Hitfilm Express - Screen Pumps Tutorial

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's up everyone and welcome back to another hit film tutorial today I'm gonna be showing you how to create these screen pumps in hitfilm express today's video tutorial will be rated 3 out of 5 on the difficulty scale it'll be an intermediate tutorial so this screen pump kind of effect in hitfilm can be used for all kinds of things you can use it on footage like I've got here you can use it in gaming and videos for montages and that kind of stuff whatever you want to use screen pumps for you can use it for a variety of things you can even use it for graphics and logos and texts and that kind of thing but today we're just going to be working on it in this video and you can apply all of these concepts to whatever kind of thing you want to apply your screen pump to today we're going to go and do a couple of things so it's pretty easy if I want to show you the basics of how to screen pump but I'm going to show you the basics first with this kind of the basic screen pump then I'm gonna show you how you can kind of make a smoother screen pump if you want if that's what you're going for then I'm gonna show you also how you can add shake effect and make that really work well with your screen pumps and then I'm also going to show you how you can add these kind of flashes as well but yeah so let's go ahead and get into the tutorial so as you can see I've just got my clip here on top and then on the bottom I've got my my music so just go ahead and play this so I want the the screen pumps to start around there at the start and it's going to go throughout the entirety of this and then it's going to stop around here the first thing you should do is make sure you can see your waveform so if you can't see your waveform or you can't see very well here's a little bit of a tip if you go down to this little arrow the one that's pointing right on the right side of this mountain here if you just click on that first of all if you go to preview mode I'm actually click on full that way you get the full audio waveform if you click on none for example you won't get any waveform so make sure you click on full and then in audio size you can also adjust the size make it say extra large if you really want to see your waveform very well so that's what I'm gonna do for today's video as well alright so let's go ahead and get into it the first thing I'm going to do is the basic screen bump so let's go ahead and select our clip up here and I'm also just quickly going to move my controls panel by default it's over down here but you can do is just drag this up here next to the trimmer and what that'll do is will give us a much bigger and much wider controls panel then I'm just going to go and open up the transform and there's a couple ways to do this green pop so the most basic way is to keyframe this scale and you can see that if we increase the scale and decrease the scale is kind of zoom our video in we want to kind of animate this effect right to our music but there's also another way because if you want to do say rotation you'll notice that sometimes you have the transparent areas on the edge here even though I haven't scaled it in and sometimes you might want to do a kind of scaling out effect depending on what you're going for so sometimes what you can do is if it works for you you can search up for the perspective warp effect if we just drag that on I'll show you then we have the perspective warp is really good for a whole bunch of different things as you can see this is what the bulk of the effect does but if you just go to roll and z distance you basically have equivalents of the scale and rotation so if you go roll it's kind of like rotation and you go Z distance you can kind of zoom out or in like so so you can use these two instead of those and what that will do is it'll automatically as you can see here rap on X Y and Wexler's you can also choose tile if you want but reflector works pretty well and you can see it automatically reflects those so it kind of fills in those areas there however the downside there is you don't get motion blur so if you want to have a kind of more natural looking screen pump and you don't need any rotation or anything like that or you don't need to zoom out for example then you can just use the normal scale and rotation here and that way you can go ahead and open up clip properties and turn on motion blur as well and that will come into play when we're adjusting this scale so if you want to use a perspective warp you can we won't be doing in that in today's tutorial but I'm just gonna so show you that that's available option if you want to use that but let's go ahead and go into this scale and rotation in fact we're not going to go into rotation today we're just going to do scale just the most basic screen pump effect so let's zoom in with the zoom timeline over here and let's go to this first bit of music which we can see here now here them doesn't have any markers or anything like that at the moment but if we just go to the beginning we start playing this back and we just need to pause it exactly where we want our bait to happen it's probably better to pause it earlier and have at your screen pump earlier than later as I've fried with a trial and error and you can use the comma and the full stop keys if you want to go forward and backwards one frame that's really useful when you fine tuning so go ahead and select your clip and also go ahead and open up this thing here called this play timeline and that will display a little timeline for us which we can use to help keyframe key framing is how you animate in hitfilm and this is how you basically look at all your keyframes so let's go ahead and use the zoom timeline here and you can zoom to this timeline the blue area here is where this clip is so you can see the clip length over here and we could just gonna zoom in even further into this keyframe and you can see that as we move the playhead the playhead here moves as well all right so let's go ahead and keyframe and adjust the scale so go ahead and you can see the scale property here just go ahead and increase this on the beat make sure you're on the beat increase this slightly so up to you how far you want your screen pump to go in something subtle like 110 I might go from something like 120 just for the purposes of this tutorial and I'm just going to then hit this little circle next to scale this is what will activate keyframing for us and it will set a keyframe on this frame so go ahead and click that you'll notice that now it's blue which means it's keyframe is activated and there's diamonds appeared here this diamond is a keyframe and it basically says that this frame at this point of time the scale is set to 120 percent let's go back to frames you can use the comma key to go back to frames and you can do more frames or less frames depending on how fast you want your screen pump to be but let's just go ahead and two frames backwards now let's just go ahead and make this 100% as soon as you change the value it will automatically create a new keyframe with that new value let's zoom in here and you can see that we've got two keyframes and between our two keyframes the value changes from 100 to 120 percent that's pretty good let's go ahead and go to frames forward again and let's set it back to 100 and now we have a little bump or a little pump here which is our screen pumps let's go ahead and play this back and see what it looks like [Music] so that's your pretty standard screen pop and what you can do is you can highlight all of these using the rectangular marquee tool just by dragging like so and then hit ctrl C on your keyboard and it'll copy those frames let's play this music back and let's go to the next frame where we want a screen pump to be so this is where we want our next screen pump to be I'm just gonna go back to frames paste it I'm actually select the scale and paste those keyframes by the way if you have a mouse if you're using your mouse you can use the middle mouse button to click and drag to scroll left and right within the timeline that's just much easier than using this because it's quite a small timeline let's go ahead and play this back you can see it works pretty well what you can do is for example copy these keyframes I can now go ahead and do my other keyframes here well right now we've got four pumps in place let's take a look all right pretty good you can just go ahead and copy these again and paste them if you've got a beat that's similar as well but before I do that I'm just going to show you that there's other ways to create this keyframes so we can go ahead and make them kind of smoother to show you how to make these keyframes smoother let's go into the value graph I'm gonna hover my playhead over these keyframes right here I'm just gonna go ahead and click on value graph up here we're going to zoom into the timeline like so just resuming in on this one pump here on the x-axis we have the time like normal and on the y axis now instead we have the value so I've got the scale value and you can see it changing over time from 100 to 120 back again at the moment the interpolation what happens between the keyframes is decided by linear so these diamond keyframes means a linear interpolation if we select all of these and we select something like manual bezier for example it make them automatically look smoother for us so we have kind of a curve as it goes between these keyframes you won't knows as much of a difference right now because it's such a small time but here's something you can do to make your keyframes really smooth if you want I'm just gonna select for example this keyframe and just hold shift and drag it say 1 2 3 4 5 5 frames maybe out here I can do the same for this one let's go ahead and play this back and see how it looks you can see it's much smoother kind of animation right there but of course you also wanted to kind of be a pump right we don't really want it to be smooth at the top here so what we can do is select this and then click on these handles and just drag them down and that will give us this really big spike and the more you drag them down the more spikey your animation will get but you can see that now we have a smoother fall-off here and we can drag these ones in a bit as well if we so want let's play this back comparing the first one to the second one now so you can see this one's kind of more jumpy in and out whereas this one smoother but still pumping so whichever one you want to go forward you can go for that I'm now just going to copy this smooth pump I'm just gonna copy this over that all the different baits that I have here all right so finish making all of my screen pumps now I'm just going to talk about having shake effects and how you can use those to kind of enhance your screen pumps I'm quickly just going to exit the value graph and I'm just going to circ up search up in the effects panel for shake just drag that on to your video and there's two properties in here that I need to talk about the first is the mount and the second is speed and those are really the two main things that you want to focus on the amount is basically the distance so by default as you can see it kind of makes the video shake around like so if you increase the amount a lot it kind of moves a lot more in the same direction as you can see you can also use the speed to adjust the speed and for this kind of shake in the screen pump it should be pretty high because we want it to be really kind of jittery looking like so so we don't obviously want such a high amount now so we can reduce that and in fact we can start keyframing this to our music so we've got this a little bit in the it's build up to the first pump here so let's go ahead this bit here I want to kind of have that bit shaking before the pump starts so what I'm going to do is I'm going to keyframe the amount of the shake just here and then what you can do is select the scale property and click this keyframe and it'll go to the next keyframe of the scale property like so you can just click that twice until we get to the actual bump the pump here and then we can just increase the shake amount like so just something pretty shaky and then maybe somewhere here or something we can reduce it to something that kind of has a small shake but it's still kind of visible let's go ahead and go into the value graph and convert those to manual Bezier I also want as I said I want it to start shaking here quite a bit as well so I'm just gonna really lift that so it starts shaking and I also wanted to kind of have a pump here as well so I'm just gonna really lift that like so and I'm just gonna kind of smooth that out as well so let's go ahead and play this back and see how it looks like so that's pretty good so there's another one of those there so I'm just gonna copy these keyframes really it's around there I'm just gonna paste the keyframes like so and I'm also just gonna set the first keyframe here to 16 or 15 or whatever I set it to before what was that I'm just going to copy that keyframe and paste it here so we get that the same shake and just going to adjust the interpolation again like so you can also use flashes in a very similar way and keyframe some kind of brightness effect to go with the screen pumps as well you can use something like brightness and contrast that works well button also today just going to show you another trick if we use levels histogram we're gonna get a more flashy kind of natural effect so I'm just gonna drag this on after our shake I'm just going to go to a screen pump that I want a flash to be on so this pump right here I'm gonna have it flash so I'm just gonna open up my levels histogram and you can see that it's a bit complicated there's no easy brightness but you can see that input black and input white gamma are poor black and output whoa the one we want to use is input white it'll kind of increase the brightness in a really natural way from the top so you can see if we use input white it'll first start off making all the bright areas brighter and to leave kind of the dark areas relatively dark so we kept kind of like a flashy kind of effect if we used output black for example it would make it brighter but it would make all the black stuff it'll make all the black stuff right at first and it'll leave kind of the bright stuff where it is and there's not what we want so we want to key frame the input white in this frame right here I'm just gonna set a keyframe for like 0.7 or there abouts go back a couple frames like so and then make sure it's one again copy this keyframe one two three four five and one two three four five again paste that keyframe go into the value graph adjust that interpolation to make a bit more spiky every one and there we go time to copy all these keyframes and put it on all the other screen pumps as well alright guys and that is tutorial of course you can do a whole ton of things I've shown you shake brightness you can do basically any effect in keyframe it to the music and that's basically a screen pump addition as well I hope you enjoyed this video if you found it useful then be sure to like it and of course you can subscribe to my channel for more headphone tutorials and other content just like this I will see you in the next video stay shiny [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Shiny Films
Views: 48,229
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: screen pump tutorial, screen pump, hitfilm express, hitfilm tutorial, screen pump tutorials, hitfilm 4 express, hitfilm 3 express, hitfilm express tutorial, hitfilm express tutorials, how to make screen pumps, screen pumps effect, screen pumps, hitfilm, how to make a screen pump, screen pump effect, how to screen pump, hitfilm express free, hitfilm express 2017 free
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 32sec (932 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 17 2019
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