Smoked Sous Vide Thick Cut Pork Chops

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[Music] so [Music] [Music] hey everyone how you doing today my name is eric as always i want to thank you for coming by and checking out my video today on this episode of smoking i'm going to show you how to make smoked sous-vi thick cut pork chops now one of the great advantages of cooking thicker pieces of meat with the sous-vide technique is that you're going to guarantee that you're fully cooking that meat no matter how thick it is the only thing you have to do is make sure you cook it long enough at whatever temperature you're cooking at to fully pasteurize the meat from edge to edge usually now if you have a big thick pork chop like i have here these are almost two inches thick if you did it traditional just do it on the grill in order to make sure that inside of that pork chop is cooked you're going to have to really overcook the outer edge and that kind of dries pork out so this is a great technique to use if you just got a sous vide machine and you want to cook pork and taste it like you've never tasted it before because we're going to cook it at a little bit of a lower temperature than normal but it's going to be totally safe to eat and it's going to be so juicy and full of flavor so i got six thick cut pork chops here that i got from my local butcher down the street j and e meets i'll leave a link below to their facebook page and if you live near chippewa falls wisconsin i would highly recommend you go check them out they're a great group of guys over there and everything i've had here has been absolutely delicious and we're going to keep it super simple here we're going to season them with some salt pepper and garlic uh and butter rub for grillaholics i'm going to cold smoke them for maybe an hour hour and a half initially just to get some smoked flavor into these pork chops i'm going to soothing cook them and then i'm just going to finish them off on a very hot grill and like i mentioned if you just got a sous vide machine you're looking for something to cook that's really going to demonstrate to you how awesome the technique is and to taste the pork chop like you've never tasted before try this recipe so stick around i'm going to show you how to do this step by step let's get cooking [Music] okay so the first thing we're going to do is season these up i just kind of rinsed them off under cold water and i put them on a rack here because it's going to make it much easier to remove from my kettle grill when we cold smoke this okay and like i mentioned before this is the gorilla holics this is a brand new rub they just recently came out with it's salt uh pepper uh garlic and butter as well and i've read a few people as reviews of it it it's highly recommended so that's what i'm using i'm going to keep it super simple so you know how this works here it's not very complicated we're just going to season these really nice and these are very thick so don't be concerned you know that you're going to over season them and then you know i gotta mention you know the i am cold smoking these first to get some smoke flavor and there's a big controversy i should say controversy but differences of opinion in the suvi community about whether it's better to smoke before suvi or smoke after suvi now typically i like to smoke after suvi uh better because especially on a big piece of meat like a brisket or a pork shoulder or a pork loin uh you could sous-vide cook it ice chill it in the bath or even put it in the fridge overnight and then slowly bring it up to temperature uh in your smoker this allows more smoke to penetrate the meat and it allows it to develop a bark but since this isn't a huge piece of meat i mean they're thick cut pork chops i'm afraid i'm not going to have enough time to really incorporate some smoked flavor so i'm going to cold smoke them first and it's very cold out today there's like even though we're in april there's a little bit of snow flurries outside so i'm going to just use a smoker tube and i'll show you exactly how to do it if you have a pellet smoker that just has like a smoke feature smoke only or if you can set it on the lowest possible heat setting we really don't want to cook these initially when we smoke them we just want to have them absorb a little bit of smoke flavor okay so you're going to turn them over and do the other side as well and i'll do the sides as well and i'm just going to let them hang out here on my kitchen counter while i go fire up that smoke tube this stuff smells really really good and uh if you're interested in checking out grillaholics products devon over there was nice enough to send me some of his products that i've reviewed in several of my videos uh if you want to pick up some of this rub or some of his grill brushes or some of his other barbecue accessories i'll leave a link below where you'll get a 20 discount i'll also or you could just use the code smoking barbecue to automatically get a 20 discount uh when you check out so i'm going to continue to do these and on all sides and then we'll be back in a second i'll go outside fire up that tube i'll show you how i'm going to cold smoke it without a pellet smoker be back in a minute all right guys here we are april 18th believe it or not i don't know if you can see the snow falling but snow is falling it's starting to kind of cover the grass a little bit so this is what i want to show you here if you don't have a pellet smoker where you can set it on a low heat i buy these pellet these are the pellets that you use for your pellet smoker and you can buy these at any barbecue supply store these are apple flavor and i picked up one of these big tubes this one i actually got at target and you just fill this tube whoops with the pellets and then we're gonna light the pellets on fire we're gonna put the cover on it and it's gonna slowly smoke these pork chops when i put it on here without having a whole lot of heat that's the secret so how i do this now i'm gonna pour a little bit out i'm gonna put one of these uh starters in here i'm gonna pour a few pellets on top just to kind of we just need to get the pellets started i'm spilling them all over the place i'm gonna let that go for just a few minutes to get that top layer of pellets on fire and then we'll close the lid and then i'll go get the pork chops so we'll be back in a second okay it's been a couple minutes you can see there it's starting to light those top pellets so what i'm gonna do now is i'm gonna put the cover on it and you'll see now it's going to produce some smoke i'm just going to lay it on the side over here and we're just going to give it a minute to kind of catch so i'm going to put the lid on it right now we'll be back in around 10 minutes just give it enough time to catch those pellets on fire so it produces a good smoke we'll be back shortly it's been around 10 minutes i don't know if you guys can see this on camera but there's a very light smoke coming out which is exactly what we need so when i take this off you'll probably see a lot more smoke yeah you can see it coming from the tube there so this is perfect we want a nice smoke we don't want to over bear it with too much smoke just like so let me go grab the pork chop okay and if you have a rack to put the chops on it makes it much easier to take on and off your grill or smoker so i'm going to put it on the other side of the tube try to make sure there's enough room between the chops so smoke can absorb on all sides of the meat just like so and now we're just going to put the cover on it and we're going to put the open vent over the pork chop so the smoke can travel across and come out over here now i'm going to try to get an hour and a half smoke on this i'm going to let it go for 45 minutes i'll come out in 45 minutes i'll check to see what's going on i'll probably flip the chops give it another 45 minutes so that's it guys i'm going inside because it is cold and snowy out here and uh yeah we'll be out here in a little bit all right it's been exactly 45 minutes again i don't know how well you can see this on the video but there's just a nice amount of light smoke coming out which is perfect so this thing's been lit the whole time i haven't opened it let's take a look all right i picked a good day to cold smoke for sure so you see that thing smoking very well so i'm gonna do now is just flip these over you can see they've taken a little bit of color and then another 45 minutes now this is an optional step obviously guys if you don't have a smoker you don't want to hassle it you can just souvie it after you season it boy that's a big chop they smell smoky i can already smell them all right now i'm just going to try to make sure there's enough space between them these things are pretty big they barely fit on this rack okay there we go another 45 minutes oh it's cold out here i'm going inside guys see you then all right it's been exactly an hour and a half or 45 minutes since i flipped them all right look at that you could tell they're taking on some color i'm going to go ahead and move these inside and we'll get them in some plastic mags and into the sous-vide bath meet you inside all right here they are i just brought them inside they're still very cold so this was definitely a cold smoke experience you could tell they got a little bit of color so i got my uh vac master sv10 sous vide machine i'm going to cook these at 140. it's going to take a few minutes to get up to temperature this thing's a power horse if you're looking for like the top-of-the-line suv machine this is the one i did a video review i'll leave a link below if you want to check it out but uh yeah let me get these uh in some plastic bags we'll be back in a minute okay here we are with the pork chops i put three chops in each bag that i'm going to vacuum seal i did apply just a light dose of that salt pepper garlic butter rub on there because it didn't look like it was completely covered and now i'm just going to put some rosemary fresh rosemary since this doesn't have a lot of other spices in it i'm just going to kind of put we don't want to overpower it rosemary is pretty powerful but if we take a couple branches of the rosemary and i'm going to flip those over and put another one on the back side and then i'm going to vacuum seal these and then we'll be ready to throw them in the sous vide bath now feel free to experiment with different kinds of uh flavors here different kinds of barbecue rubs you know stuff like that but there you go i'll go ahead and seal these up we'll be back in this here they are vacuum sealed i'll throw them in the bath in just a second all right guys i have my water bath sous-vide bath set to 140 degrees now since these are almost two inches thick for an inch and a half pork chops to be cooked at 140 you have to go one hour and 55 minutes for two inch two and a half hours two and a half inch 3.35 and 2.75 inch thick a full four hours so you know what anywhere between two and four hours will work since these are closer to two inch i'm definitely going to go uh probably three to four hours so i'm going to set my timer for four now we just drop them in here got a pretty big big load here i vacuum sealed them on both sides here and i'm going to rotate them since they're kind of standing on top of each other here you know what i'm going to do i'm going to get a clip here that's what i'm going to do give me a second all right since i don't really want them on top of each other what i'm going to do i think it's just gonna clip the top one hopefully i can get it kind of like where it's suspended the water's hot like this so it'll still be under the top layer will still be under water yeah perfect in fact that i'd go a little bit lower just to make sure grab the camera show you what i mean as you can see here's the pork chops let's kind of give you a side view here you can see i've uh pinned the top one up with the hooks and there's the bottom one and i got a rack under there too so uh this will allow water to circulate around both sides of the pork chops if i just laid them on top of each other we wouldn't get full circulation so this is a pretty good idea here by clipping that top bag and then just letting that other one sit on the rack on the bottom so that's it guys i got four hours here i'm gonna start right now four hours and 140 degrees now i can go relax enjoy my day we'll be back in a little bit all right guys you know what time it is drink review time another one from shirley brewing company out of minneapolis galaxy gate says it's a pale ale and let me see here it's uh 5.5 alcohol all right so that's what i'm having this is my son kyle and my daughter ava grace i already poured eva grayson because it was a big bottle but she's trying tropicana peachy pineapple paradise drink so that's what david grace is having and then kyle is trying something new we tried the regular nitro pepsi but this is nitro pepsi vanilla draft cola and these are the new nitrogen infused cola smaller bubbles smoother taste is it only the original vanilla or today of butter flavors too this is the only two i saw at the store so i don't know i have to look it up then all right so let me open this because last time it let me see if i could pour this for you because last time it went that's what crazy remember uh thick cut pork chops 38 minutes left yeah i know that's why we kind of get messy oh look so now the cola doesn't overflow but the beer does last time it was the beer look what happened okay that's all right i just noticed that i know and so did he well that's okay all right there's yours kyle and then let me grab a napkin all right let's see where the pouring part is all right as always guys i appreciate you watching the video thanks for watching no i'm actually explaining smelly smells like vanilla cheer cheers all right guys cheers wow pineapple like a strong almost too strong wow it's very sweet sweet and tart not what i'm expecting at all i don't taste any bitterness from hops but very strong in the sweet department hmm and that's not my favorite all right paper grace um so this is good for any time for like any time i'm thirsty but this is actually really good it's actually really shuffle how do i explain it it's just how do i ever explain something oh be careful don't knock it over you're gonna read the description on the back or no you're looking for sugar sugars it's 19 grams i always take that i always check the sugars but that's for eight ounce glass okay i want to make sure it's not too sugary in it it tastes like flavored water a sugar juice concentrate all right cow how's your nitro vanilla draft soda so obviously since it's the same thing as the other vanilla in it everything i said if you watch the other video is the same for example yeah carbonation tastes like it's almost like a foam and it's kind of like in a sphere and it's not uh but with this it almost it almost tastes more uh the the pepsi tastes almost more like spicy than it normally does not like it's nice like the vanilla it's very spicy it's like a spicy vanilla and the vanilla it almost tastes like there it you don't taste it at first but you taste it it's like an aftertaste almost tastes like ice cream oh all right and you drink yours again okay good guys i definitely have it again all right good as always guys i appreciate you watching we'll be back in a little bit when we take out these pork chops in a little bit you almost did the end you almost did your outro all right these are done i'm going to put them on this rack to kind of dry a little bit and then all we're going to do is sear them for a couple minutes on each side out of my charcoal grill i'm going to go out there light some charcoals get it all ready and we're also going to save this liquid because we're making some mashed potatoes and we're going to make a pork gravy and we're going to incorporate some of this juice from the pork it's going to have a little bit of that rosemary flavor you know in it as well so let me cut these out try them off we'll be back in one second all right here we are i got some leftover coals here oh it's cold and it's windy and i don't have a jacket on so see how windy it is all right yeah we're gonna let this get nice and hot all right now i'm just gonna put the grill on there the grate put that on there keep the vents wide open all right be back in a second all right here they are on a wire rack i dried them off very well oh man they smell very smoky perfectly cooked uh i'm gonna take them outside get them on that grill we'll be back in a second all right here i am these coals are nice and hot i think i'm gonna do three at a time i'm gonna put them over here because i got a spinning grate very convenient here so we'll do the first three these are the first three i'm just gonna spin them around like this let's get them a little bit closer together directly under those hot coals give them around a minute minute and a half and then we'll flip the meantime i'm gonna put the other ones back here so we can just spin that great all right guys be back in a minute okay i just been using this grate to kind of focus on each chop individually and try to get a little crisp it's been around uh probably almost two minutes here so i'm gonna flip this around here we're gonna check out how these look here let's see oh yeah look at that oh yeah i'm gonna move this one i'll put that one in the center let's see and look at this beautiful sear that's what you want to do it's been around two minutes so i'll give this around the same we'll flip them back on the other side here and yeah we'll be done in a few minutes one thing on this side all right i think this is just about done let's spin it around now we'll flip these over see what we're looking at oh yeah here we go perfect man oh they smell good too all right finish these in around uh a minute another minute this side maybe a minute and a half whatever and dinner will be served here we are look at these things just resting on the cutting board oh nice and juicy i'm just gonna let them hang out here for a couple minutes and we'll slice into one and give them a taste all right welcome back i'm here with my son kyle my wife monica hello hi come on let's get a sample this is so good i put some of the drippings we uh made some gravy like packaged gravy but we're just dipping it in the stuff from the bag oh the flavor the rosemary just go like this oh it's gonna be good yeah it's almost like a it's like a porn french dip oh my gosh oh can you taste the smoke it is so good oh just enough that it's not overpowering perfect you taste the smoke yeah it's not overpowering though it's just the right amount of smoke this is tender too oh my gosh that pork is juicy huh yeah it is it's not dry don't be afraid if you see a little pink you know because i cooked it four hours so it's more than pasteurized but oh my gosh i can't even put just how amazing this tastes the seasonings you chose were perfect too yeah what is it um link below to get the grillaholics uh salt pepper garlic butter rub it's really really good very well i am one lucky wife to have a husband that can do this all right what do you think tom any any words for people that's as much as you get out of a 14 year old that he likes it he's mowing it this is really good he's eating it that's a good sign yeah this is really good though huh as always guys i appreciate you watching the video if you like it please hit the like button the little logo on the bottom of the screen there if you click that you can subscribe to my channel which i would greatly appreciate and i'll leave a link above and below a little white box up there oh my gosh to go check out my website we'll see you next time thanks for stopping by man this is good it's really good bye
Channel: Smo'King BBQ Tips & Recipes
Views: 5,782
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cold smoking, cold smoking meat, sous vide, sous vide pork chops, sous vide pork chops boneless, sous vide pork chops bone in, thick cut pork chops
Id: 9Uk5IMbXfas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 18sec (1458 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 30 2022
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