Grilled Tri Tip Steak Sandwich with Tomato Jam

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hey everybody I'm chef Tom with a tbq comm and today I'm making a grilled tri-tip steak sandwich so here in a little bit we're going to be grilling up this big beautiful tri-tip roast from Creek stone farms but before we can get into that we've got a couple other things to work on and I want to start with the tomato jam now this tomato jam is a crazy-cool condiment it's sweet its tangy it's a little bit spicy once it's all cooked down and it's gonna go great on this sandwich because there's so many things going on this is just one layer of the flavors but it's got so much flavor all on its own now let me show you what we're working with now obviously you need your sweetness when you're making a jam so we've got brown sugar we've got our Tomatoes here we've got some garlic some jalapeno limes for that nice tartness and then some really cool stuff in here this is ground cumin and a cinnamon stick and last a little bit of ginger we're going to start by quartering our Tomatoes and as we break these down we're going to be taking out the seeds and that extra moisture in the center these tomatoes have plenty of moisture in the flesh we don't need to add to that it's just going to add to the reduction time and we really don't need those seeds around so all of that stuff and just scoop that right out of there you got to bust through a little wall just bust through the wall scoop all that stuff out and then beyond that I'm just going to get rid of that little pissy core right there this we can chop down into slightly more manageable sized pieces it doesn't have to be real accurate because it's really going to break all the way down in the end so again we're just taking out the seeds if you got any hardcore pieces right here and get rid of that and then a rough chop alright so we've got the seeds out we've got the core out tomatoes are roughly chopped now they're going into the porcelain enamel cast-iron Dutch oven here we're going to begin to add the rest of our ingredients next we're gonna take a couple of limes we're going to get all the zest off the outside of these so we can work this into the jam and this really packs that lime flavor in there and now that I've got the zest off of both of these limes I'm going to squeeze all their juices into the pot as well next you're gonna get one jalapeno or really however much you want as far as the heat goes and I'm going to actually lead most of these seeds in so that we can get a little bit extra heat out of here and take out some of that bitter pith though so just knock this down to nice small pieces then we're gonna get our fresh ginger and take the skin off of there you can either cut it off or scrape it off you can do this with a knife with a spoon with a vegetable peeler any of the above will work but what we're looking for in the end is about one tablespoon of minced ginger we're also gonna add one tablespoon of minced garlic so with your garlic and your ginger you've got your aromatics and what this is coming together as is almost a really nice salsa except today we're gonna add about a cup and a half of brown sugar we're gonna add a little bit of cinnamon stick and some ground cumin cook it down into a jam all right so we're gonna go right on the side burner of the Napoleon pea 500rs a B so we've got the superhot infrared burner here on the side but we can really control that we're gonna start high we'll bring this thing to a simmer then we'll kind of even things out let it bubble its way along it's gonna take probably about 30 to 45 minutes for this to reduce all the way down the rest of the cookin that we're gonna do today we're gonna do in the chamber on the Napoleon I'm gonna set it up again today for charcoal cooking with our charcoal insert in place I just love cooking over charcoal on this gas grill it's just another element of flavor that you can add to your food and it's so easy on the Napoleon p500 I've got us loaded up with some love charcoal so I'm just gonna turn on the burners that are directly underneath the charcoal and this will just get the charcoal going once the charcoal is going we can shut those burners off and just use the charcoal heat so the jambs reducing the charcoals lit the tri-tip roast I'm not going to marinate or brine so we don't need to touch it quite yet I'm gonna do this cream cheese spread next if you think about how we're building this sandwich we've got the jam which is sweet its tangy it's got a little bit of heat we've got the tri-tip which is gonna be savory it's gonna have big savory flavors garlic onion that sort of thing so what I want to compliment this is something creamy and something a little bit salty we're gonna do that with the cream cheese spread that's also got some queso fresco some fresh cilantro and a little bit of green chili sauce so we're starting off with 8 ounces of cream cheese this is room temperature so that we can mix and spread it easily I'm going to add to that about a quarter cup of mint cilantro here's our queso fresco nice and salty I'm going to do a couple tablespoons of green aid we give this stuff a mix make sure it's evenly incorporated and then we'll just set it aside at room temperature so that it's spreadable when we go to build our sandwiches here in a little bit all right we're finally gonna get to that tri-tip man I love cooking tri-tip roast it's such a great cut of meat it's fairly lean but it's really rich and when it's cooked proper it's incredibly tender before we can get it cooked properly we got to get it trimmed up now you can see we've got a decent amount of fat here there's definitely some extra stuff that we don't need to be chewing on on the top of here if you want to leave your fat cap on go for it was just cooking right but this is all going to be pretty chewy so I would get rid of it now the other advantage to getting rid of some of that fat obviously as we get some seasoning down to the meat and that is a pretty solid fat layer right there all right I'm not gonna go crazy on this but we are gonna take it down to the meat there over here I'm seeing some of this extra stringy stuff we don't want any of that and if you check this up close right here you'll notice that that's some really tough like silver skin material there so we're gonna take that whole bit off there's a little bit of meat involved there but mostly it's just really chewy all right so there it is all cleaned up it's not hard to tell why they call it the tri-tip right we've got this boomerang shape going on but this is ready for some seasoning now all right we're going to need a little bit of binder so I'm going to use this green aid once again honestly I can't get enough of this stuff I'm putting it on everything these days it's great on your eggs it's great in burritos great on tacos and it's definitely great on try too okay so just a thin layer of sauce and then we're gonna hit it with our rub which today is the Oakridge barbecue santamaría seasoning and santamaría seasoning and tri-tip steak these were made for each other I mean the flavors go together perfectly this is the cut of meat that they're cooking out in California with the Santa Maria seasoning so I'm not kidding when I say that these were designed to go together all right it's a nice fine seasoning it's gonna need a few minutes to set up to the meat really work all that garlic and onion and black pepper flavor into the meat so let's give this a few set up and go check on the grill all right look at that charcoal rocking away we definitely don't need any gas heat under there at this point so we're just gonna slide the grate back over this is pretty much ready to cook on anytime we're ready to cook on it all right our jam is simmering away you can see the bubbles they start to get bigger as it reduces that means they're getting more syrupy that means the reduction is gone further and that's exactly what we're looking for but at this point you want to be really careful to make sure that you don't scorch it so turn your heat down if you're rocking too hard or you're gonna end up with blackened crust around the edges you want to go slow all right so this is 45 minutes or so into this process you can see we've cooked out most of the excess moisture this is a very syrupy consistency and this is exactly where we want this to be now we ended up with the heat on low to make sure we didn't scorch it and I just want to transfer this to a bowl so that we can make sure to cool it down a little bit if we leave it in this cast iron it's just gonna stay hot which would be all right too but we want it to just be more room temperature rather than scorching hot and of course we can go ahead and fish out our cinnamon stick all right so we'll leave that there and get to grilling the tri-tip before we get the tri-tip down just gonna hit the grapes with a little bit of fat try and prevent any sticking got that nice sizzle that's exactly what we want to hear when this goes on all right we're sitting at about 450 degrees on the inside of the grill so if you're cooking this on your gota or something like that that's where you want to set it 450 with your grill grates and the goal here is to get some really nice color on the outside you want those grill marks you want a little bit of char we're gonna flip it and get that on both sides and if we're not to 125 yet at that point we move it indirect to finish now I really like where the consistencies at right here this is thick but spreadable if you find that it's too thick or too condensed you just add a little water to thin it out and no big deal now I want to get a little bit of taste and see if we need to add some salt or any additional seasonings mmm that's really good it's sweet just a touch of heat really not too much there but I think a little bit of salt would go a long way with this so we're gonna hit it with just a pinch that should really bring everything out all right really nice color on there we go ahead and give this a flip and get some color on the other side we're using these bolillo buns today for our sandwich I really like these because if you listen nice and crusty on the outside but they're super soft inside I'm gonna add just a little bit of fat to the inside before we toast them so spread a thin layer of mayonnaise and you can do this on any bread that you're toasting like in a skillet or on the grill this works just like butter to add a little bit of fat a little bit of extra moisture and it crisped up really nice all right we've got good color on both sides we're gonna try and get a little color right over here now now we've got all the color we want on the outside of the tri-tip roast so I'm gonna move it off to indirect heat over here these two burners they're completely off so all the heats gonna come from the left side we're picking up no more color we're just gonna raise up the internal temperature until we get to 125 so we've got to close the lid to let it finish out now we're just creeping up on 125 so we're gonna pull this any minute now which is why I'm getting our buns toasted do not fall asleep on toasting your buns because they will scorch in no time this is just perfect now creeping up on 125 we're gonna pull this thing off and let it rest the tri-tip is often rested it's been 5 or 10 minutes now we're going to get it sliced really thin and build our sandwiches so take a look at this thing and you want to look for which way the meat fibers are running and you can see the muscle fibers right there they're going this way so we want to go at a 90 degree angle a lot of times with tri-tip I'll cut it right in the middle because it's a long slice and I'll show you just how that works but there's our muscle fiber here's our angle and this is where it gets difficult to slice such a long slice so it's often a good time to divide it but here you'll see got some good pink and the fat end cooked all the way through at the thin end that's a proper slice of tri-tip right there so I'm just gonna divide this right here and at this point you'll have one in that's much more done and one in that's much more rare which is great if people want to pick and choose how they like their steak and the aroma coming out of this right now just fantastic now don't let this juice get too far from you these slices they should be dredged in all that juice because there's tons of flavor in there alright so you got your toasted bun bottom side we're gonna go with the cream cheese spread top side that's our tomato jam and then we stack the steak sin Lee slice so we can pile it high and one last thing for a little more Tang I've got some quick pickled red onions be sure to check out our tips and techniques video on how to pull these off and I'll include the recipe along with the rest of this one that's it right there have I ever told you guys sandwiches are my favorite food group look at that freaking beautiful just layer on layer I got to dig in it's everything we planned poor guys excuse me it got a little messy it's sweet its savory the creaminess I love the Tang from the pickled onions can't do without the pickled onions great crunch from the bread but it's soaked up all those juices that's ideal you guys got to go I'm not done hey thanks so much for watching be sure to check out ATB BQ comm for all of the products featured in today's video and we'll be sure to include those in the video description down below if you enjoyed the video please hit that subscribe button and if you have any questions or comments oh there's anything you'd like to see me cook let me know in the comments section down below and hey let's be good to one another for more recipes tips and techniques head over to the sauce ATB BQ comm all things BBQ where barbecue legends are made
Channel: allthingsbbq
Views: 199,929
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tri-tip, grilled tri-tip, tri-tip sandwich, tri tip sandwich recipe, best tri tip sandwich, tri tip, tri tip steak, tri-tip steak, steak sandwich, sandwich, recipe, cooking, food, kitchen, sandwich recipe, tomato jam recipe, tomato jam, all things bbq, all things barbecue, atbbq,, chef tom, grilled tri-tip steak sandwich, how to grill tri-tip, how to grill, how to grill tri-tip steak, napoleon grill, p500rsib, p500rsib-1, gas grill, charcoal grill
Id: 4NgjUht2b-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 32sec (992 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 06 2018
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