SMZ3 | Combo Randomizer Race - Normal Mode

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i'm pretty good while we how about yourself uh pork back fat thanks for two months of prime gaming heck yeah yeah but i'm racing yeah it's a relatively uh cluttered tracker for sure uh yeah race just for fun [Music] against uh break jake thanks much it still blows my mind that i'm people's favorite streamer honestly yeah i mean you know how many you know how many uh i guess let's get the money just in case you know how many streamers that are out there the fact that i'm people's like favorite out of everyone [Music] you know i don't know if it's worth keeping andy is my favorite streamer but you know everyone at least 12. [Music] uh drulox thanks for the nine months appreciate it [Music] you know it's definitely not something that like you expect to hear too often i don't think like as a streamer in general so it's always it's always nice to hear dude i cannot thank you [Music] it's like you know if you're working your you know you're working a job or whatever and your boss tells you like good job on whatever like you know you did a good job but it's still nice to hear sometimes [Music] still makes you feel good on the inside [Music] um okay so pretty pretty bland start you you watch lincus i think this has been blowing up a bit dude like the whole like minecraft [Music] stuff that's been happening like the last end of the end of last year into this year's weird see what's up nate [Music] and then people love the freaking breath of the wild 100 man i don't even know if i have like the stamina to do something like that even if it's over multiple days you know that's a lot andy minecraft win i've played minecraft like a total of two times [Music] it destroys them for like two days this way like 24 hour streams or like you know like they're fun because it's like a whole day of streaming uh but then you're like out for at least the next 24 hours right or like an 18 hour stream i could probably reliably stream for 18 hours and then also stream the next day like 18 hours is a long time but it's not like so overwhelming that i literally can't stream for like the next day or two you know [Music] i can't believe toushi is still like daily streaming we racing we're racing break jake [Music] why did i not take damage there that was weird uh we're just saying this today [Music] i'm having a good day off semester hope you're doing well too [Music] ten peeves already is fantastic zureko thanks to the four months of crime oh thanks um yeah how's everybody doing happy wednesday [Music] i had a meeting this morning with a tax man and that was exciting i figured it's probably about time i pay somebody to do my taxes for me [Music] appreciate good luck just pay turbo tax no if i had a normal i had a normal job sure turbo tax is easy uh i'll probably have like i tried it i have [Music] and i feel like paying a tax person will save me money when i have like five different 1099's i'm filing every year it's just like a lot of a lot of stuff to deal with [Music] hell yeah rags [Music] one of my friends uh moms is an accountant so [Music] free taxes [Music] well i have twitch youtube uh uh two bank accounts create a blend that does your taxes for you valverde and see i think it's the year who knows uh i have i'll probably get one from madrina's um and then uh radiance was this here as well so lots of like just having more than like one like income flow or like more than one source of income like makes taxes entirely complicated and i'm just like you know what god damn it uh which is fine it's not like you know i still have to do work uh but like talking to somebody who knows what they're doing in regards to like this uh you know this industry and like knowing what i can and can't mark off as like business expenses and stuff like that is really really nice how does it work uh twitch sends me uh two forms i get two i get like a royalties 1099 and uh in a services 1089 um and that's it so that i would have to if there's like expenses that i wanted to take out and like or like you know to write off as business expenses that would have to be entirely done by me andy work [Music] the 99s are not quite as uh as uh nice and neat and organized as [Music] w2's [Music] oh [Music] uh flute was in the damn [Music] they give me some of the expenses no so twitch twitch covers uh any transaction processing fees for partners in terms of us getting paid uh but they do not cover that fee for affiliates [Music] but we don't i don't know anything about that kind of stuff 15p [Music] i'm gonna try and get this magic deaton thanks to seven months man [Music] uh no we get a 1099 not a w-9 uh it depends on the type of screen transition binks if it's all in the same super tile yes things would persist but if they're on different super tiles then they would not [Music] [Music] hmm dude android has a bt tvf that sounds terrible [Music] uh hammer was in minimal concave [Music] okay so i have escape i can do go to sahasrara [Music] crystal green pendant good crystal [Music] i mean combo rando is completely different than like super metroid and link to the past or not comparable randomizers to the combo they're very different well uh he uses a different font to display more text to keep uh to be able to like keep the same number of text boxes as normal i think link's house was like super missiles or something um interesting [Music] well like so the the issue is like entrance randomizer like doesn't really make sense uh like for smz 3 one of the cool things is how using the transitions like you get around certain certain item requirements and if you're including like entrance shuffle on that like the cool things about smz3 aside from it just being two games combined or kind of gone you know because then you get access to like you know like you might not ever need meyer access in an smc3 with uh with uh entrance shuffle and stuff like that so like the cool thing about going to la norfair to get to admired like might not ever be a thing that's needed um so like i don't know entrance shuffle just doesn't really make sense for this kind of thing um i mean well i'm not like if i was worse at super metroid probably but i'm not bad at super metroid so i don't really care like the funny thing about the the gdp run that ivan and i did the co-op was uh that like just the way the items ended up falling i ended up doing more super metroid early and ivan was doing all the link to the past early which is like the opposite of our you know of our uh preferred feels i guess uh but [Music] yeah neither of us are bad at either game like i have a 48 like a 4802 in sm any percent so like you know i'm definitely not bad [Music] yo excuse thanks for the raid welcome welcome it going gamer escaping pretty pretty solid play how's your stream dude what have you been up to lately okay i tried sm impossible no it's not really my cup of tea [Music] no thanks caitlin you still on the big ol nmg grinds well ttp impossible uh doesn't exist and i don't know like the past rom hacks in general just weren't that great just choked pb hey i got a i got a hot uh 12702 yesterday uh yeah it was good um donate gift in a sub excuse welcome dude hope you enjoy the emails give a give date a big ol thank you [Music] dude i don't one day i'm gonna like sit down and watch how all you low 123 gamers do it because it still doesn't make [Music] sense [Music] um and so thanks man i should probably write down where space jump is uh no i found them early oh god no all right what's up chad we get to sit here and wait [Music] how's it going everybody [Music] this one quick um [Music] um i guess let's do this real quick how are your uh how are your runs going [Music] kayla i still think zost is an idiot for thinking this game is harder than super [Music] metroid [Music] uh okay [Music] oh let me how you doing girl you think all right [Music] it's a hospital it is i guess what's up jesus [Music] uh again ledge was uh was an e-tank [Music] all right so we're looking for a glove or morph ball pretty much or like mirror or hook shot okay there's that perfect [Music] yesterday when you never played ot vanilla yeah that'll happen zeuter is just like a very large game it's really not like even as someone who like knows a good bit about the randomizer in general 30 months that's awesome for interesting months [Music] hopefully she's fine the food is different and it scares her yeah i feel bad yo mark thanks for 30 months man i appreciate you [Music] ain't too much longer than that says smz3 yeah that's true but zuter is also one game all right i'm looking for two pendants and a crystal of info we got turtle rock thief swamp [Music] i don't know like i've literally never like raced a suit or anything i don't really have any uh i have no idea how i stack up against like your average super player [Music] we'll be we'll be stressing in a couple weeks about puppy stuff you know gets uh gets spayed at the beginning of march so that'll be uh [Music] interesting mean these are terrible no quick swapping smz 3 is a catastrophe [Music] good luck um ashley thanks for the 690. appreciate you thanks for the good luck all right so we got i want to do all of these the bottle there is really interesting gl and thanks for hours of content uh mr justice next the two months yeah we also recently just changed pets we're feeling a lot better about uh about our new vet thankfully [Music] all right so i can do pod pyramid catfish zora we have a lot of stuff i can do right now and i don't like it like it what's that bros off what's going dude [Music] i know right that's pretty funny so i went i called our other vet we think that our other vet was like they had like a call center and then they would just like do everything for the vet like whichever that we were we were picking uh and not like you know talking to people that actually worked at that specific vet location uh so when we got our new vet i went to go cancel our old appointment that we had for later this month and i was like hey i want to cancel our appointment and like oh is juno feeling better and i'm like yeah like dude didn't even know what we had the appointment for come on man what is this the appointment was for a pre spay physical she's a prodigy no dude now i have them terrible i need to make sure i don't die [Music] how'd your uh x2 runs go trunk dog [Music] okay you did good like doo doo butter hell yeah [Music] good old truffle butter it's okay i'm i'm i'm way more okay with getting more fall than uh than like doing random things that uh i can't complete fully in link to the past looking for golf ball i'm a-okay with finding more [Music] wavy all right waving morph before and grapple doing before doing anything in super metroid is really really nice been nice real question is can i beat this boss with four hearts and a hammer [Music] not a good start i ideally don't take damage at first okay uh [Music] no biggie uh i think or i think it has an item but i don't really care uh so tt1 the only way we go back there is if that has a required item or uh if something's on pedestal [Music] oops [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] this isn't a tournament race or anything for fun race [Music] so uh yeah early gauntlet is always a little spooky like literally one wrong move and you're dead probably [Music] uh uh i'm not sure what um what break jig switches but uh probably shouldn't be too difficult to find if you really want to me cheese whiz area nice silvers that's your new name me cheese whiz he's down there i think we're yeah we're fine here was expecting to get the item oh actually [Music] [Music] yeah we're good with 12. we are good oh that sounds gross feeling all right now we're definitely good 20 20 suits early is very nice [Music] shrimp [Music] yes it's all cheese good dude it's impossible to morph oh god [Music] team eh oh god um i want to be on supers here [Music] this game's so hard [Music] you guys are also ridiculous [Music] uh [Music] what's up sushi how's it going dude [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] what god please all right five peeves we're gonna bail on we're gonna bail on shaft supers for now i'm already out of coffee and my water bottle isn't here so sad so sad [Music] um let's see one two three i guess i have enough to check this actually [Music] i need one more to get out and then i can check uh first missile no big deal [Music] my samus not ouija cause i'm racing in this super serious race [Music] [Music] break your switch futon [Music] okay did i get a powerbomb drop from one of the pirates [Music] weird they definitely shouldn't have bombs anymore but you know it's okay [Music] weird um excuse me you setting up for some more uh some more uh clubhouse is that what's going on am i racing i'm racing i guess i wanted missiles here to kill this guy but that's fine sick of law moana yup sounds right are you are you done with the video game futon no i meant like are you done like now it all sucks yeah yeah it's definitely not a not a game excuse me for everyone it's also more fun when you're like playing it at the same time with somebody else i did not want to use a powerbomb there's because it's slow nice i love dodging all of the particles what game uh eeee i think i'm gonna um i'm gonna try to undermine later today no how did i lay a powerbomb there uh undermine is coming on the switch tomorrow i think and i got sent a key early i played it a little bit uh last night um just to see what it was like i'll probably start over and play on stream today what kind of game is it it's kind of like a binding of isaac e uh [Music] for the little i played it it was very not like projectile based like binding of isaac is came out last year on uh other platforms yes best mock ball in the game right there yeah well we'll figure i didn't play too much so i didn't get to see like too many of the uh the power-ups how did i i don't know what am i playing right now this is this sm z3 combo randomizer uh super metroid and link to the past at the same time you can find that link to the past items in super metroid and super metroid items unlike the past you don't have to obviously like that those three bombs are for zelda metroid goal is to beat both games that was a really weird ball question mark i've done this in two different gtqs did this at gdqx in 2017 at twitchcon and then i did this at like 2019 or something 2018 um well there's there's uh there's transitions to take you in between games so you know i'm not necessarily necessarily going to be uh staying in this game for until i can beat it just because there might be some items for in a link to the past that i need um and the transitions also allow you to like get to certain areas in both games before you get you know the normal requirements um like you can get here without morph ball because one of the doors here also leads to death mountain and link to the past you can you can bypass uh some item restrictions oh i can't do this yet i don't have uh bomb space speed or high jump yeah the four transitions are always in the same spots as well um [Music] i'm not sure alert not sure obviously futon and i are gonna submit a blue fire um as a race [Music] uh let's go here [Music] hmm i really don't want to go to potter [Music] eastern [Music] um [Music] uh no that would also be terrible if like doors just took you to random doors in both games because the game takes a while to load transitions between games would be a lot of waiting around for transitions [Music] interesting [Music] gravity is flipper locked [Music] i don't know if i immediately want to dive meridia [Music] just because it's not in logic yet but i also don't need to beat swamp palace so here's about flippers [Music] [Music] [Music] uh valentine's day plans we're uh doing stuff with kelsey's older man and her fiance this weekend [Music] foreign roof [Music] oh yeah rocco hell yeah if you didn't notice there i did a little uh little gravity jump to uh to scale the moat with no can fly [Music] [Music] i missed two feels bad please [Music] x factor round one is usually easy i'm just bad i usually doppel round two oh my god the quick eye close right slow sucks [Music] yeah the dopples really like doing the x factor round one they're all like relatively consistent obviously if you know how to do them um and then the doppel for round two is just like two missiles and a super which is really easy as well so you do you do the x factor and then you do uh two missiles before the eye starts moving and then you can do uh two more missiles in a super doppling so it's real real simple timers are timers are stressful it was hard for me to really do anything in majora's mask growing up uh do the timer like the timer i don't know it was uh not easy to do it's like a what an eight-year-old nine-year-old however old i wasn't when drew's ass came back [Music] [Music] it's an alien ghost it's also like i don't know not that it was like super cryptic but it didn't like straight up just tell you like hey you can slow down time doing this it'd be like you had to like talk to an npc uh like you had to talk to a scarecrow and like the scarecrows did basically nothing in other that was like super holy [ __ ] uh super useful so like you know i i don't think i ever learned about uh like advancing or slowing down time until i was older i don't think i'd talk to the scarecrows at all [Music] boom what [Music] what's wrong with the n64 construction there's like no games that use both the d-pad a ton and the the analog a ton they made it like relatively nice to hold for either or so i don't understand why it's like bad well we're never getting that sword and like for for the the few games that we did use the d-pad like it could be comfortable using you know it could be comfortable for both games that only use the d-pad um and for ones that use the analog yeah but what games actively are like you know use the z button very often when the d-pad is the main is the main button for movement you know it was okay [Music] i hate this that item if you don't have good can fly just sucks [Music] it was a lefty held the n64 controller upside down what why what does being left-handed have to do with flipping the controller upside down i think your friend was just stupid so would he would he flip this upside down as well like what like what is does he just play every game with an upside down controller like i'm confused as as as to what the actual reasoning was i'm also left-handed and i've never done anything that dumb i managed to adapt during crowd control and such what does crowd control have to do with anything i could hold a controller like a normal person decades before crowd control came out [Music] i'm just confused as all [Music] petition for real crowd control where pat just smashed the controller out of hands and puts it back upside down okay are you also gonna pay for paddy's flight to my house [Music] [Music] i don't think there is a steering wheel controller for a link to the past our first super nintendo i mean i really wish the the snacks had something like the power glove but it doesn't it'd be fun to do something dumb like that i have this really trash ascii pad that doesn't feel good to play with and the buttons are all terrible yo fool on the hill thanks for the gift sub the caffeine cafe welcome the pug farm welcome back hope you enjoy those emotes [Music] power glow was for the nes i said you know i wish there was something for the snes like the power glove and the power glove wasn't really on this nest [Music] so i don't think the super scope works like universally though [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] please can you clip into any part like that uh you need spin speed to do it that way uh but there's a bomb method that you could clip into nice theoretically any pot using that method uh no sword this is not an option the only options are pretty much like uh normal logic hard logic which only applies to super metroid and then like morph balls randomization they all lead to the same room absolutely not [Music] um i mean there's pots in the eastern palace that leads to eastern's fairy room uh the hair pots lead to you know like a lot of these pots you can normally drop down uh the only one that's like weird is hyrule castle takes you to ganon but only two of the spots in there take you to ganon the other two would drop you in the room next to ganon when you'd be [Music] stuck since the the main room of hyrule castle is a big pile transitions are always the same [Music] i think exclamation mark warps [Music] uh it tells you the four i think that's the command i don't remember how many tries is it worth uh i mean if you're not good at the spin speedway it's probably not worth trying at all i'd probably say if you're going for the spin speed method it's never worth to swap to the bond method if you're talking about like raw like how many attempts would it take to be faster probably like three or four before you start losing time to just straight up doing the bomb method but it's hard to it's hard to you know engage that accurately i just want to see what the stun drop is yeah messing up the bomb method is a really big time loss comparatively we're like you know messing up the uh the spin speed method unless you accidentally press the dash button uh and lose spin speed state uh you know it's like a handful of seconds if that before you can retry also uses no resources so if you're out of bombs you're not [ __ ] coming in here without a bow feels bad um i don't know i just i really don't want to do meridia right now [Music] oh why am i doing this question i don't have a mirror uh it's one item i tried smz free i mean gravity drops are free but it doesn't mean that it doesn't suck [Music] [Applause] [Music] andy oh my plug [Music] you're tina kiran thanks for the two months thank you i don't know randomizer online does not really interest me whatsoever uh only in hard mode spleeby andy love uh the rest of this dungeon's also beaulocked so we're guaranteed not beating this dungeon here [Music] back oh what thanks the 16 one third appreciate you um oh god i have red boomerang um in normal logic there's only the only things that are in logic are very very basic wall jumps basically anything that the game would teach like a new player normally um which is very very basic wall jumps like no short charging shine sparks and then in a horizontal horizontal um infinite bomb jumping because it's in the title screen i'm still not a huge fan of ibj's being in logic in normal but whatever so far we have ether and ether [Music] shovel or beau lance [Music] no compass either okay so pod has no more items hmm [Music] yeah online is just multiple people playing the same seed and you all have the same items it's just boring [Music] so [Music] uh yo nice i don't know like even like the shared inventory like lua script like i don't know sharing inventory is just very boring to me like i don't want to play like half a randomizer you know the only thing that's like moderately interesting to me in that regard would be like a speed run of it with shared inventory like watching zost and zenny do like two player sm any percent shared inventory is really neat because there's like actual routing decisions and stuff like that but like for a randomizer it's just to defeat the purpose for me i tried co-op sm i have not me and oats have talked about it a couple times and like maybe ivan or something um [Music] that's both items but uh we've never actually done it it'd be fun though [Music] sharing it was bad yeah that's what i said [Music] like if you're gonna play a randomizer why play half [Music] [Music] oops i went the wrong way what if you could play the good half [Music] why would you play half randomizer when there's a chance that you get the bad half and just to hate every second of it multi-world is fine you're not playing half a randomizer when you play more people [Music] but with shared inventory you're literally somebody does something and then you don't have to do it ever [Music] what's the fun in dance [Music] could be interesting to see a race between two teams [Music] just wanted to say good luck um i lost my train of thought i don't know what i was doing no bk mode i mean smz 3 also just kind of like sucks for multiple anyways due to bk mode [Music] but like i'd rather you know maybe be in bk mode for a little bit than play half a video game [Music] uh why am i doing this with just a green potion um i don't think hook shot saves me this [Music] much yeah no there's no way this is happening we can get to the bronc with 10 hearts and we take two more damage from there so hook shot removes two hearts three room is one hert of requirement um [Music] i i don't know why i thought i had a red [Music] potion [Music] please [Music] i'm not sure how it's set up for i honestly have no idea i don't know how it set up logic wise oh [Music] it's changed a handful of times uh over the years so [Music] killing you with these yawns i'm sorry i haven't eaten anything today besides a banana [Music] i think that's why i'm yawning is the the no food yo jesus man getting five subs first time welcome five new peeps to the plug farm we got mr hops quantum benz carl germ uh floop rich and marley kls you guys enjoy those you must give cheese whiz big old thank you what [Music] okay so from here i have pyramid [Music] [Music] what what i should probably just do meridian even if it's out of logic [Music] hmm [Music] gonna beat me the first time all right man we'll give you we'll give you four hearts and a hammer and see if you can be blind [Music] more fall was also in there in the attic and wavy actually pretty loaded these [Music] down [Music] all right so we got pyramid um eastern pod [Music] good obviously juno being sleepy is making me sleepy that's the real reason oh my god okay um [Music] [Music] hmm there's no items left in pod so i could come back later when i have better items to kill it with but that's fine we have silvers and a hammer so it's not really a big deal um what else do i need two swords and maybe bombos and that's it and somaria two swords samaria and maybe bombos i can go mode meridian that would be sick i need flippers for [Music] [Music] i already know where one sword is i really don't want to go get it but i will if i have to it'd be a very very slow sword to get [Music] thanks for the the sack [Music] uh no it's um it's the wreck ship reserve that requires speed booster and we need to go through bowling again [Music] and he bonked me this morning trying to reach yes it's very out of the way we'd have to go back the wreck ship and then [Music] back up through the attic back down through bowling it's just god a nightmare okay let's do eastern go mode eastern versus not go mode eastern is like not really different at all yeah not to mention also needing to find speed boost which i don't really need uh um eastern go mode versus not go mode is really not that much different um [Music] i'd also like more beams ice beam preferably it's the only other beam i really want to find but we have a ton of power bombs not a big deal um those mitts give me so i still don't logically have meridia access as well which is why i'm putting it off for so long um but the mitts do logically give me no fair access i'd also really like the mirror for space jump since we know where space jump is that's one item technically we're in sm go mode both suits in charge beam [Music] the only things we guaranteed need for link to the past as far as i know are uh two swords and maria [Music] so close to the god eastern did you know what's up jesus yeah i could say it's pretty funny having multiple people named cheese quizzes like regular viewers excuse me that was a big sneeze dude all of my big sneezes sneak up on me i hate it it's terrible [Music] bless your heart [Music] yeah all the cheese whizzes are here and even uh even the voluntary uh or the honorary cheese whiz uh me cheese oh god you ever just miss how do you use the 40k to sign someone out uh you click on it and then type the name of the person you want to timeout [Music] i'm also thinking about removing that option uh so if you want to use it use it while it's still there i guess um [Music] it was used in an unfortunate way the other day and i don't know how i feel about it anymore [Music] all right see you robo acres [Music] what happened uh we were talking in one of my grand pool 2 sessions uh somebody mentioned like not liking that style of game uh because i want to be the guy and i we were talking about or i brought up how i think that there are different styles of of like trolley platformer or whatever um and then somebody timed the person who brought that topic up out for 15 minutes for for spreading hate and so they just weren't allowed to be part of the conversation anymore uh which is kind of shitty um uh so we might just get rid of that i mean it's been an option for a long time so you know i guess i'm more surprised it took this long for something like that to happen i mean we wouldn't have to time them out at all it's just like you know nothing like that uh yeah they changed that portal to include uh i forgot that i can't even i can't go up that way uh just blame wally [Applause] like usually like people who are being shitty in the chat you know we'll get it and like you know where they like you know they're toeing the line between getting like a timeout anyways that was like the first time you know uh that was the first time that uh it's ever happened in that kind of way [Music] okay [Music] all right so if turtle rock isn't bombos then we're legit uh like can fly and uh two swords in samaria from i could get into ln lava diving but i'd rather i mean there's not really any way to do that cheese was i can't like modify things that people are typing wow vanilla that also like wouldn't really be that interesting [Music] [Music] all right we're just gonna go to meridia [Music] the only issue with that guillain is like it would also have to show up normally for moderators otherwise they can't moderate the chat that's why people who type in different languages we generally just time them out uh because it's impossible for my moderators to moderate all languages then people are like well i could just tell you what it says and then like no hey you could be lying uh no i promise i didn't say any profanities [Music] you can trust me [Music] just have the mods put it in google translate no oh my god [Music] okay thank the lord please don't hurt me yeah like it also just like doesn't really make sense from a chat perspective like why chat when basically no one's gonna be able to understand it [Music] [Music] oh this all sucks please give me a mirror or speed booster [Music] [Music] gravity jump is is pausing and then jumping like right when the screen fades out so that you have all of the upward um all of the upward velocity uh still but taking off the gravity suit makes you very very floaty in in water so you can kind of like shoot to the ceiling basically [Music] i haven't done this in a long time [Music] i think i got it too high [Music] no fine oh that one is uh too fast that one doesn't stop anymore either [Music] oh my god all right two swords can't believe [Music] all right so one sword is locked behind speed booster there's three others out there [Music] ideally i also get mirror spring ball would also help [Music] speed booster i really like speed booster for the sword would be like you know worst case scenario but i really don't want speed booster either [Music] i know just uh for fun race uh we'll come back for that so that gets me easy ln access no i went and saved again afterwards um oh wait i can't beat [Music] i can't beat dragon from here i don't have ice or speed uh so that was stupid um [Music] so i could try to crystal flash blocks [ __ ] that [Music] okay so do they know i'm racing now it's my opponent does the person who joined this race know that we're racing yes also yeah i straight up need a sword to uh um i need a sword to get into my iron turtle rock [Music] so and i need a sword to beat skullwood [Music] oh uh we know about one sword blandation and it's uh wrecked ship reserve uh samaria and mir were both in meridia which uh gravity was flipper locked space jump was also mirror locked which is meridia locked so i don't [ __ ] know what's going on in this [ __ ] [Music] uh samaria is also speed locked it was in uh it was in uh [ __ ] the aqueducts uh so even better this is the the hard mode seed of normal seeds okay uh speed booster or um speed booster or uh a sword for gumbo now we can also get all seven crystals [Music] [Music] so [Music] me once we got basically all my supers back oh my god yes [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] excuse me pick me up you idiot thank you yo getting us up to robo icarus all right [Music] uh looking pretty good at the moment not at the two hour mark yet we just need a sword speed booster feeling good we haven't even done any of norfair at all so we have a lot of checks coming since i literally just got my cam flying my friends um sure we'll get more power bombs not going to get more bombs though it's not worth it this late it's definitely not worth it that was morph ball bombs [Music] uh one of my swords is that wreck-shaped reserve tank which i am guaranteed not getting unless i get speed booster i would not go out of my way to get that for uh for tempered at all okay yes oh man nice that was a fun run but that run was at like legitimately six in the morning the night after the partner party so i was very not uh in the right smd mindset although that seed goes terribly either way it was a really bad showcase i guess book that that's like an actual useless book if there's a sword on the tablet i'm not going to be able to get it without master sword um and then i don't need it for desert access anymore since i just got the mirror uh i want to go this way do i want to do crocs yeah [ __ ] it let's do croc yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] why why is the door not opening unless it did open and we just didn't hear the sound hmm [Music] i don't know why that wrap around wasn't working weird [Music] no luigi samus today [Music] give me swing [Music] i'll probably keep plasma honestly that's pretty nice okay um nice dude no hygiene all right so oh i didn't even know ice cream was here i went into this room and just completely didn't even check mentally what the item was feels good um i definitely went into that room to check it [Music] um [Music] this is due meyer so there's nothing left in there for there to be a sword uh i could peep some desert stuff here um hmm and then like i could go be meridia and then it's what like one two three item checks that are in the way [Music] very interesting we're looking for a speed booster or a sword and like flippers need flippers to put a ton of this in logic [Music] yeah i can beat super metroid right now [Music] one sword is in super metroid that's hard locked by speed booster that's all i all i got information wise [Music] it's all right it's not bad [Music] i don't know why i'm i need to hammer there i'm too used to freaking item swamp quick swamp [Music] [Music] strats my pb smz 3 finishes in like four minutes or something a spacer doesn't unlock anything so spacer could be in gt uh so you know spacer can can be literally anywhere there's no no guarantee that it gets uh gets found okay so there's one item left in the dungeons either on the boss or cutscene chest and i'm not going back for cutscene chest [Music] yeah it's mostly like garbage rooms um nothing important gets removed the only important thing that got removed uh was uh an energy refill room but it recently got added back in yeah i mean it's definitely difficult to to get a good time in smz for sure like anything below 230 is like a solid time regardless of how good or bad you are [Music] [Music] [Music] all right meyer has one thing left [Music] i think i'm gonna bail on desert [Music] i don't have flippers i forgot i'm gonna bail on doing anything in desert but i'm gonna check this real quick i'm gonna flip to skull woods next [Music] anyways [Music] [Music] [Music] some general trolls yeah hammer hammer again is only in swordless otherwise hammer ganon would be faster than master sword ganon [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh thanks photo appreciate the kind words [Music] um hmm dude i wonder where these flippers are i guess they could be in turtle rock could they now my only way into turtle rock right now is uh this flipper locks is it no it's not that's a lie oh no samaria yeah yeah no i slipped a lot it's maria i don't need flippers or anything i forgot to go do ice palace i should probably just go to ice balance now we're only halfway up here [Music] [Music] heck yes i'm excited to go so two items left in here one item left in here [Music] i'm probably not going to full clear this dungeon either [Music] i hope that the item falls in my lap yeah we're definitely skipping ice t in this situation [Music] i don't know why i may need to hook shot there more uh more quick stop strats that i'm doing for no reason even though it's a crystal i mean i'm going to beat the dungeon i'm not going to check one chest that's out of the way okay i've got the third item anyways good good like if i didn't have all the items and it was a 50 50 between iced tea and the boss i'm just gonna go to the boss hope it's there and if it's not then but we got the last item anyways [Music] so [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] i can't believe how this seed has turned out [Music] where's flippers where's speed booster still no sword i have a sword i need a sword to do my original rock yeah my sword's also out of logic at the moment [Music] um i don't remember where the book was i don't think books and logic either [Music] sorry can fly's not in logic flippers for gravity for mirror for space jump gt cannot have any items that unlock things in super metroid [Music] yeah bull mountain's not in logic without speed or can fly which means cronkite is not in logic uh which means ice beam's not in logic i mean we can't get into swamp at all east town had three good items [Music] [Music] uh it is not it's just for fun [Music] yeah there's just no reason for me to go to my desert's not logically available either i'm very curious as to what [Music] um i guess king's tomb is a probable location midterm logic that's just a very very interesting logical seed [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah i woke in a desert until like after meridia probably just because there's three things directly uh when i figure the logic out i mean i'm probably not gonna figure the launch account likelihood that i don't find a sword in here and gt is incredibly low king's tube is probably just like flippers or speed booster or something most likely clippers but we're very likely to not figure out what the actual logic is at all [Music] oh okay that's nice [Music] that'll um that'll speed up uh the little of super metroid i have left i guess with grappling logic technically it could be x-ray as well [Music] uh [Music] down no like getting x-ray item like the item location not the item itself [Music] um it's either grapple or space jump to get the item location along with morph ball and power bombs [Music] um [Music] oh man [Music] i'll lead oftentimes for 34 months appreciate it [Music] yes right now we need flippers give me gravity which gives me mirror which gives me space jump which gives me lower norfolk access for my sword um is the chain that we're missing right now um or speed booster give me a sword [Music] [Music] all right [Music] will i find a swingy do [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] come on sword [Music] oh my god [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] just jump and press the b button [Music] uh [Music] also been a really really long time since i've had a sword uh go mode very very long time since this has happened [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm have so many bombs [Music] um [Music] 17 yeah i think something like that is correct sounds right [Music] [Music] good [Music] this is ridiculous dude [Music] so [Music] oh man [Music] uh [Music] is this going to be a troll seed he asks two and a half hours into the seed [Music] [Music] yes [Music] it's actually really bad i might die here [Music] oh my god i'm so good at this video game nice [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] wasn't even scared dude i just got excited uh to you know for sure i face it otherwise [Music] yeah it was for sure i'm basically an actor i mean me stopping to get that annie fairy uh messes with the lamola timings at least in the first phase i shouldn't have gotten more than two cycle uh but it made the the lambos pop out sooner than normal so i couldn't get a one cycle uh i already know where bug net is i skipped it they just pop out like the the uh normal uh like rhythm they pop out in is different so it's a little more rng based because you can't like uh easily just like pop off like arrow arrow arrow two of them come out too close together uh for it to be super duper easy if you stop to get the powder the bunny ring good old full clear gt [Music] oh [Music] nice [Music] sword work for zaga uh always [Music] you just in the vanilla game you normally uh have the masters already so you don't even think about it [Music] yeah that would be a a rom act thing parallel world is also a terrible rom hack so [Music] recommend not taking your game knowledge from that that hack [Music] do [Music] [Music] i should have just gone up this way instead [Music] i'm not sure if it works with uh with silver's or not i don't know if the the way it changes ancillary values is different than regular arrows [Music] oh you essentially put a lot of sprites on the screen in a specific way uh to um to basically override the splash animation from happening and the splash is what causes you to drown [Music] i'm finishing up an smzp this entrance out of logic uh i actually don't know pbs would work as well this is being restreamed no it's not [Music] most races are not re-streamed what's async mean asynchronous yes i mean yeah kumar why would you pick up like i don't pick up many e tanks when i'm in super metroid but you know well over half the checks are in chests and only to the past that you can't see the contents of before opening so it's not really like a choice i don't choose to pick this many up usually [Music] there's two tui tanks that i know about uh in uh and went to the past that i haven't gotten so i could see them beforehand but you you often just don't have the choice [Music] i'm gonna guess flippers x-ray and kingston are the only two locations in logic i'm pretty sure better left [Music] [Music] why would i check ped [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] oh no there's a couple more things left [Music] actually cutscene chess would be the worst location left not even a question heads not a bad location because you can check what it is [Music] um there's two more things in super metroid there's uh landing sites and uh [Music] landing site and x-ray [Music] everything else is done that i can do the only other check left other than that would be uh waterway and shack tool actually jack tool but stack tool still isn't in logic so oh god [Music] [Music] a speed booster directly leads to a sword so it's really wouldn't be that bad like there'd be no guesswork and just be like okay you know instead of me gambling on chess having swords i go directly get a sword laning site is the power bomb door in the top right of the ship screen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh adding another randomizer into this wouldn't really work [Music] [Music] so [Music] dude i'm not paying attention [Music] whoops [Music] [Music] [Music] it has nothing to do with that at all right the fact that this works at all is a crazy anomaly uh adding a third game would be like too large for any snazz cart to handle uh it would be emulator only essentially [Music] oh god absolutely gross oh that was in logic technically but flippers still are needed for gravity suits nice yes this is a very rare beat super metroid first seed since i'm already here oh there's no spoiler [Music] right oh ugh uh it's not gonna be a sub three see the two recent smz three seeds i've done have been absolutely [ __ ] dog [ __ ] oh my god i've known about that for like two hours crazy [Music] my goodness oh my goodness is that a puffer [Music] what am i doing [Music] what are you doing now um damn we got a ton of supers in that last group holy [ __ ] i um i did everything i needed to do in one planation but i didn't have enough time to finish it [Music] this game's easy dude oh i forgot [Music] i got that mother brain is speedy girl now [Music] [Music] so no not a ton over hp at all they just made the fight start more quickly this fight normally only takes 20 charge shots full beam combo is ridiculously powerful [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh spacer and plasma or knots uh are not usable together when you get plasma it uh replaces phaser um you could equip all five of them at the same time but that uh does some very not great things to the video game god i forgot how much lag timer actually adds to the escape sequence [Music] yeah that's how you do murder beam remember when murder beam used to be the best way to practice super metroid speed running good old days yeah i can't save the animals they don't exist [Music] you'd have to do a murder beam through a specific through uh going to the left i think in shaft super room and doing it properly would reset all game like the in the entire game and it was the best way to just like go around uh and like practice rooms and stuff like that uh rooms and bosses and things like that without having to like play through the entire game every time you wanted to get through a practice or get through a section of practice [Music] so flippers pretty much have to be i guess flippers could be on a tablet um flippers could also be x-ray fine [Music] [Music] what yeah the text is different than smz3 to fit more text in text boxes because some of those metroid things have longer names that way you still get the same number of text boxes as you would normally [Music] [Music] uh yes metroid's done already i don't know what [Music] um oh god what a terrible scene dude we did it [Music] was he looking for oh he's looking for bow that sucks hey spring ball was uh spring ball was in um he's looking for ether as well ether was in pod so he left pod because it was bow locked ethers and pods so he just needs to go back and be blind which really sucks [Music] speed was in purple chests how do you find flippers let's see [Music] yeah he has flippers i can probably peruse the vaude and see where flippers were [Music] there's no way they're in here there's no way they're in desert [Music] they're in desert what hold up hold up [Music] what [Music] desert had flippers oh no no that's fine speed booster uh speed booster and logic puts bubble mountain in logic which puts uh which puts the book in logic [Music] uh book was bubble mountain reserve i think so yeah that makes sense that's really shitty logic though really really shitty logic [Music] uh spike cave oh my god a sword was on [Music] pad ugh [Music] it might it might always say that i'm not entirely sure if the credits are modified or not [Music] yeah jake going back for a thieves town is a big question mark that's a really like that's a really really shitty check to do you probably do like literally oh he's back in thievestown hell yeah i guess he's already done swamp uh i wonder if he got his second sword from [Music] he probably got the the wrecked ship sword oh did he not [Music] hold up where did he do wrecked ship did you fan tune first [Music] he had speed booster oh he didn't get so he got another sword from somewhere um because he did not get the sword at that's really surprising having no sword and speed booster oh wait [Music] oh he didn't have enough power bombs to get that sword [Music] wow yeah so he got the ln sword where was his ms master sword his master sword was uh swamp big chest with big key vanilla so left side swamp for another sword uh so one sword is missing somewhere why is he going back to the attic oh he left after morph ball he just left um wow what a seed dude uh yo
Channel: Andy Laso
Views: 9,078
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, lttp, alttp, zelda, rando, randomizer, lttpr, sm, metroid, smz3, combo
Id: thBBguRNHxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 190min 18sec (11418 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2021
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