Hot Smoked Salmon

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hey everybody I'm chef tom with h-e-b BQ comm and this is hot smoked salmon there are a few different methods for smoking salmon the technique we're using today involves a short cure and then a hot smoked so first we're going to clean up our fillet of salmon and put together that cure so here we have a filet of sockeye wild caught sockeye salmon beautiful deep red color on it the skin is on right here we've got these pin bones that we want to get out of there I prefer to use a pair of needle nose pliers but make sure that you're using some they're for food only and store them with your food utensils not in your toolbox so we're just going to get right in there on that bone pinch and pull those out one by one I've already done a lot of these but I left about 10 of them so I could show you guys you want to do your best not to damage the flesh too much while you're pulling these out now there's one I snapped off so unfortunately we're gonna have to go in there a little further to get into that there we go didn't do too much damage though those pin bones are gonna run laterally all the way down this line so once you think you've got them all out just go ahead and run your finger over that make sure you don't feel any bones that's all to clean up we need to do on that fillet so let's move into making that cure so we're gonna start with one cup of brown sugar add to that a half cup of maple syrup 1/2 cup kosher salt a quarter cup of balsamic vinegar and for our aromatics 1/4 cup of Cattlemen's grilled tri-tip seasoning any really nice savory steak rub will work for that so we're kind of gonna form a paste here that we can apply to the fish and what's gonna happen over the next four hours is this cure is gonna start to draw out some of the moisture from the fish and it's also going to add some flavor so this is going to sort of compact change the texture of the fish just a little bit it won't be fully cured because we'll finish cooking this in the smoker but it is going to give it a really great texture and concentrate these awesome flavors all right so here's the plan some of our cure into a nonreactive dish I'll put the salmon down on top of that we'll start flesh side down in about two hours through all rotate this just to make sure it's coated evenly now it is going to do the curing process on the flesh side so we just want to try and get it fully covered with this cure or all of that flesh should be in contact with cure all right so we can kind of move this around as it cures to make sure that it's going evenly but for now we're just gonna place it in the refrigerator just like that our Salmons been curing for about four hours now I've been getting in there every once in a while just to make sure it's covered nicely turning it around moving some of this cure around because when I come down here and take a look at it so you can see that there's a lot more liquid than what we started with that's because it's pulled that out of the fish and this is a little bit more firm to the touch now although it's definitely not cured all the way through which is great that's exactly what we're going for now the next step in this process is to get all that cure washed off so I'm gonna take this in and rinse it under cool water in the sink and then we're gonna place it either on a cooling rack or just on a pan and throw it in the fridge for at least 30 minutes even overnight is great but what you're looking to do is form a pellicle on the outside which is going to make the outside just a little bit tacky and it really allows the smoke to attach to the fish this is just slightly tacky on the surface now which is what we're looking for now I've done all of the seasoning that I'm going to do to this before cooking it in the Cure at this point it's going on the smoker just the way it is no additional seasoning until we're ready to glaze I'm gonna throw the salmon on the second shelf here on the other smokers YS 640 pellet grill we're cooking at 250 degrees with an indirect setup today I'm gonna let the fish soak up some smoke take on some color and then when we reach about that 120 degree point we're going to start glazing now for that glaze this is really simple we're just gonna go equal parts maple syrup and house accused slow-smoked gold mustard sauce a little sweet and a little tangy all things that work really great with salmon all right so we're rolling right past 120 right now which means it's time to get this thing blazed up because we're looking for a finishing temperature of about 140 and you want to give this glaze some time to tack up here on the fish so we put together that 50/50 mustard sauce and maple syrup glaze you don't need much but man this is just the icing on the cake if you will because this is so much flavor and the mustard the sweetness of the maple syrup goes perfect perfect with salmon alright let's let it keep cooking and we'll start to watch this glazed set up over to fish we're creeping right up on that 140 mark which is exactly where we want to finish this thing our glaze is set up I'm gonna pull this thing off hmm I love this texture with the smoked salmon that's been partially cured it's much more dense than say a fresh fish but it really holds on to that smokiness and I think that even with all the maple the mustard the Cure all of that you really get that true salmon flavor because you could cook salmon fresh and be great you can cure it and cold smoke it it's great with this method I think that this lends itself really well to say salads or something like that after the fact put it on a bagel the next day it's great hot it's great cold which makes it a little bit more versatile in fact if you guys remember we did a grilled Caesar salad recipe video I think that that would be a great way to use this salmon take out the chicken and put the salmon in instead thanks so much for watching guys be sure to check out a tbq com for all the products featured in today's video if you enjoyed the video please hit that subscribe button and if you have any questions or comments or there's anything you'd like to see me cook let me know in the comment section down below and let's be good to one another for more recipes tips and techniques head over to the sauce ATB BQ comm all things BBQ where barbecue legends are made
Channel: allthingsbbq
Views: 112,842
Rating: 4.9130864 out of 5
Keywords: smoked, salmon, hot smoked, yoder smokers, yoder, pellet grill, smoker, smoking, seafood, fish, curing, cured
Id: lmSsOiG919E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 23sec (443 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 07 2018
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