VIDEO INSIDE TEXT Effect - Hitfilm Express Tutorial

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today I'll be showing you how to put video inside of your text in hitfilm [Music] today's video tutorial is going to be rated one star out of 5 on the difficulty scale is going to be super easy for beginners but before we begin today's video don't forget to subscribe to my channel for more video editing and hitfilm tutorials like this and follow me on twitter as shinee underscore films for more constant updates then I can give on YouTube also make sure to enter these shiny films 15 K short film competition entries are due on the 5th of January 2018 and there are over $500 worth of prizes so really make sure that you give it a shot I'll leave a link to the entry video in the description below if you want to find out more anyway let's get into this video tutorial so the first thing you're going to need and the only thing you're going to need is the video clip that you want to use as the background inside your text so I've got it in my media panel here it can also be in your editor either way just right click on it and press make composite shot and just hit OK no need to worry about the details this will create a composite shot which is different to the editor because it's more useful for compositing and stacking layers one on top of another which is what we're going to be doing right now because we're going to be adding our text so just go new layer right here and then hit text and you can select your text box size I'm going to set mine to be 1920 which is the width of my comp and a size of 500 but you can always change this later then once you've got your text layer just go to the text tool up here and make sure you click inside you're inside the text box and just start typing as you can see I've already got my own custom font and font size down but if you don't then just go and highlight your text and go into the text panel down here you might have to go right a little bit if it's all the way over here or it might be somewhere there depends on your layout just make sure you are in the text panel and then you can change font font size and I'm just going to change my paragraph alignment real quick to make sure it's centered also the color doesn't matter because we'll be completely changing the color later anyway so don't worry about that also I should just let you know if you do want to change the text box size make sure all your in the text tool and just drag on the bottom right hand corner here to change the text box size anyway if you don't need to do that and you're done with your text just hit the selection tool right here and you've got your text now we're gonna learn how to put the video inside of it it's actually a really simple process and just involves one effect just create a new layer and create a new plane layer which is just a flat color layer really you can name it whatever you want but I'm just gonna name it plain because that's a really good name and you can choose a color of white meet gray black you can drop a color if you want or you can just choose a custom color by cleaning on the color here I'm just gonna make mine a pure white to keep it nice and simple and I'm just going to hit OK now comes the fun part go to the effects panel and such up for the set matte effect once you've got that just drag it onto the plane layer nothing happens immediately that's because we have to customize it so go into the controls and open up with these set matte effect your controls might be down here might be you know controls could be in different places for you depending on your workspace but once you've got your effects panel open and you've got your set map effect open just let your source layer to be that text and you'll notice that now this plane layer has kind of adjusted itself so that it's only visible where the text was because you see if we hide the plane layer and we hide the text nothing's visible if we show the text that's where the text is and if we show the plane it kind of looks like the text now so make sure you keep the text hidden and just all you got to do is instead of keeping it on replace just make sure it's subtract and that way it'll subtract the text from the plane and you'll get this white background or whatever color you chose with the text inside it behind here alternatively you can also keep on replace and just it invert but you know whatever floats your boat I prefer to keep it on subtract because why not but make sure you don't delete your text cuz it uses this as a reference so don't delete it just keep it hidden and non visible so that's the basics of it but as you notice in the little example I gave I also have this animation where it garden comes down and it shows itself in a really cool way and this is something that is a little bit more complicated but I'm still going to show you how to do in this second part of the tutorial so what you can do is just open up your text layer just open up transform which was like position scale rotation that kind of thing and we're going to start doing some key framing so key framing is pretty much a way of animation where you set keyframes which I'll explain to you now so I'm going to go one second in you can use this time here and just change the third zero from the back to be one and that's your one second in you can also just drag the slider to choose a custom time if you want I'm gonna go one second directly and then I'm just going to press this little icon next to scale and this little circle appears blue it's got this little blue circle inside of it and we've got this diamond here so pretty much that means that keyframing is activated and we've got a keyframe on this frame here and that means that the information that the scale is 100% will be stored on this frame just to show you what I mean I'm gonna go to the very first frame right now I'm going to go and set the scale just type in a new value to be 4,000 which is you know pretty huge now the scale is really big way beyond our comp is and we noticed that it's set a new keyframe here and between the two keyframes it's going to animate itself and go slowly from 4,000 you can see the value changing as well as the actual scale here changing going from 4,000 to 100% there but you'll notice something's kind of off because when it's so zoomed in it's actually zoomed into the space in the D here which means that it's still wide and we're not getting this smooth transition we want it to be completely you know we want it to not be visible at all at the beginning and we want it to be like this at the end but we want to be not at all visible at the beginning and so the way we're going to fix that is go back to one second and we're going to hit the circle next to position as well and now the position will remain in the center here but at the beginning we can change the position so you can change the position by dragging the value here or dragging on the arrow here I'm just going to drag in the value here until I've this point here which is where we kind of in the gap I think we're in the D here and now between the two key frames it'll slowly zoom out and you must it's really sudden at the end that's because of course it's been scaled from such a huge number so to fix this we're just going to highlight all of these key frames make sure you highlight the position key frames as well otherwise it'll be a little bit off skew and just select them to be a manual Bezier and that'll kind of smooth them out I'm not going to show you exactly what's going on actually I'm going to show you I'm just going to change the Matt Alenia and go into the value graph here if I just select scale I'm showing you this is what's going on it goes straight from 4,000 to zero but if I select it to be manual Bezier you can see it's kind of smoothed out like so and that's pretty much what's going on when we set all these keyframes to be manual Bezier it kind of smoothes it out it gives us a much nicer look and that's the tutorial all done with so I hope you enjoyed today's video if you did then be sure to leave a like subscribe and of course follow my twitter at shiny underscore films for more video tutorials and hitfilm tutorials like this one i'll see you in the next video stay shiny
Channel: Shiny Films
Views: 153,903
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hitfilm express, hitfilm, hitfilm 4 express, how to add text on hitfilm 4 express, tutorial, hitfilm 3 express, hitfilm express 2017, hitfilm pro, video editing, how to, free video editing, text, video, hitfilm 4 pro, free video editor, hitfilm 2 ultimate, hitfilm 4, express, hitfilm ultimate, how to animate text, how to use hitfilm, visual effects, compositing, editing, vfx, fxhome, filmmaking
Id: GFaiw2xiooQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 43sec (463 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 14 2017
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