The Best SMOKED SALMON on the Masterbuilt | How to Smoke Salmon

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what's up guys it's me team Mike my name is Mike and I love me we're firing up a smoker and cooking up an awesome salmon let's do it [Music] my oh my is are some nice salmon fillings you want to get wild caught salmon they can be Alaskan to give you sockeye whatever you want to go with so I have two sockeye salmon fillets here I'm gonna start with a brine I'm going with a dry brine you can do a liquid brine I'm going in dry so I got about four cups of brown sugar here so salt black pepper dill and garlic powder and I'm just going to mix this all together want to make sure you have a kosher salt knife table salt it's not going to do the trick throw in the pepper a little bit of garlic powder not a lot a little bit of dill weed this bride is going to pull out all of the liquid and moisture out of the salmon and cure it and get it ready to put in the smoker I'm going to lay out the bottom of this pan here want to cover all parts of the salmon you don't want to leave anything open you can keep them all I'm gonna cut them in half before you do this you want to make sure that you've run it under cool water and Pat them dry as well if you have bones in here go ahead and peel them out I'm also going to keep the skin on then I'm going to cover this whole salmon lay em right on top of each other go back in there with your driver on we ran out some good-looking felis anymore that looks pretty good next we're gonna wrap this I just got some tin foil here so alright she's nice and tight I want to put this in the fridge - Brian - overnight you can do a four hours eight hours I'm gonna do it overnight get a good cure for this salmon so she's ready to go on the smoker tomorrow okay so we just put these salmon fillets out of the fridge after letting them sit in there overnight and just look all the liquid that Brian just sucked out of the salmon you can tell a big change in the color already it looks great so now we're gonna go on to the next step rinse all of these fillets under cool water it get all the brine completely off then we'll Pat them all dry with a paper towel we'll let them sit out on a rack for two to four hours we're gonna let it form a nice pellicle and that's what's gonna solve all that smoke well it's cooking in the smoker we've been letting these salmon rust on these racks for just over two and a half hours now you'll know when they're ready to go and you see that nice pellicle forming it's almost like a shiny film that's forming over these fillets let's go out to the smoker so we're smoking on low temps or salmon baby 150 degrees your cook times gonna vary depending on the thickness of your fillet if you're gonna shoot for about two hours I'm using my favorite blend of wood chips for this smoke mix of cherry and pecan it's gonna get some good flavor to that salmon I'm gonna come back out in about an hour and put a glaze on it it's been an hour Salmons looking good we're gonna take these out put on our nice glaze plenty maple syrup some thyme and minced garlic lay it on thick this is gonna give a nice glaze as it finishes cooking rack number two [Music] we're gonna close this back up and let it finish up for the last hour don't come pull them out neat we just pulled out the salmon out for two hours look at the color on that I'm ready to feast right now but before we do we're gonna get some of that glaze that we put out earlier we're gonna finish it off oh yeah so let's just pull some of this off look at that man I can't wait to try it that is delicious the glaze that we got on there it's still moist in the middle of it good amount of salt it just peels right off the skin this is just a flaky delicious salmon so appreciate your watching I don't make the standard man I just keep looking at this I just need to go eat it at this point so stick around for our next video [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Meaty Mike
Views: 23,709
Rating: 4.8059702 out of 5
Keywords: smoked salmon, salmon recipe, smoked salmon in electric smoker, smoked salmon recipes easy, smoked salmon recipe ideas, smoking salmon in masterbuilt smoker, smoking salmon in masterbuilt electric smoker, how to cook salmon, cooking salmon, brine for salmon recipe, dry brine salmon, smoked salmon recipe, how to smoke salmon, how to smoke salmon in an electric smoker, how to cook salmon in a smoker
Id: GqO1BZfQv0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 34sec (274 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 11 2020
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