SMOOTH Speed Ramping - Hitfilm Express Tutorial

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in today's video tutorial we'll be showing you how to make some smooth time remapping in hitfilm express today's video tutorial will be rated three stars out of five on the difficulty scale and before we begin make sure to subscribe to my channel shiny films if you're new here if you want more video editing & filmmaking tutorials like this one and follow me on twitter at shinee underscore films today I was showing you the smooth way to do time remapping in hitfilm express but before that I just want to show you the normal way so let's just get straight on into it as you can see here I've just got my editor I'm just going to drag this clip in say into my normal timeline as you can see it goes on for roughly 12 seconds and if I want to change the time then what I can do is hit right click and speed slash duration and set a custom percentage such as 200% and it will playback at twice the speed and the clip has shortened to be half the length at only five six seconds but that's not very smooth time remapping and if you wanted to change the time remapping in between certain parts of the clip then you have to slice it like so and then change the bits individually which would not be too smooth you can also use the rate stretch tool down here and drag your clip like so and instead of trimming the clip this will actually stretch and squeeze the clip making it playback faster so example if we squeeze it like that it plays back at to 50% but I'm just going to go back to 100 because that's not the kind of smooth time remapping that we're really looking at you can use that for a lot of different purposes but today we're just going to be taking a look at some smoother time remapping and the way we're going to be doing that is using the speed affect the speed effect is really handy for a really big variety of situations but it doesn't work very well in comparison to the rate stretch tool for most things let me show you what I mean going to the effects panel and just search up for the speed effect and drag it onto your video now if I set the speed to be to it'll play back at 200% or it will play back at twice the speed which works fine if we just play it back but you'll notice that in the second half of the clip it just goes transparent and that's something that's pretty unavoidable because in this clip it's just put the whole clip into the first half and squeeze it into the first half but it can't really do anything about the second half and even if we try to trim it then what will happen is it'll just do the same thing again and we'll put this clip now into the first half of this clip as you can see here so that's not what we want to do at all so as you can see it works a little bit tricky in that way and again if we do something like point five so now it'll play back at half the speed then we only managed to get the first half of the clip because only the first half is being played back at this half speed and the rest is getting cut off by the natural boundaries of this clip and so the speed effect has its limitations so the speed effect might seem like a bad idea but the speed effect is super useful if you use it right because it's got this keyframe erbil value that we can animate and change over time here I've got this comp right open of just some music that I've got so I'm just going to play this Buffy [Music] it's some pretty sick beats we're going to be using some of these beats to time remap our clips to these certain sections in our video so I'm just going to play the video back and pause it at that first beat that's our first bit right there and what we can even do is if we hit right click options and show waveform then in our composite shot here we can look at the waveform in our timeline like so I'll just go to that frame right there and I'll just drag my first clip you just like so and now we can add our speed effect so just drag it on and I'm going to start keyframing the speed effect if you don't know how to keyframe then I'll go through quickly with you if we open up the speed effect and hit the little circle next to the speed value by the way in the 2017 version of hitfilm express you can only do this in the composite shot but if you hit the little circle next to the speed value right there then it'll create a keyframe for us in the middle hit and it'll activate keyframing if i just hide the clip so we don't get any like I'll just go to the next beat that's the next beat and if I just go ahead and change the speed value it'll create another keyframe for us like so and now we've got two keyframes and between the two keyframes you can see the value moves slowly from one to the other and in the middle here I'm just going to set a value of say 1 or something as well and at the beginning I'll set a value of 20 now let's just show the clip again and because he film is not very good at rendering and it'll playback pretty laggy if we just play back with the speed effect on like that so what we're going to do is we're actually just going to Ram preview this the way we're going to do that is just go a little bit beforehand and hit the play button with the little circle around it preview and it'll preview there for us and slowly render out each frame saving in a ramp and then when it's done we can just hit stop and the blue bit here will be able to play back all normal so I'll be with you in a bit or so it's rented past that let's just go ahead and play back and see what it looks like as you can see we have an animation of our speed right there and it looks alright as you can see it starts off pretty fast then slows down the middle and speed back up again and that's kind of what we want but what we can do is even further adjust what these keyframes are going to look like so if we just open up the value graph here like so then we've got our keyframes shown up in a value graph on the x-axis you have time like normal and due on the y-axis here you have the actual value in this case the speed and you can see it goes straight from 20 to 1 to 20 and if we just highlight these all and just select this little circle here at the end it'll convert those selected keyframes to manual bezier interpolation and now we don't have to guess the values between these two keyframes instead we can manually change it so I'm just going to zoom into the timeline a little bit like so and you can see these handles these arms whatever you want to call them you can drag them around and change what the interpolation is between the keyframes I'm just going to change it to be like this so we have our video going more slowly like so I'm just going to drag this keyframe a little bit earlier there we go and now if we want to see our changes again we're just going to have to vamp preview it again and make changes Ram preview and so the cycle continues our RAM preview is done let's take a look okay so it doesn't quite cut off at the end of the music there but that's fine I'm just going to keep overlaying some clips on and this way instead of shortening the clips I'll just overlay the next clip on top on a different layer and that way it'll kind of cut the clip below without actually changing it so I'm just going to continue the process for a couple of other clips and then I'll be right back [Music] anywho guys that's the final effect I hope you found something in this tutorial useful bear in mind the speed effect can be used for a lot of different purposes you can even use this you know this velocity this time remapping in you know whatever your cinematic vlogs or your gaming montages or whatever it might be this is super helpful in a whole number of situations but beware it is finicky so again there are the downsides and the good things to using it you can always go back to the ordinary rate stretch tool and that speed saturation if you're feeling that the speed effect is not working for you anyway I hope you enjoyed this video if you did then be sure to give it a like so that other people can find it and gain use from it as well if you did find it useful and you want other stuff like this be sure to subscribe to my channel shiny films if you want more video editing and filmmaking tutorials like this one and of course follow me on twitter at shinee underscore films i'll see you all in the next video stay shiny [Music]
Channel: Shiny Films
Views: 95,191
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tutorial, hitfilm, speed ramp, speed ramping, speed ramp tutorial, speed, hitfilm 4 tutorial speedup, hitfilm ultimate, how to do a speed ramp, speed up, premiere pro tutorials, how to
Id: tO-p27F4WTI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 10sec (550 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 19 2018
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