Umami Bomb Brisket

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everybody I'm chef tom with h-e-b BQ comm and this is new mommy BOM brisket today I'm going to be smoking up a brisket flat that is packed full of flavor and that flavor is umami now ooh mommy's one of the five basic tastes along with sweet sour salty and bitter blue mommy's right there it's the one that we consider savory you think of cooked meats cheeses rich brats those kinds of things are all mommy and we're gonna pack ooh mommy into this brisket it's gonna come off with incredible flavor in the end and you're gonna get these great slices that are perfect for any special meal or just whenever you're ready for something mommy all right guys what we have here is an 8 and a half pound brisket flat now you can see right here where they trimmed off the point took some of our fat cap with it that's fine got a little nick in the in there you know what this is a brisket flat and all it's mediocrity but this is a really available piece of meat which means it's something that we should know how to cook so what we're gonna do to this thing is just trim it up a bit we want to get the fat pretty even on the top here I'd like to leave a little bit behind on the bottom side we can get rid of some of this excess fat as well but we're not gonna go crazy on this thing we're gonna pump it full of flavor it's gonna be fantastic one of the reasons that we want to do some of this trimming is at first glance you might not catch that little membrane there something that was left behind that you certainly wouldn't want to chew on and it's not fat so it doesn't really have a nice mouthfeel so we get rid of anything that just looks a little bit out of place anything you don't want to chew on later on one thing you might come across when you're buying just the flat is that some of the point meat has been left behind now that's not much to make anything of but you can see that the fibers are running this way versus the flat where the fibers are running this way we are going to trim around this a little bit I'm just going to take this edge off where I have this thick fat so I can kind of see how much of that is left behind and you see a little bit of a line there in the fat there's not much there so we'll just trim that little bit of meat off all right so that's kind of the last of that little bit of fiber from the point there then we'll just leave a decent little bit of fat on here we can't give it a quarter inch all the way across the surface like I'd love to but we can't leave a little bit behind where the butcher has left us the opportunity to do that so we will for my taste a little bit of that fat cap it's just right too thick not so pleasant but just a nice thin like quarter-inch layer is great we're not trimming this thing for competitions so we're just cleaning up a little bit I feel good about where that's at you know just to give our rub to kind of a little something to grab on we're gonna score the fat here some little crevices for the rub to creep into and these you'll hardly notice once you get to slicing out your brisket at the end next we're gonna prepare our injection so we're gonna start with one cup of stock you could use vegetable stock you could use beef stock or you could even just use water because the next thing that we're gonna add to this is our butcher BBQ prime dust and this stuff is essentially just powdered beef stock and a bit of salt so that's gonna add tons of umami from the beefiness in that beef stock and that powdered beef stock beyond that what we have are some shitake mushrooms now these are dried whole shitake mushrooms that I've thrown into the food processor and process down to two tablespoons of dried shitake mushrooms shiitake and mushrooms in general also high in that umami flavor as well as a couple tablespoons of soy sauce again hittin the umami bomb so quick shake everything's pretty fine it should dissolve really easily and before we get our injector into the liquid I'm going to pour off a quarter cup to add to the wrap later on alright so we're going to start at one into the brisket and we're going to work our needle in there create a little pocket start to pump some of that injection in you should see it kind of balloon up a bit and come back out and then we're gonna work our way down the brisket in a grid pattern doing this same thing over and over again now don't worry some of that liquid is going to come back out and that's fine you really can't over inject this because it's going to start to push it back out when it's got enough in there and trust me even though you see it coming back out far more of it is staying inside the meat and running along those fibers so that's why when we see the fibers going left and right we come in at a 90 degree angle pump it up and the juice runs right along those fibers of meat so we've got a little more than 8 ounces of injection when you think about everything that we've added and that's a really great number to go off of one ounce per pound eight and a half pounder we're right there and the next thing we're going to do is build the flavoring on the outside of the brisket we've got that injected full of lots of flavor and it's gonna add a lot of moisture which is great when you're cooking a lean piece of meat like the brisket flat it's a really good idea to inject it now for the outside we're gonna continue with the umami we're also gonna add some funkiness we're gonna use a miso paste so a fermented soybean also rich in umami but very funky delicious it's gonna add a great little binder to the outside that we can put our rub on and for our rub we're gonna be using the Plowboys bovine bold fantastic beef rub fantastic barbecue rub that features a bit of celery and celery is one of those flavors that's also very high in umami so we're gonna pump that up with a little extra celery seed so I've got a cup here of the bovine bulb and we're going to mix into that two teaspoons of celery seeds give that a quick shake alright so we're gonna dig into our miso here just go right on the surface of the brisket and spread that around thin now a lot of what we're doing here has quite a bit of salt in it so we're not gonna go super heavy on this this is a big piece of brisket and it will soak up a lot of that salt flavor as it cooked so I'm not too worried about it being over salty but there's nothing wrong with just a little bit of moderation as well big flavors in moderation for the win it hit the edges here before we flip this over let's just give this a minute to kind of set up get attached to the meat now this is looking good so let's flip it over and get the other side and we'll start with our miso great binder and we're gonna come in with our bovine and our celery seed all right that looks perfect let's let that set up and we'll get it on the smoker now today we'd be cooking on the Yoder smokers ys6 40s pellet grill we're gonna be running it hot today at 300 degrees because sometimes you got stuff to get done sometimes you've got a window of time to get stuff done in if you want brisket for dinner you might have to cook it fast typically I'd cook a brisket around 225 to 250 great smoke flavor it moves slow enough that you have a nice window of doneness in which you can pull it off and it's not underdone and it's not overdone so that's the thing we got to focus on today so you want to make sure that we get all the smoke flavor we want and we want to make sure that we are locked in on that doneness window because it's going to shrink as we cook at a higher temperature now when you're cooking with a pellet grill the air is moving fast at all times no matter what kind of pellet grill it is that air is being forced through there right and the way that differs from another grill such as say a kimono style grill or an offset smoker the air is not moving as fast on those so the smoke sits on the food for longer it gives the illusion of a smokier flavor but really it's just a bit of a heavier smoke that's sat there for a longer period of time now when the smokes moving fast and you want to increase the amount of smoke flavor on a meat what do you do you just add more smoke so today we'll be using an amazing tube smoker that's filled with hickory pellets to put off that extra smoke that we need they'll give this about 30 seconds of flame and then just let it burn out on its own all right our brisket has landed fat side up it's not super significant to be honest when you're cooking in this situation there's no real reason to have it on the top or the bottom whatever is the most comfortable for your situation is fine I'm gonna insert our probe into the thickest part the dead center of this brisket so now as always we wait we wait for the bark to form we wait for that beautiful color on the outside we wait for all that smoke to soak into the meat we wait in the meantime I'll be monitoring on the fire board app to check our internal temperature by the time we wrap we're expecting it to be 155 to 160 we're gonna get it wrapped up in foil nice and tight with that extra injection that we saved back from earlier we'll get it wrapped up and finished off well we're four hours into the smoke on our brisket this thing looks beautiful the internal temperature is reading right around 165 and I tend to think about 155 to 165 is about where you want to wrap but really we're doing that visually so let's take a look just beautiful I mean look at that crust that's warmed on there all of that liquid on the surface that means this thing is really starting to break down I mean it's tough still we're gonna expedite that breakdown process now by wrapping it so we're going to go right down on double sheets of heavy-duty foil and remember we saved back a quarter cup of our injection that we want to add now to the wrap so what's going to happen here is we're gonna wrap this thing up super tight and all of the liquids that are melting out of the brisket as well as this little extra liquid that we've added it's going to start to braise the brisket and break it down until it's super tender so I want to wrap this thing up just as tight as possible and we'll go back on the grill with all right so we're gonna throw this thing back on right where it was I flipped it around just to keep things even we want to get the probe right there and the deepest part of the thickest part so for now we'll close this back up and just wait for the meat to break down guys we've just crossed the six-hour mark on our brisket smoke and this thing is ready to come off I'm gonna show you guys what we're looking for when we're looking for doneness suspect especially in the flat you definitely don't want to overcook these to where they just fall apart but you certainly don't want to undercook them either a lot of times people think oh my briskets too tough I must have overcooked it when actually what happens when you have a tough brisket is that you have undercooked it so we're looking for that perfect window that we talked about earlier I'm gonna show you where that's at now following along on our probes this has come over the 205 mark now we're going to open this up so you can actually see the brisket itself the temperature is a good indicator of doneness but probe tenderness is really what's gonna tell you is my brisket fully cooked so as we insert there should be a little bit of resistance you see it moves just slightly but for the most part there's very little resistance going on here especially when we get to these thinner parts so that's why we kind of checked that thickest part first by tenderness standards I'd say this is ready and we're probably at about two oh nine to ten time to pull it off we got a lot of juices collected in here we want to make sure to capture those because we want to run our slices back through them so make sure that you don't spill that juice because that's liquid gold well here's our rested brisket it's been about 45 minutes since we pulled it off the pit we're gonna go to slice this we want to look and see which way the meat fibers run so I can see those meat fibers going this direction which means we're going to go at a 90 degree angle in this direction we'll just get right into the thick of it here start to cut us some slices thin enough so it has a nice mouthfeel but should be pretty tender we don't want them to just fall apart either just take a little slice out of here yeah I'd say we caught that just about right huh let's check out that tug move and get much better than that oh wow you know for all the seasonings that we put into this thing nothing is overpowering it's just a savory feeling all the way around it doesn't lean in one direction or another you think maybe with me so you might get some of that Asian feel to it it doesn't have necessarily Asian flavor profile it's just really highlighted that umami aspect of the brisket I mean we can just see that the surface is glistening with juices but that hang is the real tell I mean when it folds over like that without falling apart that's what you're looking for all right before we wrap this thing up one critical step in this whole process when you're serving to a group is you really want to be able to keep the slices juicy and keep them warm and one of the ways that you can do that is to take your braising liquid put it into a shallow pan because that right there is 100% flavor to keep it warm and then as your slices come out just go ahead and store them right there in the liquid so now when you're serving you're gonna start serving slices out of here that are just coated and all of that sauce look at that just dripping with brisket juice thank you guys so much for watching be sure to check out AC BB q comm for all the products featured in today's video if you enjoyed that recipe hit the subscribe button if you have any questions or comments or there's anything you'd like to see me cook let me know in the comments section down below and let's be good to one another for more recipes tips and techniques head over to 80 BB q comm slash the sauce all things BBQ where barbecue legends are made
Channel: allthingsbbq
Views: 157,309
Rating: 4.9150109 out of 5
Keywords: atbbq, all things barbecue, all things bbq, allthingsbbq, bbq, brisket, smoking, grilling, smoked, pellet grill, yoder smokers, yoder, umami, barbecue, beef, christmas, savory, recipe, the sauce, chef tom
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 7sec (967 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 10 2019
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