Sous Vide Basics: PORK CHOPS and SAUCES

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[Music] welcome back to suva basics with googa today we're gonna take a look at pork chops but not any regular pork chops we're going to be looking at restaurant style pork chops and these are the star of the show as you can see it's not a regular pork chop like you find it on the regular supermarket because no most of the time what they do is they remove the bone and they also cut it really really thin and I'm a true believer that if you're gonna cook sous vide pork chops it has to be a little bit thick another thing you want to keep in mind is the fat if you take a look at the fat of the tomahawk one it is very nice and thick whenever you're buying it make sure you look for that fat because we're gonna crisping it up and it's gonna taste fantastic so the smaller one is one and a half inches thick almost two inches but it doesn't get there the other one is almost three inches but I wanna just let's just round it off and call it two and a half inches there are two ways for you to cook your pork you can either go savory or you can go sweet since we have two of them I think it's best for me to show you how I would do both of them either way that way you can pick whatever one is best for you this smaller one right here we're gonna be doing sweet and then the larger one we're gonna do a savory because you know it's big it's at Omaha q no we gotta make it taste good [Music] I am going to be seasoning both of them with salt you want to seize it liberally because it is a thick cut of pork if you are those little ones that you buy in the supermarket then it will be a little bit less yeah a pork tomahawk as well make sure you season the fat every single corner since this one is going to be sweet you can use really any type of barbecue rub you want you can make your own rub I'm using Google's rub now I specifically made googas rub without a lot of salt for this reason so that you can season it with salt separately it is important to always season all the edges and stuff and I like to season the board and roll everything around like so the other one is we'll put a little bit of garlic powder and obviously freshly ground black pepper a very generous amount and there we have it both of them perfectly seasoned ready for city all right now that we got them ready it is time to back them up and for the big tomahawk one I'm going to be using a large bag as you can see because a smaller nothing bag won't fit he might fit but you don't want to push it you don't want to squeeze the meat too much if you push it and squeeze it you're actually reforming the meat in a certain way that it will not be natural so your presentation will be not that good that's why I don't recommend squeezing everything as much as possible you know now here's what I'm gonna do tomahawk itself since it's going to be savory I like to add an additional flavor to it and for that I'll be adding the rosemary so I'm going to put one in one side and then another one on the other side our rosemary is kind of not really that strong but it is strong so don't overdo it alright these are the cases that more is not better so two is plenty plenty plenty this is our sweet one so I'm not adding any of the rosemary put it in the bag and it's ready to be vacuum sealed here's a quick tip whenever your vacuum packing bones what happens is I used to always double bag it but I became smarter so that I don't waste that much bags and I started cutting the edges like this and out of this I'm able to create a bone guard so you're able to put it right on the bone itself like for example this one right here I could just create a bone guard as I'm sealing it and you really just want to do the edges you know the edge of the bone you don't have to do the whole bone because that's where it's going to be the sharpest part of it but now that we got everything ready or there's enough to do is seal them up and get them ready for cooking now I'm gonna ask you what temperature should we be cooking this at right here you pick is it at 135 145 or 155 what will be the difference if we go with that erection you answer it now if you like pink on your port 135 it's perfect if you don't like to sit that much pink when you still want nice juicy and tender and almost no pink at all I recommend 145 that's the temperature I like mine at 145 and if you don't want any pink at all and be a hundred percent pink less then you would cook it at 152 155 155 will be less juicy 150 there will be almost no pink at all but you will be less juice here and the firmness will also change so it's a decision that you need to make so here's the deal if it's one inches thick you got to cook at one hour and 15 minutes one and a half inch one hour and 45 minutes to an chah's 2 hours and 15 minutes two and a half inches three hours total and three inches should be cooked at 3 hours and 30 minutes that is for a hundred and forty-five degrees pasteurization now you gotta remember if you raise the temperature to 155 then those times will completely change and drop but I am gonna go with my preferred anise which I think most of you will enjoy it as well because there's a little bit of pink almost nothing but it's nice and juicy and tender and that's the one I recommend so the game plan is since this is almost 3 inches this will take about 3 hours to cook this one here is about 2 inches a little bit less will take about 2 hours and 15 minutes to cook so because soo view allows you to leave them in there without changing much the texture unless you leave it for a very long time I'm gonna be leaving both of them so that it can be a hundred percent pasteurized at a hundred and forty five degrees Fahrenheit for three and a half hours and nothing will happen they'll be perfectly cooked to perfection all right so we got our pork chops cooked now if you wanted to save it for another time what you could do is do an ice bath on it quickly put it in an ice bath start in the refrigerator and whenever you wanted to see it just take it off and quickly see it and it's good to go and if you have fraid that it's not going to reach its core temperature by the time you're serving because you're just searing what a lot of other people do is that they preheat it on the sous vide just for like 20 minutes or 30 minutes at the most and then they see it and then they give it a nice finish and the core which is the middle will be hot as well so you have that option so you can prick it get it ready and when it's time to eat just take it out finish it and it's ready to go all right so what we're gonna do first is we're gonna finish our sweet version yeah it's pretty straightforward take it out of the bag there you have it straight on to the paper towel oh boy that is oh and that one's smells delicious as well this is nice to make a sauce right here if you were doing something kind of savory this would work great since I'm going to be doing a glaze for this one here because it's sweet we're focusing on that I won't be using the juices another thing that you could do with this is save all of them all of the juices of pork then you can make a ramen out of it I will be showing you that video if it's already not posted I'm not sure when this video will come up but you save all the juices from the same protein so if you cooking pork save all the juices then you have enough to make a beautiful ramen that is delicious basically it's pretty straightforward like we always do you do have to Pat it dry so you can get a nice sear and since I am going to be using this one here for a nice sweet version I will be making a glaze for you guys and show you how I like to make my blaze nice and high and fortunately I'm gonna be using grapeseed oil just want to coat the pan nicely not too much nothing crazy I'm also going to slice a little bit of my butter now we sear what I'm looking for is one minute one side flip one minute the other side flip another minute with basting and flip another minute with basting pretty similar to steak now I do want it in medium-high heat not all the way high so right over here is Persian okay coming right about a minute and we'll flip to the other side make sure you poured the pan [Music] there's a nice piece of fat right here which I want to render as well so before doing my flip now we're right about a minute as you can see look at that looks gorgeous but I'm going to render this fat for about 30 seconds and there's a little bit of fun which is that brown spot being formed of the pan just rub that into this into the pork chopper by that tastes amazing don't let that go now I'm going to lower to medium then throw in your butter let that butter melt and we're gonna start basting oh man does that look good it does not look good everybody so with the basting I only want to do about 30 seconds of basting one side right right here clip then we're gonna do the other side see how my butter is becoming Brown that's okay look at the color of this thing here and that is pretty much it my pork chop is done and there's my pork chop that's what I'm talking about that is how it should be seared check it out this color it is beautiful I mean it's ready to eat already there is nothing else that you need maybe some rice or some side dishes that you might like even mashed potato is wonderful now I'm going to be doing a glaze because I'm trying to show you as much as I can on this series so then you can enjoy with this pork chop we're going to start a medium-high heat but we're gonna put it down real quick so I started for the good amount of honey there you go now you have to be careful because her honey burns everything that has with sugar burns quickly same amount of maple syrup quickly reduce the heat now we're gonna mix this together we're gonna combine all of them together and I'm gonna let it start to bubble so you see this is what I'm looking for see how it's starting to bubble that means all the sugars are caramelizing everything's combining together then I'm gonna throw in sauerkraut now we need some acidity for it that's why I'm gonna throw it even if you don't like sauerkraut I encourage you to give it a try I take it off the heat and I mix you just don't want it to let it burn put it back on the heat eat I'm gonna get a little bit of my bourbon lower the temperature still ittle bit put a little bit of bourbon not too much that much is good I want to burn that alcohol off here's a nice trick if you don't have like you know fire stove just let the balcony learn nothing crazy see it's gonna it's got the fire what we put out by itself once the alcohol is over oh the alcohol husband's burn our mix and that's it your glaze is done I can promise you even if you don't like sauerkraut this won't taste like sauerkraut it tastes incredible now it's very runny right now and that's because it's hot but as it cools down you'll be nice and thick grab something to put it on and we dump in our glaze [Music] okay so the first thing we need to do is cut it open I like to remove the bone this way like so nice still a little bit of pink remember we talked about that as I cooked at 145 if you want no pink at all you got to cook a little bit higher and from here I just slice [Music] shut up nicely maybe a little garnish and there you have it everybody Suvi pork chop and that is my take on sweet pork everybody now all that's left to do it is to try it this glaze is very very sweet and the pork is it is so juicy and tender it is the only way that I eat pork chops right now because otherwise it's way too dry tell them what it tastes like Oh see I'm not exaggerating isn't it juicy and tender and that glaze is ridiculous oh my god do you have another piece over there let's do the savory one right now smells phenomenal I am going to be saving the rosemary because we're going to be using for searing the first thing we're gonna do is pretty similar to the other one heat up our pan a little bit of grapeseed oil why because I have a nice high smoke point or the pan nicely let it come to a temperature the interesting thing about this for pork tomahawk right here as you guys can see there's a lot of fat so I want to code this fat and I want to render it before I start searing the edges because this fat here could take the heat and rerender I hear little bit remember the part create that off the bottom that tastes real good see that I'm happy with that I was here the side that's about a minute now we'll twist pull the pan and we sear now with live after corner I'm looking for now lower the tamper medium and we're going to start our basting don't forget to grab your rosemary and throw it in there yeah what I like to do sometimes is grab the rosemary put it right on top and then you baste it oh my goodness if you guys could smell this this side is done look at that crust everybody really hope the camera is doing its justice now because this is a big piece of meat you get some edges that you're not happy with finish it up with your torch if you have to some of the edges towards the bone don't be able to get it finish it up with your torch check that out come on now come on now doesn't that look like a piece of heaven take it off the heat and immediately totally check out this pork tomahawk everybody come on you know that looks amazing and ready to go right now okay now with this we're gonna make a sauce out of it okay the first thing we need to do is the rosemary has done its job we don't need that anymore then we don't need all of this butter and oil left over so I'm going to remove almost all of it we're gonna leave a little bit better see all that brown spot in there that is amazing we don't want to get rid of that so we're gonna deglaze the pan with some mushrooms I must set my pan to medium heat now we're gonna deglaze all of this with the mushrooms and I'm using white mushrooms just throw it in there see how as I'm spreading it all over it's already coming out there's so much moisture on the mushroom itself that that's enough to deglaze the entire pan the glazing means to remove this beautiful stuff that tastes like heaven and infuse that into the mushrooms that's pretty much all I'm trying to do here if you notice that your mushroom is not letting out as much moisture as you want it to deglaze the pan complete I'm gonna use a little bit of chicken stock to me help it out just a little bit see how it comes out nice and easier just trying to get rid of that stuff everybody out of the pan because we don't want it to burn and what we do want is for it to infuse into the mushrooms because that tastes amazing see how it's my pin is becoming totally clear now you can also use white wine you could use Marsala wine you could use almost anything to get deglaze that pan see how it's all nice and clean and all those flavors have incorporated into the mushroom now I'm just gonna cook this mushroom down and reduce it okay hope you can see it see they just start becoming little flavor bombs all that flavor is concentrated into the mushroom I'm gonna add a little bit more of chicken stock just a little bit about that much I'm going to season it a little bit with salt a little bit of freshly ground black pepper then in there I'm gonna throw in a little bit of garlic and shallots and mix and we're gonna cook this down a little combine everything together now you got to keep an eye on it because you don't want your shallots to burn and you don't want your garlic to burn either now to finish it off I'm just gonna add a very small amount of butter they're small put my heat all the way down emulsify that butter into the sauce see what I get this is what I'm looking for just finish a little bit with cream heavy cream mix and there we have it look at this now if you don't like it watery just gotta reduce it a little bit make sure you taste as you're cooking and make sure you taste good let me give that a try oh yes that is amazing it's not too runny I can still code the pan that's what I'm looking for get a little container for it just like the other one just put that in there now let's slice this open yeah nice and pink in the middle a little bit just like we talked about so now it was nice and there you have it everybody pork tomahawk done sous-vide it is the best pork tomahawk of your life that I can guarantee you I mean just look at it nice juicy now we got a drip in our sauce on top of it and give this beautiful thing a try but I had this before I know what it tastes like it's like a little piece of heaven on earth it is difficult to pick which one is best the mushrooms I like little flavor bombs you better hurry up before I eat them off I told them it's hard for me to pick a winner which one is better than winner there's the winner there's the one you like this one more this is so juicy that I was going to say whoa and I started rolling and there's some mushrooms with oh my god you're killing me we love the mushrooms everybody Wow I hope you enjoyed this video if you're doing tried this video make sure you give it a thumbs up if you're not a subscriber be sure to subscribe for future videos remember if you are interested in anything I use everything is always on the description down below thank you so much for watching let me know what you want me to cook next some basics and we're gonna make it happen see you guys on the next one take care buddy bye bye so good so good good there's more salt - yeah all right I'm taking this you keep the door in my mouth enjoy it take everybody bye bye
Channel: Sous Vide Everything
Views: 887,466
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Keywords: sous vide, pork chops, sauce, pork tomahawk, juicy pork, how to cook pork chops, best pork chops, pan seared, mushroom sauce, recipe, easy, fast, meal prep, how to cook, learn sous vide
Id: dUK_0o8aMe0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 41sec (1301 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 17 2019
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