I tried using a STEAK CHEAT Code!

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thanks south chicago packing for sponsoring this video [Music] and this is the star of today's show wagyu beef tallow or better known as wagyu fat if you've never used this before let me show you what it looks like inside i mean take a look it is basically beef fat that is rendered to perfection and today my goal is to find out which way is the best way to use them on stakes is this going to turn out good or is it going to be a complete disaster that is going to be determined right now so let's do it and everything starts off with these new york strip steaks as you can see they are one inches thick each but most importantly the intramuscular fat is not great that's because these steaks are not prime they are actually choice grade and i got them specific for today's experiment if the wagyu beef tallow makes them taste better oh man we are in for a treat to season them i kept it quite simple a good amount of salt followed by freshly ground black pepper and garlic powder you gotta remember they are one and a half inches thick so getting the seasoning properly is a must like i always recommend make sure to season both sides but now they are perfectly seasoned this is how this experiment is gonna go down this very first one here we're gonna call it the control stake that means we're not going to be doing anything special to it it's going to be exactly the same as i always cook all of my sous-vide steaks the second one on the other hand we are going to spread the beef tallow right on top now i have no idea what wagyu beef tallow will do to the steak my hopes is that this is going to turn out fantastic but that is to be determined real shortly as there's all there's left to do is to back it up add a little bit of more tallow on the other side vacuum pack it and it's now ready our third steak there's not much to do that's because i'm going to be using the beef tallow to sear with it hopefully this is gonna let us know which way is the best way to use it but now there are steaks already you know we gotta have some side dish and nothing is better than steak and potatoes and since this video is all about experiment let's go ahead and experiment on this one as well everything starts off with these kind of potatoes they are small gold mini potatoes at least to me they taste a lot better than any other for deep frying and the awesome thing about it is that the skin is really soft so you don't have to go through the trouble of peeling them out now here's one important step do not cut them too thick if you do they're just gonna take way too long to deep fry cutting them this size will ensure that they are perfectly cooked and most importantly is not gonna take that long talking about that the next thing to do is to go ahead and fire up my stove in the cast iron skillet i added all of my wagyu beef tallow and that's because we're going to be using this to deep fry all of our potatoes to ensure that they're going to fully cook i started in low heat my temperature was about 300 degrees fahrenheit i let them cook under low heat for about eight minutes then i crank up the heat to high and put it at 400 degrees this will give me a nice crispy finish now remember this is an experiment with the potatoes as well so even though i'm cooking these in beef tallow i'm gonna do another batch in regular canola oil this way we're really gonna be able to determine if it makes any difference or not now one of the most important things as soon as you take them out of the heat is you gotta season them with salt make sure to add a good amount because once you have done so your potatoes are done now that is the perfect side dish to go along with steaks talking about that the only thing left to do is to go ahead and cook them since they are new york stripped and choice crate i chose 129 degrees fahrenheit for 2 hours that will cook them to perfection and i cannot wait to find out which one is gonna be best [Music] we got a snake's cookie and i cannot wait to find out which one is gonna taste better talking about that check this out everybody come on now this is an incredible product i've been using it even before they reach out to me to sponsor this video you probably seen it many many times on my channels already i've used it in google foods to deep fry a brisket and that was phenomenal i highly recommend you giving that a try it is incredible i've used it to deep fried chicken you want to take your deep fried chicken to a whole new level use this you'll notice the difference i promise you it makes it taste better no it doesn't make it taste like beef but it makes your chicken taste better i guarantee you and you'll probably be surprised of how much this actually cost it is not as expensive as you might think as you know the link will be on the description down below so you can check it out and if you try it let me know how you like it because this is magical stuff thank you once again south chicago packing for sponsoring this video highly recommend the link is on the description down below and once you try it let me know in the comment section what you guys think but with all that being said which steak is going to turn out better is it going to be the one with beef tallow inside or is it going to be the one that we're just going to baste it towards the end to give a nice crust and most importantly a nice wagyu flavor i have no idea which one is going to turn out better but i'll tell you one thing we are hungry the steaks are ready and it's time to take them out let's do it like always when you take it out of the sous vide bag it doesn't look appetizing everybody is not as great as it should be because it needs a crust as you already know i have no idea what to expect especially the one that i cooked it with the beef tallow inside i'm wondering if i put on my grill it's going to flare up tremendously well that's to be determined real quick because i am going to be finishing all of them on the grill so you're just trying to create a nice beautiful wonderful tasty crust don't go crazy alright not too much with all that being said i know what you're thinking i know my steaks don't look that good right now but watch this [Music] all right everybody here we have our beautiful steaks with some beautiful potatoes i am so hungry how about you andrew you know i'm excited but every time i see multiple steaks on the plate you got a little scared i do you shouldn't today there's no obviously there's an experiment because there's more than one steak but it's nothing crazy it should be good overall now here's one more thing these potatoes are also different i want to know which one you like better as a matter of fact let's go for it first potato cheers that's good good side salty soft and crunchy at the same time i hope that that is not the control because that is the control then i'm scared again now you're scared to see if it's going to be better all right good all right well let's find out right now you ready cheers oh this one's better i can't even i can't even like i don't even know what the hell it is don't make me laugh so hard i lose my breath bro it's not flavorful like yeah the flavor is more intense that's what i was interested in more intense but also a slightly different and you guys know why but he doesn't i'm not gonna tell him yeah i'll tell you in the end this is better okay let's go for this one are you ready because i really want to try something some protein in here steak and potatoes i got the protein in here smells amazing everybody like always soupy does a perfect job look at this doneness come on now come on now can't mess it up can't mess it up all right first one cheers everybody cheers i found it souffi steak tastes amazing i just love it it's just too too much of a cheat code sous vide is a cheat code it's for cooking it is it's too easy if you mess it up like we said you're messed up yes i'm wrong you messed it up you're mad bro that's the control as you'll see let's try the second one you ready i don't want to be mean yeah i took away the potato no that's all right i don't want to be mean maybe i shouldn't be having so many carbs you know what i mean that's the case all right i'll do steve a favor i'll keep him away from you shout out to my brother steve he's my personal trainer a lot of you been saying that i lost a little bit of weight all because of steve steve you're the man okay ready for the steak oh i went oh you went already no i didn't know i didn't oh and then i want to know if there's difference you already went okay oh man there is a difference that is like juicier and more tender and it's like i don't know i don't know why but this one's so much better the crust is like yes nice and solid like it's a good crust about this steak has a better flavor has a better crust juiciness it can be the steak whatever but that's the overall and a slight different flavor if you really pay attention i don't care what you food critics say this one is better but like tenfold like yes it's way better i agree we agree on that it's okay relax we agree bro that's good let's try this one because i'm excited for this one starting to get aggressive all right this one we're going to try together everybody because this boy hungry all right very last one cheers everybody hmm oh i see his reaction already the second one this is still better yes this one is more like diluted when it comes to the flavor i would take the control over that one i agree 100 with angel everybody this one has a little bit less flavor so now that we determine our winner which is this one here this is what this experiment is all about today angel oh you put some talons that's right wagyu fat you know to be specifically so yeah i got wagyu beef tyler you guys already know so this one here is the control as you know and here this one i just basted to sear and this one i actually put it in the suv bag anyway guys those are the results i highly recommend you using it to baste i also recommend you using this if you're going to do it on your cast iron skillet baste it also and if you like you know a little bit of thyme together with some garlic this should be absolutely ideal this is the big chest this is the best i know it tastes so good right i hope you enjoyed this video if you did enjoy make sure you give it a thumbs up if you're not a subscriber be sure to subscribe for future videos remember if you are interested in anything i use everything is always in the description down below for you thank you so much and we'll see you guys on the next one take care buddy bye
Channel: Sous Vide Everything
Views: 400,228
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steak, sous vide, cooking, how to cook steak, best steak, cheat code, how to make a steak better, wagyu, wagyu steak, how to cook sous vide
Id: buIuVUQD0b8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 30 2021
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