Baby Back Ribs Smoked BEFORE or AFTER Sous Vide, Which is BEST?

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welcome back to Sevilla everything guys you asked for it which one is better to smoke it before Silvie or after sue V today we're doing that experiment and some pork ribs check it out now let's be honest here ribs are always amazing but when you smoke it you just take it to a different level when using Soviet we have to find out which way is the best way to smoke it before or after and that's exactly what we're doing today [Applause] for today's cook I'm using these beautiful baby back ribs the first thing we got to do is remove the back membrane and it's quite simple I use the back of a spoon to get it started and with a paper towel just pull it out loud if it does not come out in one piece just repeat the process for the seasoning and keeping it very simple I am using Google's rub the awesome thing about googas rub is that if you want to enhance the flavor even more just add a little bit of extra salt remember for the exact amount and ingredients check out the description down below I have a link to Google Rob now that we have the first rib ready it is time to smoke it I am smoking it for two hours at my lower setting on my smoker which turns out to be a hundred and forty degrees Fahrenheit for the second rib I'm doing the exact same thing the only difference you will only be smoked after souvenir after smoking it for two hours this rib is ready [Applause] now that we have both ribs ready it is time to cook them I'm cooking both of them at a hundred and fifty-five degrees Fahrenheit for fourteen hours once fourteen hours had elapsed I removed the smoke after and put it in the smoker [Music] we got our pork ribs ready everybody it is time to take it out and we are starving let's do [Music] alright guys as you can see there's a big difference between them this one is shrink down a little bit more which is quite interesting this one is looking fantastic I'm gonna treat them exactly the same and the plan is we're gonna give them a quick light seared with our flamethrower then I am going to use one of our favorite barbecue sauces this is not sponsored by the way we just like your MMR yeah we just like it we can make it your own but I would just like it but anyway that's the plan a quick sear then what we're gonna do is rub some barbecue sauce on it do another series to glaze it and burn that sugar a little bit and we're gonna serve it out and I know it doesn't look that good right now yes they do yeah they do I'll watch this anyway check it out [Music] my friend how do they look look awesome and I really like that stuff man that's correct there is a difference between them just based on looks alone which one looks better both of them awesome I know but people one if you have to pick one which one looks better to you based on looks for me at least I like this one the way it looks how about you my mom like that more kisses bigger bigger is always better which one you like better I like this you like this one better yes very good but now all that really matters is the taste are you ready let's do it enough talking let's do it [Music] [Music] I need you let's go for it we have the first one and we have the second one number a and number B that's correct this one here has a lot more pronounced smoke rink to me but the other one has a smoke ring as well and then very nice flavor you can see the smoke ring in there really nice to see really soft tender pretty nice yeah my turn can't wait I'm hungry everybody fall off the bone so tender super super tender nice Goodman my mom I apologize as you can see me a ninja we didn't like it too much sorry then you have to weigh a little bit of came along hmm that is fantastic everybody okay ninja go for the second one second one go free smoke your ring they're really good really good flavor a little bit standard on the other one that's tender but more flavor more smoky yeah alright my turn I like this one too this one is good as well mom I'm so sorry Elmo I cannot stop eating Wow Wow take her come in this semester this is everybody cutting off the ball everybody this one is incredible as well oh mama what do you think are you ready my mouth very nice flavor good good amount of smoke flavor into it the meat is not like fall off the bone but it is kind of peel off the bone which is perfect it has a good texture to it you know it's not like completely funny like it I love it go for it my mom second one my goodbye that thing that you many of them mmm like wow it's Wow all the good stuff from the first one but multiplied more flavor for more of a would taste into it my favorites number B all right it is time for the vote we already know that you like the number to better my mama number number B number B I apologize you like number bit better right yes how about you ninja which one is better for you A or B number B baby never B's better which now okay for me guys I'm as always very honest with you guys the second one is also better for me so to my surprise and this is the very first time I tried this and I'm glad that you guys suggested for me to give it a go ninja we have all of them I cooked exactly the same amount of time but one was smoked before so B and the other one was smoked afters to be and which one you like better number B row number B we recommend everybody smoking it after to my surprise and I'm very surprised by this the smoke ring was formed he has a nice smoky flavor there's two things that I want to say because he wasn't a smoker and a smoker is a lot harder than the sous-vide this one is still very very hot so I don't know if that had anything to do with our judgment I judge it based on flavor but when you buy that flavor but when you bite on it he's caught and the flavor is still going this one is a little bit colder because it wasn't the severe but it is true you are right the second one is better taste it again and baby thing is the beginning season again I am right now I have a big question for you guys we have tried this with pork ribs how about we try with brisket and see how a brisket would turn out is it better to smoke a brisket before or after severe will you form a smoke ring on a brisket as well yeah are you ready to try it I said yeah yeah yeah I don't think I have a problem with that not Romano my mom I second the motion let me know in the comments below if you guys want to see a brisket experiment smoke before course at once after Suvi and we're gonna make it my question is that of course you wanna see it anyway guys let us know in the comments below thank you so much for watching I hope you enjoyed this video and it was informative to you because it was to me if you did enjoyed this video make sure you give it a thumbs up if you're not a subscriber be sure to subscribe for future videos remember if you are interested in any of the equipment I use everything is always in the description down below thank you so much for watching and we'll see you guys on the next one to be honest I think the difference in the flavor is because of the chocolate part of this one as you can see it's not burned but it has a better color from the on the grill this was no more smoke at this moment from the smoker this one's more like plain you see if you compare one to the other there is a big difference on the model right cream flavor in here than this one here's my theory that's what I think I'm not sure here's what I think when we smoke the one before the sous-vide he got into the smoker code right he got into the smoker code when we smoked the one afters to be he already got to the smoker hot so he developed more of a crust yeah think about it because it's already kind of hot so your RAM is a little bit more fat you know this one it wasn't temperature probably at 78 degrees Fahrenheit before getting into the smoker this one here was already at you know 155 degrees Fahrenheit so when he got to the smoker was already 155 this one here had to go climb up from 70 degrees all the way up to 165 ending that's why the shrinkage of this one was more because it was hotter about the time on both were the same because I'm using that's that's why I don't think I make it it let this one well I don't know man tell me down there bro comment down below guys we need your help and we need to find out but some way somehow we can honestly all say this one here which was smoked after is better here's what I think happened the smoked before had the smoky flavor already into it and then when we were putting in the vacuum sealer and it cooked on its own juices that flavor got Restall let me do it okay so that's my hypothesis what do you guys do there you go everybody three different takes let me know in the comment down below what you guys think and let's bring this down to the comment section see you on the next one everybody take care bye bye so with or without your ribs Charlotte's or maybe brisket no sure are you
Channel: Sous Vide Everything
Views: 239,926
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sous vide, ribs, baby back ribs, pork ribs, how to, cook, easy recipe, pressure cook ribs, slow cook, slow cooker, smoked, bbq smoking, smoking ribs, grilling ribs, grilling, experiment, testing, smoke before, smoke after, joule, anova
Id: IfOO7L2h4ig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 28 2019
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