SMZ3 | Hard Mode Weekly Race | Never forget things you shouldn't forget

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Oh God I'm not actually ready but I ready all right barely made it it's my tracker on the stream it's up somebody gives up CJ frankerz good thanks yeah that's that tea mine let's go G you know more fall that's a good item I've been switching between playing rocket League in practicing the messenger all morning pretty good morning tbh [Music] tonight's run will probably be my last one for a week I'm going on go on to the beach mystery nose really fun you can be a little harder if you're not entirely familiar with Super Metroid but but it's a ton of fun hard mode especially you like actually need to know stuff about Super Metroid like glitches and things like that but that's just kind of the nature of Super Metroid in general all right so we got bombs so you can skip the dam for now so if you're if you're new to the Rando basically linked to the past and Super Metroid are linked together there are four war points in each game that take you to the other one items from Super Metroid you can be a Link to the Past items rolling to the past means Metroid and the objective is to beat both aims I didn't see which one the other one was Terra oh maybe smoking on a Sunday [Music] okay yo crazy cop with the 420 bits I'll get these for now not just Sunday you're right not just Sunday every day man you know a glove gloves nice no there's logic put in place to make sure it is always beatable like you can't have an item lock behind itself and everything is everything is always 100% collectible except for potentially some dungeon items like dungeons that can have the big key locked in it's a big chest because it's not necessarily required to be dungeon or small keys locked behind small key doors things like that but other than that everything is collectible and there's 316 different item locations [Music] you know flute in Kakariko is always nice and thank Sookie what's up toolkit um yeah so what since I know where more fall is more fall actually requires flippers moon parole dark cold access and the meter so we're probably gonna be unlinked pass for a little while there's a chance that one of those things could be relatively early on in Super Metroid with the speed booster there I have access to to the two items in retro brinstar and then like five items in total and brinstar I think so there is a chance that I could have to go into super metrid to get one of those things but gravity suit early gravity super hard mode what is this watch they have a time for this run um generally it's somewhere between two and a half to three hours hard mode could be much longer the hardest seed that I've had hard mode took me a little over four hours but I also have had a very fast hard mode seed as well [Music] the difference between normal mode and hard mode is purely Super Metroid based normal mode only assumes you know things that the game teaches you naturally and like the intro or while you're playing which would be infinite bomb jump in infinite bombs jumping very basic wall jumping and mom's basic wall jumping and and shinesparking where hard mode assumes you know how to short charge it assumes you know how to do very type wall jumps it assumes you can do hell runs with a certain amount of health it assumes you can do suit lists meridia Green Gate glitches all sorts of things where does that sum teach infinite bomb jump in the intro like before hitting start it teaches or it shows you that you can do it it doesn't necessarily teach it anywhere in the game but it shows you how to do it in intro whereas the game potentially teaches you how to wall jump and shinespark if you find those areas areas [Music] you don't necessarily need the flute for this because you can access my area through lower norfair you would need space jump by logic green gate glitches wouldn't ever be required I get this magic money we got a hammer it's in the it's the lower norfair refill room it's the same room that ScrewAttack item is in you can get to the minor area but to make that to make the trees of stature you drain the acid you need space jump for whatever reason the game has space gem is a traitor for that statue or you could green gate glitch to screw attack either door that's a bad match speaking of space job I never click the hair [Music] okay so I am short moon Perl and flippers to get my morph ball and get access to more Super Metroid so I'm gonna hold out on pretty much anything super metrid related until I get those two things just because I really don't want to waste my time in Super Metroid morph ball because all end up having does just double back through areas that I have already checked once I get more full [Music] more supers is nice math magic yeah yeah boy with the twitch prime for nine months in a row nothing like a good old twitch prime baby thank you very much fun do you to appreciate a lot also I'm really hoping to find flippers Oh before uh before I find Mon pearl come in pearl give me dark world access but flippers don't necessarily give me too much so that means when pearl wouldn't be that far ahead of me but flippers can literally be anywhere in the dark world what's up Taylor you believe that you had to see my dumb face and in day [Music] [Music] nobody gets to see my dumb face in purse in the day food I'm also not sure entirely sure what time we'll leave in tomorrow it's like a five-hour drive for us so I go to here potentially not be able to beat it do all of Estep Mountain filthy close enough to touch the beat it's true [Music] [Music] that's gonna be great man when I show you what I've like jokingly jokingly only shaved my beard and left my stache is to see what it would look like it has never been this big I suppose this thick so we funny [Music] and I literally can't not think of Audrey Oh monsters when I see that patty you know it's impossible for me [Music] [Music] alright I'm gonna check the dark chest here even though it's out of logic just cuz I don't isolate it I have four hearts I shouldn't you find that show was super creepy and one of them I don't know if it was my mom and my dad one of my parents wouldn't let me watch it [Music] [Music] sniping that number one also hi everyone [Music] uh yeah boy with a 511 biddies snipe in that number one thank you very much do you appreciate a lot alright doesn't I'm [Music] starting all over again skeptical you know what's up works thank you very much for the two months in a row even though you've been around for much much longer I appreciate a lot do you hope your hope you're doing well my days gone pretty well pretty well I started packing you know it's been cleaning up a little bit getting ready to leave kicking some ass and paintball hell yeah I haven't played in fantasy I haven't played fantasy football in a while I haven't been able to keep up as well with it since I you know left school 20155 please please hi CJ yeah like a day some 150 should be doable but we'll see what happens today I'll do at least one attempts [Music] at a market we're both we're both relatively even I would think skill wise so pretty soon we're gonna we're at least gonna get a good enough run to where the record my last more than a day for either one of us who that'll be I don't know I think TMR said he's taking a break to focus on another projects that he was gonna do before the messenger and I'm also going away for a week so so we'll see if we'll see if red Buddha or somebody else can come out of the Woodworks and and snag the top spot [Music] I'm pretty sure with the with the tower Clips that a bit can be sub 35 now so I got the 35 31 last night I couldn't fall back asleep after I woke up from my nap my late nap and I did an offline run and got a 35 31 a bit with a death and glacial and I missed the freaking leaf one cycle so 34 should definitely be doable with like a real real solid early game what makes this hard difficulty it just assumes that you know how to do things better in Super Metroid like tighter wall jumps shines short charging green gate glitches just as it just adds more things that are possible in the logic alright so there is an item in the basement but I can't get it yet cuz no fire source [Music] hmm but the compass now there's an item in the basement but I I thought I'd already gotten the compass so oh well I didn't get the fiber 50 rupees in here is it Alcatraz escape required normal no I mean more likely than not you're gonna have a pack of power bombs or or regular bombs when you head to bomb trees up for the first time so the likelihood of like I guess so I guess I guess what that means is like Powerball or bombs couldn't be a bomb tree so and you're first available pack of power bombs couldn't be there like you could get power bombs there but that can't be like legitimately the only available pack to you because if it wasn't there then you wouldn't logically be able to get out it was up test level you know mold worms being nice to me today all right so we're still looking for flippers in moon Perl we're gonna see if I don't die here those guys hit pretty hard for light bulb off enemies then those and crabs do two hearts of damage [Music] and I really want to find the flippers before I find one pearl really want to find the flippers maaan flippers come on flippers [Music] it's exactly what I didn't want gonna be a night gave hope so [Music] all right so we got Isis green and then these town all right so we already have access to pyramid fairy thieves town is fully complete a mole at the moment there's tape mom flippers another fact patterns Ison beau is also nice - bad pod and each turn both pendants under the emotes change like a week ago a week and some change ago maybe earlier this week now maybe a week ago yeah Monday AG is not in logic yet because of no lamp but I have full dark old access now with the hammer in the glove so Agra doesn't really matter to me you know catalyst 240 welcome to the stream and dr. s with the 50 months in a row half a century holy smokes that is amazing thank you very much dr. s I appreciate a lot [Music] hope you don't while the hope you're doing well it's up cream doing right thanks [Music] sure we'll take the red shield yeah she does she does pretty good work all right so village of outcasts these town check the skull with area I'll check bumper cave gravy Idol edge and then we'll see where to go from there tomorrow I'm pretty excited what time are you guys get in there again cuz I'm not entirely sure what time I want to leave yet it's like five hours for me uh yeah Ivan and I actually just got our opponents the other day we're in winners finals we're waiting for an opponent will be playing wild card which is wild anaconda 69 and Alucard 2004 they are very tough opponents it'll be a real good match no no but I know that some people are going early to like chill up the beach I don't know if you guys would going early or not is there a date time yet I haven't I are both going on vacation for a week starting tomorrow so it'll be you once we get back I do have to do three tournament two or three tournament races while I'm at the beach for the summer random tournament but other than that you won't you know looking invite catastrophe are okay okey Kelsey ordered a bike rack from my car so we could take her bike but it didn't come in today it didn't come in yesterday he got the lead so I don't know what we're gonna do about her bike we'll be at Pensacola in Pensacola Florida [Music] you uh well I'll be shaving the beard off and keeping the stache tomorrow it is supposed to rain a bunch Walter they're black but I think the hurricane is past that area this all B's this also be the first time I've been to the Gulf so I'm pretty excited for that too McGuire's did if anybody has any like hot spots from Pensacola that they recommends feel free to like shoot me a whisper or a DM on discord or something it should be ton of fun hope you're gonna well I see you grinding away and Megaman 2 hope the hope the baby life is going well [Music] I advise not crossing over to Alabama baby only wants to be held right now so it's not bad as a has baby lack learned how to screen wrappings alone yet uh-huh I'm sorry I apologize for my bad jokes yeah hook shot that's pretty nice all right so this ends yo flippers we're in their Super Metroid access acquired so actually with speed booster gravity suit space jump and then soon the morph ball the only thing that'll actually need to be all SM bosses would be ammo and beriah yo wingler w 28 with the twitch prime sup thank you very much for this for dude I appreciate a lot welcome to the pug farm hope you enjoy the new emotes [Music] now lower norfair is still very locked but upper norfair is not yo lackattack welcome to the pug farm hope you enjoy the new emotes get my boy dr. s a big ol thank you thank you very much dr. s I appreciate it the pit race didn't happen yesterday I had a really bad headache almost all day and I just like didn't want to do anything but also the bit race client is down for at least a week to prep for a twitch extension being worked on so I couldn't have done a bit race yesterday if I wanted to but I'll do one as soon as as soon as it's up and running again yeah it'll be after vacation all right so hook shot mirror hammer flippers means I can also cool clear Swan palace so I'm going to check the front of school with real quick we're going to get more fall and then we're gonna do all those checks I'm curious to see what happens when I do this yo jewel kit with the $2 donation thank you very much for the sport young hip I appreciate a lot now you know Oh everything's fine not even worried yeah yeah boy thanks for the penny [Music] [Music] poof I wasn't sure if I was gonna work that's one item how's it going renamed hope you got all the and ok KP with the six months in a row thank you very very much for the support I appreciate a lot continued support hope you're doing well we're gonna drop down the front and then I'm probably gonna save and quit from here continuing your Dragon Quest station as are many hearing a lot of good things about DQ xi a drink of the pass run will definitely be at some point in the near future once I get back from the beach also I'm also planning on doing like a Rando marathon thing where I do alright do like a Link to the Past Rando combo Rando ot Rando all that fun stuff back - that's the flute no no no no no and then a minute [Music] before I get more fall I'm gonna do here my fairing debating whether I should do is all the one random or not but I feel like Zelda one Rando probably own name is all the two Rando I don't have the knowledge to do Zelda 1 Rando I have enough knowledge I think that I'd be able to complete one if I had a map in front of me but it's all the - I just don't know the game well enough at all to even think about completing one at the moment it'd be cool to do like a a Z 1 Z 2 Z 3 OT Rando back-to-back there's led X random out - though that's a debate like throwing that in or if I'd only keep it at like you know the early console randos and now there's Wind Waker it's just like ot Randa takes me long enough anyways I definitely don't know enough about either of the Oracle games I also like ages more than seasons so fight me IRL alright nothing here that's fine we're gonna rest yeah I enjoyed the puzzle aspect of Ages more than like that the I don't know I don't even know what to call I guess I just enjoyed that season or ages had a lot more more puzzles surrounded with it [Music] [Music] seasons his raw power I did do races back in like 2013 of both Oracle and or ages and seasons thank be raised to like fresh three essences a couple times for each no today I learned you can't Cape in the water God monka s is right how creeped-out would you guys be if I had a pug that looked like monk s similar to Paddy's Evo how creeped-out would you guys be on a scale from one to ten yo high jump boots are here do it I don't have any emotes Lots right now but maybe that'll be the incentive to get a to get to 1,200 sub-points the best part is that that thing looks like paddy kind of this I'm gonna have to ground okay so Russell we can start to crystals and and there's s emboss down in the first forty minutes is pretty nice all right thank yous mailing to the past item check I also got the shovel here this is the God seed it's a random that's a super missile and so I'm gonna skip I'm radio for now and then pretty good Reina thanks for asking what's that quantum that's gonna do if you're not sure what this is this is a Link to the Past and Super Metroid combo randomizer both games are squished together into one wrong you can find link to the past items in Super Metroid in the student Metroid items on the Link to the Past please jump jump I use a Super Nintendo controller I can't believe I made it through that entire thing like hitting an enemy that was amazing I know yeah boy with the gifted stuff the corn swaddler welcome to pug farm corn so I hope you enjoyed the new emotes you--maybe away yep away big ole thank you if you wanted to set up a stream so you can do the link to the past races on a real snez oh is a real snatch the best way to go it's up to you depending upon what you want getting doing it on real hardware is gonna be a lot more expensive plus you would need a CRT TV ideally be a console like capture card whatever you're gonna capture it with is can be expensive if you just want to do link to the past races didn't want to do the combo weaken its nest classic and get an HD capture card that probably be the cheapest way to do it you can also get a super NT those are pretty good ice cream from an original Ness so I need I only have s-video output well as video and composite but um I use a star tech pecs HD cap 60 L al Ghana is not as bad as it used to be [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] capturing actual console can be very very convoluted it's pretty it's pretty irritating sometimes I actually how much stuff I have in my room just for screaming you know wingler with the 700 Middies thank you very very much my nude I appreciate a lot and Lachlan welcome it to the pug farm hope you didn't email let's give my boy yeah boy a big ol thank you thank you very much yeah boy I appreciate the generosity Titans myths all right so we're we're gonna go that way [Music] [Music] there shouldn't be a high frequency coming from the stream but maybe something changed and I'm getting the high frequency again I'd have to take a look at my spectrograph again I'd have to like do a spectrogram test again as an ox you're not scrat's on your champ one proud of you please impossible game on green I'm gonna get into the h2 I've been getting the urge to play rocket League a lot more recently maybe I'll stream some rocket League today [Music] [Music] also also take a look and you kill that frequency so I use a I use a a mixing programmed to kill the high frequency noise for my microphone maybe it's because I moved my microphone closer to my TV not too long ago so maybe it's just speaking picking up a separate frequency than it was from farther away [Music] yeah it's probably just cuz I move my microphone docking that number one please okay that also might be the reason to if it's not like the high frequency there's just a frequency that I didn't kill cuz I only killed the high one because the High Line was loud yeah I'll take a look at a my spectrograph and and I'll I'll fix it for when I come back next week but it bit the pitbull [Music] 3k and 16k interesting [Music] okay I think I have 15k kills ya Lachlan ps4 controller is usually a pretty good defense just because they're all individual I use Xbox one controllers generally I also don't like PlayStation controllers very much mom phantoon shot too many missiles [Music] well this has been a pretty bad phantoon fight my missile got freakin owned by the flame please click Fantine you know again that's not nice I think you guys gonna be high enough to break that block so so far we've gotten the fire out here oh I probably clicked the fire huh Oh nope only bad way I missed one I never owned a Sony console when I was growing up so I would not be the best person to tell you what good PlayStation games [Music] All Right see ya Mollison thanks for sticking around alright so not a great reckoning I was plus 5 plus 5 or plus 10 either work nothing important all right so we got fire Robin ether two items left here I done with my coffee oh yeah Hannah's windy out it was porn earlier now it's super windy my people will talk in my room let me know if it gets too dark and I can turn my my light on right now it's all just natural sunlight outside yeah that happens it's not thanks to hosting if it also takes people that uh that uh are just following the screen even if they're not in the stream at the moment depending upon like random algorithms that twitch has I've never opened my input display oops sure so community sub gifting is just like a random thing where you can gift ten subscriptions to ten random people and it's not like the person gifting selecting who to give it to you so like if I wanted to give away 10 subs instead of being like alright chat first one to say something stupid gets us up I can just you know be like hey I'm gonna give five random people subs and then it just picks five people that are in the chat and stuff in the chat following via random algorithms I'm not entirely sure how it picks do I actually I'm a pug I don't currently but I grew up with - my parents have another one now I'll probably get one in the future someday when I live on my own [Music] yo yeah boy oh god yeah boy with the five stack [Music] [Music] thank you very much boy I appreciate a lot welcome all five of you to the pug farm plasma and ice beam oh my god that's nuts welcome Jake Ziller FX 21 21 snatch bridges all off Olaf passu and Delta le squid welcome all five metres hook fire and give up away yeah boy a big ol thank you thank God for the sea tank [Music] I click the wrong button [Music] you'd it all off team left nice photos oh yeah my my in pin display that it's a matter here's how's it gonna be yeah i things from a cave story right I should go beat that game I don't I'm grapple online do this alright bots one time that's probably highlight these beams that I have now also [Music] [Music] we supers that should be pretty good tracker may use please learn how to tap oh my god thank you boom [Music] please oh my god [Music] excuse me I'll gladly take another tank probably go back to link to the past in now short charging so the game the game checks when you're running so like the short charge or to you know charger shinespark you have to run for a certain amount of time right the game checks if you're running on one particular frame in samus's animation so the way shortening works is you don't hold run but you tap it around the frame that the game would check if you're running or not and if you will order it'll advance you into a faster running animation even though you're not moving that quickly and that's what allows you to to charge a shinespark in a much shorter distance than normal all right so I can do this room cuz I have plasma SEP nautical please PLEASE frickin jump oh my god space jump is so dumb sometimes thanks for now subway sauce [Music] who yo che docks Oh one oh I think you very much that five months in a row I appreciate a lot hope you don't well I'm doing pretty good lime sauce I read Pete's and I was like what does that even mean Tesla kind of kit will do Pete's get their pugs alright so let's start knocking out some dark world luncheons first off I'm gonna go to dark will Death Mountain one let's take a look at what exactly I still need so I can get to my er I need various suit for sm and then either charge beam or quite a bit more ammo actually in canis Maurya potentially medallion potentially boots for desert I probably check that too so I'm gonna do this do my area to check that and then I'll do desert to see if I need that and then I can go beat skull woods I can beat swamp now although I'd like to have a better sword or boots or both both and be nice I haven't tried any of the flipper locations so I'll do all that after school woods I'll probably do I'll shake desert to see if I need boots I'll do skull woods I'll do bumper cave check do bumper cave check lumberjack check rivet ledge do catfish into the all the flipper stuff that I haven't done bombo's alright so I need at least one more medallion potentially two [Music] [Music] okay so I'm gonna come over here and do hair basement because it has an item in it I'm gonna do spike cave and then we'll just go woods or one to my area after that oh all right let's take a look how's that all the week-long games I guess so all right that is a good check that is good check [Music] I don't even worry about em oh all right so guaranteed I only need Bombo still so that's good so bombo's samaria maybe boots and various youth [Music] calm down bird [Music] [Applause] probably not lower lower fare is uh is locked by Varia like all of the items in Lauren or fare are locked by very of my logic so I guess like you could do it early if you wanted to to like see what a very isn't I suppose but more often than not it's not gonna be worth it all right so we do need boots small key being there Akim all right let's see what we got here Matt Matt why does the setting make it so difficult it's just so hard mode can be just as hard mode can be doable like if your knowledge is only of a normal logic but hard mode could require some difficult things like suit lists meridia or hell runs in upper norfair green gate glitches very tight wall jumps with like no speed booster or space jump or I've done boots routes things like that so it just it can potentially require more difficult things that the normal logic doesn't normally require so it's not necessarily that like you know it makes the item placements harder it just can make and dude ask me for an unban and seemed harmless I went to my lies and didn't look like you did anything stupid and he comes in the chat and does stupid things oh man twitch chat man I can't do desert without boots [Music] yeah a couple of us dumb I do have two big key oh yeah I guess I could do desert you're right we'll go back to later I don't want to do it now anyways by logic desert requires the boots still [Music] but I couldn't be desert yes we'll see what happens though it's quick enough for me to get back if it was like if I had gotten there only through like below an or fair work I'd be a little more upset but I don't care too much did I ban him no I tied them out for 10 minutes [Music] all right I already got all the items in here so there's not gonna be anything else for me to get in here three hearts is also not something that I want form ocula so we're gonna take the long route in here he'll be back in ten minutes and we'll see what happens I missed the thing I have a fairy I'll be fine what jerseys that I'm wearing I've some team allegiance my own it's my own Jersey because I'm that self-absorbed that I would wear my own Jersey along stream obviously it actually is my own Jersey but I'm not wearing it because I'm self-absorbed you can buy it at the team allegiance store if you'd like to support you boy Andy if you type in that hot command exclamation mark a lg store by the eyes emoji doesn't work in then with the Hank you know black black like to touch prime sub thank you very much for this board did I appreciate you why welcome to the pug farm hope you enjoy the name you might Steve I'm really stupid sometimes sometimes like I baffle myself with some of the things that come out of my mouth thank you very much dude I appreciate it what we got up here we've got you tank um I grabbed that now you cannot buy someone right off my back unfortunately super missile you think's got a casa what kind of run is this this is a SM z3 or a link to the past super Metro rated combo randomizer both games are combined into one there are four war points that take you from link to the past Super Metroid and vice versa as you can see I'm getting this nice e tank from Link to the Past the objective is to beat both games which are linked to the past involves getting all seven crystals defeating ganas Tower and beating ganon and then Super Metroid is beating all four main bosses all four main bosses going to Torian and killing mother ring you can do it in any order generally people will be Ganon before mother Breen but under various circumstances it might be faster than new mother ring first so you can see on my track of that killed 3sm boss is already I have three crystals furling to the past so I need four more I can currently get two more crystals I'm still looking for the canis Marya and bombo's to beat the last two for Super Metroid I'm only looking for various suit and then I'll be good to go [Music] as I can check mushroom on here now I never clipped mushroom on here I don't have Kane yet so I'm not too worried about saving my mushroom the hair will be gone soon unfortunately for you guys I'm not a huge huge fan of Cain is on mushroom then I wouldn't be able to do anything for fake powder anyways [Music] I can close my are LCS dream because that's it I only got one drop today you guys [Music] huh all right we're gonna check this stuff and then we're gonna head to swamp DP is not it's boots locked by logic but not boots locks to the feet Lambo if there's a if there's ever a small key on the torch desert is always boot locked by logic because the logic does take into account your ability to steal the small key from the back and use it in the front so if there's a any key on the torch it is always considered boot locked by logic but but I can be lame lawless without it basically logic takes into account UVM steeply with your keys and in soft locking yourself what we get show me the goods hell yeah potentially two items have a car so I didn't get any from desert I could get the compass from laying my on both items be on right side if you scam since the Louisiana Purchase yeah there's at least one I don't that menu though goodness once you start getting a bunch of items like this menus are really really bad with that boomerangs the boomerang is like a super quick way to get to a ton of the good items and its really frustrating not have a boomerang at all I haven't touched Eastern or pod areas at all yet so there's three items six items in total from eastern area with hot Jala as well and then pod with five more so that could be a play that I make in the near future but we'll see what I get from this long I want at least one sword here I would like to but this fight is painfully slow would just master her we're just fine her sword [Music] yeah [Music] I don't think the water splash reflects off the shields I reflected a fireball shot I don't think the water splash does so mean don't be an idiot and I won't have to be mean treating chicken thinks of the hose dude I got the map right that means there's an item on the left side guaranteed or something on the left side leads to an item screw tag is nice I'll be able to blow through your lower norfair all right I got the map yet why don't I keep closing my drink am i required to wear the allegiance shirt now you've seen me screen without it right it's just very funky they're the only thing that I'm like required to do by ax4 allegiance I guess is stream I do have a bunch of allegiance merch I'm actually wearing allegiance shorts as well some little allegiance doubt right now that's fine a big fan of these shorts th here's a boomerang dode my boy yet Doody chiidren with the 20 months in a row I appreciate a lot II hope you go up what is this spongebob nice dirty node I'm dirty no no it's that machete huh what's on TV uh my Roku I'm surprised it's not on my sleep thing anymore maybe it wasn't on the sleep thing at all not only is a clock on it but it's just the Roku homescreen you know the other boomerang it's up retro no that means there's an item in the big chest no because they're not that way in the vanilla game necessarily they also have like varying uses so there's like reasoning behind wanting one boomerang over the other where like you never want a weaker sword or a weaker shield's generally [Music] oh my god [Music] and this [Music] [Music] [Music] oh yeah I'll definitely be that retro I should have a meet and greet but I won't know when that is for a little while I don't think but I'll definitely be at twitchcon plane tickets are already booked came back out now plus I'm doing another event that's in the San Jose area right after twitchcon so Mario masters Colosseum she'll be a nice charity event that I'll be taking part in for direct relief DVD should be there my boy duty [Music] well what'll I be doing there playing Mario maker doing some randos maybe some speedruns and having a great time for a great Goss yo Keegan are you uh are you coming back to to Hotlanta for fur for thing Momo nah what the heck well now a man unacceptable you know he man with the five months at which priming around thank you very much my dude I appreciate a lot hope you go I'll do [Applause] how good am I at smw I I mean I'm I'm pretty good at platformers in general something came out dandy but like in terms of like actual smw skill I mean I'm okay I got like a 14 in smw any percent back before cloud glitch was a thing improving it literally plays Mario almost exclusively Super Mario World stuff for a living so so yes grandpa bear would would beat me pretty bad [Music] no you gotta be kidding me Stephen left this is one of the items you think sorta Super Saiyan man [Music] what is the correct answer gonna be so I need I need bombo's and I need canis Marya and I need various you those are the only three things that I still need [Music] an ass or mean I'm gonna find it somewhere somewhere along the way so I don't usually include sword as like go mow it until like it's one of the last two things that I need me needing three more things still I'm not gonna take it into account too highly [Music] until I find some more gun mode items I playing the falling to the past attorney I'm not sure yet it looks like a lot of fun but I might take a break we'll see now just taking a break from tournaments in general that's up West Ryder howdy [Music] I hate binky there [Music] let's monkeys neither of those two chess is pretty surprising you know miss Li lights with the 400 Middies I appreciate a lot thank you christos isn't joining the next one he's already said that he's not [Music] [Music] and yeah SM XIII's a lot of fun I enjoyed a lot [Music] let's question Kelsey [Music] yeah I felt there intentionally oh do you salty runback or no 134 is pretty spicy I would say hell yeah [Music] hey the badges back [Music] I'm counting items at all I mean if you run if you were on a good pace means a flame all right [Music] [Music] okay there's no more items near so that's good so I can leave [Music] thanks guys oh I appreciate a lot I'm excited for the vacay less excited that I like still have to do randos while I'm at but I'm excited to like not worry about gaming at all I'm not worried about streaming at all or anything except for the two or three matches it's most of my vacations have been still like most of my trips I should say at least my longer ones have been work-related did a couple days for spring break a couple days for my brother's birthday but it'll be a nice full week it's one item it's not satchel I'm gonna do a upper norfair stuff cuz I haven't done any of it yet except for high jump boots [Music] still one item [Music] Perryman fairy didn't have anything [Music] it says two items it also gives me a couple more checks and link to the past which I'll probably do [Music] [Music] come on give me the last item domain you go kill our mouse pretty please video game thank you [Music] [Music] nice cave if you're holding something above your head you uh you don't go into the work if that's what you're asking but if that's not what you're asking then I don't know Hornswoggle II guess I'm not sure what ledge I might've glitched oh if you um if you tap the dash button when you're against the ledge you immediately jump rather than walking against it [Music] alright something could be in misery Meyer also on everyone in there it's just whenever you're you could do it like optimally it'd be like the first frame but it doesn't have to be it's just you know at some point while you're running against the ledge and before you actually just jump off normally you can press it to jump instantaneously oops I'm on that very right and we're all beamed out I also powder give me health I don't want supers yeah that was changed for Rando just so that gravity suit wouldn't be super overpowered skits Sonny I probably saved the average for these is like three hours or so hardman ones are obviously gonna take a little longer than normal but or they can take a little longer than normal all right let's go check the feed rule [Music] so shadow mingle I got a sub 2:30 my TV is a 223 I've gotten to sub to 30s I think just safe thing what about with co-op I think it to a to 1x I don't remember exactly what my best co-op time is most of my co-op seats haven't been good seeds though [Music] see cry [Music] harder just means that you have to know how to do more difficult things in Super Metroid to potentially complete it or you potentially need to know them to complete it like normal only requires very very basic s m speedrun art can require like Sulis meridia and and things like that it doesn't always require them but it can nowhere I haven't been at all yet Green brinstar [Music] [Music] yeah so it's more like with hardmode the logic is a little different so so heated rooms could be in logic for oops for progression Pseudolus meridia gate glitches all those things could be in in logic where they can't be in in normal mode so like you couldn't ever find Baria in upper norfair in a heated room [Music] you think that's empty yes Harvey setting is always left I'm an advocate of resetting for mushroom a lot of people don't like to do it but I think it's deep but not too if mushroom isn't anything good yeah you on any platform Harvey setting is always allowed yeah pretty much for shadow angel said I can't believe I forgot about this it's pretty silly of me tbh it has bombo's hey assort yeah I stopped to qualify they changed the the tournament format all right so Kanan Varia is all I need no I haven't had this happen to me yet that's a bad feel I've actually never had that happen to me in SM at all no why would I grab that now I need to equip plasma again the only bad thing would be is if various suits also here if everything like you know everything else doesn't really matter too much [Music] using the SM z3 tracker for emo tracker [Music] [Music] yeah was Sir Richard but ah thank you very much for the 30 hits seven months in a row my deed I appreciate a lot hope you go and Honolulu a horse with the twitch prime so thank you very much my dude I appreciate a lot welcome to the pug farm hope you enjoy the new emails all right so everything everything here is now gonna be checked and then link to the past is full clear in Bowl so my eternal rock are my next two plays no I'm not doing the weekly ran the race now very cannot be NTT anything that is always required for Super Metroid is never in GT that way it avoids like super back-heavy seeds with like morph ball and GT or something like that I was confident enough of my abilities to uh to do ridley without Baria I would although I might need that like the really e tank like I'm assuming our Bo needs the relay tank to you uh to actually escape it could be wrong but I would assume it [Music] [Music] [Music] it's all looking for hey there's the clock all I'm looking for is various suits I'm good to go not worried about lamp anymore I'm not worried about anything else I don't really need another sword I have silver arrows so the game to fight won't be that much longer if I don't find a tempered sword [Music] all right we're good to go [Music] so checking at pod and Eastern was a waste unfortunately I don't think I found anything good in either of those dungeons I found boots I suppose in Eastern but I don't think anything was in Vaughn but that's fine come on man I hate this decision I talk about this every time this happens it's a 50/50 whether it's to the left of the big chests or vanilla big key location and I hate making this decision this one is obviously faster but it feels so bad when this isn't the big key [Music] all right so I should be done in like 30 ish minutes [Music] that was weird an area eventually get 10 months in a row mighty I appreciate a lot hope you go all right we did it [Music] [Music] lamps probably an ice palace I would assume yeah I mean it feels bad either way Miyuki if you check vanilla big penis now you're like well I just after that transition for Amelia like like it's only bad witnessing going so you're still looking for an item like odds are there's gonna be an item in one of those locations if you haven't found one yet but uh yeah it's just a bad feel all around ya lamp could be early turn rock I suppose so I don't think I've gotten anything good from lamp locks Haley I can't space jump today just barely um how long have I been running to the past Rando pretty early I started not long after it came out since 2016 no I nicked the corner you serious [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] pick me up you idiot you're dead no thank you and I've been I've been speed running only to the Past for six and a half years now a new quarter again dude come on I didn't weigh that nice j1 thank you very much for the five months which Prime I appreciate a lot I have plenty of health so I'm not going to say here [Music] [Music] the bike rack is so not hell yeah come on what the hell dude come on 20 supers later I'm an idiot we're just gonna same clip alright so yeah I should be done about 25 minutes from now I forgot I saw you kill Ridley when I said that before [Music] [Music] [Music] it's the only thing that would help me at this point is a better sword but it wouldn't be that much of a time XIV honestly you can still enter the giveaway I'm pretty sure returning Dawn although I'm not entirely sure I've had a Twitter for such a long time that I don't know if those giveaways require a Twitter or not that is a good command and I agree JK techo I agree [Music] [Laughter] because nobody ever says that about me okay Oh God hey that's me please finger socket reporting for duty [Music] really big key it's a whisker [Music] I are risking it for the biscuit everybody risking it for the biscuit so what I'm about to do if there's a small key in this lava room chest and in the big chest I can owned because I'm gonna skip the big chests but if there's a small key anywhere else in the dungeon I'm fine [Music] [Music] it's a pretty low percent of screaming but I have been screwed by it before ah all right four more chances even this machi [Music] few more chances one more chance alright good [Music] are you worried because I wasn't [Music] [Music] it's the leave alright Chad picking on 21 and 22 how many locations am I gonna have to check to find the Guinness our big kyani is the big key and the least once Maliki to go upstairs and beat the rest the game ideally I also find a sword on my way so feel free to get a sword number also I think the ideal layout would be one two sword big key and then I go steel up hot key and then go upstairs that'll be the ideal scenario so we're on the torch I like it okay I like it so aren't there any big chests I will not be going a big chest all right well there's a small key and a map all right well rip the sword torch dream [Music] there's four and five six [Music] seven that was a lot of small keys [Music] [Music] is 9 [Music] [Music] 10 11 12 13 no solar no big key yet you know quote boat with the biggest boy rolling mist deepness tier 3 sub for 25 months in a row holy smokes dude thank you very very much you continued sport appreciate a lot hope you got all but also reminder to everyone in the chat that is is sub timber from the 10th to the 30th of September if you are currently running on a gifted sub you can make it a real sub for $1 but I still get the full benefit of you making it a real sub so get on a gifted sub keep that in mind starting tomorrow [Music] all right right side here we go yeah it's just for the first month or then like once your gifts up runs out it would be one dollar for the next month and that's it but even if you only keep for that one month that's still a really solid deal and I still get the benefits like it was a $5 sub [Music] [Music] are you kidding me right now 22 who guessed it you know other Tom with the win and goal and with the runner-up goal in a welcome to the poke farm hope you enjoy the new emotes get my boy need a big ol thank you also Nate with that 199 gifted subs who's gonna be lucky number 200 who who is special enough to hold that 200th one [Music] you guys better like you've made some you know special treatment if you know what I'm saying if you want that 200th one okay yo ironic gaming welcome to the pug farm hope you enjoy the Nima's give my boy Nate a big ol thank you at 200 gifted sub holy smokes thank you very very much negative appreciate you a lot can't wait to come to Seattle and drink with you bette shave into the stache hell yeah I'm probably not gonna shave until I get there tailored because I feel like people might want to see me with a beard because that's never happened before that is a no joke amount of gifted subs [Music] what's up Linus [Music] laughs Nate rip heck and Halima easy break [Music] I did see that we got in the the bike rack in so that's good that's good give me a sword give me a sword nice [Music] [Music] step two is put it on my car right step two is getting a bike Oh God no sword upstairs [Music] [Music] three five six this won't be too bad of time like at 2:45 look like that what's up Buddha I am very excited for the beach trip very much so [Music] yeah there might have been a sword in Lorne or feral so they didn't check any alone or fair hell yeah Taylor three five seven eight nine ten well one three five six [Music] 7:09 and 11 well one more for good luck [Music] I don't own a speedo No yeah we're just gonna be in the Panhandle there's one Jean [Music] yeah Kelsey got a bunch of sunscreen so that my pale white bulla but don't get sunburned what's my ammo and health looking like full health punch ammo we're good to go yeah I actually wasn't worrying about if you if you a spin attack against an edge as long as you're not as long as you're holding away from the edge you should never fall [Music] technically not a reset Elliott can't reset if the console is not on oh [Music] [Music] not going for stand up [Music] I've got a four part b JW emote hell yeah that's amazing [Music] [Laughter] [Music] god [Music] [Music] [Applause] all right here we go no one's done yet so we might win this one yeah a psycho pew pew with the 12 months in a row thanks for subscribing for almost a year and the new lights are pretty cute big fan never killing the animals not gonna lose a race deceiving the animals right so check no I would never [Music] I didn't even go see shacked all this time I was sure I was gonna lose this one but I won that is surprising GG will probably want me for an interview or something I'm not entirely short I'm due next I don't know if it'll be messenger if I'm gonna like kind of wanna play rocket League I'll figure something out I need to turn the game audio down
Channel: Andy Laso
Views: 6,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, alttp, lttp, metroid, rando, randomizer, sm, zelda
Id: m3PmXSxd8V4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 168min 2sec (10082 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 10 2018
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