How to make Salmon Jerky

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today I want to redo one of my oldest videos this was one of the really awful ones this was back before I had a counter here that I could use to face the camera friend of mine did the camera work for this earlier video and he had to shoot over my shoulder or around my side it was an awful video that was back when we were figuring out what we needed for me to do videos properly this is salmon jerky I got my first taste of salmon jerky from my uncle Charlie who was a marine biologist in Alaska and one year he sent us a box of salmon jerky and I fell in love with it it took decades for me to finally find a good recipe for making salmon jerky at home that's what I want to do today is I want to make salmon jerky first thing I need to prepare is the marinade so I have a small saucepan here into which I'm going to be putting 1/2 cup which is about 120 milliliters of soy sauce and then I have 2 tablespoons of brown sugar this happens to be dark brown sugar you can use golden brown if you want or light brown I don't think it really matters then you need about a quarter teaspoon of freshly ground black pepper I'm just going to grind a good amount of black pepper in there and that will probably be good enough this is the important thing right here this is Wright's liquid smoke I bought this on the aisle in the grocery store where they sell the marinades this has got a hickory smoke flavor to it I need one teaspoon no little goes a long way is one teaspoon of Wright's liquid smoke I've got this heating over medium low heat I don't need to bring this up to a full boil my real concern here is I just want to heat this enough to where I'm dissolving the sugar and if you tap the spoon on the bottom you can hear that little crunch that sugar on the bottom so this has to go maybe another minute to get that all dissolved all right I'm checking the bottom there I'm seeing pepper in the bottom but very little sugar that should be okay I'm going to let that cool down you're obviously going to need a salmon fillet I bought this at Costco I like them with the skin on because it helps everything to hold together better and you need about two pounds which is about 900 grams this is piece here is a little bit over that this is actually pretty close to one kilogram because this is almost two and a quarter pounds so I'm going to move this to my cutting board and then keep one hand dry if I can you need a really sharp knife for this because you have to cut through not only the flesh but also the skin which can be a little bit difficult to cut through if you don't have a really sharp knife or check out if you have one that's good enough that you can get through the meat keep a pair of kitchen scissors on hand these are kitchen scissors they come apart for easy washing you can use the scissors to cut through the skin but I happen to have a really sharp knife here you want to cut long strips that are about a quarter of an inch to maybe three inch 3/8 of an inch wide or about one centimeter and then what I have set aside is a bowl with a plastic bag in it that I'm going to put the strip's in so I have this whole piece to cut up while I'm waiting for my marinade to cool this is going to take a few minutes just doing my last cut here of the salmon case you're wondering what kind of salmon this is this is wild caught sockeye salmon that I bought at Costco I prefer not to use farmed fish when I make this jerky it just doesn't have a lot of flavor but the fresh wild salmon tastes really good all right so there's all my salmon now in my plastic bag my marinade now has cooled pretty much completely I'm going to pour that into my bag holding the fish that by the way is a 1 gallon ziplock bag piece of skin dangling there take that out let's trim the fat down a little bit seal it I can get that to seal there it goes okay and that's my fish marinating you can go anywhere from 15 minutes up to a 1 hour depending upon how strongly flavored you like your fish I'm going to go 45 minutes and what I'm going to do about every 10 12 minutes or so I'm going to flip the bag over to keep distributing that marinade because it settles down to one side while I'm waiting for my salmon to marinate I'm going to prepare two large baking sheets these measure about 12 by 17 inches or 30 by 43 centimeters into each of them I'm going to be putting in a rack and because these racks are so difficult to clean afterwards I'm going to cover it with parchment paper again I have two of these to prepare my salmon now has been marinating for 45 minutes I'm wearing rubber gloves because the marinade has a very strong hickory smoke romo to it and I don't want to get it on my hands because I want to fall asleep tonight and this piece here might help you to appreciate why I like the skin on see how the flesh sometimes breaks up there but the skin holds it all together and I'm laying these out so they're not quite touching each other also in the meantime I'm heating my oven to the lowest setting I can put on my oven which is 170 degrees Fahrenheit which is about 77 degrees Celsius if your oven goes lower heat it to at least 150 degrees Fahrenheit 100 150 degrees Fahrenheit or 65 degrees Celsius okay so it's going to take me a few minutes to lay all this salmon out and I'll be ready to place it in the oven to dry out so there are my two sheets now of marinated salmon I'm going to place these in the oven and I'm going to leave my oven on all night long again it's running at about a hundred seventy degrees Fahrenheit which is 77 degrees Celsius and tomorrow I will have salmon jerky so here we are now the following day my salmon has been drying in the oven overnight I did want to mention that if you buy fresh fish your home shouldn't have an offensive fishy smell to it mine doesn't my kitchen does have a slight aroma of the hickory smoke from the marinade but that's not offensive so let's see what the salmon jerky looks like here is one of my two sheets of salmon look at that remember how flimsy that was before it was all limp as I was laying it out now it's all stiff and dry last step is to see what this tastes like although I know what it's going to taste like I've made this many many times I took a little piece here some people peel the skin off I do some eat it with the skin on when we had that box of salmon jerky from my uncle we gave the skin to the dog and the dog loved it you got a dog or cat you can give the skin to them Wow you can definitely taste the salmon it tastes a lot of like smoked salmon you can taste that smoky flavor it's chewy but it's also a little bit crisp this is really good so that's how easy it is to make salmon jerky at home for a printable PDF copy of this recipe with step-by-step photographs visit my website mobile-home gourmet comm and look on the homepage or in the recipe archive
Channel: Mobile Home Gourmet
Views: 722,014
Rating: 4.843739 out of 5
Keywords: Dried Fish, Seafood, ASMR
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 53sec (593 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 24 2016
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