Smoked Salmon Recipe - How to Smoke Salmon | Chef Tips

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hey guys chef Jason Hill here and today we are going to be doing smoked salmon out on my Green Mountain pellet grill but before we throw this on the grill there are a few things we do to prep it it's really easy so let's get started first thing I like to do is open the package and rinse it under very cool water on both sides and I just transfer over to my cutting board with some paper towels and we Pat it dry after we Pat the salmon fillet dry you want to take your hand and run it down the fillet and see if you feel any little bones protruding through the flesh and if you do either get some needle nose little pliers or even tweezers to pull them out now that we've rinsed it patted it dry check for bones I'm gonna cut this into four sections I'm just gonna take my chef's knife and go right down the middle get two halves then go down the middle again now we're gonna make up the dry brine I'm using a dry some people use liquid all right all we have here is two cups of dark brown sugar and I'm gonna add 1/2 a cup of kosher salt you don't want to use that table salt for this then I've got a tablespoon of fresh cracked pepper I'm just gonna mix this up with my hands so I'm just gonna spread some brown sugar on the base of my pan lay fish right on top of that and then we'll add some more sugar mix on top try and pack it as good as you can all around don't leave anything exposed if possible and what this is gonna do this is gonna cure it it's gonna suck out all the moisture out of this fish and that way it'll be ready for oops you ready for the smoker anything that's in there that could get fishy tasting or bacteria issues it's just going to draw it right out doing this with my left hand a little awkward all right and just make sure you pack around the edges as well try not to leave any of the flesh exposed pack it down I'm gonna wrap it some plastic wrap I do two layers I tuck the plastic wrap down and I'm on top of it just to try and get as much air out of there as possible and then just put one more on top this goes into the refrigerator for eight hours or overnight some people say only four hours but I really want this to cure for at least eight all right we've had it in the refrigerator overnight come take a look at this you can see how much liquid the dry brine sucked out of these fish and definitely difference in color thanks to the brown sugar I just want to rinse all that salt and sugar off of these under cool water as cold you can get just Pat them dry now after you pat dry we're gonna place on a rack to sit at room temperature but make sure you get some kind of nonstick spray on here you don't want your sand with a stick in the smoker they also make these things called frog mats I don't have one but they're like a silicone kind of a cup that silicone baking sheets that are out there and you can use those for your smoker so your product doesn't stick to the grill okay you can let these sit here at room temperature for an hour to two hours because it's going to develop a little film called pellicle and that's what we're looking for because that's gonna absorb the smoke after they've sat here on my countertop for about two hours I'm going to slice them up into surfing sizes yeah these are fine just how they are if you want to leave them like this size but I like to cut them into more of like a serving size portion all right my pellet grill is preheated to 150 when put these on here for about two hours it's gonna drop it right on top of the grill close the lid walk away now I got time for a cold pop okay I've got about 30 minutes left on this salmon and what we're gonna do now is we're gonna brush some apricot jam that I melted down in the microwave about a quarter cup and while my wife was up there in Cayucos she got this idea from smoker Jim who has this great little fish smoke shop let's do this all right it's good nice healthy spread on each one of these another tip I learned about this pellet grill you can see the foil I have underneath here I just covered my grease trap with foil so when we're done I'll just remove the foil and it's clean okay so another 30 minutes get a nice glaze on there and it'll be time to eat okay guys after two hours on my pellet grill they're ready to come inside look how easy they come right off the grill here since we sprayed it serve this with cream cheese crackers and some fresh herbs cold craft beer or a glass of wine you got yourself a nice little hors d'oeuvre give this recipe a try I think you'll like it thanks for tubing in
Channel: Chef Tips
Views: 4,136,907
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Keywords: smoked salmon, how to smoke salmon, smoked salmon recipe, dry brine for smoked salmon, Smoking (cooking), green mountain grill, pellet grill cooking, pellet grill, Salmon (Ingredient), Chef Jason Hill, Chef Tips,, smoking salmon, best smoked salmon, easy smoked salmon, smoked salmon appetizer, cooking salmon on a smoker, ruddell's smokehouse, ChefTips, Easy Recipes, Simple Recipes, Grilling Recipes, Video Recipes, Best Recipes
Id: St8au0YcONM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 20sec (380 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2013
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