Hard Dec 20 21. SMZ3 Randomizer Community Race

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hello evening happy monday this scoop you loads tivarius is super metroid link to the past combo randomizer it's hard logic here on a monday night as mentioned i'm scupula tyvarus how are we doing tonight i'm doing just fine scoopula um really looking forward to some hard mode logic tonight yeah so tonight we got um maniacal who's been around a while knows the stuff uh we'll be looking to see some tricks tonight at least on the super metroid side uh logic can require it sometimes it doesn't really play into it but we'll see and on the other side we have blazer gaming yeah absolutely should be a should be a really good one there's there are 12 other runners tonight but of course our two restroom runners maniacal and blazer um going to be like you were mentioning scoopula showing off some super metroid link to the past combo randomizer hopefully we have some hard logic required but uh like you were saying it doesn't mean it's required just means it's in logic if you uh watch a lot enough of these races you'll see normal or hard logic a lot of people especially on the metroid side since it you know it's a platformer by nature takes a while to get from one place to another so when somebody can do a check logical or not they're gonna do it absolutely and uh if if anyone's been watching or was watching the smz 3 co-op tournament that was going on you know there was it was a hard mode tournament and there were a fair few seeds that you know no real hard mode tricks required and then there were a couple that uh you really needed to know your stuff so wondering what we'll get tonight yeah um not that this means much to the randomizer but i think we're overdue for some suitless stuff so we'll see is mm-2 in this match i know he'd love to see some suited stuff but uh we'll definitely see what maniacal and blazer do here and it looks like we do have a little bit of a split already uh blazer doing my personal favorite the uncle checks first probably hoping to get some bombs before those kakariko check yeah all right i don't come up here much uh without something to do escape with just i don't know it just feels like it might take a while but you never know you might come up with a weapon here we'll see maniacal's gonna do the north to cac cack rod and you might check uh adam's tree or he might not he's gonna do it sometimes you don't do it if you don't have boots so at least for now it's just a missile pack so we'll see if we need access via this route later and yes mm-2 is in this match i don't know how much suitless he likes since spring ball is required for half of it yep and maniacal getting uh getting really lucky there the bomb drop coming off i believe it was that pickle dropped the bomb for him uh so gonna have at least one bomb going into kakariko so 50 bucks at the mushroom spot it's not a bad pickup when it's there and you know if you know hula hand you might be looking for about 600 for zoro so i'll take the 20 in here too not too bad yeah if if need be can go down into the little shop and buy 10 bombs so uh going to be a pretty cozy kakariko for maniacal as we get another tree pull uh so so far we have arrows and full magic coming out of the trees not bad knowledge [Music] for the uninitiated among us though if you are unfamiliar with smz3 first of all welcome uh second of all it's it's a very interesting concept that people a lot smarter than me figured out uh the the short version is a link to the past in super metroid don't use the same memory slots so you can actually smash the games together and as we saw we started in super metroid and now we're in link to the past doing checks and as we just saw maniacal side getting the morph ball so all the items shuffled between both games and uh the goal of course is to beat mother brain and ganon and there's also in each game four points which link the two games so you can move from one to the other bringing whatever you happen to find with you and yeah so we have an early morphol sometimes it can be real convoluted and but uh like yesterday we had one it was on floating island i had to get a whole bunch of stuff for it but just here in kakariko today so that can that can spell divergence as well because when it's early then you get a couple power bombs i mean you have a lot of metroid open too yeah in early morph like that you're definitely going to see people who are comfortable with their sm movement popping into super metroid a lot earlier and then uh folks like you know myself personally who came to sm later wanting to find like you were saying at least 10 power bombs before heading into super metroid so we got us a vanilla bug net [Music] some hype in the chat please vanilla bug net no i didn't think so [Laughter] in insert is this even randomized meme here [Music] yeah super metroid can uh it can wreck people i mean there's there's people that are good at it and i don't know how i just don't it's it's definitely wild and it's a it's definitely a skill gap too between you know the sort of top-down view of a link to the past and it's very slow movements even when you have the boots it feels slow and then the super metroid movement when you when you watch some of the top tier runners um you know oats and goats um the folks like that even even maniacal fantastic sm runner just the fluidity of their movement in sm is is fun to watch [Music] so that's two bottles which is probably all anybody anybody's gonna want for the rest of the run yeah and maniacal does grab that lamp too so we're not gonna have to worry about dark rooms um one interesting thing about the combo randomizer is it is built off of older logic in the link to the past randomizer so if you're familiar with modern link to the past randomizer dark rooms can be in logic with the fire rod that's not the case here yeah that lamp basically it grant it grants greater weight to the idea that maybe we have to do escape and walk all the way back we'll see depending on who glow shows up but uh yeah and in a zelda randa that's run these days you can get back there logically with a fire rod so which i find funny because i could do dark rooms but i don't know where the torches are i just yep yesterday's seat i i think uh if you remember scupula had that hammer in the back and so some people probably did those dark rooms before finding the first glove but not going to be the case today [Music] and then of course it opens you know the thoughts of going toward your usual trappings of like eastern big key chess agony with the sword of cape two swords shows up whatever there again pending the glove moon pearl things like that yeah and forgive me if i missed it i don't think we even saw a map check on either runner yet so we're not too sure if uh you know a lot of times you'll see runners head to that eastern area if it's a pendant thinking well i don't have to finish this so let's just go but there it is two red crystals in hera and eastern and then a pendant it might have been the good one yes it was checking the restroom good pendant over at desert so really packed light yeah you see that um i mean you're gonna you're gonna need a chunk of dark world but there's still two pendants over there i mean i don't want to curse from yesterday too hard but on my money so i'll see you always bet on thieves down even if it's a pendant okay thieves town and pod and we're gonna have a great time [Music] the two pendant dungeons everyone loves to skip but are always loaded [Music] but uh maniacal taking a bit of a beating from those overworld light world crabs they do hit like a truck they are the hardest hitting white world enemy at two full hearts on greenmail gets rewarded for 300 bucks yeah and i think that put him over five but you know whether he realized it or not you know installs basically oh no it's not quite 500 but [Music] even so it'd only be one check at the zoro location usually you'll see a fake flipper there from ice rod cape maybe later yeah it's it's definitely interesting seeing about what runners prioritize early you know do you do those sequence breaks hoping to find something that makes life a little easier or do you just stick to logic knowing that it's the game's going to have to give you something important pretty soon i think logic is kind of important to follow early in this and that might be why monaco's over here [Music] just because that lamp you know he may yeah he's not saving quitting so i'm guessing he's running into eastern let's see if the back is necessary [Music] nope just just turn into gears yep definitely wouldn't have been opposed to an eastern play there uh like you were saying scoopula there's not much left but it nope doesn't look like he's going for the uh escape play heading back oh buying some bombs there we go [Music] he's got three must wanna just do escape at this point that's a fair play too that lamp again yeah it's a pretty solid call there and yeah just filling up on the bombs make sure you can do that bomb escape properly so bush crabs you probably mentioned this with the bushcrafts kicking out the 20s um blazors got his 500 so he might decide to actually do zora after all this we'll see yeah uh really farmed up those those big 20s definitely not a bad play especially early on you know if you have to go to zora that's 500 of your rupees um you need another 210 220 excuse me in the dark world um you know so total rupees about 750 will get you everything you need to do so not a bad idea um obviously if you haven't seen that 300 over an ice rod cave might feel a little silly but it never hurts to farm up early especially with the super metroid items in link to the past you're not necessarily guaranteed those early rupees [Music] like i was kind of saying before um the only problem with the zorro play is you're going to leave two checks and three if you count the one you can't get and then number four zoro itself is out of logic so they might just been hoping for a moon pearl or something to that like you know moon pearl any of that will open up some more of them but again we'll see what he does but then yeah go go ahead and check out maniacal you're gonna go ahead and clear out up to the six items actually was there something in sanctuary i forgot you're really testing me now scoopula i don't if it was it wasn't important it's like five seconds in i don't know yep doesn't have the key on his tracker so it's not that anyway five six items something like that depending on how far i get here if the key is in front here then you can walk all the way back logically yep but uh deciding to do a play that i really like especially in smz iii stealing that first key um like you were alluding to scoopula the key's not in sanctuary and not in that first chest so that means logically that key is either in dart cross or in the very back so not gonna leave those items behind gonna grab those three items from the back and guarantee that he's not orphaning those i do like this and we do see that fake flipper from blazer really nice quick setup on it too well done yeah all that stuff you just said and what he's doing is all i don't know i'm not that complex when i run i just could be the thing go to get item do things fast like i'm afraid i'm going to steal a key and lock myself out of something so blazer just getting 20 bucks from our good friend camping under the under the bridge there and we do have a map so it is going to be a key in the back so just two items in the back plus that key for maniacal but again we'll see if this play you know pays off otherwise it's just waiting for that glove [Music] but it does look like blazer is you know going all in on that play you know farmed up the money and is gonna go to zoro be careful maniacal taking some bomb damage there off the rats but gets the key so yeah we're gonna go ahead and get a visual check on zora's ledge here and then he's gonna go ahead and buy the item just 20 bucks on the ledge yeah and a whole lot of nothing in the back of escape too but uh me i'll say a lot of nothing but peace of mind for maniacal knowing that uh those are checks that someone's probably gonna make later anyway and the only time lost is what it took to get back to the front of the castle and all the way back through escape there so blazer being very careful on that one heart though getting all the way to zoro [Music] the zora's are so angry they really they were chill in ocarina of time which i guess is chronologically earlier i don't know i guess they just tired of being frozen [Laughter] i i seem to have misplaced my my copy of the entire canonical timeline of zelda so i'll trust you [Music] there but we'll see if blazer decides to go into eastern uh quickly running out of the logical checks here so um it could very well be the eastern play it could be these last few checks here for maniacal so we'll find out um otherwise hey we could get that rare seed where it's vanilla morph pedestal or even the item in the ceiling yeah and we have to hand double the weight to um retro brain star the morph ball on the brim ceiling because in hard logic they're both logical from the start so a good chance of progression is there yep that uh that ceiling deboost in logic a couple of the other main things to note that uh hard logic puts in to logic i guess um certain hell runs with e-tank parameters are in logic uh the wall jump up to gauntlet is in logic um you know suitless meridia like you were talking about earlier scoopula is in logic again with certain item presets so definitely these things that these runners are going to keep in mind as they find items for sm as we pull bombos out of the maiden cell so it does look like blazers on the right on the right track here yeah it's it's either that or yeah the retrograde thing we'll see bombas will be nice to have since it is good for ice palace even if it's not good for misery meyer or turtle rock entrance i think afgh has a question in chat for you there yeah i don't know how he knows i have a beard it's very strange i think it probably had to do with the uh i don't know if you heard there was a thing in the news a congressional committee was set up to try and figure out just how exactly here in speed gaming we fit all this beard in this booth here today like how do we get through the door i don't know i love it i have been waiting to say that now check this out blazer gaming pulls a gravity suit which oh man yeah out of the map chest here in eastern now by itself i don't know look at the morph fall do something i honestly still can't say we've found a powerbomb pack yeah i think we might have had one but that would be another question for our tracker tonight matt ewok heard props maddie valkyrie by the way absolutely uh tracker's always the unsung heroes uh in these races um you know two two bearded gentlemen can sit here and talk about the game all night but uh the true hero is the tracker so big props uh and there we do get a bomb pack so morph ball power bombs very or gravity suit so we could be uh heading into sm pretty quickly here as maniacal says i'm not even going to worry about that gravity suit that i don't know about yeah you know this makes sense because he's been around a while and any runner can tell you that you do this long enough you don't want to go into eastern with a bow it really doesn't take that long but you just don't feel good about it so we'll see what's down here still a chance could be something yeah definitely could be um i think we can yeah we can check um here we go to bomb torizo as well as long as you know are comfortable excuse me with your alcatraz escape no worries about checking this item [Music] and it's an e tank and it's like you were saying before minus a various suit uh d tanks are progression so you want to get and with three correct me if i'm wrong scoopula because my my e tank logic is a little uh squiffy right now but i think three is the magic number for the ice beam check uh i want to say yes two or three for ice cream probably three two i think is what they want for rex ship with the spikes and then five for the rest upper door oh that makes sense come on maniacal there we go maniacal uh gonna go ahead and get that alcatraz escape there so blazer gaming having a couple extra checks here with those powerbomb packs uh could go all the way up to billy mays could even go over to uh red tower and check you know alpha peebs and and that area too yeah so indeed that was the only powerbomb pack since when echo does not have one there oh man so he's just gonna be limited to just the couple down here a bunch of supers which our progression uh the first one is but i think it does a lot of good without some bombs not those bombs samus doesn't know how to light a fuse in space um it's it's definitely interesting too uh like you were pointing out scoopily you know a good chunk of super missiles and missiles already it's fun to watch runners up until you find that charge beam you're almost hoarding those super missiles because they are a precious commodity early on but once you find that charge beam you'll see runners just start skipping a lot of missile pack come on oh come on game see so this feels good these are good items i just don't know what they're gonna do i mean i don't think maniacal's in any real hurry to run back and start digging but that's that's really all maniacal can do right now because again still missing those explosives so can't check billy mays can't check those uh alpha missiles that blazer just got can't even take that space jump up to either gauntlet or criteria power bombs so gonna have to go back into link to the past and of course it says we're good items he's going to have to walk out too you're not going to leave those behind and blazer taking a slightly different route not even going down into retro probably going to get that later once uh once they hit green hill zone um you know pop over there but we see a sword in the back of the gauntlet hello friend what time i'm watching the knuckle doing the downgrabs i think is what those are just like and i'm just like you know when i've tried it i understand it i just can't do it yeah it's it's definitely that threshold of understanding a trick versus being able to pull it off and just seeing that smooth sm movement uh just a blast to watch um but blazer gonna give us some look over here into uh brin loop at least the start of the bring loop um so we do have this mock ball over here in logic um in hard mode probably one of the first tricks a lot of super metroid speedrunners learn is this mock ball here a mirror hello [Music] so on and there's a area too so that powerbomb pack in eastern really the mvp right now yeah that's funny because i've been told uh one powerbomb pack is guaranteed for the first sphere usually you see more than that but i think you're right yeah it's it's one is guaranteed two you hope for yeah unless aguina has one i think that's it so blazer is going to get slowed down a bit on account of the only having five here around pink brain is when you'll see it but hopefully maybe before then we'll find another one yeah gonna gonna farm up on these bee toms though they are gonna drop some power bombs get them back up to five so feels good there uh but yeah chat pointing out rip suitless uh so hopefully hard logic rears its head in a different way tonight but uh both suits at what are we 20ish minutes scoopula yeah of course even if just for movement you know it's nice but there's maniacal with this gravity so nice thinking well maybe i should have done this first but anyway um the defensive upgrades are nice also and i was gonna say even with that looks like we got three and four tanks already so not doing too bad metroid was yeah four tanks and it looks like at least one reserve on blazer's side um yeah both suits um something that again if you're unfamiliar with how linked to the pack or excuse me super metroid randomizer works um in the vanilla game if you have gravity suit it thinks you already have various suits so it doesn't do damage calculations based on having just one suit but in the randomizer they did split out the damage reduction so having both suits like you were saying scoopula is definitely going to help these runners get that full damage reduction you can see now blazers headed into this fire fleas room here the little known farm spot i guess or a little known to me but it was just to get one powerbomb and well when you only have five you do want everyone you can't because you might be farming air holes for a long time otherwise still new yeah absolutely and uh looking like trying to place those power bombs in just the right spot to break multiple uh spots at once looks like just barely missed on that first one so i had to spend a second power bomb but did break the door on the right side that we're going to see in a little bit and of course coming into the side hopper rooms [Music] so you know maddie walk heard earlier pointed out that we only do have two items um here in eastern so there's mesmerical is going to find out shortly one still on armis so we're gonna need to go to finish that off yep but as you and i already know and of course chat the real prize being those power bombs so here we go um wavegate um definitely a trick worth learning in the it feels like it doesn't pay off as often as it should but when it pays off it feels great yeah the biggest prize out of this one is you don't leave a single check behind because that's the worst part of all i mean even the normal logic and that's that's regular bombs so that's very very welcome that's going to significantly reduce any potential farming that goes on now yep no farming um reduced the chance of a soft lock you know i i wish i could say i've never gone to check spacer and then realized i ran out of bombs um but it the possibility is real so like you were saying very welcome see a blazer's got one left and then there's a couple of and you know what i studied names of enemies and i forget what these are so they're just slugs but they have power bombs i was just about to say i call them slugs so it works out but uh like you were pointing out uh scoopula that morphball just giving crazy amounts of divergence already as we have maniacal saying you know what i got three tanks i got plenty of missiles i got i got gravity let's go kill fantune i mean blazers got the right idea here i don't know why that's when i said about farming air holes you're probably wondering like why because this is all you can all you got to do it never occurred to me it's just like those fire fleas like somebody would tell me oh yeah those are over there you can get power bombs yep finding out what enemies drop power bombs can really save you in the routing here as maniacal grabs plasma just further increasing everything in super metroid right now looks like almost the reverse of yesterday's normal seed where it was uh it was an sm sandwich where you had uh link to the pass to start complete sm and then link to the past to finish now it's looking like we're doing uh a lot of sm so that's a nod to the people who really like sm because that means the sm is the cream filling let's need his dry cookies but yeah plasma really is real nice and you know screw attacker plasma those are the one two as far as making metroid darn your free very true and it's i i don't know about you scoopula but it's one of those things like if i see x-ray early i might not pick it up but if i already have charge or plasma i'll pick up x-ray just because then it's like all right now i'm only one thing away from the microwave beam yeah exactly when you have one thing already it's more enticing although it can wreak havoc on your menuing um blazer really nice wall jumping there um not even being punished for not having that space jump that maniacal has uh but yeah coming into this room of side hoppers uh fun fact i guess if you want to call it that that i learned early on from watching some of the uh higher tier runners those big side hoppers have exactly 301 health or 302 either way it's one super missile and one p shooter will take them out yeah i did it did occur to me at some point um i mean i guess a lot of times i use regular missiles but yeah three of those and then whatever they're the embodiment of i have one hp i'm fine yep and then uh yeah they do hit like an absolute truck speaking of hitting like a truck maniacal taking them into no problem i just it always impresses me how quickly some of these runners can menu to get to those super missiles in the middle of a doppler yeah i didn't even cycle count but i'm thinking over here uh yeah there was a phantom here at some point not anymore let's just say maniacal got rid of it before we could even notice that maniacal was doing the fan tune fight so there's oh wait a minute oh okay i was gonna say blazer can save a power bomb here but he must have already yep i i honestly think he ran out and he i did see him use a regular bomb to get up that shaft into billy mays but of course billy mays now that you have both suits and space jump is worthless but maniacal picking up two extra powerbomb packs here uh in the wrecked ship so i had a very comfortable 15 already yeah um it took me a while to get this way i've been running for about a year but yeah um five is not fun i recently tried running a seed with just five and there's another one now we're done for sure but five isn't so much of of a good time ten you can do most stuff comfortably you know above that you have no ones yep and big box pointing out in chat 15 really is that sort of magic number because then if you really need to you can do the crystal flash uh to get some health back um and and yeah without the ice beam that's what gets you through turian uh but yeah early game 10 is what you want to see uh by late game if you don't have that ice beam you're going to want to get another pack but now that we've sort of broken through the cusp of 10 uh something tells me the game's just going to throw powerbomb packs at maniacal for a little bit yeah and then i guess it's another there's another part of strategy to consider for anybody who's you know runs this game considering running it so big difference between super metroid and link to the past okay um the link to the past you have a few spots of what we like to call freestanding items where they're just there on the ground you can see what they are before you pick them up that's every item in super metroid so um whenever you have you know just about enough of stuff you can just stop picking it up because you can pretty much expect that you're gonna you know reluctantly automatically whatever you call pickup items just going through zelda normally so you can play odds i guess in a way just figure you're going to get you know a few more of whatever it is that you would want yep and my personal favorite part of the combo randomizer is yeah you may have noticed but we're not hearing that eight second fanfare with every item pickup in sm um so it's it's a lot more enticing to grab some of those maybe items you know like a heart container a little bit later in the game or even an e-tank or the missile pack or super missiles because you're not punished waiting that full fanfare it's just quick pick it up and you're on your way yeah um definitely for sure um that's like that's pretty much why i play this instead of just playing regular super metroid because they want to keep the full six point whatever second but uh even with that said you know there's no fanfare there's a click and a pause of about a second well you'll still see the really if you see runners in a big hurry trying to you know just even even if stuff is half decent like a if it's an extra super pac or a heart container or something they'll still skip it just you know open the ball turn around leave because races are not uncommonly won and lost by a matter of seconds even across a three hour two three four hours um of a of uh randomizer that we usually see with this yep and blazer really happy to have those morph bombs now uh going through the gauntlet gonna go get that sword that was scouted earlier um doesn't have to burn through just those five precious power bombs not knowing that another 15 are sitting there over at the wrecked ship for him of course is going to wisely use regular bombs here sometimes this can get iffy you drop in a lava a bunch of them when we have both suits you know who cares both suits uh five and a bit tanks with reserves uh feeling feeling fine it was on the left side blazer grabbing that uh heart piece anyway though i just see my ankle physically just kego through the chosen statue you know some of these runners who just do some of these tricks without even thinking and then you see it in the strangest places that's chosen butterfingers you heard it here uh gravity suits wet from the wrecked ship so couldn't quite hold on that just brings up a point you know since it's uh inactive until you have space jump the other one of those uh choses a gravity in ball form i think we're overdue for a progression item down there yeah there's no columns cursor not at all i i haven't seen a seed where gt had both the fire and ice rod before uh yeah i think we're talking about the same one that was a couple months ago it was a horrible seed but it was fun and maniacal just already through wreck ship really quick work there um so i mean we we kind of called it out that uh you know fan tune was there and gone before we even noticed but that is our first required boss kill uh forgot to pop uh forgot to point that out a little bit ago so uh maniacal is up on the boss count yep the standard z3 seed you need seven crystals plus uh again two so that's eight here we need twelve i'm just trying to recap here the rest direct ship besides power bombs nothing really doing huh yep not a lot so it does make you think that uh um you know sort of the crate area is probably gonna have our next main progression because all we really have for link to the past we do have that mirror and that sword um so mirror does get us into hera via the uh business center but other than that not much we can do back on the link to the past side yeah it's funny because if anybody's familiar i'm sure there's a lot of people but yeah familiar with uh zelda running you can get locked out of quite a bit without that glove even though by itself it doesn't do much well here we got ways around that and they're not fun but it'll have yes there there was that mushroom uh somewhere in the wreck ship as well uh tracker oh yeah that's nice and yes it was over there one of those interesting items that you know not available on the tracker just because it's very precious real estate right now here on the screen um but yeah something to keep in mind that they can technically go turn that in um because in the light world all you need to do is get rid of some bushes yeah that shovel's still outstanding come to think of it oh yeah good point but i think you're gonna see both runners hanging out here for a while it's just plain old more stuff to do and required stuff yep it's it's one of those things where you always want to think about the density of checks as you're moving through the game um yes i could go turn in that mushroom and i could go dig up something but um like you're saying scoopula there's a lot more to do still in sm so let's just stay here yeah i mean if you want to see somebody do one-offs uh wait till i get on here that's that's what i do nothing wrong with doing some clown routing uh really nice doppler there by blazer in round two i think um and fantune looking pretty dead here so probably the last round here on blazer's side blazers got some some some good saturation going so there's no question about things like the tint of a boss be it you know ridley this one yes sir makes it a little easier to tell when they're almost dead there's a charm to it you know back in the day this game was new and all this everybody everybody's game looked different everybody's tv looked different it was not like today tvs weighed more than i do now uh looks like maniacal saying hey i have space i have gravity let's at least do the front of meridia here uh not gonna be able to get all the way to the back um but can still check a good chunk of meridia here yep main street is good and out here i mean supers but we that's just not possible so we're not going to worry about that especially seeing this maniacal i'm guessing he's going to wind up with plenty real soon since blazer already has 35 yep um blazer has done sort of that complete bryn loop and maniacal hasn't maniacal went right to wreck ship so a couple of items still in the brain loop that maniacal is probably going to want to pick up i.e that sword in the mirror and the varia suit but maniacal fully capable of doing the game without varia if needed yeah see it and as i was listening because i was trying to remember you know okay what was down here really necessary because there's enough swords you might not need that one uh very like you just said i mean i need it but not these guys anyway um but the mirror more likely is going to be hard required for something so he'll be there at some point yeah and even if it's not required it's definitely one of those items in link to the past that just makes routing so much cleaner whether it's in the dungeons being able to just you know pod especially comes to mind being able to just zip back to the front of the dungeon quickly or just routing in dark world with light world checks uh that mirror is going to come in handy for even just routing so i forgot where blazer was right now but just did a four button or console reset or whatever it was always this direct ship preserve yep um it's you know depending on the runner and depending what it is and how quickly you can reset um definitely especially without gravity i've found worth the save and then you know resetting if the item's nothing um that's really one of those three bombs [Laughter] i was just about to say i i wouldn't be shocked if maniacal is keeping track of things just either on a notepad or in his head um whether whether it be trying to get like a certain number for a clear rate at the end or just hey i need bombs so we made a question slash um well consideration from i think big blocked wagon trying to think lower norfair is accessible now or if well i mean it is because it's super much where you can do anything with nothing but logically i think might require hydrogel yeah with the space jump though um oh yeah you can get through the acid and then like you were talking about that chorizo statue the chozo statue that's going to require space jump so can get down you know check the gold torizo items and who knows maybe that mirror getting into uh checkerboard cave maybe that's the logical flute or something gross all right so what we're seeing here from maniacal side this is the room is full of these enemies called and i got this one check this out yards they're called that's amazing i know really they're snails anyway if you park one in the right spot like you just did you can just jump straight through the wall and get apparently today absolutely nothing for it but at least it didn't take yeah always always one of the fun ones and you know like we were saying it's hard logic doesn't necessarily take into account hey this is something the runners might have to do so i'll put items there it's just we know the runners might have to do this so it's it's very interesting to watch sometimes as we have a fire rod in the left did i see that right a fire rod in the left pit it was a fire rod he's gonna check the other one and potentially wrap this on the way back i think not too long ago we were the bomb bus over there didn't we in the same spot so i mean big fire sources underwater so yeah isn't it he's gonna check this one and i if there's a way to check shack tool with this loadout i'm not aware of it i'm pretty sure you don't i you could technically crystal flash clip but i i don't think that's in like even hard logic someone can probably call me out and chat on that none of that is not even okay the ice clip's easier and that's not even the hard logic it's just you don't see cf club too too much here no it's it's definitely one of those i only have meridia left and i'm i'm not coming back checks so anyway right hand same pit was a whole pile of nothing um so and then again no ice beam no speed booster either which speed booster is how you was supposed to get through this normally the ice beam you can use a mock droid clip that's logical and hard logic but without either one there's either a very difficult way to get to dragon from here or no way at all and we're just gonna pick up the fire rod and come back later yep and it might be one of those things too where maniacal just thinks if i need to i'm gonna come back you know maybe even back door meridia check check the baton item kill dragon from the back side and just never have to worry about it again so just clearing out the front meridia here yeah and it's not like it's not paying out like seems to frequently happen i mean that fire rod is very very rarely not needed so yep and like you were saying scoopula maniacal just saying i'll grab that on my way out grabs the fire rod which again doesn't give us anything right away logically which is wild to think that you know we're again kind of running low but here we come into the crate area uh we can get all the way to bubble mountain yeah i spoke way too soon we're not running low at all yeah um one thing comes to mind i guess that means my brain is still working tonight now maniacal doesn't know it yet but that does open up here basement the fire rod yeah we we still have that lamp though too uh scoop oh you know i do it all the time when i'm running i'm just like oh i can do this and i can do this oh right i've had this really nice delay can we delete the part about the brain's still working we go back and didn't know okay uh we'll we'll get our tracker on that right away to delete that for you again shout outs to uh to maid walker yeah yeah there's enough stuff that is progression that we don't have on here just on a kind of layout i mean i'm sure somebody could they could redo it i'm sure we could squeeze another three four rows in here honestly i don't know about the four player layout but true and i mean if we think about it we have several items that aren't on the tracker we have that lamp mushroom shovel um so we have a couple of items that just aren't on the trip excuse me aren't on the tracker as uh oh look maniacal took down another boss before we could call it out yeah the runners are just the sideshow sorry yeah they're just they're just doing things wherever you're clowning just like we do when we run did you get the quick kill oh yeah oh yeah maniacal got the super quick kill made it look intense made it look like that's the way the developers intended to just quick as you like no muss no fuss crate down wow but a whole lot of nothing in crate yeah it's just three spots you don't see it much especially when i've seen the loaded areas that we've seen already but like maniacal just didn't even care what was in that e-tank's body was just jumping before it was visible yep um definitely one of those things you'll see a lot of muscle memory from runners too where they'll run into a room shoot uh shoot to reveal an item and collect it before they even see what it is just because you know it takes so little time to pick up the item in the randomizer and they're just like okay cool i'll see what it is as i'm picking it up yeah i mean we'll try to get in their heads a little because you know they're gonna have to come in for an interview later while they don't have to but well kind of they do and we can say hey about about that time remember you really wanted that single routine remember that how cool that was yeah so all right i should be taking notes and uh speaking of taking notes and forgetting things i forgot maniacal doesn't have that varia suit yet so taking damage here in the heated room to get that powder from ice beam interesting yeah and michael's a good runner so whenever he does get around a green brim star and finds this stuff he's gonna know things like this uh you know quote-unquote snap back into logic and of course the powder doesn't do anything progressively without the hammer i'm missing the hammer yep uh but it it is nice to see especially when you have that mushroom early and not have to worry about okay do i want to save the mushroom until i have cane and do fake powder or do i just want to turn it in in case it is my progression so at least you have both so you don't have to worry about that decision [Music] but we're going to catch it this time scooby we have a boss on blazer gaming side here we have a great crate is ready to game he's here oh wait there he goes never mind nope nap time bye craig so checking the high jump area again this is where um blazer has a little bit of an advantage over maniacal having that mirror so can go to the mountain here and instead of just you know checking two items at the old man uh and spectacle rock could get the item on top of spectacular rock and even go into hera if if so desired and complete it because blazer has a sword you know i bet you we can cut in the lamp on the tracker i don't think we need a mother brain and ganon button do it uh how many how many crocominer fans do we have in chat because uh crocs can go bye-bye here soon uh michael's i mean this is all logical he doesn't know it but um i'm gonna go ahead and clear out all this upper norfair stuff and i guess that is the density right now gonna gonna grab that refill there too say hey cool energy tank i'll take that yep that i mean this is hassle one time you really want to see it here doesn't matter how much of a turnaround it is you're going to get a refill yep and and you know doing these heated rooms that's where you want to see it uh like you were just saying scoopula so paying off for maniacal now has more energy because he did the double back than he would have had without it he's still gonna be a smart person unless somebody currently speaking right now and actually save when it gets here [Laughter] we we've all done it um i mean you think you're okay but then you're not yep then you you take a little bit too long of a lava bath and then you go okay cool never mind uh big box that varia was in the brim loop um i forget exactly where in the brim loop but that's the reserve there we go yep uh mock ball behind reserves thank you scootaloo so speaking of those reserves no are fair not paying today so i'm just going to reset it's a little faster doing this it's good to remember i spoons and i apologize scoopula i have to dash for a second i got a dog growling at me right now so i gotta go feed her fun fact uh tiffarius name is dog creed i'm just kidding unless i'm not i don't know we'll see so rest upper north there's two checks here at the speed booster spot and two checks at the wave um wave beam spot see what those are right quick and those are flippers so between that and bombos we have ice palace pending the moon pearl which is still at large probably be at the end of all this uh whatever this chain that we're on yeah you know when we play smz3 we are looking for some kind of a round thing all the time it's just not the one that turns you into a round thing today check-in spot inside spec rock great quite more power bombs we don't care did we see it look did i miss it we do see a flute all this stuff that'll do good later just finding everything backwards that was a crock escape hmm okay yep totally miss that but with all this stuff available and glow's gonna unlock some stuff although minus a hammer and a moon pearl i'm actually not sure that's still wood on its own again sorry about that looking at chatter looks like we have a flute yeah we saw a glove apparently a croc escape flute was in front of the weight beam so we're just finding everything backward today is this maniacal what's he doing trying to glitch a door open or something well just see what that oh was he was shooting but i guess damaging down to cf here looks like more more what the main purpose of that was but not sure what he was shooting at yeah i'm not too sure supposed to see something here at the bubble missile it's a cane all right that's that's probably going to be required i mean the end game stuff you want it here it is yep at the very least you want it for the gannon's tower gauntlet just to get rid of those whiz robes really quickly yeah we haven't even seen dark road wouldn't you know how much that cane is required for and we're finding all this stuff michael is yeah straight forward i'm gonna go ahead and glitch that gate from the back and do probably the entirety of crocs area ending with the glove on the way out all logical by the way heart logic yep laser reaping the benefits of that early brain loop not having to worry about crystal flash ammo or any of that just being able to go through these heated rooms with that various suit and michael's taking this uh pre-croc save we'll call it just in case none of this says anything at all you're gonna see a four button so you can go get that glove it's not a commonly seen savoring but [Music] yeah presumably won't have too much trouble getting it with that space jump but you never know you know samus can decide just not to spin jump once in a while yeah sanders is here sanders knows yep always always fun to see people who decided not to run hanging out and chat so yeah sanders it's one of those ice palace logic is something i tried to learn a long time ago and then realized so quickly that you need like a page of notes just to figure it out so i threw that all out the window like i said before stuff like me i just do the things can i do this yes it is slow if you're too slow guess what do it faster [Music] crack with the health bum and one piece of heart see what the uh what the coffers are holding on to but like i said before maniacal can just reset straight to the front of the glove if this kind of garbage stuff picks or keeps up here [Music] yeah you know what i'm with you that's uh that's that's fair i think we've gone long enough if it's not there it's a hood of ruby missiles i'm telling you checkerboard cave and it's access to it well no we have flute now so maybe it'll lock the mitts i don't know funny here with a flu we can go to checkerboard a normal way except you're missing two gloves yep i mean once blazer gets that glove from croc estate croc escape goodness gracious talking is difficult today um once blazer gets that glove i mean checkerboard is in logic for blazer with that mirror so we'll see nice gate clip yep there here comes here's the four button so crocs out of the way that did not yeah that's as fast as you can do croc basically and you know if it's nothing great you can use a save you're in good shape you know if it's something and you don't do it you're in huge trouble so it's a good play uh bach we are grabbing glove in three two one now [Music] yeah and like scoopula like you were pointing out earlier gloves one of those things where you just sort of assume you at least have one when you're running through link to the pass and you know you end up going to the back a spike cave or something you try to lift the rock and you go oh right i can't do that yeah there's a couple of those little automatic things like the rock uh in dark world between point seven and stumpy if you go that way oh you know i'll go that way try to pick it up save a screen transition or two no i can't do it [Music] gotta go take the walk of shame [Music] but no longer oh right this is a combo game man i go back and link to the past gonna go rescue an old man you'll see this logically very often nope a lit up old man cave very rare [Music] definitely one of those like we were talking about earlier those early tricks you learn in super metroid like the mock ball to early supers that old man rescue is one of those early dark rooms that you learned in link to the past randomizer [Music] so blazers this croc stuff here did pick up the heart container i didn't actually see if he did the same thing that nicole did with the saving and just be committed to keeping whatever's down here especially since picking up the uh error capacity oh well that's the show the shovel was nice that is a sphere one or two or however you count it that shovel was available was i was burnt ceiling right uh yes so yeah that'd be the depending on like you were saying if you're oh what what's it called like value zero or value one however you count so yeah that's uh it's going to be eastern death mountain with nothing but that and more fall so that maybe there may be something that maniacal wants to do sooner rather than later [Music] and of course we are gonna take a pause here play the song of the people this bottle guy is washing all this is like you know yeah i've seen this before nothing wrong with this everything's fine here just a bird busting out of a stone statue not even phased one bit i love it you know the things they see in the land of hyrule [Music] all right cut turning in all of these sort of one-off not on the tracker items at once i like this yeah flute makes this really attractive thing to do if you don't know the flute it's terrible but [Laughter] yep just for 50 bucks but gonna grab it yeah we got powder ready we don't need to save mushroom and by the way there again it's another difference if you're familiar with save scumming and mushroom in case it's not anything good well if you do that here you gotta take another i don't know 45 50 seconds get back to link to the pass [Music] yep that's uh that's one of the item or one of the things built into this combo randomizer is any soft reset is going to put you on the ship or if you soft reset from super metroid uh where you last saved so and yeah it does look like blazer is just going to go ahead and go into ln here i i kind of like this play it's good i do like this place it's like what i try to do yesterday you know go to the end game last because it's logical um very doable with the loadout and there's just a whole line of stuff in a row on the way to ridley and the way out so yep i mean you you have plenty of supers um to take care of ln here you got space jump to make life a little easier for things like worst room in the game um i mean you'd like to have either charge beam or even screw attack something to make life just a little bit easier but not hard required by any means and a nice green gate glitch there by blazer just three missiles got the rivers for the refunds as well paradox like you said that you know that early shovel when you think something would be happening here but it always seems like you know when the first three chests don't turn into much it seems like the last four don't either yep a whole lot of nothing a little bit health a little bit of cat but it is very valid to when you know you have access to something that is technically available early it's it's good to knock out because you know if you do miss something that's available that soon you especially whenever there's a bunch of runners in a race like there are here for these weeklies you want to make sure you take care of that yep and a nice spherical item on the island not the morph ball today uh or the moon pearl just a five bomb capacity upgrade um as blazer getting into the good spot here nice and full on uh super missiles gonna take out gold teresa no problem what was the super spot do you get to see that no no you did not nope uh left side was just 20 bucks screw attack was super missiles oh that's necessary well there was croco croco is always nice so this is that's deep very tasty bow um and again one of those things that you don't think about if you only play link to the pass randomizer uh there is no progressive bows in this version it is one item is the bow and one onion is silver arrow [Music] one more uh one more time where i can voice the fact that i prefer it that way because you know especially when you're racing if you find a bow you know hey some nobody else found some other bow that's not supposed to be the bow or whatever but yep as we do see on blazer's side that bombos medallion is going to be our entry into meyer however we haven't seen a map check oh yes checkerboard burl yeah well yeah tivarius has won the game uh all right and i'll see you all right later [Laughter] yeah you know i've seen it before it's been a while and that's that's a spot that you know the generator can point to a lot whenever you know you have the number of ways here that we do you know glove and flute or through alien or whatever [Music] so yeah that's a that's a heck of a fine for blazer and of course the book is there we can already get into desert thanksgiving yeah so i like to call the series of cross-dimensional door keys whether bombos is nearby here or you know if it's what gets you into meyer or the book to get you in the desert just all in the area yep and chat pointing out while we were excited to see that moon pearl uh maniacal grabbing the hammer out of waterfall fairy so like you were saying a long time ago scoop a little over an hour ago already you know one of those early possible fake flipper checks with the moon pearl uh playing out with that hammer there was let's say the other way to get his boots or the flippers and well we do have flippers yeah so if you want to really fancy that bow plus some bombs or even red boomerang like there's there's some ways to trick the game but the easiest way is those flippers that maniacal had sorry to cut you off there bud oh no all right i mean all this stuff was late enough that it's not going to feel too bad for maniacal but and of course we're over here talking about the moon pearl which is normally not a huge find uh but it just managed to overshadow the hammer of all things yeah and a nice palace [Laughter] now we have a ton of stuff we do so you know i don't know if i run to thieves town anytime soon what about you but i honestly in maniacal's case i'd say yes just because you know what i really love about these is we've seen such divergence from these two runners i mean they don't have too much overlapping with each other um you know we have blazer with the bow and the various suit and the sword moon pearl and mirror and maniacal over here with the hammer uh fire rod and hook shot so it's like both of these runners think boy i have a lot of stuff to check yeah but of course we in the omniscient comms booth know that if they were to combine they'd be able to check most of the game at this point sans emits yeah doesn't say that bow you know makes pod attractive but you know blazer doesn't have the hammer maniacal does doesn't have a bow [Music] one way or another they're both gonna have to come up with each thing and actually get it done since it is a crystal today but yep and like you were saying too scoop i feel like i've said that a lot but uh you know it pays to reiterate some of these things those rippers dropping those super missiles letting blazer just fill back up after killing gt yeah that's six per trip into the room it's not a bad payday i'm guessing blazer's going to be doing ridley here you know i i don't see why else he would farm all the way back up to full um and yeah like you were saying six supers for the price of one power bomb not a bad payoff i guess i never really thought about you know going in another room i'm thinking now because you know a lot of times we all do our farming you know right in front of ridley's front door there and sometimes that can take a while though yeah it's definitely one of those things that you know of all the things you'd like to have that grapple beam makes that farm spot just a lot easier in front of ridley the rare time you're here or where you'll hear someone say i wish i had grapple beep trying for the hair pot here and just bombed himself just enough into that pot so you can hook to the other side and walk into it gets attacked hey scoop do you see what was on blazer's side there and mickey mouse i don't know i'm stirring a hairpin it's it's all right i'll i'll give you a hint thanos used it we got ourselves a titan's mitt well we waited long enough for one i guess having the other one right here makes some sense yep this is this is going to be a lot of fun to watch the rest of the seed i mean i know we already kind of talked about it but the different loadouts these two runners have this is gonna make for just really fun divergence and see where they actually come back together yeah that's that's definitely a consideration because you know they're going to have to converge in that respect at some point but you know when i don't know i mean you're react maniacal theater entire hera and this is required ridley's required and it's going to be hard to gauge a leader for a while here i think controlled arm please [Music] one more super pac for the ridley fight you never hate to see that no nice and stocked up especially going into the gold pirates without uh charge beam you know just pump three supers into each of them and down they go but uh maniacal gonna go ahead and take down troll dorm on the second trip through uh to get that map huzzah so i'm guessing that leaves a basement item i think so we do have a key i i mean we saw the map i'm assuming we saw the compass but i could be mistaken yeah i saw supers in the map chess that was the only thing i saw [Music] um and i could not going back in so either weighing the option or just saying gone but uh valiant trackers saying basement's got to come okay but hey that's our first crystal at the hour and 12 minute mark or our 13 minute mark we finally have a link to the past boss down and a crystal that blazer happens to have i mean we might see the brim loop from maniacal here uh yeah gonna go ahead to the gauntlet gonna get that sword feel pretty you know i i wouldn't say bad about it just because of how little link to the past has been done um but yeah definitely gonna like seeing that so i think anytime you can say you're busy doing required stuff um if you put off something that has required items in it that's not by itself required so that's getting your pendants your green brand your croc as long as you're busy doing required stuff it's it's it's fine i think yeah and uh quick as you like blazer taken down ridley uh well done on blazer's side a few more than 30 missiles but firing them off fast and no more dragon bony pterodactyl here i don't know what it is annoying boss who stole the baby the baby [Music] there's small knife for maniacal [Music] let's just try to turn around there but well probably did actually want the missiles we haven't seen a charge beam yet uh vidi that's a that's a good point collective go mode you know maybe a medallion maybe even the boots for desert um and then of course we are gonna need one more sword to kill uh ganon and then either i mean we could backdoor meridia so yeah it's it's not much yes i'll say maddie walker is telling us to um i was pretty sure blazer did dip in the desert and dip right back out because you can't do much here without boots let's say pendant but you know green pen in a bootslot desert what could be better yep and and i know maniacal is a good runner but uh you know coming to one of these sphere one locations in sm and finding your various suit and mirror you know i part of me wonders what's going through the mind right now yeah we can definitely ask that later um so like he was in a tunnel linked to the past dungeons that's where you really feel bad you find a mirror late after you've already done like a dungeons or something without it very true but blazers uh yeah i didn't see firefly c3 yeah i was gonna say he's he's just tearing right through here and dealing with it yeah fire fleas i'm pretty sure was just a missile or something pretty garbage so no worries there shield there we go thank you to uh 613 [Music] like i said something garbage a little dinner plate it's to go with the fighter sword that we have i'm a wheel adventurer and blazer you know trying to get through all those key hunters nice and quick you know without having to kill them all and a little testy he's here he's through it thankfully with all that energy you know [Music] yep out of that lower norfair area so really i mean blazer could technically backdoor dragon and take out mother brain right now there's there's nothing stopping them yeah um let's say we could do dragon with the flippers instead of going back through uh because he's checked everything in there outside of like from bottony tank on so that's just easy enough to eyeball real quick yep and all all he would need out of the rest merida is that fire rod in the sandpit [Music] but uh blazer after an almost a solid hour i think of sm finally back the link of the past you know it's like seeing sunlight after going through a long tunnel ah all right and you do that and sometimes i don't know i do this sometimes if you spend a lot of time in one game you go to the other game it's just it feels weird for like a minute it's just trying to trying to move but you don't mean like your muscle memory isn't acclimated oh absolutely and especially you know after running and wall jumping and sprinting with samus to go to link just sort of toddling around hyrule like this so you know those morph bombs uh that might be the thing that makes my neck feel the worst actually just on account of the you know time you can save using them i don't know yeah i i'd say you're probably right there scoopula it's it's one of those things not even just the time save and he's never really been low on power bombs but just the comfort of even the bombs are just a little bit faster too than the power bombs so you know those little time saves they don't lag and you know stuff like that stuff that you know runners above my pay grade would really prioritize lag and save a frame here there you go [Music] it's just just i'm watching the side hopper strat here just in the ball for him did did he just hide under the legs of that side hopper did i see that right goodness gracious as soon as he walked into the room i'm like what's he doing here hello i think i'd take about three hits from the side hoppers trying to do that but again just just showing how smooth some of these runners can do these strats is just always a blast to in watch and well in 2021 if you're me i didn't know you had a complex hitbox like that on an enemy really it's i i tried to take something away from every one of these seeds even if i'm not running it and i'm in the same boat as you scoop you for the side hoppers for sure it's like golden teresa i'm just like oh yeah you just stand here and they didn't program it but seeing that side hopper strat is like no they actually did a decent job programming the hitboxes it wasn't even that long ago i learned that you know it's it's the camera company that makes the cpu for this for the system that runs these games oh i mean this is a system i did a lot with a little very very true to think of how far video game technology has come yet we're all sitting here playing games from our childhood or you know from 30-ish years ago 20-30 years ago and not only are people still finding tricks and ways to break the game but you know i i thoroughly love playing this game on a weekly basis and i i can't really say that a lot of about a lot of my you know current gen console game yeah there was a uh there's a there was a lot of a lot of much greater technical prowess that went on in the development of these i think just because the hardware wasn't caught up to what they wanted to do and there was some real ambition at the time i feel we know that there's not now but i mean hardware's just so overpowered that you can do whatever you want doesn't even have to be optimized yep i'm i'm going to sound like a curmudgeon for a second and say like current games it almost feels like yeah let's just rush it out and we'll patch it later whereas a game like this it's no we want to make sure it's polished before we send it out yeah we're used to hearing about you know some several months of delays all the time no big deal happens all the time yes sir uh but we're getting some village of outcast checks here on blazer side and uh maniacal popping back into length of the past as well um i sitting at the hour 20 mark though i'm gonna take a little bit of time we'll throw it looks like there's uh we're gonna throw it in chat here but uh if you're enjoying what you're seeing give these runners a follow we'll get their twitch channels in chat in just a second uh but they're putting on a heck of a show um you know they're they're streaming for their own community but also being on reasoning like this thank you so much being on restream like this is always just a little bit of extra pressure but a little bit of extra fun too so you know show some support to the runner so we got dirty boots for super metroid the uh i i forget where i first heard it but i've heard it a lot and i will repeat it forever because it's so true um high jump boots appreciation simulator should be the name of this game [Music] uh yeah um when i started playing this which i guess this is like my first it is my first rainbow i've said it before but i'll say it again um and that's that's how that's the only way i learned as much about super metroid as i have well in the first place for a little while i was like you know what i realized you don't actually need a high jump that once you have a high jump for everything but like yeah we don't need it it's fine no big deal then as you start running faster and faster and doing more and more stuff you realize okay you actually wish you had these things yep hey there's our charge beam look at those dwarves they're hard at work making that future tech i don't know it seems seems us oh oh this is interesting maniacal what are you doing buddy yeah [Music] we checked the tree what's he missing is he missing something i i honestly think maniacal is banking on your middle edge being progression okay yeah oh man this i mean this is one of those plays though where especially in a race like this you you almost think all right do i make a do i make a gamble and hope it pays off or and you know knowing that he's leaving things like lower norfair um yeah it's not going to be in lower norfolk let's just go and do this and see if it pays off i i don't know it's a very interesting play um you know props to maniacal for for going for it well i'm trying to think now is this going to give him something for the time being anyway i mean with the access to east ruler uh he has the mirror but that doesn't really do anything uh he can't get anywhere without that moon pearl so no it's it's a hard loss of time start writing stuff down like i knew i was going to ask people stuff at some point but i already forgot what that was but this one was definitely something i have my notebook i need to grab a pen here because yeah i mean if it's just the one check then it's a little spicy [Music] i'm blanking on that moon pro right now uh moon pearl was over in checkerboard all right yeah and you know sometimes it can be hard to think of the cross screen links uh when you're trying to run the game anyway especially if there's two or more required it's like playing cross case that's why i don't do it [Laughter] you and me both scoop but it's like maniacal has only had that mirror for a short time too so that could be another thing that just wasn't on his mind when he was in sm you know well i don't have the mirror so ln is literally just ln i have the flute so maybe i can spike the mitts but we know the mitts are in ln um so it's i mean it's it's interesting what's about to happen and it's gonna be really i honestly can't think of anything that can be on pyramid ledge i mean maybe boots or speed boosters that would push maniacal a different direction well the biggest hope of course is that he finds something that's going to spell you know alternate dark world access however i don't think there is anything because blazer already has it yeah blazer has those mitts in ln and has that moon pearl from checkerboard so we know that ln play is hard required for dark world like the cross game portal from there back to meyer basically so yeah i mean if it's that or this i mean this isn't a bad bet thinking about it i'm just trying to dig into the round yards a little bit absolutely and it's it you know it's something that i've i've said before on comms i've said before in my own streams it's like you're hard-pressed if it's just you playing the game i mean we're sitting here ten thousand feet in the air and we can see that it's the wrong play there's very rarely a wrong play it might be a silly play or the incorrect play but it's not a bad play i mean to maniacal this is very likely the progression and is about to find out that it's not and be you know probably scratching his head a little bit here you know take the heart container just on account of the time investment but you know because he's got a mirror he can't save and quit to the lightroom yep and yeah chat pointing it out it's like we know maniacal needs to get to ln and we know blazer needs to get over to waterfall i mean those are sort of the two big plays right now for these two runners that they need to be making and wow maniacal really why can't i get dead rock luck like that yeah he pretty much just ran his head right through but i was going to say rory with the flute to one whether he manicles knows exactly what's going on yep race with a lot of people you know you try to do something a little against the meta to see if it pays off and when it doesn't you say okay not going to let it bother me and let's just go let's just go with it yeah i've done that a whole handful of times like definitely not yesterday at all we we won't talk about yesterday anymore fair enough we will say though if you want some more smz 3 fix uh these are uh sort of sundays and mondays are the weekly races uh they alternate between hard mode and normal mode and they even alternate between different co-op and even multi-world settings so um you can check those out um there's the the speed gaming uh website has the sort of schedule and you can see what's coming up when but uh it's typically sundays at [Music] 3 p.m eastern and mondays at 9 00 pm eastern almost got my times flip-flopped there so yeah you'll occasionally see some things going on like tournaments and whatnot but this is a i mean it's not like rando's niche to begin with but um this is super niche so we we just like we just mess around do what we can do uh with the time we have but tournaments are tournaments are a good watch if you ever get a chance to see those but yeah both runners do have their first globe from croc escape which is at least 45 minutes deep on its own and that other one was mickey mouse that room on the way to ridley yep and maniacal just going straight for the uh gold terrizzo uh portal here gonna be a little disappointed in what he finds but again sort of equipped to the gills gonna take out gold threesome no problem as we see blazer finally heading over to east death mountain uh to collect those uh junk items if i'm not mistaken that maniacal already had yeah i mean it's seven checks so it's rare that you won't do this at some point in any run but um whether you get glitch you know again logically to get here or or not even if it's normal or you do it the right way um he'll feel all right about the bow and we'll point out the blazer uh for for all the things that that blazer has done and the maniac was not magical does have that hammer from the waterfall cave so this spells pod eastern you can finish those up at our next earliest convenience yep and and i will say like we can we can talk about it too the last time maniacal was in sm he hadn't done the bryn loop yet so he didn't have mirror so it's probably a good thing that he was putting off ln until he had the mirror maybe even thinking something gross could be in checkerboard yeah well he's about to we're going to sit here and interpret what the little pause means he's look at this look at this [Laughter] so confused he doesn't know how to do checkerboard cave it is tilted at least 165 degrees the uh you know that little loading circle spinning around in the mind there oh god what what have i done to deserve getting the orb at an hour and a half i'm not writing down checkerboard cave mishap on my notebook right now so i heard you i heard you like playing you know board games involving alternating squares [Laughter] yeah and then the classic hour and a half uh dark world map check from maniacal uh but yeah still pointing out maniacal having that bombos medallion able to uh come in here and even clear mire uh whereas blazer couldn't but again with that that mint location being pretty handy and already having the flute not a real divergence for blazer to come back yes it's definitely nice finding that flute because when you know meyer is a crystal you need a flute if you're playing zelda now here again you might not so and that's by the cross game portal so if you don't have the stuff you need to clear this out the first time through and you don't find a flute guess what you're doing that trip again oh it it always feels bad finding like a mitt or the flute over here in meijer in smz3 because they're like all right cool now i know i had to go through that cross game portal to get here um all right that's that's happened like once to me and i think it was the myths in here and it was like yeah okay but once is enough [Music] but i mean there yeah there's two items in here we do have that one that's remaining in eastern and all the paw to do i haven't seen pod yet but doesn't mean there can't be anything in here and it is required anyway so yeah i haven't seen pod we can do pod we can do catfish uh the graveyard ledge with that mirror um so yeah there's a there's a couple of checks we can actually do swamp uh there's a series of checks that we can do that no one likes to do um but there you have it uh ice palace uh once maniacal picks up those mitts we can do ice at least on maniacal side because he has both the fire sources um thieves town we can do thieves town so and speaking of ice grabbing that ice rod over there a hook shot cave on blazer's side and guess what we get to see microwavable shrimp today with that x-ray pickup charging plasma in hand heyo love it but uh yeah once maniacal gets done with this and uh ridley on the way back out i think we're gonna see him spend a whole lot of time in zelda comfortably speaking because even i mean he's got dragon to do and even with that being the case you know you can do ice palace and somewhere in there and it's not convenient because you're not in be in the dark world but maybe after swamp they'll just take that cross game portal at the dark what's it called shopping mall i guess and do dragon that way finish up the rest of that by then you know you might not even need the plasma beam check but and and that's the thing too it's like i can honestly see maniacal once he clears out lower north air gets those mitts kills ridley like you were saying i'd almost think about going right to kill dragon and just finishing up sm right in there right then and there um and then just spend your time and link to the pass um but to to steal a line from from apathy duck another smz3 uh legend in his own right and calm in his own right uh you know always be clearing those crystal dungeons um that's that's huge yep even and you can even think of you know the four main bosses in sm as crystals and and something like crocomier as a pendant well today pendant croc had one of those gloves um but you know it's it's one of those things where clear clear what you know you have to clear and hope there's progression in it because you have to go there anyway and then deal with things like pendants and crocomier and you know those those silly checks later and oh we finally got a sword armor and a sword so i mean not required potentially not required but still pretty big fines for being in meyer at this point so yep and i i would be remiss if we didn't call out that uh this is a one medallion seed because t-rock is also bombos today uh so blazer locked out of both the medallion required requirement to refresh me on the location of that again i think it was in um so maybe chat can help us out with that one because i too forget i know it was early enough in one of the locations obviously that maniacal went to um oh no oh no maid doesn't remember either it was it was i got it how about this where do i win it was uh zelda saw wasn't it yeah yes you're right sir all right i i will tell you what if if there's any kind of prediction coming up i will give you any points i win yeah and that might take blaze for a while actually because it is it's bad it's not good yep and it's it's one of those checks that's just awkward enough that you don't feel like doing it you know again that sort of pendant dungeon analogy uh but it it's got that progression buried deep so you know we have here blazer finishing off for the second crystal eastern palace didn't see adam drop it don't think it was good yeah the only item we're worried about there was the crystal and that is actually the second five six crystal so blazer could do the big bomb now too that's always a thought [Music] always interesting when the first two dungeons done out of the 5-6 yeah i remember phil saab almost at the time i was like well that's nice you know might might be needed but as we now see how yeah it absolutely is and [Music] i picked up wave too where did that come from we're great [Music] you know that's not a bad uh not a bad call meanwhile maniacal uh abusing the cape strats on vitreous small eyeballs and then eight quick arrow shots uh to pick up his second crystal uh so tied up on crystal counts uh technically blazer ahead in boss counts though because blazer does have that ridley kill and a really nice climb up main street there with that space jump on blazer side [Music] so yeah minecle's wisely going to stay within the path here and finish up readily before thinking about anything else in zelda it takes a long time to get back here if you don't yep especially without that mitt that we know is buried in here so okay yeah wave is hype cave i guess so awesome thank you didn't even see the approach to that or any of that so yeah i'm sure we were paying attention to a boss getting melted well blazerwood had been on a pretty solid route to get to just because it's no hammer so yeah we're good at this absolutely they they pay us for the beards not for paying attention i can hold i can hold my pay in one hand too i can hold him to no hands i was gonna say i i opted for the luxury edition mic stand but uh let's see if blazer picks up these three bombs over in watering hall i remember that why do i remember the junk items as i had to point it out just so i can be a clown only nope decides to uh decides to say no to the maniacal bombs uh which i'm gonna make that happen i i don't care if i'm not well known in smz3 community let's call them maniacal bombs let's go yeah don't put that on your neck pad but i have it on mine i mean you can you can ask all the other stuff i'll ask them about it what about those three bombs in a watering hole i mean how do you feel after that just quality uh commentary interview coming in from scoopula in tiberius so there's there's the myths free access you know back to lauren warfare for maniacal which he will never use yep and it's like honestly the only thing that still scares me about a seed like this is because we were so sm heavy in the middle if speed booster is late enough that we're still not in go mode thinking about coming back to like the the waterway check you know it's like do you really do that before you start clearing out pendants and like blind checking the pad well we have the book so it wouldn't be a blind check but it's like that's what honestly scares me about some of these seeds is getting an item like that late that only locks one check yeah there's if you see that and then i guess there's the fact that i don't think either runner eyeballed climb supers yet you know so you can route the two of those together um the shack tool is another one it's basically like waterhole shackle or waterway and shackle loser the biggest amount of not fun like i do catfish six times before i do those i i i think i'm with you there scoop it's it's one of those things where it's like yeah you know i'll go out of my way and link to the pass for an item because it doesn't feel as bad but shack tool i'm sorry if i come back for shaq tool he's getting a plasma beam to the leg so blizzard was trying the uh the yard clip there i guess did in fact get through found out it was nothing [Music] oh whoa the error of destiny is not nothing scupulo it's worse it's worse than nothing yeah i mean there's i've been playing this for a year you know between z3 and smz iii probably good seven eight hundred of these things and if you're ever an arrow short sometime i mean then you really wish you did oh i think maybe maniacal could do that mental math and and keep up with how many how many arrows he has not me speaking of doing the mental math though uh not quite farming up to 30 supers but knowing i have plenty of missiles to take out ridley here uh ridley one of those bosses again that takes double damage from supers so for every super missile you're short of the 30 required that's gonna be six regular missiles uh because maniacal doesn't have that charge beam yet yeah and well he is maniacal i'm sure he's counting every single one of those singles too blazers over there doing the scene that's about to be happy camper your little starters and fires while camping camp camping with gary under the bridge right but uh just like you spoke it into existence scoop maniacal perfect uh well-counted missiles on uh ridley there says i don't need that heart container uh sort of a cross-world e-tank like it's normally there um the same car to be really yeah oh yeah there you go but uh i'm trying to think for the last few minutes now what do we need because i can't come up with it i mean everybody needs something boots do collectively we still need the boots uh and that's gonna be our go mode um you know a couple of those quality of life items obviously another sword would be nice um on maniacal side anyway uh blazer still needs a master sword um so getting that tempered sword you know uh maniacal's already killed vidi which is like the main boss you want silvers for other than ganon but uh silvers might work um oh uh our tracker pointing out yeah boots are needed for dp but dp being a pendant so not particularly i mean boots would still be nice but so yeah uh i'll go ahead and retract my statement uh maniacal technically once he gets up to dark death mountain into oak shot cave for that ice rod go mode yes so i was thinking no he has enough ammo too between supers and regulars even without zeb skip that should be enough ammo if i'm not mistaken um yeah 55 and 105 yeah but uh i don't know if he winds up doing any part of the smith chain for the charge or not probably not so yeah i mean i i knew the desert was a pen and i just figuring there's got to be something i'm missing here just because you know the tracker is a little thin on some of this stuff but i have tracking software yes thin uh our tracker though uh maidwalker maddie walkerd uh acceptable pronunciations both i've been told uh keeping us honest uh definitely not thin in the tracking department there thank you so much again uh madewok herd for keeping us on task here in the booth so we're talking about keys and torches but uh you know there is always that possibility of that other torch and then boots will be needed but i don't know if i've ever seen it happen in smc3 i i also don't know what i've ever said i've never seen something before calming a race and then it happens comm curses don't exist scoopula what are you talking about like until a couple weeks ago the bow was randomed out of eastern no matter what you were playing it was just never in there and then it was there because i said it [Laughter] hey if you have that kind of magic i need you to calm all my races check the source code for the randomizer i think they did slip in a thing where you know an item might change location in the middle of the game cheating at battleship style [Laughter] the items are placed diagonally on the board on maniacal's checkerboard yeah that checkerboard so yeah here all right so yeah maniacal going back in the link to the past um getting some new checks on blazer's side of course in the back of skull woods here i'm gonna get another required boss kill gotta love it [Music] yeah i think on both runner sizes time to just start getting work done still under the halfway point for required prizes i guess is the turn [Music] and of course it like the things like the ice rod that's going to weigh in the knuckles head for a while i mean he's going to run into it at some point but until then it's like oh here we go oh right yeah man i mean of course we were talking calm booth wise we're in you know no mode uh maniacal like you were saying about to get that ice rod once he gets over to uh oh look there's our silvers that's pretty nice so that's a that's a handy spot for him there um but yeah maniacal going to get those uh going to get that go modis rod over here uh once he hits the dark death mountain area also going to say hey check it out i can go into turtle rock and as long as he does hook shot before turtle rock can full clear turtle rock which is always fun on master sword yeah if maniacal does not clear the surrounding areas of turtle rock before going in i think maniac was you know banned from racing at that point he's not allowed to try now i'm gonna sweat because well i said it increased zero storage low low price of three unrequired dungeons go do them yep not only are they unrequired we know they are fully unrequired um no need to dip the pendants today as maniacal is about to hit no mode schroedinger's no mode pending the boots on the big key on gt's torch [Music] and fake no mode is the best no mode [Music] that actually really wraps things up yeah uh obviously it doesn't have that charge beam that's on the smiths but uh again you know we were we were kind of joking about it but maniacal's ability to remember exactly what his ammo counts are probably knows he has enough ammo to finish the game yeah i mean unless something shows up in tr grapple beam quote unquote um you know he's gonna have to drag on ammo kill but yeah and it's you know i i wouldn't be surprised and i'm not surprised to see him you know in super bunny cave here checking these quick chests probably trying to find that other sword just to make life a little bit easier all right yeah that one there you know it's a few seconds it matters less here than it does in the zelda run but sometimes you maybe don't do that whenever you do have what you need because you're going to get it on the way to gt but it's it's you know 15 seconds or something [Music] so blazers doing graveyard ledge for an e-tank which we don't need those but blazers looking for that bomb is medallion's still on i don't know for him is that up on his side because and that hammer that's over in waterfall yeah yeah that's that's a tough one you know smz 3 has that strange irking ability to put something what we think of as as simple as the hammer just so late in the seed and you're fine with it because i mean blazer's been handling progression just fine i mean six required bosses down already and no hammer yeah you'll find it when i find it with extra ways to do things plus extra things to do yeah you can you can be busy for a while whereas in z3ub you get locked out of stuff pretty fast without the hammer yep and you have any pointing out in chat that uh blazer does still need that master sword at minimum yeah where was the big key in there because i thought yeah i'm thinking blazers gonna find that one for sure on a normal route to finding the big keys so here comes the hammer i figured it was gonna be catfish to mirror so that's good those are those are costing you what like 10 frames each my friend at least slash the box but yeah no that that doesn't feel good i mean nope of course we'll tell them later we just said that you know hey you we're busy you're fine you're getting work done yep so yeah it it feels bad but again it i was really hoping for a second blazer was about to go north yeah and uh going to escape because that that's the one that's going to bite more than the hammer is that bombos absolutely yeah that's that's just not a spot you get late it really isn't no i i agree with you 100 it's if you do it early cool if not you like you said you're not really going to do it late and sure enough it looks like blaze is going to go into swamp here but there's always a sword in swamp he says while dying inside a little bit at the meme [Music] and yeah maniacal fully embracing the i will check things on the way and nothing more skipping um mimic cave and skipping the tr big chest and just saying i'm going yeah always nice to get a big key somewhere other than the vanilla location whenever you're going though because you can do that and i guess i was told there's like a three percent chance of a key layout making it so that even then you still can't do it but there again you're never gonna play for that possibility until the first time it happens to you i guess yeah i mean and kudos for to maniacal for doing this i still personally can't leave that big chest behind knowing that there's a possibility of a small key in there yeah i mean if there is this that one's usually the one that your key steel is supposed to replace but whatever whatever one singular layout it is it still keeps you locked out i guess it would have to be a key there and a key at the crystal room maybe i think it it has to be the key in the big chest and a key on lava chest so vanilla big key like that one has to be a key for a key for it to lock you out uh again if my link to the past key knowledge is on par today yeah you know i'll learn it when it comes up so you know hopefully never there you go [Music] uh maniacal might be showing us that uh small chance here down to a 33 percent chance comes curse let's go if he gets death hold us ah bailed out uh big buck yes uh schroedinger's go mode right now uh the one in 22 of gannon's tower having the big key on the torch so with a master sword here trying to actually usually see some hammer straps i don't know what maniacal will do here i haven't seen the play from him at this point but yeah i mean with smz 3 not having quick swap i can see a couple of slashes yep and we do see maniacal with a few of the slashes hammer is still technically faster but uh making this master sword trinex look like cake yeah well it can be a little scary especially the very first time you miss with uh with a rod without a half magic i guess he's got a green bottle in here or something that did quote some to that effect so that's good i don't know even a z3 i meant you boss this one if i do the hammer strap so i also really really like me some half magic it's it's i feel it's underrated [Music] but nonetheless keeping trainings into the corner and whacking away until it goes down for some very very much needed power bonds [Music] [Laughter] but crystal number three out of seven we got swamp skull woods uh looks like bottom eastern so [Music] blazers checking left side here compass in the chest on the left you know i didn't want to say it so you have to blame me but sometimes when the first one's a map or compass and you haven't seen the other one already it just seems like you're destined to get the other one so that doesn't feel good either the problem with medallions is there's very little time to logical guesses as to where they could be they could just they could be as early as later as the game wants to put them so yep only only slightly less restricted than the ice rod um or slightly more restricted adam i hope you know what i'm trying to say yeah i mean let's say you know ice palace chances go down but probably not because firearms just as good so yeah and that's that's really the only medallion logic that you think about outside of getting into the dungeons and with what we had outside the dungeons you know our go mode is outside of mire sands the sword and turtle rock so there's no medallion logic like you were saying but the swamp palace continuing to make a liar out of me without there being a sword in here so far yeah i mean it's a fair bit when you're looking for one there's that meaning to pull and just the sheer density of swamp palace i'm sure is where a lot of that comes from yeah blazers committing to this he wants to see this you know something i'm gonna do that big key now yep i i want to say this is almost time neutral as long as you don't get sucked back through the stairwell here just hold left just hold left so if you run into that stair glitch if you just hold left before you try to move down out of the stairwell you won't get sucked back into it um but unfortunately that stairwell and swamp palace just loves to lock you see i that's something i had never fully figured out i knew about the left thing but i swear it only worked for me as we finding a sword the blazer would like to see here it required pot behind the boat so as we all know tempered is very very nice in any room all right maniacal come on man why why are you resetting the dungeon like that but now that's that staircase there right for some reason i thought you had to dash into the bottom part to get the holding left to work but i guess i'll try it the next time and see yeah i'm i'm not overly positive on all the ways to get out of it i i just know that the few times i've seen link not coming up the stairs if i tap left it seems to work so maybe it's recency bias on my part yeah i don't know it says funny because actually it's something i've never read about i just tried stuff and figured out at least as much as i know just playing but yeah go ahead scoops they're just doing the boss call that's it's fine what's up no i i was just gonna say with all the swords being over on manhattan's side we're getting the the good old powerpoint boss here uh from blazer with the uh switching to hand uh yeah a cool way to do this i learned not that long ago actually you can uh you can do this with fighter sword in one swing as long as it's a spin i guess you can hit the puff twice yeah a double spin will kill the puffs as we get the grapple beam out of the dark maze on maniacal side so that's funny about all this stuff i mean if you're here earlier you know maybe you don't get to clear this but as attractive as pod tends to be you know you'd end up with a sword that grapple beam which might and well see from schrodinger's go mode [Music] i mean wow because [Music] this is strange pod is loaded with good stuff that we don't need yeah i mean we had that sword too this is uh it's not pod anymore it's qol i think i was trying to think of a fun joke for quality of life but well done sir [Music] palace of convenience there it is um so this is actual gumbo for real for real firm enough for for real for you for maniacal and this could be very good for blazer so turn in this big bomb and then mirror blazer mirror and do escape everyone send energy blazers away yeah that would be very sensible so if we see it sometimes there's so it's like maniacal i mean i i i i know it i'm not always the positive person i just try to play all the angles if i can but like remember maniacal kind of pushing off the moon for a little bit because of all the cross game links and everything um let's just say it's let's just hope he remembers about escape yeah it's it's one of those things where we said it earlier if you don't do it early you tend to forget about it [Music] i mean even me sometimes i don't forget about it it's just it's just so early you think you know why would it have something like that you know [Music] all right blazer come on pull out that mirror oh no please everybody know sometimes when you're just running your routes you have the map in front of you in your head instead of the one you know it's just an item item press away so yeah i mean that's that's definitely true i've done it before where i said i'm gonna do this then this in completely space on something like escape so it's very possible blazer was thinking all right big bomb in the pod he's going to pod um it's not escape i feel like he probably still knows about it and at least when you do this you know you're going to get all that little qrl stuff we just talked about and a required crystal so it's not bad yet yeah and it it still goes back to the you're still doing important things you're still clearing crystals you're still doing what you know you have to do it's not a time loss so do it yeah i guess really even as if i think about it here you know like again if you try to bring yourself to ground level i guess as it were thomas could well be in here you know and if he goes to escape and it's not in there right you know that's a total waste of time so yeah it makes sense yeah it's it's that abc clear always be clearing crystals oh absolutely ferris uh you know comment and chat about how the race is so close absolutely it is um and it's it's fantastic to watch and i mean we're looking at it they're they're finally tied up i think for the first time on required boss kills um and we have blazer and pod about to get another crystal and you know maniacal and eastern about to get another crystal and then blazer already having this one done and my knackles in so i mean yeah it's it's only about half the time you can judge progression by you know a boss count the other half is just items so it's just a matter of open uh three checks or whatever's left for him and escape you know turn into density at some point and it might not be that long because i just got a lot of stuff done [Music] yeah the trip through swamp wasn't so bad and if you can do most of the speed tricks even if you map compass left side you know which we know monaco won't do well even if you do it it's part of yeah those required dungeons yeah i and i think that's where maniacal is going to pick up the most time even just going there in go mode as opposed to blazer or even just going there with the boots to be honest the boots in swamp make such a big deal because walking through that water slows link down even more yeah there's good lines in there and the water too like you say [Music] but yeah maniacal's got the shopping list and next up on that is some crispy bugs yep straight to the back to kill that moth and actually i wasn't even thinking about this if maniacal does what i think he's about to do this is really clever he he may be doing you know obviously he's doing skull woods right now but then go into swamp finish swamp and go right to backdoor meridia yeah it's tough i was kind of trying to say something about it before but it's like tough to figure out how to get to that work quickly and it's out of the way and it's done that way on purpose um but you know any any any way you can put yourself in that area on a route of required things is is a good route so yeah swamp is as close as you can get since my spouse doesn't really work yeah so i mean it it's one of those things that you don't really think about until you're seeing it happen that really separates i'll even say like the good runners from the great runners is those small optimizations like that even if it's unintentional on maniacal's part um just being able to combo that in smoothly really makes a difference and and let's be honest at the end of the day we're completing two games that took me like a week and a half each as a kid in like three and a half hours let's say this week and a half that's pretty good when i say i completed them as a kid it wasn't really me i was just watching one of my brothers and my dad do it and uh maniacal stall screw attack on modula come on i didn't even see that over on blazer set [Music] oh yeah it does have moth done oops um yeah so that's a whole lot of not nothing because we don't have ice beam we're just going to turn it right back off anyway pretty sure whenever we get to north or turian yeah i mean no ice beam no speed unless i'm mistaken there isn't really a zeb skip that maniacal can do all right i know nothing you're the one who's supposed to be keeping me grounded here i'm the one who talks just complete balls i don't know i don't know metroid i just play the game it's fun [Music] but uh i don't know my time doing this i feel like there's a way to skip just about anything with anything that's true super metroid is morphball required everything else negotiable here comes chat because they're gonna say don't even need that well actually if you have x-rays yeah yeah yeah i understand nothing but do not anger twitch chat for they are many and they are they are angry uh but yeah here we go retracing footsteps here again a little bit blazer gonna go into pod basement and maniacal just gonna quick as you like uh go through swamp palace say i'm gonna do whatever capture method blazers doing i'll just ask about that later because you know normally the walls that's a 60 frame camera shake so you can't see it on here since we're running 30 but you could see it on his it was blurred out so i don't know if he's got frame blending going on or what i think that's a good thing to do for a low frame stream like this just total observation i mean we're they're retracing footsteps we gotta find something to talk about [Music] i mean maniacal like you said before he's going to be in and out of here with you know crystal and whatever else argus had but uh here comes blazer at helmesor not holding the sword out just whacking away yep i didn't see if he uh activated spin speed it looks like it to get a little bit better hammer hitbox there um but yeah you can activate the spin speed to get that basically same hitbox of holding your sword up so apparently i've never done it that way because i don't know how you do that you need stairs for that or something uh so you can you can still arm the glitch by you know doing the classic hold your sword and then spin and switch right over to the boots yeah so if you arm it um you know you still can't swing your sword but you get that extended hammer hitbox so i've seen a couple of runners uh they've been doing that in league uh dating back to about the main tournament of link to the past earlier this year but um you know a couple runners do it couple don't just depends on your comfort level at that point well and i guess uh i mean the one advantage i can think of now that i understand it is if you get hit you keep it pretty sure as opposed to you get hit holding the sword out you have to swing it again so yeah there's there's slight advantages to it um i i personally don't do it just because i'm i like the recoil of the sword and i'm i'm scared of helmesor this is a sneaky little bugger i mean it seems easy until you start taking a few wrong hits it just spirals out of control yeah i think everyone who's tried rando has done something like that once where you watch it and you're like i can do that and then you go into like a low low equipment helmets or and you just get wrecked and you go oh i can't do that and so you know a boss that you kill while staying alive is better than a boss you kill quickly and swaggy and die there's a lot of bosses too like that one as argus goes down for the second time with supers apparently and crystal number count that's all of them on maniacal side so we're still a drag on the way but um yeah i don't know the thing because he's gonna do that now or do you think he's i don't know he he might i don't again maniacal yeah he's heading over to dragon so we got a little time and there it is predict with your channel points uh where is the gt big key so go ahead uh do it quickly it looks like that prediction is closing quickly get your guesses in on where that gt big key is going to be we will go off the first person into gt which will likely be maniac yeah i think we were planning on going straight up there because you know zelda but oops yep you'll see numbers appearing in chat where you can guess where that big key is going to be uh you know 1 through 22 hole integers only etc etc but we still have a drag on to fry [Music] yeah you're bad you're all right for real we wouldn't be doing this without you obviously he so it was a z3 you know you're going straight up there so in fact most of the time in smg3 you're going straight up there because you usually have sm done by now i don't oh maniacal disrespecting the spacer beam like that oh yes sorry you still don't have a charge so no charge but we have grapple i have to go with tenderize me today on microwave still take out we're just going in and going out but drive through yeah but maniacal on pace for a really nice time here um i mean you think about it dragon's gonna be a pretty quick kill here then you have you know six minutes after you find the gt big key so eight ish nine minutes depending on where the big key is in gt another six seven minutes in turian so maniacal looking pretty good on the time here especially in a hard mode seed shrink bee doesn't care about what's behind the door wants a blue suit for the way out i think that's you know what that is yeah couldn't could get it if he had speed but alas we don't have that i just figure somebody's doing something weird i know what they're doing and i don't so i'm i'm with you there just say sm buzzwords and chat will believe us but yeah here's the here's the real benefit of that you know that shopping mall portal is uh pop in kill dragon fall down here pop out and then uh let's go up the mountain [Music] uh chat uh discussing the finer points of denizens of super metroid i love it yeah i'm told the the little pirates are just considered exhibitions like they they're native or something but they were conscripted or i don't know we'll have to dive into the metroid lore where's adam when you need but uh as we wax philosophical uh here goes maniacal on the climb up death mountain gonna be popping into gt here very very shortly um i'm personally a hope room left gt router scoop how about you uh hope you're in a less key than right with otherwise left where is that basically exactly what you just said uh it is but you you threw the caveat on there of if you find a key you go right to your right here i'm was gonna say because you know what's the other option if you don't find a key go right yeah okay i mean technically we're racing no major glitches but you could break the game yeah blazer unfortunately still looking for that bombos medallion we know where it is um but still again making progress coming in gonna kill dragon something that he knows has to be done yeah it's just an extra check here and there in the process you know yeah it's a good race except for the bombos unfortunately and that's random yep so here we are maniacal into gt at two hours 23 minutes 54 seconds uh and hey man after my own heart going hoper you just you know maybe it's on the torch first sometime but if you if it's unhook room and you do half the dungeon first that you just nobody wants that yep michael going straight right after finding a smoky in that right chest meanwhile blazer also disrespecting spazer beam come on people give spades or some love i know we have plasma and we're in like this you could pick it up because you go through turning without with just the missiles anyway [Music] i bet you they're going to let the animals die too huh classic oh here we go look at that charge plasma just mashing that x-ray button not quite getting in the one cycle but uh might get it into there we go and drag on down just like any other shrimp you cook once it is cooked it turns red ah scoop what kind of shrimp you eat buddy uh emotional turns red when you cook okay fair enough fair enough okay i'm in the land i'm in the landlocked midwest we only get frozen shrimp oh oh those are probably cooked already yep cooked deveined just nice and clear it's still good i mean we get frozen raw shrimp too usually my daughters don't eat them apparently we're playing smg3 here did you know that yeah i was gonna say well welcome to the uh the stir crazy portion of the seed where we're in gt not finding a whole lot not even an ice beam for our problems yet we're never trouble man can you re categorize a stream into food and drinks or something can we do that just chatting hey look it's our speed booster that's nice i mean blazer in a spot right now we could go with pools hot tubs and beaches could we do that i got a few views out of that yeah all sudden uh we spike from uh about a hundred to about a thousand just what's going on over there uh justin bailey that's that's what's going on i remember finding out that cheat code as a kid you start with screw attack you start in bubble mountain oh look another sort of plasma well i mean it's better than a pack of bombs but still not what we want yeah oh man poor blazer just so close but so far from that bombos too as we get randall room missiles five bucks the map that we totally need in an e-tank oh man what a slow gt it's gonna be here it's gonna be tile room isn't it well if it is and blazer feels bad enough to you know meme it which happens a lot i mean that's five to ten minutes you make up for well five but yeah it's it's enough to make you feel good about it or bad depending on your right uh who's our shack tool fans in chat let's hear it uh here's a hype for our buddy shaq tool as uh bob's chest turns out to be uh even more nothing just a small key yeah i'm trying to think of something good um you know the ultimate middle finger here i think would be ether or something oh yeah yeah vanilla and there's these at least blazer's having fun with the shack tool check just uh doing a little michael jackson impression moonwalking yeah we're looking for a gt count and we're doing it i believe it i believe it was 18 uh because we skipped tile room did all did full right and it was the first chest behind armor so that just leaves tile room and those two other chests so that would make us no 19 because that leaves 20 21 22 for the next two and then tile room unless my midwest math is horribly wrong yeah i have no idea something just seems off only because i know there's 23 but that counts the big chess so it's yeah i don't know but i don't know we're doing the room with four chests ways yep so thank you all for playing uh the gt big key guessing game is michael gonna go ahead and make his way through the gauntlet um yeah it's it's one of those it's the series of rooms that when it goes right it goes so right but then when it goes wrong you just sit there questioning life itself like why did that zyzax go up on that conveyor belt it's actually because they didn't do compass room so take a few more off of that it's like 15 or something oh i thought maniacal did go right to compass room that's my mistake thank goodness we're not in charge of like the lottery scoop it probably did i'm just like it's it's all good uh we're we were obviously excited about the shack tool play on blazer's side um but uh making those whiz robes look like nothing on maniacal side blaze are you gonna go buy some potions here where are you headed buddy hopefully not to one of the pendants [Music] so a little little fun fact i run right well i'm not running because if i'm running i'm gonna be sleeping uh mondays or mondays that's why i'm here that's why people who have been on this stream before with me coming on a monday have seen me completely lose it around this time of day so it's it's quite all right scoop like i like i told you i've been looking forward to common with you for a while and it's it's been a pleasure it continues to be a pleasure and hope everyone here at speed gaming 3 has been having a great time um i'm going to throw a reminder here as we come up on the last few checks on maniacal side again if you've been having a ball like we have go ahead give these runners some love give them a follow it costs nothing to do and it lets them know you've enjoyed how they've been playing the games here [Music] and uh there goes maniacal taking down muldorm uh come on beep do it do it yes opens up muldorm's last possession for vanilla 20 rupees [Music] i i may be biased because my league team was called validation chess boots but that's my favorite chest in the game right now yeah i mean i'm i guess i won't say much when i'm staring at race time and like i guess i can see why he's doing stuff like this he's got a reason to feel pretty good with you know the way things turned out i mean the moon pearl was the worst of it that wasn't even that bad very true well way to get the double there oh oh that's a really bad agga pattern um still managing to get one out of it that's what we call a 17 there i got split still pretty quick work on aga there so agga is down let's go fight ourselves ganon um then of course it's only gonna be a single g in chat because maniacal still has to kill mother brain and escape an exploding zebus [Music] say the animals dnf if you don't you know i mean i'm just kidding you know accurate information from comms i was told hey as long as we call out that we're memeing i think it's okay but we'll probably get it talking too yeah i think they saw it was us coming and they're just like i'll have it on mute i i think that was i think maniacal got yeah he's gonna get the one and one here well done yeah a little help from the game and a little help from good strats yep and again um hopefully the last time i have to say this but for the uninitiated if you have the cape on and you're holding a surface like a wall torch anything uh where link is doing the pulling or lifting animation you don't actually spend magic so uh a nice way to apparently waste time will gannon teleports everywhere uh by being in vince invulnerable uh without using magic but we do see blazer uh making the thieves sound play over escape i don't i don't fault this play um just because it's one of those things like hey it's it's a pendant thieves it could be holding what i need and there's four items as opposed to escapes not four i'm just gonna say it's pretty much numbers at this point because if you're looking at just the front of escape it's three and everything he's got left has more than that in it so yeah really nice triple there though from maniacal to get the big pig down so single g in chat for maniacal taken down ganon uh one cool part about the randomizer is hey you don't go to the triforce room you go to the top of the pyramid so we can head back to uh super metroid gonna do a nice reset and there we go it really does raise some questions so if you do this you never actually get the triforce do you or if you do it the other way around well you never actually escape the exploding planet so you're you know schrodinger's samus i guess kind of dead kind of not yeah we'll we'll just assume that link's wish when touching the triforce was to be teleported to a planet in some sweet space bounty hunter armor that's about to explode yes [Music] hey what what's the rule about wishes you have to be very specific otherwise the genie is going to be rude um so one nice thing about uh yeah chat pointing out uh really beefed up our super count thanks to gt also got that speed booster which is going to be really nice in the escape gonna be able to do a few extra tech pieces in the escape sequence and we'll see if maniacal goes for the um super short charge uh zeb skip here with speed the other thing is that ice beam that's might be the unsolved mystery of the day yeah and i mean at at this point you're almost thinking it's in ice palace um because we didn't see any of our restream runners going in there um it could still be on blind too or even you know in the back of desert i don't think we got both items we might have but uh probably in one of those pendants one of those completely unrestricted things so you could even be something as awful and rude gt big chest who will of course i know and i i'm sure i'm not the only one but i spent a lot of time pretty much convinced you needed it in here only later on found out that you didn't absolutely i mean like we were saying with high jump earlier it's like oh you you don't need that okay cool there are other ways around this which i've always admired about uh metroid games where it's just you know you only really need a few items and the rest are truly negotiable so do we know how the baby got this big you're just supposed to know it's a baby because it's absolutely huge or what happened there uh something something space pirate something steroid something science so there's those ones on the way up here they're just cannon fodder i guess i mean you could have done that with all of them but we got a whole planet and a super computer organic super computer you know on the task here it's not prime three spoilers at all all right michael not trusting whatever he has in reserves grabbing the refill maybe it's just to save all of our years yeah i told you yesterday i did that skipping the refill and i took the save in the next room so i still had two more door transitions anyway so it was kind of pointless but it's iffy and he's he's got a bunch of people to beat still so swag strats are always time neutral scoop oh yeah you're right we can do that thing where you can get behind the brain tank then there you go and we get spring ball out of the uh back of the right side of desert there um again these are things that blazers just really really not wanting to see especially this late in the sea just give me that bombos sometimes you really wish items could move around so he just says hey you've put in your time and i appreciate and respect you here you go oh man wouldn't that be nice but maniacal more than enough missiles to take down mother brain here i think uh after taking out the glass had something like 47 supers and 112 regular missiles or something plenty of ammo yeah there's enough numbers in life i can remember after seeing once or twice apparently the numbers in super metroid are not those [Music] because it's one number and i just never remember what it is yeah i i only know it's 60 supers i don't know the math on if you have fewer than 60 what like the missile count comes out to be especially if you have to do all the zebs and then you know breaking the glass and all that stuff but 60 supers well over on blazer's side here since we're going to be sitting through the cutscene we got a downland move we got a green pendant i'm sure he's going to check that right away at this point it's curiosity for the rest of us hopefully it's an ice beam or something yeah really anything to make it worth the while [Music] hey again it's one of those things where you're like yeah i'm happy to see this but it's not what i wanted uh i'm gonna go to bed happy for once uh ice ice beam on green pendant moon pearl in the checkerboard cave or chessboard cave against maniacal with how tricky it seemed to be it's been a seed yeah here comes escape and like i i kind of figured we can ask this but i kind of figured you know blazer knew about this and just you know it just didn't exist until then there was nothing left because he knew he didn't do it and you know oh yeah and and play the numbers you know it's even even desert was three counting the green pendant which is the same as escape and you know you had you had thieves which had four so it's like playing the numbers i don't i don't blame them at all for doing those for look ferris says two escapes at one time we got an exploding castle and a perfectly normal way if blazer doesn't save the animals in zelda cell i wonder what she was doing down here all that time had to be boring oh man could you imagine if it was like vanilla link to the past where uh every five minutes she says uh link what are you doing help save me no one would leave escape and of course it has to be unfortunately for blazer clear in the back [Music] for good measure wait we're not done oh okay it's gonna save and quit it would have been well pretty time neutral anyway get your ggs in chat here from an echo both of them even finishing with the time 2 44 18. nine minutes ahead of maniacal there was oscar finishing with a time of 235.04 and that's it so far so second place for maniacal very good see if we can get him in here absolutely big gigi's in chat for for maniacal and austria as well uh yeah the sub 245 on a hard mode seed well done uh to both azure and maniacal michael of course finishing first on our restream as blazer heading into meyer and like you were saying scoop only two runners done so i mean blazer still has you know a good chance of finishing pretty well yeah let's just make no mistake here if i was running this i had to find that ice beam because i have this uncanny ability to hit go motoring when people are starting to get done which is exactly what blazer just did yeah um ferris uh azure's time was uh 2 35 04 in racetime.gg and maniacal with a 244-18 um so yeah just you know nine minutes separating those two but fantastic fantastic runs uh by both of them [Music] tell you what when i run this stuff it seems like you know i think i'm doing okay but then these times go up and now i sit here and watch them like this they may just look pretty easy didn't they have absolutely and you know even even on blaze's side i mean it it feels bad to last locate that bombos but blazer is still ripping through this seed make no mistake yeah that's like why i was saying i mean you're in go mode and there's two people done out of whatever i mean that's a good day for me so [Music] dear force shout out to dear force uh in the sm credits maybe maniacal knows we want to ask him about checkerboard cave and lower norfair but if i had to guess hey it's been almost a three hour seed probably gotta go refill some water or something yeah i mean when you're on restream you're gonna know right away if you take a break and if you don't becomes priority right after you get done absolutely he's on the way [Music] hey we are now joined in the booth by maniacal ggs maths nothing's coming out maniacal might still have a uh a muted mic from the from the restream requirements if i were to get oh you're you're not wrong about that there we go strong guess um oops uh on on a few different fronts yeah you ever just forget that bryn loop exists and then forget that laura norfair exists well i have laura norford in my notebook here i mean we were talking before this happens every time it happens with something admire uh you have to go from zelda away from zelda back to zelda and sometimes you just don't think about it yeah i mean it it's just that my like i have a link to the past rando smooth brain going on yeah cause i've just been doing so much lttpr with with the league stuff and i haven't been having as much time to do the smz three side stuff unfortunately so i'm glad i got to play this one um i'll de-rust my brain eventually but uh i'm going to blame it on the fact that i'm i'm used to like the single game randos where i'm just like oh does it really have to be hera oh god it's definitely akina oh wait there's an entire map region available in super metroid that i just didn't do because i didn't have bombs the first time i was over there yeah i mean the lower north oh sorry go ahead that's just a common theme today on both sides is especially that uh even while you're putting that stuff off you're getting stuff done you know yeah that that is the thing that i really want to be doing in smz three as i early on and i struggled a lot less with this more recently as i've just had hundreds and hundreds of seeds uh under under my belt but early on it was just a lot of like just be sure i'm always doing something that is getting something off of the board basically just eliminating some region from possibility and so i felt like i did do a good job of consistently doing that i did never run out of things to do it's just sometimes i did really dumb bad things instead of obvious good things so uh not too surprised that uh i didn't win this one i i don't think that i i cut nine minutes off even if i route this a little more intelligently though so gg to azure on on the w here uh you're only minor league and superhuman you know just then there's this normal people somewhere yeah i mean this is very very solid player does a lot of sms e3 and does a lot of sm and lttpr so you know unsurprisingly he's gotten pretty good at it yep i mean but again no slouch performance on on your side either 199 clear rate we're seeing here you know and and honestly putting off laura norfair kind of worked out in your favor because the first time you had the chance to do it you didn't have the mirror and that would have been devastating so kind of working out that you showed up later with it although i have to ask um speaking of link to the past smooth brain uh what happened in checkerboard i was just so upset with myself at that point i was just like push the blocks man just push them one way it doesn't matter just push blocks and uh it didn't go very well um so i pushed the wrong blocks the wrong way the right blocks the wrong way um the wrong blocks the right way probably too but um eventually eventually i was able to unlock that that glorious glorious moon pearl um i got lucky with the double bombos yeah that was that's a big turning point in the seed too i i don't know if you've also popped into speed gaming but pretty much as okay pretty much as you were um in the mother brain flight that's when blazer finally went to you know back of escape uh cleared a couple of pendants so yeah really put off that escape play um you know some days it pays off and today just wasn't one of those days yeah i i was in there pretty early because the sphere one power bombs were just so tucked away i mean like what third check crystal eastern is is not where anyone wants to find their sphere 1 power bombs uh granted back of escape not sphere one but um you know while i was over there i was not gonna not do back of escape the seed was already shaping up to be a little bit of a jerk early and so i wasn't going to give up on a pretty low-cost key steal no and that that was a a really heads-up play on your part two um you know doing that escape and then yeah just really stingy on power bombs and then you know you popped over to wreck ship and the game goes i'm just kidding here's three more packs yeah here's all the power bombs that you didn't have before um what was kind of 50 50 on whether to just aggressively go down red tower versus go over direct ship but um i i think the wreck ship play worked out i i felt pretty good about it there um i was really baffled to find gravity suit in eastern and um that one that kind of shaped a little bit of my decision making through the early and mid seed that's that's just a really weird spot for gravity suit to show up in in hard mode and so i wasn't really sure what to make of it which is why even before crate i just went up and just did the the early meridian stuff i was like i have a feeling there's got to be something going on up here because gravity suit just does so very little in um in hard mode yeah one of us is like saying that you know you might not actually need this for anything but here it is because rando said so yeah i mean that that's the other possibility right is that sometimes it just shows up and it isn't for any reason but you know i i didn't want to i didn't want to lean on that too badly when when the alternatives didn't look all that attractive either it wasn't even the only thing that showed up you know without an immediate use for like how much stuff showed up before that glove so yeah like the flippers were were weird like there was there's this is a weird weird seed yeah when when hook shot popped it big game i was just so or not did game dig spot rather i would i was just like what what is going on with this one and so i went back to the mountain and of course it was like not great and then went and got my hammer behind the flippers and i was just like oh god here we go back up the mountain i i really should have done the flippers stuff first because i should have figured i probably needed to be in both places but that that hook shot was kind of exciting i i was i was feeling energized about the hook shot yeah the shovel being where it was you know accessible from minute zero right to the hook shot to them you know you that would have that made sense but of course nothing yeah it just it was a suspicious shovel for sure i just i i didn't really want to do that as a singleton when i had it early and so i went and did like other things first basically and then got back around to and i was like oh well i guess now now i have to have to go to the dig spot when i'm activating my flute but overall i was pretty happy i feel like i'm still kind of rusty this one definitely shook a little bit more of the rust off than the last one so it was good to to get to placement smz 3. i always like doing these weeklies they're a lot of fun absolutely yeah i'd say you know the ago play you know before you do ln or things like that that's about the only time we saw the rush showing otherwise you played very well maniacal gg oh well thank you appreciate it i mean the loadout wasn't too bad um like the the home skips um some of the like some of the scouts and stuff i wasn't happy with some of the super metroid side like room to room but you know for the most part it wasn't it wasn't too bad it definitely was better than last time where i like sparked into the ceiling five times when i was trying to get a red ship dread has melted my brain on midair shine spark inputs because they're just so different in that game from this one at least to me uh we're like trying to make samus do the thing i want her to do in this game uh was just not happening last time i played one of these so it felt good to to at least feel like things were going all right this time around yeah pretty much every 2d game after as 2d and games go up and up it seems like it just moves faster and faster so you come back to here and everything's floating slow and just would throw you off i'm sure i i like the mechanics everyone says that this game feels really floaty but i feel like it just snaps like once once you get your your ledge grabs and your down grabs going i mean like when it's floaty to me it feels like it's because i'm playing badly well that's that explains why i call it tethen but no i just mean like relatively speaking yeah yeah definitely like the gravity is a little bit slower the falling is a little bit slower uh for sure but you know i i still think i i mean i just still love the game it's it's great but only other thing about this one that i kind of wanted to say was uh got pretty lucky with uh with where ice rod was i was just like well i'm back in a length of the past i have the whole world to hunt down this ice rod and i at least want to know about my turtle rock medallion and just like know what go mode looks like and if i spike the ice rod that's super nifty and then uh it just worked out really well so i hit a pretty early go mode in this one i think that really helped uh make it look like i didn't do a bonus ago tower well let's put it this way i totally forgot about until tavares said it so yeah but yeah um gigi's to everyone who played this i think that's probably about all i've got to to wrap this one up but one question yeah sure there's three bombs in the in waterfall or waterfall how do you feel about those three bombs in the water oh in the water hole i i wanted them you did okay i was like you know i like these bombs i like those ones keeping track like maybe you were you were zilch and zelda and you just remembered i don't know my loadout was was pretty bad still um like i and bombs were my my premier weapon at that point like like i didn't have a lot going for me i'd i'd had some bomb shortage or shortages earlier and i'm all the way in at watering hole i mean there's no fanfare right it's a half second text box um yeah it's pretty low cost looked at him and got him i just wonder if there was something behind that like he knew something yeah no no i didn't have a count or anything on it where like i was like i need these bombs for some very specific thing but um if if i don't know if i need it or not in super metroid without any sort of fanfare uh it's just a lot more value to be grabbing things pretty aggressively and to just like basically blind pull all your checks and super metroid until you know you don't need things yeah yeah just it's so low cost to pick up extra stuff whereas in a link to the past like you have the like the little jingle that it plays and it actually takes time so like you want to skip all your heart pieces there but grab most of it's in super metroid [Music] fair enough um okay so once again cg's to you um gonna do the chat thing it's maniacal check them out yeah but thank you for uh having me in the chat appreciate it thank you so much for the commentary and and gg's to to everyone who was running this and then especially uh blazor whom i think is uh still going if if y'all are got it got blazer on on racetrack yeah yep got blazer still on restream since we've had you in the booth peepee chan did finish with a 257 26 and then we do have two forfeits so far as well so there are still a handful of runners racing uh and yeah blazor is one of them yeah i imagine for a lot of folks it's coming down to like the ice rod hunt or something this this was one of those seeds that like you could just do all of the dark world and then eventually find your ice rod yeah he said as weird as it was it's not hard to imagine that there's just a lot of stuff that could turn into last locations for a lot of people there's still at least 10 people in here so yeah i mean that that hard on pyramid was very important hey you spent the time to kill agga you may as well grab the heart i'm taking my prize dang it i'll cosmic brain if it was the pearl for once though i mean we were mentioning that a little bit and like you know it's it's very possible maniacal is just trying to do some super anti-meta play and hoping to spike a pearl now um once i was like two-thirds through and i was like wait i have a lot of other things that i could be doing like warfare and stuff um i was just like you know i bet they're having fun with this [Laughter] and that's really what the holiday season is all about isn't it though yeah um i'm gonna head out let you guys uh finish commentating blazers run but uh gigi's to azure and pp chan for finishing and everyone else is running this as well awesome thanks so much michael have a great night you as well thanks so much bye so yeah it's uh largely academics for blazer who picked up that good mode around the time maniacal got here and just uh been clearing dungeons ever since coming up with there's a urethra mad um give you something to do there um so yeah just gonna climb gt and get stuff done here i suppose give them 12 13 minutes something like that and they'll be done yep and and the nice part is well nice for blazer that blazer has that ice beam so we're gonna see a slightly different turian on that side of the restream than we did from maniacal just being able to kill the metroids with the ice beam instead of power bombs so slightly faster turian with optimal strats there also the rarely seen but always appreciated mirror shield strats against the red mimic i mean i like them i hate getting hit by them it's just room it's just nice and clean this is because i can't dodge things i just stand in front of shots let's see if people don't i think realize this with the way lag works in the sense we mean it here it's just you know once you get past a certain number of on-screen items then you start seeing that i got before that point nothing changes so it's like once you have a shield you might as well pick up the other two yeah um and then i think it's like every 100 rupees or something adds the lag too so it's it's very strange um but we do have our fourth place finisher hetaka finished fourth uh looks like a little trouble in race time gg uh three hours four minutes and somewhere between 10 and 40 seconds i got it at 40 but oh it says it lagged somewhere between three and four hours [Music] the double beeps make an appearance have to point that out yeah you know we almost made it the entire seed without hearing that because we had maniacals audio um and now suddenly i'm glad we did because why would you play with double beeps i wanted to go back and see if see how many times ever would have had beeps on here i did it for a while only because you know if you got a lot to focus on you're not you know you haven't played a game 300 times or whatever you know maybe something surprises you especially if you're on load mail or something and you wanna you wanna be made aware and that's a very solid thing i mean it always seems to restream but i mean yeah if if that's the worst thing that happens to me today it's been a pretty good day though so um meanwhile mm-2 nest cartridge does take home fifth place with a time of three hours five minutes 29 seconds so gg's to mmt [Music] i'm gonna probably uh i don't know i guess i'd have to talk to the zelda people i'm gonna try and see if i can get checkerboard cave renamed the chessboard in honor of maniacal who tried to make all those moves and they weren't working buzz buzz buzz it's like real chess [Music] that's pretty funny i i enjoyed it um blaze are unfortunately getting the bunny beam there uh grabbing these last few chests in gt uh gonna take out the worm and then uh of course our friends agonim and cannon [Music] priest pig cranial mass is this a new walk into a bar joke scoop i'm not gonna lie i haven't seen someone dash on the right side of those bumpers in a very long time that was actually it looks like blazar has practiced that that was smooth huh i totally haven't done that for the last 11 months actually the first time i i caught a comment of somebody i was racing on the ladder um i did that and you i forget who but it was like yeah i've never seen anybody do that it's pretty neat like so after i heard that i just kept doing it hey and and that's the thing too especially with this game how it is with you know two games meshed into one if you have a if you have a tech or or a move or whatever you want to call it that works for you consistently keep it up i mean that's that's better than you know trying to change things and and learning something that may not work for you right away especially in a racing atmosphere like this uh just go with what you know yeah sporespawn skips one of those good ones because uh i still don't know how to line that up so i just run at it and usually within the first three tries it works you know you lose seven seconds at the most so that's what i do i'm blazer here on the pig and getting a real nice phase two position you can just go absolutely nuts i don't actually know if that's better than doing those spins but we'll see yep one and one any way you can get it is just fine yep and showing off the other uh interesting quirk mechanic about the cape there if you're slashing your sword the way the game prioritizes checks is it won't drain magic as quickly uh because it sees that link is doing something else so it doesn't check for a cape train uh so you'll notice the cape drained really slowly because uh blazer was just mashing sword in that corner so a fun little tech for everyone i know yeah it's like when the sword's out it doesn't count so just keep it out as much as you can i guess it doesn't count if you hold it up but be swinging i still want to ask him about his capture method because i mean like see it's again i'm kind of being blurry fuzzy i don't know i like it [Music] and a nice double to finish it off uh get your g's in chat for blazor just have to finish touring here [Music] uh during that fight we did have two more finishers as well exempt and inventorable uh ggs to those [Music] yeah it's it's still still makes me think honestly um i don't know how this works out but i guess this is why this is fun to race because this is this takes three hours or more whatever maybe less if you're good but a big chunk of people can finish within a minute or two of each other over that time i don't know yeah and like the divergence we saw between maniacal and blazor you know and you can still get games that finish relatively closely is is just wild and super fun and part of what i think makes it fun yeah i mean that's why i do because i myself don't find a lot of enjoyment out of running the same exact thing over and over again i like the random aspect so sometimes it makes your brain hurt but it's it's definitely a great way to relive the the classic games uh in a fresh way every time yeah there was not a point that i ever thought you know the game i'd be spending the better part of a year on would be you know 30 some years old yeah pretty solid uh first metroid room there blazor sneaking into metroid's 2 here nicely done with the one super let's see now he can do this and stay out of the lava and i still haven't been able to do that so nice move there yeah yeah a very smooth room uh by blazor there so just gonna let him group up and there we go nicely done it took me playing around but i realize you don't actually have to kill those side hoppers and then the first time somebody saw me do it they're like i don't even know you could do that well yeah five supers you can kill him i just kind of always assumed the door was locked like the last three uh yeah uh maid thanks for answering that chat green pendant was our ice beam i'm trying to remember where the silvers were i should know we made a point of it i know they were before the tempered sword on maniacal side wanna say this that really helps i know hey it narrowed it down to one of a hundred checks that could be wrong anyway [Laughter] it's all good you're not gonna watch the pod i know you oh here we go nice thank you steel g so it wasn't that simple yeah it's it's odd it's all right scoopula uh so just uh just the brain and the escape left here on blazor's side so not much left to do again plenty of missiles to get it done but has charge has iced has plasma has wave uh so don't even need to worry about the missile count here oh man they were eating the race time room earlier because it scrolls off the top i wanted to see who rolled this thing just because of how it is it's probably out of sneaks again somehow somehow yeah stuck in that and left go to bed uh really nice zeb skip there on blazor's side though well done on that yeah because in a few minutes we'll explain it but i mean it's it's still thrown a lot of good runners off here the way that stuff broke down in this seed [Music] oh absolutely and the entire field was just it was a stacked field i think we called that out at the very beginning always fun to see the the caliber of runners that come out for these seeds yeah very soon has this little ranking system which i guess by didn't the admin zone admission is a bit of a potato quote-unquote but i think it works for what we need it for and i like to say anybody over 2000 is high quality which is why i'm not but there's a lot of them in here [Music] yeah and uh okay to the best of my knowledge it looks like we're set up all right for stand up here on blazer's side [Music] one of those things i i guess i heard soft lock the first time i read about it and said no enough for me and that's i'm you know in the same boat as you scoop it's one of those things that risk reward and if i'm not super comfortable with it i'm not gonna do it but blaze are gonna save some time here uh getting these shots in on mother brain uh during the refills so i'm gonna save some precious seconds here in the fight i mean i wanna learn my biggest reason for doing so is because i just get tired of sitting here doing nothing watching this thing play out oh yeah and it's it's like a minute of just no inputs if you don't do it it's just the worst [Applause] metroid gear solid [Music] anybody least we're not getting mother brains life story true yeah really well done there uh by blazor and showing off hey i have spring ball too got everything every little thing pretty sure yep the only thing's not lit up on our on tracker for blazors ice palace and that gold sword i mean in a time like this for getting all that stuff that's good stuff and it doesn't matter who you are now it's like to say you know i want to erase one of these in a format where you know you're dequeued unless you pull a 316 or 100 percent than just it's a c uh hitaca fourth sword was at plasma beam so which one did he not get then i don't so blazer didn't get the one in meyer yep and another nice shaft spark there [Music] just gotta go take us getting cold what a hero twitch chat hero right here folks plays we're gonna save or taunt the animals remains to be seen need to work a thing in where this is good for at least five extra points on earth [Laughter] [Music] i do it every time it'd be the only points i've ever got oh come on scoop yeah i've hit my peak massacre anyway got your gg's in chapter blazor gaming just gonna put in because i fumble with my windows [Music] every time i do this he's got an official racetime.gg time of three hours 18 minutes and 37 seconds shortly after actually how shortly like 21 seconds seconds yeah finished by a girl named captain through 1858 and that's with an animal safe so you know so yeah gigi's the blazor that's good enough for second on restroom of course and eighth place overall um in this race today so gg's to blaze our gaming we'll see if we can't get them in for a quick interview [Music] again uh total race still going there are still a few runners left um so yeah big ggs to our two restream runners [Music] and looks like we have blazer in setup so we'll go ahead and get them up here in just a moment that's the green room they got half decent coffee in there i think so i'm just gonna get a get a sip of that [Music] but yeah i mean time ranges of finishes so far is 2 35 to 3 18 and those are good times for c like this [Music] [Music] yeah i mean you know we kind of hit on it anytime you're completing two games in around three hours feels pretty good i mean there's there's always a small desire for me to like you know maybe you know if i run this seat i wonder how i would do well that doesn't work because i just watched the whole thing give me about 24 hours i'll forget most of it [Music] all righty and it looks like we are now joined in the booth by blazar gaming gg's blazer gotta unmute the thing there real quick [Music] they really beat you down on a restream making you do all this stuff mute your stuff messing you up and everything nope no no mike no there there we go yes we can hear you now gg yeah um he put up a heck of a run just he got rando'd with the whole zelda cell thing unfortunately but yeah couldn't find that bombos for the longest time yeah it was you're thinking that just you know no way is it that early or is it just you because i i kind of figured from here not i didn't really know that's why i'm here asking if you knew about it and just figure you know what i'll do it last or you know what was your thinking on that one uh my thinking is that i'm stubborn and i'm hoping to god that it's not there and sure enough it was yeah i totally get that i do the same thing a lot but yeah that's that's a tough spot for something like that you know you need it for both ben and dungeons and or five the six seven dungeons i mean and uh it's just 10 spheres earlier yeah it was a process of elimination and i didn't have a whole whole lot left to check that might have even been my last check yeah we were figuring ice palace i think that was the only other place i could have went everything you had was denser until um i guess what what did you do right before that whatever it was had like a green pendant turned in for ice ice beam which was at least a nice consolation price yeah that wasn't the worst thing to get but he kept running running all this good stuff like pod how much stuff does it have it's like oh that's nice but but no and then you know the plasma beam sword and the spring ball whatever and yeah so i was just trying to validate the run with spring ball [Laughter] well well you did a fine job saving the animals uh i know twitch chat appreciated that so that's good i figured it was more or less running along a hundred trying to full clear the game might as well save them at the same time that's that's fantastic um no i i kind of want to get your thoughts and you know scoop you and i touched on it briefly during the during the commentary but you know morph ball and you know spiking morphball so early and then literally just staying in sm for as long as you did um was there any point during your you know your long stint in sm where you're like all right maybe i should duck back into link to the past a bit or was your mindset just let's go through sm as much as we can i i should get in the habit of going back to link to the past because the items are quicker to pick up but again i'm kind of stubborn you know just like and i enjoy sm more so it's it's working against me that way i just felt like i wanted to stay in there and get as much done as i could yeah i mean i'm with you i like playing sm i'm just no good at it and i'm way better at zelda but i'd rather play sm and i don't know the last seat i have in hyundai that's him for so makes sense i think it was just waterway and up uh i don't know what that one room's called but the two speed booster items that i had left in there yeah and i figured you probably know that whenever something's in gt it can't lock you know an item required for a boss yep um the other sort of big i don't want to call it a gotcha moment of the seed but uh what are your thoughts on that moon pearl placement i you know i don't even remember where moon pearl was the hammer was the next item that had me scratching my head i can't i can't remember the moon pearl though uh moon pearl was at checkerboard um ln with your mirror to get it yeah that kind of worked out with my routing because i think i went and did lower norfair kind of early-ish so i did that check and i was like oh well this is nice yeah i want to say yeah you you did get that before when i called by a bunch right oh yeah yeah so maniacal was not happy with that one yeah i could imagine yeah it was unfortunately the seat of the round things whether it's the moon pro the morph ball being early which is kind of rare well not not rare but not super super common and bombas take your pick yeah i feel like that's how the last few seeds of plate have been going it's just there's always that one item that i can never seem to find and it turns into like an extended half an hour play time or whatever yeah i know exactly what you mean it's like you're among friends yeah i'm sure i'm not speaking out of turn here i mean you can go through my history if you really want to you see all these you know last or second and last finish that i did and i'm like i go fast i just i i beat everybody in collection rate that's what i do yeah you're playing your own challenge run so it's like you say it's a salon item and it seems like a lot of people know how to you know not be hunting one item and i'm just over here you know what it's about it's a medallion it's an ice rod it's whatever okay here we go again but you know that kind of a time still for what you did is really good new life so yeah i guess if it's below three hours and 30 minutes when it was practically a hundred i was like i'm okay with that and then i was kind of hoping that it was gonna be a like a pendant like seed at the rate it was going but no it was just i wasn't checked and it was like an arrow capacity yeah and i guess all the pendant dungeons none of them had anything we need it was that true i'm pretty sure that's that's correct i think we could have avoided all of them this seed which is interesting and strange that well that would be that would have been preferable and i found the item i needed to yeah it will and that's the thing well and we were talking about it too a little bit you know you were never in a position where it seemed like you were scratching your head on where do i go next you were always clearing something and we talked to maniacal about the same thing like that's the most important thing about these seeds is always be pushing forward towards something even if it's not the progression in the seed and and you did a very good job with it yeah but i i think there's at one point where i actually had too many options and i was like okay i just gotta clear a dungeon so i can think about where to go eastern palace i'll go get that done and then let me think about a route while i'm doing it yeah definitely smz iii is one of those you have to actually balance you know getting some stuff done because even if for some reason you get every starting item every item to start with at this point at the very beginning of the game you go mode the whole game that's you're still spending an hour and a half you know yeah for sure so yeah it went well and you know we see there's a couple more runners left uh 10th place going to tracy m with the time of 3 28 17. uh yeah there were a handful of dnfs i mean this seed threw off a lot of good runners i mentioned you know before you were here but i mean it was hard to do when we're sitting here but just trying to imagine you're like well how would i do this what would happen to me kind of thing but uh i think he handled it pretty well yeah it other than not having luck finding that am i actually enjoyed having a good loadout in the beginning i got to just run through super metroid pretty quickly oh yeah yeah plasma did not take long and i mentioned then if you get that or screw attack or both i mean you can just go yeah all right i'm gonna take off uh thanks for having me guys no problem yeah absolutely and gigi's on the finish well done gg thanks to the commentator and thanks for the tracker guy girl whoever so yeah we see the difference in collection right there 237 to maniacals 199 now that i'm looking at it and you know i had a half an hour for all that still pretty good run which way you look at it absolutely it was it was a blast uh comment with you here scoopula it was a blast hanging out with you twitch chat uh one last shout out to the runners here from from me anyway uh go ahead give them a follow uh maniacal 42 and blazer gaming uh of course to to my pal in the booth here scoopula shout outs to you couldn't have done this without you and of course uh maid walker maddie walkerd uh again i've i've been told both are acceptable uh for pushing the buttons keeping us on track so big shout outs there as we well trackers and anybody willing to volunteer by all means sign up i mean we appreciate any any help we can get and especially for maddie walker doing a lot of work lately on i've said this before but i'll say it again a lot of work lately for us here on on smz3 so it's very much appreciated um that being said yeah everybody wants to get a start on their tuesday here so for tiberius i'm scupula i've been scooping i'll probably be scooping the next time we'll see uh and this has been smz three super metroid link to the past combo randomizer as tiberius mentioned we run these things weekly um try to get them on stream when we can uh twice a week one on each setting of logic 3 p.m sunday eastern and 9 pm monday so until one of those two see you next mission [Music]
Channel: SpeedGaming
Views: 3,392
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: a link to the past, alttp, games, nintendo, race, randomizer, sm, snes, speed run, speedrun, super metroid, super nintendo, the legend of zelda, tloz, twitch
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 214min 23sec (12863 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 17 2022
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