loop I'll probably go to catfish this because catfish gets super isolated I haven't done any of a scheme I can do hell runs tube of mountain [Music] I could go to wreck ship make sure it's not a bad option either I'll probably Direction ship next I have speed I have everything I need to be a wreck ship yeah Magus is usually pretty cheap no idols [Music] [Music] Wow so Aaron team one item is locked behind the fire I could see the Knights TBH that's like the only bad thing like I've gotten to a couple sporting events to gdq's before and like I have a Candace Mari what am i doing and like it's it's fun in retrospect like it's fun in theory like going to a sporting event it's like a group of people but sporting events takes so much chunk like they they take such a huge chunk of a day whether it like like going from where a PDQ used to be in Herndon Virginia it take like you know an hour to drive into DC let's get the find parking or you drive to the metro and then take the metro in which is about the same amount of time you just want to worry about parking and then get to the game the games you know like two three four hours and then the whole travel back like that's like your entire afternoon evening gone [Music] I do in Disneyworld um we've been talking about it I think we've been leaning more towards no just because the Star Wars exhibit is pretty barren at the moment we went last November and apparently the the canteen is really cool and the Millennium Falcon is really cool but other than that it's just like a lot of empty space where they're gonna you know add more stuff the the Knights the Knights arena is definitely like closer to the city like that wouldn't be an issue if he had we were doing something in Vegas for sure but that's still one new ride like is it worth going to Disney just for that for like in ride seeing in the one-minute morning but let me go bit of money I'm Falcon and going to the cantina like it's something that we can do another time like it I'd understand it if we were coming from farther away for sure but like a six-hour drive [Music] [Music] [Music] pink Disneyworld is overrated Hardin Hall I mean it's not for everybody you're not super into Disney stuff and it's brough you probably won't enjoy yourself [Music] [Music] there's a Randall it's going it's doing yeah when we got the Disney last year we got there the last day for the Food & Wine Festival it was really cool yeah just these definitely like a unless you're super into Disney stuff definitely a group experience more than an individual experience I probably wouldn't instil a Disney too much if I went by myself it is expensive battling for makes it more expensive with your ROA I gotta go to Nintendo Lane and Universal Universal is the only thing that I wanted to do because we didn't do Universal when we went to Disney last year [Music] it's impossible impossible to do it stuttered doppler cold thinking I have space jump things that go on and I hate it ah like the one thing that we were talking about likes like you know Megan was like going to Disney springs or something Disney Princess fun it's not like Disney yo meridiem with a three pack thank you very much Marie I appreciate a lot well whose three new pieces to the puzzle on we got Lacey dog we got a JD Moore and Kahala to be one but the guys enjoy your you must give meridiem a big ol thank you there's not even letting you guys like give some first sub or anything and how am I supposed to make a living if you guys can't pay Pattie past me in points I don't think so I don't know though I went to bed after that it's Deidre Patti kept streaming you never know maybe is I ended stream yesterday at 1420 I kept paid with exposure hell yeah [Music] that madman strings all night yeah but he also like he started his dream when I started my stream yesterday that's all like let's try to do this dumb bomb come bro big eye all right that was way harder than I made it look right there I promise that bomb jump sucks ass now that was first try you need to you need to like jump and lay up on there and you have to unmoor quickly jump and remorse back into it as you can't bomb jump at all in water so you need the bomb to be out of the water I don't really need the flutes necessarily Myers appendant but it'll greatly speed up my little more fair and testing teary oh my god I got a cheer Meridian with the 1000 bits sharing emotes journey month with 25 peeps in it that was eerie I need to stop breaking my spin on this plat holy [ __ ] Oh God or all users processing at the same time oh god there's a teeny modes apparently two of them are locked behind you actually cheering but the other 16 or nots is what ever Philemon I will get to those win bowling starts thank you guys for the gift subs and the bits and subs I appreciate a lot and the hi smoke weed oh goodness it's the 420 president brass thanks to the 26 months 22 black thanks the 200 bits one of that much oh I forgive them that tastes so little health do that science part is so short no charge beam yet so I want all the supers I can get all right um balsam think of the fire bomb a gift subs I appreciate a lot we got a grow big Blue Devil the Deku scrub solar and Jeff diem hope you guys enjoy your emotes do balls and a big ol thank you thank you very much to give bomb D and then sides with the five bomb as well we got a Swizzle hacks punk kitty Sarah star do an ear and Corwin Ambrose hope you guys enjoy your emotes the size of big ol thank you appreciate lot radio makes the 1000 bits testing that sheer we still Albert Oh God cheering despite twit yeah I think we're all kind of you know the flippers so I got weight flippers just wakin flippers so a clock thinks the two hundred bits appreciate a lot what's up here hope you're doing well you know why I have a ball god everything's a-okay what could possibly go wrong nothing see we're fine I got the flu right yep Oh God is diversity yeah I am screwed Zach honestly and I have a lot of emotes not emotes gee thanks Jesus [Music] Eastern good luck with the sea-ice a hailstorm thanks the 19 months in a row I appreciate a lot I do have a lot of Mimas I was running there I promise okay um we're gonna save I'm gonna save check ice beam and the hidden missile and then [Music] and then reset it does enough mmm a lot of weird door opening noises sounds which is best JK's software convert into a BA or convert into a tier-one from Prime Islamic appreciated which just tweeted about 30 years nice oh yeah I think so the two months JK saw cartridge slot and then mm oh shoot at gift in a sub - or bone own Bochum - pug farm or above you enjoy those name let's give it an emotion to pad a big ol thank you and then 0z shadow thanks to 12 months of prime you need like there's a couple different items that you need spring balls included in that mix as well guy too far yo camera with the 1000 bits god of armed goodness you very much Dennis alright just crap I'm so good I'm so good alright thank you very much for the 1000 bits in official I'll send in 25e most of chat nice try reloading my rock at least Oh God Oh [Music] [Music] 53s let's do this first sighs with the two thousand bits in his gracious I appreciate the generosity a lot I think things are very much science no I don't want that ether mighty that beacon okey this is gonna be close Anakin okie thinks that Twitter crime subdued I appreciate a lot open to the puff arm OOP enjoy those new emotes appreciate a lot of balls and gift in a subject clocks looking back farms hope you enjoyed those demos give a boss and a big ol thing [Music] [Applause] I'm so good this is actually really hard Waldo Jimmy mandolin takes the two hundred bits dude getting those scoopy RPG emotes and give him a most of three peeps on the chat blondie it can we get some RPG go stoves in the chat it a little spooky oh god please go that way all the help I just learned is gone oh babe you look at all those ghosts those I'm gonna say I'm not gonna make it out of there alive with just this much health I can get I can see all the items with this health and if there's nothing then I can just leave and I haven't I definitely have enough health to get to the health [Music] none of this works enough time to be able to uh I know you can wall jump up this it's just really tight without high jump boots I don't think my my other plan for worried though Oh em - OH with the hundred bits zanko with the 500 beds and xenca with 200 more beds and JK software with 100s thank you all very much it all denby's it works now should probably click asleep [Music] JK software you got that already I hang the game rigs D with the 500 bits in kinky choose what you making inside I am OGM you for it it's my coffee sorry crock Feeny I hope you're not watching you'd stop it [Music] now swinging thanks wing I'm meldy Oh God holy [ __ ] say what [Music] [Music] spreading more love eat how do you do that Danny loved Eddie different dad penny did with that petty did with dad pennies do dad are the night raffle Crocs that's just torture right ain't about that sighs thank you very much for the two thousand more biddies in his gracious appreciate still no RPG Co still she minor that if you cheer two hundred bits you get two emotes automatic here's a bonus you don't want to uh you know think ohmori with a thirteen hundred bits do you guys what's going on today goodness so I don't know if I'm keeping that uh that sword yet I'm not wearing it now the reserved be my third reserved barely mated and let's keep it if I end up wanting to do Sulis Ln again that reserve will be helpful three months now looking forward to the fourth yo mm oh shoot ad with a three months very much appreciate the team sport yova Knox is with T Warner almost to a whole year beef and fruit booty with the 11 months thank you very much dude of an ox just welcome to [ __ ] fine hope you enjoy those emotes again it was real nice meeting you at the Atlanta speedrun sessions are you very much miss poor dude enjoy then he was welcome to [ __ ] Oh kind of our part okay now plenty helps get out of here I have grapples I don't need to do that dumb short Church I can get out of here one day you'll buy a new drink oh yeah [Music] keep up the good stuff Andy smile go to it any gdq and buy me a drink you ever you ever go to a speedrun sessions you can't really buy me a drink when I don't buy them yes the content is always and thanks for answering my questions about tricks logic decisions etc I feel like it really helps me learn and a year L strannix with the two months are prime thank you very much for the continued support appreciated once you're ready with 18 months and row thank you very much dude I appreciate a lot thanks the kind words let you enjoy the content and then kamikaze fee negs with the two hundred biddies Thank You Louie [Music] [Music] you know the Redskins are beating the Dolphins in the Battle of the shittiest teams in the NFL today hell yeah dude is oh I wasn't sure what time the game started and then I saw I started at 1:00 and so like I was watching rocket League because I was getting ready and I saw both teams have done one series and and the Redskins had one series three plays for nine yards and the Dolphins had one series five plays for negative one yards I was like man this game is gonna be fantastic [Music] wouldn't a stiff breeze beat the Dolphins that's implying that everyone in this chat can beat the Dolphins what about you I would rather not line up against a son like three four hundred pounds defenders it's like it's like those those comments that uh that are like you know the worst team in the NFL is he's like yo Alabama can beat this team knowing couldn't we won't realize how like athletic like and big NFL players are doesn't matter the worst team in the NFL they would actually kill any college team that played against [Music] those are my favorite comments kamikaze Phoenix 200 more bits farming them emotes yeah we're steam in the NFL is still filled with you know fifty-three NFL players [Music] point differentials Superbad dolphins it's not even like like other teams have been allowing a lot of points as well the Dolphins just haven't been scoring any points but just don't fence no hair but no I got them on that one I'm gonna okay so I'm gonna be I'll be the quarterback of our team against the Dolphins right someone's gonna hike me ass Ness controller and the Dolphins gonna be so mesmerized by me doing a soilless Peter on a football field that we're gonna score one touchdown Lindsey [Music] sometimes that's why you guys watch me for like stupid dumb comments like that I'd go to that event I'm just imagining I'm imagining like an actual like NFL offensive line just like tight we need a Super Nintendo controller and be really funny you have a blue potion [Music] [Music] 17 to 10 now oh the Dolphins scored who even is the Dolphins backup QB or other QB they saw they'd bench frozen yo there's the plasma [Music] honestly if you want to try and get this shirt you could email the Yeti support and see if they have any left this was a this is a limited-time gdq eggs in the first gdq ex shirt so it was only on sale for that week super dumb comment kappa hang on there's some stuff [Music] many keys do I have um mm oh shoot ad with a for 20 bits thank you very much Derek reach that Boston give this up to edium welcome back to the puck farm Eddie I'm hope you enjoyed those emotes in Boston a big ol thank you at Junior race and fan the $5 donation that's superdumb comment hell yeah innate gift in a sub to oddity you very much Nate welcome back on Adia enjoy those emails you don't need tank we're slowly getting more and more health so we can do L n he'll run slowly but surely let's look at let's look at some some football stats shall we oh yeah team stats all right the yards are better now not great 253 yards to 169 yards 129 yards passing 290 yards passing that's not great [ __ ] [ __ ] show you'd think that like both the the skins and the dolphins being bad they would both be like you know having decent offensive days but now [Music] it is a jingles angel sax I legitimately like aside from like the QB issue like if Jordan read actually got healthy and can get a concussion every time he stepped on the football field and if Alex Smith didn't break his leg last year who was like are all in quarterback right I think the Redskins would be like a decent middle of the pack T but the Redskins just can't stay healthy and they just got absolutely [ __ ] in the quarterback area last year [Music] why didn't we be pawed I don't have a bow can't be this dungeon either all snakes the 200 bits - yeah same with that lacy I don't know what like I don't know if that's gonna be stopping anytime soon though unfortunately I used to live a couple miles down the road from Dan Snyder when I grew up or when I was growing up every day on my way to school we drive by a Dan Snyder's house big old gates with like gold-plated D s right in the middle [Music] yeah that's you yes right girl the komak no not a Nintendo yes like the initials D s yeah turn Williams is a big loss as well [Music] god this blows alright so let's do uh let's just do like powder and mush and get that out of the way now I'm probably go to desert frankly is the fire odd okay so when seven desert we're gonna do skull woods go with us two items left [Music] now I'm not gonna skate it [Music] I'm stupid I need to go to the mouse I need just screaming fans ition before I can cook a bit hmm [Music] well since rocket League is not working on my other monitor maybe I shouldn't open up the Redskins game [Music] oh my god rocket League is working again that's a thick thing like you're feeling sick hill rage captain Sykes feeling sick is the worst let you just feel like you can't do anything I hate it dude rocket League is gonna be at the Olympics so along with Street Fighter 5 so that's pretty [ __ ] sick I'm really excited to see how it ends up playing out oh yeah I'm a hundred percent serious hold on let me uh I'll get you guys a tweet [Music] [Music] copulate the tweet [Music] it's not like it's not like in in the Olympics but it's like an Olympic client event which is still pretty dope need Andy representing if there's ever a link to the past randomizer Olympic event you know I try my darndest to represent the United States of America it's at the Olympics and it's partnered with the Olympics but it's not like you know an Olympic event but it's close enough yeah I go to represent hi what's the what's the what's the Hylian flag look like sin gdq already this your own Olympics no there's no competition ng no medal I have no idea now and Ebers Christa's is the final ain't pretty sick USA vs. England in the finals even like a some sort of like team ish tournament similar to like the league play last year but are the we played tournament that happened last year earlier this year and we're whenever it was a storm and like I think it was at the end Alaska like having them be like you know country bass been pretty cool it is UK [Music] do 3d but I think of other 2d Zelda's like Link's Awakening or the lunar staff but a rain last V of them be possible or desirable randomizer for that all of those exist actually so definitely possible [Music] I've never played any of the other ones so did I see what that was no it's not in mine [Music] I need to get this other chest as well but restored actually does not affect that flight record actually uh if it wasn't randomizer and it wasn't fixed the gold soared actually worse than the templates or bolts or doesn't even damage mom was a space jump nice nice ooh Oh God okay but can you play the Minish Cap randomizer I honestly don't know I just know it's a relatively new thing I don't know how stable it is or how well-made it is yet but generally like randomizers take a little bit of time to like iron out the kinks and stuff like that but it does exist I'm assuming if you google minish cap randomizer that something might pop up Google's usually pretty home [Music] there are non VX Link's Awakening Itemizer that I don't know oh my god sighs what do you do it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] besides the train thanks for the 2001 bits in its gracious goodness no as a ridiculous I love you all choose to box with the 1000 toot-toot bits appreciate what woo you guys are sharing the RPG emote love and the Chancellor love it no blue man asked for one item in here [Music] this isn't the big key that I can't beat the dungeon alright we can beat the done 100 more yo JK software with a hundred bits you very much Dean or bono was a 210 emotes with three peaks in the chant think thank you all the RPG ghost is alright there's the second item so I don't have to check anything else in here what out of here I enjoy these events yeah I mean they're fun you know it's a way for for you know people who want to support Famers to also get something in return rather than just like a thank you in the streaming like honestly like twitch giving giving more things to viewers will always be good it's like I wished which would give us the ability like like give us like a twitch twitch you know like a non twitches and perk for tier two or three subbing besides an extra email because like that's not really that much of a perk not sure what the RPG Mets are promoting actually like they did they did the this event for Pride Month they have like fast food emotes were like Oh week last month I think I guess he could be pointing is RPG when every sin can be that like as it is we don't have any like twitch methods you to promote subscribing at a higher tier other than like generally spammers don't want to it makes my food more interesting meat ype pug farm hi Ella masata with the two months and you very much do that Chris you want I'm always gonna be uploading YouTube sometimes I get her like really busy and I just like forget about YouTube sometimes but but uh yeah generally I I I'm pretty good about uploading the most part every every other day or the third day or something like that usually um was I gonna say I remember oh yeah generally streamers don't want to make that cheer two or three emotes like you know like you know you go to emotes like this because they don't want those to be like they don't want regular subs to feel excluded from good emotes that's kind of shitty um go do the shuffle real quick let's go to escape I guess I don't really want to do anything in Super Metroid right now I don't really think I can do anything logically in Super Metroid right now it's you and three stuff is good for like memes or for just like you know random dummy mothers well like even even like Andy dad you know would it really be that good of a spot for a need to have one like most people can't use that email like I don't really have that many tier 2 & 3 subs wait and most streamers don't like 95% of streamers sub-points are generally too obviously [Music] like I've thought about like you know what interesting things I could do 4 to 1 for 2 to 3 emotes honestly I should probably just like you know come up with a perk for it you know buying them and sending them a mug you're sending them to merge or something something something small something simple but like even that stuff that's like all you know outside of twitch yeah they often - gift is really good sure you get two pieces here but it's like VIP doesn't do anything like it gives them a different badge next to their name and then they don't get affected by slo-mo that's nothing you know [Music] all right everything else in this dungeon is an item we're gonna go this way Batman is do you make people feel good [Music] but it's not necessarily like a good person do you agree so that's why collect it Nate how did you guys multi go the other night you can make anyone a VIP it doesn't have to be like just friends like you know I definitely could use VIP to just people who care free so [ __ ] all right well that's one of the pieces of the puzzle I didn't have a fire source to do hair basement I also just completely forgot that it was an item [Music] one of the Sulis Maria pieces single dude single booth thanks the two hundred bits classic stuff two hundred bits diamond drink thanks for the two hundred bits Boston [Music] yesterday but like in most cases I'm not going back for that item nine times out of ten I had a pretty decent amount of stuff to do after after that you know and a lot of the dark pools checked [Music] you know ok KP with the 200 bids very much then we got 700 of you restrained holy moly I would rather have high drumbeats speed booster with that high jump boots sucks a lot what is that emote it's a sprite from some game and I don't remember water what spray oh it's from Xenogears [Music] according to oddity [Music] oh you'll friendly fire with the tier 2 sub the rolling deep big boys thank you very much dude holy moly appreciate a lot welcome to pug farm up in Jordan new emotes you may be all like I don't know and it's it's like I don't know if there's not just the only thing that I can even think of that's like even reasonable is like sending merch and I could have tier 3 subs like make me a plan no or I just have to hover all over the [ __ ] place you guys are dicks that's the only like stream elated thing I could think of [Music] iö she thinks the five months dude I appreciate a lot but it's also really hard for me to figure out who my tier 3 subs are like it's not as easy as it used to be no sucks I used to be able to get a document that would give me all of my subs in order from oldest to newest and it would just tell you what's here they were how do you and now it just sends me like a list an alphabetical order maybe and it just tells me like it might tell me their tier but it's not like it's not as easily like control left found annoying it just changed the list and made it worse it tells me their their strengths their streak month or their longest streak month for their current streak month or something in another concurrent month and that's it your two or three just one server and I have a disk or server this open to everyone and I I don't know I don't really put any work into it and no one talks that's also you know my fault used to be pretty active [Music] and then I have like a subchannel in there and there's not really a way from me to to like it's only really easy for me to make a sub discord it's not really easy for me to make like a 2 2 & 3 sub discord cuz then like you know I'd have to keep tabs on whether they drop their to your 2 or 3 or not rather than like discord like being connected to that there's not really an easy way to do that there are multi world this portal there's the multiple discord for like every different world except for maybe link them fast but there's a multiple channel on my discord so you can play with other Andy viewers and all that jazz meet some meet some peeps from the community play some big games [Music] Jimmy mantle makes that 200 bits and there's like there's a bunch of people in my discourse that are including myself you know they're knowledgeable about you know setting it up and you know beginning out why it's not working potentially you Andy viewers yeah same left side gross I mean I'm running out of like logical locations so that's the real reason just doing Westside gentlemen holy [ __ ] dude [Music] yeah it's really nice that's how the links of the past ones gonna be when it comes out me [Music] oh my god another one well but but this is how you find my way she looks right ready and with the story's four thousand bits goodness hmm I really need more coffees [Music] when I beat you I know okay I know I said last one last time but Alyssa and I need to give because I love this chat and I really want to support you and II PS pls don't call me crazy help cry on D give tani love are you not great look you crazy thank you guys for this border bridge so I'm running with the 3000 bed science with the 2,000 more bits sila is taking that number one spot for the week booth goodnight getting demoted to number three it's freaking the heck Nate Nate when are we uh when should Kelsey and I can visit in Seattle with me do you even care if you guys ever want to do a monkey just let me know I can easily can easily make that happen I told that to right here and then he didn't message me for like a thousand years yeah it works with retroarch as well when I did it on any later like first two times I did it it uh it was fine I mean it still felt gross to me I'm right right but [Music] no I missed you got a movement and sucks boom 22 black X the 250 huh I'm back [Music] I'm back dude having cordless headphones [ __ ] game-changer dude [ __ ] you tier 3 sub to my chat futon we'll teach you how to cheat okay I'll give futon a percentage you know these ok I'm gonna go finish making my coffee and I'm gonna go pee and play a quick ad and I'll be back in a minute ok [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right game sucks don't know what to do yo squid Oh what the heck what the heck yo nice baton takes to the tier 3 biggest boy rolls deep in his stuff for eight months in a row only [ __ ] I don't know what's it do [Music] [Music] only mold I love this and ebu demote D a fiery ocean with a 2,500 bits it is graciously very much dude I'm glad even like the booty to do it even much the 2550 it official I'm giving emos the 60 peeps in the chat that is a no joke amount of peeps yo that's a 777 viewers that is a lucky as heck number if I've ever seen one guys what the jackpot you're actually hold on yeah alright so as you guys hit the jackpot 777 viewers give some subbies [Music] oh my god [Music] I can't believe it Edie thank you so much for the 25 gift subs that's a no joke okay 25 new peeps to the pug farm hope you guys enjoy your emotes we guys there neo Sephiroth infinity or infinity 3 Mavi on night born a on genesis helix elusive dave rash the gall Kalida vision polish handyman pool float gia jam the gun met for physic captain of soul blazer throw it to my GE floor man male sturdy hags the six one nine Jesus Steven GLX our phantom that's Peter my lizard read the great jug and shade eggs and Nicolas Logan oh my goodness on a spring ball right a spring no ice thanks Andy Andy love holy moly you cast a ridiculous and I love it I love it I would generally don't know what to do I don't think any of this is in logic without I need I need the ice or spring do anything what'd I miss oh let's do uh I definitely didn't do this [Music] what five Park versus pug farm but for all [Music] [Applause] I check nice I save scum did um okay uh [Music] you ready he thinks the two hundred bits did I appreciate a lot size with another five bomb a gift subs thank you thank you I didn't want to come here we got no onions jibe roar Revere's shadow region and Nevermore to to to to we got to enjoy your emotes give signs a big ol thank you thanks very much sighs I appreciate it a lot oh my god we're still going rash is it going to underbid smiles in the five months [Music] like what I did that but I'll let you pyramid they do pyramid mmm goodness um balsan it's a fine but gifted subs as well we got a forever irritated Xing 88 Glenfield Giggs Joel and the lone wolf a one hope you guys enjoy emotes give boss and a big ol thank you I appreciate the sport de Zen Komori with the 2,000 bits in his gracious thank you very much to be shaded support clawed for the 200 bits nice with the firebombing gifts elves got oh my god [Music] bug oh [ __ ] alright um Nate with the five money gifts elves got Nathan mg a sonic brawler slippy splash SV Louie and it diverse so because I'm drinking must give them Nate a big ol thank you thank you very much name I appreciate a lot all right I'm going the wrong way um take a software with the 200 bits narrowly if upgrading back to a cheer 3 biggest boy rolling steepness I'll be very much appreciated want thank you um Jay a check along with the 2,000 bits you very much dude I appreciate it very generous yeah you guys are too kind to me you know that a fire Yoshi with the fire bomb and gift subs as well this is a farm station right I'm gonna get some health care fired a shoot with five bomb gifts of a curio three Eldora uh or idara I guess since maybe Eldar I can't sell a turret Luna EMP any amount of money and um Gish a one of you guys enjoy your emo so I kill them too soon [Music] okay sir you must get fire Yoshi a big ol thank you mercury seven seven with the two months of prime in a row six total um thank you very much Mikey hope you're doing well and now with the ten months Prime thank you it is gracious you guys entirely to Paris I appreciate a lot though thank you all right see Boston thanks for sticking around [Music] you'd please walljump [Music] please wall ja wohl job hi oh god we got more dude oh my god majestic centaur with the five AMA gift subs we got a Compton dat two KLM Martin scores easy this actually like the name for keys hope you guys enjoy your emotes uh yes II imagine just essential article thing you've got to give stuff from him sighs with another fine bomb a gift subs thank you very much sighs we got a que porra Gabor a Clell in our skein that waffle a little andron and hilarious hope you guys interview must give science a big ol thank you craziest bug with the five bomb a gift subs oh please uh-uh craziest bucket to five sons you got zero hype uh Jay Jay Crandall our Duke snowman radagast and Smitty CW hope you guys enjoy the emos Givet craziest bug a big ol thank you goodness gracious Aleksey he thinks the two hundred bits Jeremiah hates the ten bits Alexei with two hundred more bits demon razor with the prime something very much for prime said I preach the welcome to pug farm up you enjoy the new emotes thank you the counter updates relatively quickly as far as I know this 1491 what can i new one is what it says for me it updates on my end and then I don't know how often the stream labs like text document I don't know how often enough these API but it's usually relatively quick alexey with the prime stuff for 21 months thank you very much likes a appreciate line it is gracious yeah both trees though catches suitors so you can't damage go Theresa with supers unless he catches one and then you just like unload on him so you can usually get four in you usually get four I didn't even see what the medallion was one of my bosses for in when he catches one goodness gracious you guys very much support you guys are entirely too generous you guys are gonna make me so happy I'm gonna cry also on fact I blue feasel is hooking us up and I'm gonna be able to stream from SG line so uh won't be missing Andy's games for a blink that's exciting we are the right amount of generous thank you guys very much though I appreciate a lot [Music] I need Titans mints bow [Music] gravity would be nice I have the fire out as well I have both these gone I'm slacking on clicking things today I think I have enough ammo for a mother brain not I need a little bit more ammo even just for safety and then um or Tartine goodness any items on boot checks I mean there's a couple boot checks that I just can't do without boots there's a heart container on the desert torch that's all I got [Music] clicking the track or the real final boss boot on make me an auto tracker I don't even know if that would work I'm sure it would so make me an auto trackers like don't have to click fix any board what's on library a library is just - it is an auto tracker it's not for me check some updates where is s mz3 Metroid Metroid Super Metroid castlevania metroid and zelda update available well yes we'll do that later alright have fun futon happy Canadian Thanksgiving you guys are weird [Music] you [Music] Canadians celebrated the correct time no need we can't be wrong all right [Music] this is the calculating area of sorry over an area solder and oh yes this is good one effort I've never played it [Music] you think it's weird to have Thanksgiving in November and it makes sense change is weird I think you guys are weird for every Thanksgiving in October what makes the world go round [Music] [Music] oh goodness all right so the Redskins win yo the Redskins one by one what's what happens hold on need to do some research real quick hello [Music] they they kick a fee of two field goals or did they miss a two-point conversion or an extra point I'm so curious I'll consent to the two-point hell yeah God all these school with six seconds left and one for the win oh my god did I even hit it no I didn't think I heard it I think it's going to touchdowns in the fourth quarter they feel like they'd have all the momentum so they would just pick the pick the extra point and go for the win and overtime [Music] who knows [Music] yes of animals who's gone okay so I need I need myths and bow um with Verna or with Colt sort it doesn't really matter like so so if you have burn active you can't charger spin attack that's the big difference Verna is also lag year I need to farm some supers here so we're gonna be here for a little bit I don't have charge beam so the only thing that I really need for SM is gravity suit I have a lot of ammo first name would speed things up but I need 30 supers in total to kill Ridley so I also need supers to kill a lot of the cool pirates well two of them at minimum so we're probably just gonna farm till I get 15 in the other 49 is legal reasonable because I have ScrewAttack so I don't need to kill any of these really nice I don't really need to grab these suits so killing dragon is the like the one to the pole team without it but it's doable [Music] [Music] escaping trade on without gravity is much easier than doing loan or fair without variant I am close ok so these are the only cool pirates I actually need to kill or we're really good on email please just go through the door I'm gonna hit the ground Lloyd it in for a nice icy beeps thanks to three months we shake a lot area very was on candid six [Music] I missed one hey well I only counted because I forgot to look at and see how many I actually had going into the fight I could have you know done some quick math okay why this is not working I can't turn just logically required because you don't get drops from really so you if you don't go if you go in without enough ammo you could you know and that's not allowed even in our mood [Music] [Music] yes ice [Music] yeah there's my meridia access which kind of sucks I really wanted to do Maria [Music] so I actually I really want to help people here all right dive in some meridia I'm actually gonna be a little longer path back to the business center for this help refill [Music] dr. Krauss was young bullseye bullseye [Music] it wanted that the category is wrong you mean like the game this is a Link to the Past also Super Metroid I skip the boomerang somewhere and I'll high up I make it I'm actually gonna take plasma off here I really don't want to kill any of these enemies [Music] [Music] [Music] come on D this ring more polygraphs promoters gonna make some things easier [Music] [Music] yes grannies you can be here in the heart logic am I gonna equip plasma back here there is my spam bomb sometimes nope it's just al a bombs because it doesn't [Music] [Music] the nominal for you alright everything's fine the things Indiana but even enjoying look at this hitbox [Music] thank you super him off the wall [Music] [Music] the moods no Hey now I need to spring balls Oh [Music] the only place that a gravity suit can be is the aqueduct because those items were only accessible with gravity see everything else creatures is a very game [Music] [Music] [Music] they live at the same little some parity questions do not know a pike stir thinks that's which prime sub be appreciated okay I'm a to the pug farm hope you enjoy those demos [Music] [Music] [Music] run yo Faris are with the Twitter prime sub as well thank you very much Dean appreciate a lot welcome to the pug farm let me enjoy them new emails just a sport let's do it [Music] barely frozen in time oh dude I broke my spin [Music] [Music] [Music] you need family for the BLA like somebody's name maybe not like the thing I don't know about that one is like there's not a good setup for it just cuz you can't get up there fast enough it might still work but I honestly don't know it might not be I don't think it's I don't actually think it works because because you can't clip up to the you can't clip up to the aquaduct items either and those clips work the same or like the mock troy clip to get the Box balloon you actually end up like standing up through the crumble blocks or you can't do that with the other ones so I don't think it works I could be wrong though but [Music] get on snails do those now I'll actually do beacon of damage if you have no seats ripple persuasion it's the few one two three months they want oh my boss eat my ass video game we'll come back to those later [Music] I'm gonna kill drag on firsts what was it you missed it it was Titans myths I need to [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [ __ ] actress 25 months of crime all right so let's go mode [Music] [Music] [Music] need a bunch of super missiles here [Music] [Music] okay don't fall [Music] eat me up Metroid 490 damage at the time Oh God alright all right perfect you got the perfect amount of health I want to laugh that was [ __ ] gravity see let's put a barrier back on us for some safety now I can't have more than 50 health eret of all of my reserves right yeah [Music] why don't I hear that so late let's suck [Music] No [Music] all right everything's fine [Music] [Applause] so me crystal flashing there and then getting grabbed by dragon interrupted my crystal flash which is gonna let me show us not a short store a shine sparked and thus let me escape this room and have dragged on be dead you can get out with grapple - but I don't know how to do that and grab the bouncing [ __ ] [ __ ] so [Music] [Music] as long as I don't dye my way to the save point all right we did it dragons officially dead uh it could be gravity logically you can be required to get out of here without gravity suit in normal mode of that logically nothing here can be drafty but I'm pretty sure in hard mode that can be gravity suit almost up I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure you can bow was BOTS when you tank and about to go get my mitts from left pit that's why I knew I didn't have to check the item because I know in my mid story and that puts me in go mode [Music] I'll probably return to smrpg Rando at some point they just released a lot of new stuff so I'll probably do it again at some point soon but I got other things to focus on at the moment like I'm probably not gonna be toon doing too much other than like I'll be doing some stuff on the side but like the main focus is gonna be probably just like good ol open mode for link in the past Rando to practice for tournament in a couple weeks we're saving there just in case I messed this up too badly I don't have to come all the way back here from the drag on save [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] alright we're good we're gonna get these supers as well just because they're here and having as many super sponsible mother penis alright high jump boots back on our logic yeah mostly it's just like some tricks like you need you might need to know how to short charge your shinesparks you might need to know how to mock ball eight glitching is something you might need to know and then being able to do suit less runs through upper norfair and maria for the big things llama dive everything in lower norfair is still locked behind it's still locked behind various you unless you have Meyer access then I believe the two things that are accessible from there are not very lots other than that everything is still very a lot in in Lauren are very bark park or Z peak I can do better perfect power thanks for 15 months t I appreciate it alright does not have an effect on link to the past at the moment all right let's finish off the link to the bash Ali [Music] I have this blue log also so I can look up where the gravity suit was when I'm done yeah it's much easier to do meridia without gravity than it is to do Lauren or fair without Baria constantly taking damage eat a lot of Health and a lot of ammo to be able to Krystal flash enough to get in and out a lot of lava time with various in launching yes but by doing it without various doing anything in LM without Maria from the normal ln entrance is not [Music] like I got so my spring ball was in meridia so I logically needed my ice beam to get into to get into meridia and and that em already I had my mitts as well so like I logically didn't have normal it didn't have normal Laura North I didn't have access to my er without going into lower nor fair with llama dive and then meridia had my boots it had my spring ball at my mitts and my bow like all the stuff that I'm gonna be checking to finish the CEDAW for all Lots by meridia just locked by me going into Lorimar fair [Music] hey guys long time donator second time whew it gives me great joy to kill to a great cause greetings from frames PS donate the animal kill the Germany that'll eat the animal kill the driven to you um LD tuffington thinks the 19 months of crime didn't Topanga with the 23 months of crime thank you both very much I appreciate a lot an Alvin thanks the 21 months um number what I was gonna say anymore oh how I was Horace is the one like pattern logic so like a lot of it is just knowing what all the locations are like you don't like to worry too much about the logic until like you know doing a couple and then like sort of like starting to figure out like you know what order to do things in and then a lot of the little things like that you might not necessarily think of like you know hook shotting or like having to kill a Ganim with the moon parole a glove and a hook shot right or even just moon pearl flippers and hook shot and gets you to West Dark Worlds if you'd like the hookshot area or to start or old witch hut like a lot of those things are like you won't realize what's happening or like you won't realize that that's what's intended until it happens to you and then you never forget it like a lot of things have been that way for me like some little water thing happens I'm like oh this is something that can actually happen so then you just learn to you know keep that in the back of your mind in case you get another seed that ends up playing out that way that happened a lot with inverted as well with how like unique them in pro locations can be yeah it's just like a lot of the little the smaller or smaller things just happen like you know once once it happens to you once you're like oh that's really cool I didn't know that can happen I'm gonna keep that in the back of my brain is dumb [ __ ] that can happen in the random yeah generally link to the past is a very very easy Lander to get into I [Music] don't know I like I'm not entirely sure like all of the beef everyone changes just like a lot of the stuff I like doesn't affect me personally like easy mode I don't know if they change their role but easy mode from the prior version but just put like double the amount of like protective or like helpful like weapons and armor and stuff and so there's eight swords and for male upgrades just so that you're more likely to be like you know beefy in terms of damage and defense so that execution part doesn't matter as much and that's always good you know for beginners because a lot of times you can get walled by by like one hard thing that the seeds expecting you to do [Music] and that's a good way to just learn you know what all the locations are and stuff [Music] III use the V 30 update in lttp when will SMG breeze V 30 update link the past never link to the past and s MZ 3 are completely different entities they are their own things they have the different main developers different design ideals so they're just completely different my first cell that was actually Zeldin - my dad would let me place all the - and I would just walk around and fight enemies until he wanted to play again and then he would you know actually it advanced the game you know hints hints will never be a part of SM Sikri total is very against it use of hints say I didn't actually like play Zelda to first I like as like me playing the game I just you know held onto the controller and press buttons until my dad wanted to play I think I think like the actual first all the game that I played you know independently independently was all the one link to the past of the first game I ever beat mostly on my own [Music] yeah I would I would basically be the XP grinders for him my dad was a smart man [Music] even if the the XP I was grinding was super slow because it was like you know outside was a first year here very entertaining seeing in person speedrunning for the first time arista thinks the seven months of prime dude I appreciate a lot thanks for coming out to the speed run sessions be glad you enjoyed speed run sessions are so much fun and it's really cool that it's like a lot of people's first live speedrun event like that makes it like even that much [Music] [Music] it's be like this and back to my day there was no gape facts to cheat in the video games I remember I remember like when I was older going through like some of my parents old gaming stuff I found I found the original like zelda 2 instruction booklet i think my dad had like 20 or 30 pages of notes written down yourself to you what is really cool to see after the fact vacuum games for cryptic and gave you like a million pages of notes in the back to write things down good old days it's a funky [Music] yeah manuals that were thorough and detailed and like sometimes helped you like like to the first like you know 30 minutes of the game or whatever I remember the the illusion of Gaia instruction booklet for the Super Nintendo it had like a warning and was like hey don't flip past this page because it was literally just like a [ __ ] walkthrough in the back is fantastic Lucian League I was one of my favorite games of all thing I haven't replayed it in a couple years but I used to like do one playthrough of it every year I've also never gotten all of the red fields because I always forget like I forget about something at some point from like not paying attention or I'm looking at Chad or something and I just never I'm always just like [ __ ] well oh well yeah I saw that Sean I haven't I haven't seen any gameplay of it but maybe I'll try that out one day [Music] [Music] beautiful I'm not one day [Music] areas are locked up by repurposed key items oh that's neat [Music] all right shad you know what time it is pick non-routine one and twenty two how many locations am I gonna have to check before I find the Ganon's Tower Big Island is the big key in one small key and we are good to go upstairs if we miss from like Dumbo tight on this super weird how's it going Shawn I'm pretty good I'm glad to be home it's gonna gonna busy like since April year there's one I didn't do right sighs personal town I wasn't paying attention [Music] I can't even see my tracker team order to get minimized when I did something in the chat yes there's two there's three or here let's do this shitty mean round [Music] this shirt was from the first gdq express because oats and goats and I did a combo Rando co-op yo that was a what one two three four seven seven [Music] bear nibbles first person to say seven and then zero infinity the runner-up congratulations to both where's my boy a bear nibble that you type in the chat for me yo Andy I played out for the first time this weekend many hours watching you made it a breeze XD [Music] not dang innate baguette all right we're zero infinity God [ __ ] and you believe Nate would do this yeah I'm at a disadvantage because I'm also playing a video game with the save time uh Draco it's five hundred bits thanks a lot they appreciate it bear nibbles and that 0 infinity welcome to pug farm up you guys enjoy your emotes if Nate's big ol thank you very much but appreciate you you Nate's got his finger on the trigger always this leads Channel see this was happening here long before what happened in Slade's channel alright [Music] been happening here for years it over here I know that both you guys are here who messed up yesterday who [ __ ] up somebody had to [ __ ] up muscles n [ __ ] up whose slave oh you don't know Slade he is the cult leader wish-tv slash Slade highly recommends he's a good stream to watch if you've never watched him before you should go into a stream one day when he's like he's usually live in the mornings Eastern time to go in his chat and ask him about the cult uh yeah I will oh we both finished like I finished on my end that's all that matters to me good enough to upload to YouTube now it's definitely a you know any three to three with the five months you very much miss Ford appreciated oops uh hope you're doing well D did him leaves enter you're [ __ ] up man need hovering right after I clip my nails okay it's the only time where I should probably like bragged is or I do it it feels way differently have super short fingernails patty Sivas garbage [Music] what [Music] nice [Music] all right big boy gain in time six all right guys what do you think gravity suit was I'm gonna look it up while I'm finishing up you [Music] this quick reminder I got my bow my spring ball in my myths from meridia in Boots yep boots bow spring ball myths were all ammonia [Music] [Music] oh now Zen triggered holy holy moly the ten bomb a gift subs thank you very much Dan I appreciate a lot if you got a gift set for him to give a big ol thank you got Noriko Tyco bustin smash and Arisa B Potts has gorath mad gamers darkened sky lady Mouse Co night and dices so guys enjoy your emails we are also above 1500 points again she's pretty sick thank you guys very much you guys are nuts clocks nice to 200 bits to you that's 1g I need the ammo alright let's take a look hatred guesses in for gravity suit I'm about to look it up [Music] [Laughter] it was in Turtle Rock in the big key chest which is surrounded by lava and pipes ask its ski a five jessimae forced Sulis OS pedestal I'll take a look it could have been solders there weren't that many light world checks lessons and I knew Silver's I got a gain and said Silver's won the light room so it could have been Silver Arrows this could have had the silvers dimension Santosh Allah as well I don't have charge and ever found a spacer I'll look up some more stuff get into the credits I jump wait so this has new baby skip strats means they're probably not very new the spring ball leaves gives fast really really hard that's found by QWERTY it saves a pretty significant amount of time you basically don't stop in the room remember if that was found like birdie or if I just saw the first video that's pretty I don't remember please [Music] [Music] there's a lot more damage correctly Sudan bug the baby baby baby baby baby it removes some glitches and added in a lot more yes it's a very very faithful remake they added like the biggest thing that they changed is they added way more heart pieces to Turtle Rock is now finished in less than 40 seconds and in lieu the softlock in level 3 I don't know what that might be yeah there's a there's a he knocks mini-boss and if you take damage the same frame as he grabs you he's gonna he just throws you through the full weight and you end up like right next to the instrument room oh this nest which control is pretty nice but it doesn't work for LA remake before filming so the d-pad just takes over like so it like it's this is this controller basically but the d-pad only works for games that hold that like use the d-pad on the switch controller and the deep end the switch controller doesn't people think guys just set up you like bonk into the wall on the left and then like slash or something that's pretty cool I might think about learning Link's Awakening swish speedrun at some point I have some unfinished business with link to pastel I wanna I wanna I want to get a good swordless run with a new route that's been it that's like my next feat projects and then we'll see what happens after that 13 months in the bog park it was fun watching your run at speeds man looking forward to st alive [Music] yeah hook pushing changed up the route so like if you watch the run from speed run sessions after school woods I have to like story G and go to Agra tower and then do all the hyrule castle like Seward or shenanigans and then I like fairy revival and swamp and then yba the Argos or whatever oh god I can't charge here basically to hook bushes going into the dungeon normally without flippers without draining it and then doing to hook pushes would get me access to what iy ba so it saves a pretty decent chunk of time if you can do the hook bushes properly heck the animals do echo yeah apparently like our mics weren't loud so no one can hear us but this mine yeah 124 mg is something else that wanted to do I have a 125 10 and I can easily beat that oh I know I put something attention alright I need to use the restroom midnight takes the two hundred bits bit dizzy with the 420 oh yeah yeah the clocks the do you wanna bids X la moneda prepay what's up so ste it zoasty each PA teach me new round I don't feel so I'll do new route runs just for you [Music] [Music] alright I'm gonna use restroom what about the kress play let me find out where some other stuff was we got what like charge beam charge beam was an ice palace iced tea room teaching to the fast you can change round the pass is easy Oh God what else do you guys want to see what's phaser phaser was in the dark worlds and super bunny caves I never wanted to kiss mitts with my go mode silver silver arrows were in the light world they were from King's tomb I forgot about Kingston any boot location actually gonna be dead by the time he comes yeah I've got all right I'll be back in two minutes guys I'll take [Music] [Music]
Channel: Andy Laso
Views: 17,603
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, lttp, alttp, zelda, sm, metroid, rando, randomizer, combo, hard
Id: fxVIPeleLJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 214min 40sec (12880 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 16 2019
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