A Link to the Past | Crossworld Entrance + CrossDungeon Door Shuffle MULTIWORLD with Fouton

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that's all right let's get this bad boy rolling what does this break this is totem link from yeah Triforce heroes squid pie just slightly modified to be in a 16-bit game all right you ready futon let's do this [ __ ] I am just goodbye thanks to the two months in a row I hope you enjoy your cute AFV those condo all right three two one go I can is there any mods that aren't futon in the streams like yo I got my own sword in the first chests freak I got five dollars no I got twenty dollars I can count I swear um if you take that multi and you take out everyone but me and futon you're good all right let's see what links houses you've already been to links links house Hyrule Castle it was a guitar so we'll see you later [Music] all right well I have to wait why is there only one guard sometimes in these poems there's the other one we're good just go that real quick that didn't die we didn't [Music] all right and I'm locked out of agus our my first dungeon was Myers that's that's not good I didn't get two bombs from from the the too fast Gardens melancholy melancholic pixie thanks to the nine months preciate lunch we're also gonna get a tear to pull here instead of a Tijuana so that's good you know red rubies to the tier two let's go thank my polls have been arrows and curtains raging that's great but I'm still concerned about Oliver thanks for the five months any smilers god miles believe that scapegoat britain you've never seen anyone do that I love doing that get easy double kill place it's a super quickly pull that your you read my tier one is Reds too let's go let's go it's for the five months but almost II don't think I don't know if it's the fastest way to kill those Garrett's four times but [Music] of Bhutan escape has nine chests I removed the entrance Rando part probably sure the entrants are into is a portion of the throne honestly though I didn't even know if I'd enjoyed door and oh as much without the entrance rate do with it now do my crabs bombs - this is so good you know how if you get enough of the crab items and drops like a random one after like seven yeah the plankton wasn't eaten bomb Oh [Laughter] TKO giving us up to 13 ground there both of the puck from dude hope you enjoy those emotes give TKO a big ol thing I move my coffees right in front of my be nothing you know they you know the crazy for me no just kidding [Laughter] [Music] enjoy your lurk and your Rando lock at least I already know where agate hours there's a bomb farming I'm Granger glitch I don't have a bomb you [Music] how's it going all I have left to hope for is my house everybody's an okay day oh oh no no never for me and I'm here with a sword a hammer three hundred and sixty rupees and ten bombs futon has all these might be for futon I hope they were my bombs that are useless god I should have died there but we're good yeah it's cross world dungeon entrance Rando and across dungeon door Rando is all the crosses some are all cross shuffle I don't know cross-product shuffle nailed it oh heck said all Hank should have come to Atlanta we could have gotten dinners dude I found the luck fairy off my money no there's Bob's little library [ __ ] up this seems so free dc-3 Bob they were not reach block sure let's take this connector roadway straight up if you're not man enough to suck another man's [ __ ] and balls if you're a [ __ ] [ __ ] can you kick the tough guy's ass great can you look it with the ball with careful you're still talking to complete it's because all that tough guy is without his unit and you would run away like a [ __ ] not me I'll slap the badass tough guys nuts on my forehead that's wrong red mark yes sir sure right up here dick hole insecticons luck you want to generate using that thing I said you you should probably increase the count on the end of the hawk so mind also turn hints on nestle next 100 minutes - you'd appreciate it um the tree talks forever by the way so don't talk to the tree talk oh the hidden people yeah I swear if this glove is for me I'm gonna laugh just send it like mid arrow gave him ruin everything oh that's early okay we're good not getting that no it's for me bad wall there's nothing there ah career um no thank you no just eat it while we go let's get miss hot callously but mine would be red that's good and they had too much loss I guess so the Chipotle nearest keeps their mobile or used to keep the mobile orders like on a shelf right next to the door so yeah so like you can literally walk three steps into the Chipotle and get to the mobile order rack and so like leave or not you know people steal mobile orders all time it finally changed it so Dom she I have a dollar Thanks gotcha dollar yeah they would make it again if they didn't make it again that would be a problem got more money than I say they'd like they'd like to look in their system and be like hey we made this already and hey it's not there let me I'd be like yeah this happens sometimes I'm like yeah you don't think he shouldn't like change this I just found it back-to-back right so everything's nice I'm reading the heads found out how to Pete and Ian races guys no printed that is not shaking it huh no cash shop I have literally no way to hit this beetle and I got destroyed man having 15 bombs for size no I write down check it but I'll try to pay attention this isn't going well for multiple reasons yeah Cal's main one being I'm bad the MVP for picking up holy tonight [Music] oh my I'm sorry we thought uh-uh guess I'm hopeful take this door and see where life takes me funky on up BAM i-i got laser bridge and the door that is at the end of major bridges key locked and it leads to a map that's it and cannonball ring for desert so literally just waste the key and there's a red meat oh damn boy ruining my day ha ha thanks for the harpy's like would you like me to get this 20 rupees I actually can't get what are the chests at general because there's the enemy the way I got my own heart container don't worry big oh we got this what's my cue hold on I'll show you step one is I just walked down until it's start shooting without hitting me but I'm close to it oh my god I almost died and then I go to the edge until I'm like right against it and then the second it shoots and is like in part of Luigi I will walk past it that's how to get bad for me that will work - shadow alright get started so far good thing I'm two for two on this fifty-fifty bomb drop your life here up ten arrows is this guy talking about oh no thanks oh yes best money farm oh honey that Bob you're bad at the third stuff yeah it's a really hard step to get you see I die to it like decent chunk of the times sounds good time enjoy your sleep futon no I don't need any items least I owned solace I should have shown this off ingenue I try they wouldn't let me very own go buy bombs I don't remember if I saw shine but I need bombs have to go up anyway so sick kid thank you knees right oh no no I don't know the bylaws my first trip I need a hammer and a glove to get more into more into ice palace or more in agra tala I mean tragic yeah if this glove was yours you had been able to continue there and I would've been real unhappy oh my - yeah 14 months that's almost a year 8:28 ago sometime paper boom it's actually a bad thing to get super early but 22 black better than I thanks for the 14 Monty appreciated nine bits [Music] pretty aims pretty free so laughs I faith yeah I get a moon pro this multi-role that's great I should check what the Sun drop is I into hurt excited for mine to be a bomb 0:03 okay this was in the damn dude I keep forgetting to look at the north door when I go to get the other chest yeah and I'm just like well I don't know I got a small key back here so it doesn't matter but I always pretty gets like look let's see if it's locked or not not locked anyways perfect fit mr. 1337 bits yesterday day my man thank you so much I am sorry Wow [Music] quickest always in my life deep this is a mess one you Hey guess I'm not unlocking that door hello one more hammer how am I gonna get my two months of priming appreciate what dude I got the green pendant already hell yeah let's go all right I actually wanted to be up that way I'm dead now no you're the scapegoat it's all you need so I'm like yesterday hurt where um it was an all done from school this goal is the random it is to begin so we're both required to begin his Tower at some point but the number of crystals required to be Ganon is random and then the chichi entrance crystal criminal [Music] yeah so bosses aren't shuffled or anything so you're like if you enter a dungeon with a whatever dungeon you entered the boss is gonna be the same it's just you don't know where the boss is essentially another wasted key in this dungeon all right we're gonna try to do this dark cave oh it's I have a way that it's way easier going this way than finding this end and coming up okay let me Jack house nope nice okay so that means lumberjack house is a different version so that can take me to death Mountain already as well oh and I already back hurt it out a nice death no I don't think you can this is all linked this is a dead end yeah this is a totem this is totem link from Triforce here's where you could stack all three links and meet it too because some things were too high for a double stack to you know what means the table so basically with a standard item randomizer everything is random within your own game in the multi worlds things are actually randomized between both futon and eyes games so it takes all of the items locations from both of us and shuffles them all up push them in there in like random games so every item has a specific person is for either familiar for futon we are Hagia a a server and server knows what to do with the information if we read about the berry having the key so I'm gonna probably have to go back there at some point so you're gonna open a chest here it's for me it'll just give it's me it's not it's for futon it'll actually play a different time than normal and we got oh that's not good hair all right we're not doing that yet don't want to mess with the meijer the minor main hub yet we're gonna explore the rest of desert-y bro well I got a very apt int right next to it all right well I got two small keys and festerin so far both in chests pretty normal yeah so basically you know it's kind of cooperative we both need to find stuff for each other ooh binky on the torch Jesus let's go see if this doors locked down here those cooperative but both of our seats are completely different and you know so we are working together but if we're also playing our own scene by ourselves yeah that would've been useful no actually I could get back in there if I want it's good let's do it screw it even though this is probably slower than just saving and quitting and click back the link shop [Music] can't fight mold or yet need Titans mitts to get through those rocks so even if I had a glove I wouldn't be able to do that yet it's nice that that stark old access though once I once I get well I guess when I get a glove all have normal access so doesn't matter that much but all right so futon I guaranteed knee boots the scene okay I'm like unlike yesterday where we had a glove or not a glove a small candle torch I got my good old I guess this is my guaranteed I need the binky huh Oh awesome Arya is lamp blocked all right let's go to my main hub um Tyson burn the brand new prime stuff thanks so much for the support do you appreciate a lot welcome to the buzz farm enjoy those minutes uh there's another drop down haven't done is there anything that happened that we can believe wheelers on it yes I missed the left I don't know what that means and BK is not guarantee acquired okay that's that's a lot door it's not good for that yet there's always something you can play wheeler done so probably okay I don't think you can push this rock okay so oh no this is gonna take me somewhere else forgot this is fine oh there belt go up here and we can go through that lock door on the bottom hey the boss okay my naughty boots it's a wild ride okay I guess I'm here now wait look no I'm stuck I'll have a hammer to break this together it loops into itself this is like the polar opposite of yesterday see you got home to a cross dungeon door and oh and it's I don't really know how to describe it right now but we're figuring it out oh let's hole in the floor my favorite part about beating lame-o and desert one is a space you had a desert to when you can just farm small Keys good coffin [Music] all right oh yeah we get a chest a little mail right um I'll show you guys a third bunny beam in here I can show you right now huh it's three bunny stacked on top of each other oh it's super cute dang it oh god this is too much there's too much going on whoa ever eat me out says are two just nothing like there's Luther there's literally oh no there's another door to go through I'm only gonna have heart though [Music] made it Eddie's think he's working out it's based on the dungeon that you ain't your problem okay so desert - I need penis Moorea Moorea thanks GDQ earlier this lot um he burned a Nader thanks for the six months of prime dude appreciate it hey Ellie yeah good old 200s a bps alright the stream is still up look oh my god there's a moment of entirely black and white blocks on my screen for you I'm watching porn yeah just wanna thanks the upload speed does when you're watching some high quality point you gotta upload your interactions to the porn that's what these please never do that can't go that way nope it's definitely me I've been having we've been having internet issues for a little while [Music] and I'm pretty sure it's just like the place we live in and where we are is not great okay down Comcast or AT&T neither ER on spectrum as the our apartment buildings wiring is really bolts and not good and maybe it is finally like giving out [Music] Smith is that sauce sure this again [Music] and I went that way so I think I need a fire source to be able to continue this direction so Parra needs a fire source wait did I check yet all right it was a wild ride Mike over here hey what's key I didn't know the boomerang hurt the on kicks in desert but every ISP is good in that ends on the area hey pod dang it stop giving me maps while this was a vanilla stairwell [Music] good which totem wing to identify with the blue one at the moment okay when I get a mail upgrade that might mean [Music] because I'm carrying futon for this yeah saying rude things about me [Laughter] bouton up down her left left okay oh right it's vanilla let's go down first oh I think the I think yeah I can't go this in the in the ice palace like spike face bike room but the for directions I think up and left her on the super tile they are all right desert right side needs up to bow bow for right and you proud of me I'm writing notes I'm so proud it's our no okra thanks for the host appreciate yeah that's what I meant Heikki doing well do I don't have Vicky yet um so we can't get that rest we can only go left I'll give it a try should I die first let's die first no all right we're going back always enjoy the stream Thanks um oh please no I hope though 16 months of prime you I fro from mold or bentonville in my hair I think this work with the staircase led me over here Oh God how was your scream okra if you were you were screaming thanks for good luck oh there is a key sanity compatibility but we just like sanity makes it you see here I'm a big fan of the compasses actually telling you stuff so I know that's the love are given two thumbs that's not a so much we got breaky and a 7x forever oh yeah you're playing Zelda yeah I wasn't sure if he was actually streaming it how are you enjoying a Link to the Past for the first time Korean pod yes thank you very much that's better you read the gifted subs dude the socks yeah um okay we're not gonna I don't have a good enough fire source to do a lot of this we're just gonna go through here first oh is casual re enjoying cast casuals out there's always one ah haven't played in 13 and a half years holy moly no why would you take me here that's the super tile that looped to the same area that is a super tile you're right probably should have gone a different direction um mr. king thanks to the tell us our prime D appreciate one [Music] hey cool yogurt old flippers jerky thanks for the two months in finding appreciate a lot though no stop go oh well where we got we got small pounds maybe this will be the binky it's a fun way to do this get on it seven moonracer honey it's a big e but no I needed that Master Sword well I guess we're here now it's weird going to catfish at the 34 minute mark and being able to mirror and do all of Zorah stuff at the same time we're gonna go up the stairs to reload those guys back into the hole the wall because they're scary and they would kill me you're still having stream issues I'd recommend that wreath oh dude I'm actually stuck here I'm softly [Music] [Music] that's pretty fun don't be a Dutch thank you yeah looks like my bitrate is back up so um I could go back there and I open up there's more stuff in the pod I can do let's go do that oh baby you're getting this tomorrow yeah nice I can do more in desert to which I don't have access to anymore cause I left waiting shop a travesty thanks for continuing your gifts uh or continue yourself in February reciate you know yeah I would have either had to kill myself with my own bombs or save and quit Wow yeah that's a closet back there it makes it easier no problem that came off Sora I asked now I can it's Mario uh I just might go back the master just we're gonna go do that first I've done like no late world still excuse me all right so this should take me back oh dude I don't want the small key what am i doing I just like I just got softlock here okay but I get ether and cane they weren't in my pal death futon scheme me hell I'm so stupid I am not merely a voice in his head or your head for that matter although I kinda am if you use headphones yeah so this is a multi world so items for me in futon are all shuffled together in both of our games and every item is specifically for one of us so if you see something or if you open the chest you know it's not necessarily your item but I don't track or do I use I use emo tracker that I checked left and right on no I just left them there maybe technically although right pond is the right pot is a dead end and left pond was vanilla well this is just gonna kill me is it emo tracker estimation mark ran or tracker yeah okay this is bonta's multi yes it's a wool it's like a it's based off of all bonta's multi this is uh this is a multi mobile online that is specifically or this or rainbow so it is it's tweaked a bit but yeah so this is a cross world entrance shuffle which randomizes all of the overworld instances this is also I need a to switch it also a cross dungeon shuffle as you can see various dungeon doors are random and take you into dungeons that are not the one you're in currently I'm currently in pod it's not a pond wow look at all the items family mo located at dark world shopping mall cuz I'm here before the world for some reason nah oh god I hate getting spit effect working sex so much uh [Music] it's nice to get this out of the way this early congratulations you played yourself okay yeah we have we have a lot of pretty good items already so I can't complain I just need to remember if I need to come back in here later or you know at some point while I'm here and remember that leaving right here takes me somewhere I don't want me we get to that limited they my favorite is the totem link intertubes when they swim okay so I do need a key for this but Bhutan did give me some aria [Music] okay so I need to find I don't think I can do that drink probably this oh yeah definitely that one hashtag gahh gamer or other switch they hate I meant the fight blind with four houses Maria oh yes my hammer nevermind [Music] I'm pretty sure I can do this with just amariah help I thought I was good today yes yes yes yeah I'm still gonna fight it with oh my god I can't believe that word II swear you oh [ __ ] yeah I don't know what's supposed to happen I'm confused as to where this wish was supposed to come from [Music] yeah [Music] I just want my heart Smith [Music] well there's no way to get south there Syrus Gordon there we go because of the other set of blocks that are down there so I would have had to I guess find another way around buddy I'm not sure that's do or not betray serious this might take me straight the blinds room no not at all it's always concerning when you have three small keys of Thieves down [Music] like that [Music] so I want to go through this way next [Music] unbloody beamed immediately read buddy beamed that's what one says no I'm buddies no idea where it is all right so we're doing pod for now dude I've beaten three boss Jesus ah here we go well I'll get the chest but there's not much point in getting blind to follow me in let's go take a drop down actually we just have a friend now hmm holy so good oh yeah same roster plum this is coated magnificently slept that yeah this is amazing it's a generation system is not the best but on my stream when I did that but that the the GT room that's like below the pit room it has like the two switches in the blocks there if you're stuck there between the two pegs that are up you can actually use the red boomerang to hit it from there oh I did see that I was in that situation last night with blue boomerang did I don't think I don't think we may home / blue sky work in fairness they were not that way until I hit them like an idiot put them that way so that was my own fault all right well wasn't Enon it was a learning for us bats that is a game to drop down oh I should look at mine it's CAC well again rate from spoil a a steak burrito bowl [Music] sorry my cat was a lumberjack so we can both suffer together that's fair else my blind is over weird color it's like Bowser here something that was your in a dress okay I don't have to blow [Music] I don't have the I don't have carne asada on the mobile app maybe they do I don't know but yeah the car Knights I was pretty good hidin dead um I was I've been themed was something important right skull three it's done let me put some X's thanks to it yeah so I couldn't go back to - no I can't go back to desert - yet I got sent there by beating lampposts and I have no way to get back there if they can't be limits again spiral that'll do it I honestly don't know if I'm in logic anymore I was doing like dark rooms or something or Bob jumps in Turtle Rock something something along those lines I don't really know what I'm I am please sounds fantastic I think I already found spiral lowered down when the world was while we're he oh yeah okay so while we're here let's um I can't do any of that yet I can interrupt front the library I could also take the dark cave Varitek Hank left takes me to light world's you step now yeah let's do that okay okay [Music] this is a weird one [Music] first time in a long time that I've gone to hobo from the dark world as well as nothing get out of here this is lower-left Wow almost vanilla well we need a mirror that's us hey bumper money all right so since we're here let's just check the Kiki Kiki cave uh connector this is actually in logic thanks getting across getting across to the speck upper exit is not in logic requires the precise bomb jump or a hover harsh love Wow everything it's the hospital's back long as it was for me mirror deletion and logic that I don't know actually don't know either I don't think so [Music] all right well that's my first actual but will access the notes are not as it's really shitty dark old access Kakariko connector to death mountain to spec cave connector which huh tt innards I have not watched The Witcher Pink's I've heard good things though guess we get to chill do this music for a while okay so need a new C house I could go south and get guaranteed items I could go to north and shank I can't take all the entrances up north so it's probably better me to go south right now it says Akina now sprite is this this is totem Lee barking its three links stack on top of each other can you tell well my own bottle this is from the hit 3ds game The Legend of Zelda Triforce heroes the best part is if you grab something the B and let me grab something and kind of see from the top links max the lower link in the head hey it's my [ __ ] sure uh every time sweet that's actually really good what Darin has a guard in it uh and I can take a tower yeah awesome herbs we get to hang it's Howard yeah there's unfortunately multiple dirty rooms in agra tala to have doors in them so sure hope I find my lamp odd doesn't have any darkness of gardens and then talking okay guess we're done here aunt hasn't our turns oh my Internet's done with me as well nice we're trading back and forth fantastic yeah it's just a guitar that has start comes with Gardens in them oh it's back good no no Gardens and he said no Gardens in my er no bugs in Turtle Rock yeah I don't when you like antique towers lighting every rivet is kind of expensive don't really blame him Gannon for running out on the bills there oh oh my god I do not want to loop right now [Music] have flippers okay bomb shop moves down one screen it's a hike cave you can check this I can check the Dark Link fortune teller and then I can check two things and dark a shopping mall I really wish I had a glove I [Music] should check the dark rules for getting too no this literally came in a while how is it back to you I can check the gold as well so probably do that after dark like shopping mall appearing in it's for these seven months in a row we don't want the cocaine with the 18 months in condition check yeah we'll do that I can do that first I guess stop odds in the key we're in a little bit of a weird superbunny thanks for you rich alright so that key door is useless because we can just do this but i think i want to check these stairs first just need to survive this and this will be the meadow i do not know i didn't know how to check these stairs first well let's stay aside leads to a blocked room and a [ __ ] - gauntlet but then the other one leads to the mold arm drop which means both of them are didn't you make them [Music] I have a big head hold off on this era [Laughter] oh I can't do that one [Music] sure Irv yeah I'll get to the steps I'll make it through this section yeah okay huh hmm yet I haven't both good Christmas already this could be something what a wonderful era that Jesus oh I actually need to hit this axe if then a sub 2 is Pepsi okay welcome over that's nice yo Red Mill oh okay so you heard me die against it we live to get to that screen I'm gonna need to just switch one up here okay let's go this way people quick [Music] [Music] I think this one might send me to the mold or to area no somewhere dark no I wanted the heart container awk they're having me another container anymore hero game opening a big money perfect I really wanted the compass I love getting compasses and dungeons it's my favorite thing like actually okay so hold on I need to them so I've gone through two of the three main level state cases I've gone through both of the base chest floor staircases and okay that clears that out so there's two more staircase was in like base error than anybody dang it to free other hints aren't odd is one like no we need to check here we go the floor below this I need to hit this star switch so we don't fall all the way down and then you can check these databases okay and they might just be linked so now this is probably gonna be they're not the clock this is guaranteed a chest the other one is a random entrance so a random door change only ones right that's another those pegs are long anyway so if there's a way I haven't done yet [Music] so I think this place was set here no other other eight one good okay this might be the last chest anyways yeah perfect yeah [Music] I guess we do this are very good alright so here uh kind of scared at this count I wouldn't seen a lot of key doors hold off on that direction uh so the lane molar heart container is technically an item but it's not supposed to drop so basically coming into GT normally it Flags those bosses is not actual Moss's just like dungeon enemies so they don't drop our containers normally in GT but because those rooms are shuffles you don't necessarily have the diagonal when you encounter those rooms so because it's not on they drop heart containers so it counts as an item but it would roll off the compass counter if you pick it up which doesn't matter like if you keep that mind you should be able to scope it off anywhere to go just know that you need one extra item but yeah I could go get that hardener found one it's not necessary to hear anymore yeah he made himself what that was an accident oh yeah you've been muted for like 15 minutes oh yeah I've been talking what so yeah it's a hard to communicate a lot in these anyways okay so I need my hook shot to do much MGT at moments that's a nice loop can I even go through this upper door I cannot all right I need hook shots to do more in GT I think we're gonna backtrack a little bit silently remember what subpoenas these word yeah then this was just like the main instance right yeah yeah so we need we need to hook chef and do anything else in TP and one room being more than one dungeon no ha ha otherwise you'd be able to like link to dungeons together and that's not if there's lady so there there is some scenarios like like let's say for example that swamp hub right so there's a there's a bomb crack wall on the top right of that screen that is only like if you go through there you can't do anything so that can be in another gun but in terms of like doors that are normally accessible via that main hub those are all in the same dungeon game three hard container which is why generally we are banning like bomb something or hovering in like the two sections of palace' darkness that you would normally do that because it'll most likely break your seed due to those instances most likely being in different dungeons [Music] I don't remember what this way was oh yeah actually that's go sabers huh it's a locked door sprite is this this is a totem link so frustrating and go by the big bomb big bomb I have zero crystals you might be able to beat my game right now I don't even know it you need to call this mode crisscross rainbow crisscross multi down yo anybody up for some crisscross you you and then seems like an overly convoluted way to do this I think I can just go back this way not fight mold arm again although mold arms death permanently so I wouldn't be fighting again let me here let me go this way let me just drop this bad boy right there I'm up here go I need zero crystals to beat gaming alright so I need a hook shot and then I can beat my eye jewelry I do need to beat Ganz Tower so I need a lamp for my guidance tower cuz to the directions are dark and then I have to find my sign and by that I mean I was going to check it did I do this again I did this again we're mirroring and hoping that this is faster cuz good lord I'm an idiot I still know I I do still need to you know make sure futon can be his see as well so so we are still going to be looking for stuff even after I get my hook shot but does that change the pegs Oh [Music] do I need to yes oh my god Bella bambini it was a hostile place he ready he had my blue moon or months euro 1 month for each multi I've done with it [Music] futons a hospital it was all for my satchel I was all for futon they just trade it back and backwards so that's how they make multi world it just chief assistant Schiller eight two seats for people it does so in entrance shuffles when you drain the dam it is permanently dream unlike now let's finally go through the left doorway know if you know he takes the twenty-one depreciate line what did I do to piss off seventy percent of my subs I didn't give them free subs a second time so the twenty months did it shake it we went through the left door libraries dead how are you [Music] no I wasn't hurt okay pot entrance [Music] I'd really like a glove oh yeah not my missing if my benchmark if my like baseline sub count is like 2530 mm now like that's still a very net positive Oh No what's our stream my stream is just generally been growing relatively quickly over the last couple months so if I can maintain like this kind of viewership regularly like it's fine everything's fine odd Angeles dude this is another pod we're left and right doors are both key doors there's INXS don't remember how to get there I think it's this way oh yes it's actually closer to 40 K because that doesn't mean the 30 K you saw on screen doesn't actually include the it doesn't include corporal's portion of the bits well bit rate what my bitrate is fine well we're back here oh I'm confused where have I not gone I mine get the sub-goals done so one of the sub goals that the next sub goal that I'm supposed to do is reliance on Christo's oh so who knows I intend to start playing through a Mario rom hack pretty soon and we're just gonna play like one base romhack before we dive right into the grand pool - really confused now this takes me here and then like who knows how long grandpa will tour take will be will be mixing than the other stuff along the way we're so lost what am i starting with then Hank it's a hack called echo Garre or something I'll know how to properly pronounce it first level grandpa little trill look so hard yeah I'm super pumped I have to go this way that's never anything I am actually just confused alright so you get the bat chest you might need a hook shot we might find the entrance to it normally yeah afterwards keep doing this way that'll figure it out yeah and he gets to play Grand Poobah my Eastern has five Testament just try to swing your sword and I have a sword yet nope hey where did this take me again is this mold arm oh alright dropping down here so we just need a hook shot to do anything else in this dungeon so let's go if I knock God or items that's on me if I haven't done this yet let's go the lumberjack house darkman probably in my death mountain access oh yeah here we go I could go back in the oh no I can't go back to desert to you I keep forgetting I don't have access to that I don't have a fire source oh good it's not so I can't do anything else in Agra tower until I get a glow wait this doesn't help me though I'm still confused this is the wrong way this is not necessarily my death mountain access unfortunately takes me an old old man entrance which I haven't found yet it could take you somewhere useful I have a couple caves in North Dakota saw that I can check and I'm running out of stuff with you unfortunately foe locked okay remember that I I do have the east end mountain access so getting a hook shot would help but as it's um nope don't need to talk to him it's not key sanity okay so so we're done here no we're not go how cack left oh let's go through Turtle Rock front let's do that before we go to death Mountain again what else oh there's the the damn train item that I can do as well yeah [Music] gangsters Mike Kane there's all right so library takes me to Turtle Rock front and that'll get me access to the dungeon at the very least I don't know if that means Blair's I'm currently on Patty's bedroom ceiling good my still the bottom link yes and there's nothing in this room aside from this entrance so all right we need to find another Turtle Rock entrance do anything here walks by a key perfect yes this one Triforce here is not from for swords because there's one link missing rest in peace perfect boy gone for it yeah futon have some bones oh boy here you go and you have nope that's mine I must have missed legend himself of four swords - one backwards heroes actually flew under the ring her pretty hard I never finished it myself Ivan and romscout were trying to play it but Ivan's router was like on the opposite side of his house so it either drop connection a lot playing with us or he wouldn't be able to talk to us because he'd be on the other side of his house away from his computer so we ended up like stopping our playthrough halfway through Hank left what settings allows you to turn quick swap on um if you generate a seed with a splitter log you should always be able to have it on if you select it other than that it's entering shuffle if entering shuffles on it'll mean [Music] I mean lower rights this is my only dark old access at the moment by the way guys so hope you guys really just walk I might need to make it more than once sounds wonderful hi actually let's do this for dicey beeps and rats on the merge gateway first one I need American boy yet I did mr. melius was the winner [Music] they match the hostel off okay it might expect a beauty all right so yeah we have a bunch of entrances up here we have this dark sanctuary dark lumberjack in the Curiosity Shop and then the skull woods we're gonna do it in that order is this gonna be a long dungeon I did all the bills about Casa Verde I didn't village of outcasts that went south because South Park will has to guarantee items from shovel game and her dig game and stumpy I found other paradise entrance all right so there's a boss and one item left the item is on the torch which means their own your mom's bombo's that means I can go finish off Todd forgiving at the last chests gamers from each place we're coming back later there you go futon yay one year thanks for all the fun and entertainment thank you every time I got ether and the ability to use it alright let's go it's Markoff paradox let's go at the upper end exit just to see where it takes me hey I'm in paradox - you ready to get no items from mine bluesy thanks to the ten Musti I appreciate it TR writes Wow right so paradox upper exit led me to Turtle Rock right internal run left was molten cave casual 12 items chillin my own hookshot my own Club my own shields my own bottle and my own bug net yeah this has been a lit like five seconds I might not be good enough that is okay so I can do a lot now so shot was walking my GTE my glove was locking my agate our uh got dark Rolexes look at that I have normal dark vault access hey man I want to do that but I should do this real quick too so that means I can do I haven't done I haven't done luck fairy cave I haven't done a hobo they see house I can do catfish [Music] I'm gonna take a quick three-minute break okay I knew Gannon I need a beat against our first because the goal is defeat Ganon the crystal mountain is random but beating agony to is required mchavez done teach my own temper let's go so I need to find one hell of a bunch of I guess a bunch I have like seven chest entrances to find still I have flippers already I just wanted to do this stuff first and I guaranteed need mirror to get back to desert queue which required some Aria so don't be worrying about that for a while really enjoy the gdq run a keel or thanks for the many months and Rohde crucial I glad you enjoy the GT here oh it was so much fun and I skied be the the guys that made that game Western actually might be hooking me up with some pretty cool [ __ ] oh god smokey okay what's down here okay Wilson are thinks the 12 months of Rhymney I appreciate a lot [Music] and then you leave with the six months of crime thank you so much appreciate a lot tell us for guys [Music] [Music] [Applause] you want one of those master swords they show during gdq what like the real like [ __ ] actual metal master sort of your duty I would need to like get a plaque for that [ __ ] and hang it up on the wall [Music] hey Andy been super busy the past couple months that loved watching your gdq run can't believe it's been four months so far and Oh Rob replicas you're the guy that made it right [Music] nice loop Jesus holy moly I mean that ready sick NICTA want with the four months thank you so much [Music] - please give me the compass I just want to know how many Chester in here it's a weird sign Devon's goodness you'll have your people talk to my people alright that's good stay standing good they've been a great day [Music] my people are all pugs good I need two keywords in there man King Midas thinks the 12 months what dungeon am I in it's the world what I've been waiting for this is six crystals duh you need T need six crystals oh yeah I'll give you some of mine oh nice [ __ ] Lube dude God we're gonna be here awhile folks I've beaten zero bein futon are having the opposite time right now you have your five digits be it you need to be zero that's extensions to be that I've been Sarah grace Enix chew more [Music] our there's two more well I can guarantee that I'm not going to use two of my history keys here shatterdome makes the 1000 is my team appreciate you know there's so there's still skull mint that's only one that's why I'm confused as to what the other one is no all right yeah moths already dead [ __ ] there's a big key on this torch I think this is all like the same oh wait oh no it's not okay I thought I thought this back was always the same okay so we might find another chest well this might end up just leading to the other side but I guess we'll find out okay so this might end up leading to another chest after all let me through [Music] ah here it is no have I found you Tia I have it's very lamp locked in a single area when do you have to have our assignment by I'll make it dude I had a fairy I'll make a discord channel you'd grab me what I'll make a discord channel for a heavy trooper games and I need to do I need you to report directly to me when you're done watches no no get what's up water cool water fruit it's gonna try to like come up with something on the fly that was like an Dewayne D at or water bird and nothing came up so I just shut up okay good you yes okay well don't worry up to Ithaca anywhere supreme it's gone it was that these super easy dude Brandon I don't mean to bring up I don't need I don't mean to bring up old old memes but Kelsey was looking through my bookmarks yesterday and like found a bunch of old stuff like like random stuff that I had bookmarks and she found collective timeline so we spent like 30 minutes going through the collective timeline and I unfortunately had to explain why the ice rod was mentioned so much next to your name but it was it was a fun blast of the past for for 30 minutes it's okay that meme is long gone [Music] if you believe what's up trade or house no indeed did I have a glove I can check so many things what is that maybe look it up there's lots of weird games and games so so what's what heavy tripping does is it pulls games that have been raised on speedrunslive at least once so that I could have had a glove so long ago futon be my first boss I'm proud of you penned in Easter so I can actually do some a Hyrule Castle now I haven't found Swamp Yves Meyer and I need other Turtle Rock entrances DMUs you just get quieter [Music] no first tomorrow you'll enter the matrix for the PC I played the [ __ ] out of Enter the Matrix when that came out I got it from the Gamecube it was super fun [Music] it had two disks like what other game he game had multiple disks for for the whole game I don't know if there was another one as for Akkadian never play that on Akitas those games are understandable can I just never played this those are pretty big games right then the Gamecube era was like right when I stopped playing video games pretty much unfortunately [Music] okay I mean I had a game Hugh and I played it a bunch but like towards like the middle of the Gamecube lifecycle is when I started playing sports a lot hey if you go backwards into the desert to torture you're just stuck in a wall nice I almost did that instead I chose to go a different direction that led me through the loop that took them there it also just forcibly made me leave that oh if you do that you break the entire game Stephen [Music] well some Tiger Woods game was to disks yeah like I had a I did get an Xbox 360 at some point and I was like I have like Gears of War halo and Madden and that was it and then I got call of duty modern warfare 2 when that came out yeah I was I was a very like casual gamer through most of high school in college and then college broke the game cause I got a gaming Oh stud I probably missed like seven years of gaming in terms of like good games that I missed you know I play link to the past we were 87 hours not actually and I don't play that much links to pass off thing I'll do like practicing stuff if I'm like prepping for a speedrun off stream I don't really like practicing on one's feet but yeah I don't like do random in my downtime off things I think I'd hate myself if I did that [Music] ah man I'm doing like basically world stuff that I should possibly do this [Music] who taught what who I do you use those $300 to ask so much to do oh me too I should probably go back to somebody hola cacao for the stream be also DJ biking games the two months prime try and for the 17 months that I remember if I actually let's let's do a hyrule castle without cast might actually take a restroom free so many dungeons to do most of them are just locked [Music] both of the bomb walls to get to the free chest Ricki lock itself we need to go somewhere else first it's the rookie burst on the timer I'm stuck I'm not sure words mean by the rupee burst the rupees he got were for me oh yeah I was a strict he meant like like me spending rupees on zorga or like me getting the rupees yeah it only cycles through me so fast the internet appears to be working oh I'm gonna miss it's really good and then it's really bad and then it comes back so that it's not really any in the middle fortunately no dude I've joined you in the castle I'm gone oh I don't have magic all right so I drop down into the back of sync the two left doors to the chest where he lost up door took me to to the Hara small key basement and then the down took me to the helmets or hallway which you cannot do anything so I need to find an actual hyrule castle entrance to do anything there I don't remember if I check this with my glove when I took the wrong portal let's just check it roll think that was a wild roller coaster of a ride [Music] it is you just need to hack your SMS classic Google hack cheat HHA chi2 it should that should be a program that you can use to jailbreak its have fun that was chesty also take that bad boy off all right so I need to go tact left [Music] yeah a chess game can have a good stuff the word familiar yes this works on later or you need a stronger forward there's some stuff but it works for most things I don't really want to move right now according to W Q there's a Link to the Past mafia I'm just gonna not saying [Music] it's not dignified response James also not WQ anymore it's like real alpha gamer or something so guess I am a bit clipping sunny [Music] anyone here [Music] hug mafia monk s the paddy nice rat cave daddy what are you doing one of these these things are so much fun they're like fling going through a Link to the Past dungeon for the first time [Music] uh we'll hold off on that one that $500 all right patty ready for this Oh for me [Music] shadow Neal Master with the four months of prime thanks so much this is the Hyrule Castle main entrance do you think great well alright guys you give Andy five hundred dollars you can give Patti five hundred dollars well that's nice loop [Music] okay I think South should be my name is escape has 13 chests back this way and I can explanation America door will give you a nice explanation a big Fed and peace the twitch primer mighty appreciate a lot welcome to the pug farm hope you enjoy those minutes very uh hope your days as well don't want to go this way right now there's so many enemies why are they all [Music] and basically along with the infant's randomizer for overall entrances is also a within dungeon door shuffle and multiple dungeons can be involved in this shuffle so it can be a little hectic dude futon look at this sanctuary if that looks beautiful no I need to that I need to go back I can't I fell down a hole [ __ ] we need to go back to death Mountain we wanna go this way and go to that church glad you enjoyed it I did not do this correctly so now we have to wait [Music] hey guys for all follows yeah I think we've gotten like 2,000 followers since uh my GD key run which is pretty crazy it's not more maybe like almost 3000 no we had 64 thousand when I went to gdq vaguely maybe 2700 gotten a lot of followers yeah people have probably raced League of Legends I wouldn't be surprised to [Music] request to 69 420 yet we are a little under 3000 away we missed 666 666 cuz I got that while I was offline but I did just start my stream today with six six six nine nine followers so that's close enough [Music] you'll go splat with the firebombing give subs but a homie thanks so much for the support have you got to get stuff from those flag in my bag oh thank you we got our man game ex player for a coffee our mcgahren and Benny burrito welcome to the pug farm you guys hope you guys enjoy your in puddles I was chicken house this is annoying [Music] all right so if if the old man is not in this came about to go into then old man's in herre entrance I believe and I need some other access to get to it which kind of sucks [Music] hey I found a nice ride hey it's like yo we are all moan we're also getting close to 3,000 sub-points again yeah the water is kind of not great it's also ice floor which is really yeah what's up you know I don't got super Castlevania for I have a hot what a hot game yes and this trademark destiny and sent out a cease and assistive SP is nestled all right no silly things is the big key and the big chests already wait big chests Harrow castle is a big chest that's true [Music] very [Music] nice try nice oh okay so we need to go down in this next room so before I went up and dropped down so I think something where was this right okay so I could go out this entrance and see where it takes me yeah let's check these entrances real quick is why I changed my OBS settings no I have not changed my OBS settings still five chests in this dungeon it makes me cry [Music] [Music] all right please be something mm not that okay that's fine yeah [Music] all right there's two chests [Music] okay there's three tests in the back as well there's one more chest in here before I can save and quit where does this take Oh sick I only go back around I can Draconis but I'm gonna save that for last because that only leads me to three chests and the other two the other two directions from there are both Lots [Music] as you go to hookshot cave and get that it's gonna be vanilla [Music] any chest counts and chest logic work now yeah so five chests in this randomized dungeon which is all within like Cairo castles normal entrances okay so I since I guess since we're going this way like this is gonna end up taking me to the sanctuary drop down anyways here we go not that I've seen swamp yet the dam is a nice find so I just saw the witch what was that shot cave I think it's twice in a row what's that he may be a aim ma baby stop her song what do we got a small key I don't have a map so I think the map is guaranteed that last chest so we're done [Music] all right there's a bunch of rocks I can pick up so we're gonna pick up some rocks you also gave me a book right yeah so we're gonna go try you guys ready main entrance as well um I know I'm gonna sit here I'm gonna kill this guy first I'm gonna go use the restroom we're gonna chill wanna play a quick ad I'll be back in a couple minutes okay [Music] maximum health okay so want to go back in this [Music] okay I probably should do these first oh good [Music] I don't need to be tagged so this is not something I'm gonna put a lot of effort into but there are chests in here [Music] okay here we go [Music] there's a chest here [Music] let's check what this is Oh God all right it's a lot to do over here I guess we're just working on it okay [Music] thanks w [Music] I'll have a Master Sword still [Music] big key to a guitar that's a normal thing get through the door link Luigi Luigi ever you want to call yourself ow [Music] that's close okay yeah they have big keys small keys Maps compasses to any dungeon I think every dungeon has a compass now because it's just nicer to have that way and then there's a big key in every dungeon that has any big key usage to it so if it has cell doors if it has a big chest stuff like that Vickey door since you can pretty much get that on anything now nope didn't mean to kill that guy but he's dead now [Music] nice oh I guess I want to check this one first oh god this dungeon is going to be a complete disaster [Music] Jesus all right [Music] does this doodle amp logic I'm pretty sure I should have my lamp by now pretending lamp logic isn't the thing what could go wrong isn't this no I could go that way is that prayer the super tile no so I should go that way no come back I just want that man hey spells sucks I can leave you two okay I can't kill that [Music] okay yes we're going this way I can't go this way urgh [Music] so we're going back oh I have to this isn't gonna work somehow well uh so what was it this way and then we go around this is a disaster don't thanks for that bright or dim Phoenix right and we'll Phoenix write that down I'm sorry the best part is to chat said to listen to that terrible joke [Music] yeah [Music] just let me out of the room man get me outta here oh my guess what okay [Music] dude this is awful [Music] don't remember if I went this way I don't think so [Music] nope [Music] no comeback [Music] I think he's got a shadow you I appreciate is nice for chests okay that's good I got some small keys from the direction that I couldn't go it's good news there's only what two chests one is firered locked I can't do this either we're just gonna leave I need luck welcome man what'd you get okay all right I didn't fall on the toilet you guys know Chris Thanks yeah let's go uh go do what I was I said I do the legend has to turn that wash my hands of course any kind of person do you think I am what did you what what's me yeah you know hook for the snes's a fantastic game okay highly recommended okay so this is em Rock it's time to do this thing I should have done an hour ago but I had a million other options ooh my rights Wow sick not only was it a waste of time get tight with text great hook shot Gabe set I can exit out a desert main entrance now and that will take me to desert - it will get me a desert lunch track as well that's something to do I got shivers for no reason yo liquid death thanks the two wants tea we should want first month was a gift sub from Kelsey oh boy thank you he's nice-looking death nice you're doing well man you alright mirror here on the absolutely clutch no no mere man first-rate screen exclamation mark multi- house was garbage about God I don't remember this third GBA version oh there is a cheater you um alright so we're just gonna go back this connector and then coach like a desert main and then never water bird exiting of all those oh did I do the bottom left a problem yeah so I played that game well no did that one I'm pretty sure what was this one some baby also where it came from [Music] there's a boss in here somewhere is it in the bow side probably murmurs Petey oh dude I'm going there next because there's not a lift up right there so and then some break me out pretty well [Music] I've been through everything totaling some prayer animation super cute so I thought I'd show you guys and then this looked me back there that was a confusing mess I'm also stuck I don't think I can do anything back here where'd you get my cape I think you asked me a guitar or anything maybe nice it took me and nowhere super useful but it still nice to know used I check this and okay was there anything on Estep Mountain that I can still do now it took me to dark world that's like me to paradise I can't do bottom right it was bottom left just find out I did digging Avery yeah I haven't been to build your outcast still this randomizer is exactly Connaught iron you're about to find out actually I'm going to be heading to Ganz tower here shortly you'll see exactly what ridiculousness is going to occur very normal things this is also an entrance shuffle or a can across world internship so all of the entrances are shuffled so we're gonna be going to kinas tower which just so happens to do location I should have gone to dark world Estep mountain while I was there so stupid uh anyways we're gonna come over here got swim I'm gonna go find Gaines Tower like every what - swamp should go back there like the entrance yeah [Music] I am ice palace entrance to do as well nope okay so you have this rock to do [Music] maybe cave cool hey it's Meyer alright well double dosage I suppose okay and hey we're in akina's Tower wonderful give me these fights [Music] I'm gonna save him quit out of here no it's not worth it actually well that's actually really good Oh on ya gonna walk across the world gonna walk across the world with an angry bird oh I think I can get that one more pixel I know this is good Sigyn I was not far enough for those rights nice got half magic yeah I can't believe I can't beat like any dungeon just because I don't have a bow and lamp or fire or Mambo's no fire whatsoever no bow I think that's good [Music] are why the first one didn't work this should be fine oh sure what's good here Hey well that chess just was not accessible you're like that happens more often than not okay the stakes Manila I think I think this guarantee takes me to a chest what skin and drop down that is Kakariko western day oh thanks for the nine months of prime oh my gosh you don't want well it's sort of a master service totem link wolves monkey required [Music] thanks for that oh we going videogame nice light nice random light cone on the corner of the screen the extended killer pinky all finally super bunny get some items I slope blinds I ever spray X define it's a pretty good spray over you have good taste [Music] it's going tailor thing this week on stop no no we'll have to but no lots of chess game I haven't even multi exit so ever found you'd lose earthing poi things I've been out the top paradox I don't remember doing office stuff a backwards it's fantastic now I can do spike cave now hammer both of these are lots $20 shorten in the drawer debts hey small fells alright forgot about that it is sterk role of Jack Oh [Music] sandy hey my games broken the first chest swamp does not have a smoke is it a locked door sure is I'll check to be safe yep I didn't know where here is I guess that might not matter oh okay you know letting this point along and I'll look up oh I'll look at it and see if I can just say what's your swamp outfits I can send myself a small key to swap palace yeah do that I just have to disconnect from was it only futon unless it did it to itself was a face line D I don't think it I think it like it's not supposed to eat multi-client yeah I'd probably been that it's a it's just thought let's let's hide this before people sees my life he actually Aaron on are you here back here studio mode what the [ __ ] we just have great it broke mistakes were made [Music] multi-world address dang it it says on my tracker only that's what the Gannon sign is for all right so Meyer is completely done GT is right no not here this was Hara which is completely done [Music] well I don't know if that bunk is actually in logic Fortuna it might be is it I don't actually know monkey to swap out so GT I needed hook shot okay so reason I needed a hook shot for duty that's because this room here is the swamp main hub and all the doors take you nowhere except for potentially it's like either this north room has to take me somewhere or the top left door which is locked takes me somewhere yeah I can show you why is this door takes me over here now here we go and there's Agra - all right what a fantastic GC I have zero crystal I need zero futons and you want five of mine now there's more in chichi I need to go back in I should have let him kill me honestly with where he was because it's gonna take me a while to get back here what was my Gannon drop magic bat which I can't do I might go back to a get lower but all my boots if we jump down so I could kill Gannon right now but it's not oh I guess a towel what oh yeah we're good okay come on let's try to remember which part of the ice palace palm drop area was the super tile butts the transitions that conveyor yeah the drop down is that it'll teach me to mash it bad something else enjoy being a different go apparently I'm a top now [Laughter] okay yes that's the sentence we're hearing today man it's my favorite part about totally whichever one I'm resonating with that day at some point I'm gonna be a bottom and at some point I'm gonna be a top [Music] okay I like the GC anyways hey what this sends me it away Akiko well you need the item to trigger a magic bat in drill why can't I do gainin I can't Ganon is in the Lost Woods will have reached my goal by killing him to kill him Ganon but I kind of don't want to stop my timer and check stuff is that probably they have people uninterested then taking me I to be done but I'm still searching for stuff for coupon and Scrooge hunt eats five [ __ ] crystals still six six my man need to cut you short dory got one coming up right now [Music] alright let's go into this lower door first because this door always leads to a chest I really just like to compass the compass would be a great help yeah you know no ok then we need to do this at some point at least so this is fine so you think that you need to bomb this floor for the light to be there when you find I need a key uh yeah that's what I was saying Rob my favorite part about this whole thing is compasses suddenly like the most valuable thing ever never in my life ever ever wanted to a compass before alright I got my first crystal it's from a dungeon that I just send myself a key for really so that's really how big or small the dungeons are it is completely random there is there are some ways to tell like what's weird in certain situations certain sections of the game are on what's called a super tile which is basically like so one room is a square a super tile is like four of those rooms making a 2x2 square and so if you enter a room that's normally honest on a super tile and one of those like 2x2 squares that are all loaded at the same time transitioning within that super tile will always take you to the same place so like for instance this room right here this hammer peg room is always here and then the screen to the left is always this pit room and then that lower one down there is always that fire bar the chest so I knew that it was there but the upwards in towers is actually leaving the Super tile take me somewhere else it's kind of hard to explain without like assuming other people no link to the pasta but it's probably as best as I can explain it [Music] it also helps like having the visual representation of me actually playing for the game the help explain hey there's my now I can go back down to the south how do I know what's a super tile they're all it's just me knowing oh I don't want to use LED bits were in here and honestly there were a lot of super tile I didn't know about until playing one of these and then I learned very quickly what was most honest super tile this also seems like a key lock because there's nowhere else I can go and there's a key door here [Music] like crazy yes [Music] all right so now I can go through this South and this is actually the end of GT like it I got hit by most old dead ends so but if I flood this that key gets flooded and I'll never get it this entire swamp house is a complete and utter disaster you can be able to get all flunkies from where they wonder you are they're all on super tiles but I came in to this room from the flood side the door is locked and I have no keys and I've been everywhere else I'm like oh like are you in the sorry on the left side it's the crystal switch bloody one and I came from the top right and the door to go down towards the oh it's locked oh so I'm just trapped in yeah I'm gonna open up the client again and set myself another key okay so GT is done it's got a guitar where's that light go to the 2d thief town boss room we're dealing well pal I noticed you lost your ranch I might have noticed that last time without all murmur obviously what are you up to these days just fully recognize what room I was supposed to be in okay so I need my hammer for the next room I haven't even found swamp yet so not my problem yet is that the bug Aaron on air Bob where are you so the reason I'm beating this dungeon Wow to make sure I have enough I get through these blocks I can oh my god I'm forced to do that it's probably enough [Music] okay all right so I need it can i club okay but set myself six keys to swap palace that should be enough this favors go man Oh Katie how are you we're monster cookies so sorry for not seeing it yeah I was big cheating in there 14 months with chip oh yeah yeah those are really good sauce in floor with yeah 14 months thanks so much working at a new company wrench wrench list mode is good letting in dude glad to hear you're doing well please because all futon left her down after use a small key from both [Music] this might be a super tile actually left yes super town did Mickey go go down got him oh no my happens hey I know where all the small keys were in swamp palace it's part of Hyrule castles ridiculous amount of keys from enemies and I guess it just wasn't counted for correctly [Music] but thanks ace t-bonds is gone dude oh this literally was just a super long [ __ ] trek the tile room oh my god the same I'm pretty sure I'm done with this dungeon screw small palace we're done here they got my I got my the crystal let's never come back I think enemy right oh yeah yeah I don't know you do compass said I got all the chests but I sent myself five small keys while I was in the dungeon without a compass I'm not sure if increased my counter none it didn't feel like reconnecting a third time to check thanks for the dollar oh I don't want to walk all the way back in time I don't want to [Music] nothing on Gaynor I don't wanna what [Music] yeah I didn't have anything else either I wasn't sure where to go with it please don't be the same loop it is great which means trying to push that wrong if they get through this dungeon or to get through that room backwards something I learned in one of my first frost dungeon shuffles I have to drop down holes so in we go it's a key door it's not good that's also a key to her Oh uh-oh let's go this way now this is not ripping yet so wall there pal oh no I have run into a similar issue as futon it's a different different swish are you uh forcefully ki locked swimming upstream in swamp sucks all right made it so long without coffee there it is I know this music is not oh I guess it does actually we ran a get our clothes stuff No I don't want to find you yet wait what here again it's quick enough to get back here that it really doesn't matter too much have I seen every drop-down room yet I haven't seen pinball so let's hope that this will take me a bimbo [Music] [Music] and ball dyeing it at least this frees me I'm a bit of leave now so this space yeah once I get boots I'll be able to go straight to CAC well instead so that's nice [Music] all right so either bottom Raider the middle one is pinball [Music] Thanks these aren't shuffled I wonder if that's intentionally done I definitely watch them there's still more directions I can go yeah I could have gone in the room that I went up to get here I could have gone down yeah but occurred because of a Gannon being there I didn't have the opportunity to also check down where does this take me nice what I wanted to do but whatever all right second crystal on its way dude I can't even do my old man yet Bhutan I haven't second Crystal's not on its way I haven't found the front like dark old man cave connector and the old man comes out of Hira entrance I don't have access to that yet no I need to go through the uncle drop down to get back to X hour bugger off get it it's a moth so it's a bug yeah I can't even do my old man I said what I said [Music] it's not my fault he's all not footnote [Music] all right Bhutan took it too far [Music] jester scoffing so someone sometime do appreciate you for every stuck well it's Steven Quinton okay so next I can do I can do more Vice Palace hello found these town or swamp or any other Turtle Rock entrance I don't think I've seen this found another I found the main Turtle Rock entrance but it takes me nowhere we've already done I need a small fee for it holy mostly already games with a 10 bombing gifts up thanks so much I appreciate a lot welcome and 10 new peeps to the pug farm as enjoy your demos we got Khun Wiz Youngjae Castro Chas doc Vance em or be mobile agent don't agent do not the ninja ssin silver Bane slay them and crimson gone 42 you guys enjoy your Iman sure it's not ancient double over that nope ancient Doudna okay a holy a deed was that you I did not write down that dirt cave so I'm glad I came out of it speaking of old name why locker and was filled with them you just got here I'm so happy I'm right after a bee Dagenham I don't have my good actually their first pair I'll still have a bow I don't have a lot of things I'm living a sad life over you [Music] it's all rainy views at a hundred [Music] edge' Diegans towards me Meyer thank you very much [Music] well sorry no I might aquila myself and done you I don't even have a big key to get out I'm just gonna reset come back and get my boots he's bootless again okay I can beat him except find boots I finally found the front of tavern so we're gonna get the small key that I got and not use it to take that useless chain that I can't get back out of I find the back of tavern I did turns out that was easy to find in some seats sometimes it's really hard and totally not my father I saw internet just the bed and I assumed it was mine Jim that's like well it happens they're given a big key and I get our another candy [Music] well no yeah if you don't use key like you need to be aware that like of how you're using keys so that you don't potentially key lock yourself like this or something with with door shuffle and like if shuffling or lock doors are like it's just something that you need to be aware of I don't ever think there's going to be a way to like make it universally impossible to Keylong yourself without dumbing down logic in it so it is what it is futons I am ticklish for sure and that shouldn't happen but like mr. standard like getting keys but using them in the wrong places and leaving certain parts of the dungeon inaccessible is something that is going to happen with this phantom crab into the four months of prime dude appreciate it [Music] what dungeons are around here it's we're gonna steal this [Music] Hera we can go people let's go do this guy first I almost forgot about I didn't go down here I don't think I didn't go down there didn't go left Oh another small key okay so we didn't actually key lock ourselves been now we have two keys so perfect so let's go back this way does this also mean dungeons are interconnected rooms are only accessible from one dungeon it's like because these rooms are in Hyrule or a nagging UM's tower you'll only ever find them coming back to agony power that make sense that way like multiple dungeons can't be accessed through shoot like that way like you know a let's say eastern and desert shared an entrance rate if you killed the boss then you could like do crystals and stuff because both of them accessible from one entrance it is I think this is a long time we're gonna walk this in the dark world because I have an intruder I think it would be better to sit with any wait I'm going to see this power room [ __ ] yeah the number of rooms in the dungeon is random my ganas tower was incredibly short switch to a hammer here yeah I'm still connected the server I had to uh I reconnected but it just took its sweet time to connect and give myself earn on the attractor for summers [Music] uh this is vanilla I don't want to go that way wait yes I knew I liked I don't know the beach I can't go that way oh I blind everybody [Music] so it was down [Music] exactly Katie one's a big liar streamer yup I didn't even kill any here we are we found it [Music] okay so we can plug this water we can access the left entrance and the right entrance so I need a bow to get land mode done I think still go there though okay where's my magic bed no because we do that [ __ ] kidding me nude Oh [Music] [Music] I could drop down this holes to get him back to where I was before but this drop down guarantee leads to a chest and I can't really do something else Oh have a good one good your internet gets better which one got me that shield like five minutes ago well yeah I just got my connection being [ __ ] here let me kill my tracker [Music] okay we're back here so I got knighted did you just get that no it was from bomb business that was about a minute ago two minutes ago I also just got our heart out well you sent me a bit fiction I sent you the hurt well hopefully it's fixed now also it ruined my mat track because I foolishly reset the entire track okay we're back I don't remember what's a pendant and what's not Eastern was upended I don't know if Meyer ice was my pendant receptive since neither a late I usually stream depends most days I usually go live around 4:00 p.m. they was later because I had meetings all day [Music] dang it I guess I could go all the way around [Music] hopefully melody I just don't know win this is a hard man to get ahold of uh [Music] okay so up and down here oh yeah this is a lot of chests Agra towers always [ __ ] loaded with chests dude I don't know what it is yeah it's our always has way more than two chests [Music] oh I'll go ahead it okay thank you oh yeah the three and six as well thanks there we go then I've done that done that oh I have to like this one first I'm stupid okay I should get my bottle in so [Music] oh [ __ ] I really should have given my bottle in because this is where the witch is [Music] [ __ ] off Trevor Rock is freaking bomb befo so they don't have it yeah I'm the big Daggett our futons cape boy Graham I don't power find out what the Frick noise although I have a master sword I could the things you also go to ice palace this year hopefully who needs to invite me for me to take part in them but hopefully I'll be invited at grand Pooh bear's met earlier since their counterparts behind the big heat order I already knew I got spit out of both the pinky doors right I got spit onto the main key door I never need to take it [Music] Kelsie have I not seen a spectacle Rock draw game let's let's see for money you don't need to do that I just find the other fairy thank you Mike that off I haven't found hookshot cave checkerboard cave or K 45 the three non dungeon things levels I'm missing five and they have a combined total I was guaranteed to go to the to the mire or file room which takes me to the same so much of it was nice palace entrance has to be checked yet I'm about to go Duke act well though I did get checkerboard you're right there's how skew there's two non chests at non dungeon let the catch my void and Andy's upload because I do not upload to YouTube but which will save the bot so it's all good any mirror entrance on cava yeah we need a speed R incessant Stephon fettunta whaa I lost the ability to speak I'm dude my mirror my Silver's in my half magic in my quake what the [ __ ] writer I still don't have any fire yet what the hell is me god alright Jesus okay I made a mistake of oh yeah oh don't do - everything okay I'm breathing mushroom mushroom ears Silver's half magic wait we're in my and my attack well everything was a key item [Music] I can do Smith chain doesn't give me any entrances because I've already been spit out of hammer pegs but doesn't give me two items I do know where the witch hut is so I can do that as well or a mushroom I can do magic bad actually I should probably do that first [Music] me getting the star I should do spiked cable in here yeah this is a bunch of mirror and she says I can do but I want to check the magic back first because that'll let me get this powder checked I would do and I can do the mushroom check afterwards if we done how do you do the medallion oh my god I don't know use it on the edge of a pole or something yo that was see it work well I got my fire rod it was in spectacle rock cave blocked by my mitts that I needed to cheat for keys for L yeah don't well how long has that been available for not not too long I had to go to swamp house for it which was in the village of outcast which I guess was available for a long time but remembering yeah I just wanted to learn how to do that Oh a few places I want to go now let's go do this one first else is up here HC the left was desert too that needs some Aria for that was King's tomb okay so let's uh there's a full magic in here so you should be findable let's finish off desert - I just realized I wrote desert twosome Aria or boots linked instead of lot I love getting my boots licked [Music] okay Thanks right still feeling blue but blue to the boy yeah hop out you'll see [Music] it's gonna get some cannot handle himself when I say that it's really funny Bhutan tries and you just hear it look five seconds later wow I just woke up Oh God oh I need the big key I hit the big key from Maine desert to come back up here and do stuff man that sucks and help was real [Music] [Music] let's go this way no there's almost a quick kill turning my mushroom hey Andy I have two pendants and two crystals nice you're more pendants than me yeah don't mean go for Ivan next twenty nine months of crime I did I appreciate a lot thank you well my compass says I'm done with Turtle Rock so maybe I don't care what the rest of its network is Judas muricans two is Adobe sure anything else appear she's gonna blow it you bet means amethyst goes on a bad team if they lose let's go they would have even blowing it [Music] and now this I can deal with a fire rod Oh you ice palace now that's nice oh I don't remember which way I'm supposed to go one of these has the roller room in it should go back here dismount and then get my uncle get my old man I have a saving foot point that takes me no we're good takes meeting Turtle Rock [ __ ] I guess I have a mirror now so that's actually not as bad um this might be the right way let's go this way first just do two items any other entrances I can check one here I can do you take 45 where's the floor go as far away reentrant you ever just missed the torches in the Turtle Rock room fire now the next [Music] okay yeah that might be it just new moment man let's get this one of you oh I remember now [Music] you go do this trade one item I don't know what the last item is though okay so there's a new Smith and can UK 45 maybe it's left I got spit out of it some points that's how we cast likes it am [Music] probably over here everything here is done let's grab this bad boy couldn't carry five well there's a show Ilia island how doable is this 15 almost a year no it was someone you're hurting though and okay it's just a matter of not being terribly good go this way you think bombo's tablets so much rain for have like the do you bomb must have a long way back I guess where is this taking me this is a dead end we'll come back that I want to I want to deliver the boy first [Music] okay we're here [Music] holy crap this is the first time in like 11 years that I've been home during the street this makes me happy hey yo holy moley Andrew aka the landlord they know all the results from goon earth Justin you out thanks for the two months for your apprecia lot and then it's dad a play it with a 17 months body weights doing chest I'm missing I'm going the wrong way [Music] hold off on that [Music] what's that one I'm not sure what I'm missing right now all right so [Music] I don't know where I am anymore [Music] okay we're jumping no no no no hamburger is bad ah about it yeah that was Eastern the director any one factor can taught of tractors Nestle next you just need to set up you need to set it up basically so that it knows how to read the information from the game I might need to use this hawk actually I'm not entirely sure about emulator requirements but it is definitely doing you can do it's nothing X yeah just like yes I mean this is all super trial anyways so it doesn't really matter now [Music] we're done I swear if this is another dead turtle rock entrance and I need to find another entrance to four ought to actually do anything I'm gonna be pissed alright so we're done with that let's just go back to normal and [Music] holy par pay I didn't say that was that was weird Oh God okay I can beat Kerry right now still need a bow in desert frosty crab thanks the seven months of prime nutrition why am I trying to bomb it now that I'm a fire out I might be able to progress in thieves town but it's kind of dicey because I needed it for side [Music] three turtle rock entrances are completely useless and I need to find laser bridge metrics to do oh god no hey it's desert ledge I don't want to check this anymore there you go all right to smell back yeah I could go there as well it's a probably a really good idea right now that's an item [Music] and try and save myself some time do it on the upper section on the first bump on the far left [Music] [Music] yeah so I want to backtrack all the way to my er area we're gonna do that and said because this is just clipping with this sprite is really weird because the shadow is basically invisible shadow is access to like the legs at the bottom of the sprite are not accurate with the bottom of the shadow this is not what I thought it was oh [ __ ] have to go from the other one that's why it's ghost way [Music] okay - no crystals that are but lock so I'm guaranteed required a bow let's uh go get a drink I drank a bunch of water today but I haven't drink much else besides coffee I get some more water futon or so getting alcoholic beverage breathing uh just bottle of vodka just go straight into it gross that's correct [Music] grip which Matthew back which where did it go this oh I think it was this strap down pretty low calls all right yeah Jesus God yeah so I changed it so instead of just dropping frames to where you'd see like one frame every like 20 seconds with this low bitrate it just kills the bitrate of my stream that way it's still live essentially you can you know kind of see what's happening because our internet sucks and there's not much I can do about it [Music] I'm maxing there we go yeah [Music] here we go guaranteed one chest [Music] go cat and bread with a 2-1 sub brand new thanks so much do you preach it a lot will come up to the Pope farm hope you enjoy those thank you so mouth is gonna have a big key the entire USA have Google Fiber your comment no nowhere has Google where does this go I wish the entire USA and Google Fiber that'd be fantastic where's this gonna lead me there's no more chests what I'm just gonna follow the loop even though I know it's nothing is I'm really curious what this is gonna go to ah here makes us Google Fiber has stopped expanding it is in Atlanta but not in our building for our area my old roommate lives like a couple miles down and he has Google Fiber here he's quite saying [Music] Daggett von Groff's dang it whole the idea to kick out a bit rain slowly coming back yeah we don't get any fiber all right so we're done with Scott woods wait that was vanilla Bacchus coeds I can finish my name whenever Bhutan needs I need a bow and preferably a lamp feel like but I don't actually know for sure anymore but the bow is important I found a nice bridge I'm actually not gonna check this much yet my first shield three hours because when I beat to rock if I I mean I don't have fire on I need more crystal when you need seven crystals to enter GT okay anyways neither of us has a flute either Ethel no dude hey that's exactly remind went that's fine actually I can just figure out these we missed anything not really just like my bit rates back though [Music] all right no just more keys barely alright guys I'm gonna take a little break like don't you [ __ ] dare 15 minutes back recruiting new partners I can - swamp will see you maestro and Vicki know what my swamp was not a lot for great that wasn't logic whenever I got my hook shot shot her Titans myths were needed spec upper was a dungeon and I got sent away or something what was Specht upper aspect upper was hyrule castle entrance that's why they got put off for so long I hope no boots on both of these doors are locked and I think everyone eat nice we were in the same room and I want to die here [Music] give me back to the pug farm OHS a lot of muscle memory day all right I'm gonna take a two-minute break to get some drink enjoy this poll take top or bottom I'm gonna plane that I thought you wrote up he walked away from me [Music] open poll top all right so let's do this again without getting destroyed that's fair where am I going well the answer is back we're going back [Music] [Music] SiC fire of the shot okay all that was a waste of time does this take [Music] - calls okay hold off on that for now [Music] huh I've never seen the statue gets stopped or that was weird thanks for the good luck with their endo I just need up oh I think chance I need a lamp too but I don't know how this thing I really want a compass right now I don't know how much is left in ice palace I already found cold stare [Music] oh it did work this time maybe I just goofed it apparently that's on me hey there's the compass and it tells me that I'm done here very useful oh and a close but close vote top wins 57 43% Harry [Music] all righty what do we get well why did I ask that question we know it's a cold stare war song no I know you can make this yesterday Andy loved watching you not losing mine at agdq this year yeah gotten bread thanks to the hunger busy Russia had a lot all right that was always the time for crystals oh so that's nice you need for gum on a bow [Music] I'm going to Meijer next haven't been there yet the only dungeon I haven't touched yet his ice palace what's the cat only subs do I have now [Music] almost 3000 thanks for supporting me with follow and the twitch bribe I appreciate that a lot well that's $20 enjoy your hat kitty moats and one plug barely Batman let's go again I'll do the lamb ragout a drink and dr. pepper Oh boots unlock entrances be the one curse nothing babe okay we got more dungeon am I in me from remember Tina did you go afk Wally the Dutch you did oh this one [Laughter] all right let's do this Meier first and try like Jaeger sorry I wonder if you can get like at entrance to a dungeon immediately leads you to the boss if the only item I still need is ice rod and I can beat all my dungeons thanks g-man let's go see where this takes me [Music] yeah that's vanilla let's go this way I was happy for vidi hi Ron so it'd have been hilarious and then I'll say fire on ice the ice drop I'm inspired see ice road definitely meant fire on I have sure do okay don't have to do that God let her just get them out of the way hey Paul snow how are your more chests well well good loop wait is Vidya gonna have the compass and there's gonna be free dungeon items in this entire dungeon and that did be vidi-vidi out of it's so funny oh yeah it's just okay my bad there's five oh yeah well there's video Oh be videos from this one [Music] Labour's hello it's a swamp was the car cold p.m. bottom left and it's completely done the backup here ya go one more item in this dungeon oh my god my lamp [Music] alright we have a lamp we can Stevens what no one linked shop that's one more right over here it's probably a smoky honestly it is Jesus I'm gonna cheat here okay cuz I don't want to go the long way back to mimic a source energy Oh this spray sucks we're gonna [ __ ] we're gonna [ __ ] you already did that Andrew I know yeah perfect done here there's a lot of dungeon left in here this was the last item that's crazy my shadow didn't suck so much why is there an F yeah I am saving one more crystal I should probably go be GT now [Music] that's good Oh bgt there's anything else guess you go motors in just bo-young foster oh okay I have two dungeons that are bola crystal aha I have every other crystal oh okay [Music] also there's no item left in the game that matters to me anymore okay as fans again [Music] yep super shortcut isn't they make a paradox no well okay so paradox takes me to a dark world like for rockledge find a mirror here and I didn't want to go through and like go to paradise although paradox is right there and I didn't know this but oh my god it's these town okay JK I remember hey I hate that like walking in a vacation to get something and you're like [ __ ] what did I want well guess I didn't really need it if I don't remember then you walk back to whatever and you're like oh yeah that's what I wanted then you go all the way back to my perfect pixel you just takes it away from me so was this help are you kidding me have to hit that and walk back to go this way to see what this isn't what entrances are even left futon right could have missed my hook cave [Music] yeah oh hey I can bomb open this now yeah I haven't felt blind sight for hype cave yet I have a pretty good feeling I know where they are considering I haven't checked food entrances and I can open GT now I'm suing me all right hello maiden lady follow me [Music] okay [Music] oh we're done agate our guess taking the mating through yo perfect taking the maiden for different dungeon it's always fun a futon do you think the ice rod is cool no that was a bad pattern or at least the setup I did on it was bad probably wasn't actually a bad better kind of a [ __ ] [Music] oh yeah I should have been up left on them instead I was done with me just for you Ivan the hot dog indulge her for me working over you fact I think about you until afterwards [Music] calm down how did Mega Man go away oh yeah they have audio is somewhat interchangeable which is nice very King's doom you better be oh yeah that was CAC well mammarra refinery go back to it like my bow is not in there it's not in here either but this could be my urn I haven't been the buyer still yes we made it peppered my no it's above us with [ __ ] is my buffets so this chance both hype cave and [Music] blindside are bombo's locked in both turtle rock and mire somehow that's still a possibility what's the most difficult thing in this game mode remembering how much the Duchy you've done without getting a compass it's awful that doesn't even matter because the chest count is random if any power wounds are there so it doesn't even help really you bully if you don't have a compass you just like lose track of how far you've gone in the dungeon and you might have been into an area you haven't been already or something I don't I don't know you might you might lose track of where you fit and skip out on a section of the else's left in this dungeon oh that door yeah it's it's rough writing trying to write down like this section of the dungeon was locked by this item is really difficult how do you get a compass and you just find there around I kind of wanna a mode of this where you start with compasses if you know yeah there is an easy flag that should take them all off for you and I might find out where it is try to hack them to see if it'll make you stir with every others all these minis do okay we're gonna go back to cackle well after this one I reach the smrpg MSU I don't use MSU too often I used it for like months in one street and I kind of got tired of it and then once Nintendo lifted their copyright flags on the music then I stopped caring and I like the original music hey Blind Side for a bride picked up the ice on most hard container so there's one extra counter of that bad and you go put on hey good and I'm done in this probably you label if I type Caitlin [Music] we have to go back to my wait to go back to Turtle Rock oh hey if my tempered sword that's great thanks blazing 39:12 was because I picked up the ice our most heart container and it's not supposed to drop anything so because I picked it up the game counted as an item picked up and adds to the to the chest total counter of things I've like opened you know spaceman I am dress on that merch giveaway we had 63 people in the first merch giveaway which is pretty cool [Music] Super Nintendo version japanese 1.0 thank you f squared thanks the - Musti appreciate it what's my favorite drink uh wait for the task D does not do anything when you get more than 20 hearts it's not like Lua team where it likes to keep stacking I would I'm not too sure what I had listed as my favorite drink like Robin Coke and Jude rail and coke if it's a white rum or clear rum depending on where you are and what you call it is what I would drink with ginger ale and everything else goes with coke but I'm also good with like any mixed drink that has like a fruity flavor to it okay [Music] ginger ale and coke now both of those mixed with rum separate slams either one of those with rum I can go finish deserts you I can always get understand that I'm building this to the Oscar mixes main entrance now that I have a small key amount walked out all right let's go back into CAC well sure I probably should have gone into it about five minutes ago wait for your boat nah why would it be there man [Music] I get Canada Dry ginger ale all right good night enjoy so thanks for sticking around II appreciate you well hooks that Cape could be a GT but there's not another shitty entrance that can take me there like you're not like there aren't any to the entrances laughing - like spit me out or I shouldn't be able to I can't find the other one you know there's two entrances - hook shot cave um well that's partially items left in here and boss [Music] but on this Tara was hi I guess there's bumper legs how did I Luke was floating island over here Oh how do we not have flutes yet yeah I don't have pruners you but never tried it I haven't heard the best things about it though to be honest [Music] on the Turtle Rock pinky okay [Music] yeah I've been done for forever ever since I beat agging him to you I've been done just been checking my game to try and find stuff for futon the only big thing I still have left is hookshot cave a nice house these B type cave [Music] yeah beating ice would open up GT entrance three-and-a-half-hour back of escape [Music] all right oh okay so now it's just the big chest yeah okay so that's all that's in here I haven't checked ice wrong her ice palace entrance oh well this cavity on purple fist either I haven't checked mushroom item that's that's like that's all part of this game and they this juice we're gonna do potion shop understand Yves town entrance and then we're gonna do the purple chests so up is always the same thing why am i swimming you might have been faster - - look at these doors can't be good [Music] her ice palace palette really dude most of my dungeons have been super fast bosses fulfil also compass was in the first chest I found an ice palace which is fantastic go static me or German that we're demon that merge gameplay by the next merge giveaway will be on the 15th of next month barring anything else change this pasta I don't remember if ever family a chance for the boss though all right fire rod and I can beat my last dog from the future the whole is okay yes drop down holes are always vanilla in dungeons this is a shitty keeps down what's shipping command I don't know what that means Oh excavation mark-- Pio box [Music] guess we're doing this to Hawaiian does changing color a lot also she's just kind of floating yeah warps are always the same oh yeah the flavors are drills for Canada dryer of amazing I would say the here we go I'm a big fan of the cranberry one thick downs the best one hey butter my food Oh baby [Music] please have a compass thank you all right we're done in here this is night um the lower children yeah let's go back this favorite pig this was that small get this chest that was done I know this is done I know this is done I don't remember which dungeon I got my GT bosses in to get an extra heart [Music] there's always vanilla yeah yeah it's been downstairs I've done it I've done hammer pigs nice and I didn't do all of my GT we should go back and look for your chest now pedestal time no bows not yet pedestal and crazy this is a really short ice palace hold on to my three pendants my Mayer had five chests in it it was crazy I do have a Bugaboo t-shirt you do exclamation mark Merck you can see all the merch I have although it won't be on stream labs too much longer so get it walls hot [Music] [Music] well that's an item is this honey a compass telling me I'm done please please be a compass don't check the pedestal good you can say pedestal before I go into the dark room I wanted to check my bed a while ago and I got stuck in skull woods then I never went back that mean new merch is coming it does I will be taking my merger off of stream labs and I will have my own manufacturer so it'll actually be mine not through some website it also be through a website but it'll be like me handling thanks Bhutan do you have your unique your powder or anything I've already checked my powder okay it's on my best in fact one time arrey and I raced in a randomized tournament the big slaving list both of us fake powdering because powder was on pedestal and it led to ice rod six months I don't think this is gonna work nope it's Ross dependency I don't need to be taught I could have been done although like two hours ago now but I've been looking for things for free time help booty needs a bow Vicky good good good good uh do I want to go that way though oh yeah check out this first all right so ice power business of donating I think the only thing I have left futon [Music] is to check two entrances which I think both might be a hook-shot case and then getting the big chest and Turtle Rock then oh no there's a my blue cane what if both of my blows are on ped that would be terrible but it can't happen it you mean go to I need to go to dark world link Blanc to get the trigger rocky chest and then the only other item in there's loss sheets fire on pod that actually has one chest left in it at the Bombo slots is this gonna loop to itself the four millionth time yes I think that's a bug if you get into the warp room and GT its links to itself every time it didn't for me today should be my powder [Music] I know my hookshot cave is done well let's go to the other exit and see if it's a GT entrance I guess it could be bumper ledge as well okay yep still going lanessa how are you doing oh well okay we're just gonna get moolies spike oh that magic slinkys I did I accidentally much like a few goober I must have worked instead of spanking and not notice I'm gonna die I'm in danger hey red shield now all my faster done all right Andy hey I should finish this GT and get you your fire rod is it any intact well or something no I did my cake well it's somewhere more sad I need you looking up yeah is your bow locked behind my fibra no it's it's gonna be a good laugh it is a mistake you made Lassie Oh [Music] why am I going to a darkroom oh my god she needs a potion I definitely did light will hate this thing no no I made a mistake that's good I think I made a mistake no no no I made the mistake that you made oh and you forget Laemmle that cave dark world life give oh yeah it was thank you you know what you know what's in mine this time what actually I'd cave oh no did my hype cave was light wall hype cave that's really weird I like how I said we were today joking about hype tape for that yesterday I forgot in tark we'll type cave entrance because I got moon pearl right after it and I knew that there was an item somewhere else so I went to go get that instead and then I be my lamp so I went other places all right well my game is uh almost done - my fire on this is uh I don't want to be in GTA anymore getting a little confused somewhere out there though is is my fire another yeah well he's no I just done now I just did if there are two bows out there have we found neither of them maybe it's right here I don't have my shovel yet either yeah I don't have a shovel I'll have a flute or a bow I have everything else GT entrance that can't be any of these I don't really want to go check it okay any forget the tavern no no I made his mistake I never did I never did all those tablet gonna do it when I said I missed swamp I had thought I had done I cave Wow it's literally the first item 200 my fire you hear fire I don't know my blows air that's a good question I don't have it rich uh well one of my bows might be bow locked in my bow lock dungeons so alright well let's go find its Turtle Rock maybe I should just go back to GT there's one item left in it here are some 9 out of 10 because I haven't told the boss yet we'll go back to GT this dungeon sucks it's really confusing I'm really excited to kill try NYX and then press this forfeit button and one of your bows to pop up can't wait clearly I should just wait in a bow blocked dungeon just get the boat no futon can't beat his game yet he needs a bow he needs six crystals to kill Ganon and his last two crystals are both bow locked dungeons I could have finished a long time ago but futon still needs to finish so no magic I'm not sure if I can commit no I can't maybe clip them I think I have enough magic yeah so I can't even do that [Music] I accidentally went into the trying to explain with three rod shots worth of magic thankfully I had the gold source term sucks when the pegs already down oh my god excuse me Oh like it's sucking well it's moving on small 100 percent left maze race see my options for dungeons are terrible mimic cave pod or left maze arei's desert did I send bhutanam bow hey a shield oh you had all my shields hey powder blue oh baby from your Palace of Darkness map chest is that the one on the right side I don't actually know oh yeah I never found that [ __ ] either of those Kevin oh I did find that okay one order that was so my bows in my game somewhere so if it's probably bow locked so I think I had to go get you your fire out for that both so that would be a thing oh no I don't know so some hot map chests specifically talking about that chest like doesn't have to be in my that might be like in the access points oh yeah my pet could be on my ped but what dungeon my man this doesn't seem right this is ice palace I have two dungeons written in as left maze race and I think I guess that the one I want is actually on this side yeah that's that makes a little more sense [Music] so that Meyer chest was bombs for bouton but that could have been the access point to the other test as well I don't even know what dungeon that Meyer chest was in they didn't write it down might have been east and I do have the eastern a hook shot for items [Music] are you gonna be the boss or you gonna be what the [ __ ] food while my fire I was in futons height cave which was in height cave entrance so that was a futons bad and then his boat was at my trainings you remember when you said three and a half hour back of escape because you found the rat pull switch yo I just found line oh yeah he had a van oh I gave it I was too distracted by going to stumpy the first track around and then the second time I wanted to see my GT sign and I went right there well we don't get I find out where my other below is we are done a lame-o this was uh this was a lot of fun so I found out so Bhutan Bhutan spent all night attempting to generate two person multi world seeds for these Crossville cross-country shuffles and apparently five got generated yeah about two hours per so we have a couple more of these saved up that we can do that is not on the site no excavation went door we'll get you the door shuffle github all right based off the old entrance client log but yeah I'm fine I'm going to be done here we are going to give a fat raid where's my good kak well to someone you guys might not know his name is Patrick he is playing a really cool new indie game that's like minesweeper plus rogue light stuff it's really cool go check him out I love patty he's an idiot and I want you guys to spam his chat with just the word yikes alright that's it spam yikes and nothing else okay join the raid at your channel points save up for the next merge giveaway I just want you to spam the heck out of ya it's okay I don't see you guys spamming you're in trouble okay so go check them out I will see y'all tomorrow Internet didn't seem too bad today there was like too bad drops which sucks but like at least it's mostly functional speaking of drops we're dropping right now anyways go check out patty I'll see y'all tomorrow bye thanks for playing futon your woke up thanks for playing as well
Channel: Andy Laso
Views: 24,573
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, lttp, alttp, zelda, rando, randomizer, cross, crossworld, entrance, door, door shuffle, dungeon, crossdungeon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 234min 23sec (14063 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 21 2020
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