A Link to the Past | My addiction to MYSTERY has gone too far

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sure oh [ __ ] we're going it's not a open mode it's good yeah we got a bottle right off the bat it's good there's no enemy Rando so all the enemy's gonna have the same health that are gonna be in the normal spots bosses aren't shuffled everything isn't normal it's retro mode see if it's enter shuffle real quick okay it might not be entering shuffle there is a chance that it's simple entering something [Music] I can't tell us pressure mode cuz the small key that is on the HUD permanently even in the old hole isn't I guess it still could be simple shuffle if this hole just happened to be vanilla as well simple entrance shuffle like shuffles all the entrances but light world is always in light world still dark Roland dark worlds and dungeons have to be where dungeons are and so the reasoning behind that is Hyrule Castle is one of those dungeons that has a certain amount of exits that only some other dungeons can be and like only Hyrule Castle desert in Turtle Rock or the only three that have this kind of entrance shuffle so there's a 33% chance that if this is simple shuffle our cast would still be here the but then you'd also have to include the percent chance that uncle drop-down is vanilla is in this race it's me edium I eat flowers I am the stores co-rec and maths you get a bit of people in this one [Music] yeah it's a pretty low chance I can probably close my entrance supplements at all thanks for the two months of or the three months of prime D preciate a lot and also lock into the year preciate behind the words [Music] there's Easter graveyard brave what am i doing all the small keys I'm in great haste and twelve months to the Easter graveyard graveyard lumberjack hack well Smith and [Music] yes this is retro I guess I can't kill myself oh just kidding [Music] thanks tall I appreciate it the clutch suicide bombs [Music] real though yes of this because these are so freakin fun deed [Music] I should look up what like the actual weights are lamb no ideas [Music] [Music] I got another small key weights me it's so like the the weighted portion of the mystery just means like certain settings have a higher likelihood of getting picked than others like for entering shuffle insanity shuffle was only a five percent chance of being picked [Music] but last race we did unweighted which means that all all options within a certain setting have the equal to have the same chance what was on lumberjack by the way Chris in your wall what was in lumberjack that owned you Oh shot haha did you like do swamp without it and [ __ ] like I'm sometimes this dude doesn't have a hitbox and sometimes he does pump admits logically it was a swamp double yeah oh if you dark agra yeah that makes sense dark agra is super useful to know dude give me the ball was lumberjack blue be [Music] all regular crystals oh damn did yesterday I fake flippered to Zora and like swam the whole way because I didn't have moon pearl and I got my moon profesora for the first time ever I like fake flipper swam out of Zoras domain back to the front and went back in the waterfall fairy was really funny I wasn't even sure if it would still work if like getting this or item we're like mess up the glitch state somehow but it didn't I guess like the glitch stages from the Moon pearl anyways but yeah it was really neat also one of the on the cross keys or no maybe it was uh what it was I had Sahaj law sahasrara in waterfall fairy cave I found out that that glitch stayed with the Moon parole it causes you to not be able to like lift things up without throwing them instantly so like I would drop a bomb pick it up and just immediately throw it and so I wasted like three bombs in Sahaj all's house there because that I didn't realize what was going on all right retro key sanity uh don't think so retro is part of the variation at the bottom you might be I guess now you might be able to like shuffle maps and compasses and stuff too retro mode is more akin to Zelda one where he Smokies are Universal you need to buy the ability to use the arrows just why you see this multi counter in places where small Keys normally aren't yeah I'm not a huge fan you do need to check some single entrances for her health one of them has a sword for like pick any caves yeah hey I don't mind it when it's mixed with other stuff I guess I don't know I don't know like I wouldn't play this willingly but I don't mind playing what I is what I'm saying [Music] okay let's take this shop you can also buy small keys and shops so buy one now [Music] yeah I was vetoing this mode pretty much exclusively last tournament except for one I think one of our group matches we just chose not to veto anything I'll probably do a crack control after Thanksgiving like early December at some point it's already found one of the good shops which is in Kakariko which is nice like once I get a fleet it'll be a very quick I want to go check the freaking Smith drop-down once I get the flu that'll be a quick special shop to check for four keys if I need them be hammer would ruin a lot of things because you can still slash your sword and have like an invisible sword held out and that uh and that can mess not being able to do that mess with some strategies [Music] put a foot hammer on X instead [Music] you cook eggs or order pizza we're making pizza tonight so you know want to be a cool kid you uh you make your own pizza that's what I'm trying to say so you have you have no option to be cool unless you go cook a pizza hey you can cook one of the eggs that works just cheese tomato sauce eggs on some dough my racing there's a bunch people in this race Eddie em I eat flowers co-rec mats and I am the Schwartz as well seven of us I think yo these guys in the money drop nice nice it means the money drop is normal read basta fitty now bond 78 food icefrog bug-eye straw book gloves okay so Michael Reid pedestal the agency was there early and then be it'll tell me if it's a pedestal goal pretty early as well why didn't get to Red's they're like I don't understand why you get double drops sometimes from and drop X [Music] you fifteen of protein driving age keys and DLP extender a thanks for that 15 months shooting what you're doing wrong okay I have flippers so I don't really care like I can just go to links house and swim pretty much whenever I want so I'm gonna go check I'm gonna go check pedestal now and then probably due back mesquite I could route I could have read it like ped check into like going into the dark rule first time in Kakariko but that's fine not knowing the goal it just kind of makes this a little more balanced or not not balanced with more listed we get this over here [Music] there ever anything L number deck yes there is oh that was an Allison question my gosh it low peace love all right pedestals not been gold I see a circus you're sticking around E and no pen cool so at this point we're hoping for like fast Gannon so but there's fast gaining defeat gaining and all dungeons left those possibilities I mean I just not a Triforce on and knowing that it's not a pedestal block [Music] [Music] why'd we do them retro again it's a mystery CD I'll have a choice [Music] how much should we try [Music] I think I've had corn on pizzas before it's not terrible don't forget the beans I don't want to be here Stefan eNOS I've actually never oh no no no oh that was spicy [Laughter] [Music] mmm Bhutan shares my love for buffalo chicken pizza [Music] if there's if if we're ever like at a pizza place anywhere that we'd never been to before there's buffalo chicken pizza on the menu I like literally cannot not get it [Music] for the pug points there [Music] you have none right now sounds like an issue on your end [Music] so you can make it down the recipe and make it homemade all right well if you do that you're required to move in with me and Kelsey sorry I have a nice splash deleted yet they have the flippers I also don't know how to splash delete anything [Music] their aunt deleted that splash didn't happen see it it's like the ancilla pink flippers stuff it's on the can so you can just kind of like walk in the water and fake flipper by doing some insulin [ __ ] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so currently I have access to basic death mountain I have access to desert and I have access to Eastern Eastern is the most item plentiful location ganti I am minimum getting five items here you can get four items max in desert depending upon boots requirements you can't eat at least two items at the rail east and with that where you're not going industry I'll see you later that was probably the first sword Allison because you like some of these seeds it's like a 60% chance to start with the sword or something [Music] it could also be like a heart container on expert mode or one of the small keys that's not there in rush mark when the small keys this just doesn't exist in retro mode only a handful of things it can be yeah I always just assume that the first 20 I get is like the the first sort I find because I started with a sword you're not supposed to he's gonna hurl easy yeah but you also like need the items to splash the lead at least you can't just like do it just like change the starting meta you're just doing hobo right off the bat and there are a lot of items can do it dude come on are you guys doing you like this when you get dead Rock tell you something I swear yeah I found this a baby on my doorstep I need some child support from you [Music] Christian thanks for the nine months of subscribe and mighty appreciate a lot um when you get dead Rock blocks I swear it seems like it lasts forever compared to when you do it like normally it seems like it goes by so quick weirdest thing [Music] all I know right now is its retro mode and that's it that's all that's literally all I [ __ ] know [Music] yo I'm about to get that heart container alright so okay here's where we're gonna find out difficulty setting wise um obviously if I don't actually get a heart container in uh in paradise then [Music] then I think there's actually one heart container in every difficulty no matter what so that's probably probably won't be able to tell from that what about inverted Chris what about it [Music] [Music] ambrosia also like has a non dungeon item on the boss Andy I think a triple are give me the goods give me the kids and that's good that's good is that hard contain okay uh boots half magic honestly I forgot I had the hammer [Music] if I'm being completely straight at 100% we gotta have the hammer thanks I almost jumped down to spiral edge your spiral cave couch cash [Music] baby help you write for the business bufferless Buffalo's hair paparazzi [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] that's a map bunnies aren't cute no sword alright so if this guy has the compass there's an item in the basement if no compass then compasses my [Music] let's go I love hair body [Music] okay so so I guess we're just tell me about the hammer out what am i doing if MIT's a Steven if myths are here I probably wouldn't do superbunny cave okay it's desperate time guaranteed be desert actually ask you nothing that I get in a geena's cave could health desert go faster so we're just gonna do a geena's last now all of the mystery seeds are no gliches logic guaranteed [Music] [Music] all I know that is that this is retro mode and it's not a pedestal see all I got [Music] [Music] there is but I don't really care about taking these I don't really need help I'm not gonna go out of my way to check to take any anymore go quits ee how are you [ __ ] kidding me map and compass were over here um I'm a sword it is possible to get the bots to include the possible logics in the shuffle as well the shoes [ __ ] yeah you guys there's a compass in the tower of here oh I write the arrow pots of money I was like [ __ ] hot shuffles on but I pause super early so okay if if Pearl's not here in a geena's cave I have Eastern available to me everything except for the boss I have mushroom available to me and I have bonkuraazu vailable to me that's it I guess I can also kill a Ganim this could be a moon pearl on on pyramid see potentially [Music] you're a pyramid whoops of course you went down dude at that sharpening I guess of course you went straight down bless it well you weren't wrong else I can think powder but fake powders not in logic I would do fake powder probably before before doing mushroom I don't really need match like after that I don't really need magic anywhere super immediately I think I also have a green potion so me wasting my magic it doesn't really matter too much okay let's do bonk rocks into and a fake powder has a really good menu take notes children get on guard [Music] only give her fire on dashed into a bowl I don't even really know what ambrosia is and I just like that's the name of the setting when it tells you nothing I remember like they did an ambrosia of Z one race and I'm like I mean I know it's not a city but like it is a name like it's very like cryptic I guess like it doesn't tell you anything about it like you need to know what it already is and what it means no we're like most settings most settings you can at least kind of like you know figure out what it is even if you're not super knowledgeable about the randomizer in general but yeah I'm like I'm not saying there's a better way to name it because it's just like a bunch of random random things it's just a shitty name [Music] you know I want a waffle place the prime sub my deed appreciate a lot welcome to pub farm hope you enjoy those emotes there it is we avoiding an Eastern Palace some more why did I spend all my mana because I did a glitch that allowed me to use the magic powder with just the mushrooms which allowed me to do the magic bat check wait earlier than I was intended to you need to have no magic or work [Music] yeah alright so first things first look at this map got Turtle Rock pendant of course skull was pendant of course a swamp and then mire news town [Music] tracker shields okay so first things first we're gonna go this way I'm gonna see what the goal of the seat is maybe this will be the legendary two crystal fast again and I can just drop right in [Music] all right well it's not fast Gannon and I need all seven Christmas so the dream is dead [Music] we're gonna skip on pod for now I do intox offici I play on an OG sness consoles well Jimmy Lich was uh no that just means I need seven crystals to kill Ganon it was all dungeons it would say you need to kill all of Ganon's bosses [Music] pyramid was a carcass look at how blue this dark water is it is absolutely gorgeous [Music] I'm addicted Malus impossible man but I think item Here I am the random [Music] I know pedestals nothing I could skip on thieves town for now and we'll check this single entrance just for you guys alright done check them doing miss Paula fire it'll be up on YouTube in a couple days maybe tomorrow I have a bunch of videos waiting day go live I might just do like you know five straight days the videos or something [Music] okay I don t see my facebook oh I guess we're going this way oh shut up [Music] [Music] [Music] you're not coming to gdq a first time in a million years saying oh yeah you weren't I forgot Oh green pen instead I think I forgot because that GT key was just super busy it was actually really funny to you [Music] yeah that was like in the middle of my I was gone from home for 17 days trip a little bit like the nice thing about last HD keys hotel in Rockville was like the bar area was just like super massive and at a ton of seating so like everyone just hung out at the bar at night and it was like super easy just like meet random cool people yes it's coming HD he's in Orlando [Music] you met you and you weren't even there hell yeah you know I mean you want to race ring fit adventure with me just imagining an desarrollar ease of that game wonder if there's been one to look it up someone say ring it adventure [Music] I still have watch to zero that game B's [Music] ah [Applause] [Music] um it's after this I don't miss yet so we're just gonna do beaten game and stumpy [Music] Lord is also relatively cheap to travel to which is nice like flights to Florida generally cheaper than anywhere else further than most other places it's also warm I mean I don't think it's that expensive to fly to Florida from the west coast not a short trip there's probably cheaper to fly to Orlando from the west coast ins to DC [Music] just go to pond do it [Music] I didn't got done at the right time when your dad done I assumed you dot Duns when you touch the Triforce I've you've already done according to nerds the second I hit a so I won that race are you [ __ ] kidding me I'm pissed s MH dude that's pretty funny that's fine whatever I don't care that is pretty funny though so we would have finished like a second apart maybe tied [Laughter] but that's pretty funny also I know for next time for next pedestal because I've always got done like that from pedestal dole seed braces [Music] also that's why I hate master sword races because having to do things when you are also in putting something on your controllers sucks that's why I got rid of Master Sword split in like my N&G splits like it just sucks I hate [Music] I don't know what MC oh is that my three-month-old daughter seems every time you stream so I guess by law I have to stop what's even in like a stream okay thank you for that four months of prime that is adorable I appreciate this thank you you won by one point five seconds Jesus I guess I probably I don't know man Nathan my pot is you end up wasting in 20 keys yeah pot has 11 items in Metro all the small keys are now items and there's still the map to come visit [Music] I didn't I don't have ever flown into Orlando I didn't even know I have flown to Orlando yeah I don't know I just I didn't remember that being there poor thing English is hard right now the logic in case you waste keys you can buy them infinitely back no [Music] yeah my Kelsey and I went to dinner with my uncle and his family because he lives like on Rockville large or whatever and that's like where I'm from [Music] [Music] those nuts [Music] um us did somebody call mirror and mitts in here with the fun unless that person cheated maybe they said mixing bow Dan what God action [Music] [Music] all right I'm just gonna die on my way to that mountain a big deal all right so we can go into GTE area now I have what three crystals how many crystals can I actually get right now you get ice palace this is very painful I guess ice palace is the only other crystal I can get right now so [Music] um so I need flutes Caracas quake might not need to beat it though I'm addicted to mystery okay so let's see if I can get GT in full clear GT [Music] okay um how much top so I have not enough right now [Music] that's all I wanted plus we're just standard open well it wasn't standard standard and open are two different things just good ice baths ice palace has five items instead of three [Music] but yeah it's basically just a retro open retro open defeat open the defeat game so with that knowledge is any of the flutes a bow maybe bombo's maybe quake [Music] [Music] I know so Swamp is just green pendant light or not like the green pendant doesn't matter there's nothing on pedestal and Sahaj Allah is nothing class sucks [Music] stole witness a bunch items to you I completely like I just regarded so it's entirely when I shouldn't have because it has five items instead of two with the small keys being items yeah it all I forgot the hint [Music] [Music] yo CJ play with the big boy rolling deep sub 63 months three months is a long time appreciate hope you're doing well the place is swell [Music] the soft locker-room and slow woods doesn't always have a key in v31 so [Music] I guess we didn't you just taking around and there's not like there's not a guaranteed key in those three chests either so proper skull routing as you go and get the chests where the like at the big chest entrance first it's incredibly unlikely for one of those four chests does not have a small key so you just check that one just to cover all possibilities [Music] man these hints have been fantastic I found out that a hair does in fact have a compass I found out there was a bottle in my house [Music] don't you love hints [Music] [Music] all right we got big chests in the moths [Music] [Music] all right so the only things like guaranteed neither flu Tebow I might not need anything else after that um depends on my requirement all right let's do a skull woods into North Park world's king's tomb and or I guess skull woods into a king stealing village and we'll do swamp and bombo's it's my stream schedule gonna look like next week I'm gonna be out of town from Monday to Friday [Music] odds are d big I have to beat pot anyway so like going into check items doesn't really matter I have a bunch of uh I guess this kind of mattered I should have gone in the big chest entrance the only crystal I haven't been in science Meyer because I don't have access this Eastern I don't I don't want to have to use two small keys for these run checks so I should have gone in there and just using the once monkey gone the long way around the mirror so instead we're just gonna do that after this it hunger it makes me very stupid stupider than normal anyways so I understand [Music] there's that Pizza in our fridge [Music] man this skull was it absolutely nothing sir well at least everything else in here is an item or the baekje that's good at least I'm also hungry but I'm not like starving yeah this is my second retro I don't know what I don't know any of the percentages [Music] I thought that was still gonna grab me and I got a little scared [Music] our last race was unweighted I can't mirror I just wanted a mirror did he make our own dough [Music] what's the Zooter word probably not I know Chris wants to stay up to like 5 a.m. [Music] okay boss player let's go D welcome welcome welcome from YouTube's all right um so you have scoping chests graveyard ledge King's tomb and then we're going to swamp so Ben gross bow was a world movement Oh God um this is fine I think you know it's not mine we can hover now not scared I thought that dude was about to just Bullock it's straight for the left side I'm old or spared me Loyalsock I'm doing fantastic where yourself I'll have the next tourney race I don't know yet I'm done with qualifiers so I won't be doing any more turning stuff until the tournament actually starts problem I think this year spc it's going pretty small it's just a retro open mode seven seven to begin pre pre normal [ __ ] wide to sock company and they want an interview no nice why did I go back [Music] alright so from here actually we're gonna do other stuff before small [Music] or neither this way I might as well do the whole Smith chain into swamp this is like the same area do hammer pegs the Smith chain K 45 / protests into bombo's tablet and it's long [Music] what their job nice nice [Music] the goal is just the beginning defeat Ganon 7/7 [Music] [Music] so we have to take the purple Chester cape 45 Simon done it yet actually what half C was fashioned to do this on the way then like double back to carefully tire [Music] [Music] all right what we got let's monkey take it how many small Keys do I even don't need it any to beat Eastern I need one more to be pawed I don't know how many I need to be Meyer I need a couple but there's if there's only one pot small I guess I need one or two depending upon how I route it as well k 45 cuz that's like the number that the cave has in the game or something [Music] [Music] where's the tasks wherever I left my [Music] using keyboard or controller I'm playing on a Super Nintendo so I kind of kind of have to use the controller [Music] [Music] you know what's the Super Nintendo had better like other controller peripherals would be fun to do like random like link to the past up with we've peripherals why don't I use the classic colors like the normal colors because it's the same every time and I enjoy the color differentiation and makes things interesting at a very minimal level [Music] they don't have any ddr pads person s so I'd have to get like a one maid or like do whatever on emulator with the US bean dance pad yes VEVO has the one-handed controller [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] okay um I'm a map or compass yet so so far we're looking to just go straight back [Music] good [Music] [Music] okay where the progression app okay so thank your auntie's an item from web side [Music] but I don't want to find here is quake maybe for I don't actually have it [Music] [Music] this flash how's it hanging [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] left-side swamp boys I did twitch for a living I do twitch has been my job since September of 2016 and has gone pretty well since as I started I initially started trying it out because I just moved to Wisconsin and I had enough money saved up for like I didn't really need to find a job immediately and so like wall I was you know looking for places for work and like putting in applications and stuff I started streaming you know full-time alongside doing all that stuff in the it's gone pretty well [Music] I don't need this key actually but I'm already here so but I live before Wisconsin I grew up in the DC area I've lived in Maryland DC and Virginia at some point in my life pretty much but I I was living in Maryland I moved to Wisconsin and now I'm in Atlanta I actually make like pretty close to over double what I made as a manager at a grocery store as a retail manager whatever you want to call it it's pretty freakin [Music] contrary to most people I actually really really enjoy retail as long as the co-workers are also was not but [Music] customer interaction is really fun for me as long as the the work environment is also fun I mean holiday is busy but you know like most of the other rest of times a year it's not Elsa Ben's mom will kind of retail like working nan grocery retail during the during like Christmas time I'm sure is abysmal I'm like Black Friday and less stuff it sounds terrible like pretty much only have busy busy times in in grocery that like Christmas Christmas Thanksgiving and Easter and then you'll get like randomly busy you know for various you know other stuff but those are like the three big ones a year and Thanksgiving to Christmas it's pretty much like busy for four weeks straight [Music] I clipped him to the corner and jumped but yeah like my the whole store that I worked at in Maryland I very much enjoyed I moved to Wisconsin pretty much because I had to my living arrangements were changing and I needed somewhere they needed to find another place to live anyways and I had never really been outside of the DC metro area and I took it as an opportunity to move with some friends somewhere else and like actually be like on my own you know it was it was nice it was definitely a good change Wisconsin was also just not for me [Music] surveil you very much for the eight months of prime D appreciate a lot hope you're doing well and then a great Necco tree the two one sub and neck a mythic booster with the prime sub then you both very much the support appreciate a lot welcome to the pug farm hope you guys enjoyed with your emotes you think you'll get close to that 19-under is pretty freakin awesome [Music] visited the outskirts of DC and I says no thanks I mean that could be one of like many different areas [Music] most of the outskirts of DC are in incredibly rich areas they're pretty good neck a tree by yourself you know old purple thumb like I grew up in Potomac Maryland which is like one of the richest cities in the US and there's also like all of Northern Virginia is super expensive pretty much anything in like Maryland that's outside of DC is also super expensive yeah there are there are obviously some bad suburbs of DC but there's literally bad suburbs of every big city everywhere [Music] this is what I get for skipping Eastern early I suppose Oh playing my game last location in Italy and we'll the Ridhima see - and be available again it's available right now it's just not on mobile Mobile does not show non-standard twenty redemption things [Music] inhalation Virginia still 725 so we can do Meyer I'll use a bow it says out of stock does it say out of stock for every 100 only one can be redeemed a stream that's why [Applause] so someone redeemed one earlier holy [ __ ] I didn't notice I'll take a look I guess I misunderstood what it meant by like redemption limit cuz I a I guess it doesn't even matter cuz like I'm not doing them immediately when people redeem them so I should just not put it on it I think I have I guess there's somebody reading one today I have five feet up oh yeah I can I can look at all of them review request view and dirt earnings swordless cross world key scene but I was not paying attention I have three hearts going Oh God all right so I just need the bow that's good [Music] if you have two SRPT seeds that I got a do it probably I wouldn't be surprised no Turtle Rock access yet is good [Music] I don't have any [Music] [Music] the requirements for these redeem seeds let me split up [Music] won the race earlier bond to be me by a 1 and a half seconds nope just the three that are listed there should be a description of what you can pick if you click option yup there's a dot done [Music] [Music] where'd that bow at though uh yeah all makes more rewards at some point I'll probably do that once that they release officially because the points might be getting deleted the in the middle of December so once that happens I'll probably come up with some more stuff for points a dirty boy there might also be other more interesting like default options to pick from no no plaintiff no one gets to send me a seat you only get to pick settings and I always generate my own seats I don't trust my chats they can give me playing those wire points getting deleted because it's going out of beta into official release I'm assuming [Music] when is that happening December 16th [Music] am I not getting beginning delete it anymore because the warning is gone I believe but they could well Kelsie's do one another another giveaway before the points reset I'm pretty sure I tried super NT is it worth it I mean it depends like I already had you know most of the console setup already so I'm not gonna just like ditch it all for an empty it's so stupid couldn't get that chest that way before or from the big chest why can I get that way but the super NT is uh it's it's a nice alternative for sure dude I can't even go I can't [ __ ] get that chest [ __ ] this has been a blow up dude never die in misery Meier is the real moral of the story value mr. Meier [ __ ] blows [Music] yeah Kelsey uses your brandy I would going directly to the boss won't he buy what you died yeah super Antigua is not super worth it for me hey Kelsey already has one so if we ever travel and like try to scream on the go like I would get one if I was you know on my own or whatever and traveling because it's way easier to lug around super NT in a monitor than it is to lug around an entire like console screaming setup that's not you know just like HDMI into [ __ ] capture card if my my setup is like you know super intricate RGB modded smashed junior into an OS SC into a splitter that splits to my monitor and my capture card like it's not something I want to drag around if I was trap [Music] it's also like hundreds of dollars of equipment compared to like I brought the super NT and a monitor you know that is a couple hundred dollars of equipment still but nowhere near as much things break as the input lag it's unnoticed oh [ __ ] [ __ ] this is gonna be sketchy as hell [Music] [Music] when the [ __ ] my bow dude [Music] the pyramid ferry Oh double bow a pancake that's incredibly unlikely so I kind of hope that happens [Music] yeah what's intimately like there's basically no lag like I can still do all of the precise like pixel stuff that I can do on a CRT before Oh SSC is like a lagless converter with obviously there is a little bit of like minimal monitor delay but I have a pretty nice thank you monitor that I use I just don't notice it at all [Music] [Music] I'm so confused what what what happened what's left sasha has nothing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's definitely somewhere there's multiple people that are done already [Music] all the dungeons I've done are completely done [Music] I didn't merge right so I like farmed a bunch of money yeah hmm yeah sure man thanks for the 15 months of prime D appreciate a lot stuff like this tie just rerun everything [Music] I don't know I probably just forfeit okay [Music] unless I like Miss Myrtle rockin its bombo's but I'd be surprised if somebody finished as quickly as they did if that was the case did bonk rocks 3 sure I definitely boots round up mountain I definitely did graveyard in Kingston I could have potentially forgotten bonk rocks no it's not lumberjack the all the Smith chained and bat powder event and mushroom [Music] it all disorder stuff it's not pedestal it's not Sahaj Allah everything's done swung [Music] era basement had a compass pretty sure I checked ether tabloid side the book when I went up there let's go actually do tab I guess I definitely didn't do it and spike cave [Music] high rod was in there [Music] get this heart peaceful fun [Music] it all upon all icky stained all Meyer hmm what'd I miss [Music] you got it in the I believe pin-high cave they'd hide cave into into gold check in to catfish and then hook shot across [Music] hidden is something in village of outcasts they did like instead of going to see house first I did like chess game pull thieves town bomb Hut I don't might have skipped see house don't think I did pretty sure I still did it touch others for two months what's Forrest Gump's password one forest one did you hear about the chameleon who couldn't change color he had a reptile dysfunction [Music] Hialeah island was like a heart container I think oh man what a nice kit I pretty much hundred percent of last situ so I'm probably never gonna think of where this place is kinda sucks take a 45 a tacky um it I gave ya hmm [Music] okay so this is like hard item logic or something hmm they're trying the tracks item locations there aren't but I am firmly against map trackers especially in races and I just like stuff like this wouldn't happen if you clicked on all the things you haven't done [Music] should not be like a tool that you can look at whenever you want if you're racing I kind of wish they were just never developed even though they're super helpful for people learning also Kachin thinks the two months in our review we should hmm mean if i forfeit you still beat me hanging flowers [Music] I'm surprised that like everyone's not done this is a pretty big [ __ ] teapot where the bow was like flute wouldn't have been super out of the way like I don't think I I think if I skip something it would have been early not late [Music] so basically thanks to the 19 months [Music] [Applause] [Music] they last location flute and then obviously last location bow wherever it is [Music] the reason Potter's completable I need a bow [Music] me conductor thinks the eight months in crime do you want these on big chest is done at a heart piece I think the only because I didn't do was swamp and that's what the pinky was in it or I can just delete it bleeding my information is very easy takes like five seconds we're thinking yeah [Music] both of the tablets are none magnets [Music] not longer Jack that's a hostile [Music] you [Music] my trick into East and digital rocket you thought [Music] hmm okay [Music] pressure mode got me DS retro mode gah [Music] pedestals money I completely forgot well a striker mode didn't get me because it was all dungeons so I had to do a at some point anyways [ __ ] kill me dude [Music] no no double bow feels bad dude so we we we last location flu and then but we definitely lastly fluting quotes because a guitar was open when I when I last location this has just been an unfortunate see where is Master Sword Master Sword might have been what like you stepped mountains but relatively early didn't that meter the pond I guess I didn't do pot early [Music] it's an indirect where I'll hit a high cave pyramid and just hook shot around our throats let's get caught initially that is a big ol boomer oh man I completely forgot pressure mode sucks yeah I'm pretty sure it was in paradox it definitely had it from old warm I don't think I had it going up yeah like with where the flu was I didn't think I was running that winning this race no matter what obviously with where that bow was you know even more so but we got Lucy losing the Cross Keys and the miser pedestal goal earlier by one and a half seconds kind of sucks in Misco mode would have been crazy I guess like that makes sense cuz I've been looking for just the bow like it's just the bow in the flute her forever if you find the bow you get the flute be free [Music] [Music] in 1.5 seconds considered a draw only in the tournament in in normal races no oh yeah I guess if I I'm doing mystery races I'm gonna need to remember that agate our as items and restaurant lives I get ours always one of those like thumb things even a key sanity is everyone everyone else is done okay van be SRL cops [ __ ] I can't even cheat properly anymore I can't cheat [Music] Oh God Oh [Music] as our the rough one like okay this one was was definitely not because I did a seat before that's for sure I would have last location that boat no matter what [Music] the boots version of hereupon allowed any version of haripada slab trying to cheat against the rules trying to probably Don I didn't successfully sheet yes also whatever time I get in this race literally does not affect score anymore is I'm the last person to finish last location bow is an agonist power I forgot that retro mode means a guitar has items [Music] this is a competition and not a friendly race both all races are competitive even if they're friendly how much needed donate to get us another super mini more warm $1,000 [Music] [Music] you're saving up you'll hold me to it I mean if you paid $1,000 for gladly does that be like 100 bucks an hour probably like even though I already know what was coming I can't imagine me going through gte any more quickly as I did I would get the GGT more quickly and then I would just bash my head into a [ __ ] wall for probably the same amount of time probably like another like six hours oh god please don't I'm at two times speed how you game with the face physics I mean they both sound terrible if you do it all at once or overtime all at once I'm not gonna keep tracking that [ __ ] that on YouTube it is it's in two separate videos a nine-hour video and the like a seven and a half hour video that's entirely of cadence towers it's okay it took Ivan and I Ivan was the first one to GT by a bin I think we might have gone to GTA like literally the same time I honestly don't remember anyway uh but it was linked it was pretty much like eight hours seven and a half hours of everything else and then probably close to nine hours of TV GTE was excruciating get the eyeballs in my er were [ __ ] terrible and if I hadn't died in the last room of escape because [ __ ] killing a rat spawned a goddamned mold one that owned me order killing him will respawn de Mille Bornes not cheating I'm GT I need the big key the big key cannot be everything upstairs yeah it was rough and obviously like the eastern boss not dropping the [ __ ] reward sucked ass because uh you know just having to do Eastern over and over again for literally no [ __ ] reason it's up but that's fixed now so that wouldn't happen [Music] but yeah it was fun like like I like it was it was brutal and it was like very mentally exhausting but I legitimately had GT like the worst thing about GT was going upstairs like the [ __ ] invisible spikes were like the worst part about GT in terms of like super [ __ ] like the gauntlet was just hard but like it was super annoying just like dying a ton of times trying to get back up [Music] Oh ash order than I thought I thought it was like straight-up 16 hours it the first time I got off the bumper room I was so [ __ ] scared I completely forgot there was a spike there I was so heartbreaking [Music] you always - surely [Music] dude cape and burn over in here and like even though I ended up getting her I guess I didn't like they get safety items but I cheated back up to to the agate our early GT boss once I got out there like I just wanted to get up there once legitimately without the use of safeties and I did and I was super pumped about that like that's all I wanted I successfully did everything without getting his game or or team burger spot danced how we danced our son I wouldn't go an hour ago but can't stop lurking and II pop yes ooh she thinks the 200 bits to you Shane want I found it hey I need some more small tease you silver arrows problems rock I actually don't know this bike cave logic well enough to know like what health or bottles or whatever the hell is required for it I actually don't know I just do it whenever I can't know this is like hard item difficulty there's no more heart pieces or heart containers so a lot of things are just you know not in this version and then 10 keys are also just taken out of the game in in the normal difficulty in retro so like you need to know how to spend your keys properly and like potentially just go buy keys like needing to use the shops if you wanted to like do all of the dungeons you pretty much need to buy keys from shops I think maybe it's just five keys honestly no remember oh the key wasn't happening I guess that makes sense because I was [ __ ] on the keys for doing everything but Turtle Rock so that makes sense he removal should happen but it is not currently [Music] I also don't know exactly what's changed with the hard and expert motives anymore because they changed it a lot of my knowledge of like the random modes is just non-existent now because of difference differences [Music] other three twenties are hard containers and stuff our containers like extra mails doubled everything's can be yeah I ain't like this isn't different enough to other modes to really warrants you know interest from me like if anything is just like you're checking some random entrances looking for you know either a sword form to take any maybe some hell if I'ma take any or you're looking in random shops hoping to find a special shop that sells keys and low or in a row so you can use the boat so like overall it just adds not good gameplay in my opinion warranty plated I'd rather play a key sanity or an actual entrance shuffle over and going in instances is actually important [Music] [Music] but then Silver's at dough but then Silver's that though hey there's powder should I be a baby and powder in any fairy or should I be a man chat [Music] [Music] get away from me [Music] that's bike I didn't realize I knew I think I knew there was a spike there but I didn't think it was lined up with the door I just died in the mini-mall tarmac [Music] it's probably Silver's good on one of many ways I'm it [Music] [Music] [Music] oh yeah you don't see too many zero hits on anger especially in the first phase where he's guaranteed to shoot you a reflectable shot into the fridge yeah first cycle I guess [Music] I didn't get enough hits oh I'm still just barely gotten well my count might have been wrong I thought I got 11 I might have needed that last slash in the fire bat ring and I bet they were in Turtle Rock only the wrong bow [Music] oops Bailey [Music] no the I guess there was only one bow yeah that's a change in hard enough I forgot the track doesn't have to came you got where the boomerangs because I didn't click them it's probably done oh [Music] sorry I learn if like if I'm doing more mysteries you know the good old learning experience Oh God all right I don't want to see how many things like collected in this scene is it's over 200 so we're gonna we're gonna go read somebody she wanted this posted in my chat Jesus Oh God get that out of my life all right Who am I reading [Music] you all right I'm boy one of my favorite people in the entire world uh his playing slay the spire right now his name is a platypus max he's like one of the funniest dudes I know I just got rid of my chat also [ __ ] highly recommend watching him even if you don't like slay the spire or like card games or whatever recommend sticking around for a little bit at least checking out all of his wild [ __ ] alerts as they are hilarious and I love them greatly he's really fun he's a big ol variety streamer I don't usually get to raid him because he goes live pretty late since he lives on the west coast yeah go check him out he's super fun he yeah got them to follow whatever thanks for watching everyone I'll see you all tomorrow stream every day probably until we leave for Florida yeah thanks for watching one bye
Channel: Andy Laso
Views: 18,296
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, lttp, alttp, zelda, rando, randomizer, mystery
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 2sec (7922 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 30 2019
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