HitFilm Express 2020: Step by Step Tutorial for Beginners in ONLY 17 Minutes

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In this HitFilm Express tutorial for beginners I will show you all the video editing skills you need to be able to make amazing videos, all of this in as little as just 17 minutes No time wasted, pure content. This is Eduard Stinga from VideoPlasty, and let's get started! Alright, so when you open HitFilm Express, this is the home screen Where you can see a lot of community updates, tutorials... and a lot of other cool things as well Here on the left, you can buy some add-on packs, because you know HitFilm Express is an amazing free software But they still have to make money somehow. So click here where it says 'New,' to start a new project Personally, I would suggest you leave everything else the same by default But I would like to use the 1080p Full HD at 30fps. That's my preferred preset So click OK and let's start a new project So here we are in the HitFilm Express video editing software And at first, I understand the interface might look a little bit overwhelming But just to give you a quick introduction... here on the top, right we have what it's called "Viewer" This is where we can preview our current edit and see how it looks like Here on the left, we have what is called the "Trimmer" which is a very useful tool, where you can have a look through the contents of a video or audio and add on the timeline just a small part that you want to use, not the full thing Here on the bottom left we have the Media Tab with a couple of other tabs that we're gonna explore as well It's basically where you import all the files in your project Here in the middle, on the bottom half, we have what is called the Editor or... also known as the Timeline This is where all the magic happens and all the editing happens It has one video track here and one audio track and you'll see later, we can actually add a lot of other tracks as well, depending on how complex our edit is And last but not least, we have this thing right here called the "Meters", which is where we can monitor the audio and see how loud it is on the left channel and on right channel So, I know that might look a bit confusing now when it's all empty So let's just go ahead and import some media You can go here and click "Import Media" Or what I personally like to do is I already have it selected in a separate folder And you just drag and drop it here And that is my preferred method So now if I click through those files that I have in the Media Tab You can see I get a preview here on top And let's go ahead and check out the "Trimmer", which is incredibly useful So if I play back this video, as you can see, it starts from 0s all the way to 39s Which is a bit long. I don't really need that much in the video So I'm gonna pause it here And you can use those two buttons to select what is called an "In Point" over there at this specific point in time And let's say we need the next couple of seconds That should be enough, and we can select the "End Point" or the "Out Point" here And now, when I drag and drop this here into the timeline It's only gonna be those 5s from here to here And compare that to dragging this... here on the timeline as it is, this is 40s And this here is just the 5s that I need for this edit So let's go ahead and select the other two videos, add them to the timeline, and add the audio file as well So as you can see the video files are here with blue and the audio here with green, to make sure you can differentiate the two of them So now let's move to some basic editing here on the timeline We have this thing right here called the "Playhead" Which you can move around at different points on the timeline and it's gonna preview the video and the audio Alright, so at this point our edit is pretty long here, all the way to 3:00 And we want the audio to be a tiny bit shorter, and the way to... shorten clips or files that are on the timeline is by going to the end of the file, and as you can see the cursor transforms into a bracket And then you grab it, and just move it like this all the way to here, but keep in mind this is removing all this content and makes the whole thing shorter But now I would say it's pretty small and it's hard to see what we're doing So it's time to use this thing right here, which is called a "Timeline Scale" You can either click those buttons to zoom in, or just use the slider to control it yourself And you can use this other slider to go all the way on the timeline from the beginning to the end for whatever you are editing But this is zoomed in enough so I can see much, much better what I'm doing So it's time to arrange those audio clips and just keep everything pretty short Alright, so pretty much each video is around 5s long now and I'll make the audio... ...around 15s long So if I go here on the beginning and click Play, let's preview and see how that looks Alright, you can also click Play/Pause here on the preview window by using the Spacebar It's actually an incredibly useful shortcut that I use all the time. So I notice the audio is... ...slow to start, so I want to remove this part right here, which is kind of silent So I'll just trim the audio file like this Move it to the beginning and then extend it at the end so it matches the video length Alright, now it's time to show you those tools right here Actually just a couple of them, feel free to explore all of them later So the first tool is the Selection Tool, which is the one I'm using You can move things around and it's incredibly useful Another really useful tool to have on is this thing on the bottom called the Snapping It's when you move things around without this Snapping thing on it just doesn't snap basically But if you turn it back on as you can see, maybe you want to move it all the way here, it snaps perfectly to the place where this one ends Or maybe you want to move it all the way back, but perfectly here, so it doesn't overlap the previous video and it's gonna snap very easy So I highly recommend you have that tool on Next thing is the Drag Tool, which is a tool that you can just use to drag through the timeline to explore and see where you are It's non-destructive you cannot actually move anything with it And the third one that I'll show you is actually incredibly useful It's called a Slice Tool, and you can use this tool anywhere on a video or an audio file and it's just gonna slice it in two clips. So now instead of the one clip of the boat, we have two clips and I can move this one around or delete it or do whatever I want And there's a couple of other ones that I'm not gonna show you, except for this one right here at the end which is called the Rate Stretch Tool and it's incredibly interesting So basically, for example, you have this video right here and you want to make it longer or shorter without destroying its actual content It does that just by adjusting the speed So for example, if I do this with a clip and make it double the length, it's actually gonna be in slow motion now So it starts at the same point and the end point, it doesn't actually destroy any of the content It just literally doubled the speed And you can do the same thing to speed up the whole thing So now, let's say it's gonna play in double the speed And still show us the exact same content, just much faster Alright, my computer is a bit slow to preview that, but I think you get the point So I'm just gonna reset it to what it was initially So a bit more basic editing here on the audio file You can see this white line that you can use to drag down to adjust the volume So now it's pretty soft, we can't really hear anything, so I'll just move it all the way back It should be alright, maybe a bit louder, but you know, play around with that And you can do the exact same thing here on the video It's a bit harder to see but it still has this white line, which is basically controlling the opacity And if you use the CTRL button or CMD button on a Mac you can actually insert what is called "Keyframes" So the keyframes for example control the value of the opacity at that particular point in time So this way it kind of starts at 0 opacity Goes all the way up to 100 and goes back down to 0 And we're gonna look at the keyframes a bit later, because you can use it for other things, not just the opacity Now I want to show you a new tab here called Effects And there are a lot of things that you can use here Of course, we don't have time for all of them in this video So feel free to explore, but I just want to show you a couple of easy ones Like for example, the "Fade" You can add an audio fade like this, and you can drag and drop it here in the beginning And do another one here at the end You can adjust the length of the fade like this and what this does is basically creates a nice fade in and fade out for the audio And now let's check it out That's incredibly useful, because if we didn't have this... It would just end up abruptly like this and sound kind of weird Yes, so definitely highly recommend that you use a fade for the audio and also, if you don't want to do it manually like I just showed you previously, you can add a fade for the video as well It's the exact same concept, drag-and-drop it here at the end of the video You know adjust the length and now it has a fade on the video and the audio as well Some other effects that you can use are, for example, Transitions, if you scroll down here to Video Transitions I'm gonna show you a basic one, which is a Cross Dissolve. So you just drag it over here And in this case if it's a transition, you want to put it in between two videos You don't want it to be just on this one or on this one You want it in between those two, and let's see how it looks I mean, of course, my computer lags right now, because it's recording this tutorial as well, but I think you get the point It's just a nice Cross Dissolve between this clip and this clip. Again I suggest you explore this tab a bit more There's a lot of other cool stuff that you can use, like blurs and some other nice effects Alright, so next I want to show you the Controls Tab Which is where you can change a lot of other values for the video or audio that you're editing right now So, here on Transform, we have a lot of very useful ones such as the position, move it right or left You can also do that by just dragging it around in the preview area Other things include the scale, you can make it larger or smaller and you can also use this to rotate it and, of course, you can insert a direct value yourself like this But we're just gonna reset everything and go back to normal And if you remember previously, I showed you that by holding the CTRL key on a Windows or the CMD key on a Mac, you can add opacity keyframes here And we have the opacity here on the Controls Tab But what if we actually want to add keyframes for other things, such as position or scale rather than just opacity? You can definitely do that as well, but you have to turn this on here It's called "Display Timeline", so you can see it better Make this a tiny bit larger, and let's for example, let's keep those keyframes here for opacity And as you can see We have the exact same keyframes right now here on this tab If you want to add keyframes for position, let's... say here, in the beginning You have to click this button right here that enables or disables keyframes for that setting So for position, let's say we wanted to start somewhere over here Add a scale keyframe as well to make it a tiny bit smaller And then as it moves forward in time, we want the scale to go to 100% And the image to move all the way here Let's have a quick look Alright, so that's a basic introduction to keyframes It's a pretty advanced concept, if you've never seen it before But it's basically controlling certain values and how they behave and change over time And the basic ones are: position, scale, rotation, opacity But of course, you can actually control keyframes for a lot of the effects as well But that's pretty advanced and we're not gonna cover in this video Alright, so the last thing I want to show you is how you can add text And the way to do that is by using this tool right here with an "A" And then you can drag a box here, for example Or if you didn't want to drag a box, you can just click anywhere here And just write... "Greece Holiday 2020". or whatever title you want to add to this And this is gonna create a new file here on another video track And for all intents and purposes, it acts exactly the same as all the other videos You can move it around, you can trim it down, make it longer, do whatever you want with it If you want to actually edit the contents of the text, you need to go here where it says "Text" It's kind of hidden, so you have to click to get to it, and then you can select all the text here and change the text font, for example, to whatever you want to use, Open Sans for example Make it bold Increase its size, do whatever you want with it And of course change the color as well, if you want to do that But, I think it looks pretty alright And here if we go back to the Select Tool, you can just move it around somewhere else And an important thing to understand in video editing is the order of the tracks here Right now, the text is on top of the video tracks, so we can actually see the text on top of the video But for example, if it was the other way around and we had this... ...video on top, then this video covers the entire text file right here, so we don't see anything But the text file is still there, because if we hide this track, it just reveals the text right there However, this video just covers the whole thing And that's how the order of the videos work on the video track On the audio tracks, if have multiple audio tracks, it's basically just gonna mix them, but for videos, that's how it works The one that's on top has priority and that's the one you see However, in this case you see both of them, because the text is just text and everything else is transparent, so it kind of reveals everything that's below it right here So when it's all said and done, it's time to export the video And before you do that, you got to figure out exactly how much of your timeline you want to export And to do that is your right click here and just set the contents, for example And this is gonna export everything on the timeline up until the last asset here You can also control this to export maybe tiny bit less For example, you might want to preview exactly this part right here in the middle But, in most cases you probably want to export the whole thing So, right click here: "Set to Contents" and now it's time to go here where it says View and click on Export So here on the Export panel We got a couple of things, we have our timeline that we just selected And you gotta click on this button, where it says "In/Out" or "Contents" And in this case, we will use "Contents" It's basically the one that we just selected Or you can also use "In/Out" and it's gonna export the entirety of the project length that you selected in project settings I believe, in our case it was 5:00, but I don't want to do that, you never want to do that So I'll just go with "Contents" and it just added a new task here in the queue And I would suggest you use one of those presets Of course, if you know what you're doing, you can feel free to create your own preset with your own settings But personally I would go with YouTube 1080p, it does the job, it's a good preset And here where it says output, is basically where you want this to be exported and saved on your computer I'll just leave it as it is by default, and when it's all ready to go, just click Start Exporting Alright, I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and learned a lot of things If you did, make sure to smash that like button and leave a comment to help with the YouTube algorithm Make sure to subscribe to this channel as well for a lot more tutorials like this covering a lot of different software And a lot of video marketing content that's really good So stay tuned This was Eduard Stinga from VideoPlasty Make sure to add me on Instagram as well, and I'll see you in the next video!
Channel: 🎬 Eduard Stinga (VideoPlasty.com)
Views: 234,801
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Keywords: hitfilm express tutorial, hitfilm express, fxhome, fxhome hitfilm express, hitfilm express tutorial beginners, hitfilm express 14, hitfilm express 13, hitfilm express 2020, hitfilm express 2020 tutorial, hitfilm express full tutorial, hitfilm express complete tutorial, learn hitfilm express, hitfilm express beginners, beginners tutorial, complete tutorial, hitfilm express course, how to, step by step, hitfilm 4 express, hitfilm, hitfilm express crash course, crash course
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 31sec (1051 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 13 2020
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